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‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬ An-Najah National University

‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ Faculty of Engineering and IT

Electrical Engineering Department

Course Name: Electrical Circuits lab Number: 10641215
Lab Report Grading Sheet
Instructor: DR.Jamal Experiment #: 2
Academic Year: 2024 Experiment Name:OHM’S LAW
1-Kareem Qadan 2-Marah Sirhed
3- 4-
Performed on: Submitted on:
Report’s Outcomes
ILO _2_ =( 50 ) % ILO _3_ =( 25 ) % ILO _5_ =( 25 ) % ILO __ =( ) % ILO __ =( ) %
Evaluation Criterion Grade Points
answers of the questions: “What did you do? How did you do it?
What did you find?”
Sufficient, clear and complete statement of objectives.
Presents sufficiently the theoretical basis
Apparatus/ Procedure
Apparatus sufficiently described to enable another experimenter to
identify the equipment needed to conduct the experiment.
Procedure sufficiently described.
Experimental Results and Calculations
Results analyzed correctly. Experimental findings adequately and 4
specifically summarized, in graphical, tabular, and/or written form.
Crisp explanation of experimental results. Comparison of theoretical
predictions to experimental results, including discussion of accuracy
and error analysis in some cases.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions summarize the major findings from the experimental
results with adequate specificity. Recommendations appropriate in
light of conclusions. Correct grammar.
Title page is complete, page numbers applied, content is well 2
organized, correct spelling, fonts are consistent, good visual appeal.

Total 10
‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬ An-Najah National University
‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ Faculty of Engineering and IT

Objective :
-1Explore the diverse applications of Ohm's Law.
-2 Examine resistive circuits in both series and parallel configurations.

Introduction :
in this experiment, we're checking Ohm's Law in the lab and
testing resistors in a row and side by side. We'll also get to know
a new thing in the CCT Lab called a "voltage divider." It's a cool
component that uses two adjustable resistors in a row to divide
the voltage between them. These resistors are not fixed, so we
can change them around for different effects.

Apparatus and components :

1- Training Electronic Board.
2- DMM.
3- Resistors.

Ohm’s Law

In this Part we are going to continue what we started last experiment,

to test and confirm Ohm’s Law.
‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬ An-Najah National University
‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ Faculty of Engineering and IT

-Take a note of the results while we changing the Voltage.

V 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
I [mA] 0 20.4 41.6 62 82.3 102.4 125
100Ω P [mW] 0 40.08 166.4 372 665.6 10024 1500
R [Ω] 0 98 100.2 96 96 97 96
I [mA] 0 8.9 18.3 27.2 36.2 45.13 54.7
220Ω P [mW] 0 17.8 73.2 163.2 289.6 451.3 656.4
R [Ω] 0 224 218 220 220 220 219
I [mA] 0 5.29 11.04 16.6 22.4 28.3 35.4
330Ω P [mW] 0 10.58 44.16 99.6 179.2 303.8 434.88
R [Ω] 0 335 338 328.7 330.57 329.16 331.12
The relationship betewwn V and I :








0 5 10 15

Ohms Law: V=I R

So when V increase, I increase, which is right, the curve is almost linear.

- Now we are going to make the voltage FIXED and vary the
resistors, the results was as shown:
‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬ An-Najah National University
‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ Faculty of Engineering and IT

R [Ω] 100 220 330 470 680 1000

I [ mA ] at 4 V 40.6 18.4 12.1 8.5 5.9 4
I [ mA ] at 8 V 80.5 36.5 24 16.9 11.7 7.8
I [ mA ] at 12 V 122 55.2 36.18 25.6 17.8 12.05

As we see, V=I R can also be written as I=V/R

-So, when you vary r and fixing v, current will go down, as the curve implements:



I(mA) at 4v

I(mA) at 8v
I(mA) at 12v



As seen there is an error ratio, the usage of the resistance, the value error ratio in
resistor, these may cause A vary between the real and theoretical values.


: Series, Parallel Resistive Connection

In this part, we are going to study how to connect resistors together, what
happens, how it affects the voltage and current.
‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬ An-Najah National University
‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ Faculty of Engineering and IT

- From this, the 3 voltages must be equals to the voltage source, the equivalent
resistor must be Vs * I total, which is also: Req=R1+R2+R3, in this case its:
100+220+470 =790.
The actual results is:
R [Ω] 100 220 470
V=10 v I= 12.3 mA I= 12.3 mA I= 12.3 mA
V=1.2 v V=2.7 v V=6v

V100+V220+V470=10.002V which is almost

10V. Req = 10.002V/12.6mA=784 which is
almost 790.
The variation is due to the error ratio in resistors, wires capacity and resistance.

Parallel Part :

- 1/Req = 1/100+1/220+1/330 = 0.016, so Req = 59.97 Ohm

- We tabulate the value that we measured (V+I) in the previous step in the
following table:

V I (100) I (220) I (470) I Total

10 v 101 mA 45.2 mA 20.7 mA 169 mA

Req = V tot/I tot = 10v/169mA= 59 Ohm

‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬ An-Najah National University
‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ Faculty of Engineering and IT

: Voltage Divider

In this part we are going to deal with a new component which is voltage divider ,
two series not fixed resistors , you can take the voltage across the first (not
common) or the second (common) , which can divide the voltage, but R1 voltage +
R2 voltage MUST Equal the voltage across R of the divider , R1 + R2 must be
equals R

- Measure voltage on R2 of the potentionmeter positions (α=0 to 1) without R3

and with R3 :

α 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 1

V2 (R3 not conn.) 0 1.6 3.4 3.4 4.8
V2 (R3 conn.) 0 0.89 1.44 2.4 4.9

R3 not conn.

3 R3 conn.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Axis Title
‫جامعة النجاح الوطنية‬ An-Najah National University
‫كلية الهندسة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ Faculty of Engineering and IT

Conclusion :
In this experiment, we learned three main things. First, Ohm's Law helps us
understand electricity, but we need to consider factors like wire capacity
and resistor errors. Second, in series circuits, current is the same, but
voltages differ; in parallel circuits, voltages are the same, but currents differ.
Lastly, we explored a new device called a Voltage Divider. It's like a
switchable resistor that divides voltage when a load is added.
Understanding these basics helps us work with electricity more effectively.

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