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DLL Mapeh Q4 W6

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School Grade Grade 6

Teacher Learning Area MAPEH 6

Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date Quarter Quarter 4 – Week 6


A. Content Standards demonstrates The learner… demonstrates The learner . . . demonstrates understands the concepts and
understanding of understanding of shapes, colors, understanding of participation principles of selecting and using
the various and the principles of and assessment of physical consumer health products.
tempo activity and physical fitness
contrast and harmony through the
use of new
media in creating audio-video art
and product or package design.
B. Performance performs a given The learner… creates an actual The learner . . . participates and Consistently demonstrates
Standards song, using tempo 3-D digitally-enhanced paper bag assesses performance in physical critical thinking skills in the
marks appropriately for a product or brand. Applies activities. assesses physical selection of health products.
concepts on the use of new fitness
technologies (hardware and
software) in creating an audio-
video art/animation.
C. Learning distinguishes the sound of a creates an audio-video art Executes the different skills identifies the common
Competencies major chord from a minor chord /animation promoting a product. involved in the dance propaganda techniques used in
MU6HA-IVe-f-3 A6PR-IVh PE6RD-IVc-h-4 advertising H6CH-IVg-19

D. Learning Objectives distinguishes the sound of a creates an audio-video art Executes the different skills identifies the common
major chord from a minor chord /animation promoting a product. involved in the dance propaganda techniques used in
MU6HA-IVe-f-3 A6PR-IVh PE6RD-IVc-h-4 advertising H6CH-IVg-19

The Use Of New Media in

Using Major and Minor Different Skills involved in Propaganda Techniques Used
II. CONTENT Creating Audio-Video Art And
( Subject Matter) Chords as Accompaniment dance in Advertising
Product Design


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials ADM ADM ADM ADM
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Presentation, Audio-visual Presentation, Audio-visual Presentation, Audio-visual Presentation, Audio-visual
A. Drill/Reviewing previous Do you know how to play the Look carefully at the pictures in What dance do you dance lately? What is propaganda? What is the
Lesson or presenting guitar or piano? Have you seen a illustrations 1 and 2. Which of Are you still familiar with the importance of it?
new lesson musician playing guitar or the following pictures show art folk dances?
piano? What comes into your skills using new technology?
mind when you hear the word You can use the guide questions
accompaniment? in choosing the letter of the
One way of playing correct answer and write it on a
accompaniments is through the different sheet of paper.
use of chords.
B. Establishing a purpose In the previous lesson, you have Background of the Dance
for the lesson learned to distinguish the sound All traditional dances tell a
of major story. The indigenous
chord from a minor chord. Maglalatik dance of
In this lesson you are going to the Philippines mimics the battle
enhance your learning through between the Christian and the
using these Muslim Moro
chords as accompaniment to tribesmen.
simple songs like folk songs. The dance embodies the element
Before we do that, let’s discuss of a battle, reconciliation, and a
the major chords with its relative prize as
minor chords. well. It is usually performed
Major and minor are not just during religious processions at
types or qualities of triads. Major Guide Questions: the town fiesta of
and minor also 1. What is the tool used in Biñan. It is also a mark of
defines what is known in music making the pictures in illustration obeisance to the patron saint of
as tonality. Tonality is like a 1? In the town, San Isidro Study the propaganda.
“railroad” that sets the illustration 2? de Labrador.
basic tonal boundaries in which 2. How are the pictures in Originated during the Spanish
combination of pitches can move illustration 1 different from each time from the 15th–18th
melodically other? In centuries. During
(horizontal) or harmonically illustration 2? this period, there was a constant
(vertical). Scales, such as the battle between the Christian and
major and minor scales the Muslim
are based on their tonalities and Moro tribes. As the Spanish rule
are defined by a tonal center ended, the Filipinos began to
known as the key. perform a mock
battle by forming two groups of
Christian and the Moros. The
intention was to
preserve the past. Groups of men
performed a war dance with no
weapons but
used coconut shells as props.
This dance form came to be
known as Maglalatik
dance as the prize for winning
the war was Latik.
C. Presenting examples/ How do you use technology for What the propaganda tells to its
instances of the new your art works? viewers?
D. Discussing new concepts Each note of the scale belongs to Nowadays, people can easily MUSIC Propaganda techniques are
and practicing new a triad. Each triad has a function record all activities or events in Music is divided into five parts: approaches and methods used by
skills.#1 in their lives and Introduction, A, B, C, and D. It advertisers to make a product or
relation to the tonality namely even in their surroundings was service appealing to viewers or
tonic (I/i) , supertonic (II/ii), because of technological composed by the late Dr. listeners. Some common
mediant (III/iii) , subdominant advancement. This is with the Francisco Santiago especially propaganda techniques used in
(IV, iv) , dominant (V, v), sub- use of different technologies for this dance. The advertising are testimonial,
mediant (VI, vi). either hardware or software like original music for this dance was reward, bandwagon, scientific,
These triad functions are computer, camera, rhythmic sounds produced by novelty, humor, fear, plain folks,
represented by Roman Numerals recorder, cellphone, and like. two bamboo snob, glittering generality,
1 to 7 with With the necessary equipment or sticks against each other with slogan, false image and transfer.
major triads written in uppercase gadgets combined guitar accompaniment. They are communicated using
(I, II, III, IV, V, VI,VI ) while with your artistic skills, creating television, film, radio, internet
minor triads are in an audio-visual art will be a and print communications like
lowercase ( i, ii, iii, iv, v,vi, vii). success. COUNTS brochures, posters, magazines
These 7 triads within the tonal What is audio-visual art? 1, and 2, and or 1, 2, to a and newspapers.
center or key are harmonically Audio-visual art is an art form measure in 2/4 time and 1, 2, 3 Consumers or buyers should
related to that includes both visual and to an in ¾ time. verify the information in the
each other – this relationship is audio or sound advertisement to make smart
known in music as progression. component. This could be a decisions before availing
All seven triads shown in the visual music, film, an animation, FORMATION services or purchasing a product.
illustrations below belong to the a documentary, audio The dancers stand in two
C major visual performances, an columns facing the audience, the
harmonic progression. Moreover, installation or something more Christians
the Tonic, Sub-Dominant and experimental like an artvideo. It at the left side and the Moros at
Dominant for the is also defined as the exploration the right side. The two columns
major and minor triads are of kinetic abstract art and music, are six feet
highlighted and will be given or sound apart, and the dancers on each
focus on this lesson. set in relation to each other. side are four feet from each
A video art is an art form which other. From four
relies on using technology as a to six pairs comprise a set. The
visual and dancers opposite each other,
audio medium. One example of a when facing, are partners.
video art is video recording.
All seven triads in the illustration Video recording is the process of
below belong to the A minor recording still or moving images
harmonic electronically. The techniques
progression. used to record images on
videotape are like those used
to record sound. Under video
recording is what we call the
video blogging. It is diary
entry of what you did for the day,
Each pitches (C, C# or Db, D, a topic that you want to discuss
D# or Eb, E, F, F# or Gb, G, G# or an activity that
or Ab, A, A# or you want to show. It is
Bb, and B) can all be tonal commonly known as vlogging.
centers and can therefore
function as tonic of their
respective keys.
Each of these major tonic triads
have a counterpart minor triad
known as their
relative minor. The relative
minor is grounded on the I-vi
relationship of every tonal
Likewise, every minor tonic triad
has a counterpart major triad
known as
their relative major. The relative
major is the 3rd (III major) scale
degree triad of
every minor key/tonal center).
Look at the illustrations below.
The first colum shows the Major
Chords. The
second column shows the
relative minor of the major
chords. C Major is I ( tonic) in
the key of C, G Major is I (tonic)
in the key of G, and F Major is I
(tonic) in the key
of F . A minor is the vi in the key
of C, E minor is the vi in the key
of G, and D
minor is the vi in the key of F.

E. Discussing new concepts The song Bahay Kubo uses The Different Art Skills in Using Performance Task Propaganda or Persuasive
and practicing new skills major and minor chords as New Technology Direction: Perform Step I to III Techniques are used by
#2. accompaniment. and write your reflections or advertisers to influence and
The upper part shows the 1. Composition skills experiences while convince you that their product
melody, while the lower part performing the task. is worth your money. Here are
shows the Composition refers to the Step 1 - I start with my right foot some of the techniques used in
accompanying triads/chords. The arrangement of visual elements __________________________ advertising:
Capital letter C, G and F stand in a work of art; __________
for major chords __________________________ Propaga Descripti Example
in the key of C. The small letter literally, the word means “putting __________________________ nda on
“m” beside a letter stands for the __________________ Techniq
together.” All artistic elements,
word minor”. __________________________ ues
such as lines, shapes, tone, form, Testimo Using “ I am an
depth, color, texture, and space, nial big or actress. I
__________________ famous use
can be arranged in various ways. __________________________ personali Smoothy
__________________________ ties like Shampo
Visual arrangements that follow __________________ celebritie o and
the rules of composition, Step 2. – In Step 2, I jump s and Conditio
however, will look better. forward with my two feet experts ner to
together __________ to make my
2. Color theory and techniques __________________________ endorse hair
products. silky
for working with colors Color __________________________
theory and the skillful use of __________________ Reward A Buy 1
colors is necessary in multi- __________________________ techniqu toothpast
__________________________ e where e, get a
colored works.
__________________ a free
__________________________ costumer toothbru
In video recording, the use of gets sh!
different color is very important __________________ another
because it helps the artists in Step 3. –In step 3, I product
or same
showing a particular mood or __________________________
setting in their art. ________________________ twice for
__________________________ the
3. Application of Value/Contrast __________________________ purchase
in Color Video recording make __________________ of the
use of light because it affects the __________________________ original
__________________________ product.
way you see certain people or Bandwa A “Million
object and your creativity. Light __________________________ gon techniqu s of
is very important in shooting e family
convinci are using
videos that is why artist use the __________________ ng RPP
principle of value (relative consume Facemas
degree of light or dark) to show rs to k for
accept protectio
their creativity using light.
somethin n. Your
g or join family
in should
because use it
others too”!
doing so.
Scientifi It is a “Alcohol
c properly -based
planned hand
advertisi sanitizer
ng that that
undergoe contains
s four at least
phases: 60%
investiga alcohol
tion, in
budgetin sanitizin
g g your
and hands
media, can
executio prevent
n of the
advertisi spread of
ng and infection
testing s and
of decrease
results. the risk
Novelty It is a New
propagan Packagin
da g for
techniqu Sundried
e that Mangoes
endorses !
new or
Humor It is a
e that
a reason
to laugh
or be
ed by
Fear It is a Dengue
kind of kills!
propagan Stay
da that Protecte
suggests d! Use
a Smash
product Mosquit
that o Lotion.
n against
Plain This “I am a
Folk propagan housewif
da is e and I
using trust
ordinary Healthy
people C
or trying Vitamin
to sound for my
ordinary child”.
to sell
Slogan It is a
da that
ds or
False A type
Image of
da that
r or
Transfer A type Loving
of mothers
propagan choose
da that is Bebelov
used to e
stir the Diapers.
emotions Proudly
of the Filipino
audience Made.
to win
. The
of a
person is
with a
t also
Snob This Quality
Propaga propagan diamond
nda da is the by
opposite DFRP
of Jewelry.
bandwag Only
on. It you can
shows afford it.
buying Wear it
of a with
certain pride!
that will
stand out
from the
rest as
afford to
buy it.
F. Developing Mastery Vlogging Time Group Activity:
(Lead to Formative Materials Needed:
Assessment 3) Cellphone, video camera, tablet, Watch, listen or read
or computer/laptop webcam advertisements on categories
This is how you make your video identified below.
blog: Identify the propaganda
1. Using a cellphone, video techniques used to influence the
camera, tablet, computer/laptop, consumers to
turn on your buy. Follow the template in
camera/web cam and press answering the activity. Do this
Record. on a separate
2. Introduce yourself and say sheet of paper.
something of interest.
3. You can show your room or
your house and tell something
about it.
4. Share some of your hobbies or
things you like to do.
5. Conclude the video by sharing
some of your aspirations in life.
6. Save your work.
G. Finding practical Use the major triads as Hands-on activity Performance task Group Activity
application of concepts accompaniment in the song
and skills in daily living Leron Leron Sinta by
writing the notes (use whole
notes) in the box below the lyrics
of the song in line with
its chord.

H. Making Generalizations  The major triads are Creating audio-video art is easier • Maglalatik is a dance Identify the propaganda
and Abstraction about represented by uppercase Roman with the use of technological portraying the battles of Moros technique used in advertising
the Lesson. numerals: advancement. and Christians over reflected in the
I, Tonic, IV, Sub Dominant, and Together with your art skills, you latik. The dance makes use of questions below. Choose the
V Dominant. can record videos and make your coconut shells attached to the letter of the correct answer and
 The minor triads are own video clips. body of the write
represented by lowercase Roman People can record videos dancers. your answer on a separate sheet
numerals: themselves and can also make • It shows the skillful way of of paper.
i (tonic), iv (sub-dominant), and their own video clip. manipulating the bao to strike to 1. Buy 2 bottles of cooking oil,
v (dominant). No matter what happened you other bao get 1 pouch of soy sauce for free.
 Each of these major tonic are the artist of your own work. attached to the different parts of a. Glittering generality
triads have a counterpart minor Use your skill as an the body. b. Testimonial
triad known artist and make use of technology • The dance is considered a c. Reward
as their relative minor. for your convenience because health enhancing physical d. Transfer
 The relative minor is this will make your activity that helps 2. Diseases can kill our loved
grounded on the I-vi relationship audio-visual creation a success. improve coordination, strength, ones. Trust Kwin-Kwin
of every tonal and balance. Pharmacy for
center. quality medicines.
 The relative major is the 3rd a. Novelty
(III major) scale degree triad of b. Fear
every c. Plain folk
minor key/tonal center. d. Humor
 Each key or tonal center is 3. Try Lola Asing’s Sweet
comprised of several related Guava Candy and Jelly!
triads that a. Scientific
include major and minor chords. b. Transfer
These related triads (both major c. False image
and d. Slogan
minor) are the ones we usually 4. Over a million families tried
see/hear as accompaniment to Francing’s Homemade Pineapple
songs. Jam.
You should try it too!
a. Bandwagon
b. Humor
c. Glittering generality
d. False image
I. Evaluating Learning Identify the texture of the Read each item carefully and The students will try to dance Directions: Identify the
following vocal and instrumental choose the letter of the correct the using the steps, music, propaganda technique used in
performance answer. Write counting that they learn earlier. the advertisement. Choose
below. Choose your answer from your answers on a separate sheet. the letter of the correct answer
the words inside the box. 1. An art form which relies on from the choices given inside the
using technology as a visual and box
audio medium. and write on a separate sheet of
a. Drawing b. Printmaking c. paper.
_____1. Choir in unison Sculpture d. Video art
_____2. Children singing a 2. What are the following art
partner song skills that can be utilize in 1. Art is fun! Join the growing
_____3. A boy playing creating an audio-video numbers of
unaccompanied violin music art? children that use Over the
_____4. Vocal solo with piano a. Composition skill Rainbow Crayons.
accompaniment b. Application of value/contrast 2. “STOP THE SPREAD!”
_____5. Drum and Lyre Corps in color 3. A famous TV personality
c. Color theory and techniques endorsing brand of nail polish.
for working with colors 4. Super Gatas! Buy one carton
d. All of the above and
3. Which of the following items get a free drinking glass.
can be used to make a video
recording? 5. Stain-free, fragrant and white
a. Ballpen b. Cellphone c. clothes. RP White Detergent.
Notebook d. Radio Gawang Pinoy!
J. Additional Activities for The song Isang Bugtong is in Now that you already know how Look for a partner. Perform the Make Your Own Propaganda.
Application or Key of E minor. Identify the to make a video recording. Try entrance of the dance and write
Remediation name of the minor doing it one your reflection or your
chords and write the tonal more time. Choose a theme, experiences while performing
function whether it is i, iv or v. make a 5 minute vlog and submit the task.
The scale in Key of E it to your teacher. I started with my with R foot, I
minor is provided so you will be You may also share your output walked briskly forward. Striking
able to identify the tonal function to your family and classmates. coconut
i, iv, and v. The shells hold in my hands
first one is done for you. __________________________

A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
80% in the evaluation above ___ of Learners who earned 80% above above above
80% above
B.No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for
remediation who scored below remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation

C.Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up
caught up with the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson

D.No. of learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
to require remediation require remediation require remediation to require remediation require remediation require remediation

E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? Why did __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration
these work? __Games __Games __Games __Games __Games
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share

F.What difficulties did I __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension

encounter which my principal or __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
supervisor can help me solve?

G.What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards
which I wish to share with other __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation

Prepared by: Checked & Noted:

Position Master Teacher 2


Principal IV

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