Grade 6: Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade 6: Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade 6: Week 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Reviewing past lesson or What is dynamics? What are the Review on product package design What is Itik- Itik dance? Review on past lesson on
Presenting the new lesson dynamics signs used in the song? What is Maglalatik dance? Physical pyramid activity
(Drill/Review/Unlocking of
B. Establishing a purpose of Which moves faster a horse or a Show pictures of collage design What do you see in this pyramid? Show some pictures of the
the new lesson (Motivation) turtle? Ask” what is a collage? different movements that shown
Compare the movement of the two Collage is an art production in which by the children
animals. Which runs fast? several materials are put together, to Ask: how did they move?
form a new work of art. Collage
originated from the French word
“coller” which means “to glue”
C. Presenting Examples/ Imagine yourself riding in an Discuss, explain: Discuss and describe the Discussion:
instances of the new lesson airplane going to Davao, or in a Collage can be made of physical Philippine physical activity Look at the dancers’ movements?
(Presentation) “Ro-Ro Ship” going to the same materials, such as paper and printed pyramid. How do they achieve fitness in
destination. Will you arrive first photographs, or electronic images. dancing?
riding in an airplane or in a “Ro-Ro rch? Strength
Ship”? Why? dcr=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&eiphilip Endurance
pine+activity+pyramid&oq=phili Flexibility
ppine+activity Coordination
Discuss about what related
fitness components are
improved in dancing?
Muscular strength
D. Discussing new concepts Singing of the Song from the Discuss” What are the components of Ask: how can dancing makes you
and practicing new skills no.1. Beatles “Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da” then Electronic collage is made or physical activity? fit?
(Modeling) describes the flow of the music? composed of electronic images or
How do you feel when singing it? photographs and is prepared
digitally. Software is used to create
the collage.
E. Discussing new concepts What is tempo? Discussion on Paper collage and The teachers will show examples Discuss on Facts about dancing
and practicing new skills no.2 Give the most commonly used electronic collage making of physical fitness?
(Guided Practice) tempo markings or symbols. What is electronic Collage?
Picture collage maker
Electronic collage is made or
composed of electronic images or
photographs and is prepared
digitally. A software is used to create
the collage.
G. Finding practical application of Groupings Presentation of the output What do you mean by ‘Keep Dancing is a physical activity
concepts and skills in daily living Singing of the song Sitsiritsit healthy by keeping active” where you move your body in time
(Application/Valuing) (two groups) with the music, that is :
It makes your brain work
Burn unwanted calories
Developes your bones
Makes you health
Gives you flexibility
And tones your muscles
H. Making Generalization and What is tempo? You can create a collage using What is physical pyramid activity? Dance is an activity where you
abstraction about the lesson Give the different symbols of physical materials. You can produce move your body in time with the
(Generalization) tempo. almost the same output using music
computer program. But there are
things that you can do with your
electronic collage that cannot be
done with physical collage.
I. Evaluating learning Give the meaning of the following. Questions: Read and analyze the sentences Read carefully and answer
1. Andante (moderately 1. What is a collage? carefully. Choose the letter of the questions correctly.
slow) 2. What is paper collage? correct answer. 1. What related
2. Andantino (moderately 3. What is electronic collage? ___1.Physical Activity Pyramid components are
slow but flowing tempo) decribes as ___? improved in dancing?
3. Adagio (slow, or in an easy a.“state of healthy living achieved 2. What can dancing make
graceful manner) by practicing of a healthy lifestyle you fit?
4. Lento (Slow) b. state of being stressful
5. Largo (very slow, broad) c. state of being unhealthy
6. Allergo (fast, lively, brisk, d.state of being often in doing
and faster tempo) healthy liftestyle and exercise.
7. Allegretto (quicker than
8. Moderato (moderate)
9. Vivace- (quickly, lively)
10. Presto (a very fast tempo)
J. Additional activities for Draw pictures of activities which
application and remediation are included in Physical activity
(Assignment) pyramid.
A. No. of learner who earned
B. No. of learner who scored
below 80% (needs
C. No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No of learner who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share w/other teacher?