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3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat N o . s o
lnstructions (1) All Qucstions are Compulsory.
(2) Answer each next main Question on a new page.
(3) TTlustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(5) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(7) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a State the necessity of maintenance and repair.

b Define the terms- retrofitting and restoration.
cy List the methods of non destructive testing for the RCC structures.
Suggest any two materials used as anti corrosive coating material.
ey State various types of crackS observed in masonry works.
) Enlist in general the causes of failure of RCC elements.
g) Define the term structural audit and its importance.

Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
ta) State and explain any 4 factors
influencing on maintenance and
b) State the importance of maintenance manual. Also write
information to be recorded in maintenance manual.
c) Explain in short four stages to be
followed for the systematic
approach of doing damage detection.
ß) Write step by step procedure of half
with a neat sketch.
cell potentiometer test
Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Write two characteristics of any two of the following:
i) Zinc rich epoxy
ii) Resin mortar
iii) Resin sealant
iv) Galvanized steel wire fabrics
b Discuss Polymer Modified Cementitious Mortar in respect of
i) Ingradients
ii) Characteristics
ii) Advantages
iv) Applications
e Write applications of each of the following:
i) PIB sheets
ii) Water Borne Adhesives
iii)Polymer Modified Cementitious Mortar
iv) Epoxy Grout
v) Zinc Rich epoxy
vi) Acrylic Resin Sealant
vii) GFRP
viii) Polyester putty
) Write any four different types of
materials used for repairs
along with any two properties of each material.
22602 [3]
4. Attempt any THREE of the following:
a) State cach two advantages and disadvantages of rebound
hammer test.
6) Suggest any two materials necessary to repair the followings.
i) Dampness of RCC roof slab.
ii) Dampness in the exterior brick wall
111) repair of 0.4 mm wide crack for total depth of a RCC slab
iv) Concrete surface protection.
et Write steps involved in structural audit and budget estimation.
d) Enlist the four situations when joint sealant materials are suggested.
te Explain in brief four stages of repair of work in general.
5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Enlist different types of cracks seen in RCC elements. Explain any

one of them.

b State the stepwise procedure to repair corrosion affected

RCC elements.
c) Define honeycombing. And also state any one reasons of its

6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

ay State the step by step procedure of repair of crack in RCC
slab by using epoxy injection method and also draw suitable
b Prepare the format involve any eight information data of building
for structural audit.
c) Write the necessity and limitation of doing structural audit.
As per Government of Maharashtra, State the
frequencies of structural audit up to 30 years building age
and for building age above 30 years.

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