ISO 3105-Visocsity Without Annexes
ISO 3105-Visocsity Without Annexes
ISO 3105-Visocsity Without Annexes
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~~~ Reference number
ISO 3105:1994(E)
ISO 3105:1994(E)
1 Scope 1
2 Normative reference 1
6 Calibration of viscometers 2
A Modified Ostwald viscometers 6'
B Suspended-level viscometers 22
c Reverse-flow viscometers 42
o ISO 1994
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Intemational Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56. CH-1211 Genéve 20. Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
ISO 3105:1994(E)
WARNING -The use of this International Standard may involve hazardous materiais, operations
and equipment. This International Standard does not purport to address ali of the safety problems
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this International Standard to establish
appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations
prior to use.
Ali viscometers which have the upjJer meniscus di- 6.2.2 Select a caiibrated viscometer of known vis-
above lhe lower meniscus (Cannon-Fenske~utine cometer constant C,.
in annex A ano ali viscometers in annex B)
NOTE 4 This viscometer may be a reference visco meter
,11be mounted in a constant-temperature bath with
ídriving head at least 400 mm) that has been calibrated by
tube L held within 10 of the vertical, as observ~d with
the step-up procedure using viscometers of successively
a plumb bcb or other equally accurate inspection
larger diameters. starting with distilled water as the basic
means. kinematic viscosity standard. or a routine viscometer 01 the
same type that has been calibrated by comparison with a
NOTE 2 A number of commercially available holders are refef ence viscometer.
so designed that the tube L is held perpendicular to the iid
of a constant-temperature bath; nevertheless. the vis- The calibration of the reference viscometer should only be
cometer should be tested with a plumb line in arder to en- carried out by a reputable laboratory meeting the require-
sure that the tube l is in a vertical position. ments of, for example. ISO Guidc 25.
Those viscometers whose upper meniscus is offset Mount the calibrated viscometer together with lhe
rrom directiv above the iower meniscus (ali other vis- viscometer to be caliprated in the same bath and de-
cometers in annex A ano ali viscometers in annex C) termine the flow times of the petroleum oil in ac-
shall be mounted in a constant-temperature bath with cordance with ISO 3104.
tube L held within 0.30 of the ver1icai.
6.2.3 Calculate lhe viscometer constant C, as foi.
NOTE 3 Round metal tops. designed to lit above ê
51 mm hoje In the jid of the bath. are trequently cememea
on to Zellfucns. Zeitfuchs cross-arm and Lantz-Zeitfucns c: = (/2 X C2)/ll (1)
vlscometers \vhlcn tl1en ale permanently moumed on the
lid 01 lhe bath Also a rectangular metal topo wnere
4,)ISO ISO 3105:1994(E)
is lhe flow time, to lhe nearest 0,1 5, in standardization laboratory and the testing laboratory.
lhe viscometer being calibrated;
6.3 Viscosity reference standards
is the constant of the calibrated vis-
cometer; Kinematic viscosity reference standards 11are available
having the approximate kinematic viscosity shown in
is the flow time. to the neôrest 0.1 s. in
12 table 1. Certified kinematic viscosity values are estab-
the calibrated viscometer.
lished by cooperative tests and are supplied with each
6.2.4 Repeat 6.2.1 to 6.2.3 with a second oii whose
flow times are at least 50 % longer than the first oil. 6.3.1 Select from table 1 a viscosity reference stan-
If lhe two values of CI differ by less than 0.2 % for dard with a kinematic viscosity at the calibration tem-
those viscometers listed in annexes A ano B ano less perature within the kinematic viscosity range of the
r than 0.3 % for those visc?meters listed in an~ex C. visco meter to be calibrated and a minimum flow time
use lhe average as lhe vlscometer constam for tne greater than that specified in the appropriate table of
viscometer being caiibrated. If the constams differ by the annex. Determine the flow time, to the nearest
more 1han this vaiue. repeat lhe procedure. taking 0,1 s. in accordance with ISO 3104, and calculate the
care 10 examine ali possible sources of errors. viscometer constant, C, as Tollows:
c = vIr (3)
6.2.5 ihe calibraticn constant. C. is dependem upon
the gravitational acceieration at the place of caiibration
and this must. therefore. be supplied by the stan- v is the kinematic viscosity. in millimetres
dardization laboratory, together with the instrument squared per secando for the reference
constant. Where the acceleration of gravity. ;.'. differs standard liquid;
by more than 0.1 %, correct the calibration constant
as follows: 1 is the flow time. in seconds.
standard .
-40 20 25 40 50 100
." o
20 44 34 18 "'o'"'
1) ViscoslIV refcrence $Iandards are availiihle "' cenaln coumrles írom nallonai laboraIOrl(~S or olher aulhorlzed sources These
COVl'r Ih(~ r;1I1!1e01 ;111VI~;(:O'll(!(CrS descllbed "' IIIIS ImernallOfl;JI SI,Jl1dard
ISO 3105:1994(E) Cj ISO
6.3.2 Repeat with a second reference standard grouping the nonvariable terms into a constant. C, as
whose flow times are at least 50 % tanger than the follows:
first reference standard. If the .two values of C differ
v = Cr (.5)
by less than 0.2 % for those viscometers list~d in an-
nexes A and B and less than 0.3 % for those vis-
cometers listed in annex C. use the average as the 7.2 Kinetic energy correction
viscometer constant for the viscometer being cali-.
brated. If the constants differ by more than this value. The viscometers described in the annexes A to C are
repeat the procedure. taking care to examine ali designed such that the kinetic energy correctíon term,
possible sources of errors. E/? is negligible íf the flow time is more than 200 s.
In the case of severa! sizes of viscometers for the
measurement of low kinematic viscosity Jiquids. a
6.4 Expression oi viscometer constant
minimum flow time greater than 200 s is required in
Report lhe viscometer constant. C. to lhe nearest arder that the kinetic energy correction term, E/?
0,1 % of lhe determined value. This generally means~r shall be negligible. The minimum flow times required
significam figures from 1 x 10N to 6,999 x 10N are given in footnotes to the appropriate tables of
j three significant figures from 7 x 10N to viscometer dimensions in the annexes A to C.
;J,99 x 10N.
For viscometers whose constants C are 0,01 mm2fs2
or less, the kinetic energy correction may be signifi-
7 Kinematic viscosity caiculation cant if the minimum 200 s flow time is not observed.
is the length of the capiilary, in metres; Ccorr= C[1 + (2/gH) (1/ru -l/rJ(yc/pc -J't/Pt)]
e'OISO ISO 3105:1994(E)
7.5.2 The followir;g viscometers. which have a fixed P2 is the density of the test liquid at the test
volume charged at ambient temperature. have a vis- temperature. in kilograms per litre
cometer constant. C. which varies with temperature: [kgf(m3 x 10- 3)];
Cannon-renske routine. Pinkevitch. Cannon-Manning
semimicro. Cannon-Fenske opaque. The temperature dependence of C for the
Cannon-Fenske opaque (reverse-ffow) visco meter is The following equation can be used to cal- given as follows:
culate the viscometer constam at temperatures other
than the calibration temperature ror the Canncn-
Fenske routine, Pinkevitch ano Cannon-Mônning
semimicro viscometers: