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Government of Karnataka


Curriculum Structure
III Semester Scheme of Studies- Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Hours per week

Passing (including
Course Category /

Marks Marks

Total contact hrs

Assigned Grade


Min Marks for

Total Marks
Sl. Course

Grade Point
CIE marks)
Course Name
No. Code

L T P Max Min Max Min

Integrated Courses

1 PC/EE 20EE31P Transformers and Alternators 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

2 PC/EE 20EE32P Transmission and Distribution 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40


3 PC/EE 20EE33P Switchgear and Protection 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

4 PC/EE 20EE34P Analog and Digital Electronics 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

Audit Course
!"ತ$ %ಂಚನ-II/ ಬಳ+
5 AU/KA 20KA31T 2 0 0 2 2 50 20 - - 50 20
ಕನ- ಡ-II
Total 14 4 16 34 26 290 116 160 64 450 180
*PC: Programme Core:: AU-Audit Course:: KA: Kannada:: L: Lecture:: T: Tutorial:: P: Practice

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 1

Government of Karnataka
Curriculum Structure
IV Semester Scheme of Studies- Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Hours per week

Passing (including

Total contact hrs

Marks Marks



Assigned Grade
Min Marks for
ry /

Total Marks
Sl. Course

Grade Point
CIE marks)
Teachi Course Name
No. Code Mi
ng L T P Max Min Max



Integrated Courses

1 PC/EE 20EE41P Electric Motors 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40

2 PC/EE 20EE42P Power Electronics 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40


Fundamentals of Automation
3 PC/EE 20EE43P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
Computer Aided Electrical
4 PC/EE 20EE44P 3 1 4 8 6 60 24 40 16 100 40
Drafting (CAED)
Audit Course

5 KA/EE 20EE45T Indian Constitution 2 0 0 2 2 50 20 - - 50 20

Total 14 4 16 34 26 290 116 160 64 450 180

*PC: Programme Core: AU-Audit Course:: KA: Kannada:: L: Lecture:: T: Tutorial:: P: Practice

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka 2

Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering Semester III
Course Code 20EE31P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Transformers and Alternators Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Alternators (AC Generators) are used to generate bulk power in a power plant (Hydel, Thermal or Nuclear)
Electrical Transformer is an important component in a power system used to step-up or step-down voltages
for transmission and distribution. Alternators and Transformers form the core area in the field of Electrical
Engineering and an Electrical Technician shall have the basic knowledge of Alternators and Transformers,
viz., constructional features, operation, performance analysis, test, troubleshoot and maintenance process to
be followed.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO-01 Explain all the workplace safety regulations to be followed when handling electrical machines.
Conduct the performance analysis of transformers and alternators, draw their characteristics
and determine the suitability of the given transformer and alternator for the specific application.
List all the test parameters, testing procedure and demonstrate the testing and troubleshooting
of a given transformer and alternator.
Install a given transformer and alternator and define the various preventive maintenance
processes to ensure smooth running of the transformer and alternator.

3. Course Content
Lecture (Activit Practice
We C PO (Knowledge Criteria) y (Performance Criteria)
ek O * Criteri
1 hour/ 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch twice in a
3 hours/week
week week)
1.Magnetic circuit, MMF, reluctance and
mention their units, Absolute 1.Simulate pure resistive, pure inductive
permeability and Relative permeability and pure capacitive circuit and observe
and mention their units, relationship the phase difference between waveforms
between Flux, MMF and Reluctance. of Voltage & Current.
simple problems on magnetic circuit OR
1a. Setup pure Inductor circuit. Measure V
1 2 1,4 &I for a range of frequencies, calculate
Table 1
inductive reactance (Xl) and record them
in a table. Plot a graph showing Xl as a
2. AC fundamentals function of the angular frequency .
Concept of capacitive reactance, Observe the phase difference between V
inductive reactance, and impedance. and I.
Current and Power in a pure resistive, 1b. Setup pure capacitor circuit. Measure
inductive and capacitive circuit. V &I for a range of frequencies, calculate

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

capacitive reactance (Xc) and record them
in a table. Plot a graph showing Xc as a
function of the angular frequency. Observe
phase difference between V and I.
2.Simulate R-L,
R-C, R-L-C series circuits and observe the
phase difference between waveforms of
3. Current, Power and Power factor of Voltage & Current.
R-L, R-C, R-L-C series and parallel OR
circuits. Concept and Applications of 2.Set up RLC circuit.
resonance. a. Measure V & I for range of frequencies
and record measurements in table.
b. Calculate corresponding impedance (Z),
power factor and record in a table.
c. Plot graph of Z vs angular frequency and
power factor vs angular frequency.
c. Estimate resonance frequency
graphically and compare with theoretical
TRANSFORMERS Demonstrate workplace safety norms
1. Basics: to be followed when handling electrical
a. Working Principle of Transformer. machines.
b. Construction. 1a. Identification of different types of
c. Operation. transformers based on
2. Classification of Transformers: i. Construction
a. Based on Construction b. Based on ii. No. of phases
No. of phases c. Based on application iii. Application.
Shell and Core type: Construction and
application. 1b. Identification of different parts of

1, 3. Main Parts of Transformer: Refer

2 1,4 a. Tank b. Core c. Winding
2 Table 1
d. Insulation: i. Oil ii. Paper
e. Bushings (HT/LT/NT) f. Conservator 2. Identify the terminals of a single-phase
g. OLTC (ON Load/OFF Load Tap transformer, test it for open circuit, short
Changers) circuit and ground faults using a test lamp
h. Breather /megger, check the insulation resistance,
i. Safety Devices: i. Pressure Relief identify and locate the possible faults.
Device ii. Buchholz Relay Suggest remedies.
j. Instruments:
i. Oil Temperature Indicator
(OTI)/Transmitter ii. Winding
Temperature Indicator
(WTI)/Transmitter iii. Conservator Oil
level Indicator/Transmitter
1. Derive emf equation, and explain
Follow Safety rules and Safe working
transformation ratio (K).
Explain Operation of a transformer on
1, 1,2, Refer 1a. Polarity test on single-phase
3 No-load with a vector diagram.
2 4 Table 1 transformer.
2. Operation of a transformer On-load
with vector diagrams.
1b. Ratio test on single-phase transformer.
Draw equivalent Circuit of transformer.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3. Problems on emf equation,
transformer on NO-load and ON-load 2.Determine the efficiency and regulation
conditions. of a single-phase transformer by direct
1. Losses in Transformer
Follow Safety rules and Safe working
-List Various losses in a transformer. -
Voltage regulation and efficiency in the
1. Pre-determine the regulation and
efficiency of a single-phase transformer by
- Write an equation for voltage
conducting O.C. and S.C. tests, draw the
regulation and efficiency.
equivalent circuit.
-Condition for maximum efficiency.
- All day efficiency.
1, Refer
4 1,4 -Problem on all-day efficiency.
2 Table 1
2. Pre-determine the Regulation and
Efficiency of 1-ph transformer by
conducting O.C. and S.C. tests.
2.Parallel operation of two single-phase
3.Necessity and conditions for parallel
transformers and analyse load sharing
pattern for a given KVA rating.
- Parallel operation of single
phase transformers with their load
1.Generation of 3-ph voltage, phase Follow Safety rules and Safe working
sequence, Star and Delta practices
Connection in 3-ph system, Relation 1. Identify the terminals of a three-phase
between line voltage and phase voltage transformer, test it for open circuit, short
in 3-ph Star, Relation between line circuit and ground faults using a test-
voltage and phase voltage in 3-ph Delta lamp/megger, check the insulation
system. Equation for a 3-ph power resistance, identify and locate the possible
2. Working principle & construction of faults. Suggest remedies.
three-phase transformers.
Connection type:
i. Star-Delta
1, 1,2, Refer
5 ii. Delta-Star
2 4 Table 1
iii. star-star
iv. Delta-Delta
v. Open delta
vi. Scott.
3. Vector Group
i. Brief introduction of Vector Grouping
2.Connect three single-phase transformers
ii. Type of Vector group:
for three-phase operation of delta-delta/
a. Yy0, Dd0 b. Yd1, Dy1 c. Yd6, Dy6
delta-star/ star-star/ star-delta.
d. Yd11, Dy11.
Measure phase and line voltages.
Problems on 3 phase star and delta
Follow Safety rules and Safe working
1. Special purpose transformers 1a. Identify different types of special
6 4 Construction and working of current purpose transformers.
transformer (CT). Ref.7.2(9) 1b. Measure high current & voltage using
CT and PT.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

2. Construction, working of potential 2a. Ratio and polarity test on CT and PT
transformer (PT)
2b. Verify the voltage of
autotransformer with different
3.Construction, working of Pulse, tapings.
Toroidal, Isolation transformer and Ref.7(10,11,12)
Auto transformer
1.Study Code of practice for selection,
installation and maintenance of
transformers. IS 10028
2. Study IS 1180 and IS 2026 standards:
a. scope of IS 1180 and IS 2026 Follow Safety rules and Safe working
b. List transformers covered and not practices
1, Refer 1.Practice on use of IS/IEC standards.
7 2,4 covered by IS 1180
2 Table 1
c. List manufacturer of IS 1180

3. IEC 60071-1 to IEC 60071-12

standards for power transformers 2.Practice on use of IS/IEC standards
Follow Safety rules and Safe working
1. Demonstrate testing and
1.Testing and Troubleshooting of given
troubleshooting of given
transformer/Visit to nearby transformer
test centre
1, Refer Ref.7(13)
8 4
3 Table 1
2.Testing and Troubleshooting of given 2. Demonstrate installation and
transformer -2 commissioning of Transformer.

3. Installation and Commissioning of

1a. Working principle and construction
Follow Safety rules and Safe working
of DC generator.
1b. Alternator: working principle,
1a. Identify parts of the DC generator and
Construction of salient pole and non-
build up voltage of the shunt generator.
salient pole alternator.
2.Full pitch Armature windings and
1b. Identify the parts of an Alternator,
Fractional pitch Armature
note down the nameplate details and
windings. Advantages and dis-
1, Refer interpret it.
9 2,4 advantages of Full pitch and Fractional
2 Table 1
pitch Armature windings.
3. Relationship between P,N,f and 2. Identify the terminals, and test the field
Derivation of emf equation, Simple and armature windings of an Alternator
problems on E.M.F equation. for open circuit, short circuit and ground
faults using test lamp /megger, check
insulation resistance, Identify and locate
the possible faults
and suggest remedies.
1. Armature reaction in an alternator Follow Safety rules and Safe working
1, Refer
10 4 with sketches, Effects of p.f of load on practices
2 Table 1
armature reaction and Effects of

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

armature reaction on terminal voltage. Determine regulation of 3-phase
2. Procedure for conducting O.C & S.C. alternator by conducting O.C & S.C tests by
tests on an alternator with circuit EMF method.
3. Effective resistance, leakage
reactance & synchronous reactance.
Calculate the synchronous impedance
by O.C. & S.C test results.
Equation for the no-load terminal
voltage at different power factors.
Voltage regulation definition and
1. Vector diagram of alternator on Load
Follow Safety rules and Safe working
at different power factors.
2. Necessity and Conditions for parallel
1, Conduct parallel operation of 3-ph
11 4 operation of three-phase
2 alternators by Dark Lamp OR Bright Lamp
OR Synchroscope method.
3. Parallel operation of three-phase
alternators using synchroscope.
1. Meaning and types of excitations.
Static excitation system Ref.7(14) Follow Safety rules and Safe working
2. Effect of unequal voltage on load practices
sharing. Effect of change in excitation 1. Demo (Video) on Static excitation
1, and prime mover input power on system. Ref.7(14)
12 4
2 distribution of load.
3. Hunting and its prevention in
alternators. Necessity of cooling in
alternators. Cooling agents. – Hydrogen 2. Demo (Video) on cooling of Alternators
cooling. Refer
Table 1
1. Maintenance of the transformer. Follow Safety rules and Safe working
1a. Perform general preventive
maintenance of the transformer.
2. Installation and Maintenance of 1b. Demonstrate installation of Alternator
alternator. Ref.7(15) and Perform general preventive
1, maintenance of Alternators. Ref.7(16)
13 4
3. Construction of an Energy efficient
transformer. 2a. Demo on different energy efficient
-Star rating of a transformer. transformers.
-Benefits Of Higher Efficiency in 2b. Visit (or Virtual visit) to the
Transformers. transformer manufacturing industry.
-Calculate Cost saving by buying an
energy efficient transformer.
Total in
39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution)
Sl week Activity

1 1 I. Explain the importance of resonance and its application.

For a given RLC circuit.
i. calculate voltage across R, L and C.
ii. calculate Net Reactance.
iii. calculate the resonance frequency.
iv. At a given resonance frequency, calculate net reactance and voltage across L and C.
1. Explain Principles of induction and inductive reactance.
2. Explain self and mutual induction.
3. Explain behaviour of the inductor at low and High frequencies.

2 2 I
1. Explain Magnetic field around a current carrying conductor, Cork Screw Rule and
Right-Hand Thumb Rule.
2. Explain Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction.
3. Explain self-induced EMF and Mutually induced EMF and their application.
4. Differentiate dynamically induced and statically induced EMF.
5. Explain Lenz's law.
6. Explain Right hand and Left-hand Fleming's rule.
Study the construction of a given 1kVA transformer and identify material presently used for
lamination and insulation in different types and sizes of transformer. List Differences
between Aluminium and copper used as winding materials in transformers.

3 3 I. Construct and test 220/12V ,1A Step-down transformer.

II. For a given single-phase transformer;
1. Calculate No-load power consumed and no-load power factor,
2. Calculate active and reactive components of No-load current
3. Draw the vector diagram for the transformer on No- load and ON-load conditions.
4. Explain the reasons for the low power factor.

4 4 I. For a given transformer

1. List the different losses in a transformer
2. Methods of reducing iron losses and copper losses.
3. Explain variations of transformer efficiency against various load power factors.
4. Explain methods to enhance the life of the Transformers.
1. Explain construction and working of On-load tap changing (OLTC) transformer

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

5 5 I For a given Star connected three-phase circuit.
1. calculate line voltage, phase voltage, line current and phase current.
2. Calculate active power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor.

For a given Delta connected three-phase circuit.

1. calculate line voltage, phase voltage, line current and phase current.
2. Calculate active power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor.
1. Explain construction of oil cooled power and distribution Transformers.
2. Explain different types of cooling used to cool the transformer.
3. Explain the properties and types of transformer oil.
4. Explain the process of transformer painting and need for painting.
1.Explain construction of solar transformers.
2.Explain Vacuum Pressure Impregnated Transformer (VPI)

6 6 Study CT and PT
1. Compare and contrast current transformer (CT) with potential transformer (PT)
2. Explain different tests conducted on CT and PT.
3.Explain installation and commissioning of current transformer/ potential transformer.
4.Explain repair/ replacement and maintenance of CT and PT.

7 7 Study the Codes of practice IS 1180.

1. Explain Measurement of No-load Loss and Current.
2. Explain connection and phase displacement symbols for three-phase transformers
3. Rating plate details

8 8 Study the Codes of practice as per IS 10028 for selection, installation and maintenance of
transformers and explain typical tests carried out before commissioning the transformer.

9 9 1. Properties of magnets and their materials, preparation of artificial magnets,

significance of electromagnetism, types of cores.
2. Explain types of DC generators with circuit representation.
3. Explain Conditions for voltage build up in shunt generator.

10 10 Study harmonics generated in Generators and Transformers

1. List harmonics generated in generators and Transformers
2. Explain long term effects caused by harmonics
3. Limits and levels imposed on odd harmonics by IEC and IEEE
4. Explain how Improved winding configurations can reduce harmonics in generators

11 11 Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
on industry.
Study the data centre generators and
1.List requirements for Data centre generators
2. Specifications of typical Data Centre generator
3. Method employed to reduce harmonic content
4. Protection and cooling method
5.Applicable IEC standards

12 12 Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
on industry.
Study the Watchdog Low Temperature Rise Transformers (three-phase and single-phase)
and Non-linear transformers.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1. List the features of watchdog transformer
2. Advantages of watchdog transformer
3. Typical specification of watchdog transformer
4. List features of Non-linear transformer and its application

13 13 Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
on industry.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Transformers and Alternators Test I/II/III Sem III
Course Code 20EE31P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

7. Reference:
1 Electrical Technology volume 2 - BL Theraja & A.K.Theraja S.Chand publication
2 Principles of Electrical Machines by V.K.Mehtha.S.Chand publication
3 Electrical Machines by M.N. Bandyopadhyay PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
4 Electrical Machines by Bhattacharya. Tata McGraw Hill Co.
5 Electrical Machines - J.B.Guptha Kataria & Sons Publications
6 Generation of Electrical Energy by BR Gupta. S.Chand Publication.
7 Fundamentals of electrical drives - G.K. Dubey Narosa publications.
8 Electrical Machines – Deshpande.
9 http://www.anuraghyd.ac.in/eee/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/power-systems.pdf
10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ22UM0zyGs&feature=emb logo
11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjLs40e 9YE&feature=emb logo
https://relaytraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/PT-Testing Back-to-the-
Basics RelayTraining.com .pdf
13 https://electrical-engineering-portal.com/testing-commissioning-current-transformer
14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34Fj7O sU9I
16 https://www.stamford-avk.com/sites/stamfordavk/files/AGN007 C.pdf

8.1 CIE -4 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation:

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions(week1-week6) 10
2 List the standard safety norms related with electrical machines 1 10
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including;
i. Drawing of circuit diagram using right symbols. 05
3 ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10 2 60
iii. Demonstrate the performance/operation of a machine 35
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected outcome 10
4 Viva -voce 20
Total Marks 100

8.2 CIE -5 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation:

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week7-week12) 10
2 List the standard safety norms related with electrical machines 1 05
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including;
i. Drawing of circuit diagram using right symbols. 05
3 ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 05 2 35
iii. Demonstrate the performance/operation of a machine 20
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected outcome 05
4 Explain Scope of any one IS standard (1008/1180/2026) 3 10
Identify the problem in a given machine and demonstrate the troubleshooting
5 3 30
method used to rectify that problem. 10+20
6 Viva-voce 10
Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

8.3 SEE Scheme of Evaluation:
Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (1-13 week) 10
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including;
i. Drawing of circuit diagram using right symbols. 10
ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10 45
2 iii. Demonstrate the performance/operation of a machine 15 1,2
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected outcome 05
v. Comply with the standard safety norms related with electrical machines 05

Explain the criteria for selection, the process of installation and the
3 importance of timely maintenance and consequences for a machine for a given 4 25
application 5+10+5+5
4 Viva-voce 20
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification
1 Single-phase transformer 2kVA 1:1 3
2 Single-phase transformer 2kVA 1:0.5 2
3 1-ph Variacs (0-300)V, 5 A 6
4 3-ph Variacs (0-440)V,15A 2
5 Potential Transformers 220V-75V 2
6 Current Transformers 5A-1A 2
7 Motor (DC Shunt,220V) and Alternator(3-ph,440V) Set 1 Set
8 Loading Rheostats Lamp Load 2
9 Wire wound Rheostats Assorted-range 30
10 Analog Tachometers 3
11 Digital Tachometers 3
12 Synchroscope 2
13 Phase sequence indicator 2
multirange (0-1-2-5-10-
14 Portable DC Moving coil ammeter
multirange (0-2-10-15-30-
15 Portable DC Moving coil Voltmeters
i) LPF 75/300/600V,1/2A
Watt meters (Dynamometer type) ii) UPF
16 75/300/600V,5/10A 2
iii) UPF
17 Frequency meters read type and digital type 2
18 Portable pf meters
19 Megger 500 V, 1000V, 1500 V 2
20 Earth tester 2
21 Tong tester analog and digital 2 each
22 Multimeters analog and digital 4 each
Electrical & Electronics Circuit Simulation software
23 For a batch of 20 students
PSpice/ GNU Octave/MatLab

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Semester III
Course Code 20EE32P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Transmission and Distribution Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Electric power transmission is the bulk movement of electrical energy from a power plant, to an electrical
substation. Transmission network is the interconnected lines which facilitate this movement. Efficient
transmission involves reducing the currents by stepping up the voltage prior to transmission, and stepping it
down at a substation at the far end. Electric power distribution is the final stage in the delivery of electric
power, it carries electricity from the transmission system to individual consumers through distribution
substation. An Electrical Technician shall have the knowledge of the various T&D systems, components of the
T&D systems and constructional features, simulate its performance, losses, distribution line maintenance and
substations and shall prepare an estimation using estimation software.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Conduct performance analysis of a given transmission and distribution lines in a real/ simulated
CO-02 Describe the procedure to install, test and maintain transmission & distribution lines.
Prepare the list of equipment/materials with specifications to install a given transmission and
distribution system.

3. Course Content

Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)

Week CO PO*

1 hour 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch

3 hours/week
/week twice in a week)

1.Vectorial representation of AC Refer 1. Measure active power, reactive

quantities. Represent vectors in Table 1 power, apparent power and power
Rectangular, Trigonometric and factor in a single-phase/ three-
Polar forms, Convert Rectangular phase circuit using appropriate
form into Polar form and vice- measuring instruments. Ensure
1 1 1,4 versa and problems on R to P and improvement of PF
P to R. Arithmetic operations on by use of capacitor in single-
vectors, problems phase/three
phase circuit.
2. Concept of active power, Introduction to simulation
reactive power, apparent power software
and power factor in AC circuit.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

calculate active, reactive, 1. Verify KCL and KVL using
apparent power and power factor simulation software.
in a given single/ 3phase phase
AC circuit.
3a. Explain KCL and KVL
3b. Explain Thevenin’s and
Superposition theorem,
application of theorems.
1.Various systems for power 1.Simulate a given short
transmission and distribution: 2 transmission line-1
wire AC, 3 wire AC and 3 phase 4
wire AC systems.
-Simple Problems
-Compare HVAC and HVDC
2. Simulate a given short
2.Line Constants and
transmission line-2.
-Classification of transmission i. Sending end active and reactive
2 1 1,4 lines based on distance.
Table 1 power
- Line constants -resistance,
ii. Receiving end active and
inductance and capacitance.
reactive power.
-Short transmission line-
iii. Voltage regulation and
equivalent circuit
Transmission efficiency.
3. Vector diagram of a short compare simulation results with
transmission line. calculated values.Ref.7(6)
-Equations for receiving end
voltage, efficiency, voltage
regulation and power factor. -
simple problems

1.Simulation of Ferranti effect.

1. Skin effect, Ferrantic effect Ref.7(7)
transposition of conductor and
its necessity.

3 1 4 2. Corona: Phenomena,
Table 1
disruptive and visual critical
voltages, corona loss. Advantages 2.Solve problems on Transmission
and disadvantages of corona. and Distribution losses. Ref.7(8)
Methods of reducing corona.
3.Explain Transmission and
Distribution losses.
1. Main components of overhead 1a. Identify Different components
transmission lines (Supports, of Overhead Transmission lines.
Cross arms and Clamps. 1b. Identify various conductors
Insulators, viz., All aluminium conductor
Conductors., Guys and Stays., Refer (AAC), AAAC, ACSR conductor.
4 1 4
Fuses and Isolating Switches, Table 1 2. Identify HT/LT line insulators
Continuous Earth Wire etc.). •Install the shackle type insulator
2. Characteristics and on HT overhead line
applications of ACSR, AAC, AAAC • Install the pin type insulator on
conductors, types of ACSR and the LT overhead line.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

their applications, compare ACSR, • fasten jumper in cross-arm of
AAC, AAAC conductors. pole with pin insulator
Insulators-suspension, Pin Type, • fasten the jumper in shackle type
Shackle Type, Disc Type, Guy insulator
Strain, Pins for Insulators. • fasten the jumper in the
3. Guy Assembly, G.I. Wire, GO suspension type insulator.
Switches, 11kV Cross-arms, L.T.
Line Spacers, spacing between
conductor, concept of length of
span, sag on overhead line,
Guarding, Types of Guarding.
Comply with safety & IE rules
1. UNDERGROUND while working on LT/ HT cables.
Classification of UG cables 1a. Identify different types of
-General construction of a single HT/LT cables.
core UG cable b. Identify different parts of
-Need of HT cables, advantages various underground cables.
and disadvantages c. Select appropriate cable for
-Selection of HT and LT given application.
underground cable. Refer
5 1 4
Table 1
2.Construction of PVC,
Construction of 3 core XLPE 2a. Practice preparation of cables
cables for termination and joining.
-Advantages and Disadvantages b. Demonstrate termination kits
of Underground Power Cable and practice on terminations of
System. LT/HT cables.
3. Scope of IS 7098-1 and IEC Ref.7(21)
standards for various cables (IEC
60502-1, IEC 60502-2).
1.Methods of laying UG cables.
Faults in UG cable. 1a. Identify various cable single
Cable gland- different types of and double glands. and lugs.
cable gland, lug, types. b. Test the underground cables for
open, short circuit & ground fault
Refer and also check insulation
6 1,2 2,4
2.Underground Cable Testing Table 1 resistance

2.Demonstrate bonding and

grounding of raceways, cable
3. Bonding and grounding
assembly and panels.

7 In grid map of Karnataka

1.Substation: Meaning of 1a. Locate 765kV, 400kV, 220kV,
substation, Necessity of 110kV & 66kV Substations
1 4 substation, classification, b. Locate 400kV, 220kV, 110kV &
Table 1
comparison between outdoor 66kV transmission lines.
and indoor substation. c. Locate 400kV HVDC station and
Transmission line.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

2. Code of practice related to 2a. Read and Interpret Single line/
substation. Layout drawings with Equipment
List the materials required for and Protection codes as per ANSI.
66/11 KV substation with their 2b. Read and Interpret Layout
specifications Ref.7(23,24) drawings of 220kV, 110kV & 66kV
outdoor substations.
3.Capacitor banks, specifications Interpret various panel wiring
and calculation. Ref.7(17,18, 19) drawings of substation equipment
selection of capacitor bank.
Substation Energy meters: -
1a. Error, precision, accuracy,
sensitivity, resolution and
tolerance. Types of errors- gross 1a. Demonstrate working of
error, random error, systematic Trivector energy meter, Identify
the class of accuracy of given
error environmental, observation
error and instrumental error. energy meter.
1b. Trivector energy meter Ref.7(12)
1b. Practice on using MRI (Meter
-Common Meter Reading
reading instrument)
Instrument (CMRI) Ref.7(14,15)
-Class of accuracy of energy
8 1 4 meters.
Table 1
-Standards for electricity
-Scope of IS 15707
2a. Take meter reading by using
-Scope of IEC 62052-11
USB / Optical cable.
-Distributed Digital Fault
Recorder (DDFR). Ref.7(16,17)
2b. Operation of SBM (Spot billing
3.Maintenance and up keeping of machine).
daily Log Sheet at various
Substation and energy
1. Distribution System: Single
line diagram of AC distribution Observe the various components of
system, Classification of AC the Distribution System by
distribution system, connection visiting the MUSS and prepare
schemes of distribution system- report
radial, ring main and Obtain:
interconnected systems. 1. Number of feeders connected
2. Energy consumption of each
2. Feeder, distributor and service Refer feeder
9 1 2,4
main, characteristics of Feeder, Table 1 3. Number of DTC meters
distributor and service main. connected
4. Percentage of distribution
3.Concept of voltage drop in 5. 11kV Feeders Interruption
feeders/distributors - simple Details
problem on DC distributor fed at 6. Operation of 11 kV feeders
one end. supplying power to IP sets in
open delta

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Observe the various components of
the power system by visiting the
1. OPERATION OF 11KV/440V 11 kV substation and prepare
-List Various components of the 1. List the job requirements as per
11 kV power system the government policies and
(Components: e.g. transformers, regulations
Isolators, CTs, PTs, Circuit 2. Observe the various components
breakers, LA’s, etc.) of the power system by visiting
-List Various types of Panels the11kV substation (Identify
& Substation protection systems various substation equipment viz.,
isolators, over current relays, earth
fault relay, differential relay, REF
relay, lightning arresters, Surge
counter, wave trap, Reactor,
Capacitor bank, Circuit breakers –
ACB, SF-6 and VCB etc.)
2a. Transformer parts and their 3. List the materials required for
function. the 11 kV installation
4. Observe the substation erection
10 1,2 2,4 2b. Specific health and safety and installation work
Table 1
precautions which must be taken 5. Observe the operation of
when carrying out substation distribution
installation processes transformer
6. Check the poles set to proper
depth, and are properly aligned
7. Observe the erection of channel
on the pole
8. Observe the fixing of lightning
9. Check the installation of earth
connection as per standard
3.Construction of Aerial Bundled procedure
(AB) Cables, 10. Observe the lifting Observe the
- advantages and disadvantages, - lifting of the transformer, to put it
AB Cables for LT Lines. on the transformer bed in a safe
-, AB Cables for HT Lines and efficient manner
11. Observe the connection of low
voltage cables"
12. Identify Aerial bundled cables
for LT and HT

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1.Maintenance schedule for
distribution Transformer
a. Explain the terms inspection,
preventive maintenance and
b. Explain recommended
schedule for inspection of
Distribution transformers.
c. Explain recommended
schedule for preventive
maintenance of Distribution
d. Explain recommended
schedule for overhaul of
Distribution transformers.
Ref 7(22)

Visit the nearby substation

2.Maintenance schedule for
prepare report on
11kV overhead lines
a. Explain recommended 1. Maintenance schedule for
schedule for inspection of 11kV distribution Transformer
Refer 2. Maintenance schedule for
11 2 2,4 overhead lines
Table 1 11kV overhead lines
b. Explain recommended
schedule for preventive 3. Maintenance schedule for
maintenance of 11kV overhead 11kV UG system
as per standard format
c. Explain recommended
schedule for overhaul of 11kV
overhead lines. Ref 7(22)

3.Maintenance schedule for

11kV UG system
a. Explain recommended
schedule for inspection of 11kV
UG system
b. Explain recommended
schedule for preventive
maintenance of 11kV UG system
c. Explain recommended
schedule for overhaul of 11kV UG
Ref 7(22)
1. Prepare schedule of materials
for providing single-phase OH
and UG service connection for
electrification of a residential
Prepare estimation manually/
building. Ref table
using estimation simulation
12 3 2,3 2.List the materials used in 1
transmission lines with their
Classify the types of towers.
Prepare a table showing voltage
level, ACSR conductor used,

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

number of discs
insulators in suspension string
and tension string

3. Prepare the schedule of

materials for the 11 KV single
circuit HT line for Rural

Estimate for Electrification of

newly formed Residential Layout
to an extent of 1045 KW
including street light, water
supply and STP installations.
1.Tapping and Extension 11KV
line of (F-11) feeder of 66/11KV
MUSS upto the Proposed Layout
using Rabbit ACSR Conductor and
3*95 Sqmm XLPE HTUG Cable
2.Extension 11KV line Inside the
Prepare estimation manually/
Proposed Layout using Rabbit
using estimation simulation
13 3 2,3 ACSR Conductor
3.Providing 11Mtrs Spun Pole
Transformer Structure with
allied Materials for erection of
3x250KVA and 1x100KVA 5 Star
Rated Distribution Transformers
on Concrete Bed.
4.Extension of LT Overhead line
(3 Phase, 5Wire) inside the
layout Premises and Providing
Street Light Metering.
5. Calculate HT VR (voltage
regulation) and LT VR.
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution)

Week Activity

1. Convert a given vector in rectangular form to polar form.
2. Convert a given vector in polar form to rectangular form.
3. Perform arithmetic operations on given vectors.

1 1 II
1. solve problems on KCL and KVL
2. Solve problems on Thevenin's theorem.
3. Solve problems on the Superposition theorem.
4. calculate active, reactive, apparent power and power factor in a given single/
3phase phase AC circuit.

Compare the relative amounts of Conductor Material in the Overhead System necessary for
following systems of transmis-sion.
1.Two-Wire D.C. system with one conductor earthed
2 2 2.Single-phase 2-wire system with mid-point earthed
3.Single-phase, 3-wire system
4.Two phase, 4-wire system
5.Two-phase, 3-wire system

I. Study Process Flow Chart for Construction of Transmission Lines and

1.Explain initial survey
2.Explain detailed survey
3 3 3.Explain the Right of way
4. List the factors to be considered for selections of poles for erection of transmission lines
1. Explain String efficiency and methods of improving string efficiency.

Study Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (a flagship scheme of the Government of India, aimed
at reducing the aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses of state-owned
distribution companies (DISCOMs) by 6%, from 21% in FY15 to 15% in FY19)
4 4
1.Explain the methodology involved in estimating T&D losses and Aggregate Technical and
commercial losses.

1.Explain Technical Specifications for 1.1 kV grade, Aluminium/Copper conductor, Power

5 5
2. Explain Technical Specifications for 6.35/11 kV (Uo/U) Voltage Grade, 3-Core, 185 Sq. mm
Aluminium Cable.

Explain the factors considered for selection of underground cables for a given application
6 6
and list Operating limitations with cables.

Study Niranthara Jyothi Yojana (NJY) of GOK and

1.Explain the objective of this scheme
7 7
2.Benefits achieved through this yojana
3.List steps taken by government of Karnataka to flatten load curve

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1.Explain Duties of shift Engineer substation.
8 8
2. Explain Testing and Commissioning of Substation DC System.

I. Study Distribution & Power Transformer Metering with condition Monitoring and Alarms

1. List the functions and specification of Distribution Transformer Metering Terminal

2. Explain how distribution transformer parameters (oil level, oil tem and winding temp.
9 9
etc.) are monitored in real time.
3. List the software solution providers for Distribution & Power Transformer Metering with
condition Monitoring.
4. Explain the benefits of real time monitoring of transformer

10 10 Explain commissioning of the distribution line using Aerial bunched cables.

I Maintenance schedule for LT line and Service connection

1. Explain recommended schedule for inspection of LT line and Service connection
2. Explain recommended schedule for preventive maintenance of LT line and Service
11 11 3. Explain recommended schedule for overhaul of LT line and Service connection

II. Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these
changes on industry
Case study on “High voltage distribution system (HVDS) implementation in BESCOM”.

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
12 12 on industry
Case study on “Installation of auto reclosures on 11 kV feeders in BESCOM “

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
13 13 on industry
Case study on “Reduction in Distribution Transformer failure rate in BESCOM “

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

5. Format for CIE written Test
Course Name Transmission and Distribution Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20EE34P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. Description

1 Transmission, distribution and utilization – vol 3 B.L Thereja and A.K.Theraja.

2 Principles of Power System” by V. K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta S. Chand Publishers, 4th Revised edition

3 Electrical Power Generation Transmission and Distribution by S.N.Singh, PHI Publication

4 Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power by J.B Gupta Katsons Publications.

5 Electric Power Distribution Automation by M.K Khedkar, University Science Press (Laxmi

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Knpt6zcK CU

7 http://vp-dei.vlabs.ac.in/Dreamweaver/objective9.html

8 https://www.easycalculation.com/physics/electromagnetism/eletrical-power-transmission-line-

9 https://electricalnotes.wordpress.com/2014/03/01/calculate-technical-losses-of-distribution-line/

10 https://blog.se.com/energy-management-energy-efficiency/2013/03/25/how-big-are-power-line-

11 https://blog.se.com/access-to-energy/2018/06/29/effective-power-distribution-and-asset-

12 https://instrumentationforum.com/t/working-principle-of-trivector-meter/6996

13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP-Gv ERN7k,

14 https://dhbvn.org.in/staticContent/tender/mm/specification/spec-cmri-453.pdf

15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgMhJQdVONQ

16 https://www.aimil.com/products/digital-fault-recording-systems

17 https://www.gegridsolutions.com/multilin/catalog/ddfr.htm

18 https://www.watelectrical.com/what-is-a-capacitor-bank-working-and-its-calculation/

19 https://www.gegridsolutions.com/hvmv equipment/catalog/high volt capacitor.htm#Ov7

20 https://www.metartec.com/DataEditorUploads/R8%20-

21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKhKFALKDAE

22 https://kptcl.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/epra/mmdsystem.pdf

23 https://kptcl.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-files/epra/Maintenance%20Schedule.pdf

24 https://kptcl.karnataka.gov.in/storage/pdf-

25 Electrical Design Estimating and Costing. K.B.Raina & K.Battacharya. Khanna Publications

26 Electrical Installation Estimating and Costing. J.B.Gupta, S.K.Kataria and Sons

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

8.1 CIE-4 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation
Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions(1-6weeks) 10
1.Identify Aerial Bunched Cables used in distribution systems.
2 2 10
2.Identify various conductors (ACSR, AAC, AAAC)
Demonstrate Installation of the pin type insulator on LT overhead line.
3 2 15
Test the underground cables for open, short circuit & ground fault and also check
4 insulation resistance. 20 2 25
Explain the scope of IEC-60502-1 and IEC-60502-2 5
Demonstrate simulation of a given three-phase short transmission line
1. Manual calculation and simulated values (Voltage and power at the receiving
5 end). 05+10 1 30
2. Manual calculation and simulated values (Voltage regulation and transmission
efficiency). 05+10
6 Viva-voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.2 CIE-5 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (7-12 Week) 10
Presentation on substation visit OR distribution line maintenance .
2 a. Report 2 30
b. Presentation 10+20
Prepare estimation for the given problem manually OR using estimation
3 3 30
simulation software
4 Calculate the size of capacitor bank required at given substation 10
Interpret given layout drawings of (220kV, OR 110kV OR 66kV) outdoor
5 2 10
6 Viva-Voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.3 SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Report of Substation visit and Distribution line maintenance. 10
1.Identify different types of HT/LT cables
2 2. Identify the type of HT/LT line insulators 2 15
3. Identify various sizes of copper wires and cable insulation FR/FRLS/FRLSH.
Demonstrate termination of LT/HT cables
3 OR 2 35
Demonstrate cable glanding
Verify the case study for correct Observation and recommend suggestions for
the Case on operation of 11KV/440V distribution system.
4 2 20
Verify the case study for correct Observation and recommend suggestions for
the Case on distribution line maintenance 10+05
5 Viva voce 20
Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students
Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Trivector energy meter 1
2 Common Meter Reading Instrument (CMRI) 1
3 Distributed Digital Fault Recorder (DDFR) 1
4 SBM (Spot billing machine) 1
5 Capacitor Banks 1
6 GNU Octave/ SCI LAB /PSCAD /MATLAB software 20
7 Electrical Estimation software 20

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering Semester III
Course Code 20EE33P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Switchgear and Protection Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
L: T:P: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale:
Electrical switch gears and protective devices are the main components of power systems in any type of
industry like power sector, manufacturing, process industry, hospitals, hotels, commercial buildings etc. An
electrical and electronics diploma graduate should be capable of testing, commissioning, troubleshooting and
maintenance of the electrical switchgears and protection devices.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO-01 Demonstrate the operation and testing of a given switchgear.
Select a switchgear for a given application and list the procedures for preventive maintenance of
such a switchgear to ensure it performs optimally.
Demonstrate the testing of a protection scheme for a given power system including all its
elements (alternators, transformers, bus bars and feeders).
Identify accessories of a control panel and demonstrate the testing procedure of a given LV control

3. Course Content:
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week Criteria)
No. 4 hours/week (2
CO PO* 3 hours/week 1 hour
hours/batch twice in a
Topics/subtopics /week
1.Meaning of Switch gear, Types-Indoor
type and Outdoor type, Essential
features of Switchgear, List most 1.Identify various fuse sets
commonly used Switchgear equipment viz., HRC, DO, 33KV fuse set,
and Protective Devices for switching etc.
and interruption of current.
Importance of power system protection
and Necessity of Protective Devices.
2.Sources of Faults, Types of faults,
Harmful Effects of short circuit current, Refer table
1 1 1,4
Symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults 1
on three-phase systems. 2a. Measure and select the
3.Fuse- Meaning, List the types of fuses appropriate size of fuse
with applications, Fuse Element wire.
Materials, Desirable features of Fuse 2b. Test the HRC fuse by
elements, Characteristics of fuse. performing a Load test.
Important Terms: Current Rating of
Fuse element, fusing current, fusing
factor, Prospective current, cut off
current, Pre-Arcing Time, Arcing Time,

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Breaking Capacity, Total Operating
HRC fuses –list the types and
applications, general construction and
working, Merits and demerits.
1.Circuit Breaker – Meaning,
1a. Identify the various
Classification of Circuit Breakers, list
types of CB- MCB, ELCB,
the types -LV, HV types with
Trace and locate MCBs used
Explain the terminologies – Circuit
in your institution and note
Breaker Rating, Arc-Voltage, Arching
down their specifications.
Time, Pre –Arcing Time, Prospective
1b. Dismantle MCCB/ELCB
Current, TRV, Recovery Voltage, RRRV,
and identify various parts.
Total Break Time, Making current,
1c. Test the MCB and plot
Breaking current, Short circuit rating Refer table
2 1 1,2,4 its inverse time
and Short-time current rating. 1
characteristic curve.
2.Construction, working principle and
applications of ELCB, RCCB, MCCB and
Concept of ACCL (automatic
2a. Troubleshooting and
changeover with current limiter).
servicing of LT circuit
3.MCB- Types, Classification based on
trip curves and their application,
2b. Test any commercially
General construction and working,
available ACCL.
Characteristics of MCB.
Visit to Substation.
1a. Identify the parts of
circuit breaker and check
1.HV Circuit Breaker- working concept. its operation.
ACB- Working principle, Construction, 1b. Demonstrate test
Merits, Demerits & Applications. tripping characteristic of
circuit breaker for over
current and short circuit
Refer table current.
3 1,2 1,2,4
2.VACUUM CB- Working principle, 2a. Demonstrate
Construction, Merits, Demerits & Installation operation and
Applications. maintenance of SF6 circuit
3.SF6 CB- Working principle, breaker, Vacuum circuit
Construction, Merits, Demerits & breaker.
Applications. 2b. Carry out timer test on
Concept of RMU (Ring main unit) and circuit breakers.
LBS (Load Break Switch) 2c. Demo on RMU
1.Protective Relay- Definition, Types
of relays, Classification of protective
relaying with applications, Meaning of 1a. Demonstrate various
Primary and Back up protections, parts of the relay and
Desired qualities of Protective Relaying, ascertain the operation.
General Features of protective relays. 1b. Demonstrate setting of
Refer table
4 1 1,4 Important Terms: pick up VA, Hold-on pick-up current/ time
VA, drop out VA and Burden setting multiplier for relay
Pickup current, current setting, PSM, operation. Ref.7(7)
TSM, Time -PSM Curve.
2.Construction. Working principle and 2a. Test the Earth Leakage
application of Earth Leakage relay. Relay. (Anyone type).
Meaning of ZCT (Zero-Phase Current 2b. Test the

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Transformers), CBCT (Core balance CT) Electromechanical over
- construction, working and application. current OR over voltage
3.Construction. Working principle and relay.
application of Induction type Electro-
mechanical Over Current and
Overvoltage Relays. Merits and
Demerits of Electro- Mechanical relays.
List and explain different Testing
Methods for Relays
1.Test the Static Over
Voltage and Under Voltage
1a. Block diagram and working of Relay and Plot its inverse
Microprocessor/ Microcontroller based time – Voltage
Overcurrent Relay. Characteristics.
1b. Causes of over voltages and under OR
voltages, Effects of OV/UV. 1.Test static Over Current
Relay (Anyone type of static
2a. Construction, working and
application of Static relays- OV/UV
relay and OCR relay. Refer table
5 1 1,4 2b. Lightning arresters & surge 2a. Program and test the
absorbers - Construction and principle Numerical Over Current/
of operation. Earth Fault Relay for
Normal inverse curve for
3a. Construction, working and various PSM and TMS and
applications of Numerical Relays. for definite Time
Comparison of Static Relays with operations.
Electro-Magnetic Relays and 2b. Demonstrate
microprocessor/microcontroller-based multifunctional numerical
relays. relays.
3b. Concept of Multifunction Protection
numerical Relays.
Transformer protection:
1a. Explain Abnormalities & List
different types of Faults. 1.Test the operation of
1b. Construction and working of Buchholz Relay.
Circulating Current Scheme for
Transformers Protection. Ref.7(10)
2a. Construction and working of Earth
Fault or Leakage Protection Systems for Refer table
6 3 1,4
Transformer. 1
2a. Conduct BDVT on
2b. Construction and working Stator
Transformer oil.
Inter Turn Protection for transformers.
2b. Demo on Restricted
3a. Construction and working of
earth fault protection of
Buchholz Relay.
3b. Transformer oil – Electrical
properties, desired properties and
applications of Transformer oil , BDVT.
1.Alternator Protection-Types of
Protection, Explain Abnormalities and
Refer table Simulate/Test Alternator
7 3 1,4 List different types of Faults.
1 protection scheme.
2.Construction and working of
Differential protection for Alternators.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

3.Construction and working of Balanced
Earth Fault Protection for Alternators.
Feeder Protection:
1a. Explain abnormalities and list
1.Simulate/Test the
different types of Faults.
operation Distance Relay.
1b. Time Graded Over Current
Protection on transmission line.
2a. Construction and working of
Differential Pilot – Wire Protection. Refer table
8 3 1,4
2b. Discuss Basic principle of Distance 1
Protection. 2.Simulate/Test the
Bus–Bar Protection: operation of
3a. Explain Abnormalities & List Differential Relay.
different types of Faults.
3b. Construction and working of
Differential Protection of Bus -Bars.
1.List Testing methods of Circuit
1.Test the operation of the
Breaker, Explain type test and routine
LV circuit breaker.
test & maintenance.
2.List & Explain Testing methods of
CT’s & PT’s and Maintenance of Relays. Refer table
9 1,3
3.Explain Substation Earthing (Solid, 1
2. Demonstrate Substation
Resistance and Reactance Earthing), -
Neutral Earthing-Importance and types
-Explain Principle and applications
Peterson coil.
1.Control Panel –Meaning, Typical low voltage power
Types/various forms, construction of distribution panel-
typical control panel. Identify and study the types
Power gears- Isolators, SFU (switch of contactors- Power
fuse unit), change over switch, selector contactors and auxiliary
switch. contactors.
Dis-assemble, perform
2.Contactors – types, configuration and Refer table preventive maintenance,
10 4 2,3,4
their specifications, various control 1 service, assemble and test
accessories like PB switches, Indicators. the contactors.
Testing of control panel
a. Visual test
3.Explain various sections of control b. Insulation test
panel- Incoming section, outgoing c. Testing of control circuit.
section, busbar section. d. Testing of power circuit
e. Conduct Logic tests
1.Metering section – Energy meter, 1.Install and test
Trivector meter, multi-function meter. Multifunction meter.
2.Various auxiliary relays: lockout, DC
failure relay, TCS (trip circuit
11 4 4 supervision relay), contact multiplier 2a. Identify and test various
relay. Auxiliary relays
-Safety interlocks. 2b. Demonstrate(video)
3.Significance and importance of: Interlocking operation.
IEC 61439 standards ANSI Device

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

1.Motor Control Centre (MCC):
1.Test the Motor Protection
working, typical specification and
application: Motor protection relay
2a. Working, typical specification and
12 1,4 4 application: Thermal Overload Relays
2b. Working, typical specification and 2.Test the operation of
application: Bimetal Relays -Direct / CT Thermal OLR
3.Scope of IEC standard IEC 60947-4-1
1.APFC (Automatic power Factor
1.Test the operation of
Control panel) - construction and

13 4 4 2.AMF (Automatic mains failure) panel

- Construction and working.
2.Test the operation of AMF
3.STP (Standard Temperature Pressure panel.
Control) panel- Construction and
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Students and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution).
Week Activity

I. Explain the Phenomena of Short Circuit and overload with the help of a general circuit
1 1
1. Explain various parameters considered in selecting a fuse
2. Explain specification of fuse for a particular application
3. Explain different mounting methods

Document and present

1.Selection of MCB for various applications.
2 2
2.Gradation of MCBs rating for a particular application/circuit.
3.Specifications of MCB for a particular application.

3 3 Document and present the maintenance schedule of ACB, SF6 and VCB circuit breaker.

1. Explain the specifications of ELR and Electro- mechanical over current Relay
4 4
2. Draw and explain wiring of the trip circuit of MCCB/ ACB.

1.Explain Numerical OCR wiring diagram.

5 5 2.Explain the concept of Restricted Earth fault protection.
3.Explain the concept of Voltage restrained Overcurrent relay.

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Calculate Fault current at each stage of following, given Electrical System SLD having
details of.
1. Main Incoming HT Supply Voltage is 6.6 KV.
6 6
2. Fault Level at HT Incoming Power Supply is 360 MVA.
3. Transformer Rating is 2.5 MVA.
4. Transformer Impedance is 6%.

1.Explain the features of the Numerical differential protection relay.

7 7
2.Explain Inadvertent/Back Energization of Generator

Study commercially available numerical Distance relay (SIPROTEC 7SA61)

8 8 1. List the features of digital Distance relay
2. List functions of digital Distance relay

9 9 Document and present on Testing and maintenance of LV Circuit Breaker, CT and PT.

Study the Metering section, Bus Bar section, CT, PT, Contactors and relays in the control
Draw the SLD, list the components and
10 10
Write the specification of a typical control panel and its accessories.
Draw the metering circuit wiring diagram.
Read control panel wiring and identify ANSI codes of components.

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
11 11 on industry
1. Case study on “Medium voltage (MV) switchgear “

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
12 12
on industry

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
13 13
on industry

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

5. Format for CIE written Test
Course Name Switchgear and Protection Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20EE33P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
1 Principles of Power System'' by V. K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta S. Chand, 4th revised edition 2008
Power System Protection and Switchgear by Buvanesh A Oza, Nirmalkumar C Nair, Rases P Mehta
and Vijay H Makwana, McGraw HILL Education (India Pvt. Ltd) Newdelhi
3 J.B.Gupta “Switchgear & Protection”, (edition), Katson Publisher,2008
MadhavaRao T.S., 'Power System Protection - Static Relays', McGraw Hill, New Delhi,2nd Edition,
21st reprinted, 2008.
5 Handbook of Switchgears by BHEL
Testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of electrical equipment by Sunil S Rao,
Khanna Publications
7 Protection relay: Power system protection - YouTube
8 Transmission Line Protection (21) - YouTube
9 Restricted Earth Fault Protection|REF relay working principle - YouTube

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

12 Bus Bar Protection|Busbar Differential Protection|How busbar is protected - YouTube
Directional Over current relay|Protection of parallel lines|Directional over current protection -
Distance Protection|Transmission Line Protection|Impedance protection|Protection of line -
15 Differential protection in power transformer - YouTube
16 Protection of transformer - YouTube
17 Differential protection - YouTube
18 Transformer Differential Protection: Challenges and Solutions - YouTube
Earth Leakage Relay - ELR / How to Wire ELR & CBCT with MCCB / Working Principle of ELR -
21 Over current relay CDG 31 - YouTube
Smart WiFi Circuit Breaker Automatic Remote-Control Protection for Solar and any other
22 appliances

8.1 CIE-4 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions(week1-week6) 10
1. Identify different types of Fuses and their applications.
2 1 10
2.Identify different types of LV circuit breakers and their applications
Demonstrate preventive maintenance of given Circuit breaker
3 2 20
Demonstrate the operation of a given Switchgear and plot its characteristics
i. Drawing of the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 15
4 ii. Demonstrate testing of (relay/fuse/MCB) for a Given operation 30 1 50
iii. plotting the characteristics 15

5 Viva voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.2 CIE-5 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

SL. No. Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week7-week 12) 10
2 identify and test given relay / auxiliary relay 1 10
Demonstration of protection scheme
i. Drawing of the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 05 30
3 3
ii. Simulate/ Demonstrate working of protection scheme 25

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Testing of control panel wiring in LV control panels
i. Reading electrical drawings and demonstrate control panel wiring 10

ii. cable size and bus bar rating selection for given application. 10
4 4 40
iii. Testing control panel – Tracing control wiring, identifying components as
per IEC and ANSI codes, test the components 20

5 Viva voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.3 SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week1- week13) 10

i. Selection of switch gears and its ratings for given application.

2 2 10
ii. Selection of MCB rating and class as per applications / selection of fuse rating
and type for given application.
Demonstrate the operation of a given Switchgear and plot its characteristics
i. Drawing of the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 15
ii. Demonstrate testing of (relay/fuse/MCB) for a Given operation 30
iii. plotting the characteristics 15
Demonstration of protection scheme
i. Drawing of the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 05
3 ii. Simulate/ Demonstrate working of protection scheme 55 60
OR 1/3 /4
Testing of control panel wiring in LV control panels
i. Reading electrical drawings and demonstrate control panel wiring 15

ii. cable size and bus bar rating selection for given application. 15

iii. Testing control panel – Tracing control wiring, identifying components as per
IEC and ANSI codes, test the components. 30

4 Viva voce 20
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity
Different types of fuses (kit-kat fuse, cartridge fuse, glass 2 no.
fuse etc.) (For identification experiment) Each
2 Single pole MCB 6 A ,220 V 6
3 Single-phase ELCB 6A ,220 V 30 mA 2
4 MCCB (for study / identification experiment only) 125 A 415V 1
MPCB (Motor Protection Circuit Breaker) of any low
5 current rating (for study / identification experiment 3 Phase 415 V 1
6 Automatic changeover with current limiter (ACCL) 5

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Air circuit breaker 1
DPST and SPST knife switches or 2 pole, 3way, 6A
8 6
selector switch
DPST and SPST knife switches or 2 pole, 3way, 6A
9 10A or 16 A or 32 A, 415 V 5
selector switch
10 3 phase auxiliary contactor - any model with 2NO + 2 NC. 10 A , 415 V 5
Single-phase Auto
11 Single-phase Auto transformer 6
12 Transformer (for voltage injection purpose) 240V/500V 4
13 Transformer (for current injection purpose) 240V/24V, 20A 4
45ohms 8.5 A, 100 ohms 5
14 Rheostats 2
A, 300 ohms 2.5 A
3 Phase 415 V, 0-4.5 or 0-6
15 Thermal Overload Relay 4
A or 0-10 A
3 HP, 3 Ph Induction
16 Motor Protection Relay 2
Digital Time Interval Meter (Digital stop watch may also 0-999 ms, 0-99.9 sec, 0-
be used as alternative) 99.9 min
18 Single-phase preventer (phase failure relay) 2
Lock out relay with 2 NO and 2 NC (any low rating
19 2
Electro-mechanical Relay Trainer Kit or module with 4
mm banana pin sockets and patch cords. (TYPE - Over
20 1 set
Load Relay or Over Voltage Relay or Under Voltage Relay
or Earth Fault Relay
Static Relay (OLR or OVR or UVR or EFR – ANY ONE)
21 Trainer Kit or module with 4 mm banana pin sockets and 1 set
patch cords.
Numerical relay or Digital relay (OLR or OVR or UVR or
22 EFR – ANY ONE)-Trainer Kit or module with 4 mm 1 set
banana pin sockets and patch cords.
23 Buchholz Relay 1
AUX. Current source / current injection kit suitable for
24 the above trainer kits with 4 mm banana pin sockets and 15A 3
patch cords.
AUX Voltage source / voltage injection kit suitable for
25 the above trainer kits with 4 mm banana pin sockets and 220 V AC /110 V DC 3
patch cords.
26 Fuse and MCB testing- trainer kit 2
27 P-spice/ GNU-Octave/MatLab
27 Multifunction meter
28 Trivector meter 3- phase 1
TCS(trip circuit supervision relay
24/30/48 V DC 110-125/220-250 V DC/AC

30 Lock out Relay 1

Department of Collegiate and Technical Education, Government of Karnataka

Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering Semester III
Course Code 20EE34P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Analog and Digital Electronics Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Analog Electronic circuits are used to amplify, process and filter analog signals which are continuously
variable, using amplifiers, Oscillators, switching circuits, operational amplifiers etc. Digital electronic circuits
are usually made from large assemblies of logic gates. This digital logic circuitry is based on a binary system
which has only two voltage levels, Low and High viz., Digital computers. Any intelligent electronic system is
built by a combination of analog and digital circuits hence, it is imperative for any aspiring Technician to
acquaint with the concepts of analog and digital electronics.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Identify the components of a given electronic circuit, list the uses and characteristics of the
components and test the components to ensure they are in working condition.
Use datasheets to list the alternative electronic components for a given electronic circuit
ensuring the results/output remains the same.
Build an electronic circuit for a given application and demonstrate its working either in real or a
simulated environment.
Test a given circuit for desired result/outcome, identify the problem and troubleshoot to obtain
the desired result/output.

3. Course Content
Lecture (Activit Practice
We (Knowledge Criteria) y (Performance Criteria)
ek Criteri
1 hour 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch twice in a
3 hours/week
/week week)
1a. Identify the different types of
1b. Measure the resistor values using
ANALOG ELECTRONICS colour code and verify the reading by
1.Passive components (Resistor, measuring in the multimeter.
Inductors and capacitors): 1c. Identify the power rating of carbon
1 1 1,4 Introduction, symbols, units,
Table 1 resistors by their size
identification, selection and 1d. Identify different inductors and
applications. measure the values using LCR meter.
1e. Identify the different capacitors and
measure capacitance of various
capacitors using LCR meter.

Meaning, list semiconductor
materials (Si, Ge,GaAs).
-list characteristics of
-Draw covalent bond diagram: Si,
Ge, GaAs
-Intrinsic Semiconductors-Two 2a. Preparation of components, use of
types of flow (free electrons & soldering iron and lead and flux.
holes) 2b. Standard Soldering practice to
Ref 7(1) connect the components on base-board
3.Doping a Semiconductor- /PCB/assembly board (follow soldering
Explain two types of Extrinsic standard).
Semiconductors (n-type and p-
-concept of majority carrier and
minority carriers.
-Diode- formation, depletion
1a. Study and interpret data sheets of
diodes and Zener diodes.
1. Diode-VI Characteristics,
1b. Execute testing of given
types, ratings and applications.
diode using multimeter
Zener diode- reverse bias
and determine forward to
characteristics, voltage
reverse resistance ratio.
Regulation, shunt voltage
1c. Construct and test Zener based
regulator and their applications.
voltage regulator circuit.

2.Bipolar Junction Transistors

(BJT): Structure, Types, symbols,
Construction, operation of
(NPN/PNP) transistors.
Table 1
2 2,3 1,4 BJT Configurations, Transistor 2a. Identify different transistors with
currents, alpha, beta and respect to different package type, B-E-C
relationship between alpha and pins, power, switching transistor, heat
beta. sinks etc
3. CE input and output b. Obtain output characteristics of BJT in
characteristics- cut off, CE configuration in physical mode.
saturation, and active regions. OR
-Transistor biasing- definition, Simulate output characteristics of BJT in
importance, list types. CE configuration
- Explain Voltage divider bias. Ref.7(6)
Transistor as a switch in CE
-Stabilisation, thermal runaway,
heat sink. Ref.7(7).
1a. Identify terminals of a MOSFET and
1. FET- types. MOSFET- b. Obtain output characteristics of
definition, types, symbols, N type MOSFET in physical mode.
enhancement mode- OR
construction, working, MOSFET Refer
3 1,3 1,4 Simulate output characteristics of
characteristics Table 1

2.Construct and test MOSFET application

2. MOSFET as switch, ratings. circuit (MOSFET as a switch)

3. List applications of MOSFET,
Differentiate between BJT and
1a. Identify the different types of fixed
1. Rectifiers- half wave, centre +ve and –ve regulator ICs and the
tapped FWR, efficiency, ripple different current ratings (78/79 series)
factor, PIV. 1b. Build +5V 1A DC Power Supply.
Filters- definition, necessity, C OR
and PI filters. Build +12V 1A DC Power Supply
2. Regulated power supply- block Refer
4 3,4 1,4 diagram and applications. Table 1 2a. Identify different heat sinks for IC
Regulator- working of 7805,
based regulators
mention operating voltages of
b. Identify the parts, trace the connection
7809, 7812, 7905, 7912
and test the DC regulated power supply
Op-amp regulator, 723 regulators
with safety.
(Transistorized & IC based).
c. Troubleshoot and service a DC
3. Testing and Troubleshooting of
regulated power supply.
Regulated Power Supply.
1. Working of LED, IR LEDs, 1a. Identify the different types of LEDs
Photodiode, photo transistor and and IR LEDs.
their characteristics and 1b. Identify optocoupler input/output
applications. terminals and measure the quantum of
Opto-couplers, circuits with isolation between the terminals
Opto-Isolators. 1c. Construct a circuit to switch lamp
LASER diodes-characteristics and load using phototransistor
5 1,3 1,4 applications.
Table 1
2.Amplifier- faithful
amplification, classification based
on configuration, power, and 2. Construct and test a common emitter
frequency amplifier with and without bypass
3. Transistor CE amplifier with capacitors. Ref.7(13)
biasing, Working of Push pull
1. Construct and test OP AMP as a
1. OPAMP– block diagram, Summer.
operation, Characteristics, Use an Analog IC tester to test the Analog
applications, μA 741 pin diagram. ICs.

2.OPAMP applications– inverting,

differentiator. Integrator,
summer, voltage follower, and Refer 2. Construct and test Astable timer
6 1,3 1,4
comparator. Table 1 circuit using IC 555.
Construct and test mono stable timer
circuit using IC 555. Ref.7(14)
3. Timer– block diagram, pin Use an Analog IC tester to test the Analog
diagram of IC 555, duty cycle, ICs
time-delay, Applications, A stable
and Monostable multi-vibrators
using IC 555.
1. Definitions- bit, nibble, byte,
word, and parity bit. Refer 1. Solve problems on
7 3 1,2
Number system- definition, types, Table 1 number system
radix, decimal, BCD, binary
and hexadecimal.
2. Binary number system, Binary
arithmetic: addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division
Complements: 1’s, 2’s. 2. Solve problems on conversion.
3. Hexadecimal- addition,
subtraction, Conversion- decimal
to binary, decimal to hexadecimal
1. An electronic telephone exchange is
being powered by a normal power
supply. However, looking at the
criticality of the exchange, a power
backup generator is also installed, which
can supply power in case of power
failure. An alarm circuit is to be designed.
There will be two LEDs (one green and
the other red) on the front panel of the
1. Boolean variable, complement,
exchange, such that the green LED glows
Boolean function, expression,
when power supply is available. In case
truth table. Boolean Algebra-
of failure of power supply, the exchange
rules and laws. Ref.7(15)
draws its power from a generator, and in
this case, the green LED goes OFF and
the RED LED glows. In case, the
generator also goes down, both green
Refer LED and red LED go OFF and a buzzer
8 3 1,2,4
Table 1 starts ringing indicating that there is a
major failure. Design and implement this
control circuit for both the LEDs and the
2.Logic gates NOT, AND, OR-
definition, symbol, Boolean
equation, truth table and 2. Akshay’s Automated Cafeteria orders a
working. Logic gates NAND, NOR, machine to dispense coffee, tea, and milk.
EX-OR- definition, symbol, Design the machine so that it has a
Boolean equation, truth table and button (input line) for each choice and so
working. De Morgan's theorems- that a customer can have at most one of
statement and equations the three choices. Diagram the circuit to
ensure that the “at most one” condition is
3. Karnaugh’s map up to three
met. Implement the Circuit
variables- Simplification and
drawing logic diagrams.
1a. Construct Half Adder circuit using ICs
and verify the truth table
1. COMBINATIONAL LOGIC 1b. Construct Full adder with two Half
CIRCUITS- Half adder- block adder circuits using ICs and verify the
diagram, logic diagram using truth table.
AND and XOR, truth table and Use a digital IC tester to test the digital
working. ICs
9 1,3 1,4
Table 1
2. Full adder- block diagram, logic 2. Construct a circuit to verify the truth
diagram using AND, OR and table of 4:1 multiplexer using IC 74153
XOR, truth table and working. and 1:4 Demultiplexer using IC 74139.
3. Multiplexer and Demultiplexer,
4:1 MUX, 1: 4 DEMUX Use a digital IC tester to test the digital
List real life applications of MUX ICs

1. Encoders and Decoders-
definition, applications. 1. Construct a circuit to display 0-9 digits
Seven segment display- working using standard Seven segment display
with the help of decoder/ driver IC
7446/ or 7447.
Use a digital IC tester to test the digital
10 1,3 1,4
Table 1
2. FLIP-FLOPS: S-R flip-flops,
Clocked RS flip flop- block 2a. Identify different Flip-Flop (ICs) by
diagram, truth table, logic the number printed on them
diagram. 2b. Verify the truth tables of Flip-Flop ICs
3. D flip- flop, JK flip-flop and T (RS, D, T, JK, MSJK) by connecting
Flip-flop and Master JK flip-flop - switches and LEDs.
block diagram, truth table, logic
1. Shift Registers- definition,
types and applications. Four-bit 1. Construct and test a four-bit SIPO
SISO using D Flip flops- block register.
diagram, truth table and
2.Four-bit SIPO, PISO and PIPO
11 1,3 1,4
shift registers using D flip flops-
block diagram, truth table and
operation. 2.Construct and test four-bit PIPO
3.Counters- definition, modulus register.
concept, timing diagram, types
and applications
1.Four-bit binary asynchronous
counter- block diagram using JK 1. construct and test 4-bit Asynchronous
flip flops, truth table, timing binary up /down counter (IC 74LS193)
diagram and working
2. Four-bit decade asynchronous Refer
12 3,4 1,4 counter- block diagram using JK Table 1
flip flops, truth table, timing 2. Rig up and test the truth table of
diagram and working.
Decade Asynchronous Counter (IC
3.Three-bit synchronous up 74LS90)
counter- block diagram, truth
table, timing diagram and
1.Digital to Analog converters: 1.Construct and test (Binary weighted
Binary weighted Resistor, DAC- Resistor) Digital to Analog converter
block diagram and operation. circuit.
2. D/A converter specifications:
resolution, accuracy and
13 1,3 1,4 conversion speed.
-Selection criteria for DAC 2.Construct and test the Analog to Digital
3. Analog to Digital converters: converter circuit. Ref.7(16,17)
Successive Approximation ADC-
block diagram and operation.
-Selection criteria for ADC
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of
all possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are
relevant to the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution)
Sl We
No. ek

1. Explain types of inductors, construction, specifications, applications and energy
storage concepts.
2. Explain types of capacitors, construction, specifications and applications. Dielectric
3. Explain Capacitor behaviour with AC and DC. Concept of Time constant of a RC circuit.
1 1
1. Draw the atomic structure of Si, Ge, Ga and As.
2. Draw the energy level diagrams for Insulators, Conductors and Semiconductors, and
list values of energy gap for Ge,Si and GaAs.
3. Draw the covalent-bond diagram for n-type and p-type material.
4. Explain the effect of donor impurities on energy band structure.
5. List the commercial applications of Ge,Si and GaAs.

I. Study datasheets of diode 1N4001-1N4007, select a diode which has peak repetitive voltage
(VRRM) of 100V, RMS Reverse Voltage of 70V, Average rectified current of 1 Amp and can
withstand temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Demonstrate the appropriate method of
mounting the diode or its alternatives.
2 2 II. Study given Handy Mobile Phone Charger Circuit, identify components required, test the
components for working condition, build circuit in a bread board and test the circuit for
desired output, if desired output is not obtained, troubleshoot to obtain desired result.
Demonstrate the working of a circuit in the class.
III. Demonstrate troubleshooting of simple DC circuit using any simulation software.

Study given basic LED Emergency Light with day light sensing Circuit, identify components
required, test the components for working condition, build circuit in a bread board and test
3 3 the circuit for desired output, if desired output is not obtained, troubleshoot to obtain desired
result. Demonstrate the working of a circuit in the class. Demonstrate troubleshooting of LED
Emergency Light circuit using any simulation software.

1.Build a (0 –30) V variable output regulated power supply using IC LM317 circuit. test the
circuit for desired output and demonstrate the working of circuits in the class.
4 4
2. Demonstrate the output voltage of different IC 723 metal/ plastic type and IC 78540
regulators by varying the input voltage with fixed load.

5 5 Demonstrate the operation of Automatic Fence Lighting Circuit with Alarm.

1. Explain the criteria for selecting an appropriate Operational Amplifier for a given
2. Demonstrate working of OP-AMP based Peak detector
6 6
3. Demonstrate working of OP-AMP precision rectifier. List commercially available
OP-AMP precision rectifiers and their applications.
II. Build Adjustable Dual Timer Circuit using 555 Timer IC and demonstrate the
working of circuit in the class.

1. Explain applications of 1s and 2s complement.

2. Explain applications of hexadecimal number system
7 7
3. Explain advantages of hexadecimal number system
4. Explain applications of BCD number system

5. Explain limitations of BCD number system

Two-Floor Elevator
Numerous functions must be performed by the circuitry of an elevator
(open/close door, move up/down, light up/down indicator, and so on).
This example focuses on one aspect of a two-floor elevator: deciding when to move to the
other floor.
8 8
1. Draw the truth table for given logical conditions.
2. write the logical expression.
3. Draw the logical diagram.
4. Implement the circuit.
5. Test the circuit for all possible input conditions.

I. A committee of three Individuals decides issues for an organization. Each individual votes
YES or NO for each proposal that arises. A proposal is passed if it receives at least two YES
votes. Design a circuit that determines whether a proposal is passed.
1. Draw the truth table for given logical conditions.
2. Prepare K-map and deduce simplified logical expression
3. Draw the logical diagram
4. Implement the circuit.
5. Test the circuit for all possible input conditions
9 9
II. Production line control
Rods of varying length travel on conveyor belt
● Mechanical arm pushes rod within (+/- 5%) to one side
● Second arm pushes rods too long to other side
● rods that are too short stay on belt
● 3 light barriers (light source photocell) as sensors
Design combinational circuit to activate arms.
(Inputs are three sensors and outputs are two arm control signals)

Study 8-to-3 Bit Priority Encoder (74LS148).

1.Explain how it can be used in magnetic positional control as used on ships navigation or
10 10 for robotic arm positioning etc
2. Draw truth table for above application
3. Draw block diagram and logic diagram

1.Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
11 11 on industry.
2. Demonstrate basic Traffic light signal circuit using counters

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
12 12
on industry.

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
13 13
on industry.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100
Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100
test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Course Name Analog and Digital Electronics Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20EE32P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. Description

1 Electronic Devices and Circuits theory by Robert L. Boylestad Louis Nashelsky

2 Electronics Principles by Malvino, Mc. Graw Hill, Third edition. 2000.

3 Electronics Devices and Circuits by Allen Mottershead, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., First Edition

4 Electronics Principles and applications by Charles A Schuler and Roger L Tokhiem, Sixth
Edition, Mc. Graw Hill, 2008. 2. 3.. 4.. 5.

5 Electronics Analog and Digital by I. J. Nagrath, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2013 Edition

6 Linear Integrated Circuits by Ramakant A. Gayakwad, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Fourth Edition.

7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCqQhqLTmxw

8 https://bestengineeringprojects.com/automatic-cut-off-power-supply/

9 https://www.circuitstoday.com/5v-power-supply-using-7805

10 http://www.ide.iitkgp.ac.in/Pedagogy view/example.jsp?USER ID=70

11 https://bestengineeringprojects.com/noise-free-dual-polarity-12v-power-supply-circuit/

12 https://bestengineeringprojects.com/problem-and-troubleshooting-of-power-supply/

13 https://bestengineeringprojects.com/regulated-power-supply-troubleshooting/

14 http://ee.cet.ac.in/downloads/Notes/ECLab/04-CE%20Amplifier.pdf

15 https://bestengineeringprojects.com/adjustable-dual-timer-circuit-using-555-timer-ic/

16 https://www.iitg.ac.in/cseweb/vlab/Digital-System-Lab/experiments.php

17 https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/dac0808.pdf?ts=1613370064634&ref url=https%253A

18 https://www.mepits.com/project/336/diy-projects/diy-project-digital-thermometer

19 Work sheets digital

1. https://www.liveworksheets.com/un1107740kg
2. https://nohoacsl.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/2/2/112297219/
digital electronics worksheet.pdf

20 https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ee100/su07/handouts/EE100-MultiSim-Tutorial.pdf

21 http://eceweb1.rutgers.edu/~psannuti/ece223/Manual-for-multisim.pdf

8. 1 CIE-4 & 5 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions 10
Visually identify the passive /active components by Code number and
2 1 05
demonstrate if the component is in working condition
3 Identify and explain the Data Sheets for the given Electronic Devices 2 05
Demonstrate the working condition of components (Diode, BJT, MOSFET, Zener
4 3 10
diode, Phototransistor, OP Amp etc.,)
Identify the problem in a given circuit and demonstrate the troubleshooting
5 4 20
method used to rectify that problem. (RPS, OP Amp circuit, 555Timer circuit)
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including;
i. Draw the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 05
ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10
6 3 40
iii. Demonstrate the working of the circuit. 20
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected circuit outcomes. 05

7 Viva-voce 10
Total 100

8.2 SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions 10
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including
i.Draw the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 10
ii. Identify and explain the Data Sheets of the electronic Devices. 10
2 iii. Demonstrate the working condition of electronics devices 10 1,2,3 70
iv. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 15
v. Demonstrate the working of the circuit. 20
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected circuit outcomes. 05
3 Viva-voce 20
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity
1 DC Regulated power supply (0-30V, 2A) 10
2 DC Regulated Dual power supply (+/- 15V,2A) 10
3 DC Regulated Dual power supply (+/- 5, 1A) 10
4 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Dual trace, 25 MHz. 10
5 Signal Generator / Function generator (5V P-P, 200mA) 06
6 DC Voltmeter (0-1V) 10
7 DC Voltmeter (0-10V) 10
8 DC Voltmeter (0-30V) 10
9 DC Ammeter (0 -100mA) 05
10 DC Ammeter (0 -10mA) 10
11 DC Ammeter (0 -100mA) 10
12 Digital Multimeter- 31 /2” 06 06
13 Analog Multimeter 06
14 LCR meter 02
15 Decade resistance box (4 Dial) 10
16 Decade capacitor box (4 Dial) 10
17 Analog IC Trainer Kit 10
18 Digital Trainer kit 10
19 Digital IC Tester. 02
Electronic Circuit Simulation Software
20. (Multisim/Pspice/ LT spice/GNU-Octave/ MatLab- 20


Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering Semester IV
Course Code 20EE41P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Electric Motors Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

1. Rationale:
Electric motors impact almost every aspect of modern living through the use of various Appliances. They are
used at some point in the manufacturing process of nearly every conceivable product that is produced in
modern factories and has nearly unlimited number of applications. An Electrical Technician is expected to
Analyse the performance and select a particular motor for an application followed by testing, troubleshooting
and maintenance of the same.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets:

On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Conduct performance analysis of a given electrical motor, draw its characteristics and determine
the right motor for a specific application.
CO-02 Select, Install and test the motor to be used for a specific application.
Describe test parameters, testing procedures and demonstrate the troubleshooting of a given
electric motor to ensure it performs optimally.
Construct power circuit and control circuits using appropriate components /devices to control
the given electric motor.

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO* Criteria)
1 hour 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
/week twice in a week)
Follow Safety rules and Safe
working practices (Demo)
1. Identify the terminals, and test
1. DC Motors: Working principle, the field and armature windings of
back emf & voltage equation- a DC machine for open circuit,
simple problems. short circuit and ground faults
using test lamp /megger, check the
insulation resistance, identify and
locate the possible faults.
2. Types of motor-circuit diagram
with voltage equation. Refer
1 1 1,4
-meaning of Torque Table1
-torque developed by D.C motors,
torque equation [no derivation] -
2. Control the Speed of the DC
torque- speed relationship
shunt motor by Armature voltage
3a. Characteristics of D.C. Motors
-Torque – Speed, Speed – Load
Plot the graph.
and Torque – Load
3b. Methods of speed control:
– shunt field control
–Armature or Rheostatic control
-Voltage control

Follow Safety rules and Safe

working practices
1a. Identify the parts of the 3-
phase squirrel cage induction
motor, test it for open circuit, short
1. Induction Motors: Working
circuit and ground faults using a
principle of induction motor.
test lamp / megger, check the
Rotating magnetic field produced
insulation resistance, identify and
by polyphase supply.
locate the possible faults. Suggest
1b. Connect forward & reverse a 3-
Refer phase squirrel cage induction
2 1 1,2,4
Table1 motor.
2. Construction of stator, squirrel
cage rotor and phase wound 2a. Identify the parts of 3 phase
rotor. slip ring induction motor, test it for
Slip, frequency of rotor current. open circuit, short circuit and
Problems. ground faults using test
3. Starting torques of squirrel lamp/megger, check the insulation
cage and slip ring induction resistance, identify and locate the
motor with expression. possible faults. Suggest remedies.
Condition for max starting Ref.7(5)
torque. Effect of change in supply 2b. Connect forward & reverse a
voltage on starting torque. 3-phase slip ring induction motor.
1. Equation for torque under
running conditions.
-Draw torque – slip curves. Follow Safety rules and Safe
-Relationship between full load working practices
torque and maximum torque, 1. Plot the Speed-Torque (Slip Vs
starting torque and maximum Torque) Characteristics of 3-Phase
torque Induction motor by mechanical
loading (Brake-drum apparatus).
2. Explain Equivalent circuit of an Use Power Quality Analyzer &
induction motor. Refer Motor Analyzer to measure various
3 1 1,4
Table1 parameters. Ref.7(6)

3. Relationship between rotor 2. Determine the efficiency of

power input, rotor copper loss, 3-phase squirrel cage induction
and motor by no load test/ blocked
Mechanical power developed and rotor test and brake test.
slip. Use Power Quality Analyzer &
-Problems on the above. Motor Analyzer to measure various
1. Starters: Necessity of starters
1a. Identify the parts of a DOL
and list the various types of
Refer starter, test its parts, locate faults if
4 1 1,4 starters.
Table1 any. Suggest remedies.
Main criteria for the selection of
the starting method.

1b. Connect, Start, Run and
2a. Construction, working and Reverse the direction of rotation of
troubleshooting of D.O.L. Starter. 3-phase Induction Motor using
2b. Construction, working and DOL starter. Ref.7(7)
troubleshooting of star-delta

Follow Safety rules and Safe

working practices.

2a. Identify the parts of a Star-

3a. Construction and working of Delta starter, test its parts and
Soft Starter. locate faults if any. Suggest
3b. Maintain, service and Trace the start terminals and end
troubleshoot the AC motor terminals of three-phase windings
starter and mark the terminals u1,v1,w1
and u2,v2,w2 Connect, Start, Run
and Reverse the direction of
rotation of 3-phase Induction
Motor using star delta starter.
2b. Maintain, service and
troubleshoot the AC motor starter
1. Speed Control of induction Follow Safety rules and Safe
motor: working practices.
- Change of applied voltage 1. Speed control of IM using any
method. one method,
- Change of number of poles. Use of Power Quality Analyzer &
Motor Analyzer to measure various

2. Speed Control of induction

5 1,3 2,4 motor:
Table1 2a. Testing, troubleshooting and
- Change of frequency
Servicing of three-phase Induction
- Rheostat control method.
3. Testing and troubleshooting 2b. Perform general preventive
procedure of three-phase maintenance on 3-ph Induction
Induction motor. motor.
-General preventive Ref.7(8,9,10,11)
maintenance procedure of three-
phase Induction motors.
1. Synchronous Motors:
Follow Safety rules and Safe
Working principle, construction,
working practices
and method of starting of
1. Start, Run and Reverse the
synchronous motor.
direction of rotation of the
-Compare the synchronous motor
synchronous motor.
with the induction motor. Refer
6 1 1,4
2.Effect of increased load with Table1
constant excitation. 2. Plot V and inverted V curves for
- Effect of change in excitation at synchronous motor,
constant load. Use Power Quality Analyzer &
3. Effect of excitation on Motor Analyzer.
armature current & power factor.

1. Effect of excitation on leading, 1. Demonstrate troubleshooting of
lagging and zero power factor. synchronous motors.
2. Synchronous condenser and its Refer
7 1 1,2,4
application. Ref.7(19). Table1
2. Case study of Synchronous
3. Hunting and phase swinging,
losses and methods of starting of
synchronous motors.
1. IEC/ NEMA motors, Enclosure
protection classes available 1. Demonstrate different
protection classes are IP23, IP44, protection classes.
-IEC 60034-4-1:2018 standard
for synchronous motors. Refer
8 1,2 1,4
2. Synchronous reluctance Table1 2a. Demonstrate Installation of
motors. Ref.7(22). synchronous motor and Induction
3. Procedure for Installation and
2b. Perform general preventive
Maintenance of sync motors and
maintenance of sync motors.
Induction motor.
1. Single-phase motors: 1a. Identify and connect the
Working principle, construction starting winding, running winding,
and characteristics. capacitor
Ref.7(28). centrifugal switch terminals
rotation of 1-ph capacitor start
Induction Motor.
Refer 1b. Start, Run and Reverse the
9 1 1,4 direction of rotation.

2. Resistance Split phase motor

2. Perform general preventive
-Capacitor Start Induction motor. maintenance of 1-ph Induction
3. Working Principle & Motors.
characteristics of Induction
Generators and its applications.
1. Special Machines:
1.Identify the parts of special
Servo motor: Working,
machines: Servo motor, universal
construction and applications,
motor, stepper motor and
types, speed-torque
brushless DC Motor, and test the
characteristics, specifications,
coils and windings for its working
control mechanism. Ref.7(29).
Working, construction and
applications of Stepper motor
and Torque motor and spindle
10 1 1,4 2. Working, construction and
applications of Universal motor,
Reluctance Motor, Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Motor
2. Demonstrate applications of
3. Working, construction and
special machines.
applications of Two phase Four
Pole Permanent magnet motor,
Brushless D.C. Motors,
specification for EV motors.
Refer 1. Calculate the total system
1. Industrial application of
11 2,4 2,3 Table1 efficiency by combining the four
key components of a motor
-Select a motor for a given system: the motor, drive,
industrial application. transmission and load (e.g., pump,
Ref.7(12,13,14) fan, compressor, etc.) by using a
motor testing tool(software).

2 Motor testing tool for energy

efficiency. Ref.7(25,26,27)
2.Identify different types of push
button switches- single element
3. Draw the standard symbols of
and two element ON/OFF switches,
control components
mushroom head emergency stop
Different types of push button
switch, illuminated type, key lock
switches- single element and two
type, selector switches and limit
element ON/OFF switches,
mushroom head emergency stop
switch, illuminated type, key lock
type, selector switches and limit

1a. Identify Bi-metallic Over Load

Relay, Time Delay Relays -
Electronic timer and Electro-
1. Working principle of Bi- mechanical Pneumatic timer and
metallic Overload Relay, Time Single-Phase preventer.
Delay Relays - Electronic timer 1b. Identify the parts of a
and electro-mechanical contactor, number of NOs, NCs,
Pneumatic timer and Single- nature of coil supply AC/DC,
Phase preventer. Ref 7(32) voltage ratings and current ratings.
Note down the technical
specifications and terminal
identification number
2.Parts of a contactor, number of
NOs, NCs, nature of coil supply 2a. Rig up and test the following
AC/DC, voltage ratings and applications of logic gates using
12 4 3,4 current ratings. push button switches, contactor
and indicators. a) Starting from
two different locations (OR
Function) b) Stopping from one
position (NOT Function) c) Two
hand operation (AND Function) d)
3.Draw a control circuit for DOL Stopping from two different
starter and control circuit for locations (NOT+OR or NOR
forward and reverse operation of Functions) e) Stopping if both
a motor with interlocking signals are given (NOT+AND or
function using auxiliary contact. NAND functions) f) Memory
function (Signal is maintained or
h. XOR and XNOR operation.
2b. Rig up and test Direct On Line
Starter. Ref 7(33)
1.Draw a control circuit for 1.Rig up and test the control circuit
forward and reverse operation of for forward and reverse operation
a motor with interlocking of a motor with interlocking
13 4 3,4 function using combined auxiliary
function using combined
auxiliary contact and push contact and push buttons.

2.Draw a control circuit for a
2.Rig up and test the control circuit
semi-automatic star delta starter.
for a fully automatic star delta
3.Draw a control circuit for a fully
starter. Ref 7(34)
automatic star delta starter.
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Students and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution).

Week Activity

Study the construction of a given DC motor and identify material presently used for
1 1
construction of YOKE, poles and field winding, armature winding and brushes.

2 2 Compare and contrast Induction motor with Transformer.

Study Low voltage General performance cast iron motors and

1. Explain IEC 60034-30-1:2014 standard
2. List the motors covered in IEC 60034-30-1:2014 standard
3. List the motors excluded from IEC 60034-30-1:2014 standard
4. Explain the four International Efficiency (IE) classes
3 3
5. Explain mounting and cooling arrangements
6. Degrees of protection: IP code
7. Explain thermal classes (B, F and H) and insulation class
8. Tabulate and present Minimum 50 Hz efficiency values defined in IEC/EN 60034-30-
1:2014 (based on test methods specified in IEC 60034-2-1:2014)

Study soft starter

1. Explain how soft starter improves performance in Pumps, fans, conveyors and
2. Compare different starting methods (DOL, Star Delta and Soft starters) and explain
problems which are prevented using soft starters.
4 4
4. Explain the selection process involved in selecting the right soft starters for a given
5. Explain the benefits of soft starters.
6. Typical Technical specification of soft starter.
7. Explain Circuit diagram of any soft starter.

Study V/f method of speed control and

5 5 1. Explain V/f method of speed control
2. List Advantages of V/f method

6 6 Compare synchronous motor with Induction motor

Study given synchronous motor

1. List applications of synchronous motor
7 7&8 2. Explain fixed speed and variable speed Synchronous motors
3. List applications of fixed speed and variable speed Synchronous motors
4. Explain Methods of cooling

5. Explain the Excitation method for a given application.

Study Totally enclosed squirrel cage single-phase low voltage motors, Sizes 56 - 100, 0.065
to 2.2 kW.
8 9 1. Explain CSR (capacitor start and run), PSC (run capacitor) and PSC-regulation
2. Typical Specification of PSC motor, CSR and PSC -regulation
3. Explain Cooling system, insulation class and mounting arrangements

Study electric motors used in Electric vehicles.

1. List the motors used in Electric vehicles
9 10 2. Explain speed -torque characteristics of Each motor.
3. Explain Electrical specifications of each motor
4. List the company’s manufacturing Four-wheeler and Two-wheeler EV

Study the case “World’s largest multi-stage water pumping stations project designed to bring
much needed water to the Indian state of Telangana. “
1. List Type and size of motors used in the project
2. Quantity of water lifted daily in TMC
10 11
3. Size of pumps used to lift water
4. Total power required for the project

Study the case “Mahatma Gandhi Kalwakurthy Lift Irrigation Scheme “

1. List Type and size of motors used in the project
2. Quantity of water lifted daily in TMC
11 12 3. Size of pumps used to lift water
4. Total power required for the project

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these changes
12 13
on industry.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test
Course Name Electric Motors Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20EE41P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. Description

1 Electrical Technology volume 2 - BL Theraja & A.K.Theraja S.Chand publication.

2 Principles of Electrical Machines by V.K.Mehtha.S.Chand publication.

3 Electrical machines - Theory and Practice by M.N. Bandyopadhyay PHI publication.

4 Electrical Machines by Bhattacharya. Tata McGraw Hill Co. 5. Electrical Machines - J.B.Guptha
Kataria & Sons Publications

5 https://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=9AKK107991A3212&LanguageCod
6 https://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=B5.0205&DocumentPartID=&Actio

7 https://new.abb.com/docs/librariesprovider53/about-downloads/low-voltage-motor-guide.pdf

8 https://assets.new.siemens.com/siemens/assets/api/uuid:8e9204f9-1860-4720-9d6b-

9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=390nOrLHAaw&t=3176s



12 h https://motors-pumps.gainesvilleindustrial.com/category/all-categories-electric-motor

13 https://www.controleng.com/online-courses/how-to-specify-motors-for-more-efficient-hvac-

14 https://www.controleng.com/articles/how-to-select-a-motor-for-an-industrial-

https://www.iea-4e.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/2015/09/1 emsa pb 20150917.pdf


https://www.iea-4e.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/quickguide-mst-tool 1.2.pdf

18 https://www.iea-4e.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/webinar-2-motor-systems-
tool 20151015.pdf

19 https://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=9AKK107991A6324&LanguageCod

20 https://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=SM103&LanguageCode=en&Docum

21 https://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=3BSM900636&LanguageCode=en&

22 https://library.e.abb.com/public/58b63ea623dddaf9c125786800278df5/56-
61%201m103 ENG 72dpi.pdf



25 https://www.iea-4e.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/MST Example I - anno 2017.pdf

26 https://www.iea-4e.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/MST Example II - anno 2017.pdf

27 https://www.iea-4e.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/MST Example II -
anno 2017 Solution.pdf

28 https://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=B5.0205&DocumentPartID=&Actio

29 https://www.motioncontrolonline.org/blog-article.cfm/What-is-a-Brushless-DC-Motor-and-How-

30 https://www.motioncontrolonline.org/blog-article.cfm/What-is-a-Brushless-DC-Motor-and-How-

31 https://circuitdigest.com/article/different-types-of-motors-used-in-electric-vehicles-ev

32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hsHoMEuS-0

33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhJRHFfXkdg


8.1 CIE-4 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week1-week6) 10
2 List the standard safety norms related to electrical motors. 1 10
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including;
i. Drawing of circuit diagram using right symbols 10
ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10
3 1 50
iii. Demonstrate the performance/operation of a motor 25
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected outcome 05

Identify the problem and demonstrate the troubleshooting method used to rectify
4 3 20
that problem in a motor.
5 Viva-voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.2 CIE-5 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week7-week12) 10
2 List the standard safety norms related to electrical motors. 1 10
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including;
i. Drawing of circuit diagram using right symbols 05
3 ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10 4 35
iii. Demonstrate the performance/operation of a motor 15
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected outcome 05
Explain the criteria for selection, the process of installation and the importance of
4 2 15
timely maintenance and consequences for a motor.
Identify the problem and demonstrate the troubleshooting method used to rectify
5 3 20
that problem in a motor.
6 Viva-voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.3 SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week7-week12) 10
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including;
i. Drawing of circuit diagram using right symbols 10
ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10 1/
2 50
iii. Demonstrate the performance/operation of a motor 20 4
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected outcome 05
v. Comply with standard safety norms related to electrical motors 05
Identify the problem in given motor and demonstrate the troubleshooting method
3 3 20
used to rectify that problem in a motor.
4 Viva-voce 20
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity

1. Central distribution board with control gear and power supply One
panel for all M/C.

2. Static converter Input-3phase, 440V,50Hz. Output -15kW,0- One set

220V Continuously variable.
DC Shunt Motor with mechanical loading (a brake drum)
3. One Set
3-Phase Squirrel Cage Induction motor with mechanical loading
4 Two set
(a break drum) apparatus
5 Synchronous motor One set
6 1-phase Capacitor start Induction motor One set each
F.HP-motors Universal/hysteresis stepper motor, brushless DC
7. motor, stepper motor, spindle motor , Permanent magnet One each
synchronous motor, Reluctance motor
8 1-Phase Variacs 220V,5A 2
9 3-Phase Variacs 440V,15A 3
10 Single-phase IM Various types one in each type One each
11 Voltmeters
12 Ammeters 0-5/10a AC
13 Power Quality Analyser and Motor analyser 1
Motor Testing Tool free software (https://www.iea-
14 4e.org/emsa/our-work/emsa-tools/)

Contactor - 16A, 4POLE, Coil Voltage 220volts/50 hz AC With 2

15 20
NO + 2 NC
16 Timer (Electronic) 10 NO 10
17 Push button (ON) 2 element type (1 NO + 1 NC) 20
18 Push button (OFF) 2 element type (1 NO + 1 NC) 20
Different types of Push button Switches (key type, Illuminated
19 5 Each
type, Emergency trip mushroom head type
20 Limit Switches 20
21 Selector Switches 20
22 Thermal Over load relays (0-16A,415V with 1NO+1NC) 20
23 MCB 16A, 415V, 4pol 10
Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering Semester IV
Course Code 20EE42P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Power Electronics Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40
Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics to the control and conversion of electric power.
Power semiconductor devices are used to construct converters and inverters in the various applications such
as power supplies, Electric drives, Flexible AC Transmission systems and Distribution systems, EV’s, Energy
storage devices. An Electrical Technician shall apply the knowledge of Power electronics to control and
convert Electrical Power for an application.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Identify the power electronic devices using relevant datasheets and demonstrate its suitability to
produce specified electrical and thermal characteristics.
Build a power electronic circuit for a given application, demonstrate its working either in real or
simulated environment.
Test a given power electronic circuit, identify the problem and troubleshoot to obtain the desired

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO* Criteria)
1 hour / 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
week twice in a week)
1a. Study and interpret the
datasheet of given power diode
1. Concept of power electronics, and BJT.
Draw the layer structure of the 1b. Test the given Diode and
power diode and explain it. BJT for its working condition.
V –I characteristics of power diode. 1c. Simulate VI characteristics
Refer of power diode.
1 1,2 1,4
Table 1
2. Types of power diodes and their
applications 2. Simulate output
3. Types of Power transistors, BJT characteristics of Power BJT
output characteristics, BJT as a
1a. Study and interpret the
datasheet of power MOSFET
and IGBT
1. Operation of N-channel 1b. Identify various Power
enhancement power MOSFET, and MOSFET by its number and test
its transfer characteristic curve, Refer by using a multimeter
2 1,2 1,4 1c. Identify IGBTs by their
Application of MOSFET. Table 1
numbers and test by using a

2. Structure of IGBT and its

2a. Simulate the transfer
characteristics of power
3. Application of IGBT, Compare
2b. Rig up the circuit of power
MOSFET as a switch
1.Layer diagram of SCR and
1.Test the given SCR for its
Concept of two transistor analogy
working condition.
of SCR.
2. Static V-I characteristic curve of
SCR, Enumerate Reverse blocking, Refer
3 1,2 1,4
Forward blocking, forward Table 1
2. Simulate VI characteristics of
conduction mode.
3. GTO, principle of operation and
list its application, layer structure
of LASCR and explain its operation.
1a. Test the given TRIAC and
1. Layer structure, operation and DIAC for its working condition.
characteristics of TRIAC 1b. Simulate VI characteristics
of TRIAC and DIAC.
2. 4-Modes of turn on of TRIAC and Refer
4 1,2 1,4
state the preferred mode of Table 1
turn-on. 2.Build and test a TRIAC- fan
3. Operation of DIAC and its V-I motor speed control circuit.
characteristic, curve, application of
1. SCR Control Circuits: Methods
of turn on of SCR 1.Build R firing circuit and
2. General layout of firing circuit. determine the maximum firing
Refer angle.
5 1,2 3,4
Table 1
3. R firing circuit and R-C firing 2. Build R – C firing circuit and
circuit with waveforms. determine the maximum firing
1. Construction, operation and
characteristics of UJT
2. Synchronized UJT pulse trigger 1.Build and test UJT Relaxation
circuit with waveform. Refer oscillator.
6 1,2 3,4
Table 1
3. Digital firing scheme with
waveforms. 2. Build and Test time delay
relay using SCR and UJT.
1. Commutation, line commutation,
forced commutation and methods
1.Simulate Line commutation
of forced commutation, Load
and forced commutation
commutation and complementary
circuits and observe
Refer waveforms.
7 1,2 3,4 2. Voltage and current ratings of
Table 1
SCR and Reliability of SCR, MTBF.
3. How SCR can be protected 2. Construct a snubber circuit
against overvoltage and over for protecting SCR use
current, di/dt & dv/dt. Different freewheeling diode to
types of mounting of SCR. reduce back emf.
1. CONVERTERS: types of power 1.Build single-phase full
electronic converters: controlled bridge converter for
Single -quadrant semi-converter, resistive load. Trace the
8 1,2 4 two- quadrant full- converter and waveforms across SCR and
Table 1
dual converter. load.
2. Single-phase full converter RLE
2. Simulate single-phase Dual
type with continuous load current

3.single-phase dual converter and converter and observe
principle of operation. waveforms.
1. Gating pulse requirement of
1.Test three-phase bridge
three-phase full converters.
rectifier module (36MT160)
9 1,2 4
2.Three-phase bridge converter Table 1
2. Simulate three-phase Bridge
and 180 conduction mode with
converter and observe
1. DC Chopper- Step-down and
Step-up chopper and its operation. 1.Simulate/Build step-down
2. Different chopper chopper and observe
configurations- (A, B, C, D and E). Refer waveforms.
10 1,2 4
Table 1
3. Inverter- Types of inverters (VSI 2. Simulate / Build step-up
and CSI). chopper and observe
1. Half bridge and full-bridge
inverter and its operation.
2. Cycloconverter- Draw the circuit 1.Simulate Full-bridge Inverter
of mid- point Step-down cyclo- and observe waveforms.
converter and its operation with
11 1,2 4
3. Cycloconverter- Draw the circuit
of a mid- point step-up 2.Build and test a inverter.
cycloconverter and its operation Ref.7(18)
with waveforms.
DC-DC converters: 1a. Build & test IC based -
1. Working principle of DC –DC converter for different
Buck converter (regulator). voltages. Ref.7(8)
2. Working principle of 1b. Test the monolithic
12 2,3 2,4 Boost converter (regulator). synchronous buck regulator
Ref.7(9,10,11,12) (MP2305 ).
3.Working principle of
2.Test and Troubleshoot
Buck-boost and flyback converter.
regulators. Ref.7(13)
Ref.7(14,15,16,17) Refer
1. SMPS and its operation and Table 1
2. UPS, Battery size and required 1a. Identify various input and
voltage for UPS output sockets/ connectors of
the given SMPS.
1b. Identify major sections/
ICs/components of SMPS.
1c. Troubleshoot given SMPS.
13 2,3 2,3,4
3a. Draw the block diagram of
offline online UPS and its operation.
3b. List basic troubleshooting steps 2a. Identify front panel control
for UPS. Ref.7(21,23) & indicators of UPS.
2b. Connect battery & load to
UPS & test on battery mode.
2c. Open top cover of UPS &
identify isolator transformer &
UPS transformer & additional
circuit other than inverter.

2d. Identify various circuit
boards in UPS and monitor
voltages at various test points.
2e. Test UPS under fault
condition & rectify fault.
Ref: 7(22,24)
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of all
possible activities of the course. Students and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are relevant to
the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution).

Sl No week Activity

Study a datasheet of power diode 6A01-6A0, select a diode which has peak repetitive
voltage (VRRM) of 1000V, RMS Voltage of 700V, Average rectified current of 6 Amp, can
1 withstand temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Demonstrate in the class importance of the
Datasheet in selecting a diode for given electrical and thermal characteristics.
Demonstrate method of mounting of a given power diode or its alternative.

Study Data sheet of given IGBT (FGA15N120 IGBT)

1. Explain Pin description of IGBT
2. List Explain the features of given IGBT
2 2 3. List alternatives for given IGBT
4. List applications of IGBT
5. Rig up a circuit to turn on/ off IGBT
6. Explain switching characteristics of given IGBT

Study Data sheet of given SCR (TN3050H-12WY)

1. Explain features of given SCR
3 3 2. Explain Pin description of given SCR
3. Analyse electrical characteristics of SCR, check suitability of SCR for a given

Study Data sheet of given TRIAC (BTA16-600CW3G)

1. Explain features of given TRIAC
4 4 2. Explain Pin description of given TRIAC
3. Analyse electrical characteristics of TRIAC, check suitability of TRIAC for a given

Design an R-triggering circuit for a half wave-controlled rectifier circuit for 24 V ac supply.
5 5 The SCR to be used has the following data. Igmin = 0.1 mA, Igmax = 12 mA, Vgmin = 0.6V,
Vgmax = 1.5 V

Design a UJT relaxation oscillator using UJT2646 for triggering an SCR. The UJT has the
following parameters η = 0.63, VBB = 20 V, VP = 13.2 V, IP = 50 μA VV = 2 V, IV = 6 mA, RBB
6 6
= 7 kΩ, leakage current = 2.5 mA Also find the minimum and maximum time period of

Design snubber circuit to protect given SCR against dv/dt used in single-phase converter
7 7 circuits. Input line to line voltage has peak value of 425 volts and source inductance is 0.2

1.Explain advantages and disadvantages of power electronic converters.
2. Study Industrial rectifiers
8 8 1) List Types of Industrial rectifiers and their applications
2) Typical specifications of commercially available rectifiers
3) Cooling methods employed in rectifiers.

Study given Standard Rectifier Module (VUO190-16NO7)

1. List the features of given Rectifier module
2. List applications of given Rectifier module
3. Explain the different ratings of the Rectifier module.
9 9 4. Check its suitability for a given specification
Study Industrial rectifiers
1) List Types of Industrial rectifiers and their applications
2) Typical specifications of commercially available rectifiers
3) Cooling methods employed in rectifiers

Study the Intelligent Power Module (STK551U3A2A-E)

1. Explain features of Intelligent power module
10 10
2. List applications of Intelligent power module
3. Explain rating of given IPM

Study research report “DC-DC Converter Topologies for Electric Vehicles, Plug-in Hybrid
Electric Vehicles and Fast Charging Stations: State of the Art and Future Trends”
1. Explain Block diagram of an electric vehicle powertrain.
2. Compare batteries, supercapacitors and fuel cells.
11 11
3. Explain Categories of DC-DC Converter for EVs’ Powertrain
4. Parameter comparison of Si with respect to Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (SiC and
5. Explain Why WBGs (SiC and GaN.) are preferred in EVs

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these
12 12
changes on industry.

Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these
13 13
changes on industry.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test
Course Name Power Electronics Test I/II/III Sem III/IV

Course Code 20EE42P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No Description
1 Power Electronics by Dr P S Bimbhra , Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2 Industrial Electronics and Control Biswanath Paul PHI Publication Edition-II
3 Thyristorised power controllers GK Dubey
4 Power and industrial Electronics by Harish C Rai
5 Power electronics by Mohan Undeland & Robbins, Wiley Publications
6 Modern Power Electronics by P.C.Sen
7 Power Electronics – RaghunathRao
8 https://components101.com/ics/ncp3064-dc-dc-converter-ic
9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IQBN6Oy8Lg
10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Rf29oUGpwI
11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmNpsofY4-U
12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD7fMylYgXw
13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3tBw6WSZVM
14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNfbbPobtus
15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiD X-uo TQ
16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-- jaxiXhE
17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk-B6OO6GB8https
19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPLjXkca7eo
20 https://www.powersupplyrepairguide.com/previewsmpsebook.pdf
21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1BYo88HSU0
22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oq18dZmb3Q
23 https://www.apc.com/lr/en/faqs/FA279110/
25 https://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ee100/su07/handouts/EE100-MultiSim-Tutorial.pdf

26 http://eceweb1.rutgers.edu/~psannuti/ece223/Manual-for-multisim.pdf

27 https://www.multisim.com/help/getting-started/

8.1 CIE-4&5 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions 10
2 Identify and explain the Data Sheets for the given power Electronic Devices 1 10
Demonstrate the working condition of power electronics devices (power Diode,
3 2 10
power transistors).
Identify the problem in a given circuit and demonstrate the troubleshooting
4 3 20
method used to rectify that problem.
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including
i.Drawing of the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 05
5 ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10 2 40
iii. Demonstrate the working of the circuit. 20
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected circuit outcomes. 05
6 Viva-voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.2 SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions 10
Building and Demonstration of the working Circuit including
i.Drawing of the Circuit diagram using the right symbols 10
ii.Identify and explain the Data Sheets for the given power Electronic Devices.10
2 iii. Demonstrate the working condition of power electronics devices. 10 2 70
iv. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 15
v. Demonstrate the working of the circuit. 20
iv. Document the necessary readings of the expected circuit outcomes. 05
3 Viva-voce 20
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity
1 DC Regulated power supply (0-300V, 2A) 5
2 DC Regulated Dual power supply (0-30V,2A) 5
Dual trace, 25
3 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 5
4 Digital Multimeter 31 /2”1-ph 5

5 1-ph Induction Motor 220v,1ph, 1
6 Battery 6 V/12 V 60 AH 2
7 SMPS 5
8 UPS 2kVA 2 kVA 1

1 GNU-Octave/MatLab/P-spice/Multisim 20 License

Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering Semester IV
Course Code 20EE43P Type of Course Programme Core
8 hours/week
Course Name Fundamentals of Automation Technology Contact Hours
104 hours/semester
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the present Industrial Automation scenario in India. The
broad knowledge of essential component of present industrial Automation Industry such as Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC), Distributed Control System (DCS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA),
industrial drives, human machine interface will enable the students to maintain the above automation
controls systems used in the present industry. Thus this course is very important for students who want to
use their knowledge of electronic engineering for working in the industrial automation sector.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
Select a suitable sensor and actuator for a given automation application and demonstrate its use
in a specific application.
CO-02 Install, test & control the pneumatic actuators using various pneumatic valves.
Develop ladder diagrams for a given application and explain its implementation process using
CO-04 Describe the concept of SCADA and DCS systems and list their various applications.

3. Course Content
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO* Criteria)
1 hour/ 4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week
week twice in a week)
1. How do engineers work, technical
drawings and parts lists, Circuit
diagrams, Flow charts and programs.
2. Technical plans and schematic Video demonstration on
2,3, Refer
1 1 diagrams, Calculations and simulation Automation technology
4 Table 1
3. Automation technology as a part of
engineering sciences, Key development
milestones in the history of automation
technology, Effects of automation on
1. How a solenoid works- Structure of a 1.Test a Linear Actuator
solenoid, Applications of solenoids Solenoid

2. Solenoids as simple actuators. Refer

2 1 1,4 Table 1
2.Install, wire and test digital
3.How switches work and their time delay relay -
structure-Normally open contacts,
normally closed contacts, Changeover

Relays and contactors-Structure of a
relay, Applications of relays, Time
relays. Ref.7(1)
1.Sensors: operation, characteristics
1a. Identify and test different
and application: Inductive Proximity
Sensors, Magnetic Proximity Sensor.
1b. Select a suitable
proximity sensor for a given
2. Capacitive proximity sensors, Optical
application and wire up the
proximity sensors, Ultrasonic
Refer same. Ref 7(2)
3 1 1,4 proximity sensors
Table 1
2.Develop a relay-based
3. Linear Position sensors, motor control automation
Photoelectric sensors. Infrared sensors such that the motor reverses
Limit Switches. its direction when the limit
switches are activated.

1. Inductive linear transducer, area 1.Identify and test different

sensors, flow sensors Ref.7(1) sensors.

2. Temperature sensors, colour

sensors, Hall effect sensor
4 1 4
3a. Pressure sensors 2. Simple Hall effect sensor
-Electronic pressure switches with Latching ON/OFF Relay
binary output signal. switch Circuit.
3b. Concept of Sensor latching.
Latching Digital Hall effect sensor.

1. Fundamentals of pneumatics-
Individual components in a pneumatic 1a. Controlling of single-
control system and their functions. acting cylinder by 3/2 push-
Ref.7(1) button valve/ solenoid valve
b. Controlling of double-
acting cylinder by 5/2 push-
button valve/Solenoid valve
2. Functions and features of actuators c. Identify industrial
(pneumatic cylinders)- Single-acting applications of Single acting
cylinder, Double-acting cylinders, Refer and Double acting cylinder.
5 2 1,4 Speed regulation with single-acting Table 1 Ref 7(3,4)
cylinders, Speed regulation with
double-acting cylinders.
2 a. Speed control of single-
3. Functions and features of pneumatic acting cylinders by flow
valves- Pneumatic valve designations control valve
and symbols, Pneumatic valve b. Speed control of double-
actuation types, controlling a single- acting cylinders by flow
acting cylinder, Controlling a double- control valve
acting cylinder
1. Functions and features of pneumatic 1. Demonstrate the use of
drives- Guided cylinders, rodless linear Pneumatic drives (used in
drives and rotary drives. Ref.7(1) Refer small robots)
6 2 1,4
Table 1
2. Pneumatic grippers. 2. Demonstrate the use of
Pneumatic grippers.

3. Pneumatic control system
represented in a circuit diagram-
Symbol designations in circuit
1. Electric drives: Physical/technical 1. Activate the DC motor
fundamentals of the DC motor. using 2 relays to run the
Refer motor forward and backward
7 1 1,4 2. Activating DC motors
Table 1 direction.
3. Working principle of Variable 2. Install and control speed of
frequency drive. 3-ph motor using VFD.
1. Fundamentals of control
technology: Meaning of control
system, open loop and closed system
with examples.
Different types of controllers (PLC,
CNC, Hard-wired programmed control 1.Demonstrate open loop and
systems, robot controllers) closed systems observed in
2. How programmable logic controllers
everyday life.
(PLCs) work and their structure. Refer
8 3 1,4 Advantages and Disadvantages of PLC. Table 1
Mathematical fundamentals – basic
logic functions-Identity (YES function),
Negation (NOT function), Conjunction
(AND function), Disjunction (OR
function), XNOR and XOR.

3. Examples of controller structure. 2. Demonstrate Industrial

applications of PLC
1.a. Identify Components of
b. Identify different types of
1. Programmable logic controllers- PLC
Internal architecture and functional c. Identify different input and
structure. Input/output modules. output devices of PLC
d. Identify the wiring mode of
PLC- sourcing and sinking
9 3 1,4 2a. List input / output devices of PLC.
Table 1
-List types of PLC.
2b. Functions of Programming
equipment (Programmer/monitor)
2.Identify and Install
3a. Explain PLC Programming
Programming Software and
Languages –Ladder diagram/
communication driver.
Functional Block Diagram /Instruction
List/structured text.
3b. Explain scope of f IEC standard for
PLC: IEC 61131
1a. Operation cycle of PLC:
1.Develop and test the ladder
Input scan, Program scan and Output
programs for the following
motor controls:
2,3, 1b. Operation modes of PLC:
10 3 a) Starting from two different
4 program, run and test modes.
locations (OR Function)
Data files and program files.
b) Stopping from one
2.Configuration of I/Os and Addressing
position (NOT Function)
I/Os, study of PLC symbols.

c) Two hand operation (AND
3. Procedure for drawing ladder Function)
diagram, connection of inputs and d) Stopping from two
outputs to input and output module different locations (NOT+OR
and entering ladder program into PLC or NOR Functions)
(CPU). e) Stopping if both signals are
Draw the ladder diagram for a simple given (NOT+AND or NAND
example of one-contact, one-coil circuit functions)
and connection diagram showing how f) Memory function (Signal is
inputs are connected to the input and maintained or holding)
output module of PLC. g) Interlocking protection
2. Develop and test the ladder
program for interlocking two
motors, using PLC
simulation software.
1.Most commonly used PLC 1a. Develop and test ladder
programming instructions and their program for switching ON
applications: XIC, XIO, OTE. Latch, motor 1, motor 2 and motor 3
Unlatch in sequence with some time
delay, using PLC simulation
2.Describe Timer instructions and their 1b. Develop and test the
ladder program of the Alarm
system for the following
Describe Timer On Delay (TON), Timer
conditions: If one input is ON-
Off Delay (TOF), Retentive Timer On
nothing happens, if any two
inputs are ON- a red light
2,3, turns ON, If any three inputs
11 3
4 are ON- a Hooter/Alarm
turns ON, using PLC
simulation software.

3.Describe counter instructions and 2a. Develop and test ladder

their application: COUNT UP, Program for fully Automatic
COUNTDOWN, UP/DOWN COUNTER Star-Delta starter, using PLC
Examples of use of counter and timer simulation software.
instructions. 2b. Develop and test ladder
Program to control automatic
washing machine, using PLC
simulation software.
1.Develop and run simple
Ladder programs to read
sensor status and to control
various output.
LED is turned ON when a
(proximity sensor) sensor
Wiring sensors to PLC is activated.
12 3 1.Wiring push button to PLC, and i. Draw the ladder diagram
selector switch to PLC ii. Draw PLC wiring diagram.
iii. Wire push buttons to
input module and LED to
output module.
iv. Enter the ladder program
into the PLC simulator and

v. If the program is error free,
Upload the program into PLC
and execute.
vi . observe the output

2. Double acting cylinder is

used to perform machining
2.Wiring NPN sensor to PLC operations. Pneumatic
cylinder is advanced by
pressing two push buttons
simultaneously. If any one of
the push button is released,
cylinder comes back to start
3.Wiring PNP sensor to PLC Draw the pneumatic circuit,
PLC wiring diagram and
ladder diagram to implement
this task.
1.Meaning of SCADA
-Functions of each component of
SCADA system,
-Describe SCADA Hardware and
-Applications of SCADA.
2.Meaning of HMI and its applications.
2,3, -Need & types of HMI.
13 4 Demonstrate application of
4 -Advantages of HMI.
-Various software’s used for
Programming HMI.
-Interfacing HMI and PLC- General
block diagram.
3. Concept of DCS
-Hierarchy of DCS.
-Functions of each level of DCS.
Total in hours 39 13 52

*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

Table 1: Suggestive Activities for Tutorials: (The List is only shared as an Example and not inclusive of
all possible activities of the course. Student and Faculty are encouraged to choose activities that are
relevant to the topic and on the availability of such resources at their institution)
Sl No. Week Activity

1 1 Prepare a report on how Automation impacts our lives at present.

2 2 Study time relay
1. Explain the use of time relay in Traffic signal control with a circuit diagram
2. Explain working of circuit
3. List different types of timer relays used in circuit
4. Explain specification and feature of given INTERVAL ON delay relay
5. Explain specification and feature of given SINGLE SHOT time delay relay

3 3 I. Study LVDT
1. Explain working principle of LVDT
2. List the applications of LVDT
3. List the benefits of LVDT
II. Develop an automatic door system using optical sensor and linear actuator.

4 4 Study digital Hall effect sensor (SS361RT, SS461R).

1. List features of Hall effect sensor
2. List applications Hall effect sensor
3. Explain electrical characteristics of Hall effect sensor

5 5 I. List the advantages of pneumatics and explain application of pneumatics in automation.

II. Problem statement:
Workpieces are transported to a processing unit on a conveyor belt. The workpieces have
to be separated upstream of the processing unit. The separating cylinder’s end positions
are monitored using magnetic proximity switches.
1. Describe the function of a magnetic proximity switch.
2. Select a suitable proximity switch for monitoring the end position of a cylinder
3. Explain terminology from the field of proximity switch technology.
4. Determine whether or not a solenoid valve can be directly actuated by a proximity
5. Describe different types of proximity switches

6 6 I. For the given application (Sorting device for metal stampings)

1.Suggest Suitable pneumatic cylinder
2. Draw circuit diagram
II. For the given application (separating parcel post)
1.Suggest Suitable pneumatic cylinder
2. Draw circuit diagram
III. For the given application (Quarry stone sorter)
1.Suggest Suitable pneumatic cylinder
2. Draw circuit diagram

7 7 Study given commercially available VFD

1. List its features
2. Applications of VFD
3. Explain specification of VFD
4. Types of VFD available in the market.

8 8 Study PLC based sand mixing Machine

1. Explain sequence of operation
2. Draw and explain the relay Ladder Logic diagram
3. Draw and explain the Ladder diagram

9 9 Study LIFT Control using PLC

1. Explain sequence of operation.
2. Draw and explain the Ladder diagram.

10 10 Study PLC Conveyor Motor Ladder Logic

1. Explain sequence of operation

2. Draw the relay schematic
3. Draw the Ladder diagram
4. Explain the type of sensor used to detect the object

11 11
Prepare a report on Industry 4.0 and present.

12 12 Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these
changes on industry.

13 13 Study the latest technological changes in this course and present the impact of these
changes on industry.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Fundamentals of Automation Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Name

Course Code 20EE44P Duration 80 Min Marks 30

Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.

Section Assessment Questions Cognitive Course Marks

Levels Outcome

I 1

II 3


Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediat Good Advanced Expert Students
No. e Score
2 4 6 8 10
1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8
2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6
3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2
Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5
Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
Sl. No. Description
https://dlb.sa.edu.au/rehsmoodle/file.php/441/Teachware/563060 Fundamentals of automat
ion technology.pdf
2 https://www.festo-didactic.com/ov3/media/customers/1100/566920 leseprobe en 2.pdf
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXANgP-q6b4
4 https://www.festo-didactic.com/ov3/media/customers/1100/566910 leseprobe.pdf
5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhS1qpHoSX0
6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-hbGD HsYk
7 Control of Machines- S.K. Bhattacharya & Brijinder Singh, New Age International Publishers
8 Programmable Logic Controllers: John W.Webb, Ronald A.Reis, PHI
9 Introduction to PLC by Gary Dunning, Cengage Learning.
10 Mechatronics: W.Bolton
12 https://accautomation.ca/wiring-push-buttons-and-selector-switch-to-click-plc/
13 https://realpars.com/discrete-sensors-part-1/
14 https://www.automationdirect.com/adc/overview/catalog/sensors -z- encoders
15 https://www.rtautomation.com/technologies/control-iec-61131-3/
16 https://davidrojasticsplc.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/libro-en-espanol.pdf

8.1 CIE-4 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week1-week6) 10
1. Identify different pneumatic components
2 1&2 10
2. Identify various sensors
3 Select and test suitable sensor for a given application 05+15 2 20
Test a given Linear Actuator Solenoid
4 OR 2 15
Install, wire and test digital time delay relay

Demonstrate & control the Pneumatic actuators using pneumatic valves.

i. Draw the circuit diagram using right symbols 05
5 3 35
ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 10
iii. Demonstrate the operation of a Pneumatic actuators 20

6 Viva voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.2 CIE-5 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

SL. Mark
Particulars/Dimension O
No. s
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions (week7- week12) 10
2 i. Identify different input and output devices of PLC 3 10
ii. Identify various indicators on PLC Modules.
3 Explain Scope of IEC standard for PLC: IEC 61131 3 10

Demonstrate the implementation of given application using PLC

i. Draw the ladder diagram and PLC wiring diagram using right symbols 10
ii. Simulate the ladder diagram using PLC simulator and check the
4 3 60
automation logic by activating the respective inputs 20
iii. Upload the Ladder program into PLC and execute 10
iv. Demonstrate desired output from PLC. 20

5 Viva voce 10
Total Marks 100

8.3 SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks
1 Portfolio evaluation of Practice Sessions 10
i. For a given automation application select suitable pneumatic
2 1, 2 10
components and sensors.
Demonstrate & control the Pneumatic actuators using pneumatic valves.
i. Draw the circuit diagram using right symbols 10
ii. Build the circuit as per the circuit diagram 20
iii. Demonstrate the operation of a Pneumatic actuators 10
3 Demonstrate the implementation of given application using PLC 1 /3
i. Draw the ladder diagram using right symbols 10
ii. Simulate the ladder diagram using PLC simulator and check the
automation logic by activating the respective inputs 15
iii. Upload the Ladder program into PLC and execute 05
iv. Demonstrate desired output from PLC. 10
4 Demonstrate simple application of SCADA using SCADA software. 4 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students

Particulars Specification Quantity
Small compressor 4 bar, 1.5 HP,0-4 bar
1 1
pressure, 0-10 litres
Linear Actuator Solenoid 12V
2 20
Inductive. Proximity Sensors. Magnetic Proximity
3 20 each
Sensor, Limit Switches
Capacitive proximity sensors, Optical proximity sensors
4 20 each
Ultrasonic proximity sensors
5 Infrared sensors, Pressure Sensor and Switch 20 each
Inductive linear transducer , Area sensors, Flow sensors,
6 20 each
Temperature sensors, colour sensors
7 single-acting cylinder, double-acting cylinder 10 each
8 3/2 and 5/2 push-button valve 10
9 3/2 and 5/2 solenoid valve 10
10 Flow control valves 10
11 Digital time delay relay 5
12 Direction control Valve, Double Acting Solenoid 10 each

13 Pneumatic Grippers 5
14 FRL (filter, regulator and lubricator) unit 2
PLC Systems with digital I/P, O/P modules and software 12/24v Dc/relay, 8 10
Digital Inputs, 4 Digital
Outputs, ethernet card
standard micro SD
card, integrated
16 Variable frequency drive 3-phase, 1HP, VFD 1
17 1 HP induction motor with DOL starter 1 HP 1
18 SCADA Software 1

Government of Karnataka
Programme Electrical and Electronics Engineering Semester IV
Course Code 20EE44P Type of Course Programme Core
Computer Aided Electrical Drafting 8 hours/week
Course Name Contact Hours
(CAED) 104 hours/semester
L:T:P :: 3:1:4 Credits 6
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

All equipment, installations, circuits and other electrical and electronic systems in the power and industrial
sector need drawings for their manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance. A technician working
in design, shop floor and field area must possess the skill of reading, interpreting different drawings and to
use Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) software to draw 2D & 3D Electrical drawings.

2. Course Outcomes/Skill Sets: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO-01 Study a given drawing and list all the electrical elements.
CO-02 Draw a single line diagram and control panel board wiring drawing for a given specification.
Draw a winding and assembly drawing for a given machine and translate the assembly 2D drawing
into a 3D drawing using CAD software.
CO-04 Draw a simple PLC module drawing for a given requirement using standard symbols.

3. Course Content:
Lecture Practice
(Knowledge Criteria) (Performance Criteria)
Week CO PO* Criteria)
4 hours/week (2 hours/batch
3 hours/week 1 hour/week
twice in a week)
commands. Practice essential
commands like – line types,
line weight, scale, unit, Tutorial
2. Layer, block, insert, explode, hours shall
Practice the basic CAD commands.
1 1 1,4 purge, table, attribute, quick be used to
Ref .7(1,2,3,4,5)
select practice
3. view, multi-view, break, join, drawings.
filter, find, pan, list match
properties and related

Single line diagram of 110 Tutorial 1. Single line diagram of 110

KV/11KV MUSS hours shall KV/11KV MUSS. Ref .7(10,11)
2 1,2 1,4 be used to
Single line diagram 11KV of drawings. 2. Single line diagram of 11KV
Substation Substation. Ref .7(12,13,14)
1. Draw and Create BOM (Bill 1. Draw the wiring layout of
of Material): Electrical wiring Tutorial residential building/Hospital and
of a residential/Hospital hours shall generate BOM for a given plan
3 1,2 1,4 building be used to with AEH. Ref .7(7,8,9)
2.Draw and Create BOM (Bill of practice 2. Draw a wiring layout of a small
Material): Electrical wiring of a drawings. workshop with 3 lathes, 1 drilling
small workshop machine, 1 welding machine, 1
grinding machine and generate
BOM (Bill of Material).
Motor control Panel board Draw MCC (Motor Control Centre)
hours shall
Wiring. Panel board Wiring and create
4 1,2 1,4 be used to
Ref .7(15)
Design an Electrical General
hours shall
Design a GA LT panel wiring Assembly of LT panel wiring.
5 1,2 1,4 be used to
drawing. Ref .7(16)
Developed Winding Diagrams Tutorial 1.Develop a winding diagram-
of 3-ph hours shall A.C. windings-Single Layer
6 1,2 1,4 A.C. Machines: be used to Ref.7(6)
Single Layer practice 2.Develop a winding diagram-
Double Layer drawings. A.C. windings- Double Layer
Tutorial Develop a winding diagram for a
hours shall 1-ph, Induction Motor, make
Developed Winding diagram of
7 1,2 1,4 be used to terminal connections for Running
1-ph, AC Induction Motor
practice & Starting Winding.
Tutorial Three-phase core type 200KVA
Transformer Assembly-Three- hours shall 33KV/400V transformer front
8 1,3 1,4 phase be used to elevation full in section, plan in
practice full section. Ref .7(18)
Tutorial Draw the half end view and half
hours shall sectional front elevation and half
9 1,3 1,4 Assembly drawing- Squirrel be used to sectional end view for a 3HP 400V
cage Induction motor. practice 50HZ 3PH 1440 RPM - Squirrel
drawings. cage Induction motor. Ref .7(19)
Tutorial Draw the half sectional end view
Assembly drawing- Rotor of a hours shall top half in section and half
10 1,3 1,4 15KVA Alternator be used to sectional front elevation for a
practice Rotor of a 15KVA Alternator for a
drawings. given sketch. Ref .7(20)
Assembly drawing – 4 Pole 25 hours shall Draw half size half sectional
11 1,3 1,4 KVA synchronous motor be used to elevation and half sectional end
practice view. Ref .7(21,22)
hours shall
3D Drawing- Squirrel cage 3D view showing different parts.
12 3 1,4 be used to
Induction motor. Ref .7(23)
hours shall
Design a Simple PLC Module
13 1,4 1,4 PLC Module be used to
showing I/O points. Ref .7(24,25)
Total in hours 39 13 52
*PO= Program Outcome as listed and defined in year 1 curriculum and CO-PO mapping with strength
(Low/Medium/High) has to be mapped by the course coordinator. (Above only suggestive).

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies
Sl. Duration
Assessment Test Week Max marks Conversion
No In minutes

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 Average of three tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30
4. CIE-4 Skill Test-Practice 6 180 100 Average of two skill
5 CIE-5 Skill Test-Practice 12 180 100 test reduced to 20
CIE-6 Portfolio continuous
6 evaluation of Tutorial sessions 1-13 10 10
through Rubrics
Total CIE Marks 60
Semester End Examination (Practice) 180 100 40
Total Marks 100

5. Format for CIE written Test

Computer Aided Electrical Drafting
Course Name Test I/II/III Sem III/IV
Course Code 20EE43P Duration 80 Min Marks 30
Note: Answer any one full question from each section. Each full question carries 10 marks.
Cognitive Course
Section Assessment Questions Marks
Levels Outcome
Note for the Course coordinator: Each question may have one, two or three subdivisions. Optional questions
in each section carry the same weightage of marks, Cognitive level and course outcomes.

6. Rubrics for Assessment of Activity (Qualitative Assessment)

Sl. Dimension Beginner Intermediate Good Advanced Expert Students
No. Score

2 4 6 8 10

1 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 8

2 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 6

3 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

4 Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor 2

Average Marks= (8+6+2+2)/4=4.5 5

Note: Dimension and Descriptor shall be defined by the respective course coordinator as per the activities

7. Reference:
1 Computer Aided Electrical Drawing - YOGESH, NAGARAJA,NANDAN PHI Publication
2 Electrical Drafting - S.F. DEVALAPUR

3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKVy-eMDYc
4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ni0AWbloQA
5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIN61lmZByw
6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OONCU5QbDpU
7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asVQ3ncmqhY
8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1MsYDEkHpU
9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DEap6exAB0
10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXLhvA7dMb4
11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRXlWoT-FRU
12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk8YOLr0KFM
13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa5gYiapD1E
14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKKvLXaV1g8
15 ga-general-assembly-design-
22445785697.html&docid=t83B C9sNcBtnM&tbnid=nqa2KujeGdTYhM&vet=1&w=500&h=339&hl=
16 general-assembly-design-
22445785697.html&docid=t83B C9sNcBtnM&tbnid=nqa2KujeGdTYhM&vet=1&w=500&h=339&hl=e
17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsKbtm6OtAw
18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXOwgNYT0hg
https://www.youtube.com/results?search query=Squirrel+cage+Induction+motor++assembly+cad+
20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk hmXUtiPk
21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk hmXUtiPk
22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgP0aMth7LM
23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAN9jxydoMA&t=144s
24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTjd86ui5iM
25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 0b2YDYFgZA
27 https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2012/02/star-delta-3-phase-motor-starting.html

8.1. CIE-1 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension Marks
Draw the single line diagram of a MUSS/substation
i. Use of suitable commands 25
1 50
ii. Labelling 15
iii. Indexing 10

Draw the wiring diagram of a MCC Panel Board

i. Use of suitable commands 25
2 50
ii. Labelling 15
iii. Indexing 10
Total Marks 100

8.2: CIE-2 Skill Test Scheme of Evaluation
Particulars/Dimension Marks
Design a Simple PLC Module showing I/O points.
i. Use of suitable commands 20
1 40
ii. Labelling 10
iii. Indexing 10
Assembly drawings Sectional end view and front elevation (Front elevation and plan
in case of transformer)
i. Use of suitable commands 10
2 ii. Sectional end view/ front elevation 15 50
iii. Front elevation/plan 10
iv. Dimensioning 10
v. Labelling 05
3 Translate 3D drawing for the given Sketch (CAD) 10
Total Marks 100

8.3: SEE Scheme of Evaluation

Particulars/Dimension CO Marks
Winding diagrams 1,2
Draw the winding diagram using CAED software. 20
i. Develop winding table 05
ii. Draw sequence diagram 05
iii. Mark the poles 05
iv. Show the direction of induced emf and indicate the position of brushes
and show the direction of current. 05
Single line diagram
Draw the single line diagram of a MUSS/substation
1 40
i. Use of suitable commands 20
ii. Labelling 10
iii. Indexing 10
Building wiring drawing/Panel Wiring Drawing
Estimate and draw Electrical wiring of a residential building/ Estimate and draw:
Electrical wiring of a small workshop.
i. Use of suitable commands 20
ii. Labelling 10
iii. Indexing 10
Assembly drawings
Sectional end view and front elevation (Front elevation and plan in case of
i. Use of suitable commands 05
ii. Sectional end view/ front elevation 10
iii. Front elevation/plan 10
2 iv. Dimensioning 10 50
v. Labelling 05
3D Drawing- Squirrel cage Induction motor.
i. Use of suitable commands 25
ii. Labelling 15
iii. Indexing 10
3 Viva-voce 10
Total Marks 100

9. Equipment/software list with Specification for a batch of 20 students
Sl. No. Particulars Specification Quantity
● Operating System: 64-bit
Microsoft Windows 10.
● Processor: 2.5 GHz (3+ GHz
Personal Computer
1 ● Memory: 8 GB (16GB 20
● Disk space: 1TB.
● Display: 1920 x 1080 resolution
with True Color.
Electrical Computer Aided Drafting
2 Student edition 20
Software/ AutoCAD Electrical 2021

Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Programme Audit Course Semester IV

Course Code 20EE45T Type of Course Audit

2 hours/week
Course Name Indian Constitution Contact Hours
26 hours/semester

Teaching Scheme L:T:P :: 2:0:0 Credits 2

CIE Marks 50 SEE Marks Nil

1. Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
CO-01 CO1 Understand Preamble, salient features and importance of Indian Constitution.

CO-02 CO2 Understand Fundamental rights, duties and Directive principles of state policy.
Understand Parliamentary system of governance, Structure, Functions, Power of
CO3 Central, state governments (Legislative, Executive) and Judiciary.
CO4 Understand Panchayat Raj Institutions and Local self-governments, UPSC, KPSC,
NHRC, Status of women, RTE etc.

2. Course Content
Week CO Detailed Course Content
Introduction to constitution of India-Formation and Composition of the
1 1 Constituent Assembly-Salient features of the Constitution-Preamble to the 2
Indian Constitution
2 1,2 Fundamental Rights- Definition, The right to equality, The right to freedom,
The right against exploitation, The right to freedom of religion.
3 1,2 Cultural and educational rights and The right to constitutional remedies.
Fundamental Duties, Directive principles of state policy.
Parliamentary system of governance- Structure of Parliament- Lok Sabha and
4 1,3 Rajya Sabha.
Functions of parliament- Legislative, Executive, Financial Function
Powers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
Procedure followed in parliament in making law, Annual financial statement
5 1,3 (Budget) – procedure in parliament with respect to estimates, Appropriation
bill, Supplementary, additional grants, Vote on account, votes on credit and
exception grant, special provisions, rules of procedure.
Structure of union executive, Power and position of President.
6 1,3 2
Vice President, Prime minister and council of ministers.
Structure of the judiciary: Jurisdiction and functions of Supreme Court, high
7 1,3 2
court, and subordinate courts.
Federalism in the Indian constitution- Division of Powers: Union list, State list
8 1,3 and concurrent list. 2
Structure of state legislation, Legislative assembly and Legislative council.
Functions of state legislature, Structure of state executive-Powers and
9 1,3 positions of Governor, Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Chief Minister and council of 2
Local self-government- meaning-Three tier system, Village Panchayat-Taluk
10 4 panchayat Zilla panchayat, Local bodies-Municipalities and Corporations, 2
Bruhath Mahanagara Palike, Functions of Election commission, UPSC, KPSC.
Amendment of the constitution, Human Rights-Definition-constitutional
provisions-right to life and liberty-Human Rights of Women-Discrimination
11 4 against women 2
steps that are to be taken to eliminate discrimination against women in
Education, employment, health care, Economic and social life,
Status of Women in India - Women in rural areas, Constitutional Safeguards -
Dowry Prohibition act 1961- Domestic violence act 2005- Sexual harassment
12 4 at work place bill 2006. 2
Human Rights of Children- Who is a child- list the Rights of the Child- Right to
education, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO)-2012-
National Human Rights Commission Constitution- Powers and function of the
Commission-Employee rights- Provisions made, Contractual-Non contractual
13 1,4 employee rights-Whistle blowing-definition-Aspects-Intellectual Property
Rights (IPR)–Meaning-Need for protection- Briefly description of concept of
patents, Copy right, Trademark

Total in Hours 26 Hrs


1. Introduction to the Constitution of India- Dr. Durga Das Basu

2. Empowerment of rural women in India-Hemalatha H.M and Rameshwari Varma, Hema Prakashana.

4. CIE and SEE Assessment Methodologies

Sl. Test Duration Max

Assessment Conversion
No Week In minutes marks

1. CIE-1 Written Test 5 80 30 Average of three

2. CIE-2 Written Test 9 80 30 tests
3 CIE-3 Written Test 13 80 30 30
4. CIE-4 MCQ 6 60 20 Average of two CIE
5 CIE-5 Open Book Test 12 60 20 = 20
Total CIE Marks 50
Semester End Examination (Practice) - - -
Total Marks 50


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