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3M Precision Grinding & Finishing

Solutions for Powertrain

A portfolio of high-performance abrasives
and dressing systems, engineered to
take you to the next level of precision
and productivity
Engineered for precision
and productivity
Ever since the first mass-produced cars rolled off In these pages, you will find a selection of some
the assembly line in the early 20th century, 3M of our most advanced abrasive products used in
abrasives have been helping manufacturers improve these applications. Your 3M representative can help
productivity and enhance the quality of products you select specific products best suited for your
that move our modern world. Through the years we requirements.
have continued to expand our abrasive technology
offerings to meet the growing needs of customers From grinding-to-dimension to microfinishing,
who produce sophisticated components for 3M has the tools you need to help you be more
automotive engines and transmissions, as well as oil productive, while achieving stringent geometry
and gas drilling equipment, cutting tools, aircraft, tolerances and finish specifications, part after part.
turbines and many others.

Today we are pleased to offer one of the world’s

most extensive portfolios of precision abrasives
for grinding and finishing powertrain components.

A proud history of research
Founded in 1902 to mine minerals used in grinding
wheels, 3M has grown to become one of the
world’s leading manufacturers of high-performance
abrasive products, with a broad portfolio ranging
from sandpaper for the do-it-yourself market
to advanced abrasives used by the automotive,
aerospace, electronics and medical device

Building on its century-long legacy of expertise in

coated abrasives, including the introduction of the
first waterproof sandpaper, the development of
synthetic ceramic abrasive grain and microreplicated
abrasive shapes under the 3M™ Trizact™ brand,
3M began an aggressive expansion into bonded
abrasives in the 1990s with a series of strategic
acquisitions. These include companies such as GIDCO,
UNIFAM, DPI and, in 2011, Winter­thur Technology
Group, one of the world’s top manufacturers of
industrial bonded abrasives.

Power and precision
3M offers a complete line of high performance abrasive wheels in shapes, sizes and constructions
designed to meet the needs of the most demanding applications. They are available in three general
abrasive types within powertrain component applications:

Conventional 3M Precision-Shaped Grain The science of

Conventional grinding wheels with 3M first introduced this break­ 3M Precision-Shaped Grain
aluminum oxide or silicon carbide through technology in 2009 with The secret behind the strength and
abrasive minerals play an impor­tant the launch of 3M™ Cubitron™ II performance of Cubitron II vitrified
role in metalworking applications. Fiber Discs and Belts. Comprised of wheels lies in the revolutionary
For grinding processes such as uniformly sized triangles of ceramic precision-shaped ceramic grain
gears in the automotive industry aluminum oxide, 3M precision technology pioneered by 3M. As
and cylindrical grinding of gasoline -shaped grains are designed to the triangular shaped grain wears, it
and diesel injection components, fracture as they wear, continuously continuously fractures to form sharp
conventional grinding wheels offer a forming sharp points and edges points and edges that slice through
precise and cost-effective means that slice cleanly through the metal metal, wear evenly and provide
of production. like a knife, instead of gouging or super-long life and consistency.
plowing. This prevents heat from
Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) building up in the workpiece –
CBN abrasives are second only to reducing heat-related stress cracks
diamond in hardness. This makes and discoloration. And, because
CBN wheels highly durable, with the abrasive itself stays cooler and
accurate geometric control. Ideal sharper, it lasts up to four times
for grinding hardened materials and as long as conventional ceramic
superalloys, CBN abrasives can be grain.
used in a variety of bonding systems,
including vitrified and electroplated With conventional abrasives,
bonds, to tailor wheel performance standard grinding consumes up to 10
to specific applications. Available in times more energy than other metal
grit sizes 50–600. removal processes, such as turning
3M Precision-Shaped Grains “slice” through
or milling. The sharp cutting edges metal – staying cooler, cutting faster and
of Cubitron II grinding wheels, lasting longer.

Ferrite 50
however, use less energy than
Austenite 100 standard grinding – while diverting
Martensite 1000 heat away from the workpiece.
Cementite 1400
The free-cutting properties and
Chromium Carbide 2200
Niobium Carbide 2400
superior service life of Cubitron II
Tungsten Carbide 2800 wheels can help improve efficiency
Vanadium Carbide 2800 and drive down costs, compared to
Titanium Carbide 3200
conventional ceramic wheels.
Al2O3 2200
SiC 2700
CBN 4500
Diamond 8800

Hardness Comparison (Knoop kg/mm2)

Conventional ceramic abrasive grain tends
Alloys of steel and/or
tungsten carbide
to “plow” through the metal, causing heat to
build up in the workpiece and the abrasive.

The next generation of vitrified bonds
Most vitrified wheel bonds consist Consistency wheel integrity and safety. 3M abrasive
mainly of naturally occurring raw These grinding wheels feature materials for powertrain applications
materials such as kaolin (porcelain special bond grain surface structures are applied to wheels using one of two
clay), feldspar and glass frits, all of based on nanotechnology. The bonding methods:
which are subject to variations in grinding wheel remains free-cutting
quality. Such variability is ill-suited throughout the entire process and Vitrified wheels
to modern automated grinding life of the wheel while the machine Vitrified wheels feature a ceramic bond
processes operating with pre- uses less spindle drive power, all designed to be more free cutting than
determined machining parameters. resulting in more consistent surface metal bond wheels. Vitrified bonds
To ensure more uniform batch structures. provide the better characteristics of
quality, 3M uses fully synthetic both resin and metal bonded products.
recrystallized glasses in the bonding Economical They are brittle, but thermally stable
systems of their vitrified wheels. 3M can also offer bond systems to and suitable for in-process dressing.
Due to their high inherent strength, deliver higher material removal rates Their dressability makes them
these glasses can be used in smaller along with lower risks of burning, particularly well-suited for form grinding
quantities than standard bonding better profile holding and reduced applications, especially on automatic
materials, allowing increased reject rates. In short, this bond offers equipment. When used with diamond
porosity without compromising the end-user signi­ficant­ly lower abrasive, they are ideal for grinding
wheel strength. grinding costs and more stable carbide, ceramics, CVD, PCD and metal
3M™ Vitrified Grinding Wheels processes – and it is also very easy matrix composites. With CBN, ceramic
feature advanced bonding systems on diamond dressing tools. or conventional abrasives, they are
for various applications. commonly used for grinding hardened
steel, tool steels and superalloys, and
Strength are particularly suitable for powertrain
Partially crystallized glass bond The bond of a grinding wheel is components, bearings, aircraft engine
wheels have high inherent strength what holds the abrasive material and power turbine components.
and can be used in smaller quantities in place, but by itself does not
than standard bonding materials. grind. Generally, the more bond in Electroplated wheels
This allows for a reduction of a wheel construction, the higher Electroplated wheels enable high
10% in overall bond material and the danger of burning and micro- material removal rates with less
a simultaneous equal increase in cracking within the part; the less generation of heat, making them ideal
porosity, without any loss of wheel bonding material, the cooler the for hard materials such as nickel and
strength. wheel will grind. To achieve optimum cobalt-based alloys, ceramics and
performance, wheels should be tungsten carbide. Employing a single
constructed with as little bonding layer of diamond or CBN abrasive
material as necessary to preserve electroplated to a substrate, these
mineral retention and maintain wheels can be constructed with tight
dimensional tolerances. They are
Grinding Wheel Structure typically not trued or dressed.



Pore Crystal Chains


An introduction to grinding
The following diagram describes some of Changing the infeed or depth of cut ae
the most common factors that can impact
a particular grinding process:

Machine tool
Dimension Increasing the infeed Decreasing the infeed
Increased material removal rate Reduced material removal rate
Tool Life Bigger chips Smaller chips

Dressing Surface Finish Grinding Higher load on individual grain Lower load on individual grain
Dressing tool type Cutting Force wheel
Increased friability of grain Decreased friability of grain
Diamond quality Abrasive
Dressing Part Geometry Hardness > The grinding wheel acts harder > The grinding wheel acts softer
parameters Porosity
Coolant Changing the workpiece feed rate vw
Coolant type
Cutting speed
Coolant flow
Workpiece speed
Depth of infeed

Increasing the feed rate Decreasing the feed rate

Increased material removal rate Reduced material removal rate

Bigger chips Smaller chips

Higher load on individual grain Lower load on individual grain

Increased friability of grain Decreased friability of grain

> The grinding wheel acts harder > The grinding wheel acts softer

Depth of Cut (per pass): ae

Workpiece speed: vw
Cutting or surface speed: vc
Grinding wheel diameter: ds
Lubricity of grinding fluid

Changing the wheel cutting speed vc The aggressiveness factor
The specific material removal rate Qw' (also
known as Q-prime) is often used to evaluate
the performance of a grinding wheel. Q-prime
indicates how many mm3 one (1) mm wheel
width removes per second (mm3/mm/sec). To
calculate Q-prime, two parameters are needed:
depth of cut ae and the feed rate vFr.
The simple formula for surface grinding is
as follows:
Increasing cutting speed Decreasing cutting speed
More cutting edges engaged Fewer cutting edges engaged
per unit of time per unit of time
 dw · π · vFr mm3
Qw' =
Smaller chips Bigger chips

mm · s
Lower load on individual grain Higher load on individual grain
Decreased friability of grain Increased friability of grain

> The grinding wheel acts harder > The grinding wheel acts softer
dw = workpiece diameter in mm
vFr = radial feed rate in mm
Changing the wheel diameter ds
(at the same wheel cutting speed vc)

1 sec
Increasing wheel diameter Decreasing wheel diameter
Increased contact area Ak
between wheel and workpiece
Decreased contact area Ak
between wheel and workpiece
1 mm3 1 mm
Grinding forces remain Grinding forces remain
practically constant practically constant
Lower load on individual grain Higher load on individual grain

Decreased friability of grain Increased friability of grain

Recommended Q-prime values:
> The grinding wheel acts harder > The grinding wheel acts softer
0.3 mm3/mm/sec Finishing

1.0 mm3/mm/sec Good average

1.5 mm3/mm/sec Target value

High performance grinding with
5.0 mm /mm/sec
ceramic abrasives or CBN

Gear grinding
Gear grinding requires high precision throughout the process, and it Recommended products
is important to use the right grinding wheel for the application. The 3M™ Abrasives for gear grinding
selection of abrasive material and wheel configuration depends on the are engineered to help you achieve
base alloy, tooth geometry and size of the production run, among other consistent, high-quality finishes and
factors. 3M’s recently expanded abrasives portfolio can help you meet tight geometry tolerances, part after
the growing demand for tighter dimensional tolerances and shorter part – while increasing the efficiency
production schedules, even with difficult-to-grind materials. and productivity of your operations.

Gear grinding operations Abrasive materials for gear 3M™ Cubitron™ II Vitrified Wheels
grinding for gear grinding – threaded, single
Continuous generation with rib and spiral bevel configurations.
threaded (or “worm”) wheels Gears are usually made of low to For automotive applications; pinion
produces a very accurate and medium-hard alloys or quenched and shafts; planetary, spur, hollow and
pinion gears.
consistent profile. Advantages tempered steel, and for economic
include low cumulative pitch error, reasons these materials are usually
constant contact with gear profile, ground with conventional abrasives. Removal Rate, Q'w (mm3/mm/s)
and short machining cycles. CBN may be useful for grinding 25

hardened steel, with large lot 20 21.8

Form or profile grinding sizes, or for driveshafts featuring 15

Form or profile grinding with single multiple gear wheels that prevent 10
rib wheels is increasingly used over the use of threaded grinding wheels. 5
single flank generation. The gear Some gearbox manufacturers 0
Double Flank Double Double
tooth profile is dressed into the use electroplated CBN grinding Roughing & Helical Bull Helical
Finishing Gear Pinion
grinding wheel by means of a CNC wheels in order to reduce noise
contour controlled diamond dressing generation when paired with gears
Traditional Vitrified Cubitron II
disc. The grinding wheel is then fed manufactured by other methods. Conventional Wheel Single Rib Wheel
into the tooth gap, either vertically or CBN grinding can also generate
with a rotary infeed. This process can compressive, residual stress on the Parts per Wheel
be compared to creep-feed grinding. gear flank surface, which increases 8
the life of the component. 7
Plunge grinding 5 6
Plunge grinding is primarily used 3

with spiral bevel gears with induced 2


porosity, because of the larger 0

Double Double
contact surface areas required. Helical Bull

Generation with five axes

Generation with five axes with
standard structure grinding
wheels is used principally for
spiral bevel pinions.

Continuous profile plunge grinding

Continuous profile plunge grinding
with globoidal wheels combines the
best aspects of form and plunge
grinding. Very short grinding times
and high accuracy; economic high-
volume production; improved noise
characteristics of gears.

American gear terminology Calculating wheel thickness for worm
or threaded gear grinding
Single-Rib Wheels Multi-Rib Wheels

p B1 = z × mn ×
B= + 2 × mn × tan
when = 20° B20 mn × 2.3 B = Wheel Thickness
z = Number of Teeth
when = 15° B15 mn × 2.1
mn = Module
B = Wheel Thickness h = Pitch
p = Pitch
mn = Module

Infeed ae max Wheel specifications for generating grinding

(mm per stroke)
Surface of gear flanks
speed Vc

Ordering data example
Type 1Esp 300 x 32 x 127
V = 70°, U = 5
54A80 H15VPMF904W

Shift movement x
(mm/mm/stroke) Feed rate fz max

Gear grinding with ceramic abrasives

Order data examples

Pre-profiled grinding
Type 1sp 350 x 104 x 160
93A120 G12VP601-50 m/s
Module 4, PA 20°
Single start
Straight non-profiled
Type 1 350 x 104 x 160
93A120 G12VP601-50 m/s

Camshaft and crankshaft grinding
3M’s comprehensive abrasives portfolio offers solutions from rough Recommended products
grinding to superfinishing of steel and cast steel alloys – ideal for
camshaft and crankshaft applications.
3M™ Cubitron™ II Vitrified Wheels
Camshaft and crankshaft grinding operations – for automotive and truck
applications, including journals,
Main contour grinding is performed Cam lobes with concave/negative crank and thrustwall.
by CBN wheels with either contours cause less friction and
Camshaft Grinding:
continuous or segmented rims; allow higher valve lift acceleration. 3M™ Cubitron™ II wheels vs.
both centerless and OD cylindrical This lobe design helps reduce fuel traditional vitrified conventional
grinding operations are used. consumption and increase engine
Applications include bearings/ efficiency. These contours are Parts per wheel
journals, crankpin, flange and ground with vitrified CBN wheels
post end. in the range of Ø 70 to 100 mm Avg. 3× parts
(Ø 3 to 4 inch). processed

Pin Bearing
7B151-VY150L/411 Thrust Faces
B126-VR150N/156 Post End
B151-V062 Traditional Vitrified
Cubitron II Wheel
Conventional Wheel

Cycle time per part


Main Bearing Thrust Faces and

B126-VY150L/194 Bearing in Plunge
Grinding 3M™ Electroplated CBN Wheels
B126-V046 Non-crushed for roughing or crushed for
fine surface finishes. High-performance
lobe contour and high-precision. Ideal for grinding
pins, bearings and face slots.
3M™ Vitrified CBN Wheels
Available in continuous rim (up to
30 in. diameter) or segmented rim
sections. Variable density and porosity,
Negative can be adapted for your application
Lobe Contour specifications. Ideal for grinding
camshaft lobes and bearings.
Abrasive Materials for Camshaft
& Crankshaft Grinding
Recommended CBN grit concentrations
differ according to the application:
Crankshaft grinding: 125 (rigid machines
up to 150)
Camshaft grinding: 150–200

Cylindrical grinding Applications
• Balance shafts
• Piston rings
As cylindrical grinding technology continues to evolve, 3M has invested • Turbine components and shafts
in the development of a wide variety of high-quality grinding wheels • Steering racks
to remove material faster, at precise tolerances, without damaging the • Fuel injection systems
substrate. We have wheels available for the most popular worm grinding, (pumps, injectors)
form grinding, plunge grinding and transverse grinding machines. • Drive shafts

Cylindrical grinding operations

Outside diameter (OD) grinding is •P

 eel grinding is a variant of Recommended products
one of the most frequently used transverse grinding performed in As with all grinding operations, the
grinding techniques. The workpiece is a single, slow pass. CBN grinding choice of abrasive depends on the
clamped firmly between two centers wheels are well suited for the specific application. A distinction is
and rotated. The grinding wheel is fed greater infeed rates typical of this made here according to the HRc
in one of two principle directions: process, as they offer the necessary hardness classification.
strength at the edge of the wheel.
• Plunge grinding is often divided into This method is used in the production 3M™ Cubitron™ II Vitrified Wheels
several process steps, performed in of transmission and drive shafts. – for nitrided steel, tool steel,
sequence with decreasing material case-hardened steels and high
removal rates. Right-angle plunge • Inside diameter (ID) grinding is used speed steel (HSS).
grinding is used to machine bearing to refine bores with a high-precision OD Cylindrical Grinding: 3M™
seats, shoulders and grooves. Angle fit. Grinding wheels, attached to a Cubitron™ II Wheels vs. traditional
plunge techniques may be more spindle shank, should achieve a cool vitrified conventional wheels
productive in certain applications. cut with the lowest possible contact
Material removal rate (Q-prime)
pressure and optimum free-cutting
• Transverse grinding is used for performance.
workpieces significantly longer than Avg. 5× material
the width of the grinding wheel. • Form grinding can be used to
The wheel moves parallel to the produce cylinders, cones, straight
workpiece and is fed at right angles collars, chamfers and concave/
in several passes. convex profiles in a single wheel Traditional Vitrified
Cubitron II Wheel
Conventional Wheel
mounting. This technique offers a
high level of flexibility and fast rate Cycle time per part
of material removal.

Avg. 84% less

Ordering Data for Wheel Types 1, 5 & 7 Face Shapes of Wheel Types 1, 5 & 7 cycle time!

Type 1

Type 5
3M™ Vitrified CBN wheels
DxTxH For hardened steels from 55 to 70
1 - PxF
Type 1B Type 1C Type 1D Type 1E HRc. Ideal for high-speed automotive
applications – particularly on mo­dern
Type 7 materials that cannot be eco­no­mically
DxTxH ground with conventional abrasives,
2 - PxF/G
such as powder metallurgical steel
and high-alloy tool steel.
Type 1F Type 1M Type 1N Type 1P

3M™ Vitrified wheels

For soft and hardened steel, case
hardened steel and Inconel.
Centerless grinding
Because of its speed and relative 3M offers a broad range of wheel Recommended products
economy, centerless grinding has constructions optimized for centerless
traditionally been used for higher grinding. We can also help you 3M™ Cubitron™ II Vitrified Wheels
volume processing of cylindrical optimize your process with OPTIMA Ideally suited for use on carbon
shapes. However, advances in both software, which provides realistic steels, tool steels and high alloy
machine tool and grinding wheel grinding and dressing parameters steels. Produces optimal results
technology have made centerless such as feed rates, infeeds, wheels with high infeed rates, high grinding
grinding a viable alternative for speeds and more that can be directly pressures and high material
small and medium production runs, employed in your CNC equipment. removal rates.
including those requiring tight
tolerances and fine finishes.

3M™ Vitrified and Electroplated

CBN Wheels
Very cool cutting, for use on high alloy
and hard steels from 55 to 70HRc.

3M™ Vitrified Wheels

High temperature resistance, for less
cold welding of chips. Excellent on
high alloy and hard steels, grey cast
iron and non-ferrous metals.

• Piston pins
• Turbine components
• Valve/valve train

A microfinishing process employs 3M™ Microfinishing Film Recommended products
rigid shoes to support the abrasive 3M Microfinishing Film is a fast
film. The workpiece, such as a 3M™ Microfinishing Films
cutting abrasive that can produce
crankshaft or a camshaft, is turned consistent, predictable and 372L, 373L and 272L
and oscillated between centers as repeatable high quality finishes. The
2shoes introduce the abrasive to abrasive particles are electrostatically
the workpiece. Fresh abrasive is oriented, then resin-bonded to a
incrementally indexed after each part polyester film backing to give an
is processed, resulting in uniform aggressive cut with a uniform finish.
stock removal and finish, part after Available in 9–100 micron grades.
part. Microfinishing removes the
damaged or amorphous layers
to improve the surface finish and
roundness of the part.

Backing Grades (Microns)

Product Mineral Caliper Backside
(0.001") 9 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
5 Type S • • • • • • • • •
372L Type 2 Aluminum
(colored) Oxide 5 Type S • • • • • • •
5 Type Q • • • • • • • • •
372L Type 2 Aluminum
(colored) Oxide
5 Type Q • • • • • • •
5 Type S • • • • • • • • •
* Available globally in wide rolls and belts

These films are color-coded by grade and feature side of roll

printing and end of roll marking to reduce selection errors.

3M™ Dressing systems
3M develops and supplies precision dressing systems for all types of grinding machines. Dressing system
quality has a determining influence on the efficiency and economy of the overall grinding process. For this reason,
dressing systems require high-quality components in terms of both stiffness and precision. 3M dressing systems
meet the highest requirements, whether for standard versions or custom built solutions.

3M™ Stationary Dressing Tools

Inline cantilever spindles Natural diamond stone, set in steel
shanks of various shapes. For straight
or form dressing of conventional
grinding wheels.

Outboard support
dresser spindles

3M™ Rotary Dressing Discs

3M also manufactures a variety of
diamond dressing discs for use on
CNC machines, suitable for dressing
conventional and superabrasive wheels.
Quick change Available in diameters from 1" to 8".
spindle arbors

Rotary dressing disc popular shapes

CDD-100 CDD-200 CDD-300

Infeed dresser systems

CDD-400 CDD-500 CDD-600

Flexibility vs. set-up time
In general, every dressing technique
involves a compromise: the more
time spent during set-up, the more
flexibility you have during operation,
and vice-versa.

This graphic illustrates some typical

tradeoffs between set-up time and
flexibility offered by some common
dressing methods:

3M™ Diamond Profile Dressing Rollers

Composite profile diamond roll
• To shape grinding wheels in the • Modules between 1.3 and 5
shortest possible time • One-start designs
• Profiling of the grinding wheel in only • Medium to large production runs

• Integrated profile
one operation using the plunge-cut
dressing method
• Extreme accuracy, even with highly
complex profile contours
• Highest cost-effectiveness

Diamond profile roller Full profile diamond roll
• Modules < 1.3
frd • Multi-ribbed
Vsd • Negative electroplating
• Integrated radius dressing and
root radius grinding
Set-Up Time

Grinding wheel

3M™ Diamond Form Dressing Rollers
• Profiling of the grinding wheel along Diamond profile roll
the desired contour by moving the • Independent of module size
diamond dressing roller • Positive electroplating
• Extreme accuracy for simple and • Radius dressing and root radius
grinding not integrated
highly complex profile contours
• Highest cost-effectiveness

Double taper disk

• Full module range
• Positive electroplating
Vfr • Tip radius dressing is not integrated




Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M
product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product
meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES
DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and
exclusive remedy is, at 3M’s option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price.

Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will
not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental,
or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable
theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability.

Abrasive Systems Division

3M Center, Building 223-6N-02
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 Please Recycle. Printed in the USA.
1-855-809-1710 © 3M 2018. All rights reserved. 3M, Cubitron and Trizact are trademarks of 3M Company.
www.3M.com/us/precisiongrinding 61-5002-8453-6 HB 14268 Used under license by 3M subsidiaries and affiliates.

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