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Chem Lab Report

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REG. NO.: TLE/4922/21
I, Tony Kipkemoi, declare that this lab report represents my own work and that I have not
plagiarized any part of this report. All sources used in this report have been properly cited and

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who supported me throughout this project.
Special thanks to the lab technicians Chemical Laboratory, Moi university, for providing me
with guidance and encouragement, as well as to my colleagues for their invaluable assistance.
I would also like to take a moment to acknowledge the importance of sustainable energy sources,
such as biodiesel. Biodiesel is a renewable fuel made from vegetable oils, animal fats, or
recycled cooking oils, and it has the potential to significantly reduce our dependence on fossil
In the process of making soap, we often use oils and fats as the primary ingredients. These same
oils and fats can also be used to make biodiesel through a process called transesterification.
During this process, the oils and fats are combined with an alcohol and a catalyst to produce
biodiesel and glycerin. By incorporating sustainable practices like biodiesel production into our
soap making processes, we can help reduce our impact on the environment and promote a more
sustainable future.
Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to this project, and
to the countless individuals working towards a more sustainable world.

I dedicate this report to all those who strive to make a positive impact on the world through
sustainable practices. From soap makers to biodiesel producers, we share a commitment to
creating products that are both effective and environmentally responsible.
I would like to express my gratitude to my family and friends for their unwavering support and
encouragement throughout this project. Your love and support have been a constant source of
inspiration to me.
I would also like to dedicate this report to the natural world, which provides us with the raw
materials that we use to create soap and biodiesel. As we work to develop more sustainable
practices, it is important to remember our interconnectedness with the environment and to strive
to create products that minimize harm and promote conservation.
Finally, I dedicate this report to future generations, who will inherit the world that we leave
behind. I hope that the work we do today can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable
world for all those who come after us.

This lab report describes the process and results of two experiments: the first involving the
making of soap, and the second involving the making of biodiesel from vegetable oil. In the soap
making experiment, we used a combination of beef tallow, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide,
sunflower oil and distilled water to create a batch of soap. We followed a standard soap making
procedure, including measuring and mixing the ingredients, heating the mixture, and allowing it
to cool and harden. The resulting soap was tested for properties such as hardness, lather, and pH,
and was found to be of high quality.
In the biodiesel making experiment, we used sunflower oil, methanol, and sodium hydroxide to
create a batch of biodiesel. We followed the transesterification process, in which the sunflower
oil is converted into biodiesel through a chemical reaction. We measured the quality of the
biodiesel by analyzing its properties, such as viscosity, flash point, and cloud point. We also
tested the biodiesel for impurities, such as free fatty acids and water content, and found it to be of
high quality.
Overall, both experiments were successful in producing high-quality products. These results
demonstrate the potential for using sustainable practices in the creation of consumer goods, such
as soap and biodiesel. We conclude that continued research and development in these areas can
contribute to a more sustainable future.

CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................................................7
1. BIODIESEL PRODUCTION..................................................................................................................7
1.1. Introduction:............................................................................................................................7
1.2. Materials:.................................................................................................................................7
1.3. Procedure:...............................................................................................................................7
1.4. Observation:............................................................................................................................8
1.5. Discussion:...............................................................................................................................8
1.6. Conclusion:..............................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO..........................................................................................................................................10
2. SOAP PRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................10
2.1. Introduction:..........................................................................................................................10
2.2. Materials:...............................................................................................................................10
2.3. Procedure:.............................................................................................................................10
2.4. Observation:..........................................................................................................................10
2.5. Discussion:.............................................................................................................................11
2.6. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................12

1.1. Introduction:
Biodiesel is a renewable and eco-friendly fuel that can be produced from vegetable oils, animal
fats, and used cooking oils. It is considered an attractive alternative to traditional diesel fuel
because it is biodegradable, non-toxic, and produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions. The
process of making biodiesel involves a chemical reaction called transesterification, in which the
vegetable oil or animal fat is converted into biodiesel through a reaction with methanol in the
presence of a catalyst, such as sodium hydroxide. In this report, we describe the process of
preparing biodiesel from sunflower oil using sodium hydroxide as the catalyst.

1.2. Materials:
 Sunflower oil
 Sodium hydroxide
 Methanol
 Heating mantle
 Round bottom reaction flask
 Liebig condenser
 Still head
 Anti-bumping pebbles
 Water
1.3. Procedure:
 Measure 100g of sunflower oil and transfer it to a round bottom reaction flask.
 Measure 20% of methanol based on the mass of the sunflower oil and add it to the flask.
 Measure 0.75% of sodium hydroxide based on the mass of the sunflower oil and dissolve
it in the methanol. The reaction is exothermic, so it is important to do this step slowly and
 Warm the sunflower oil to 80 degrees Celsius using a heating mantle.
 Add the methanol and sodium hydroxide mixture to the warm sunflower oil in the
reaction flask.
 Add a few pebbles of anti-bumping to the reaction flask to prevent the mixture from
boiling too rapidly.
 Fix the Liebig condenser and still head onto the reaction flask and turn on the tap to allow
for water cooling.
 Reflux the mixture for one hour to allow for the transesterification reaction to occur.
 Recover excess methanol from the mixture using a distillation process.
 Transfer the ester into a separating funnel and allow it to settle for a few minutes to
separate the glycerol from the ester.
 Wash the ester using water until the pH is neutral (pH7).

 Vaporise the remaining water from the ester.
 Measure the density of the glycerol, which should be viscous.

1.4. Observation:
During the transesterification process, the mixture in the reaction flask turned from clear to
cloudy as the reaction proceeded. There was a small amount of foam produced during the
reaction, but it was easily controlled with the anti-bumping pebbles. After the reaction was
complete, the ester and glycerol mixture was initially cloudy, but it became clear over time as the
glycerol settled to the bottom of the separating funnel.
After washing the biodiesel recovered had these features: Volume of 10ml, Mass of 8.5g and a
Density of 0.35.

1.5. Discussion:
The process of preparing biodiesel from sunflower oil using sodium hydroxide as the catalyst
was successful. Here are the chemical equations involved in the process of preparing biodiesel
from sunflower oil using sodium hydroxide as the catalyst:
a. Transesterification reaction:
Sunflower oil + Methanol + Sodium hydroxide → Biodiesel (methyl esters) + Glycerol
The transesterification reaction involves the conversion of sunflower oil (triglycerides) into
biodiesel (methyl esters) and glycerol in the presence of methanol and sodium hydroxide. The
sodium hydroxide acts as a catalyst and helps to speed up the reaction. The chemical equation for
this reaction is:
where RCOOCH3 represents the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) and CH3COOR represents the
glycerol molecule.
b. Recovery of excess methanol:
Methanol + Water → Methanol-water azeotrope
During the transesterification reaction, excess methanol is used as a reactant and must be
recovered from the mixture after the reaction is complete. The excess methanol is recovered
through a distillation process, which involves the formation of a methanol-water azeotrope. The
chemical equation for this process is:

c. Washing step:
Biodiesel + Water → Washed biodiesel
After the transesterification reaction is complete, the biodiesel is washed with water to remove
any impurities. The chemical equation for this process is simply the mixture of biodiesel and
where CH3COOR-H2O represents the washed biodiesel.
Overall, the process of preparing biodiesel from sunflower oil involves several chemical
reactions, including transesterification, recovery of excess methanol, and washing of the
biodiesel. The use of sodium hydroxide as a catalyst helps to speed up the transesterification
reaction and produce a high-quality biodiesel product.where CH3OH-H2O represents the
azeotrope formed during the distillation process.

1.6. Conclusion:
The process of preparing biodiesel from sunflower oil using sodium hydroxide as the catalyst is a
viable and sustainable alternative to traditional diesel fuel. With continued research and
development, biodiesel has the potential to become a major source of renewable energy.
However, the careful handling and disposal of hazardous substances such as sodium hydroxide, a
caustic and hazardous substance that requires careful handling and disposal and the excess
methanol recovered during the distillation process must be taken into consideration when
producing biodiesel on a large scale.

2.1. Introduction:
Soap making is the process of combining fat or oil with an alkali to produce a cleansing agent.
Sodium hydroxide or lye is commonly used as the alkali and can react with a variety of fats or
oils to produce soap. In this report, we describe the process of making soap from beef tallow and
sodium hydroxide.

2.2. Materials:
 Beef tallow
 Sodium hydroxide (4M)
 Hot plate
 Stirring rod
 500ml beaker
 Distilled water
 Sodium chloride
2.3. Procedure:
 Prepare a 4M sodium hydroxide solution by dissolving 40g of sodium hydroxide in
250ml of water.
 Measure 20g of beef tallow and melt it on a hot plate.
 Measure 30ml of sunflower oil and mix it with the molten beef tallow.
 Transfer 100ml of the 4M sodium hydroxide solution to the beef tallow and oil mixture.
The mixture should change in color and become suspended.
 Measure 350ml of distilled water and add it to the mixture while stirring continuously for
30 minutes.
 Mix 50g of sodium chloride with 100ml of water and add it to the mixture.
 Allow the mixture to cool for 20 minutes.
 Decant the mixture to obtain the soap.
2.4. Observation:
Upon adding warm distilled water to a test tube containing the produced soap and thoroughly
shaking it, a lather/foam was formed. Conversely, no lather/foam was observed when tap water
was used instead. A small amount of the soap was mixed with phenolphthalein indicator,
resulting in a pink color change and indicating a basic pH value of 10, which confirms that the
soap is safe to use. Additionally, the soap was tested with a universal indicator, which
demonstrated a pH value of 14, indicating that it is a strong base.

2.5. Discussion:
Saponification is a chemical process used to hydrolyze oil. This reaction is exothermic, meaning
it releases heat. To ensure that the reaction occurs at the desired rate, high temperatures and
thorough mixing are necessary, as they promote faster completion of the reaction.
Fat Sodium Hydroxide Glycerol Crude soap
Bar soaps are produced using sodium hydroxide, while liquid soaps are made using potassium
hydroxide. Due to its smaller molecular size, potassium hydroxide has better penetration
abilities, allowing it to dissolve oil more effectively.

Salting out occurs when salt is added to a solvent containing an organic solute, reducing the
solubility of the solute. In the case of soap production, adding common salt (brine) to the
suspension causes the soap to precipitate as a solid from the suspension.

Hard water does not readily form a lather with soap, as it contains dissolved calcium or
magnesium compounds that form a scum instead of a frothy lather. The scum is formed from the
insoluble calcium and magnesium soap salts, known as calcium stearate and magnesium
palmitate, respectively.
Ca+ (aq) + 2C17H35COONa(aq) (C17H35COO-)2Ca2+(s)
Calcium ion Stearate ion (a soap) Calcium stearate (scum)
Mg+ (aq) + 2C15H35COONa(aq) (C15H35COO-)2Mg2+(s)
Magnesium ion palmitate ion (a soap) Magnesium palmitate (scum)
Soap, water, and oil are all made up of different molecules, some of which are hydrophilic
(water-loving) and some that are hydrophobic (water-fearing). The soap molecule has two
different ends, one that is hydrophobic (tail) and one that is hydrophilic (head).

Tail Head

As an emulsifier, soap helps two liquids, such as water and oil, to mix. When greasy dirt, fat, or
oils are mixed with soapy water, the soap molecules arrange themselves into tiny clusters called
micelles. The hydrophilic head of the soap molecule sticks to the water and points outwards,

forming the outer surface of the micelle, while the hydrophobic tail sticks to the oil and traps it in
the center where it cannot come into contact with water. As the soapy water is rinsed away, the
greasy dirt is carried away with it.

2.6. Conclusion
The process of making soap from beef tallow and sodium hydroxide is a simple and effective
way to produce soap. The addition of water and sodium chloride helps to improve the quality of
the soap and ensure that it is a good cleansing agent. With further research and development,
soap making can be used to produce a variety of different soaps for different applications.

Soap making:
 Soap Making 101: How to Make Soap, Soap Making Made Easy, accessed on July 6,
2023, https://www.soap-making-made-easy.com/how-to-make-soap.html ↗
 How to Make Soap, The Spruce Crafts, accessed on July 6, 2023,
https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/basic-soap-making-recipes-517179 ↗
 Saponification, Wikipedia, accessed on July 6, 2023,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saponification ↗
Biodiesel production:
 Biodiesel Production, Alternative Fuels Data Center, accessed on July 6, 2023,
https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/biodiesel_production.html ↗
 Biodiesel Production Technology, ScienceDirect, accessed on July 6, 2023,
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/biodiesel-production-technology ↗
 Biodiesel Production: A Review, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research,
accessed on July 6, 2023,


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