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U.S. Patent May 15, 2012 Sheet 4 of 7 US 8,176,655 B2
U.S. Patent May 15, 2012 Sheet 5 Of 7 US 8,176,655 B2
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U.S. Patent May 15, 2012 Sheet 6 of 7 US 8,176,655 B2
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U.S. Patent May 15, 2012 Sheet 7 Of 7 US 8,176,655 B2
US 8,176,655 B2
1. 2
VAPORATMOSPHERE SPRAY DRYER sphere dryer has a higher operating temperature and a higher
product temperature than a typical convection dryer.
The present invention relates generally to a vapor atmo
sphere dryer and, more particularly, to a vapor atmosphere In one embodiment, a vapor atmosphere spray dryer can be
spray dryer including a closed-loop circuit having a dryer, a provided that has a closed-loop circuit including a dryer, a bag
bag house filter system, a fan, and a heater system for drying house filter system, a fan, and a heater system that are fluidly
aqueous solutions, slurries, or Solid Suspensions of materials, connected together to circulate a Superheated vapor there
for example. 10
through. A centrifugal atomizer can be disposed within the
dryer. A feed system for delivering a supply offeed slurry to
the atomizer can be operably arranged with the centrifugal
There are several known methods for drying aqueous solu atomizer to provide a supply of atomized feed slurry for
tions, slurries, solid Suspensions of materials, and the like. 15
combination with the superheated vapor within the dryer. The
Such known methods include convection drying, spray dry closed-loop circuit can be constructed Such that the recircu
ing, and Superheated Steam drying, for example. lated mass of Superheated vapor has an operating pressure of
Spray drying is a common processing operation whereby at least one psi that is generated by the evaporation of the fluid
Solids dissolved in an aqueous solution or present in the form in the atomized feed slurry in the dryer resulting from the
of a slurry, for example, are dried to a finely divided powdery combination of the supply of atomized feed slurry and the
product. Conventionally, the process includes atomizing the recirculated mass of Superheated vapor.
solution or slurry in the form offinely divided droplets which In other embodiments, a vapor atmosphere spray dryer can
are then evaporated and dried in contact with a current of hot be provided that includes a closed-loop circuit having a dryer,
air at elevated temperature which acts as the drying medium. a bag house filter system, a fan, and a heater system fluidly
In convection drying, heated air flows through the dryer to 25 connected together to circulate a Superheated vapor there
contact the wet feed. The water from the feed evaporates into through. A centrifugal atomizer can be disposed within the
the air, which cools the air while increasing its humidity. After dryer. A feed system can be operably arranged with the cen
the dried product, typically a powder, is separated from the trifugal atomizer for discharging a Supply of atomized feed
air, the moist air is exhausted to the atmosphere along with slurry within the dryer. The dryer can include a superheated
Some of the energy used during drying. 30
vapor inlet, a liquid feed inlet, and a vapor and powder outlet.
The convection dryer's efficiency can be improved by recy The bag house filter can include a vapor and powder inlet, a
cling some of the moist exhaustair together with its energy (in powder outlet for expelling dried product therefrom, and a
the form of waste heat) back to the dryer inlet. Recycling the vapor outlet for expelling pressurized, Superheated vapor
exhaust air increases the humidity in the dryer which, in turn, therefrom. The vapor and powder feed inlet of the bag house
requires a higher operating temperature and results in a higher 35
filter is fluidly connected to the vapor and powder outlet of the
final product temperature than in a completely open-circuit
convection-drying operation. dryer. The dryer can include an enclosure and a drying cham
Some of the convection waste heat can be recovered by ber. The atomizer can be disposed within the enclosure of the
passing the hot exhaustair through a heat-recovery system to dryer and arranged Such that the Supply of atomized feed
warm the dryer's fresh makeup air. The heat-recovery system 40 slurry is discharged therefrom into the drying chamber. The
can be an indirect system, Such as an air-to-air heat exchanger superheated vaporinlet and the vapor and powder outlet of the
with a coil system with two recirculating, fluid-filled coils dryer are in fluid communication with the drying chamber
that transfer heat to the makeup air passing between them. Such that the recirculated mass of Superheated vapor circu
The heat-recovery system can also be a direct system in which lates through the drying chamber. The enclosure is at a first
the makeup air is passed through a scrubber system that 45 operating pressure, and the drying chamber is a second oper
sprays with hot water condensed from the dryer's re-circu ating pressure wherein the first pressure is greater than the
lated exhaust air. This water can run very closely to the second pressure.
exhaustairs Saturation temperature (the dew point), which is In yet other embodiments, a vapor atmosphere spray dryer
frequently in the range of 130°F. to 150°F. (55° C. to 65° C.). can be provided that includes a closed-loop circuit having a
However, this temperature is limited by the amount of air 50 dryer with an enclosure and a drying chamber, a bag house
present in the dryer exhaust: the more air in the exhaust, the filter system, a fan, and a heater system that are fluidly con
lower the Saturation temperature. nected together for circulating a Superheated vapor there
Superheated Steam can be used instead of hot air for drying through that is pressurized to at least 1 psi. A centrifugal
an aqueous solution or slurry. Steam atmosphere drying atomizer can be provided that includes a motor, a spindle
recycles the exhaust stream in a closed-circuit operation. 55
having a longitudinal axis, and a distal end with a distributing
Steam-atmosphere drying increases the temperature of the wheel. The spindle is rotatable about the longitudinal axis
heat recovered from the dryer's exhaust by reducing the thereof via the motor. The atomizer can include a body having
amount of non-condensible gases in it. Heat is transferred to a mounting end and a distal end with the spindle rotatably
the dryer indirectly using a fired heat exchanger, rather than
directly. Indirect heat transfer allows the recirculated exhaust 60 mounted within the body such that the wheel extends from the
stream to be reheated without introducing anymore non-con distal end of the body. The motor is disposed within the
densible gases. The primary air that originally fills the dryer enclosure of the drying chamber. The distributing wheel is
can be purged and replaced with evaporated vapor, typically disposed within the drying chamber of the dryer. A feed
steam, to form an atmosphere of Superheated vapor, or Super system can be provided that is operably arranged with the
heated steam. As with a conventional boiler, the temperature 65 centrifugal atomizer to provide a Supply of atomized feed
of this vapor, and thus the heat recovery, depends upon the slurry within the dryer. The enclosure of the dryer has a first
dryer's operating pressure. Accordingly, the steam-atmo operating pressure, and the drying chamber of the dryer has a
US 8,176,655 B2
3 4
second operating pressure wherein the first operating pres The closed-loop circuit 21 can be constructed such that the
Sure is greater than the second operating pressure. circulated mass of Superheated vapor has an operating pres
Sure of at least 1 psi. The operating pressure of the recircu
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS lated mass of Superheated vapor can be generated by the
evaporation of the fluid in the atomized feed slurry in the
FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an embodiment of a vapor dryer resulting from the combination of the Supply of atom
atmosphere spray dryer. ized feed slurry and the circulated mass of superheated vapor
FIG. 2 is a partial plan view of the vapor atmosphere spray within the drying chamber. In some embodiments, the recir
dryer of FIG. 1. culated mass of Superheated vapor is pressurized to an oper
FIG.3 is a partial elevational view of the vapor atmosphere 10 ating range between about 2 psi and 20 psi. To maintain the
spray dryer of FIG. 1. pressure within the closed-loop circuit 21 at a predetermined
FIG. 4 is an enlarged, fragmentary elevational view of a level, a portion of the superheated vapor can be diverted from
dryer of the vapor atmosphere spray dryer of FIG. 1. the closed-loop circuit 21 to a secondary component 50 which
FIG. 5 is an elevational view, in section, of a centrifugal uses a condensing, heat transfer step, such as an evaporator,
atomizer Suitable for use with the vapor atmosphere spray
15 for example.
dryer of FIG. 1. A pressure and vacuum relief valve 58 can be provided to
help relieve excess pressure developed within the closed-loop
FIG. 6 is an elevational view of a bag house filter of the circuit 21 and to help prevent an excessive vacuum forming
vapor atmosphere spray dryer of FIG. 1. within the closed-loop circuit 21. The pressure and vacuum
FIG. 7 is a top plan view of the bag house filter of FIG. 6. relief valve 58 can comprise a pilot-operated, diaphragm
FIG. 8 is a perspective view of a convection oven enclosure operated valve.
for the pulse cleaning system of the bag house filter of FIG. 6. The pressure and vacuum relief valve 58 can open if the
FIG. 9 an elevational view of the convection oven enclo pressure within the closed-loop circuit 21 exceeds a predeter
Sure showing an inner wall thereof. mined amount. For example, in embodiments where the tar
FIG. 10 is an end elevational view of the convection oven 25 get operating pressure is 12 psi, the pressure and vacuum
enclosure. relief valve 58 can open if the pressure within the closed-loop
circuit 21 exceeds 12.5 psi. In Such a situation, the Super
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS heated vapor in the closed-loop circuit 21 can be vented to
OF THE INVENTION atmosphere via the pressure and vacuum relief valve 58 to
30 relieve pressure in the closed-loop circuit 21. Once pressure is
Referring to FIG. 1, an embodiment of a vapor atmosphere reduced to the predetermined level, the pressure and vacuum
spray dryer 20 is shown. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer 20 relief valve 58 can close.
can include a closed-loop circuit 21 comprising a fan 22, a The pressure and vacuum relief valve 58 can also open if
heater system 24, a dryer 26, and a bag house filter system 28 the pressure within the closed-loop circuit 21 falls below a
for circulating a mass of Superheated vapor through the 35 predetermined, negative pressure. For example, in some
closed-loop circuit 21. In some embodiments, the circulated embodiments, the pressure and vacuum relief valve 58 can
mass of Superheated vapor comprises steam. open if the pressure within the closed-loop circuit 21 is below
A feed system 35, including a centrifugal atomizer 37 -0.5 psi. In such a situation, atmospheric air can enter the
disposed within the dryer 26, can be provided for delivering a circuit 21 to increase pressure in the closed-loop circuit 21.
supply of atomized feed slurry for drying in the dryer 26. In 40 Once pressure is increased to the predetermined level, the
the dryer 26, the atomized feed slurry and the superheated pressure and vacuum relief valve 58 can close.
vapor interact to cause the liquid in the feed slurry to evapo A plurality of vent valves 62, 64, 66 can be provided in the
rate and become Superheated, thereby increasing the amount closed-loop circuit 21 and in the conduit G leading to the
of superheated vapor in the closed-loop circuit 21. secondary user 50 to help vent and drain the system in the
The feed particulate can be filtered from the superheated 45 event of a power failure or a planned shutdown of the system.
vapor in the bag house filter 28. The bag house filter 28 can One of the vent valves 64 can be operably arranged with the
include a pulse cleaning system 40 for periodically cleaning outlet of the dryer 26 to facilitate the draining of the system.
the filter bags of the bag house filter 28. A powder discharge The vent valves 62, 64, 66 can be normally-open valves that
system 45 can be provided for handling the dried powder return to an open position in the event of a power failure. The
from the bag house filter. The superheated vapor can dis 50 pressure and vacuum relief valve 58 and the vent valves 62,
charge from the bag house filter 28 to the fan 22 to re-circulate 64, 66 can have heat tracing applied thereto to help prevent
through the closed-loop circuit 21. condensation.
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the closed-loop 21 can include Referring to FIG. 1, the feed system 35 can provide a
Suitable piping 47 connecting the fan22, the heater system 24, supply of atomized feed slurry for combination with the cir
the dryer 26, and the bag house filter 28. The piping 47 can 55 culated mass of Superheated vapor within a drying chamber
include lengths of conduit A, B, C, D, E with sections coupled 70 of the dryer 26. The feed system 35 can include a feed tank
together with expansion-joint fittings to allow the equipment 72 for storing a supply of feed, a water supply 74, a filter
and piping 47 to expand and contract. Each expansion joint system 76, the water supply 74 connected in parallel with the
can offer two-degrees of movement. The fan 22, the heater feed tank 72 to the filter system 76, a pump 78 downstream of
system 24, the dryer 26, and the bag house filter system 28 are 60 the filter system 76 for conveying the feed slurry to the dryer
fluidly connected together for circulating a mass of Super 26, and the centrifugal atomizer 37. Water, or feed in the form
heated vapor through the closed-loop circuit 21. When the of a solution or a slurry, is pumped to the atomizer 37. The
steam atmosphere spray dryer 20 is operating under steady centrifugal atomizer 37 is disposed within the dryer 26 and
state conditions, pressurized Superheated vapor can circulate can discharge a Supply of atomized feed slurry within the
through the closed-loop circuit 21 from the fan 22 to the 65 dryer 26.
heater system 24 to the dryer 26 to the bag house filter 28 and The feed can be any suitable feed, such as any material that
back to the fan 22. can be carried in Suspension in a liquid that is capable of
US 8,176,655 B2
5 6
evaporating. Examples of Suitable feed include, silica, starch, superheated vapor from the bag house filter 28 through the
titanium dioxide, and cellulose, for example. conduit E to complete a cycle through the closed-loop circuit
Referring to FIG.1, the centrifugal atomizer 37 can include 21.
a motor 80 and a body 82. The motor 80 is disposed within a Referring to FIG. 1, the fan 22 is provided with a shaft seal
pressurized enclosure 71 of the dryer 26. The body 82 has a 5 to prevent leakage of vapor between the fan housing and the
mounting end 84 and a distal end 86. The body 82 is disposed shaft. An air supply 120 delivers a supply of compressed air to
within the pressurized enclosure 71 such that the distal end 86 the seal.
of the body 82 extends a predetermined distance into the During start-up of the steam atmosphere spray dryer 20, the
drying chamber 70. atmospheric air which entered through various access doors
Referring to FIG. 5, the body 82 of the centrifugal atomizer 10 and ports during cleaning, remains in the system. The fan 22
37 supports a spindle 88 having a longitudinal axis 89 and a can operate Such that the air in the closed-loop circuit 21
distal end 90 with a distributing wheel 92. The spindle 88 is circulates through the circuit 21 through the heater 24, the
rotatable about its longitudinal axis 89 via the motor. The dryer 26, and the bag house filter 28 such that all internal
spindle 88 is rotatably mounted within the body 82 such that surfaces of the dryer 20 are heated above the boiling point of
the wheel 92 extends from the distal end 86 of the body 82 15 the feed. When water 74 is introduced into the dryer by the
within the drying chamber of the dryer. The spindle 88 can pump 78 through the atomizer 37, the water evaporates and
rotate at any suitable speed, such as between 2,000 and mixes with the air. The increased mass of vapor and air results
60,000 rpm, for example, and typically between about 5,000 in an increase in dryer pressure, causing the pressure control
and 15,000 rpm. The components of the atomizer 37 can be valve 250 to open and allow a mixture of air and vapor to
sized for the particular density of the feed slurry to be dried in escape to atmosphere through the vent valve 66. As vapor
the steam atmosphere spray dryer 20. continues to be generated in the dryer, and venting continues,
Referring to FIG. 5, the atomizer 37 can include a plurality the air is exchanged for vapor until the entire dryer volume
of oil-lubricated bearings 94, 95 to allow the spindle 88 to contains only Superheated vapor.
rotate. A sump 97 is provided for the collection of lubrication Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the heater system 24 can heat
oil. 25 the vapor in the closed-loop circuit 21 to a predetermined
Referring to FIG. 4, a lubrication system 100 can be pro temperature, such as, 1100 Fahrenheit, for example. The
vided that includes a supply oil tank 102 and a waste oil tank heater system 24 is fluidly connected to the fan 22 and to the
104 that are operably arranged with the atomizer 37 to deliver dryer 26. The heater system 24 can include an inlet 124 and an
and receive oil from the atomizer. Fresh oil is supplied to the outlet 125. The inlet 124 is fluidly connected to the fan 22.
bearings at timed regular intervals. Spent oil from the bear 30 The outlet 125 of the heater system 24 is fluidly connected to
ings accumulates in the sump 97. A connecting line 106 a vapor inlet 130 of the dryer 26 to deliver superheated vapor
between the sump of the atomizer and the waste oil tank can to the dryer 26. The heater system 24 can be configured to
include a normally-closed oil release valve 108. This valve provide Sufficient energy to evaporate a predetermined maxi
108 can be selectively activated to open it and, when neces mum flow offeed slurry.
sary, a pump can be operated to pump lubrication oil from the 35 Referring to FIG. 1, the heater system 24 can include a
sump 97 of the atomizer 37 to the waste oil tank 104. plurality of indirect-fired heaters 132, 133, 134, 135. The
The sump 97 can include a high-level switch and a low heaters can be electrically operated. In this embodiment, four
level switch which are operably arranged with the lubrication electric, indirect-fired heaters 132, 133, 134, 135 are pro
system 100 to selectively discharge spent lubrication oil vided. A first pair 137 of heaters 132, 133 is connected in
based on the state of the switches. When the high-level switch 40 series, and a second pair 138 of heaters 134, 135 is connected
is triggered, it can indicate that the Sump contains a predeter in series. The first and second pairs 137, 138 of heaters are
mined amount of oil. The oil release valve 108 opensallowing connected in parallel. This arrangement provides approxi
the system overpressure (or the waste oil pump if there is no mately four megawatts of heating power. In other embodi
system overpressure) to transfer the spent oil to the waste oil ments, another number of heaters can be used and at least one
tank 104 (until the low-level switch is triggered). When the 45 heater can be provided that operates with natural gas, oil, a
low-level switch is triggered, it can indicate that the oil level fossil fuel, or any other suitable power source.
in the sump 97 is below a predetermined amount and the oil Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the dryer 26 is fluidly con
discharge valve 108 is closed to prevent any undesirable nected to the heater system 24 and to the bag house filter 28 as
leakage of air from the dryer enclosure. part of the closed-loop circuit 21. The dryer 26 includes the
Referring to FIGS. 4 and 5, a feed slurry supply hose 110 50 drying chamber 70 capped by the pressure chamber 71, in this
can deliver feed slurry to a feed distributor 112 which uni case a pressure dome, a liquid feed inlet 140, the vapor inlet
formly conveys the feed slurry to the distributing wheel 92. 130, and a vapor and powder outlet 142.
The distributing wheel 92 can include a central, interior cavity Referring to FIG.4, the dryer 26 receives feed slurry from
or bowl 114 for receiving the feed slurry and a plurality of exit the feed system 35 in the pressure dome 71 and dries the feed
orifices 116 radially disposed around the spindle in predeter 55 slurry in the drying chamber 70. The pressure dome 71 houses
mined relationship with each other. The feed slurry can be the centrifugal atomizer 37 associated with the feed system
discharged from the rotating wheel 92 via the exit orifices 116 35. The feed slurry hose 110 can be operably arranged with
under conditions of shear Such that an atomized mist offeed the liquid feed inlet 140 to allow the feed slurry to be con
slurry is discharged from the rotating wheel 92. veyed into the pressure dome 71. The pressure dome can
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the fan 22 is fluidly connected 60 include a mounting insert 148 for Supporting the centrifugal
to the heater system 24 and to the bag house filter 28. The fan atomizer 37 such that the distribution wheel 92 of the cen
22 can circulate the Superheated vapor found in the system trifugal atomizer 37 projects into the drying chamber 70.
when operating at a steady state. The fan 22 can convey the The pressure chamber can include an access door 150
superheated vapor via the conduit A to the heater system 24 configured to allow the centrifugal atomizer 37 equipment to
for heating, which in turn directs the Superheated vapor 65 pass therethrough. The access door 150 includes a mainte
through the conduit C to the dryer 26 and then through the nance port 152 configured to allow a hook to pass there
conduit D to the bag house filter 28. The fan 22 can receive through for lifting the atomizer 37 off of its support 148 for
US 8,176,655 B2
7 8
service without removing it from the dome 71. In addition, a The pressure dome 71 and the drying chamber 70 are
plurality of manway access doors 154 can be provided to separated by an insulative layer 177. The insulative layer 177
allow for the entry of personnel into the pressure dome and is disposed between the pressure dome 71 and the drying
the drying chamber for maintenance, for example, and a chamber 70. An upper surface 180 of the support cone 148
plurality of sight glasses 156 can be provided for the ready 5 Supports the centrifugal atomizer 37 by a flange at its mount
visual inspection of the interiors of the pressure dome 71 and ing end 84. A lower surface 182 of the support cone 148 can
the drying chamber 70. help define an area for the flow insert 175. The support cone
A vapor distribution system 160 can be provided in the 148 can include insulation in the cavity defined between its
pressure dome 71 that comprises a portion of the closed-loop upper and lower surfaces 180, 182. An inner sidewall 184 of
circuit 21. The vapor distribution system 160 can include an 10 the Support cone can be configured to conform to the shape of
inlet 162, which is fluidly connected to the vapor inlet 130 of the atomizer 37.
the dryer, and an outlet 164, which is cooperatively arranged Referring to FIG. 4, the dryer 26 includes a cooling ring
with the drying chamber 70 such that the recirculated mass of 188 disposed between the pressure chamber 71 and the drying
Superheated vapor circulates through the vapor distribution chamber 70. The cooling ring 188 separates the hot face of the
system 160 and into the drying chamber 70. The outlet 164 of 15 superheated vapor outlet 164 of the vapor distribution system
the vapor distribution system is arranged with the atomizer 37 from the roof of the drying chamber 70 to help prevent local
Such that the circulated mass of Superheated vapor com ized cracking or overheating of product deposits. The cooling
mingles with the atomized feed slurry discharged into the is accomplished by a stream of superheated vapor 190 that is
drying chamber 70. at a temperature close to the dryer outlet temperature.
The vapor distribution system 160 cooperates with the The circulated mass of Superheated vapor discharging from
atomizer 37 to combine superheated vapor from the heater the outlet 164 of the vapor distribution system can be at a first
system 24 and the supply offeed from the feed system 35 to temperature. A stream of superheated vapor 190 that is at a
provide a mist of atomized feed slurry flowing from the wheel second temperature, which is lower than the first temperature
92 of the atomizer 37 into the drying chamber 70. The atom of the circulated mass of Superheated vapor discharging from
ized feed and the superheated vapor interact with each other 25 the outlet 164 of the vapor distribution system, can be oper
inside the drying chamber 70 such that the liquid entrained in ably arranged with the cooling ring 188 such that the stream
the feed changes to Superheated vapor, thereby increasing the of superheated vapor 190 at the second temperature encircles
amount of Superheated vapor within the closed-loop circuit the circulated mass of Superheated vapor discharging from
21 and decreasing the temperature of the recirculated Super the outlet 164 of the vapor distribution system. The second
heated vapor. 30 temperature can be substantially close to the dryer outlet
Referring to FIG. 1, powder (comprising dried feed solids) temperature.
and superheated vapor exit the drying chamber 70 via the Referring to FIG.4, a cooling system 195 can be provided
vapor and powder outlet 142 and are conveyed to a vapor and within the pressure chamber 71 to dissipate the heat generated
powder inlet 170 of the bag house filter 28. The temperature by the atomizer motor 80 and lost from the vapor distribution
of the Superheated vapor discharging from the vapor and 35 system. The cooling system 195 includes a re-circulating fan
powder outlet 142 is less than the temperature of the super 197 and a plurality of cooling coils 199 using cooling tower
heated vapor entering the dryer 26 at the vapor inlet 130. In water. A coldwater supply 201 can deliver cold water, such as
one arrangement, the temperature of the Superheated vaporat water at 78° F., for example, to the cooling coils 199 which
the vapor inlet 130 is approximately 1100°F., and the tem returns water to the tank via a water return line 203. The fan
perature of the Superheated vapor discharged from the drying 40 197 can be arranged with the coils 199 to direct a stream of air
chamber via the vapor and powder outlet 142 is between over the coils 199 to help reduce the temperature within the
about 300°F. and 400°F., typically at about 350° F. dome 71.
Referring to FIGS. 2-4, the vapor distribution system 160 Referring to FIG. 4, the pressure dome 71 includes a pres
includes a conduit 166 that extends circumferentially around sure containment shell 210 which defines a pressurized inte
the atomizer 37 so that the conduit 166 is in substantial 45 rior of the pressure dome. The pressure dome 71 can have a
surrounding relationship with the atomizer. The conduit 166 pressure that is greater than the pressure in the drying cham
has an entry end 167 and a termination end 168 (FIG. 2). The ber 70 to create a positive pressure differential therebetween.
outlet 164 can extend circumferentially a predetermined dis If the pressure in the drying chamber 70 were greater than the
tance between the entry end 167 and the termination end 168. pressure in the pressure dome 71, then feed in the drying
In some embodiments, the outlet extends completely between 50 chamber 70 may have a tendency to infiltrate the spindle
the entry end and the termination end. The diameter of the bearings of the centrifugal atomizer 37. In Such an occur
conduit 166 decreases between the entry end 167 and the rence, the atomizer 37 would quickly fail, the bearings likely
termination end 168. The conduit 166 has a snail-shell blowing in short order.
appearance in that the conduit 166 has a generally spiral shape A controller can be provided that is operably arranged with
between its entry end 167 and its termination end 168 and the 55 a Supply of pressurized air 215 to regulate pressure in the
diameter of the conduit decreases between the entry end 167 dome 71 to maintain the pressure therein at a predetermined
and the termination end 168 in a generally linear fashion. higher level than the pressure in the drying chamber 70. The
Referring to FIG. 4, the vapor distribution system 160 pressure chamber 71 can include a pressurized airport 217 for
includes a flow insert 175 for directing the circulated mass of receiving the supply of pressurized air 215 therethrough. The
superheated vapor discharging from the outlet 164 of the 60 pressure dome 71 can be at a first operating pressure and the
vapor distribution system 160 into commingled relationship drying chamber 70 at a second operating pressure, which is
with the atomized feed slurry discharging from the centrifu less than the first operating pressure within the pressure
gal atomizer 37. The flow insert 175 can include a plurality of chamber 71. In some embodiments, the first operating pres
Vanes and adjustable wings that are configured to alter the sure within the pressure chamber 71 is greater than the second
flow of the circulating Superheated vapor through the vapor 65 operating pressure within the drying chamber 70 by between
distribution system to enhance the commingling relationship about one-halfinch and about ten inches of water column. In
between the superheated vapor and the atomized feed slurry. Some embodiments, the second operating pressure can be
US 8,176,655 B2
9 10
between about one psi and about twelve psi. In yet other Referring to FIGS. 1 and 2, the superheated vapor in the
embodiments, the second operating pressure can be greater upper area 232 of the bag house filter 28 can be directed back
than twelve psi. Such as anywhere in a range between twelve to the fan 22 via the recycle conduit E. The temperature of the
psi and about eighty psi, for example. superheated vapor discharged from the bag house filter 28 can
A pressure sensor can be disposed within both the pressure be between about 300°F. and about 400°F. in cases where the
chamber 71 and the drying chamber 70. The controller can be inlet temperature of the superheated vapor at the dryer 28 is
operably arranged with the pressure sensors within the pres about 1100° F., for example.
sure dome 71 and the drying chamber 70 and the supply of The pressure of the superheated vapor in the closed loop
pressurized air 215. The controller is adapted to regulate the circuit 21 is increased by the evaporation of the fluid in the
pressure in the pressure chamber 71 to maintain the pressure 10 feed slurry. The pressure in the closed-loop circuit 21 can be
in the pressure chamber 71 at a higher level than the pressure reduced by directing some of the superheated vapor from the
in the drying chamber 70 by selectively directing the flow of upper area 232 of the bag house filter 28 to a secondary
pressurized air 215 into the pressure chamber 71 based upon component 50 via the auxiliary conduit G.
A pressure-controlled valve 250 can be operably connected
the pressure information it receives from the sensors within 15 to the closed-loop circuit 21 to regulate the amount of Super
the pressure dome 71 and the drying chamber 70. heated vapor diverted from the closed-loop circuit 21 to the
Referring to FIGS. 1-3, the bag house filter 28 can separate auxiliary conduit G. The pressure-controlled valve 250 is
the dry feed from the superheated vapor. The bag house filter adapted to divert at least a portion of the vapor evaporated
28 can include the vapor and powder inlet 170, a powder from the supply of atomized feed slurry in the dryer 28 from
outlet 220 for expelling dried product therefrom, and a pair the closed-loop circuit 21 when the valve 250 is in an open
vapor outlets 222, 224 for expelling pressurized, Superheated position.
vapor therefrom. The secondary component 50 includes structure for per
Referring to FIG. 1, the primary vapor outlet 222 of the bag forming a heat transfer condensing step and can be selectively
house filter 28 is fluidly connected to the fan 22 by the conduit fluidly connected to the closed-loop circuit 21 via the pres
E. The auxiliary vapor outlet 224 of the bag house filter 28 is 25 sure-controlled valve 250. The secondary component 50 can
selectively fluidly connected to the secondary component 50 use the superheated vapor diverted from the closed-loop cir
via the conduit G. cuit 21, which is at the dryer operating pressure, for its own
Referring to FIG.3, the vapor and powder feed inlet 170 of operation. The secondary component 50 can include an
the bag house filter 28 is fluidly connected to the vapor and evaporator, for example. In some embodiments, the evapora
powder outlet 142 of the dryer 26 by the conduit D. A pair of 30 tor can comprise a second effect vapor arrangement for con
constant Support hangers 228 can be provided to help Support centrating feed. The diverted, superheated vapor could be
the conduit D fluidly connecting the vapor and powder outlet used to sparge in other embodiments. In yet other embodi
142 of the dryer and the vapor and powder inlet 170 of the bag ments, the diverted Superheated vapor is preferably at a pres
house filter. The bag house filter 28 is operably arranged with Sure of about 20 psi or higher and is used to generate elec
the powder discharge system 45 via the powder outlet 220. 35 tricity in a turbine.
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 3, the bag house filter 28 can A pressure sensor can be disposed within the drying cham
include a generally cylindrical housing 230 that defines an ber 70 of the dryer 26 and operably connected to the pressure
upper vapor distribution area 232, an intermediate bustle por controlled valve 250. The valve 250 can be modulated as a
tion 234 and a lower conical feed distribution area 236. The function of the pressure measured inside the drying chamber
primary and auxiliary vapor outlets 222, 224 can be disposed 40 70 such that the valve 250 opens when the pressure inside the
in the vapor distribution area 232. The vapor and powder feed drying chamber 70 exceeds a predetermined amount and
inlet 170 can be disposed in the bustle portion 234. The closes when the pressure inside the drying chamber 70 falls
powder outlet 220 can be disposed in the feed distribution below the predetermined amount. The valve 250 can be
area 236. The bag house filter 28 can include a plurality of adapted Such that it is in an open position when the pressure
manway access doors 240 to allow for the entry of personnel 45 sensed by the pressure sensor in the drying chamber 70
into the vapor distribution area 232, the bustle portion 234, exceeds a predetermined amount and in a closed position
and the feed distribution area 236 for maintenance, for when the pressure sensed by the pressure sensor in the drying
example, and a plurality of sight glasses 242 for the ready chamber 70 is below a predetermined amount. The pressure
visual inspection of the interior of the bag house filter 28. controlled valve 250 can modulate between the open position
Referring to FIGS. 6 and 7, the housing 230 of the bag 50 and the closed position to maintain the desired operating
house filter 28 contains a plurality of cylindrical filter bags pressure within the drying chamber 70 of the dryer 26.
245 that are suspended from a tube sheet forming the lower Referring to FIGS. 1, 6, and 7, the bag house filter 28 can
boundary of the vapor distribution area 232. In this embodi include the pulse cleaning system 40 for selectively directing
ment, there are one hundred sixty-six bags 245 that are about a supply of superheated vapor 255 through the interior of the
twenty feet long and about six inches in diameter. The filter 55 bags 245 in sequential fashion to periodically pulse clean the
bags 245 can act to separate the dry feed and the superheated exterior surface of the bags 245 such that dry feed accumu
vapor. The bags 245 can be formed from a fabric that is lated on the exterior surface of each bag 245 can be expelled
permeable such that the Superheated vapor can pass there therefrom to fall to the feed collection area 236. The supply of
through. In some embodiments, the fabric can be one com superheated vapor 255 can be any suitable vapor, such as
mercially available from W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. of 60 saturated Steam directed through a pressure reducer, for
Newark, Del., under the Gore-Tex R trade name. example. The superheated vapor 255 used in the pulse clean
The dry feed can fall to the feed collection area 236 by the ing system can be the same kind of vapor circulating in the
action of gravity upon it, and the Superheated vapor can pass closed-loop circuit 21.
through the bags 245 up into the vapor distribution area 232. The pulse cleaning system 40 can selectively direct Super
The dry feed can exit from the feed collection area 236 to the 65 heated vapor through a plurality of bags 245 in Successive
powder discharge system and on to a conventional conveyor fashion to periodically pulse clean the exterior surface of each
system for further processing and/or packaging, for example. bag 245. In some embodiments, the pulse cleaning system 40
US 8,176,655 B2
11 12
can sequentially pulse clean one bag 245 at a time. In other a plurality of spring supports 318 can be provided from which
embodiments, the pulse cleaning system 40 selectively the holding chamber 310 can be suspended. The spring Sup
directs Superheated vapor through the interiors of a group of ports 318 can be secured to an overhead structure 320 and to
bags 245 simultaneously. Different groups of bags 245 can be the holding chamber 310 to suspend the holding chamber
pulse-cleaned simultaneously such that the pulse cleaning 5 therefrom. As the feed collection area 236 and the holding
system 40 sequentially pulse cleans a plurality of groups of chamber 310 heat and expand, the springs 318 can expand in
bags. In some embodiments, the totality of bags 245 can be response to the expansion movement.
divided into like-numbered groups of bags, and in other The holding chamber 310 can include an upper inlet 322
embodiments, the bags 245 can be divided into groups that for receiving powder from the powder outlet 220 of the bag
have different numbers from each other. In yet other embodi 10 house filter, a lower outlet 324 for periodically discharging
ments, the pulse cleaning system 40 can selectively direct a powder accumulated in the holding chamber 310, and a vent
supply of superheated vapor through the interiors of all of the port 326 for selectively venting superheated vapor contained
bags simultaneously. within the holding chamber 310. The normally-open powder
Referring to FIGS. 1, 6 and 7, in this embodiment, the pulse valve 312 can be operable to selectively close the inlet 322 of
cleaning system 40 includes a Supply of Saturated Steam 256 15 the holding chamber 310 to stop the flow of powder from the
under 8 bars of pressure and a pair of pressure reducers 257, bag house filter 28 into the holding chamber 310. The nor
heaters 259, and shut-off valves 261 connected in parallel to mally-closed discharge valve 314 can be operable to selec
a pair of enclosures 264, 265 which each houses a pulse tively open the outlet 324 of the holding chamber 310 to
header 267, aheater 269, and a fan 271. The pressure reducers permit the discharge of the powder accumulated in the hold
257 can act to superheat the supply of saturated steam 256. ing chamber 310. The normally-closed vent valve 316 can be
Referring to FIG. 7, each pulse header 267 includes a operable to selectively open the vent port 326 of the holding
plurality of valves 275. Each valve 275 is interposed between chamber 310 to allow for the venting of superheated vapor
the supply of superheated vapor 255 and at least one bag 245 from the holding chamber 310.
for selective pulsing of the bag or bags to which it is con The powder valve 312 is arranged within the inlet 322 of
nected. In this embodiment, each pulse header 267 includes 25 the holding chamber 310 and is movable between an open
nineteen valves 275. Each valve 275 can be a fast-acting position and a closed position. When the powder valve 312 is
electric solenoid valve, for example. in the open position, the inlet 322 communicates with the
The filter bags 245 are arranged in a plurality of rows 280 interior of the holding chamber 310 to allow powder to move
which each can be divided into a first half 282 and a second through the inlet 322 into the holding chamber 310. When the
half 283 of the bag house filter system. In this embodiment, 30 powder valve 312 is in the closed position, the inlet 322 is
there are nineteen rows 280 offilter bags 245. Each valve 275 occluded.
of the pulse header 267 of the first enclosure 264 is operably The discharge valve 314 is arranged with the outlet 324 of
arranged with the first half 282 of one row, and each valve 275 the holding chamber 310 and is movable between an open
of the pulse header 267 of the second enclosure 265 is oper position and a closed position. When the discharge valve 314
ably arranged with the second half 283 of one row. In other 35 is in the open position, the outlet 324 communicates with the
embodiments, other arrangements can be used. interior of the holding chamber 310 to allow powder accu
The heater 269 and the plug fan 271 can be operated to mulated in the holding chamber 310 to discharge from the
maintain the temperature within the respective enclosure 264, holding chamber 310 via the outlet 324. When the discharge
265 to a predetermined temperature, such as 300° F., for valve 314 is in the closed position, the outlet 324 is occluded.
example to help maintain the vaporina Superheated State. The 40 The vent valve 316 is arranged with the vent port 326 of the
heater 269 can be any suitable type, such as an electric 15 kW holding chamber 310 and is movable between an open posi
duct heater, for example. The fan 271 can be any suitable type, tion and closed position. When the vent valve 316 is in the
Such as a forced-recirculation plug fan, for example. open position, the vent port 326 communicates with the inte
Referring to FIGS. 8-10, the first enclosure 264 is shown. rior of the holding chamber 310 to allow the vapor within the
The second enclosure is similar in construction to the first 45 holding chamber 310 to escape from the holding chamber 310
enclosure 264. Accordingly, the description of the first enclo via the vent port 326. When the vent valve 316 is in the closed
sure 264 is applicable to the second enclosure, as well. The position, the vent port 326 is occluded.
enclosure 264 is insulated and includes an outer wall 290, an The control unit is operably connected to the powder valve
inner wall 291, a pair of end walls 292,293, a bottom 294, and 312, the discharge valve 314, and the vent valve 316. The
a top 295. The inner wall 291 of the enclosure is disposed 50 control unit can be adapted to place the powder discharge
adjacent the bustle portion and includes an opening 297 system 45 in a fill position for receiving powder form the bag
through which the connection between the pulse header and house filter 28 and a discharge position for discharging pow
the filter bags associated with that pulse header can be made. der from the holding chamber 310. In the fill position, the
One of the end walls 293 includes a pair of openings 298,299 powder valve 312 is in the open position, the vent valve 316 is
for accommodating the heater and the plug fan, respectively. 55 in the closed position, and the discharge valve 314 is in the
The top 295 can be hingedly connected to the inner wall 291 closed position. In the discharge position, the powder valve
to allow ready access to the interior of the enclosure 264. 312 is in the closed position, the vent valve 316 is in the open
Referring to FIGS. 1 and 3, the powder discharge system position, and the discharge valve 314 is in the open position.
45 is arranged with the bag house filter 28 to receive powder The control unit is adapted to move the powder discharge
therefrom. The powder discharge system 45 is connected to 60 system from the fill position to the discharge position in a
the powder outlet 220 of the bag house filter 28. The powder sequential manner such that the powder valve 312 is first
discharge system 45 can have heat tracing applied to the moved from the open position to the closed position, the vent
exterior thereof to help prevent condensation. valve 316 is moved next from the closed position to the open
The powder discharge system 45 can include a holding position, and the discharge valve 314 is then moved from the
chamber 310, an upper, normally-open powder valve 312, a 65 closed position to the open position. The control unit can
lower, normally-closed discharge valve 314, a normally operate to periodically activate the valves in sequence Such
closed vent valve 316, and a control unit. Referring to FIG.3, that the powder valve 312 is in the closed position to prevent
US 8,176,655 B2
13 14
powder from entering the holding chamber 310, the vent a dryer, a bag house filter system, a fan, and a heater system
valve 316 is in the open position to allow the vapor to escape that are fluidly connected together to circulate a Superheated
from the holding chamber 310 via the vent port 326 to bring vapor therethrough. A feed system can be provided for deliv
the pressure within the holding chamber 310 to atmospheric ering a Supply of feed slurry into the dryer. The bag house
pressure, and then the discharge valve 314 is in the open filter system can include a plurality of bags and a pulse clean
position to allow the powder within the holding chamber 310 ing system for selectively directing Superheated vapor
to discharge from the holding chamber 310 via the outlet 324. through the interior of at least one of the bags to periodically
The powder discharge system 45 can include conventional pulse clean the exterior Surface thereof. The pulse cleaning
conveyor equipment to transport the dried powder to another system can selectively direct a Supply of Superheated vapor
location onsite for further processing or to a packaging area to 10 through the interiors of a group of the bags simultaneously.
ready the powder for shipment, for example. The pulse cleaning system can include a pulse header
The control unit can be adapted to move the powder dis including a plurality of valves with each valve being inter
charge system 45 from the discharge position to the fill posi posed between the Supply of Superheated vapor and at least
tion in a staggered manner Such that the discharge valve 314 one bag for selective pulsing of the at least one bag. The pulse
and the vent valve 316 are moved from the open position to 15 cleaning system can be housed within an enclosure which
the closed position and then the powder valve 312 is moved includes a heater and a plug fan.
from the closed position to the open position. In moving from In still other embodiments, a vapor atmosphere dryer can
the discharge position to the fill position, the discharge valve be provided that includes a closed-loop circuit having a dryer,
314 and the vent valve 316 can be closed in any order or a bag house filter system, a fan, and a heater system that are
simultaneously. fluidly connected together to circulate a Superheated vapor
Referring to FIG. 1, a secondary filter system 335 can be therethrough. A feed system for delivering a supply of feed
provided to filter the vapor vented from the holding chamber slurry into the dryer can be provided. A powder discharge
310. The secondary filter system 335 is connected to the vent system can be connected to the bag house filter Such that the
port 326 of the holding chamber 310 to filter and recover bag house filter delivers a supply of powder to the powder
entrained powder from the vapor vented from the holding 25 discharge system. The powder discharge system can include
chamber 310 via the vent port 326. The secondary filter sys a holding chamber, a powder valve, a discharge valve, a vent
tem 335 is heated and ventilated to discharge the vapor to valve, and a control unit. The holding chamber can include an
atmosphere without Substantial condensation which can to inlet for receiving powder from the bag house filter, an outlet,
allow substantially complete powder recovery. The second and a vent port. The powder valve is arranged with the inlet of
ary filter system is controlled in conjunction with the powder 30 the holding chamber and movable between an open position
discharge valve system. wherein the inlet communicates with the interior of the hold
The secondary filter system 335 includes a filter member ing chamber to allow powder to move through the inlet into
337 disposed in a body 339, a supply of compressed air 341, the holding chamber and a closed position wherein the inlet is
and a heater 343. The body 339 can include an inlet venturi occluded. The discharge valve is arranged with the outlet of
345 and an outlet venturi 347 such that vapor travels into the 35 the holding chamber and is movable between an open posi
inlet venturi 345, through the filter member 337, and out the tion wherein the outlet communicates with the interior of the
outlet venturi 347. The air supply 341 is fluidly connected to holding chamber to allow powder to move from the holding
the heater 343 by and to the outlet venturi 347 by a conduit U. chamber out of the outlet and closed position wherein the
The heater 343 is fluidly connected to the inlet venturi 345 outlet is occluded. The vent valve is arranged with the vent
and to the filter member 337. The body 339 can include a 40 port of the holding chamber and is movable between an open
collection port 349 through which powder can fall to be position, wherein the vent port communicates with the inte
recovered. rior of the holding chamber to allow the vapor within the
With this arrangement, a first Supply of compressed air holding chamber to escape from the holding chamber via the
351, which is heated to a first temperature by the heater 343, vent port, and a closed position, wherein the vent port is
is connected to the inlet venturi 345 such that the first supply 45 occluded. The control unit can be operably connected to the
of compressed air travels into the inlet venturi 345 and blends powder valve, the discharge valve, and the vent valve.
with the vented vapor to reduce the temperature at which The control unit can be adapted to place the powder dis
condensation may occur. The blend of air and vapor passes charge system in a filled position wherein the powder valve is
through the filter member 337 and out the outlet venturi347. in the open position, the vent valve is in the closed position,
A second Supply of compressed air 352 at a second tempera 50 and the discharge valve is in the closed position. The control
ture is connected to the outlet venturi347 such that the second unit can be adapted to place the powder discharge system in a
supply of compressed air travels into the outlet venturi 347 discharge position wherein the powder valve is in the closed
and out of the system to urge the flow of the vented vapor position, the vent valve is in the open position, and the dis
through the secondary filter 335. The second temperature is charge valve is in the open position. The control unit can be
less than the first temperature. 55 adapted to move the powder discharge system from the fill
A third supply of compressed air 353, which can be heated position to the discharge position in a sequential manner Such
by the heater 343 to the first temperature, can be used as part that the powder valve is first moved from the open position to
of a back-pulsing cleaning system provided for periodically the closed position, the vent valve is then moved from the
back-pulse cleaning the filter member 337. The back-pulsing closed position to the open position, and the discharge valve
cleaning system can include a fast-acting valve 355 to selec 60 is then moved from the closed position to the open position.
tively control the flow of the third supply of compressed air The powder valve can be a normally-open valve, the dis
353 to pulse clean the filter member 337. charge valve a normally-closed valve, and the vent valve a
Although particular reference has been made to vapor normally-closed valve.
atmosphere spray dryers, features of the disclosure also have The vapor atmosphere dryer can include a secondary filter
applicability to other dryers that may not include anatomizer. 65 system connected to the vent port of the holding chamber to
For example, in some embodiments, a vapor atmosphere filter and recover entrained powder from the vapor vented
dryer can be provided that includes a closed-loop circuit with from the holding chamber via the vent port. The secondary
US 8,176,655 B2
15 16
filter system can be heated and ventilated to discharge the a feed system for delivering a supply of feed slurry to the
vapor to atmosphere without Substantial condensation. The centrifugal atomizer, the feed system operably arranged
secondary filter system can include a filter having a filter with the centrifugal atomizer for providing a Supply of
member, an inlet venturi mounted thereto, and an outlet ven atomized feed slurry for combination with the circulated
turi mounted thereto such that vapor travels into the inlet mass of Superheated vapor within the dryer, and
venturi through the filter member and out the outlet venturi. A a powder discharge system connected to the powder outlet
first Supply of compressed air at a first temperature can be of the bag house filter to receive powder therefrom, the
connected to the inlet venturi such that the first supply of powder discharge system including a holding chamber,
compressed air travels into the inlet venturi through the filter an upper, normally-open powder valve, a lower, nor
member and out the outlet Venturi. A second Supply of com 10 mally-closed discharge valve, a normally-closed vent
pressed air at a second temperature can be connected to the valve, and a control unit, the holding chamber including
outlet venturi Such that the second Supply of compressed air an upper inlet for receiving powder from the powder
travels into the outlet venturi and out of the system to urge the outlet of the bag house filter, a lower outlet, and a vent
flow of the vented vapor through the secondary filter. A back port, the normally-open powder valve operable to selec
pulsing cleaning system having a Supply of heated com 15 tively close the inlet of the holding chamber, the nor
pressed air can be provided to periodically back-pulse clean mally-closed discharge valve operable to selectively
ing the filter member. open the outlet of the holding chamber, the normally
All references, including publications, patent applications, closed vent operable to selectively open the vent port of
and patents, cited herein are hereby incorporated by reference the holding chamber, the control unit adapted to periodi
to the same extent as if each reference were individually and cally activate the valves in sequence Such that the pow
specifically indicated to be incorporated by reference and der valve is in a closed position to prevent powder from
were set forth in its entirety herein. entering the holding chamber, the vent valve is in an
The use of the terms “a” and “an and “the' and similar open position to allow the vapor to escape from the
referents in the context of describing the invention (especially holdinq chamber via the vent port to bring the pressure
in the context of the following claims) are to be construed to 25 within the holding chamber to atmospheric pressure,
cover both the singular and the plural, unless otherwise indi and then the discharge Valve is in an open position to
cated herein or clearly contradicted by context. The terms allow the powder within the holding chamber to dis
“comprising.” “having.” “including, and “containing” are to charge therefrom,
be construed as open-ended terms (i.e., meaning “including, wherein the dryer includes a Superheated vapor inlet, a
but not limited to) unless otherwise noted. Recitation of 30 liquid feed inlet, and a vapor and powder outlet, the bag
ranges of values herein are merely intended to serve as a house filter includes a vapor and powder inlet, a powder
shorthand method of referring individually to each separate outlet for expelling dried product therefrom, and a vapor
value falling within the range, unless otherwise indicated outlet for expelling pressurized, Superheated vapor
herein, and each separate value is incorporated into the speci therefrom, the vapor and powder feed inlet fluidly con
fication as if it were individually recited herein. All methods 35 nected to the vapor and powder outlet of the dryer, the
described herein can be performed in any suitable order fan is fluidly connected to the vapor outlet of the bag
unless otherwise indicated herein or otherwise clearly con house filter, the fan is fluidly connected to the heating
tradicted by context. The use of any and all examples, or system, and the heating system is fluidly connected to
exemplary language (e.g., “Such as') provided herein, is the vapor inlet of the dryer, and
intended merely to better illuminate the invention and does 40 wherein the closed loop circuit is constructed such that the
not pose a limitation on the scope of the invention unless circulated mass of Superheated vapor has an operating
otherwise claimed. No language in the specification should be pressure of at least 1 psi and the operating pressure of the
construed as indicating any non-claimed element as essential recirculated mass of Superheated vapor is generated by
to the practice of the invention. the evaporation of the fluid in the atomized feed slurry in
Preferred embodiments of this invention are described 45 the dryer resulting from the combination of the supply of
herein, including the best mode known to the inventors for atomized feed slurry and the circulated mass of Super
carrying out the invention. Variations of those preferred heated vapor.
embodiments may become apparent to those of ordinary skill 2. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 1,
in the art upon reading the foregoing description. The inven further comprising:
tors expect skilled artisans to employ such variations as 50 a secondary filter system connected to the vent port of the
appropriate, and the inventors intend for the invention to be holding chamber to filter the vapor vented therefrom.
practiced otherwise than as specifically described herein. 3. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 1,
Accordingly, this invention includes all modifications and wherein the dryer includes a drying chamber and a pressure
equivalents of the Subject matter recited in the claims chamber, the atomizer disposed within the pressure chamber,
appended hereto as permitted by applicable law. Moreover, 55 the atomizer having an outlet end projecting into the drying
any combination of the above-described elements in all pos chamber such that the supply of atomized feed slurry dis
sible variations thereof is encompassed by the invention charges from the atomizer into the drying chamber.
unless otherwise indicated herein or otherwise clearly con 4. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 3,
tradicted by context. wherein the pressure chamber is at a first operating pressure
What is claimed is: 60 and the drying chamber is at a second operating pressure, the
1. A vapor atmosphere spray dryer comprising: first pressure being greater than the second pressure.
a closed-loop circuit including a dryer, a bag house filter 5. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 4.
system, a fan, and a heater system, the dryer, the bag wherein the first pressure is greater than the second pressure
house filter, the fan, and the heater system fluidly con by between about one-halfinch and about ten inches of water
nected together for circulating a mass of Superheated 65 column.
vapor through the closed-loop circuit; 6. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 4.
a centrifugal atomizer disposed within the dryer, further comprising a Supply of pressurized air, the pressure
US 8,176,655 B2
17 18
chamber including a pressurized air port for receiving the therefrom, the vapor and powder feed inlet fluidly con
Supply of pressurized air therethrough and a pressure sensor nected to the vapor and powder outlet of the dryer,
disposed therein, the drying chamber includes a pressure wherein the dryer includes an enclosure and a drying
sensor disposed therein, and a controller is operably arranged chamber, the atomizer disposed within the enclosure of
with the pressure sensors and the Supply of pressurized air, the 5 the dryer, the atomizer arranged such that the Supply of
controller adapted to regulate the pressure in the pressure atomized feed slurry is discharged therefrom into the
chamber to maintain the first pressure in the pressure chamber drying chamber, the Superheated vapor inlet and the
at a higher level than the second pressure in the drying cham vapor and powder outlet in fluid communication with the
drying chamber such that the recirculated mass of super
7. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 1, heated vapor circulates through the drying chamber, the
wherein the dryer includes a vapor distribution system, the enclosure is at a first operating pressure and the drying
vapor distribution system comprising a part of the closed chamber is at a second operating pressure, the first pres
loop circuit, the vapor distribution system including an outlet Sure being greater than the second pressure and
cooperatively arranged with the drying chamber Such that the 15 wherein the enclosure includes a pressure sensor disposed
recirculated mass of Superheated vapor circulates through the therein and the drying chamber includes a pressure sen
drying chamber, the outlet of the vapor distribution system Sor disposed therein, the pressure sensors operably
arranged with the atomizer Such that the recirculated mass of arranged with a controller, the controller operably
Superheated vapor commingles with the atomized feed slurry arranged with the Supply of pressurized air to regulate
in the drying chamber. the pressure in the enclosure to maintain the pressure in
8. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 3, the enclosure at a predetermined higher level than the
wherein the dryer includes a cooling ring disposed between pressure in the drying chamber.
the pressure chamber and the drying chamber. 15. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim
9. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 8. 14, wherein the first pressure is greater than the second pres
wherein the recirculated mass of Superheated vapor discharg 25 sure by between about one-half inch and ten inches of water
ing from the outlet of the vapor distribution system is at a first column.
temperature, and a stream of Superheated vapor that is at a 16. A vapor atmosphere spray dryer comprising:
second temperature which is lower than the first temperature a closed-loop circuit including a dryer having an enclosure
is operably arranged with the cooling ring Such that the stream and a drying chamber, a bag house filter system, a fan,
of Superheated vapor at the second temperature encircles the 30 and a heater system, the drying chamber of the dryer, the
recirculated mass of Superheated vapor discharging from the bag house filter, the fan, and the heater system fluidly
outlet of the vapor distribution system. connected together for circulating a mass of superheated
10. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim 9. vapor through the closed-loop circuit, the Superheated
wherein the second temperature is substantially close to the vapor being pressurized to at least 1 psi;
dryer outlet temperature. 35 a centrifugal atomizer, the atomizer including a motor, a
11. The vaporatmosphere spray dryer according to claim 1, spindle having a longitudinal axis and a distal end with
wherein the bag house filter system includes a plurality of a distributing wheel, and a body, the spindle being rotat
bags and a pulse cleaning system for selectively directing a able about the longitudinal axis thereof via the motor, the
Supply of Superheated vapor through the interior of at least body having a mounting end and a distal end, the spindle
one of the bags to periodically pulse clean the exterior Surface 40 rotatably mounted within the body such that the wheel
thereof. extends from the distal end of the body, the motor dis
12. The vapor atmosphere dryer according to claim 11, posed within the enclosure of the drying chamber, the
wherein the pulse cleaning system includes a pulse header distributing wheel disposed within the drying chamber
including a plurality of valves, each valve being interposed of the dryer;
between the Supply of Superheated vapor and at least one bag 45 a feed system operably arranged with the centrifugal atom
for selective pulsing of the at least one bag. izer for providing a Supply of atomized feed slurry
13. The vapor atmosphere spray dryer according to claim within the dryer; and
12, wherein the pulse cleaning system is housed within an a powder discharge system connected to the powder outlet
enclosure which includes a heater and a plug fan. of the bag house filter to receive powder therefrom, the
14. A vapor atmosphere spray dryer comprising: 50 powder discharge system including a holding chamber,
a closed-loop circuit including a dryer, a bag house filter an upper, normally-open powder valve, a lower, nor
system, a fan, and a heater system, the dryer, the bag mally-closed discharge valve, a normally-closed vent
house filter, the fan, and the heater system fluidly con valve, and a control unit, the holding chamber including
nected together for circulating a mass of Superheated an upper inlet for receiving powder from the powder
vapor through the closed-loop circuit; 55 outlet of the bag house filter, a lower outlet, and a vent
a centrifugal atomizer disposed within the dryer, port, the normally-open powder valve operable to selec
a feed system operably arranged with the centrifugal atom tively close the inlet of the holding chamber, the nor
izer for discharging a Supply of atomized feed slurry mally-closed discharge valve operable to selectively
within the dryer; and open the outlet of the holding chamber, the normally
a Supply of pressurized air, the enclosure including a pres 60 closed vent operable to selectively open the vent port of
Surized airport for receiving the Supply of pressurized the holding chamber, the control unit adapted to periodi
a1r, cally activate the valves in sequence Such that the pow
wherein the dryer includes a Superheated vapor inlet, a der valve is in a closed position to prevent powder from
liquid feed inlet, and a vapor and powder outlet, the bag entering the holding chamber, the vent valve is in an
house filter includes a vapor and powder inlet, a powder 65 open position to allow the vapor to escape from the
outlet for expelling dried product therefrom, and a vapor holding chamber via the vent port to bring the pressure
outlet for expelling pressurized, Superheated vapor within the holding chamber to atmospheric pressure,
US 8,176,655 B2
19 20
and then the discharge valve is in an open position to fan is fluidly connected to the vapor outlet of the bag
allow the powder within the holding chamber to dis- house filter, the fan is fluidly connected to the heating
charge therefrom, system, and the heating system is fluidly connected to
wherein the dryer includes a Superheated vapor inlet, a the vapor inlet of the dryer, and
liquid feed inlet, and a vapor and powder outlet, the bag 5 wherein the enclosure of the dryer has a first operating
house filter includes a vapor and powder inlet, a powder pressure, and the drying chamber of the dryer has a
outlet for expelling dried product therefrom, and a vapor second operating pressure, the first operating pressure
outlet for expelling pressurized, Superheated vapor being greater than the second operating pressure.
therefrom, the vapor and powder feed inlet fluidly con
nected to the vapor and powder outlet of the dryer, the k . . . .