Annexure D
Annexure D
Annexure D
Lightning current wave shape is considered as concave wave shape [7] as shown in
Figure D1.
The current front of the first stroke can be expressed according the reference [7] as:
i = At + Bt n
The basic assumption is that the current shape reaches the instant of maximum
steepness (90% amplitude) at a time dependent on the exponent n. In principle, both
variables have to be evaluated by an iterative procedure, but a sufficiently accurate
solution is given by:
(1 − 3x / 2S N ) (1 − x)n = x (n − 1) / 2S N + (1 − 3xn / 2S N ) (1 − x )
S N = Sm t f / I ; X N = 0.6 t f / tn
I : current amplitude
Sm :maximum steepness
t f :front time
However, a sufficiently accurate solution is given by
n = 1 + 2( S N − 1) (2 + 1/ S N )
tn = 0.6 t f 3S N2 / (1 + S N2 )
Insulation coordination studies for Hunayn Substation
1 I
A= 0.9 .n − Sm
n − 1 tn
B= [ Sm .tn − 0.9 I ]
t ( n − 1)
I = Sm t f
According to [10] following relations between peak current "I" and front steepness "S"
can be derived:
I = I1 e − (t −tn )/ t1 − I 2 e − ( t −tn )/ t2
t1 , t2 :time constans
I1 , I 2 :constans
th :time to half value
t1 = (th − tn ) / ln 2
t2 = 0.1I / S m
t1 t2 I
I1 = S
m + 0.9
t1 − t2 t2
t1 t2 I
I2 = Sm + 0.9
t1 − t2 t1
Insulation coordination studies for Hunayn Substation
Considering the situation when all the striking distances coincide at a single point, where
the maximum shielding failure current Im (kA) is defined.
From Figure C3, the maximum value of rg at maximum shielding failure current Im is
calculated by
rgm =
(h + y) / 2
1 − γ sin α
h = Height of the ground wire,
y = Height of the phase conductor,
Insulation coordination studies for Hunayn Substation
γ =
rc = 7.1I 0.75
rg = 6.4 I 0.75
where I is lightning stroke peak current amplitude (kA)
α = tan −1
h− y
The maximum shielding failure current Im and rgm is related by [7]
Im =
rgm b
From [1], using Brown-Whitehead model, A and b values are selected as 6.4 and 0.75
Hence the Direct stroke current calculated from above equations is Im= 20.95kA
For the direct lightning stroke into the phase conductor the subsequent stroke is
considered as more critical because of higher current steepness. Hence as per reference
[10] from known peak current (20kA is considered for calculation of Sm and tf, to obtain
maximum value, as considering the exact value of 20.95>20kA gives lower steepness
and higher front time), steepness and front time are estimated as
Sm = 61.62kA/µs
tf = 0.463µs
These values are used in the direct stroke analysis.
Insulation coordination studies for Hunayn Substation
Given the regional ground flash density, the cumulative frequency distribution curve of
lightning current amplitudes (Figure D3) enables to estimate the maximum lightning
current that could statistically occur within an area of interest per determined period
[7,11]. The area of interest is the area covered by a portion of the transmission line
assumed to be critical (Figure D4).
The average number of lightning flashes to the line within the critical distance
corresponds to the average number of ground flashes within the area of interest A
(Figure D4), the area of interest A is given by [6, 10]:
Insulation coordination studies for Hunayn Substation
A = (2 Ra + b) ∗ X ∗10−3 [ km 2 ]
X = Critical line length[km]
b = Width between shield wires[m]
Ra =14 H 0.6 [ m]
H = Structur eeffective height[m]
= hgw − ( mid span sag)
hgw = height of the sheild wire at the tower
Insulation coordination studies for Hunayn Substation
T = ,surgetravel timealong thelongest possibleopen busconnectionin thestation
L = longest possibleopenbusconnection
K = corona dampingconstant = 6 ∗10−4[µs / kV / km]
Ucw = theparticular coordination withstand voltagefor thestationor equipment
(U p *0.8, whereU p = 1300 kV )
Ures = lightningprotectivelevelof thesurgearrester (typicallyat10kA) = 792kV
The number of lightning flashes to the line within the critical distance is then:
N SX = N g ∗ A [ flashes / year ]
where N g = average annual ground flash density [flashes per year and km2 ]
= 0.04 Td1.25 [8]
Td = number of thunderstorm days per year =10
The probability of the maximum lightning current within the area of interest is given by:
P( I ) = [%] ---->corresponding to lightning current
where N d = design failure ratein % per year
Given this probability, the corresponding lightning current amplitude is derived from the
reference probability distribution (Figure D3).
For the assumed allowed failure probability per year of 0.02779%, the calculated
maximal lightning current peak according this procedure amounts to 230.4kA.
The corresponding maximum current steepness amounts to: Sm = 77.79kA/µs and the
front time: tf = 7.855µs.