Bece Reviewer
Bece Reviewer
Bece Reviewer
can be tested
- also known as a volt/ohm meter or
It is used in the applications of
environmental and temperature
- is an electronic measuring Measurement of time & frequency
instrument that combines several
measurement functions in one unit. PRIMARY TYPES OF MULTIMETER
- very useful instruments that can be
utilized in a number of fields, the ANALOG MULTIMETER
primary users being electrician Is used to measure AC and DC
FUNCTIONS OF A MULTIMETER current as well as voltage. It is also
used to measure resistance.
Basic types of multimeter are mainly used to The analog multimeter also exhibits
measure amperage, resistance, voltage, low resistance and high sensitivity
checks continuity and a complete circuit can with scales down, which can make it
be tested like the following: difficult to use.
It consists of a continuous scale over
Resistance in Ohms which a deflecting needle indicates
Capacity in Farads the value to be measured.
The temperature in Fahrenheit/ Inside analog multimeter there is a current
Celsius measuring moving coil meter with
AC Voltage & Amperage appropriate internal resistors which will be
Inductance Henrys brought into circuit based on range switch
DC Voltage & Amperage selection.
Frequency in Hz
Conductance in Siemens DIGITAL MULTIMETER
A digital multimeter is essentially a
Duty Cycle
In order to measure current and
resistance, some internal circuitry is
AC/DC voltage measurement used to “ convert” current and
resistance values to corresponding
AC/DC current measurement voltage values.
Resistance & continuity Using an analog to digital converter,
measurement the voltage is converted to a digital
To check diode signal and a value is displayed using
Measurement of capacitance a display, which is typically a 7
Measurement of frequency segment display
To test batteries
A broken power cable can be FEATURES OF NEW AND OLD DIGITAL
determined MULTIMETER
The switch can be tested
In older digital multimeters, the type of
An outlet can be tested
measurement as well as the range needs to
be selected manually. Most new digital
multimeters have an auto ranging feature. block that is used when measuring
However, users still have the ability to the resistance, continuity of an
manually select the range (this is especially object
useful when measuring values that change
Direct Current mille Ampere Block
by large amounts periodically)
block that is used to measure the
small voltage of direct current
A digital clamp meter has built-in
Zero Ohms Ω Adjuster Knob
tools used to measure electrical
flow. used to calibrate the multitester
A clamp DMM' s primary function is when you want to measure the
to measure voltage and amperage resistance of an object
flowing through an insulated cable.
Most digital clamp meters can not Needle Pointer
measure electrical resistance. the needle-shaped rod that moves
They measure current flow through over the scale of a meter. The
the clamp portion and the volts using needle pointer is mechanically
the probes. The power consumption, connected to the moving coil. The
or Watts, can be calibrated by value the pointer hovers over
multiplying the amps and the indicates the value being measured
readings of the volt by the multitester
Auto-ranging multimeters A test probe or a test lead is an
automatically adjust to the voltage or instrument used to connect a
ohm setting needed to test the multimeter to a Device Under Test
component or circuit. which is known as DUT.
PARTS OF AN ANALOG MULTIMETER are flexible, insulated wires
are able to establish an electrical
Meter Scale connection between a multimeter
and the DUT without exposing
used to identify the amount of
electrical workers to live conductive
voltage current and resistance of the
circuit being measured
Red test probes connect to the
Alternating Current Voltage Block positive terminal, and black test
probes connect to the negative
the block used when measuring the
power, voltage of an object
Range Selector
Direct Current Voltage Block
allows you to adjust the settings of
block used if there is polarity will be
the multitester (range selector knobs
check and commonly used in the
are also present on the best
insulation resistance testers)
Resistance Block
Using this you can change what the For measuring the resistor of any
multitester is measuring (e.g. resistor or resistance of any circuit
voltage, current, or resistance), as firstly select the selector switch on
well as the range of the resistance and connect the leads
measurement (e.g. volts or
For continuity check set selector
switch on continuity and connect the
Display leads as per beow picture.If circuit
have very low resistance then digitsl
where measurement readouts can
multimeter create beep sound
be viewed
Selector Switch
For the measurement of Ac current
used for selecting primary
firstly set selector switch to Ac
measurement values (volts, amps,
current and then connect the
leads(in series with circuit)
It is used for selecting various DIODE
functions; the options vary by model.
The selector switch should be on
Input jacks diode symbol and simply connection
are just like resistance
where test leads are inserted measurement. So these are
HOW TO USE A MULTIMETER methods of measurement with help
of digital multimeter
To measure the Dc voltage with help MULTIMETER AND A DIGITAL
of Digital multimeter firstly set the MULTIMETER
selector switch on Dc voltage. Now
connect the Voltage/ohms lead to Input resistance of digital multimeter
positive end of cell and common is constant for all the ranges to be
lead to negative end of cell measured unlike analog multimeter
Digital multimeters measure with
MEASUREMENT OF AC VOLTAGE accuracy better than analog
For measurement of Ac voltage multimeter as analog multimeter is
firstly set the selector switch to Vac prone to errors due to wrong pointer
and after that connect connection based reading
leads to ac source whose voltage is The highest frequency of analog
need to measured multimeter using rectifiers on AC
range is about 2KHz. For digital
Measurement of Resistance electronic multimeter this range is
higher than analog type
The comparison between analog Warming of the meter during its use
and digital meters comes down to can change its properties
one word: precision. Most situations The A/D converter has a limitation
call for as precise a reading as on word length
possible, making a digital meter the There is a voltage limitation
better choice. However, instead of a The digital nature makes it
single precise reading, some unsuitable for adjusting tuning
instances call for finding out a range circuits or peaking tunable
of readings, making an analog meter responses.
the better choice. They are expensive due to high
manufacturing cost.
Analogue-works by directly applying voltages that turns on and off at
a voltage being measured to an regular intervals . This type of wave
electron beam moving across the is commonly seen when testing
oscilloscope screen. Voltage amplifiers.
deflects the beam up or down
proportionally, tracing the waveform
on the screen giving an immediate same as to square waves but differ
picture of the wave form. from the length between high and
Digital-samples the waveform and low time intervals.
uses an analogue to digital converter particularly important when
to transform the voltage being analyzing digital circuitry.
measured into digital information
then uses this digital information to SAWTOOTH AND TRIANGLE WAVES
reconstruct the waveform on the can be seen as a result from testing
screen. circuits designed to control voltage
Analogue oscilloscopes are often linearly. these transitions are called
preferred when itis important to ramps
display rapidly varying signals in
Digital oscilloscopes allow the only occurs once and are called
capture and viewing of events that single shot or transient signals .
happen only once. They can process The pulse indicates what you would
the digital waveform data or send see if you turned a power switch on
the data to a computer for and then off again. It might represent
processing and can store the digital one bit of information traveling
waveform data for later viewing and through a computer circuit or it might
printing. be a defect in a circuit.
TYPES OF WAVES Pulse train- collection of pulses
when traveling together.
Sine wave
fundamental wave shape for several
reasons. has harmonious combine the characteristics of sines,
mathematical properties, and has squares, steps, and pulses to
two different types: sine and damped produce a wave-shape that
sine wave challenges many oscilloscopes
Sine waves are commonly produced POWER SUPPLY
by AC and DC since the current is
steady and flowing. Used for electronic testing. Power
Damped sine waves are a rare case supplies comes in DC. There are
that is mostly seen in circuits as they two types of power supplies.
oscillates but winds down over time. Linear regulated power supply -
regulates the output voltage by
SQUARE WAVE dropping excess voltage in a series
dissipative component.
Switch mode power supply 1. Set controls to normal position- this
incorporates a switching regulator to includes the knobs, push buttons,
convert electrical power efficiently. and dials to be put back in normal
position and connections are need to
be pulled out.
a complex electronic device that is
2. Turn on the oscilloscope
composed of electronic hardware
modules that work together to 3. Set the VOLTS/DIV Control to Your
capture ,process, display, and store Desired Settings-While you can
data that represents the signals of choose your desired setting for the
interest of an operator. VOLTS/DIV, it is usually ideal to set
Digital oscilloscope is also know as it to 1 for calibration purposes.
Digital storage oscilloscope or DSO Setting it to 1 lets the oscilloscope
Digital oscilloscopes periodically display one volt per vertical division.
samples a time varying analog
4. 4. Set the TIME/DIV to the Lowest
signal and stores in the waveform
Setting-This setting, usually set to
memory the signal’s values in
1ms, gives the oscilloscope the
correlation with time.
horizontal division to represent the
5. Turn the Trigger Switch to Auto-
Cathode-ray tube (CRT)-consists of
Setting the trigger to auto helps
a screen where signals are viewed,
establish a common trigger point in
and the elements within the CRT,
the waveform to stabilize the trace.
which generate and control a stream
Without this, the waveform drifts and
of electrons that strike the inside of
is difficult to watch.
the CRT screen, producing the
6. Connect the Oscilloscope to the
illumination you view on the outside
Input Signal
of the screen.
7. Connect the Probe to the
Intensity and focus controls- allow Oscilloscope’s Calibration Terminal-
the users to adjust the brightness, Some oscilloscopes have two
size, clarity, and focus of the spot or terminals, usually 0.2V and 2V. If
trace on the CRT screen caused by your instrument has two terminals,
the electron beam. use the 2V for this purpose. When
using your oscilloscope on an
Position controls-allow adjusting electrical circuit, it is important to
voltages that control the position of connect the oscilloscope’s grounding
the trace on the CRT screen. to a grounding source connected to
Horizontal sweep frequency the earth. This is to prevent the risk
controls -used to control the linear of shocks and damaging your
trace speed and repetition rate of the circuit.However, for calibrati on
horizontal trace of the electron beam purposes, connecting the grounding
across the CRT screen. lead is not necessary.
8. Adjust the Wave- If the square wave
HOW TO USE AND CALIBRATE displayed doesn’t fit well within the
screen, you can always adjust it
using the TIME/DIV and VOLTS/DIV