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P GB4 Duh YDEx G8 y OIe KL0

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Chapter 1

Simple Stresses
and Strains

☞☞ Introduction ☞☞ R
 elationship between modulus of elasticity
☞☞ Stress and modulus of rigidity
☞☞ Types of strain ☞☞ Bars of varying cross-sections
☞☞ Hooke’s law and modulus of elasticity ☞☞ B
 ars with a continuously varying cross-
☞☞ Stress–strain relationship section (width vary from b1 to b2)

☞☞ Factor of safety ☞☞ Compound bars

☞☞ Elastic constants ☞☞ Elongation due to self weight

☞☞ Poisson’s ratio ☞☞ Thermal stresses

☞☞ V
 olumetric strain of rectangular bar with ☞☞ Thermal stresses in compound bars
triaxial loading

Introduction Stress
Simple Stresses and Strains Stress: When a member is subjected to loads, resisting
forces are developed.
Strength: Resistance of a material to withstand external load.
Each member is in equilibrium under the action of the
Stiffness: Resistance of a material to withstand deformations. applied forces and the internal resisting forces. When a
NOTE section of the member is considered, the intensity of the
A strong material takes more loads at failure. resisting force normal to the sectional plane is called ‘the
A stiff material undergoes less deformation at failure. intensity of normal stress’ or ‘normal stress’.
∆R dR
Assumptions for Calculating Strength of Materials Stress = p = lim
∆A→ 0 ∆A
1. Material of a body is solid and continuous (no voids
and no cracks).
R = Resisting force
2. Material is homogeneous and isotropic.
A = Cross-sectional area
Homogeneous: If a material has identical properties
∴ R = ∫ pdA , and P = Applied force
at all points in identical directions, it is called
Isotropic: If a material has identical elastic properties P = Applied P = Applied
at a point in all directions, it is called ‘isotropic’. force force

3. Self weight of material is ignored.

4. Superposition principle is valid. P = Applied pA
5. Saint Venant’s principle is valid. force

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3.102 | Part III ■ Unit 2 ■ Solid Mechanics

Shear strain f ≅ tan f =
A member free to deform (or) free to move away will not l
develop any stress. δv
Volumetric strain = ev = = ex + ey + ez
Units of stress: N/m2 = Pascal
= Sum of strains in the x, y, and z directions of the body.
Types of Stresses
Direct Stresses Hooke’s Law and Modulus
1. Normal or direct stress: The stress in a body due to
a force perpendicular to the surface: of Elasticity
Hooke’s law states that stress is proportional to strain up to
the limit of proportionality in the elastic region, i.e., p ∝ e
Tensile force Compressive force \ p = Ee,
2. Shear stress: The tangential force per unit area, i.e., Where, E = Constant of proportionality of the material
the force acting tangentially across the section. E is known as the modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus.
From Hooke’s law:
Indirect Stresses
1. Bending stress: The stresses caused in the layers of P
a member due to bending phenomenon in a beam are p PL PL
E= = A = , or δ L =
called ‘bending stresses’. e δ L Aδ L AE

Stress–Strain Relationship
The stress–strain relationship can be plotted by conducting
a test on a specimen using the Universal Testing Machine
2. Torsional shear stress: Torsion or twisting of a (UTM). An extensometer can be used to measure the length
member results in torsional shear stress. variations.

The main aim of Solid Mechanics is to determine stress C
resultant comprising of normal and tangential compo-
Stress →

nents only.

Types of Strain
Increase in length
Tensile strain, et = O
Original length
Strain →
Decrease in length
Compressive strain = ec = In the initial portion OA, stress is directly proportional
Original length
to strain. Point A is the limit of proportionality. Slightly
Shear strain is the angular deformation due to the shear
beyond A, when the load is released, strain disappears com-
pletely and original length is regained.
A δ lA′ B δ lB′ This point (A′) is called ‘the elastic limit’. Point B is the
upper yield point and point C is the lower yield point. The
horizontal portion, before point C is called ‘the yield plateau’.
l φ After the point C, strain hardening occurs. Point D rep-
φ resents the ultimate stress which is the maximum stress the
material can resist. Here, the process of necking begins.
D C Point E is the breaking point, the stress at which the speci-
L men fails.

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Chapter 1 ■ Simple Stresses and Strains | 3.103

In some materials, like aluminium and carbon steel, Where

there are no specific yield points. q = Shear stress (some times denoted as t)
In brittle materials, there is no yield point. For these
f = Shear strain
materials, the ultimate point and breaking point are same.
As already explained, shear strain is the angular deforma-
tion due to shear forces.
Factor of Safety Bulk modulus: It is the ratio of identical stresses p acting
Ultimate stress in three mutually perpendicular directions on a body to the
Factor of safety = FS = corresponding volumetric strain ev. It is denoted by the let-
Working stress
ter K.
Factor of safety is used in a design process to avoid failures. p
FS for steel = 1.85 Therefore, K =
FS for concrete = 3.00
ev = Volumetric strain
Material Properties ∆v
= ⋅

1. Ductile material: It is a material which can undergo V

considerable deformation without rupture.
Change in volume
Here, Duct = Wire =
Major portion of deformation is plastic. Original volume
• Strong in tension = ex + ey + ez
• Moderate in compression
• Weak in shear
Poisson’s Ratio
2. Malleability: The plastic response (deformation)
When a force is applied, there is a change in the dimension in
of a material to compressive force is known as
the direction of application of the load. A change in dimen-
sion will occur in the lateral direction also.
3. Brittle material: A material which fails suddenly If there is an expansion axially due to force acting in that
without any plastic deformation is said to be a brittle direction, there is a contraction laterally and vice versa.
material. It is:
• Strong in compression
• Moderate in shear
• Weak in tension
4. Elastic material: If a material regains its original
shape and size on removal of stress is said to be
elastic material. Within elastic limit, there is a constant ratio between lateral
5. Plastic material: A material which undergoes strain and longitudinal strain. This is known as Poisson’s
permanent deformation without rupture is called ratio.
‘plastic material’. 1 Lateralstrain
That is Poisson’s ratio, or µ =
m Linear strain

Elastic Constants Volumetric Strain of

The elastic constants are modulus of elasticity (or Young’s
modulus), modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus. Rectangular Bar with
Modulus of elasticity: It is already explained along with Triaxial Loading
Hook’s law as the ratio of linear stress to linear strain with
pz py
in elastic limit. It is denoted by letter E.
Modulus of rigidity: Is the ratio of shear stress to shear
strain with in elastic limit. It is denoted by letter G. px
q py
φ pz

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3.104 | Part III ■ Unit 2 ■ Solid Mechanics

Let stresses px, py and pz act on 3 mutually perpendicular p

directions x, y, z as shown in the given figure. =
Change in length in the x direction is due to strain due to (1 − 2 µ )
px and lateral strains due to py and pz.
−Lateral strain = or E = 3K(1 - 2m).
=µ 3(1 − 2 µ )
Linear strain
The above equation reflects the relationship between modu-
(Here, the ‘- sign’ comes due to reduction in length) lus of elasticity and bulk modulus.
Change in length due to px: dv
Another conclusion is, if (px + py + pz) = 0, =0
px \ There is no change in volume.
δ l1 = ×l
E 1
Change in length due to py: When µ = , ev = 0 always.
py Example: Rubber.
δ l2 = − µ
Similarly, change in length due to pz: Relationship between Modulus
δ l3 = − µ
l of Elasticity and Modulus
Net change in length: of Rigidity
δ l = d l1 + d l2 + d l3 E = Modulus of elasticity
G = Modulus of rigidity
l m = Poisson’s ratio
= ( px − µ p y − µ pz )
E E = 2G(1 + m)
δl 1 Relationship between bulk modulus, modulus of elasticity
ex = = ( px − µ p y − µ pz ) and modulus of rigidity:
l E
K = Bulk modulus
Similarly, ey = [ − µ px + p y − µ pz ] 9 KG 9 3 1
E E = 3K(1 - 2m) = ⇒ = + .
G + 3K E G K
and ez = [ − µ px − µ p y + pz ] This is the relation connecting E, K and G.
Volumetric strain:
Bars of Varying Cross-sections
= ev = ex + e y + ez dL = dL1 + dL2 + dL3 + …
p p = 1 + 2 + 3 +…
= x (1 − 2 µ ) + (1 − 2 µ ) + z (1 − 2 µ ) A1 E A2 E A3 E
 px + p y + pz 
= (1 − 2 µ )   P A1 A2 A3
 
L2 L3
In the case of uni-axial loading, L1

py = pz = 0
Bars with a Continuously
ev = x (1 − 2 µ )
Varying Cross-section
(Width Vary from b1 to b2)
px = py = pz = p,
(1 − 2 µ )
ev = b1 b2
From the definition of bulk modulus,
K= L

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Chapter 1 ■ Simple Stresses and Strains | 3.105

PL b a
δL = log 1
tE (b1 − b2 ) b2 P1
Where P1
t = Thickness a
b = Breadth
For a cylindrical rod, when the diameter changes from d1
to d2: P2
P1 (P1 − P2)
4 PL
δL= b
π Ed1d2
For equilibrium, -P1 + P2 - P3 + P4 = 0.

Compound Bars Elongation Due to Self Weight

These consist of parts of different materials joined together 1. Bar of uniform cross-section:
and loaded commonly. Therefore, the elongation is same in
all the materials.
The bar is fixed at A–A

dx L

1 L x

Weight below the elemental length = wx ⋅ A

w = Specific weight
3 A = Area of cross-section
Elongation of elemental length =
1 wxA ⋅ dx
2 AE
= dx
P1 P P Lw wL2
σ1 = ,σ 2 = 2 ,σ 3 = 3 Total elongation due to self weight = ∫ xdx = ⋅

A1 A2 A3 o E 2E
P = P1 + P2 + P3 = s1A1 + s2A2 + s3 A3 2. Solid conical bar:

δ L σ1 σ 2 σ 3
Strain = e = = = =
L E1 E2 E3
σ E σ E σ E dx
∴ 1 = 1, 1 = 1, 2 = 2 L
σ 2 E2 σ 3 E3 σ 3 E3
s = Stress x

Bars with varying loads: In this case, loads may vary from
portion to portion. Loads acting on each portion are found Consider an element of length dx and diameter d at a dis-
out. By finding the elongation of each portion, the total tance x from the free end.
elongation is found out. Pdx
Extension of dx =
a b AE

P2 P3 P4 1w  1 π d 2 wx π d2 
xdx  as P = and A = 
a b 3E  3 4 4 

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3.106 | Part III ■ Unit 2 ■ Solid Mechanics

L1 w Free expansion of bar 1 = a1tL

Total extension = ∫ xdx
Free expansion of bar 2 = a2tL
o 3E
w  x2  wL2 As free expansion is prevented due to the compounding of
=   = . the bars, the end of bars will have an equilibrium position
3E  2  o 6E
as shown in the given figure and stresses will be developed
in the bars.
Thermal Stresses At equilibrium condition, bar 1 shortens by dl1­ and bar 2
Materials expand on heating and contract on cooling. The elongates by dl2.
change in dimension is found to be proportional to the
But, P1 = P2 = P
length of the member, and also to the change in tempera-
ture, i.e., dL = a t L a2tL+ dl2 = a1tL - dl1
t = Change in temperature, δ l1 = δ l2 =
A1 E1 A2 E2
L = Length,
a = Constant of proportionality. Solving for P, the stresses in the bars can be found out.

a is called the coefficient of linear thermal expansion.


α tL Example 1
With a 30 m long steel tape and 15 mm × 0.8 mm cross-
No stresses will be developed if the bar is free to expand.
section a length was measured. The measured length was
But, if the free expansion is prevented, then thermal stresses
120 m. During measurement, a force of 100 N more than the
will be developed.
normal was applied. What is the actual length of the line?
Modulus of elasticity = 2 × 105 N/mm2.

δ L = α tL Solution
The stress developed is compressive. Elongation of 30 m tape during measurement was
As δ L = δL=
PL pl 100 × (30 × 1000)
= α tL, i.e., = lα t = = 1.25 mm
AE E (15 × 0.8)( 2 × 105 )
P \ If measured length is 30 m, the actual length is:
where, p = , the thermal stress.
30 + = 30.00125 m
Thermal Stresses in 1000

Compound Bars If measured length is 120 m, actual length is

120 × = 120.005 m.

l 1 2
Example 2
A steel pipe is to be used to support a load of 150 kN. Pipes
α 2tl having outside diameter of 101.6 mm are available in dif-
α 1tl δ l2 ferent thicknesses of 3 mm, 3.5 mm, 3.65 mm, and 3.85
δ l1 P2 mm. Assuming a factor of safety of 1.8, choose the most
P1 Equilibrium Position
of end economical thickness. (yield stress = 250 N/mm2)

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Chapter 1 ■ Simple Stresses and Strains | 3.107

Solution due to its self weight and a load ‘P’ applied at bottom. What
is the extension, if P = weight of the bar.
Permissible stress p

250 P Solution
= = 138.9 N/mm 2 ; p =
1.8 A

P 150
∴A = = × 103 = 1080 mm 2
p 138.9
π 2 L dx
A= ( D − d 2 ) = 1080
D 2 − d 2 = 1080
101 ⋅ 62 - d2 = 1375 ⋅ 8
d2 = 10322.56 - 1375.8 = 8946.76 Weight of the bar = wAL

d = 94.59 mm PL
Extension due to P =
D−d wL2
∴t = = 3.505 Extension of the bar due to self weight =
2 2E
\ 3.65 mm thick pipe is sufficient. PL wL2
Total extension = +
AE 2 E
Example 3 when P = wAL,
Find extension of a bar of length L and weight w/unit length 3 wL2
having uniform cross-section area ‘A’ suspended from top, Total extension = .
2 E


1. A rigid beam of negligible weight is supported in a hori- (C) the force on the steel rod should be twice the force
zontal position by two rods of steel and copper, 2 m and on copper.
1 m long having values of cross-sectional area 1 cm2 (D) the force P must be applied at the centre of the
and 2 cm2 and E of 200 GPa and 100 GPa respectively. beam.
A load P is applied as shown in the figure below. 2. The principle of superposition is made use of in struc-
tural computations when:
(A) The geometry of the structure changes by a finite
amount during the application of the loads.
(B) The changes in the geometry of the structure dur-
ing the application of the loads is too small and the
2m strains in the structure are directly proportional to
Steel the corresponding stresses.
1m (C) The strains in the structure are not directly propor-
Copper tional to the corresponding stresses, even though
the effect of changes in geometry can be neglected.
(D) None of these
P 3. The maximum value of Poisson’s ratio for an elastic
material is
If the rigid beam is to remain horizontal then (A) 0.25 (B) 0.5
(A) the forces on both sides should be equal. (C) 0.75 (D) 1.0
(B) the forces on copper rod should be twice the force 4. A cantilever beam of tubular section consists of 2 mate-
on steel. rials copper as outer cylinder and steel as inner cylinder.

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3.108 | Part III ■ Unit 2 ■ Solid Mechanics

It is subjected to a temperature rise of 20 C and αcopper 8. The total elongation of the structural element fixed, at
> αsteel. The stresses developed in the tubes will be one end, free at the other end, and of varying cross-
(A) compression in steel and tension in copper. section as shown in the figure when subjected to a force
(B) tension in steel and compression in copper. P at free end is given by
(C) no stress in both.
(D) tension in both the materials.
5. The stress–strain diagram for two materials A and B is A 2A A P
shown below:

Material A
(A) PL/AE (B) 3 PL/AE
(C) 2.5 PL/AE (D) 2 PL/AE
Material B
9. A bar of varying square cross-section is loaded sym-
metrically as shown in the figure. Loads shown are
placed on one of the axes of symmetry of cross-section.
Ignoring self weight, the maximum tensile stress any-
where in N/mm2 is
O Strain
The following statements are made based on this
I. Material A is more brittle than material B. 100 mm
II. The ultimate strength of material B is more than
that of A. 50 mm
With reference to the above statements, which of the 100 kN 100 kN
following applies?
50 kN
(A) Both the statements are false
(B) Both the statements are true (A) 16.0 (B) 20.0
(C) I is true but II is false (C) 25.0 (D) 30.0
(D) I is false but II is true 10. A steel bar ABC is placed on a smooth horizontal table
6. The shear modulus (G), modulus of elasticity (E) and is fixed at its left end A as shown in the figure. Its right
the Poisson’s ratio (µ) of a material are related as, end C is 1 mm away from another support D. A load
(A) G = E/ [2(1 + µ)] of 65 kN is applied axially at the cross section B and
(B) E = G/ [2(1 + µ)] acts from left to right. AB is 1 cm in diameter and 1.5
(C) G = E/ [2(1 − µ)] m long and BC is 2 cm in diameter and 2.5 m long.
(D) G = E/ [2(µ − 1)] Young’s modulus E = 20 × 106 N/cm2. The stress in
7. The axial movement of top surface of stepped column portion BC will be
as shown in the figure is D
65 kN 20 kN
10 mm
1.5 mm
2.5 mm
AE 1 mm

(A) 123 N/mm2 (B) 228 N/mm2

(C) 308 N/mm 2 (D) 417 N/mm2
11. A bar length L tapers uniformly from diameter 1.1D at
2 AE one end to 0.9D at the other end. The elongation due to
axial pull is computed using mean diameter D. What is
(A) 2.5 PL/AE (B) 3 PL/AE the approximate error in computed elongation?
(C) 1.5 PL/AE (D) 2 PL/AE (A) 10% (B) 5%
(C) 1% (D) 0.5%

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Chapter 1 ■ Simple Stresses and Strains | 3.109

12. In a tensile test, near the elastic limit zone (A) 10 × 104 (B) 15 × 104
(A) tensile stress increases at a faster rate. (C) 76 × 10 4 (D) 130 × 104
(B) tensile stress decreases at a faster rate. 19. The extension of a circular bar tapering uniformly from
(C) tensile stress increases in linear proportion to the diameter d1 to d2 is same as that of a uniform circular
stress. bar of same length, under same load. Diameter of the
(D) tensile stress decreases in linear proportion to the uniform bar is
(A) d1d2 (B) d 12 − d22
13. If Poisson’s ratio of a material is 0.5, modulus of elas-
ticity of the material is d1 + d2 d − d2
1 (C) (D) 1
(A) times the shear modulus. 2 2
(B) 3 times the shear modulus. 20. A brass bar having a cross-sectional area of 1000 mm2
(C) 4 times the shear modulus. is subjected to axial forces as shown in the figure. The
(D) equal to the shear modulus. total change in length of the bar is.
14. A 2 m long mild steel bar of 2000 mm2 cross-sectional Take E = 1.05 × 105 N/mm2.
area is subjected to an axial load of 40 kN. If Young’s A B C D
modulus for the shaft is 2 × 105 N/mm2, extension of
the shaft in mm is 50 kN 8 kN 10 kN
(A) 0.5 mm (B) 1 mm 20 kN
(C) 0.2 mm (D) 2 mm
15. A steel bar of 1 m length is heated from 30°C to 60°C. 0.6 m 1m 1.2 m
Coefficient of linear expansion is 12 × 10-6/°C and
(A) –0.15 mm (B) +0.15 mm
Young’s modulus is 2 × 105 MN/m2. Stress developed
(C) –0.1143 mm (D) +0.1143 mm
in the bar is
(A) 18 N/mm2 (B) zero 21. A solid metal tube with modulus of elasticity E and
(C) 36 N/mm2 (D) 72 N/mm2 Poisson’s ratio m is constrained on all faces. It is heated
so that temperature rises uniformly. If coefficient of
16. Relationship between modulus of elasticity E, modulus
thermal expansion is a, the compressive stress devel-
of rigidity G and bulk modulus K is
oped in the cube due to the heating is
6 KG 9 KG
(A) E = (B) E = Eα∆T Eα∆T
3K + G 3K + G (A) (B)
3K + G 3K + G 2(1 − 2 µ ) (1 − 2 µ )
(C) E = (D) E =
6 KG 9 KG 2 Eα∆T Eα∆T
(C) (D)
17. A bar of 3 m in length 30 mm breadth and 20 mm thick- (1 − 2 µ ) 3(1 − 2 µ )
ness is subjected to a compressive stress of 50 kN/m2.
22. A bar of length L, breadth b and thickness t is subjected
What will be the final volume of the bar if the Poisson’s
to an axial pull of P. If ex is the strain in the direction of
ratio is 0.30 and modulus of rigidity is 90 GN/m2?
pull, volumetric strain produced is (m = Poisson’s ratio)
(A) Will increase by 0.4615 mm3
(A) ex(1 + 2μ) (B) ex(1 - 2μ)
(B) Will decrease by 0.5625 mm3
(C) ex(1 + μ) (D) ex(1 - μ)
(C) Will decrease by 0.4615 mm3
(D) Will increase by 0.5625 mm3 23.
P D D d P
18. Stress–strain behaviour of a material is shown in the
figure. Proof resilience in Nm/m3 is
a b

140 A bar is having uniform diameter D for a length a and

tapering diameter from D to d for a length b as shown
in the figure. If the bar is subjected to an axial pull P,
90 the extension produced is
(MPa) 60
4P  a b  4P  a b 
30 (A) + (B) +
π DE  D d  π dE  D d 
2P  a b  2P  a b 
0.004 0.008 0.012 (C) + (D) +
Strain (mm/mm)
π DE  D d  π dE  D d 

Part III_Unit 2_Chapter 01.indd 109 5/20/2017 7:19:47 PM

3.110 | Part III ■ Unit 2 ■ Solid Mechanics

24. When a body is permanently deformed under a load, it 20 cm ϕ

is said to have undergone?
(A) Elastic deformation
(B) Limit of elastic deformation
(C) Plastic deformation
(D) Uniform deformation 1m
25. A bar of uniform cross-section A and length L is sus-
pended from top. If E is the Young’s modulus and W
the weight of the bar, extension produced due to self
weight is
WL WL If specific weight is 80000 N/m3 and modulus of elas-
(A) (B)
2 AE AE ticity is, E = 2 × 105 N/mm2, then extension of its length
3 WL WL due to self weight is
(C) (D)
2 AE 3 AE (A) 6.67 × 10-5 mm
26. When a load was suddenly applied on a bar of cross- (B) 1.33 × 10-4 mm
section area A and Length L, stress produced is p. If e is (C) 1 × 10-4 mm
the strain, produced strain energy stored is (D) 4.45 × 10-5 mm
(A) pe AL (B) pe AL 31. 500 mm
3 Steel
(C) pe AL (D) 2 pe AL 60 kN 60 kN
2 Aluminium
27. Coefficient of linear expansion of a solid is α. A cube
of volume V of this solid is heated by 1°. Then change A compound bar of steel and aluminium of length
in volume of the cube is 500 mm is subjected to an axial load of 60 kN. Area
(A) Vα (B) 3Vα of cross-section of steel is 750 mm2 and aluminium is
Vα 1000 mm2. Modulus of elasticity of steel and alumin-
(C) 3α (D)
3 ium are 2 × 105 N/mm2 and 1 × 105 N/mm2 respectively.
28. A steel bar 35 cm long, 6 cm × 6 cm in cross-section is Load shared by steel and aluminium is in the ratio
subjected to the loading as shown in the figure. (A) 2.25 (B) 2.00
Z (C) 1.5 (D) 1.25
X Z 75 N/mm2
Y 25 N/mm2 32. 30 mm ϕ 20 mm ϕ
50 N/mm2 30 kN
20 kN
If Young’s modulus of elasticity is 150 kN/mm2 and
Poisson’s ratio is 0.25, then what will be the strain in 200 mm 200 mm 300 mm
‘y;’ direction? In the composite bar shown above, stress in the portion
(A) Elongation by 0.0413 mm BC is
(B) Compression by 0.0413 microns (A) 22.64 N/mm2
(C) Zero strain (B) 33.95 N/mm2
(D) None of these (C) 28.3 N/mm2
29. A bar of 3 m in length 30 mm breadth and 20 mm thick- (D) 36.23 N/mm2
ness is subjected to a compressive stress of 50 kN/m2. 33. For elastic materials, ratio of Young’s modulus to bulk
What will be the final volume of the bar if the Poisson’s modulus is given by
ratio is 0.30 and modulus of rigidity is 90 GN/m2. (A) 2(1 + µ) (B) 3(1 – 2 µ)
(A) Will increase by 0.4615 mm3 (C) 2(1 – µ) (D) 3(1 + 2 µ)
(B) Will decrease by 0.5625 mm3
34. Two mild steel rods of same length are subjected to a
(C) Will decrease by 0.4615 mm3 force P. If the diameter of the second rod is twice that
(D) Will increase by 0.5625 mm3 of the first rod and the stresses developed are in the
30. A solid conical bar of uniformly varying cross-section limit of proportionality, the correct statement among
is hung vertically as shown. the following is:

Part III_Unit 2_Chapter 01.indd 110 5/20/2017 7:19:48 PM

Chapter 1 ■ Simple Stresses and Strains | 3.111

1 A compound bar is made with a brass rod of 30 mm

(A) The elongation of second rod is times that of outside diameter and a steel tube of 30 mm internal
first rod. diameter and 50 mm outside diameter. Length of the
(B) The elongation of the second rod is half of the bar is 1 m. Modulus of elasticity of steel and brass are
elongation of the first rod. 200 kN/mm2 and 100 kN/mm2 respectively. Coefficient
(C) The elongation of the first rod is times that of of thermal expansion for steel and brass are 11.6 ×
the second rod. 4 10–6/°C and 18.7 × 10–6/°C respectively. If the com-
(D) Elongation of both rods are equal. pound bar is heated from 30°C to 90°C, stress devel-
35. Modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus of a material are oped in the brass rod (in N/mm2) is _____.
0.5 × 105 MPa and 0.8 × 105 MPa respectively. Value of 37. A steel rail of 12 m length was laid at a temperature
modulus of elasticity (in MPa) is of 24°C. Modulus of elasticity and coefficient of ther-
(A) 0.765 × 105 (B) 0.932 × 105 mal expansion of the rail are 2 × 105 N/mm2 and 12
(C) 1.034 × 10 5 (D) 1.241 × 105 × 10–6/°C respectively. At a temperature of 42°C a stress
36. of 18 N/mm2 is developed at the joint. Gap between the
rails (in mm) at 24°C is

(A) 1.232
(B) 1.368
(C) 1.512
1m (D) 1.747

Previous Years’ Questions

1. A metal bar of length 100 mm is inserted between 3. A rod of length L and diameter D is subjected to a
two rigid supports and its temperature is increased tensile load P. Which of the following is sufficient to
by 10°C. If the coefficient of thermal expansion is 12 calculate the resulting change in diameter?
× 10−6 per C and the Young’s modulus is 2 × 105 MPa,  [GATE, 2008]
the stress in the bar is [GATE, 2007] (A) Young’s modulus
(A) zero (B) 12 MPa (B) Shear modulus
(C) 24 MPa (D) 2400 MPa (C) Poisson’s ratio
2. A rigid bar is suspended by three rods made of the (D) Both Young’s modulus and shear modulus
same material as shown in the figure. The area and 4. The number of independent elastic constants for a lin-
length of the central rod are 3A and L respectively, ear elastic isotropic and homogeneous material is
while that of the two outer rods are 2A and 2L  [GATE, 2010]
respectively. If a downward force of 50 kN is applied (A) 4 (B) 3
to the rigid bar, the forces in the central and each of (C) 2 (D) 1
the outer rods will be  [GATE, 2007] 5. The Poisson’s ratio is defined as [GATE, 2012]
Axial stress Lateral strain
(A) (B)
Lateral stress Axial stress
Lateral stress Axial strain
(C) (D)
Axial stress Lateral strain
6. A solid steel cube constrained on all six faces is
heated so that the temperature rises uniformly by DT.
If the thermal coefficient of the material is α, Young’s
modulus is E and the Poisson’s ratio is υ, the thermal
stress developed in the cube due to heating is
50 kN  [GATE, 2012]
(A) 16.67 kN each α ( ∆T ) E 2α ( ∆T ) E
(A) − (B) −
(B) 30 kN and 15 kN (1 − 2v ) (1 − 2v )
(C) 30 kN and 10 kN 3α ( ∆T ) E α ( ∆T ) E
(C) − (D) −
(D) 21.4 kN and 14.3 kN (1 − 2v ) 3(1 − 2v )

Part III_Unit 2_Chapter 01.indd 111 5/20/2017 7:19:49 PM

3.112 | Part III ■ Unit 2 ■ Solid Mechanics

7. A rod of length L having uniform cross-sectional area 10. A tapered circular rod of diameter varying from
A is subjected to a tensile force P as shown in the 20 mm to 10 mm is connected to another uniform
figure below. If the Young’s modulus of the material circular rod of diameter 10 mm as shown in the fol-
varies linearly from E1 to E2 along the length of the lowing figure. Both bars are made of same material
rod, the normal stress developed at the section-SS is with the modulus of elasticity, E = 2 × 105 MPa.
 [GATE, 2013] When subjected to a load P = 30π kN, the section
S at point A is _______ mm. [GATE, 2015]
E1 E2
d1 = 20 mm

L/2 S

P P( E1 − E2 )
(A) (B)
A A( E1 + E2 )
d2 = 10 mm

PE2 PE1 1.5 m

(C) (D)

8. A 200 mm long, stress free rod at room temperature is

held between two immovable rigid walls. The temper-
P = 30π kN
ature of the rod is uniformly raised by 250°C. If the
Young’s modulus and coefficient of thermal expan- 11. An elastic isotropic body is in a hydrostatic state of
sion are 200 GPa and 1 × 10–5/°C respectively, the stress as shown in the figure. For no change in the
magnitude of the longitudinal stress (in MPa) devel- volume to occur, what should be its Poisson’s ratio?
oped in the rod is _____. [GATE, 2014]  [GATE, 2016]
9. A steel cube, with all faces free to deform, has Young’s σy
modulus E, Poisson’s ratio J, and coefficient of ther-
mal expansion α. The pressure (hydrostatic stress)
developed within the cube, when it is subjected to a
uniform increase in temperature DT, is given by
 [GATE, 2014] σx

α ( ∆T ) E
(A) 0 (B) σz
1 − 2ϑ

α ( ∆T ) E α ( ∆T ) E
(C) − (D) (A) 0.00 (B) 0.25
1 − 2ϑ 3(1 − 2ϑ ) (C) 0.50 (D) 1.00

Answer Keys

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. A
11. C 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C
21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. A
31. C 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. 33 to 33.75 37. C

Previous Years’ Questions

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. 499 to 501 9. A
10. 15 11. C

Part III_Unit 2_Chapter 01.indd 112 5/30/2017 6:44:13 PM

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