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Music Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Lesson Plan Information

Subject: EED 11 Teaching Music in the Elementary
Date and Time:
Subject Matter/Topic: Melody
Grade Level: Grade 3
Material/s: Visual Aids, Laptop, Speaker
References: College SideKick Study Document
II. Objective/s:
At the end of the discussion, the learners should be able to:
 define melody;
 explain the different elements of the melody; and
 apply the different elements of the melody.
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Routine
 Let us all stand and start our
day with a prayer.
 Lord, bless each and every  Amen.
student here, as well as our
teacher, as we embark on
another day of learning. Please
give us clear minds and open
hearts so we can grasp the
knowledge and lessons set
before us. Help us to be
attentive, and let Your wisdom
guide us in our studies. Amen.
 Good morning class!  Good morning, Ma’am!
 Okay, before you all seat with  (The students will do so.)
your designated seats. I want
you to pick up all mess under
your chairs and arrange your
 You can all be seated.  Thank you, Ma’am!
 Before we start our lesson,  None Ma’am!
who is/are absent for today?
 Okay. Very good!

B. Review of Previous Lesson

 Can someone tell me what is  It’s all about rhythm, Ma’am!
our past lesson?
 Very good!

C. Motivation
 To finally begin the lesson. I
will be showing a lyric here but
students, you do not have to
sing it first, all you have to do
is to read it aloud.
 (The teacher will instruct the  (The learners will just read the
learners to read the first stanza lyrics of the song.)
of “Bahay Kubo”
 (Next, the teacher will present  (The learners will now sing the
the first stanza of the folk song the “Bahay Kubo”.)
“Bahay Kubo” to the learners.
 After reading and singing it.  It has different tune of way of
Now, can someone tell me the saying the lyrics.
difference on just simply
reading the lyrics than singing
the song with its tune?
 Very good! When we read the
lyrics, it’s just like reading a
poem right? But when we sing
the lyrics of the song with its
tune, it turned to be a song.
The tune of the song is what
we called Melody.
 And our topic for today is all
about melody of music.

D. Discussion of the Lesson

 When we say melody.
Basically, it is the tune of the
song that we are singing.
Melody is the main part in a
musical composition. It is also
the pleasing arrangement of
the sound. It is the sound that
we hear when we listen to a
specific song, or to our favorite
 In discussing the melody of a
song, we have 2 elements that
the melody won’t live without.
These are the Duration and
Pitch. These two are combined
to become a musical whole
which is commonly recognized
by the listener like us.
 First, is the duration or also
known as rhythm. It basically
explains on how long or short
the note will be sounded with
one pitch of rhythm, followed
by one pitch of rhythm, so on
and so forth.
 Just like what we did earlier
with the “Bahay Kubo” song. In
just simply reading the stanza,
the rhythm is just short as the
 Let’s read again the stanza.
 (The teacher will show the  (The students will just read the
lyrics to the students.) lyrics of the song.)
 But if we happen to sing it. The
duration will become long and
we will now add the pitch.
 The second element of a
melody is the pitch. We have a
high and low pitch.
 Let us now sing the “Bahay
Kubo” with its tune.  (The students will sing the
 Did you notice the difference “Bahay Kubo”.)
between just simply saying it  Yes Ma’am!
and singing it while adding the
elements of melody on it?
 That is what we called melody.

E. Generalization
 Do you understand our lesson
or what we’ve been  Yes Ma’am!
 Okay. Let us test your
understanding by doing group
activity. I will group you into 2
and you all will need to
 I will give you lyrics of a song
and you will arrange it by
defining the elements of the
melody in that song. After you
finish to arrange all the lyrics,
you will clap your hands and
will sing the lyrics by its said
 If the lyrics is low pitch, the
members should bend down
as they sing the low pitch. But
if it happens to high pitch, the
members should stand still as
they will sing the high pitch of
the song.
 (Example: Bahay Kubo)
 Ba (high pitch) hay (low pitch)
Ku (high pitch) bo (low pitch)
Ka (low pitch) hit (high pitch)
Mun (high pitch) ti (low pitch)
 (The teacher will give the
lyrics.)  (The students will do the
 (Song - Happy Birthday Song) activity.)

F. Evaluation
 Since you really did
understand our lesson based
on our activity. We will now
have a group activity called
Animal Charades.
 From your recent group, one
member will represent his/her
group to sing a song from
his/her chosen sound of
 For example, the
representative picked the
“Bahay Kubo” in a sound of
 While the other group’s
representative will sing it in
front, the other group will have
their representative to guess
the song.
 The group who will have the
first 3 points is the winner.
 (The activity will start.

 (The students will participate in

G. Application the activity.)
 You all did a very good job at
our group activity.
 Since you all really did
understand what melody is. Let
us all have a short quiz.
 Bring out a ¼ sheet of paper
and answer the following.
1. _____ is the main part in a
musical composition. Choices:
2. It is also known as rhythm. - Melody
3. It is the second element of - Duration
melody. - Pitch
4. It basically explains on how - Duration
long or short the note will be - High
sounded. - Low
5. We have ____ pitch and ____
For numbers 6-10. Choose your
favorite song and sing your
favorite stanza with its right
melody, pitch, and duration.

Prepared by:
Amat, Janine April


Detailed Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Information

 Subject:
 Date and Time:
 Subject Matter/Topic: Telling Time
 Grade Level: Grade 3
 Material/s: Charts, Visual Aids, Dice
 References:

At the end of the discussion, the learners should be able to:
 Read time properly.
 Explain the importance on how time works.
 Tell time.

A. Daily Routine
B. Review of Previous Lesson
C. Motivation: Bahay Kubo
D. Discussion of the Lesson
E. Generalization: Happy Birthday
F. Evaluation: Group Activity
G. Application: Short Quiz

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