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Iso 21940-11

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STANDARD 21940-11

First edition

Mechanical vibration — Rotor

balancing —
Part 11:
Procedures and tolerances for rotors
with rigid behaviour
Vibrations mécaniques — Équilibrage des rotors —
Partie 11: Modes opératoires et tolérances pour rotors à
comportement rigide

Reference number
ISO 21940-11:2016(E)

© ISO 2016
ISO 21940-11:2016(E)


© ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland

the requester.

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ISO 21940-11:2016(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................v
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Pertinent aspects of balancing ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.2 Representation of the unbalance ............................................................................................................................................ 1
4.3 Unbalance effects .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.4 Reference planes for unbalance tolerances.................................................................................................................... 2
4.5 Correction planes .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.5.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
........................................................................................ 4
4.5.3 Rotors which need two correction planes ................................................................................................. 4
4.5.4 Rotors with more than two correction planes ....................................................................................... 4
4.6 Permissible residual unbalance ............................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Similarity considerations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Permissible residual unbalance and rotor mass ........................................................................................................ 5
............................................................................ 6
............................................................................................................................................ 6
6.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Derivation of the unbalance tolerances ............................................................................................................................. 6
................................................................................................................................................................... 7
....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3.2 Special designs................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3.3 Permissible residual unbalance ....................................................................................................................... 10
6.4 Experimental evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.5 Unbalance tolerances based on bearing forces or vibrations...................................................................... 10
6.5.1 Bearing forces.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.5.2 Vibrations............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
6.6 Methods based on established experience .................................................................................................................. 11
7 Allocation of permissible residual unbalance to tolerance planes...............................................................11
7.1 Single plane ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
7.2 Two planes............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
7.2.2 Limitations for inboard rotors .......................................................................................................................... 12
7.2.3 Limitations for outboard rotors....................................................................................................................... 12
8 Allocation of unbalance tolerances to correction planes ........................................................................................13
8.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
8.2 Single plane ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
8.3 Two planes............................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
9 Assembled rotors ..............................................................................................................................................................................................14
9.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
9.2 Balanced as a unit .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14
9.3 Balanced on component level ................................................................................................................................................. 14
10.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
10.2 Unbalance tolerance ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
10.3 Combined error of unbalance measurements .......................................................................................................... 15

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ISO 21940-11:2016(E)

.............................................................................................. 15
10.4.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
10.4.2 Unbalance readings within tolerance ......................................................................................................... 16
10.4.3 Unbalance readings out of tolerance ........................................................................................................... 16
................................................................................................................................................ 16
Annex A (informative)
based on balance quality grade G and allocation to the tolerance planes.............................................17
Annex B (informative) e limits ...............21
Annex C (informative) ...... 23
Annex D (informative) Rules for allocating unbalance tolerances from tolerance planes to
correction planes ..............................................................................................................................................................................................25
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28

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ISO 21940-11:2016(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards

committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the

editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).

on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).

constitute an endorsement.

as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: www.iso.org/iso/foreword.html.
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 108, Mechanical vibration, shock and condition
monitoring, Subcommittee SC 2, Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration and shock as applied
to machines, vehicles and structures.

more pronounced explanation of the application of permissible residual unbalances for the processes

tolerances based on vibration limits has been removed.

It also incorporates the Technical Corrigendum ISO 1940-1:2003/Cor 1:2005.
A list of parts in the ISO 21940 series can be found on the ISO website.

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ISO 21940-11:2016(E)


speed up to the maximum service speed. For these rotors, the resultant unbalance, and often moment

cases it would not be cost-effective to reduce the unbalance to the limits of the balancing machine.

achieved during the balancing process.

vi © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved


Mechanical vibration — Rotor balancing —

Part 11:
Procedures and tolerances for rotors with rigid behaviour

1 Scope
This document establishes procedures and unbalance tolerances for balancing rotors with rigid

a) the magnitude of the permissible residual unbalance,

c) the allocation of the permissible residual unbalance to the tolerance planes, and
d) how to account for errors in the balancing process.
NOTE In ISO 21940-14, the assessment of balancing errors is considered in detail. Fundamentals of rotor
balancing are contained in ISO 19499 which gives an introduction to balancing.

2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp

4 Pertinent aspects of balancing

4.1 General

be noted that the vibration in service can originate from sources other than unbalance.

individual unbalance distribution along its length, even in series production.

4.2 Representation of the unbalance

For a rotor with rigid behaviour, different vectorial quantities can be used to represent the same
unbalance as shown in Figure 1.

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ISO 21940-11:2016(E)

Figure 1 a) to c) shows different representations in terms of resultant unbalance and resultant couple
unbalance, whereas Figure 1
in two planes.

angle), but the associated resultant couple unbalance is dependent on the location of the resultant unbalance vector.

NOTE 2 The centre of unbalance is that location on the shaft axis for the resultant unbalance, where the
resultant couple unbalance is a minimum.

4.5.2) or when considerations are made in terms of resultant

unbalance and resultant couple unbalance (see 4.5.4), the representation in Figure 1 a) to c) is preferable.
Figure 1 d) to f) is advantageous.

4.3 Unbalance effects

Resultant unbalance and resultant moment unbalance (the latter can also be expressed as resultant
couple unbalance) have different effects on forces on the bearings and on the vibration of the machine.


4.4 Reference planes for unbalance tolerances

the environment. For the purposes of this document, the reference planes for unbalance tolerances are

known (or can be estimated), these planes can be used.

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ISO 21940-11:2016(E)

Unbalances in gram millimetres

a) Resultant unbalance b) Special case of a), namely c) Special case of a), namely
vector together with an resultant unbalance vector resultant unbalance vector
associated couple unbalance located at centre of mass CM located at the centre of
in the end planes (static unbalance), together unbalance CU
with an associated couple
unbalance in the end planes

d) Unbalance vector in each of e) Two 90° unbalance f) Unbalance vector in each of

the end planes components in each of the any two other planes
end planes
CM centre of mass
CU centre of unbalance
l rotor length

NOTE For Figure 1

resultant unbalance vector.

Figure 1 — Different representations of the same unbalance of a rotor with rigid behaviour

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4.5 Correction planes

4.5.1 General

Rotors that are out of unbalance tolerance need correction. These unbalance corrections often cannot
be performed in the planes where the unbalance tolerances were set, but need to be performed where
material can be added, removed or relocated.

unbalance, as well as on the design of the rotor, e.g. the shape of the correction planes and their location
relative to the tolerance planes.

4.5.2 Rotors which need one correction plane only

in most cases, rotational balancing machines are used.

4.5.3 Rotors which need two correction planes

4.5.2, the moment
unbalance needs to be reduced as well. In most cases, resultant unbalance and resultant moment

Figure 1 d).

would remain undetected.

4.5.4 Rotors with more than two correction planes

than two correction planes are used, e.g.

a) in the case of separate corrections of resultant unbalance and couple unbalance, if the correction of
the resultant unbalance is not performed in one (or both) of the couple planes, and
b) if the correction is spread along the rotor.

order to keep the function and component strength.

4.6 Permissible residual unbalance

4.5.2), its

4 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved

ISO 21940-11:2016(E)

Ures, shall not be higher than a permissible value, Uper:

Ures Uper (1)

Uper covers the

resultant unbalance and the resultant moment unbalance, see also 5.2.
NOTE The SI unit for Uper is kg·m (kilogram metres), but for balancing purposes, more practical units are
g·mm (gram millimetres), kg·mm (kilogram millimetres) or mg·mm (milligram millimetres).

balancing, this tolerance shall be allocated to the tolerance planes (see Clause 7).

5 Similarity considerations

5.1 General

rotor mass and service speed on the permissible residual unbalance.

5.2 Permissible residual unbalance and rotor mass

Uper, is proportional to the
rotor mass, m, as given in Formula (2):
Uper ~ m (2)

The ratio of Uper to the rotor mass, m eper, as given in

Formula (3):
e per = Uper/m (3)

NOTE 1 The SI unit for Uper/m is kg·m/kg (kilogram metres per kilogram) or m (metres), but a more practical

NOTE 2 The term eper


4.5.2), eper is the distance of the centre of

mass from the shaft axis. However, in the case of a general rotor with both resultant unbalance and resultant
moment unbalance present, e per
as of the resultant moment unbalance.

eper, depending on the setup conditions in

the balancing machine (e.g. centring, bearings and drive).

NOTE 5 Small values of e per

in its own housing with bearings and self-drive, under service condition and temperature.

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unbalance value, eper n, of the rotor:

eper ~ 1/n (4)

Formula (5):
eper (5)


n/(60 s/min) and the service speed, n

c is a constant.

6.3) is based on this relationship.

6.1 General

of the rotor and to allocate it to the tolerance plane(s). In order to meet these unbalance tolerances
Clause 10.

tolerance is the radius of the circular tolerance region around the origin).

6.2 Derivation of the unbalance tolerances

methods are based on

different rotors (see 6.3),

b) experimental evaluation of permissible residual unbalances (see 6.4),
c) limited bearing forces due to unbalance (see 6.5.1),
d) limited vibrations due to unbalance (see 6.5.2), and
e) established experience with unbalance tolerances (see 6.6).
Both the choice of method and the permissible unbalance tolerance are recommended to be part of the
agreement between the manufacturer and customer.

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6.3 Balance quality grade G

Clause 5

Table 1
residual unbalances (see 6.3.3
operation of the rotor in service.
eper , expressed
in mm/s (millimetres per second).

factor of 1,6.
The values of eper (= Uper/m) are plotted against the maximum service speed, n, in Figure 2, which


6.3.2 Special designs

EXAMPLE Electric motors with shaft heights smaller than 80 mm are grouped to G 6,3 and the permissible
residual unbalance is derived from this group (see 6.3.3). This permissible residual unbalance value is applicable

factor of three.

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Table 1 — Guidance for balance quality grades for rotors with rigid behaviour
Balance quality Magnitude
Machinery types: General examples grade eper
G mm/s
Crankshaft drives for large, slow marine diesel engines
G 4000 4 000

Crankshaft drives for large, slow marine diesel engines

G 1600 1 600

G 630 630
G 250 250
Complete reciprocating engines for cars, trucks and locomotives G 100 100
Cars: wheels, wheel rims, wheel sets, drive shafts
G 40 40

G 16 16
Crushing machines
Drive shafts (cardan shafts, propeller shafts)
Aircraft gas turbines
Centrifuges (separators, decanters)
Electric motors and generators (of at least 80 mm shaft height),
of maximum rated speeds up to 950 r/min
Electric motors of shaft heights smaller than 80 mm
G 6,3 6,3
Machine tools
Paper machines
Process plant machines
Turbo chargers
Water turbines
Computer drives
Electric motors and generators (of at least 80 mm shaft height),
of maximum rated speeds above 950 r/min G 2,5 2,5
Gas turbines and steam turbines
Machine-tool drives
Textile machines
Audio and video drives
G1 1
Grinding machine drives

G 0,4 0,4

Clause 9.
NOTE 2 All items are rotating if not otherwise mentioned (reciprocating) or self-evident (e.g. crankshaft drives).
Figure 2

of the rotor when installed in situ

required in service.

unknown, half of the machine diameter should be used.

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n service speed, in r/min

service speed, n, (see 6.3)

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6.3.3 Permissible residual unbalance

The permissible residual unbalance, Uper, expressed in g·mm (gram millimetres), can be derived on
Formula (6)
based on or Formula (7) based on n:
Uper = 1 000 G m/ (6)

Uper = 9 549 G m/n (7)


n/(60 s/min)
As an alternative, Figure 2 Uper then:
Uper = eper m (8)

For the permissible residual unbalance, Uper e per , and the permissible
Formulae (6), (7) and (8). An example calculation is given in Annex A.
Uper is the total tolerance in the plane of the centre of mass. In the case of two-plane balancing, this
tolerance shall be allocated to the tolerance planes (see Clause 7).
W/N, where W is
the rotor mass and N is the maximum service speed.

6.4 Experimental evaluation

in situ. The permissible residual unbalance is determined

In two-plane balancing, the different effects of unbalances with the same phase angle and of those 180°
apart shall be taken into account.

6.5 Unbalance tolerances based on bearing forces or vibrations

6.5.1 Bearing forces

centrifugal force (see Annex B).

There are no simple rules available for these cases.

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6.5.2 Vibrations

derived from these limits.

6.6 Methods based on established experience

Annex C gives some guidance.

7 Allocation of permissible residual unbalance to tolerance planes

7.1 Single plane

In the case of single-plane correction (see 4.5.2), Uper
Uper shall be allocated to the two tolerance planes.

7.2 Two planes

7.2.1 General

The permissible residual unbalance, Uper, is allocated in proportion to the distances from the centre
of mass to the opposite tolerance plane (see Figures 3 and 4). If the tolerance planes are the bearing
planes A and B, the Formulae (8) and (9)




Uper A

Uper B




L is the bearing distance.

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1 tolerance planes (= bearing planes)
A, B bearings
CM centre of mass
L bearing distance
LA distance from the plane of the centre of mass to bearing plane A
LB distance from the plane of the centre of mass to bearing plane B

Figure 3 — Inboard rotor with centre of mass in an asymmetric position

7.2.2 Limitations for inboard rotors

For general outlines, see Figure 3. If the centre of mass is close to one bearing, the calculated tolerance
Uper, and the value for the remote bearing

a) the larger value shall not be greater than 0,7 Uper, and
b) the smaller value shall not be less than 0,3 Uper.

7.2.3 Limitations for outboard rotors

For general outlines, see Figure 4. The permissible residual unbalance tolerances are calculated
according to Formulae (8) and (9). However, to avoid extreme tolerance conditions, it is stipulated that
a) the larger value shall not be greater than 1,3 Uper
b) the smaller value shall not be less than 0,3 Uper.
The upper unbalance limit is different from that of an inboard rotor. This assumes that bearing B and

for inboard rotors have to be applied.

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1 tolerance planes (= bearing planes)
A, B bearings
CM centre of mass
L bearing distance
LA distance from the plane of the centre of mass to bearing plane A
LB distance from the plane of the centre of mass to bearing plane B

Figure 4 — Outboard rotor with centre of mass in an overhung position

8 Allocation of unbalance tolerances to correction planes

8.1 General
In contradiction to 4.4
correction planes.

for unbalance tolerances (see 4.4). If tolerances have to be allocated to the correction planes, note the
following two points.

terms of magnitude, not of angular relationship.

of angular relationship between the residual unbalances in both correction planes. For all other
conditions, the same residual unbalance creates smaller effects on the rotor.

Clause 6 noting the following.

— In the case of experimental determination (see 6.4
derived for each correction plane: no further allocation is required.
6.3), on special
aims such like forces or vibrations (see 6.5) or on established experience (see 6.6)], a subsequent

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8.2 Single plane

Uper, in this plane

6.3) to determine Uper, the allocation to two tolerance

planes (see Clause 7) is omitted.

8.3 Two planes

conditions, see Annex D.

9 Assembled rotors

9.1 General

9.2 Balanced as a unit

the housing), it is recommended that the angle of each component be marked to ensure identical angular

9.1) can still exist.

9.3 Balanced on component level

a) If combined errors (see ISO 21940-14) can be disregarded, the components shall be balanced to the

individual component unbalance is high or the unbalance correction is easier on the component, pre-

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10.1 General

magnitude and the angle of the unbalance vector. As with all measured values, magnitude and angle

In addition, due to process requirements or limitations of the balancing equipment available, it might

ISO 21940-14 is extended here to include these deviations.

10.2 Unbalance tolerance

For balancing a rotor, a permissible residual unbalance, Uper Clause 6
This value is allocated to the tolerance planes A and B as outlined in Clause 7.

addition, take into account their respective combined errors.

10.3 Combined error of unbalance measurements

U is the remaining combined
error (see 10.1) which has to be allocated to the tolerance planes A and B resulting in
UA , and
UB .
UA Uper A UB Uper B
different balancing machines. But even on the same balancing machine, the combined error depends on
the machine setup.

10.4.1 General

the rotor meets the unbalance tolerance. The combined error of an unbalance measurement has to be
taken into account when checking the unbalance readings Ureading A in plane A and Ureading B in plane B
Uper A and Uper B

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10.4.2 Unbalance readings within tolerance

Uper, if for the
unbalance readings Ureading A and Ureading B both Formulae (10) and (11) hold true:
Ureading A Uper A UA (10)

Ureading B Uper B UB (11)

U needs to be limited in size. The balancing process and the

Uper A UA and Uper B UB would become

10.4.3 Unbalance readings out of tolerance

Ureading A in plane A and Ureading B in plane B at least one of the Formulae (12) or (13) holds true:
Ureading A > Uper A UA (12)

Ureading B > Uper B UB (13)

10.4.4 Region of uncertainly

Formulae (14) and (15):

Uper A UA < Ureading A Uper A UA (14)

Uper B UB < Ureading B Uper B UB (15)

UA UB shall be within tight limits. This requires adequate measuring

equipment (see ISO 21940-21) with careful calibration and well-trained personnel.

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Annex A

based on balance quality grade G and allocation to the tolerance


A.1 Rotor data

Consider a turbine rotor with the following data (see Figure A.1):

rotor mass: m = 3 600 kg

service speed: n = 3 000 r/min

distances: LA = 1 500 mm

LB = 900 mm

L = 2 400 mm

1 tolerance planes (= bearing planes)
A, B bearings
CM centre of mass
L bearing distance
LA distance from the plane of the centre of mass to bearing plane A
LB distance from the plane of the centre of mass to bearing plane B

Figure A.1 — Rotor dimensions

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Table 1

, of the service speed, n, in rad/s (radians per second):


Uper based on Formula (6)

From Formula (6), the permissible residual unbalance, Uper, expressed in g·mm (gram millimetres), is
Formula (A.2):
Uper = 1 000 G m/ = 1 000 × 2,5 × 3 600/314,2 = 28,6 × 103 g·mm (A.2)


Uper based on Figure 2

For the given service speed n e per follows
from Figure A.2

m, the permissible residual unbalance, Uper is [see Formula (7)]:

Uper 3

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n service speed, in r/min

Figure A.2 — Example of determination of eper using Figure 2

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A.4 Allocation to tolerance planes (bearing planes)

According to 7.2, the permissible residual unbalance, Uper, as calculated in A.2 (or estimated in A.3) can
be allocated to the bearing planes A and B as follows:



A.5 Check on limitations in accordance with 7.2.2 for inboard rotors

The larger value of Uper A and Uper B shall not be greater than 0,7 Uper , i.e. Uper B 3

The smaller value of Uper A and Uper B shall not be less than 0,3 Uper , i.e. Uper A 3

A.6 Result

to or less than Uper A = 10,7 × 103

than Uper B = 17,9 × 103
As described in Clause 10, errors need to be accounted for when assessing whether the permissible
residual unbalance tolerances have been met.

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Annex B

B.1 General
6.5.1). If these bearing force limits

Formulae (B.1) and (B.2)

Uper A = Fper A/ 2 (B.1)

Uper B = Fper B/ 2 (B.2)


Uper A

Uper B

Fper A

Fper B

n/(60 s/min) n.
Formulae (B.1) and (B.2)
As described in Clause 10, errors need to be accounted for when assessing whether the permissible
residual unbalance tolerances have been met.

B.2 Example
B.2.1 Assumption
For the rotor described in Annex A

Fper A = 1 200 N

Fper B = 2 000 N permissible force at bearing B.

B.2.2 Calculation
The permissible residual unbalances in bearing planes A and B are:


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Annex C


C.1 General

be based on experience with other rotors.

NOTE As described in Clause 10, errors need to be accounted for when assessing whether the residual
unbalances have met the permissible unbalance tolerances.

C.2 Similar rotors

C.2.1 General

C.2.2 and C.2.3.

For identical rotors used in identical applications, the same unbalance tolerances can be applied.

C.2.2 Extrapolation from known rotors

The dependence of the unbalance tolerance on the rotor size (diameter, mass, power) for known rotors

C.2.3 Calculation

in Clause 5. The permissible residual unbalance, Uper, is proportional to the rotor mass, m
proportional to the service speed, n.
To calculate the permissible residual unbalance for a new rotor size on the basis of a known one,
Formula (C.1)


If permissible residual unbalances for the tolerance planes are known for one rotor, Formula (C.1)
be used to calculate the permissible residual unbalances for the tolerance planes of a similar rotor of a
different size.

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C.3 Dissimilar rotors

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Annex D

Rules for allocating unbalance tolerances from tolerance planes to

correction planes

D.1 General
As explained in 4.4 and 8.1, it is recommended that the tolerance planes (often identical to the bearing
planes) and not the correction planes be used to state unbalance tolerances. However, for the case
where the balancing process still needs unbalance tolerances in the correction planes, some basic rules
are given in D.2 to D.4.

D.2 Correction planes in-between tolerance planes

For a situation as given in Figure D.1, the solution according to 8.3 is as follows. Use the unbalance

Uper I = Uper A (D.1)

Uper II = Uper B (D.2)


Uper I

Uper II

Uper A

Uper B is the permissible residual unbalance in tolerance plane (bearing plane) B.

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A, B bearings, bearing planes (= tolerance planes)
I, II correction planes

Figure D.1 — Allocation to correction planes in-between tolerance planes

D.3 Correction planes outside tolerance planes

For a situation as given in Figure D.2, the following recommendation is given. Reduce the unbalance
tolerance proportional to the ratio of bearing distance to correction plane distance:




Uper I

Uper II

Uper A

Uper B

LI–II is the distance between correction planes I and II.

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A, B bearings, bearing planes (= tolerance planes) L bearing distance
I, II correction planes LI–II distance between correction planes I and II

Figure D.2 — Allocation to correction planes outside tolerance planes

D.4 More complex geometry

for such rotors, permissible residual unbalances are stated for the bearing planes (see 4.4).

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[1] ISO 14694,

[2] ISO 19499,1) Mechanical vibration — Balancing — Guidance on the use and application of
balancing standards
[3] ISO 21940-2, 2)
[4] ISO 21940-12, Mechanical vibration — Rotor balancing — Part 12: Procedures and tolerances for

[5] ISO 21940-14, Mechanical vibration — Rotor balancing — Part 14: Procedures for assessing
balance errors
[6] ISO 21940-21, Mechanical vibration — Rotor balancing — Part 21: Description and evaluation of
balancing machines
[7] ISO 21940-32,

1) To become ISO 21940-1 when revised.

2) Under preparation. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/DIS 21940-2:2016.

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