Melody Lesson Plan
Melody Lesson Plan
Melody Lesson Plan
Melody Intended for Grade 4
Prepared by: SAMER, Aslima M.
I. Objectives
Power Point
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
a. Prayer
- Good morning, class! - Good morning, ma’am!
- Alpahad could you lead the - Alpahad went to the front of the
prayer? class and lead prayer)
b. Checking of Attendance
- Yes Ma’am.
- Thank you, you may take your seat
class and please say present if your
name was called, okay?
- Present Ma’am
- Delna, Helwa?
- Present Ma’am
- Abdullah, Norhana?
B. Review
- Okay so let’s have a POP review so - Yes Ma’am!
you are already familiar with this
POP review all you must do is to - (Some student stand to answer)
stand up and say something about
last meeting discussion.
Understand? Okay so let’s start!
C. Motivation
D. Unlocking of Difficulties
- Is a group of pitches or tones that
can be heard one after the oiled
melody also has rhythm.
Melodic Contour
- is the shape of a melody, made by
the way the tones move upward,
downward in steps or skips, and
when tones repeat.
- A clef is a musical symbol written at
the beginning of the staff.
Pitch Name
- Music uses the letters of the English
Ledger Line
- The small line crossing the note
makes the staff longer.
- . A scale is an arrangement of tones
using different pitches and durations
from higher to lower according to a
specific pattern of intervals.
- is the distance between two notes.
E. Lesson Proper
F. Enrichment Activity
- The class will be group into two. In
group 1 learn the song “Every
Morning” and to the Group 2 Learn
the song “Vitamin” and you will sing
this together with your groupmates.
G. Generalization
H. Evaluation
A. B.
___ 1. It is a musical A. Clef
symbol at the beginning
of a staff to give the pitch B. Interval
of the written note.
___ 2. It is the C. Ledger Line
arrangement of tones
using different pitches and D. Melodic
durations from higher to range
lower according to a
specific pattern of E. Scale
____ 3. It is a small line that F. Time
serves as an extension of signature
the staff.
____ 4. This is the distance
between two notes.
____ 5. This refers to the
span from the lowest to
the highest tone of a song
or music.
I. Assignments