Sum4 pr1
Sum4 pr1
Sum4 pr1
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Section: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________
I. Read the statements below carefully and write down 9. Julius is planning a qualitative study regarding
the letter of your answers on the answer sheet. shs mathematics classrooms. Which of the
following is most likely primary source data for his
1. Parents’ Views About the K – 12 Curriculum study?
a. Content/ Discourse Analysis a. Standardized test scores.
b. Ethnography c. Phenomenology b. Instructional materials published by a textbook
d. Historical e. Case Study company.
2. The Muslim Wedding Rites c. Observations of an shs class using manipulatives.
a. Content/ Discourse Analysis d. A large-scale teacher survey that addresses how
b. Ethnography c. Phenomenology teachers use manipulatives.
d. Historical e. Case Study 10. Is there a significant difference in the strand
3. Researchers who focus on the study of culture preference of students when grouped according to
take which type of qualitative research? gender?
a. Grounded theory c. Phenomenology A. Qualitative Research
b. Case study d. Ethnography B. Quantitative Research
4. Researchers study just one individual, classroom,
school, or program in which type of qualitative
a. case study c. ethnography
b. historical d. phenomenology
5. "Students taught first aid by programmed
instruction will achieve at a higher level than those
taught first aid by the traditional method." The
independent variable in this hypothesis is:
a. Students
c. level of achievement
b. programmed instruction
d. method of instruction
6. Qualitative researchers generally formulate a
hypothesis beforehand and then seek to test it.
a. True b. False
7. An important check on the validity and reliability
of the researcher's interpretations in qualitative
research is to compare one informant's description
of something with another informant's description
of the same thing.
a. True b. False
8. Significance of the study includes the
beneficiaries and the benefits that they can derive
from the results of the study.
a. True b. False