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Schools Division of Valencia City


Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

School Banlag Integrated School Grade Level 11

Teacher Lizel Joy N. Gica Learning Area General Mathematics
Time & Date NOVEMBER 27,2022 Quarter 2

Content Standards
Performance Standards
Learning Competencies  Illustrates simple and compound interest.
 Distinguishes simple and compound interest.
At the end of 50 minutes lesson, 85% of the learners are expected
a) Illustrate simple and compound interest
b) Differentiate simple and compound interest
c) Cite the importance of simple and compound interest in the
real-life application

Topic Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Sources Module from DEPED
Material Manila paper, Powerpoint, chalk & board
Strategy Picture analysis, cooperative and reflective learning.
Subject Integration
Opening prayer In the name the father… Amen.
Let us all stand for our
Greetings Indicator 2
Display proficient use
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, ma’am! Good afternoon of Mother Tongue,
Maayong hapon sa tanan. classmates! Filipino and English to
How are you? Kumusta? If Okay pa sa alright ma’am. Thank you. facilitate teaching and
you are fine, please
answer okay pa sa alright.
Please arrange your chairs
horizontally and vertically
aligned and take your
Attendance Nobody is absent for today ma’am
Who is/are absent today?
Very good!
Setting up classroom rules 1. Raise your hand if you want to answer. Indicator 3
2. Listen if somebody is sharing his/her Use effective verbal
and non-verbal
idea. classroom
3. If no one will answer the spinning wheel communication
machine will be the one to select to strategies to support
learner understanding,
share his/her idea. participation,
4. Always wear your facemask and engagement and
sanitize your hands. achievement

Indicator 4
Establish safe and
secure learning
environments to
enhance learning
through the consistent
implementation of
policies, guidelines and

Review Simple interest and definition of terms

Guide questions: Indicator 1
Apply knowledge of
1. What have you content within and
observed from the across curriculum
picture presented? teaching areas
2. What are the
factors that will
make the seeds
grow faster?
The teacher will then relate
the concept of the seeds Hint: Growing
growing to the topic to be
Growing is like the interest
and the factors is the
simple or the compound
ENGAGE  Lender or Creditor – person (or Indicator 7
Apply a range of
Peel the cabbage: institution) who invests the money successful strategies
The teacher will start or makes the funds available that maintain learning
introducing the topic by  R W O R B O R E Borrower or environments that
motivate learners to
presenting scrambled Debtor – person (or institution) work productively by
words with definition. who owes the money or avails of assuming responsibility
Students will be grouped the funds from the lender for their own learning**
into 3.  EMTI Time or term (t) – amount
Indicator 5
of time in years the money is Maintain learning
borrowed or inversed: length of environments that
time between the origin and promote fairness,
respect and care to
maturity dates encourage learning.
 I I P P C N L R A Principal (P) –
amount of money borrowed or Indicator 8
Design, adapt and
invested on the origin date implement teaching
 N E E T T R I S E R T A Interest strategies that are
Rate (r) – annual rate, usually in responsive to learners
with disabilities,
percent, charged by the lender, or giftedness and
rate of increase of the investment talents***
 Interest (I) – amount paid or
earned for the use of money
 I P S E M L T E N T S R E I
Simple Interest (Is) – interest that
is computed on the principal and
then added to it.
Compound Interest (Ic)– interest
is computed on the principal and
also on the accumulated past
 T M T U R I Y A A E D T Maturity
Value- amount after t years that
the lender receives from the
borrower on the maturity date.

EXPLORE (Discovery Day 1 .01 Day 10.24 Day 10,485.76 Indicator 7

11 21 Apply a range of
Learning) Day 2 Day Day successful strategies
.02 20.48 20,971.52
The teacher will then ask 12 22 that maintain learning
the students the question; Day 3 .04 Day 40.96 Day 41,943.04 environments that
13 23 motivate learners to
“If somebody offer you an work productively by
Day 4 .08 Day 81.92 Day 83,886.08
opportunity, would you 14 24 assuming responsibility
rather start with 1 cent and Day 5 .16 Day 163.84 Day 167,772.16 for their own learning**
double your money in 30 15 25
Day 6 .32 Day 327.68 Day 335,544.32
days or have 1 million 16 26
pesos?” Day 7 .64 Day 655.36 Day 671,088.64
Reason out for your 17 27
Day 8 1.28 Day 1,310.72 Day 1,342,177.
choice. 18 28 28
Day 9 2.56 Day 2,621.44 Day 2,684,354.
If most of the students 19 29 56
have already their answers Day 10 5.12 Day 5,242.88 Day 5,368,709.
the teacher will then show 20 30 12
the best choice.

EXPLAIN (Collaborative Problem: Indicator 1

Apply knowledge of
Learning) Suppose you won Php 10, 000 and you plan to content within and
The students will be invest it for 5 years. A cooperative group offers across curriculum
grouped into 3 and answer 2% simple interest rate per year. A bank offers teaching areas
the problem given. For the 2% compounded annually. Which will you Indicator 7
solutions they must use choose and why? Apply a range of
the concept of the simple Solution: successful strategies
that maintain learning
interest which was already environments that
discussed prior to the motivate learners to
topic. They must explain work productively by
assuming responsibility
their chosen choice.
for their own learning**

The teacher will then

deepen the lesson.

ELABORATE (Inquiry- Possible answers: Indicator 5

Maintain learning
Based Teaching) Simple interest remains constant throughout environments that
promote fairness,
Let the students compare the investment term. In compound interest, the respect and care to
the interests gained in the interest from the previous year also earns encourage learning.
two investments. interest. Thus, the interest grows every year.

Simple Interest (in pesos):
11,000 – 10,000 = 1,000

Compound Interest (in

pesos): 11,040.81 –
10,000 = 1,040.81

Ask the students to

distinguish between simple
and compound interests
based on their illustrations.
1. What are your
2. How does the two
3. Which of the two
has greater
4. Was your choice
5. If you were to
answer the same
question what will
be your answer?

(Volunteers are encourage

but if not, the teacher will
spin the wheel to promote
EVALUATE Simple Interest Compound Interest Indicator 3
Use effective verbal
The teacher will ask Is always charged on Charged on principle and non-verbal
somebody to summarize sum (original and accumulated classroom
the lesson and their principal amount at a interest. communication
strategies to support
learnings. particular rate and learner understanding,
specified period of participation,
To evaluate if students can time. engagement and
differentiate simple from Interest for all years Interest for all years
compound interest, the is same. is different. Indicator 5
teacher will then group the Maintain learning
Smaller interest. Larger interest. environments that
students into 2 and give The formula is I =Prt The formula is promote fairness,
phrases and statements I =P(1+r )
t respect and care to
and let the them identify encourage learning.
The growth remains The growth
and differentiate whether it quite uniform. increases quite Indicator 6
is under simple interest or rapidly. Maintain learning
compound interest. environments that
200 pesos invested 200 pesos invested nurture and inspire
with a rate of 3% for with a rate of 3% for learners to participate,
The students will cross and 2 years. 2 years. cooperate and
follow the steps before collaborate in
Year 1: I =6 pesos Year 1: I =6 pesos continued learning**
they can paste their Year 2: I =6 pesos Year 2:
Indicator 8
answers in the board. Total interest = 12 I =20 6 ( 0.03 ) =6.18 pesos Design, adapt and
pesos Total interest = 12.18 implement teaching
(Learners with disability pesos strategies that are
responsive to learners
will be given an answer with disabilities,
sheet and let her encircle Rubrics: giftedness and
the statements under talents***
20 pts 18 pts 13 pts
simple interest and Accuracy Correct Correct Incorrect
underline the statements answer answer but answer and
and with some steps steps were
under compound interest) complete were vague.
solutions missing.
the steps.
Timeliness Within the Exceeded Exceeded 1
limit time 60 seconds minute or
or below more from
from the the time
limit time limit
Cooperation All Some Few
members members members
were doing did not do the
their cooperate activity.

EXTEND Problem:
Indicator 9
The teacher will give a Rubrics Adapt and use
take home quiz to master 20 pts 18 pts 13 pts culturally appropriate
the students’ skills and cite Accuracy Correct Correct Incorrect teaching strategies to
answer and answer but answer and address the needs of
the importance of simple with some steps steps were learners from
and compound interest. complete were vague. indigenous groups***
solutions missing.
the steps.
Timeliness Homework Homework Homework
was was 1 day is 2 or more
received on late days late.
due date

Glenda deposits 5,000 pesos in her Landbank

savings account that pays 5% compounded
annually and deposits the same amount to her
BDO savings account that pays 7% simple
interest. Both money is left for 3 years. Find
the account balance of her savings at the end
of 3 years.

Essay: 10 PTS
Cite the importance of simple andd compound
interest in the real life and elaborate.



A. No. of learners achieve 80%: _____
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ______
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ______
D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: _____
E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ______
F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ______
G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? __
H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other teacher?

Prepared by: Checked:


Teacher-I School Principal

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