Piles are structural members that are made of steel, concrete, or timber. They are used to
build pile foundations, which are deep and which cost more than shallow foundations.
Despite the cost, the use of piles often is necessary to ensure structural safety. The
following list identifies some the conditions that require pile foundations;
1. When one or more upper layers are highly compressible and too weak to support
the load transmitted by the superstructure, piles are used to transmit the load to
underlying bedrock or a stronger soil layer, as shown in Fig.1a. When bedrock is
not encountered at a reasonable depth below the ground surface, piles are used to
transmit the structural load to the soil gradually. The resistance to the applied
structural load is derived mainly from the frictional resistance developed at the
soil-pile interface. (Refer Fig 1b).
2. When subjected to horizontal forces (Refer Fig 1c), pile foundations resist by
bending, while still supporting the vertical load supporting the vertical load
transmitted by the superstructure. This type situation is generally encountered in
the design and construction of earth-retaining structures and foundations of tall
structures that are subjected to high wind or to earthquake forces.
3. In many cases, expansive and collapsible soils may be present at the site of a
proposed structure. These soils may extend to a great depth below the ground
surface. Expansive soils swell and shrink as their moisture content increases and
decreases, and the pressure of the swelling can be considerable. If shallow
foundations are used in such circumstances, the structure may suffer considerable
damage. However, pile foundations may be considered as an alternative when
piles are extended beyond the active zone, which is where swelling and shrinking
occur. (Refer Fig 1d).
4. The foundations of some structures, such as transmission towers, offshore
platforms, and basement mats below the water table, are subjected to uplifting
forces. Piles are sometimes used for these foundations to resist the uplifting force.
( Refer fig 1e).
5. Bridge abutments and piers are usually constructed over pile foundations to avoid
the loss of bearing capacity that a shallow foundation might suffer because of soil
erosion at the ground surface.(See Fig 1f).
Fig.1 Conditions that require the use of pile foundations.
Types of Piles
Piles are made from concrete or steel or timber. The selection of the type of pile required
for a project depends on what type is readily available, the magnitude of the loading, the
soil type, and the environment in which the pile will be installed, for example, a corrosive
environment of a marine environment.
(i) Concrete Piles
There are several types of concrete piles that are commonly used. These include cast-in-
place piles, pre-cast concrete piles, and drilled shaft. Cast-in-place concrete piles are
formed by driving a cylindrical steel shell into the ground. The steel shell is for
construction convenience and does not contribute to the load transfer capacity of the pile.
Its purpose is to open a hole in the ground and keep it open to facilitate the construction
of the concrete pile. Plain concrete is used when the structure load is only compressive.
If moments and lateral loads are to be transferred, then a steel reinforcement cage is used
in the upper part of the pile. Vigilant quality control and good construction practice are
necessary to ensure the integrity of cast-in- place piles.
Some general facts about concrete piles are as follows:
-Usual length 10m to 15 m
-Usual load 300 to 3000 kN
1. Can be subjected to hard driving
2. Corrosion resistant
3. Can be easily combined with a concrete superstructure
1. Difficult to achieve proper cutoff
2. Difficult to transport
Pre cast concrete piles usually have square or circular or rectangular or octagons cross
sections and are fabricated in a construction yard from reinforced or prestressed concrete.
(See Fig 2) .They are preferred when the pile length is known in advance. The
disadvantages of precast piles are problems in transportation long piles, cutting, and
Cased piles are made by driving a steel casing into the ground with the help of a mandrel
placed inside the casing. When the pile reaches the proper depth the mandrel is
withdrawn and the casing is filled with concrete. Figures 3 a,3b, 3c, and 3d show some
examples of cased piles without a pedestal. Figures 3e shows a cased pile with a pedestal.
The pedestal is an expanded concrete bulb that is formed by dropping a hammer on fresh
Figures 3f and 3g are two types of uncased pile, one with pedestal and the other without.
The uncased piles are made by first driving the casing to the desired depth and then
filling it with fresh concrete. The casing is then gradually withdrawn.
Following are some general facts about uncased cast-in-place concrete piles:
-Usual length 5-15m
-Maximum length 30-40m
Usual load 300-500kN
Approximate maximum load 700kN
-Initially economical
-Can be finished at any elevation
-Voids may be created if concrete is placed rapidly
-Difficult to splice after concreting.
(ii) Steel Piles
Steel piles come in various shapes and sizes and include cylindrical, tapered, and H-piles.
Steel H-piles are rolled steel sections. Steel pipe piles are seamless pipes that can be
welded to yield up to 70 m. They are usually driven with open ends into the soil. A
conical tip is used where the piles have to penetrate boulders and rocks. To increase the
load capacity of steel piles, the soil plug is excavated and replaced by concrete. These
piles are called concrete-filled steel piles.
(iii) Timber Piles
Timber piles have been used since ancient times. The lengths of timber piles depend on
the types of trees used to harvest the piles, but common lengths are about 12 m. Longer
lengths can be obtained by splicing several piles. Timber piles are susceptible to marine
organisms, and rot within zones exposed to seasonal changes. These piles are divided into
following three classes:
1. Class A piles carry heavy loads. The maximum diameter of the butt should be 356mm.
2. Class B piles are used to carry medium loads. The maximum butt diameter should be
305-330 mm.
3 Class C piles are used in temporary construction work. They can be used permanently
for structures when the entire pile is below water table. The minimum butt diameter
should be 305mm.
In no case, a pile tip should not have a diameter less than 150mm.
Estimating pile length
Selecting the type of pile to be used and estimating its necessary length are fairly difficult
tasks that require good judgment. However, piles can be classified into three major
Fig 4. (a) and (b) point bearing piles; (c) friction piles
categories, depending on their lengths and the mechanisms of load transfer to the soil: (a)
point bearing piles, (b) friction piles, and (c) compaction piles.
Point Bearing Piles
If soil-bearing records establish the presence of bedrock or rocklike material at a site
within a reasonable depth, piles can be extended to the rock surface. (Fig 4a) In this case,
the ultimate bearing capacity of the piles depends entirely on the load- bearing capacity
of the underlying material; thus; the piles are called point bearing piles. In most of these
cases, the necessary length of the pile can be fairly well established.
If, instead of bedrock, a fairly compact and hard stratum of soil is encountered at a
reasonable depth, piles can be extended a few meters into the hard stratum. (Fig 4b) Piles
with pedestal can be constructed on the bed of the hard stratum, and the ultimate pile load
may be expressed as
Qu = QP + Qs (1)
Where QP = load carried at the pile point
Q s = load carried by skin friction developed at the inside of the pile
(caused by shearing resistance between the soil and the pile)
If Qs is very small,
Qu Qp (2)
In this case, the required pile length may be estimated accurately if proper subsoil
exploration records are available.
Friction Piles
When no layer of rock or rocklike material is present at a reasonable depth at a site, point
bearing piles become very long and uneconomical. In this type of subsoil, piles are driven
through the softer material to specified depths. (Fig4c) The ultimate load of the piles may
be expressed by Eq.1. However, if the value of Qp is relatively small, then
Qu Qs (3)
These piles are called friction piles, because most of their resistance is derived from skin
friction. However, the term friction pile, although used often in the literature, is a
misnomer: In clay soils, the resistance to applied load is also caused by adhesion.
The length of the friction piles depend on the shear strength of the soil, the applied load,
and the pile size. To determine the necessary lengths of these piles, an engineer needs a
good understanding of soil-pile interaction, good judgment, and experience.
Compaction Piles
Under certain circumstances, piles are driven in granular soils to achieve proper
compaction of soil close to the ground surface. These piles are called compaction piles.
The lengths of compaction piles depend on factors such as (a) the relative density of the
soil before compaction,(b) the desired relative density of the soil after compaction, and
(c) the required depth of compaction. These piles are generally short; however, some
field tests are necessary to determine a reasonable length.
Load Transfer Mechanism
The load transfer mechanism from a pile to the soil is complicated. To understand it,
consider a pile of length L, as shown in Fig 5a. The load on the pile is gradually increased
from zero to Q(z=0) at the ground surface. Part of this load will be resisted by the side
friction developed along the shaft, Q1. and part by the soil below the tip of the pile, Q2.
Now, how are Q1 and Q2 related to the load? If measurements are made to obtain the load
carried by the pile shaft, Q(z) , at any depth z, the nature of the variation found will be like
that shown in curve 1 of Fig 5b. The frictional resistance per unit area at any depth z
may be determined as
the maximum point resistance Q2= Qp will not be mobilized until the tip of the pile has
moved about 10-25 % of he pile width (or diameter). (The lower limit applies to driven
piles and the upper limit to bored piles). At ultimate load (Fig 5d and curve2 in Fig 5b),
Q1 = Qs (5)
And Q2 = Qp (6)
The preceding explanation indicates that Q s (or the unit skin friction, f, along the pile
shaft) is developed at a much smaller pile displacement compared with the point
resistance, Qp.
At ultimate load, the failure surface in the soil at the pile tip ( a bearing capacity failure
caused by Qp) is like that shown in fig 5e. It is to be note that pile foundations are deep
foundations and that the soil fails mostly in a punching mode. That is a triangular zone, I,
is developed at the pile tip, which is pushed downward without producing any other
visible slip surface. In dense sands and stiff clayey soils, a radial shear zone, II, may
partially develop.
Equations for Estimating Pile Capacity
The ultimate load- carrying capacity Qu of a pile is given by the equation
Q u = Qp + Qs (7)
Where Qp = load carrying capacity of the pile point
Qs = friction resistance (skin friction) derived from the soil- pile interface
( Fig 6)
Numerous published studies cover the determination of the values of Q p and Qs. Excellent
reviews of many of these investigations have been provided by Vesic (1977), Meyerhof
(1976), and Coyle and Costello (1981). These studies afford an insight into the problem
of determining the ultimate pile capacity.
Point Bearing Capacity, Qp
The ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations is given as (according toTerzaghi’s
qu = 1.3 c/.Nc + q.Nq + 0.4 .B. ( for shallow square foundation) (8)
and qu = 1.3 c/.Nc + q.Nq + 0.3 .B. for shallow circular foundation) (9)
Similarly, the general bearing capacity equation for shallow foundation is given) for
vertical loading) as
Because the width D of a pile is relatively small, the term may be dropped from
the right side of the equation without introducing a serious error; thus we have
It is to be noted that the term q has been replaced by in eq. 12, to signify effective
vertical stress. Thus, the point bearing of piles is
Where Ap =area of pile tip
=cohesion of the soil supporting the pile tip
= unit point resistance
=effective vertical stress at the level of the pile tip
(1) Meyerhof’s method
(a) Sand
The point bearing capacity, qp , of a pile in sand generally increases with the depth of
embedment in the bearing stratum and reaches a maximum value at an embedment ratio
of . It is to be noted that in a homogeneous soil, Lb , is equal to the actual
embedment length of the pile, L ( see Fig 6a). However, where a pile has penetrated into
a bearing stratum, Lb < L. (see Fig 4b). Beyond the critical embedment ratio,
,the value of qp remains constant ( qp =qt ). That is
shown in the fig 7. for the case of a homogeneous soil, L = Lb
The variation of with soil friction angle is shown in fig 8. However, Qp should not
exceed the limiting value Ap ql ; that is,
The limiting point resistance is given by
Fig 7. Nature of variation of point resistance in homogeneous sand.
Where pa = atmospheric pressure (= 100 )
= effective soil friction angle of the bearing stratum
(b) Clay
For piles in saturated clays under undrained conditions
Where cu = undrained cohesion of the soil below the tip of the pile
(i) Vesic’s method
Vesic (1997) proposed a method for estimating the pile point bearing capacity based
on the theory of expansion of cavity. According to this theory, on the basis of
effective stress parameters, we may write
Where = mean effective normal ground stress at the level of the pile point
= (20)
According to Vesic’s theory,
Where Irr = reduced rigidity index for the soil
Where (26)
The values of Ir can be estimated from laboratory consolidation and triaxial tests
corresponding to the proper stress levels. However, for preliminary use, the following
values are recommended
Types of soil Ir
Sand 70-150
Silts and clays (drained condition) 50-100
Clays (undrained condition) 100-200
(iii) Janbu’s Method
Janbu (1976) proposed calculating Qp as follows
Fig 9. failure surface at the pile tip assumed by Janbu (1976)
The angle varies from 600 for clays to about 1050 for dense sandy soils. It is
recommended that, for practical use,
Following table gives the variation of and for = 600 , 750 , and 900 .
Table – Janbu’s Bearing Capacity factors
=600 =750 =900
Fig 10. Compaction of sand near driven pile (After Meyerhof 1961)
= soil-pile friction angle
In reality, the magnitude of K varies with depth; it is approximately equal to the
Rankine passive pressure coefficient, Kp , at the top of the pile and may be less
than the at-rest pressure coefficient, K0, at a greater depth. Based on presently
available results, the following average values of K are taken for use in eq33:
Pile type K
Bored or jetted
Low- displacement driven
High-displacement driven
The coefficient of friction between sand and pile material can be obtained from the
following table.
Table- Coefficient of friction between sand and pile material
Concrete 0.45
Wood 0.40
Steel (smooth) 0.20
Steel (rough, rusted) 0.4
Steel (corrugated) Use of sand
However, the values of from various investigations appear to be in the range
from 0.5 to 0.8 . Judgment must be used in choosing the value of . For high-
displacement driven pile, Bhusan (1982) recommended
And (36)
Where Dr = relative density (%)
(ii) Clay
Estimating the frictional (skin) resistance in clay also is almost difficult a task due to
several variables which cannot be easily determined. There are several methods for
estimating the unit frictional resistance of piles in clays as described in the available
literature. We shall discuss three methods only which are very common in practice.
(a) Method
This method was proposed by Vijiayvergia and Fotch (1972) and is based on the
assumption that the displacement of soil caused by pile driving results in a passive lateral
pressure at any depth and that the average unit skin resistance is
Where = mean effective vertical stress for the entire embedment length
= mean undrained shear strength ( )
The value of changes with the depth of penetration of the pile (see fig 12) Thus, the
total frictional resistance may be calculated as
Fig 12. Variation of with pile embedment length (after McClelland, 1974)
(b) Method
According to the method, the unit skin resistance in clayey soils can be represented by
the equation
Where = empirical adhesion factor
The approximate variation of the value of is shown in Fig 13. where is the vertical
effective stress. This variation of with was obtained by Randolph and Murphy
(1985). With it, we have
Fig 13. Variation of with .
(c) Method
When pile is driven into the saturated clay, the pore- pressure in the soil around the pile is
increased. The excess pore water pressure in normally consolidated clays may be four to
six times .However, within a month or so, this pore pressure gradually dissipates.
Hence, the unit frictional resistance for the pile can be determined on the bases of the
effective stress parameters of the clay in a remolded state . Thus, at any depth,
Where = vertical effective stress
= (41)
= drained friction angle of remolded clay
K = earth pressure coefficient
Conservatively, the magnitude of K is the earth pressure coefficient at rest, or
(for normally consolidated clays) (42)
And (for over-consolidated clays) (43)
Where OCR 0verconsilation ratio
Combining eqs40, 41, 42 and 43, for normally consolidated clays yields
And for overconsidated clays,
With the values of so determined, the total frictional resistance may be evaluated as
Point Bearing Capacity of piles resting on Rock
Sometimes piles are driven to an underlying layer of rock. In such cases, the engineer
must evaluate the bearing capacity of the rock. The ultimate unit point resistance in rock
(Goodman, 1980) is approximately
= unconfined compressive strength of rock
= drained angle of friction
The unconfined compressive strength of rock can be determined by laboratory tests on
rock specimens collected during field investigation. However, extreme precaution should
be used in obtaining the proper value of , because laboratory specimens usually are
small in diameter. As the diameter of the specimen increases, the unconfined compressive
strength decreases- a phenomenon referred to as the scale effect. For specimens larger
than about 1 m in diameter, the values of remain approximately constant. There
appears to be a four- folded to five-folded reduction of the magnitude of in this
process. The scale effect in rock is caused primarily by randomly distributed large and
small fractures and also by progressive ruptures along the slip lines. Hence, we always
recommend that
The table below lists some representative values of (laboratory) unconfined compressive
strength and friction angle of rock.
Table-Typical values of unconfined compressive strength & angle of friction of rocks
Type of rock (MN/m2 Angle of friction, (deg)
A factor of safety of at least 3 should be used to determine the allowable point bearing of
piles. Thus,
The EN formula has been revised several times over the years, and other pile-driving
formulae also have been suggested. Three of them are discussed here
Modified EN formula
below shows a schematic diagram of the pile load arrangement for testing axial
compression in the field. The load is applied to the pile by a hydraulic jack. Step loads
are applied to the pile, and sufficient time is allowed to elapse after each load so that a
small amount of settlement occurs. The settlement of the pile is measured by dial gauges.
The amount of load to be applied for each step load be about one-fourth of the proposed
working load. After the desired pile load is reached, the pile is gradually unloaded.
Fig 15. (c) Plot of load against total settlement (d) plot of load against net settlement
Negative Skin Friction
Negative skin friction is a downward drag force on a pile by the soil surrounding it. Such
a force can exist under the following conditions, among others:
1. If a fill of clay soil is placed over a granular soil layer into which a pile is driven,
the fill will gradually consolidate. The consolidation process will exert a
downward drag force on the pile during the period of consolidation ( see Fig 16a).
Where and = effective unit weight of the fill and the underlying clay layer,
For end- bearing piles, the neutral depth may be assumed to be located at the pile tip
( i.e., L1 = L – Hf )
Once the value of L1 is determined, the downward drag force is obtained in the following
manner: The unit negative skin friction at any depth from z =0 to z =L1 is
= (58)
If the soil and the fill are above the water table, the effective unit weights should be
replaced by moist unit weights. In some cases, the piles can be coated with bitumen in the
down drag zone to avoid this problem.
Elastic Settlement of Piles
The total settlement of a pile under a vertical working load Qw is given by
Where = elastic settlement of pile
= settlement of pile caused by the load at the pile tip
= settlement of pile by the load transmitted along the pile shaft
If the pile material is assumed to be elastic, the deformation of the pile shaft can be
evaluated, in accordance with the fundamental principles of mechanics of materials, as
Where Qwp = load carried at the pile point under working load condition
Qws = load carried by friction (skin) resistance under working load
Ap = area of cross section of pile
L = Length of pile
Ep = modulus of elasticity of the pile material
Fig 17 Various types of distribution of unit friction(skin) resistance along the pile shaft.
The magnitude of will depend on the nature of the distribution of the unit friction (skin)
resistance along the pile shaft. If the distribution of is uniform or parabolic as shown
in the fig.17a and 17b, then =0.5. However, for a triangular distribution of (fig 17c) ,
the magnitude of = 0.67 ( Vesic, 1977)
The settlement of a pile caused by the load carried at the pile point may be expressed in
the form
The settlement of a pile caused by the load carried by the pile shaft is given by a relation
similar the eq.61, namely
Pile Groups
In most practical situations, piles are used in groups as shown in Fig 18, to transmit the
structural load to the soil. A pile cap is constructed over group piles. The piles are
connected at their heads by a concrete pile cap, which may or may not be in contact with
the ground (Fig 18a) or well above the ground, as in the case of off shore platforms (see
Fig 18b). If the pile cap is in contact with the ground, part of load will be transferred
directly to the soil.
Determining the load- bearing capacity of group piles is extremely complicated and has
not yet been fully resolved. When the piles are placed close to each other in a group, a
reasonable assumption is that the stresses transmitted by the piles to the soil will overlap,
reducing the load- bearing capacity of the piles. Ideally, the piles in a group should be
spaced so that the load-bearing capacity of the group is not less than the sum of the
bearing capacity of the individual piles. In practice, the minimum center to center
spacing, s, varies between 2.5 D to 5 D. However, the cost of the pile cape is increased
considerably if this spacing is more than 3.5 D. Moreover, the settlement of the pile-
group is increased due increase in size of the pile-group.
The group load- bearing capacity is tried to be correlated with the load-bearing capacity
of a single pile because it is comparatively simple to find out the bearing capacity of
single pile. The ratio of the load- bearing capacity of a pile- group, Q g(u) ,to the total load-
bearing capacity of the piles acting as individual piles n Q u is called the group efficiency
or group efficiency factor, .The efficiency of the load- bearing capacity of a group pile
may be mathematically, defined as
Qu = load –bearing capacity of a single pile
The efficiency factor is usually less than 1. However, piles driven into a loose, coarse-
grained soil tend to densify the soil around the piles and could exceed 1.Also if the
spacing is large enough so that the piles act an individual pile in the group, then also the
value of may be greater than 1.
Fig 18. Group piles where d=s =center to center spacing between the piles.
Group Efficiency
There are several equations to find out the group efficiency. All these equations are
empirical in nature. Some of them are presented here.
1. Converse- Labarre Equation
n= number of piles in a row
m= number of rows of piles in a group
2. Los Angeles Group Action Equation
3. Feld Method
Feld (1943) suggested a method by which the load capacity of individual piles( when
only frictional resistance is considered ) in a group embedded in sand could be assessed.
According to this method, the ultimate capacity of a pile is reduced by one- sixteenth by
each adjacent diagonal or row pile. The technique is explained by the example given in
Fig 19.This is a plan of a group pile.
Fig 19. Fed’s method for estimating the group capacity of friction piles.
In this example, there are eight adjacent piles for pile type A. Similarly there are five
adjacent piles for pile type b and three for pile type. C. With this in mind, the following
table can be prepared:
Pile type No. of No. of adjacent Reduction factor for each pile Ultimate capacity
piles piles/pile
=(no.of piles* Qu* Reduction factor)
A 1 8 1-8/16 0.5Qu
B 4 5 1-5/16 2.75Qu
C 4 3 1-3/16 3.25Qu
= Qg(u)
So (67)
2. Determine the ultimate capacity by assuming that the piles in the group act as a block
with dimensions . The skin resistance of the block is
Obtain the value of the bearing capacity factor from fig21. Thus, the ultimate load is
where q is in kN/m2 and Bg and Lg in m, and
Zi = distance from z=0 to the middle of the clay layer i
4. Calculate the consolidation settlement of each layer caused by the increased
stress. The formula is
= thickness of layer i
= initial voids ratio of soil layer I (before construction)
= effective stress at the middle of the layer i
5. The total consolidation settlement of the group piles is then
Pile groups and Pile Spacing of Piles (Ref. Soils & foundations by Cheng Liu, 4th
Hereto fore in this chapter, discussion has pertained to a single pile. In reality, however,
piles are almost always arranged in groups of three or more. Furthermore, the group of
piles is commonly tied together by a pile cap, which is attached to the head of individual
piles and causes the several piles to act together as a pile foundation.
If two piles are driven close together, soil stresses caused by the piles tend to overlap, and
the bearing capacity of the piles consisting of two piles is less than the sum of the
individual capacities. If the two piles are moved farther apart, so that individual stresses
do not overlap, the bearing capacity of the pile group is not reduced significantly from the
sum of the individual capacities. Thus, it would appear that piles should be spaced
relatively far apart. This consideration is offset, however, by the unduly large pile caps
that would be required for the wider spacing.
Minimum allowable pile spacing is often specified by applicable building codes. Foe
example, a building code may state that “the minimum center-to center spacing of piles
not driven to rock shall not be less than twice the average diameter of a round pile, nor
less than 1.75 times the diagonal dimension of a rectangular or rolled structural steel pile,
nor less than 2 ft 6 inch (0.76m) For piles driven to rock, the minimum center-to center
spacing of piles shall be not less than twice the average diameter of a round pile, nor less
than 1.75 times the diagonal dimension of a rectangular or rolled structural ateel pile, nor
less than 2ft 0inch ( 0.61m).
Spacing of Piles (Ethiopian code EBCS-7) p-95
(1) The spacing of piles shall be considered in relation to the nature of the ground, their
behavior in groups and overall cost of the foundation which includes pile cp or
restraining grade beams.
(2) The spacing of piles will be determined by the method of installation (e.g. driven or
(3) Working rules which are generally, though not always, suitable are as follows:
a) for friction piles the spacing center to center shall be not less than the perimeter
of the pile or, for circular piles, three times the diameter.
b) for end bearing piles passing through relatively compressible strata the spacing
shall not be less than 2.5 times the diameter of the pile.
c) for end bearing piles passing through relatively compressible strata and resting
on dense sand or stiff clay the spacing shall not be less 3 and 3.5 times the
diameter of the pile, respectively.
d) for driven cast in-situ piles the spacing shall not be less than 2.5 times the
diameter of the pile.
e) For bored cast in-situ piles the spacing shall be at least 3 times the diameter of
the pile, but not less than 1.10m.
f) For under-reamed piles the spacing shall not be less than 2 times the diameter
of under reamed pile base. .