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Dead & Live loads :

A) Container :
EmptyWeight of tank = 18.00 KN
Weight of bottom slab PI()/4x(4.33)^2x0.2x25+(0.35) = 73.98 KN
Weight of Roof beams RB1@BOTTOM SLAB LEVEL = 13.89 KN
Weight of roof ring beam(RB) PI()x4.68x0.35x(0.5-0.2)x25 = 38.59 KN
Weight of water on bottom slab 52.27x10 = 522.70 KN
Weight of gallery = 67.53 KN
Container full = 735.00 KN

Weight of water = 522.70 KN

Weight of Zinc Alum+ Floor Slab+Floor Beam+Walkway 735 - 522.7 = 212 KN
B) Staging :
Columns 4x(15-0.5+2-0.45)xpi()/4x0.45x0.45x25 = 255.13 KN
Braces (3.06177236253775-450/1000)*200/1000*400/1000*4*4*25) = 83.58 KN
Stair = 50 KN
Weight of staging = 388.71 KN
Calculation of CG of Empty Tank

Component Weight (kN) CG (m) Weight X CG (kN-m)

Roof 3.3 4.2 13.86
Ring 5 0 5.49 0.00
Ring 4 1.12 4.27 4.78
Ring 3 1.12 3.05 3.42
Ring 2 2.24 1.83 4.10
Ring 1 2.24 0.61 1.37
Hold Down Bracket 1.5 2.025 3.04
Circufrential Railing 1.6 2.025 3.24
Liner 0.71 2.025 1.44
ladder 1.05 2.025 2.13
Stiffness 1.5 2.025 3.04
Hardware and Misc 1.63 2.025 3.30
Bottom Slab 73.98 -0.1 -7.40
Bottom Roof Beam RB1 13.89 -0.2 -2.78
Bottom Ring Beam 38.59 -0.25 -9.65
Walkway 67.53 -0.0625 -4.22

Height of CG of Empty Container above top of floor Slab 0.09 m

Stiffness of staging:
Stiffness of staging = Arbitrary 10KN force
(From staad) Deflection
Deflection obtained = 4.526 mm
Ks = 10/4.526
= 2209 KN/m
Total mass of liquid (m) =522700/9.81 = 53282.36 kg
Depth of water (h) = 3.7 m
Inside dia of container (D) = 4.33 m
h/D = 3.7/4.33 = 0.85
From Fig.2(a) of IS1893 (Part 2): 2014 Amendment no.1
mi/m= 0.76 => mi= 0.76x53282.36 =40495 kg
mc/m= 0.27 => mc= 0.27x53282.36 =14386 kg
kc*h/(mg)= 0.83 => kc= 0.83x53282.36x9.81/3.7
=117254 kg
From Fig.2(b) of IS1893 (Part 2): 2014 Amendment no.1
hi/h= 0.456 => hi= 0.456x3.7 =1.7 m
hi˟/h= 0.62 => hi˟= 0.62x3.7 =2.3 m
hc/h= 0.75 => hc= 0.75x3.7 =2.8 m
hc˟/h= 0.75 => hc˟= 0.75x3.7 =2.8 m

ms = Mass of empty container + 1/3 mass of staging

= (212.3+1/3x388.7148125)x1000/9.81
= 34849.3 kg

Time Perid of impulsive mode in sec, Ti = 2∏ X √(mi + ms)/Ks

Ti = 2xPI()xSQRT((40494.5936+34849.3)/(2209456.47370747))
= 1.16 sec
Time Perid of convective mode in sec, Tc = Cc x √(D/g)
For h/D = 0.85, Cc = 3.275 From Fig.5 of
Tc = 3.275xsqrt(4.33/9.81) IS1893 (Part 2): 2014
= 2.18 sec Amendment no.1
Tank full:
i.Ah for impulsive mode:
(Ah)i= (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g)

Seismic Zone III *ZONE FROM ANNEX E OF IS : 1893 (PART -I) :2016

Z= 0.16 *ZONE FACTOR FROM TABLE 3 OF IS : 1893 (PART -I) :2016

R= 3 *FROM TABLE 2 OF IS : 1893 (PART -II) :2014 AMENDMENT NO.1
I= 1.5 *FROM TABLE 1 OF IS : 1893 (PART -II) :2014
Damping= 5% *As per Clause 4.4 of IS : 1893 (Part-2):2014
Soil type = Medium
Mulyiplying factor = 1 *As per Clause 4.5.2 of IS : 1893 (Part - 2) : 2014
For Ti = 1.16 sec
(Sa/g) = IF(1.16>4,0.25,(1/1.16))
= 1.17
(Ah)I shall not be less than 0.015 for seismic zone II As per Clause 4.6.4 of IS : 1893 (Part - 2) : 2014
Amendment no.1
(Ah)I = 0.16/2x1.5/3x1.17
= 0.0468
ii.Ah for convective mode:
(Ah)c= (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g)
Damping= 0.5% *As per Clause 4.4 of IS : 1893 (Part-2):2014
Mulyiplying factor = 1.75 *As per Clause 4.5.2 of IS : 1893 (Part - 2) : 2014
For Tc = 2.18 sec
(Sa/g) = IF(2.18>4,0.25,(1/2.18))
= 0.62
(Ah)c = 0.16/2x1.5/3x(0.62x1.75)
= 0.0434
Seismic case:
Stability index Q = ∑Pu∆u (As per Annex E-2 of IS:456-2000)
∑Pu = Sum of axial loads on all columns in the storey = 3203.1 kN
∆u = Elastically computed first order lateral deflection 18.84 mm
Hu = Total Lateral force acting within the storey
= (735+388.7148125/3)x0.0468 = 40.46 kN
hs = Height of the story = 21.20 m
Q = 18.84x3203.09/(40.46x21.2x1000)
= 0.0700 > 0.04 Designed as Sway Column
As stability index is <0.1, No need to design the structure for P-∆ effect.

Wind case:
Stability index Q = ∑Pu∆u (As per Annex E-2 of IS:456-2000)
∑Pu = Sum of axial loads on all columns in the storey = 3203.1 kN
∆u = Elastically computed first order lateral deflection 24.555 mm
Hu = Total Lateral force acting within the storey 66.82 kN
hs = Height of the story = 21.20 m
Q = 24.555x3203.09/(66.821x21.2x1000)
= 0.0560 > 0.04 Designed as Sway Column
As stability index is <0.1, No need to design the structure for P-∆ effect.
Rigid link height = 0.09 m
i.Base shear in impulsive mode:
Vi= (Ah)I (mi + ms ) g
Vi1= (Ah)I mi g =0.0468 x (40494.5936) x 9.81/1000
= 19 KN
Impulsive Load to be applied on wall nodes= 0.46 KN
The above force acting at a height (hi*+hs) = 2.294+16.5
= 18.794 m
Vi2= (Ah)I ms = g 0.0468 x (34849.3) x 9.81/1000
16 KN
The above force acting at a height (hcg) = 16.593 m
Impulsive Load to be applied on wall nodes= 0.40 KN
ii.Base shear in convective mode:
Vc= (Ah)c x mc x g
=0.0434 x (14386.2372) x 9.81/1000
= 6.1 KN
Convective load to be applied on wall nodes= 0.15 KN
The above force acting at a height (hc*+hs) = 2.775+16.5
= 19.275 m
Total base shear at bottom V=√Vi² + Vc²
=√34.591^2 + 6.12^2
=35.13 kN
Over turning moment at the base of staging, in impulsive mode,
Mi = (Ah)i [mi x (hi˟ + hs) + ms hcg] x g
hs =
= 16.5 m (From top of footing to bottom of container)
hcg =
Height of C.G of empty container from top of footing
= 16.5+0.0925981313101503
= 16.5925981 m

Mi =
=614.88 kN-m

Over turning moment at the base of staging, in convective mode,

Mc = (Ah)c [mc x (hc˟ + hs)] x g
Mc= 0.0434x((14386.2372x(2.775+16.5))x9.81/1000
=118 kN-m
Total overturning moment M*=√Mi² + Mc²
=√614.88^2 + 118.06^2
=626 kN-m
Tank empty:
Time period T= 2*pi()*sqrt(ms/Ks)
= 2xpi()xsqrt(34849.3/2209456.47370747
= 0.79 sec
(Ah)i= (Z/2) x (I/R) x (Sa/g)
For Ti = 0.79 sec
(Sa/g) = IF(0.79>4,0.25,(1/0.79))
= 1.27
(Ah)i =0.16/2x1.5/3x1.27
= 0.0508

Base shear = Ah*ms*g

= 0.0508x34849.3x9.81
= 17.37 KN
Impulsive Load to be applied on wall nodes= 0.43 KN
The above force acting at a height (hcg) = 16.59259813 m
Base moment = Ah*ms*g*hcg
= 17.37x16.5925981313102
= 288.21 KN-m
In tank full condition, the base shear is 35.13 KN and base moment is 626.11 KN-m
In tank empty condition, the base shear is 17.37 KN and base moment is 288.21 KN-m
Hence tank full condition , governs the design.

Check for stability-Seismic case:

Overturning moment = =626.11 kN-m (Seismic case)
Restoring moment = (735+388.7148125)x4.06177236253775
= 4564.27 kn-m
Factory of safety against overturning = 4564.27/626.11
= 7
>1.4 Hence safe (As per Cl.20.1 of IS:456-2000)

Sloshing wave height:

Maximum sloshing wave height
dmax = (Ah)c x R D/2
R = Response reduction factor = 3.00
D = 4.33 m
(Ah)c = 0.0434
dmax = = 0.0434x3x4.33/2
= 0.28 < 0.500
Free board provided is enough.

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