Stiffness of staging:
Stiffness of staging = Arbitrary 10KN force
(From staad) Deflection
Deflection obtained = 4.526 mm
Ks = 10/4.526
= 2209 KN/m
Total mass of liquid (m) =522700/9.81 = 53282.36 kg
Depth of water (h) = 3.7 m
Inside dia of container (D) = 4.33 m
h/D = 3.7/4.33 = 0.85
From Fig.2(a) of IS1893 (Part 2): 2014 Amendment no.1
mi/m= 0.76 => mi= 0.76x53282.36 =40495 kg
mc/m= 0.27 => mc= 0.27x53282.36 =14386 kg
kc*h/(mg)= 0.83 => kc= 0.83x53282.36x9.81/3.7
=117254 kg
From Fig.2(b) of IS1893 (Part 2): 2014 Amendment no.1
hi/h= 0.456 => hi= 0.456x3.7 =1.7 m
hi˟/h= 0.62 => hi˟= 0.62x3.7 =2.3 m
hc/h= 0.75 => hc= 0.75x3.7 =2.8 m
hc˟/h= 0.75 => hc˟= 0.75x3.7 =2.8 m
Seismic Zone III *ZONE FROM ANNEX E OF IS : 1893 (PART -I) :2016
Wind case:
Stability index Q = ∑Pu∆u (As per Annex E-2 of IS:456-2000)
∑Pu = Sum of axial loads on all columns in the storey = 3203.1 kN
∆u = Elastically computed first order lateral deflection 24.555 mm
Hu = Total Lateral force acting within the storey 66.82 kN
hs = Height of the story = 21.20 m
Q = 24.555x3203.09/(66.821x21.2x1000)
= 0.0560 > 0.04 Designed as Sway Column
As stability index is <0.1, No need to design the structure for P-∆ effect.
Rigid link height = 0.09 m
i.Base shear in impulsive mode:
Vi= (Ah)I (mi + ms ) g
Vi1= (Ah)I mi g =0.0468 x (40494.5936) x 9.81/1000
= 19 KN
Impulsive Load to be applied on wall nodes= 0.46 KN
The above force acting at a height (hi*+hs) = 2.294+16.5
= 18.794 m
Vi2= (Ah)I ms = g 0.0468 x (34849.3) x 9.81/1000
16 KN
The above force acting at a height (hcg) = 16.593 m
Impulsive Load to be applied on wall nodes= 0.40 KN
ii.Base shear in convective mode:
Vc= (Ah)c x mc x g
=0.0434 x (14386.2372) x 9.81/1000
= 6.1 KN
Convective load to be applied on wall nodes= 0.15 KN
The above force acting at a height (hc*+hs) = 2.775+16.5
= 19.275 m
Total base shear at bottom V=√Vi² + Vc²
=√34.591^2 + 6.12^2
=35.13 kN
Over turning moment at the base of staging, in impulsive mode,
Mi = (Ah)i [mi x (hi˟ + hs) + ms hcg] x g
hs =
= 16.5 m (From top of footing to bottom of container)
hcg =
Height of C.G of empty container from top of footing
= 16.5+0.0925981313101503
= 16.5925981 m
Mi =
=614.88 kN-m