Survey TsadiM
Survey TsadiM
Survey TsadiM
School Pseudonym: Southside High Your Name or Group Name: Mary Tsadi, Eta Group Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Evaluator Comments Technology decisions do not evolve as a planning process, but are based on "what x others are doing". x x x x Monies from grant funding and state/federal funding all considered for funding tech purchases as allowable but NO line items for tech. in any of the budgets. Attendance, credit accrual, enrollment, PGP, RtI all paperless Credit and enrollment restricted to administration only Low level use of tech incl. document camera, computer for basic research only. Not in all classes. District maintains membership to United Streaming, teachers accounts for TeacherTube. No access for students. Not all teachers have access.
x Tech assessment discouraged b/c administration fears students will not "connect" with new assessment forms. Virtual labs, math labs, computers @ 1:1 ratio, Eiki, Elmo, tablet smart boards w/student boards (2 sets for campus), remote "clicker" for assessment/participation (1 set of 30 for campus). Use restricted by teacher choice to 1 classroom. District maintained moodle accounts for each teacher and all students, courses created at teacher request. 1 teacher currently incorporates. x see integration note. Main student use for basic research or accessing credit recovery assignments. 1:1 ratio with high speed, campus wide wireless access "Group" involves interested teachers only No representation for support staff or administration. Decisions teacher driven
resource/infrastructure x behavioral x
Curriculular Integration
x Teacher Use behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral Student Use resource/infrastructure x behavioral x SUPPORT Stakeholder Involvemnt resource/infrastructure x x x
Administrative Support
x x x sporadic training (3-4 times)/year. Mandatory x Support staff routinely ask "tech involved" teachers for tech support/troubleshooting or as needed training/skills refresher x x x x Access is available, but not used for integration. Used for mainly for attendance and grading needs. x x x Teachers have received new technologies training and can have technologies purchased at request. 1 teacher currently utilizing technology as part of daily activities.
x behavioral
Technical/Infrastructure Support
resource/infrastructure x
behavioral x
Communication Systems