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Chemical Engineering 422 Simulation With Hysys: Notes

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The document discusses simulating the flashing of ethanol from oleic acid using HYSYS and determining key parameters like operating pressure.

A mixture of ethanol and oleic acid is flashed to separate the two components using a heat exchanger and flash tank.

The exact operating pressure can be determined by manually adjusting the vessel pressure drop in the databook until the desired molar flow rate of ethanol is achieved.


This year we have two packages available from Hyprotech Ltd. HYSYS 2.4.1: This package simulates chemical plants operating under both steady state and dynamic conditions. HX-Net 5.0: This is used for designing heat exchanger networks.

In this exercise you will learn the basics of HYSYS.Plant when it is operating in steady-state mode. We will introduce the software by performing a simple exercise. You will then have a more complicated assignment that you may do in teams of two.

1. 2. 3. Simulate the process one unit at a time. Refer to the online help and the online documentation when needed. The words click on mean left click the mouse button.

THE EXAMPLE: Flashing of Ethanol from Oleic Acid, Sensitivity Analysis and Meeting Recovery

BACKGROUND: Oleic acid is a friendly fluid to extract ethanol from a microbial fermentation
process. This is a good thing, since the ethanol can be recovered by a flash process from the oleic acid rather than having to distill the fermentation beer. Distillation (boiling off of all that water) is an expensive proposition making ethanol fermentation to produce cheap gasohol not very feasible (still OK for expensive liquors though). In this example we will use HYSYS.Plant to flash ethanol from oleic acid. We first heat the high-pressure ethanol/oleic acid mixture in a heat exchanger and then flash it in an adiabatic flash tank. This process is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Ethanol/Oleic Acid Flash Process

A: Startup of HYSYS.Plant 1. 2. 3. Go to the START button and then to HYSYS. This will bring up the startup form. You should now set up your simulation preferences (eg units). To do this click on Tools: Preferences. This will bring up the Session Preferences window. In the Session Preferences window click on the Variables tab. We will use EuroSI for this simulation. Note: You can have a customized set of units but you must first Clone the unit set (See help files for procedure). Once you have your preferences set you can save them to H:\ and load them in each time you use HYSYS. NOTE: You can completely customize HYSYS (not just units) using Preferences. Once you have selected EuroSI, Close the window. You should be back in the startup form. Now chose File:New:Case. This will bring you to the Simulation Basis Manager. Here you will have to Add a Fluid Package (EOS, components etc.). (See Figure 2, Figure 3) Now, you should first add the chemicals that we will be dealing with. To do this click on the Components tab. We need ethanol and oleic acid. Type ethanol in the Match window. This should bring up Ethanol in the window below. Make sure Ethanol is highlighted and click the Add Pure button. Do the same thing for oleic acid. We now need to select the thermodynamics that we will be using. HYSYS calls this a Property Package. So click on the Prop Pkg tab. You will see a list of thermodynamic packages. Theres a description of them in the HYSYS help files. When you select a package HYSYS either approves (there is no action) or disapproves your choice, and suggests which package you should use. Select PRSV (which is a modification of the Peng-Robinson EOS), and select Equation of State as the EOS Enthalpy Method Specification. You can now close or minimize this window. (NOTE: If the process incorporated chemical reactions you would have had to specify a reaction set under the Rxns tab.) We are now ready to simulate the process. To do this we must Enter the Simulation Environment (in the Simulation Basis Manager window). A turquoise PFD screen will now appear this is where you construct the PFD.

4. 5.





Figure 2: Simulation Basis Manager

Figure 3: Fluid Package Window Showing Property Package Tab B: Constucting the Process You should now have a turquoise screen in front of you (Figure 4); this is the PFD screen. We want to take a mixture of ethanol and oleic acid and flash it to separate the two components. So we will need an inlet stream (containing the mixture to be flashed), a heater or heat exchanger, a flash tank or vessel, and two outlet streams. The button containing the red and blue straight lines at the top of the screen should be depressed, indicating that we are in steady state mode.

Figure 4: PFD HYSYS Window.

The Inlet Stream 1. On the right side of the screen you will see a window called Case (Main) (see Figure 4). This contains symbols for the unit operations and, material (blue arrow) and energy (red arrow) streams. We need a material stream, so click on the blue arrow. Now move the cursor into the turquoise PFD window and click over the area that you want to place the stream. A light blue arrow labeled 1 should appear. This arrow will turn a darker blue when it is completely specified or solved. 2. Hold the cursor over the material stream. A floating window will pop up that displays the stream number, temperature, pressure, and flow rate; they will all be <empty>. To specify what is contained in a stream or in a unit operation you can right click on the object and select View Properties. Right click on stream 1 and select View Properties. A worksheet window will pop up (Figure 5); we need to set the stream Conditions. Set the Temperature to 30 oC, Pressure to 10 bar, and the Molar Flow to 100 kgmol/hr. You can also renumber the stream here; lets change it to 100. We also need to set the Composition (so click on the word). Set the Mole Fraction Ethanol to 0.1 and the balance as Oleic Acid. (Another window will pop up for you to enter this data as soon as you try and enter the data into the screen in front of you.) Once you have done this a green bar at the bottom will tell you that everything is OK. If you click on Conditions you will see that all other stream conditions have been calculated for you. HYSYS is a non-sequential modular simulator. This means that it calculates whatever it can (in the process) each time something new is entered. If you want to enter several pieces of data you should click on the Solver Holding button (red light) at the top of the screen. The Solver Active button (green light) will restart your calculations. We will now add a heater to preheat the mixture before the flash.





Figure 5: Material Stream Worksheet; Incompletely Specified Adding a Heater 1. 2. Select the heater icon from the Case (Main) window, and place it on the PFD close to the stream 100. We also need an outlet stream. We will place stream 110 (renumber it to this) close to the heater.

3. 4.

You will notice that the heater is red; this is because it is not completely specified. Right click on the heater and select View Properties (Figure 6). We need to connect some streams to the heater. This is done in the Design tab. Select stream 100 as the inlet and stream 110 as the outlet to the heater. The red box at the bottom should say Requires an energy stream. We need to place an energy stream on the PFD and connect it to the heater; HYSYS will add an energy stream called Q-100 to the PFD. Connect this to the heater. HYSYS now tells us (in the yellow box at the bottom of the heater window) that we have an Unknown Delta P. To specify this click on the Worksheet tab. This will bring up a spreadsheet that allows us to change the parameters that are blue. We will let the pressure drop to 9.95 bar in stream 110, with a temperature of 105 oC. Notice how HYSYS calculates all other parameters (automatically as they are dependent upon these state variables). The heat exchanger window now displays a green box at the bottom, telling us that the heat exchanger is correctly specified (and energy stream Q-100 has also been calculated). We now need to add the flash, but first we will straighten up the PFD. Select PFD ->Auto Position All from the menus at the top of the HYSYS menu. NOTE: Be careful using this when you have a complex PFD.



Figure 6: Heater Worksheet Adding the Flash To do this we follow a similar procedure as we did for the heater. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the Separator symbol from the Case (Main) window, and place it on the PFD. Add two material streams (120 tops and 130 bottoms) for the outlet of the flash. Connect the material streams to the flash. The flash is now specified correctly except for the fact that there is no top product. We must set the pressure drop in the flash. We will set the pressure drop to 9.93 bar (the inlet stream is at 9.95 bar). To do this right click over the vessel, select View Properties, click on Parameters and set Delta P to 9.93 bar. You should now have both a top and bottom product.

C: Performing A Case Study Often we are required to meet some design specification, for example a certain mole fraction of a component in a given stream. To meet the design specification we can change one or more variables in the simulation and examine the output of the variable we are interested in. For example, we would like to operate the flash process so that it just produces 0.002 kmol/s (7.2 kgmol/h) of ethanol. To do this we will change the pressure in the flash tank and observe the flowrate of ethanol. To perform a case study follow this procedure. 1. In the Tools menu select Databook (Figure 7). We now have to Insert the variables (Variables tab) that we would like to examine. After clicking on Insert the Variable Navigator window should appear; this is where we add the variables. We are looking at the flash tank, so we click on that the its number in the Object column. You will see a list of Variable(s). Click on Vessel Pressure Drop and then on OK. You have just added the vessel pressure drop as a variable in the databook. We want to vary the vessel pressure drop and see how the composition of the vapour stream leaving the vessel varies. Use the Insert button and in the Object column, select the vapour stream. Now, select the Comp Molar Flow in the Variable column. Select Ethanol in the Variable Specifics column, and finally click on OK. This will select mole fraction of ethanol in the vapour stream as a variable. Now Close the window. You should see the Databook window. We now have to tell which variable we want to vary. Click on the Case Studies tab. In the case studies window we tell HYSYS that we want to Add a case study. We now have to select the independent (Vessel Pressure Drop) and dependent (Comp Molar Flow (ethanol)) variables. To set up the case study (i.e. ranges of variables) select View to bring up the Case Studies Setup window. Enter a Low Bound (9.8), High Bound (9.949), and Step Size (0.001 bar) for the vessel pressure drop. Click on Start to begin the calculations. You can display the results as a table or as a graph (Figure 8). NOTE: with two independent variables you will get a 3-D graph.



Figure 7: The Databook used in the Case Study

Figure 8: Results of the Case Study (Comp Molar Flow Ethanol (kgmol/h) vs Vessel Pressure Drop (bar)) D: Given a Product Specification, How do we determine the Exact Operating Pressure of the Flash? From the case study we know that the pressure drop should be approximately 9.87 bar for our product to meet a specification of 7.2 kgmol/h ethanol. Can we get a more exact estimate of the pressure drop that will provide us with the appropriate product spec? We can manually calculate this in HYSYS using the Databook again. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In the Databook click on the Process Data Tables tab. Click on the Add button to add the Vessel Pressure Drop and Comp Molar Flow (Ethanol) to the Process Data Table, that is called ProcData1 by default. Make sure that the boxes beneath the word Show have X marks in them and, with ProcData1 highlighted click on View. A window called ProcData1 Data will appear. Change the value in the Vessel Pressure Drop (blue text) to 9.86. You will see that the Comp Molar Flow (Ethanol) changes. Adjust the Vessel pressure drop until the desired molar flow rate of ethanol is achieved.

Figure 9: Databook Showing the Process Data Tables Tab

E: Generating a Report When we require a hardcopy of the data that has been generated, we need to generate a Report in HYSYS. To do this, perform the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Select Tools: Reports. We then need to Create the report. The Report Builder window should pop up. Then name the report what you want. We now have to insert the data into the report. Click on Insert Datasheet. To select a particular stream or unit click on it in the Objects column. Then click on Add to incorporate this data in the report. Now click on Done we are finished. We can now Print the report via the Report Builder window.

NOTE: You can also instantly generate a report for any or all of streams and/or unit ops by right clicking on the stream/unit op of interest and selecting Print Data Sheet. F: Printing the PFD Before you print the PFD we would like to add a stream table to it. You should first select what you want the table to contain. 1. 2. 3. 4. This is done by selecting Tools: Workbooks. You then should View a workbook; you should have only one. Then select the Workbook: Setup menu. Make sure Materials Streams is highlighted in Setup Workbook Tabs subwindow. Now in the Setup window, use the Add (RHS of window) button in the Variables subwindow to select the variables that should be tabulated on the PFD. Select Comp Molar Flow (All conponents). Click on OK. Figure 10 is a graphic of this procedure.

To place the stream table on the PFD right click on the PFD and select Add Workbook Table. Select Materials Streams (the one you have modified), and a stream table appears on the PFD (Figure 11) To actually print the PFD we have several options. A) To print to a dxf (AutoCAD) file, right click on the PFD background, you will see this option B) To print directly to a printer, right click on the PFD background, and you will see this option C) To print a window snapshot, make sure that the PFD is the active window, and go to File: Print Window Snapshot. Note: You can change the any of the colours that HYSYS uses in the Preferences menu item: Tools: Preferences: Resources: Colors.

Figure 10: Setting Up the Workbook for Inclusion in the PFD

Figure 11: The Final Result (Default colours have been changed)

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