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Data and Address

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/* Data and address */ #include <stdio.

h> main() { int x; x=10; printf("Value of x is %d",x); printf("\nAddress of x is %u",&x); printf("\nValue of x is %d\n",*(&x)); }

"pointer1.c" 10L, 169C written [1011@localhost ]$ gcc pointer1.c [1011@localhost ]$ ./a.out Value of x is 10 Address of x is 3215134992 Value of x is 10 [1011@localhost ]$

/* pointer variables */ #include<stdio.h> main() { int x, y, *iptr; float *fptr; x =125; iptr = &x ; /* iptr points to x */ y = 23; /* fptr = &y; is erroneous */ printf("X value is %d and stored at %u\n", x, &x); printf("Y value is %d and stored at %u\n", y, &y); printf("\nInt pointer holds the address %u\n", iptr); printf("Accessing value thru pointer : %d\n", *iptr); iptr = &y; /* iptr points to y */ printf("\nInt pointer now holds the address %u\n", iptr);

printf("Accessing value thru pointer : %d\n", *iptr); printf("\nSize of int pointer: %d bytes", sizeof(iptr)); printf("\nSize of float pointer: %d bytes", sizeof(fptr)); printf("\n\nAddress of main function is %u\n", main); }

"pointer2.c" [New] 21L, 690C written [1011@localhost ]$ gcc pointer2.c [1011@localhost ]$ ./a.out X value is 125 and stored at 3217977096 Y value is 23 and stored at 3217977092

Int pointer holds the address 3217977096 Accessing value thru pointer : 125

Int pointer now holds the address 3217977092 Accessing value thru pointer : 23

Size of int pointer: 4 bytes Size of float pointer: 4 bytes

Address of main function is 134513540 [1011@localhost ]$

/* pointer variables */ #include<stdio.h> main() { int x=12, *p1, **p2; float z=8.5; void *ptr; /* Generic pointer */ ptr = &x; /* ptr points to x (int) */ ptr = &z; /* ptr points to y (float) */ p1 = &x; p2 = &p1; /* Pointer to pointer */ printf("X value is %d and stored at %u\n", x, &x); printf("\nPointer holds the address %u\n", p1); printf("Accessing value thru pointer : %d\n", *p1); printf("Pointer is stored at location : %u/n", &p1); printf("\nPointer-to-pointer holds the address %u\n", &p2); printf("Accessing value thru ptr-to-ptr : %d\n", **p2); printf("\nSize of ptr-to-ptr: %d bytes\n", sizeof(ptr)); }

"pointer3.c" [New] 19L, 619C written [1011@localhost ]$ gcc pointer3.c [1011@localhost ]$ ./a.out X value is 12 and stored at 3219886300

Pointer holds the address 3219886300 Accessing value thru pointer : 12 Pointer is stored at location : 3219886296/n Pointer-to-pointer holds the address 3219886292 Accessing value thru ptr-to-ptr : 12

Size of ptr-to-ptr: 4 bytes [1011@localhost ]$

# Menu program ch='y' while [ $ch == 'y' ] do echo -e "\tMENU 1. List of files 2. Working Directory 3. Date and Time 4. Users of the system 5. Calendar Enter the option : \c"

read choice case "$choice" in 1) ls -1 ;; 2) pwd ;; 3) date ;; 4) who ;; 5) cal esac echo -n "Do you wish to continue (y/n) : " read ch done

"command2.sh" [New] 23L, 317C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh command3.sh sh: command3.sh: No such file or directory [1011@localhost ]$ sh command2.sh MENU 1. List of files 2. Working Directory 3. Date and Time 4. Users of the system 5. Calendar Enter the option : 4 1019 pts/1 2012-03-30 19:17 (

root 1007 1011 1023 1022 1014 1016 1012 1008 1004 1003 1009 1017 1024

:0 pts/2 pts/3 pts/4 pts/5 pts/6 pts/7 pts/8 pts/10 pts/11 pts/12 pts/13 pts/14 pts/16

2012-03-21 13:48 2012-03-30 19:17 ( 2012-03-30 19:18 ( 2012-03-30 19:51 ( 2012-03-30 19:20 ( 2012-03-30 19:29 ( 2012-03-30 19:22 ( 2012-03-30 19:22 ( 2012-03-30 20:03 ( 2012-03-30 19:39 ( 2012-03-30 20:45 ( 2012-03-30 20:42 ( 2012-03-30 20:19 ( 2012-03-30 20:43 (

Do you wish to continue (y/n) : n [1011@localhost ]$ sh command2.sh

#! /bin/bash x=`date +%H` mrd=`date +%p` if [ $mrd=='am' ] then if [ $x -le 11 ] then echo "Good Morning" fi else if [ $x -le 2 ] then echo "Good Afternoon" elif [ $x -le 6 ] then echo "Good Evening" else echo "Good Night" fi fi

# Number of days in a month mth=`date +%m` mn=`date +%B` case $mth in 02)echo "February usually has 28 days" echo "If leap year, then it ha 29 days";; 04|06|09|11)echo "The current month $mn has 30 days";; *) echo "The current month $mn has 31 days" Esac

for x in do ls -R $x done

"command4.sh" [New] 5L, 27C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh command4.sh [1011@localhost ]$ [1011@localhost ]$

echo -n "Enter filename :" read fname if [ -e $fname ] then if [ -f $fname ] then echo "Regular file" elif [ -d $fname ]

then echo "Directory" else echo "Special file" fi else echo "File does not exist" fi

"command5.sh" [New] 16L, 206C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh command5.sh Enter filename :samp.c File does not exist [1011@localhost ]$

#!/bin/bash #Detect the user at logon

while true do if who|grep $1>/dev/null then echo $1 is logged in exit fi done

# Duplicate file removal if cmp $1 $2 then echo "Files $1, $2 are identical" rm $2

echo "$2 file deleted" else echo"Files $1, $2 are distinct" fi

"command7.sh" 9L, 146C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh command7.sh cmp: missing operand after `cmp' cmp: Try `cmp --help' for more information. command7.sh: line 8: echoFiles , are distinct: command not found [1011@localhost ]$ 1,1 All

while true do gcc -o $1.out $1.c case "$?" in 0)echo "Executing..." ./$1.out exit;; *) sleep 5 vi $1.c esac done

# Odd or even using if-else echo -n "Enter a non-zero number :" read num rem=`expr $num % 2` if [ $rem -eq 0 ]

then echo "$num is Even" else echo "$num is Odd" fi

"condition1.sh" 10L, 163C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh condition1.sh Enter a non-zero number :12 12 is Even [1011@localhost ]$

# Biggest using logical expression echo -n "Give value for A B and C:" read a b c if [ $a -gt $b -a $a -gt $c ] then echo "A is the Biggest number" elif [ $b -gt $c ] then echo "B is the Biggest number" else echo "C is the Biggest number" fi

"condition2.sh" [New] 12L, 242C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh condition2.sh Give value for A B and C:4 3 4 C is the Biggest number [1011@localhost ]$

# Leap year echo -n "Enter a year :" read year rem1=`expr $year % 4` rem2=`expr $year % 100` rem3=`expr $year % 400` if [ $rem3 -eq 0 ] then echo "$year is a Leap Year" elif [ $rem2 -ne 0 -a $rem1 -eq 0 ] then echo "$year is a Leap Year" else echo "$year is Not a leap year" fi

"condition3.sh" [New] 15L, 278C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh condition3.sh Enter a year :1900 1900 is Not a leap year [1011@localhost ]$

echo -n "Enter the mark:" read mark if [ $mark -gt 90 ] then echo "S Grade" elif [ $mark -gt 80 ] then echo "A Grade" elif [ $mark -gt 70 ] then echo "B Grade"

elif [ $mark -gt 60 ] then echo "C Grade" elif [ $mark -gt 55 ] then echo "D Grade" elif [ $mark -ge 50 ] then echo "E Grade" else echo "U Grade" fi

"condition4.sh" [New] 23L, 309C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh condition4.sh Enter the mark:65 C Grade [1011@localhost ]$

echo -n "Enter the first string :" read s1 echo -n "Enter the second string :" read s2

if [ $s1 == $s2 ] then echo "Strings are the same" else echo "Strings are distinct" fi

"condition5.sh" [New] 10L, 174C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh condition5.sh Enter the first string :ece-a Enter the second string :ECE-A Strings are distinct

[1011@localhost ]$

echo -n "Enter employee basic pay : " read basic if [$basic -gt 30000 ] then hra=`expr 5 \* $basic / 100 ` da=`expr 5 \* $basic / 100` tax=`expr 10 \* $basic /100` elif [ $basic -gt 20000 ] then hra=`expr 4 \* $basic / 100` da=`expr 3 \* $basic / 100` tax=`expr 8 \* $basic /100` else hra=`expr 3 \* $basic / 100` da=`expr 2 \* $basic / 100` tax=`expr 5 \* $basic / 100` fi gross=`expr $basic + $da + $hra` netpay=`expr $gross - $tax` echo "Gross pay : $gross" echo "Net pay : $netpay"

"condition6.sh" [New] 21L, 487C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh condition6.sh Enter employee basic pay : 12000 condition6.sh: line 3: [12000: command not found Gross pay : 12600 Net pay : 12000 [1011@localhost ]$

# Multiplication table using for loop clear echo -n "Which multiplication table? : " read n for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 do p=`expr $x \* $n` echo -n "$n X $x = $p" sleep 1 done

# Multiplication table using for loop clear

Which multiplication table? : 6 6 X 1 = 66 X 2 = 126 X 3 = 186 X 4 = 246 X 5 = 306 X 6 = 366 X 7 = 426 X 8 = 486 X 9 = 546 X 10 = 60[1011@localhost ]$

# Armstrong number using while loop echo -n "Enter a number : " read n a=$n s=0 while [ $n -gt 0 ] do r=`expr $n % 10` s=`expr $s + \( $r \* $r \* $r \)` n=`expr $n / 10` done if [ $a -eq $s ] then

echo "Armstrong Number" else echo -n "Not an Armsrong number" fi

"loop2.sh" 17L, 263C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh loop2.sh Enter a number : 370 Armstrong Number [1011@localhost ]$ 6,19 All

# To reverse a number using while loop echo -n "Enter a number : " read n rd=0 while [ $n -gt 0 ] do rem=`expr $n % 10` rd=`expr $rd \* 10 + $rem` n=`expr $n / 10` done echo "Reversed number is $rd"

"loop3.sh" 11L, 199C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh loop3.sh Enter a number : 234 Reversed number is 432 [1011@localhost ]$ 3,7 All

# Fibonacci series using while loop echo -n "Enter number of terms : " read n echo "Fibonacci series" f1=0 f2=1 echo -n "$f1 " echo -n " $f2 "

i=2 while [ $i -lt $n ] do f3=`expr $f1 + $f2` echo -n " $f3 " f1=$f2 f2=$f3 i=`expr $i + 1` done echo

"loop4.sh" 18L, 247C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh loop4.sh Enter number of terms : 8 Fibonacci series 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 [1011@localhost ]$

echo -n "Enter the number : " read n i=2 m=`expr $n / 2` until [ $i -gt $m ] do q=`expr $n % $i` if [ $q -eq 0 ] then echo "Not a prime number" exit fi i=`expr $i + 1` done echo "Prime number"

"loop5.sh" [New] 15L, 193C written

[1011@localhost ]$ sh loop5.sh Enter the number : 17 Prime number [1011@localhost ]$

echo -n "Enter a positive number : " read n f=1 until [ $n -lt 1 ] do f=`expr $f \* $n` n=`expr $n - 1` done echo "Factorial value : $f"

"loop6.sh" [New] 10L, 138C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh loop6.sh Enter a positive number : 10 Factorial value : 3628800 [1011@localhost ]$

echo -n "Enter N value : " read n sum=0

i=1 until [ $i -gt $n ] do sum=`expr $sum + $i` i=`expr $i + 1` done echo "The sum of n numbers is $sum"

"loop7.sh" [New] 10L, 145C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh loop7.sh Enter N value : 26 The sum of n numbers is 351

[1011@localhost ]$

clear pc=0 s=0 i=0 until false do echo -n "Enter a number (9999 to quit) : " read n if [ $n -eq 9999 ] then break

fi i=`expr $i + 1` if [ $n -le 0 ] then continue fi pc=`expr $pc + 1` s=`expr $s + $n` done avg=`expr "scale=2; $s / $pc" | bc` echo "Total No. of entries : $i" echo "No. of positive datas : $pc" echo "Positive aggregate : $avg"

clear pc=0 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 32 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 78 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 0 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 11 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 47 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : -9 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 12 Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 7

Enter a number (9999 to quit) : 9999 Total No. of entries : 8 No. of positive datas : 6 Positive aggregate : 31.16 [1011@localhost ]$

# vowel with multiple values in a pattern echo -n "Key in a lower case charsacter :" read choice case $choice in a|e|i|o|u) echo "It's a vowel";; *) echo "It's a consonant" esac

"multiway1.sh" [New] 7L, 178C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh multiway1.sh Key in a lower case charsacter :e It's a vowel [1011@localhost ]$

#Arithmetic operations--multiple statements in a block echo -n "Enter the two numbers :" read a b echo " 1. Addition" echo " 2. Subtraction" echo " 3. Multiplication" echo " 4. Division" echo " 5. Modulo Division" echo -n "Enter the option : " read option case $option in

1) c=`expr $a + $b` echo "$a + $b = $c";; 2) c=`expr $a - $b` echo "$a - $b = $c";; 3) c=`expr $a \* $b` echo "$a * $b = $c";; 4) c=`expr $a / $b` echo "$a / $b = $c";; 5) c=`expr $a % $b` echo "$a % $b = $c";; *) echo "Invalid option" esac

"multiway2.sh" 23L, 513C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh multiway2.sh Enter the two numbers :2 4

1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Modulo Division Enter the option : 1 2+4=6 [1011@localhost ]$

# String matching echo "Two/Four wheeler rental" echo -n "Enter the required vehicle : " read vehicle case $vehicle in "car") echo "For $vehicle Rs.20 per km";; "van") echo "For $vehicle Rs.10 per km";; "jeep") echo "For $vehicle Rs.5 per km";; "bicycle") echo "For $vehicle 20 paisa per km";; *) echo "Sorry, I cannot get a $vehicle for you";; esac

"multiway3.sh" 11L, 351C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh multiway3.sh Two/Four wheeler rental Enter the required vehicle : bicycle For bicycle 20 paisa per km [1011@localhost ]$

#Vote--range matching echo -n "Enter your age : " read age case $age in [0-9] | 1[0-7] )echo "You are not eligible to vote";; *)echo "Eligible to vote" esac

"multiway4.sh" 7L, 157C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh multiway4.sh Enter your age : 12 You are not eligible to vote [1011@localhost ]$

program (degconv.sh) # degree conversion echo -n "Enter Fahrenheit : " read f c= `expr \ ( $f - 32 \ ) \* 5 / 9 ` echo "Centigrade is : $c"

# circle metrics using readonly variable pi=`expr "scale=2; 22 / 7" | bc` readonly pi # pi value cannot be altered

echo -n "Enter value for radius :" read radius area=`expr "scale=2; $pi * $radius * $radius" | bc` circum=`expr "scale=2; 2 * $pi * $radius" | bc` echo "Area : $area" echo "Circumference : $circum"

"shell3.sh" [New] 9L, 320C written [1011@localhost ]$ sh shell3.sh Enter value for radius :12 Area : 452.16 Circumference : 75.36 [1011@localhost ]$

# Swapping values echo -n read a echo -n read b t=$a a=$b b=$t echo "Values after swapping" echo "A value is $a" echo "B value is $b" "Enter value for B : " "Enter value for A : "

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