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TOPIC 6 - (Converter)

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CLO1. explain correctly the principles of electronic circuits by using block diagram or circuit diagram (C4) CLO2. conduct the construction of electronic circuits application during practical works based on the theory and principle operation of the circuits. (P4) CLO3. deliver an oral presentation to display good communication skills. (A2)

Upon completion of this topic students should be able to:


Explain the methods of converting digital to analogue signals


Explain the application of D/A converter

6.3 6.4

Draw the input and output waveform

Explain the methods of converting analogue to digital signals


Explain the application of A/D converter


Most real-world information is analog. For instance, time, speed, weight, pressure, light intensity, and position measurements are all analog in nature. The digital system in Figure below has an analog input. The voltage varies continuously from 0 to 3 V. The encoder is a special device that converts the analog signal to digital information. The encoder is called an analog-to-digital converter or, for short, an A/D converter. The A/D converter, then, converts analog information to digital data.


The digital system diagrammed in Figure below also has a decoder. This decoder is a special type; it converts the digital information from the digital processing unit to an analog output. For instance, the analog output may be a continuous voltage change from 0 to 3 V. We call this decoder a digital-to-analog converter or, for short, a D/A converter. The D/A converter, then, decode digital information to analog form.

Digital System

Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)

A block diagram of a D/A converter is shown below. The digital inputs (D, C, B, A) are at the left. The decoder consists of two sections: the resistor network and the summing amplifier. The output is shown as a voltage reading on the voltmeter at the right.

Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)


D/A conversion is the process of taking a value represented in digital code (such as straight binary or BCD) and converting it to a voltage or current which is proportional to the digital value

A block diagram of a D/A converter

Symbol of a D/A converter

Resistive Divider

One method of the D/A conversion uses a resistor network with resistance values that represent the binary weights of the input bits of the digital code. Figure below shows a 4-bit DAC of this type. Each of the input resistors will either have current or have no current, depending on the input voltage level. If the input voltage is zero (binary 0), the current is also zero. If the input voltage is HIGH (binary 1), the amount of current depends on the input resistor value and is different for each input resistor, as indicated in the figure.

Resistive Divider

Resistive Divider

From the above figure

Since there is practically no current into the opamp inverting input, all of the input currents sum together and go through Rf. Since the inverting input is at 0 volt (virtual ground), the drop across Rf is equal to the output voltage, so Vout= If Rf.

Resistive Divider

The values of the input resistors are chosen to be inversely proportional to the binary weights of the corresponding input bits. The lowest value resistor (R) corresponds to the highest binary-weighted input (23). The other resistors are multiples of R (2R, 4R, 8R) and correspond to the binary weights 22, 21, and 20, respectively. The input currents are also proportional to the binary weights. Thus, the output voltage is proportional to the sum of the binary weights because the sum of the input currents is through Rf.

Example 1

Determine the output of the DAC in figure below if the waveforms representing a sequence of 4-bit numbers given below are applied to the inputs. Input D0 is the least significant bit (LSB).

Example 2

Determine the output of the DAC in the figure (a) below if the sequence of 4 bit numbers in part (b) is applied to the inputs. The data inputs have a low value of 0V and a high value of +5V.

Binary Ladder
1) Difference with resistor network because it only uses two values of resistors R and 2R 2)Binary weighted DAC circuit have too many resistors 3)R-2R circuit is used more often to get high accuracy and precision

Binary Ladder

Binary Ladder

Binary Ladder

Binary Ladder

Digital analog converter spesification

Analog to Digital Converter

An analog-to-digital converter is a special type of encoder. A basic block diagram of an A/D converter is shown below. The input is a single variable voltage. The voltage in this case varies from 0 to 3V. The output of the A/D converter is in binary. The A/D converter translates the analog voltage at the input into a 4-bit binary word.

Analog to Digital Converter

Analog to Digital Converter

Analog to Digital Converter

The A/D conversion process is generally more complex and time-consuming than the D/A process, and many different methods have been developed and used. We shall examine several of these methods in detail. Among them are a digital-ramp method and a successive approximation method.

Digital-ramp A/D Converter

The digital-ramp method of A/D conversion is also known as the stairstep-ramp or the counter method. It employs a DAC and a binary counter to generate the digital value of an analog input. Figure below illustrates the block diagram of this type of converter. It contains a counter, a DAC, an analog comparator, and a control AND gate.

Digital-ramp A/D Converter

Example 1

Assume the following values for the digitalramp ADC: clock frequency= 1MHz; DAC full-scale output= 1.5V and a 4-bit input. Determine the following values.

The digital equivalent obtained for VA= 0.78V The conversion time The resolution of this converter

Example 2

Digital Ramp ADC has frequency clock of 1.25 MHz, threshold sensivity voltage of 0.1 mV and full scale voltage DAC 10 bit of 10.23 V. i) when Va=3.57 V, calculate equivalent output value ii) Determine the convertor time iii) Calculate the resolution in volt and percentage.

The stairsteps

Successive Approximation A/D Converter

The successive-approximation converter is one of the most widely used types of A/D converter. It has more complex circuitry than the digital ramp A/D converter but a much shorter conversion time. In addition, successive approximation converters (SAC) have a fixed value of conversion time that is not dependent on the value of the analog input.

Successive Approximation A/D Converter

Successive Approximation A/D Converter

The input bits of the DAC are enabled (made equal to 1) one at a time, starting with the MSB. As each bit is enabled, the comparator produces an output that indicates whether the analog input voltage is greater or less than the output of the DAC. If the DAC is greater than the analog input, the comparators output is LOW, causing the bit of the register to RESET. If the output is less than the analog input, the 1 bit is retained in the register. The system does this with the MSB first, then the next most significant bit, then the next, and so on. After all the bits of the DAC have been tried, the conversion cycle is complete.


Describe the operation of the 4-bit SAC. Assume that the constant analog input voltage is +5V. Lets assume the output characteristics of DAC are: Vout= 8V for the 23 (MSB), Vout= 4V for the 22 bit, and Vout= 1V for the 20 bit (LSB).



Figure (a) shows the first step in the conversion cycle with the MSB = 1. The output of the DAC is 8V. Since this is greater than the analog input of 5 V, the output of the comparator is LOW, causing the MSB in the SAR to be RESET to a 0. Figure (b) shows the second step in the conversion cycle with the 22 bit equal to a 1. The output of the DAC is 4V. Since this is less than the analog input of 5 V, the output of the comparator switches to a HIGH, causing this bit to be retained in the SAR.


Figure (c) shows the third step in the conversion cycle with the 21 bit equal to a 1. The output of the DAC is 6V because there is a 1 on the 22 bit input and on the 21 bit input; 4V + 2V = 6V. Since this is greater than the analog input of 5 V, the output of the comparator switches to a LOW, causing this bit to be RESET to a 0. Figure (d) shows the fourth and final step in the conversion cycle with the 20 bit equal to a 1. The output of the DAC is 5 V because there is a Ion the 22 bit input and on the 20 bit input; 4V + 1V = 5V.


The four bits have all been tried, thus completing the conversion cycle. At this point the binary code in the register is 0101, which is the binary value of the analog input of 5V. Another conversion cycle now begins, and the basic process is repeated. The SAR is cleared at the beginning of each cycle.



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