Drawing Skills High School Art
Drawing Skills High School Art
Drawing Skills High School Art
A Jacobson Production
Basic Vocabulary
Contour Drawing: a drawing that
defines the edges and surface ridges of
an object.
Flat Line: a dark heavy line quality
caused by heavy pressure of the pencil
on the paper.
Accent Line: A line quality that
changes from light to dark as it curves
over the edges of and object.
Which of these to line do you think you should strive
Basic Vocabulary
Contrast: The difference between the light
and dark values in an artwork.
Value: the element of art that describes the
darkness or lightness of an object; also
value depends on how much light a surface
Chiaroscuro: the arrangement of light and
shadow, this technique was introduced by
Italian artists during the Renaissance Period
and used widley by Baroque artists.
Basic Vocabulary
Perspective: a system of drawing that
creates the illusion of depth and volume on a
two dimensional surface.
Proportion: The principle of art concerned
with size relationships of one part to another.
Gesture: a line drawing that is done
quickly to represent movement.
Thumbnail sketch: a series of small
drawings done to come up with ideas.
Rough Out/Draft: a more detail sketch that
starts to put more detail into a drawing and
works out visual problem prior to putting
Pencils come in
different grades
of lead.
B pencils get
softer as the
number gets
2B, 3B, 4B, 5B will
get very dark
Types of Erasers
Types of Erasers
Pink Eraser: best when used on a sturdy, smooth
paper. It is slightly abrasive and unsuitable for
paper that has a lot of tooth
Types of Erasers
The kneaded eraser is the primary type of eraser that
most graphite/charcoal artists use.
It picks up the graphite without smearing or damaging
the paper
Learning to hold a pencil differently can help you create various typed of lines that will improve your drawing
Measuring Techniques
You use your
pencil and thumb
to measure
objects by sliding
the thumb to the
top of the pencil
(A), close one
eye, place pencil
top on the object
and slide thumb
down (B).
Compare the
Measuring Techniques
You will use this to..
To help you determine approximate angles of objects.
To assist you to compare sizes of objects
To make objects look more realistic.
Good examples
Self evaluation
You can also use your cell phone. Use the camera to zoom in on only part
of the image you want to draw. Crop and save the photo.
Why do you think artists need to use both sides of their brain?
Demonstrations and
Continuous Line Drawing of the still
Self evaluation
1. How did not being able to pick up
your pencil make you feel?
2. What do you notice that was better
about your drawing than your
thought it was going to be?
Blind contour drawing is an
excellent way to train you
train your hand and eye to
work together for drawing.
Increase your focus on detail
To draw what it really sees
rather than what it thinks it
Your eyes are not allowed
to look at the paper.
Your eye and hand must
move very slowly as
At no time should you
look at your paper as you
Questions to Ponder
Negative Space
What is Positive and Negative Space &
How do I learn to see it?