PID Controller
PID Controller
PID Controller
• The variable (e) represents the error between desired output (r) & actual output
• The control variable u is given to the plant.
Important uses of Controllers
1.Controllers improve the steady-state accuracy by decreasing the steady state error.
2.As the steady-state accuracy improves, the stability also improves.
3.Controllers also help in reducing the unwanted offsets produced by the system.
4.Controllers can control the maximum overshoot of the system.
5.Controllers can help to speed up the slow response of an overdamped system.
Example1 – Industrial PID Controllers
Car Track
Robotic Car
Robotic Car
PID Controller
• The controller may have different structures like , PI (proportional & integral)
controller, PD(proportional & derivative) controllers, PID (proportional integral &
derivative) controllers
• Most popular among them is Proportional-Integral-derivative (PID) type
• The output of the PID controller u(t) can be expressed in terms of error input e(t)
Where ,
PID components
Proportional Response:
• The proportional component depends only on the difference between the desired output and the
output value.
• For example, an airplane is approaching an airport located at sea level. At different altitudes, the
plane descends at various speeds.
Integral Response:
• The integral component sums the error term over time.
• The integral response will continually increase over time unless the error is zero, so the effect is to
drive the Steady-State error to zero.
Example :Consider an altimeter that takes a reading every t seconds. If the sum of all the errors adds
up to zero, then integral control would not correct it. Now, let us look at a second situation where
every time a reading is taken, the altitude is two feet. Then the integral control would integrate over
the magnitude of the readings times the numbers of time it was read and apply a correction to two
feet. Integral takes into account the time of the error before applying a correction.
Derivative Response
• Derivative control takes into account how fast the error is changing. The faster the error is
increasing, the more correction that is applied. The slower the error is increasing; the less
correction is applied.
Proportional Control
• For
the sake of simplicity, we consider the transfer function of the plant as a
simple first order system as:
Proportional Control
• But the proportional control action introduces the offset (steady state error).
• This offset can be reduced by increasing the proportional gain; but that may also
cause increase oscillations for higher order systems.
Proportional Control Action
Integral Control
• If we consider the integral action of the controller only, the closed loop system for
the same process is represented by the block diagram
Integral Control
• From the first observation, it can be seen that with integral controller, the order
of the closed loop system increases by one.
• Increase in order may cause instability of the closed loop system, if the process is
of higher order dynamics.
• For step input
Integral Control
• Major advantage of integral control action is that the steady state error due to step
input reduces to zero.
• But simultaneously, the system response is generally slow, oscillatory and unless
properly designed, sometimes even unstable.
• P-I action provides the dual advantages of fast response due to P-action and the
zero steady state error due to I-action.
• Closed loop transfer function is,
• The error function for step input is ,
• we can conclude that the steady state error would be zero for P-I action.
• From closed loop characteristics equation of PI control,
• For analysis of PD controller let us consider a second order plant, because for first
order plant it does not reduce steady state error to zero.
• The closed loop transfer function,
• With P controller the closed loop transfer function with second order plant is ,
• There is an improvement in the transient
response with PD controller for higher order
systems than compared to P controller action
with higher order systems.
• With derivative control, the control signal can
become large if the error begins sloping
upward, even while the magnitude of the error
is still relatively small.
• This anticipation tends to add damping to the
system, thereby decreasing overshoot &
improves stability
PID Controller
• PID controller involves all the three controllers P, I & D connected in parallel.
• The transfer function of a P-I-D controller is given by:
L = Delay Time
T = Time constant
• The S-shaped reaction curve can be characterized by two constants , delay time L
& time constant T , which can determined by drawing a tangent line at the
inflection point of the curve & finding the intersections of the tangent line with
the time axis & steady state level line
Ziegler-Nichols Tuning – First Method
• Transfer
function of the plant is approximated by a first order system with
transport lag ,
• Ziegler and Nichols suggested to set the values of and according to the formula
shown in Table
Ziegler-Nichols Tuning – First Method
• Notice that the PID controller tuned by the first method of Ziegler–Nichols rules
• Thus, the PID controller has a pole at the origin and double zeros at s= –1/L.
Ziegler-Nichols Tuning – Second Method
• The
steps for tuning a PID controller via the 2nd method is as follows:
• Reduce the integrator and derivative gains to 0. Set and .
• Using the proportional control action only increase from 0 to a critical value at
which the output first exhibits sustained oscillations.
• Note the value and the corresponding period of sustained oscillation,
Sustained oscillation
with period
Closed-loop system
with a proportional
Ziegler-Nichols Tuning – Second Method
• Ziegler
and Nichols second method suggests to set the values of the parameters ,
and according to the formula shown in Table
• Thus, the PID controller has a pole at the origin and double zeros at
Ziegler-Nichols Tuning – Second Method
• Note
:If the system has a known mathematical model (such as the transfer
function), then we can use the root-locus method to find the critical gain and the
frequency of the sustained oscillations , where .
• These values can be found from the crossing points of the root-locus branches
with the axis. (Obviously, if the root-locus branches do not cross the axis, this
method does not apply.)
Example 1
•• Consider
a process with transfer function that is to be placed under PID control.
• We can determine the limiting gain for stability (before oscillations) by use of the Routh-Hurwitz
• The characteristic equation, p(s), with Proportional control is:
Example 1
• From this we see that the range of K for stability is
• Therefore , when we have imaginary roots since the row is 0.
• The corresponding auxiliary equation is,
• The frequency of sustained oscillations will be 4.8rad/sec.
• .
• From PID tuning table of second method we obtain
Example 1
Figure 5: Step Response for System Tuned via the Second Method