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Welcome To: Power & Telecommunication Co-Ordination Committee (PTCC)

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17th April 2006 Bangalore


D K Jain, Director, CEA

Electrostatics- Electric
charges at rest
Glass rod Silk cloth

Fur or woolen cloth Ebonite, Amber,

Rubber Rod

Woolen coat Plastic sheet

Charging by Induction
• A charged body imparts to another
boy, some charge of opposite rigs
without any actual contact between
them called charging by induction
Charging by conduction
• When charged body (glass rod) is in
contact with another body (a pith
ball) or connected to it, it transfers
some of it’s charge to the pith ball.
This is called charging by conduction.
• Most of the substances in nature are
divided into two categories, namely
conductors and insulators.
• Conductors: In the metallic conductor,
there are a large number of free electrons
which act as carrier of charge. Ex. Silver,
Mercury, Iron, Aluminium etc.
• Insulators: They are the materials which
can not conduct electricity or are poor
conductor of electricity. As they In the
metallic conductor, there are a large
number of free electrons which act as
carrier of charge. Ex. Silver, Mercury, Iron,
Aluminums etc.
• Insulators are also called

When an external electric field is

applied induced charges appear on
the surface of the dielectrics. Hence
we may define dielectrics as
insulating materials which transmit
electric effects without conducting.
Behaviour of conductor in electric field

(i) Net charge is zero

(ii) Charge reside on outer surface
(iii) Net electric field in intension of conductor is zero
(iv) electrostatic shielding – As electric field inside a
conductor is zero.
Principle of capacitance
• A capacitor is an arrangement for storing
large amount of electric charge and hence
electric energy in a small space.
• Capacitance of insulated conductor is
increased by bringing near it an uncharged
earthed conductor.
• Capacity of a capacitor is defined as the
ratio of charge Q on the plots to the
potential difference V across the plates:
C= Q/V
Magnetic field due to

• In 1820 Oersted Showed that

the eclectic current through the
wire deflects the magnetic
needle held below the wire. This
had established a relation
between electric current and
magnetic interaction.
Direction of magnetic field
• The force on a wire carrying current
of any shape in a uniform magnetic
field in independent of its shape but
depends on vector length. Two linear
parallel conductors carrying currents
in the same direction attract each
Electromagnetic Induction
• The phenomenon of generating
e.m.f./current by changing the
number of magnetic lines of force
associated with a conductor is called
Electromagnetic Induction (EMI). The
e.m.f. so developed is called induced
Faradays’ Laws
1. Whenever the amount of magnetic
flux linked with a circuit changes,
en e.m.f. is induced in the circuit.
The induced emf last so long as
the change in magnetic flux
2. The magnitude of e.m.f. induced
in a circuit is directly proportional
to the rate of change of magnetic
flux linked with the circuit.
Lenz Law:

• The induced current will appear in

such a direction that it opposes the
change responsible for its
• Self induction is the property of a
circuit by virtue of which, the coil
opposes any change in the strength
of current flowing through it by
including an e.m.f. in itself. Self
induction is also called the inertia of
Mutual induction
• Mutual induction is the property of
two circuits by virtue of which each
opposes any change in the strength
of current flowing through the other
by developing an induced e.m.f.
Mutual inductance and its

• Three and single phase lines

• Situation in which maximum induced

voltage may come. The same is
considered for PTCC.
Electromagnetic Induction
• The magnetic field set up by current
indices longitudinal voltage into
adjacent telecom circuits. The
quantum of voltage induced depends
upon the following:
(a) Length of parallelism
(b) Fault current
(c) Mutual coupling
(d) Soil Resistivity

• Introduction - Immediately after Independence of our

country, the importance of the co-ordination between
Power & Telecommunication lines recognized where cases
of situation of parallelism were brought to the forefront and
further progress in the country resumed a considerable
thought by Power & Communication engineers. It was
discussed in All India Power Engineers’ Conference held in
New Delhi in February, 1949. It was felt that subject
involved considerable amount of specialized study and task
of finding solution to co-ordinate problem. It was
recognized that the matter may be dealt by a Committee
of Power & Telecommunication engineers.
Function of the Committee

It is a standing Committee. The

recommendation to
• In any interference situation, the
Committee will give careful
consideration to the various possible
methods of reducing the interference
to the permissible limits and
recommend to the parties concerned
that method which involves the least
cost to the country (irrespective of the
system on which these measures are
carried out) consistent with the
proposed measure being technically
sound and efficient.
• The least cost mentioned in item (a)
above will take into account the first
cost as well as the present value of
the increase or decrease in the
recurring maintenance costs.
• Whether the remedial measures are
carried out on the power line or on
the communication line, the
apportionment of the cost as between
participating parties and / or
Governments will be worked out in
each case with the due regard to
existing laws and established
Membership of the
• Initially, the Committee had members from
Central Electricity Commission, the P&T
Department, the Electricity Branch of the
Punjab, PWD and the Civil Aviation Directorate
(T.O.) and the Ministry of Finance. In 1965,
11th Plenary Session, the Deputy Director
(Telecom), Railway Board in PTCC was
nominated to the PTCC Committee to
represent the large number of cases due to
parallelism arising from electrification of
Railways. The PTCC is constituted time to time.
The latest Resolution is dated 11 th April, 2001.
State Level PTCC
• The PTCC recommended to Government
the formation of State Level Committees
in each of the states comprising
representative each from the office the
General Manager, Telecom and Chief
Engineer, State Electricity Board of the
respective states. These Committees will
dispose of parallelism cases of power lines
upto 132 kV in their respective states.
Future Plan
Computerization of PTCC Processing:

A Sub-Committee of CPTCC is
constituted to work on the
computerization of the same in

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