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Lesson 1
Gender and
Human Sexuality
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to do the following:

1. discuss sexuality as an important component of one’s personality.

2. explain the importance and dimensions of human sexuality.
3. analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to
4. assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behavior.
5. relates the importance of sexuality to family health.
Sexuality as an Important
Component of One’s Personality

● Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life. It is

everything about being a male or female. It’s the most
important aspect is masculine or feminine identification.
Sexuality involves the name given at birth, the toys played
with, the clothes worn, the friends played with, the roles
and responsibilities at home, and it provides a sense of self
– worth when sexual understanding is positive.
Sexuality as an Important
Component of One’s Personality

● Sex is a major aspect of personality. It is closely related to

emotional and social development and can be best
understood by connecting it to the total adjustment of the
individual in the family and society. The process of sexual
development begins from birth to adulthood thus it is a
continuous developmental process throughout life.
physical self
The way you look as a man or a woman
mental self  
The way you think as a man or a
social self woman

emotional self
The way you interact with others

The way you feel about yourself and others

ethical self

The way you value your relationships

The Wonder of ME
by: Bernadette Borja Rosaroso
Look at me in the eyes,
Tell me who am I.
Think of me just like you are,
As I take you as mine.
Gaze into my innermost world,
You’ll learn who I am.
Interact with me,
And acquire a little of myself.
Feel my soul
And together we’ll discover each other’s world.
●Answer the following questions:

 How do you express yourself?

 How do you see yourself?
 How much do you know yourself?
 How much do others know you?  
Sexuality means you have to be
aware of yourself better. As you
grow older, you will experience a
range of social, emotional, and
physical changes. As these occur,
you need an intensive knowledge on
how to deal with your attitudes and
Sexuality refers
to your
attitudes and
toward yourself
how you

how you
sexuality how you
toward think of
yourself yourself

how you
Healthy sexuality means taking high
sense of responsibility for all your
actions since this can affect self-
esteem, decision-making, and
Sexuality can be best understood through
the help of the people around you.

Sexuality refers to your perceptions,

feelings, and behaviors towards others
how you see others

how you think of

how you feel about

how you love

The way you see yourself is influenced
by many people. It is important to
maintain good relationships with others.
They will support you and give you
confidence, provide companionship and
will keep you from being lonely.
Extrovert _____
Selfish ____
Confident _____
Aggressive ____
Shy _____
Attractive _____
Good listener ____
Approachable ____
Liked _____
Fun ____
Sincere ____
Irresponsible ____
Kind _____
Dependable ____
Other/s: ______________________
Healthy sexuality
encompasses the
SELF- SELF- your way of
your your regard for
your understanding your awareness individuality in
acceptance of of your feelings and of the things that
yourself as a
yourself your character worthwhile
you can do well yourself as a
man or as a
Bear in mind that learning human sexuality is
important because:
 giving and receiving love is a human need.
 it will help you appreciate your sexual identity.
 you should respect your own and another person’s
 you will experience bodily changes and you need
to learn how to properly manage these changes.
 it will help you appreciate how life began.
 you have the right to be informed on how to be
disease-free and to live a healthy lifestyle.
Gender and
Gender is a social concept on how men
and women should think, feel, and act.
It refers to femininity or masculinity of a
persons’ role and behaviour as defined
by society.
Human sexuality is the quality of being
male or female. It is the way in which
we experience and express ourselves
as sexual beings.
Gender and sexuality are two issues that affect your life as a
teenager. These two concepts have some of the greatest
impact on how you view yourself and deal with other people
especially with the opposite sex. Sexual feelings are normal
and healthy.
As a teen, you will experience a heightened desire to explore
your sexuality. This is completely normal and healthy. Just
keep in mind that sexuality encompasses our whole being.
Managing sexuality-related issues should be founded on
values particularly self-respect and respect for others.
► appreciates own body
► takes responsibility for own
► express love and
behaviours intimacy in
► knowledgeable about appropriate ways
sexuality issues
► have the skills to
evaluate readiness for
mature relationship
FAMILY ► interact with both
► communicates genders in
effectively with family
appropriate and
► able to express love
respectful ways
to your family ► respect both gender in
members all apects
► perform your duties
and responsibilities
at home.
Please read and analyze the following key terms.

1. Sex – centred on the biological basis of being a male or

2. Gender – is a social concept on how men and women
should think, feel, and act. It refers to femininity or
masculinity of a person’s role and behaviour.
3. Gender Equality– permits man and woman equal
enjoyment of human rights.
4. Gender Role - refers to set of roles, characteristics, and
expectations of how a man or woman should feel, think,
and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society.
5. Sexuality –is an integral part of what we do and who we
are; it is the way in which we experience and express
ourselves as sexual beings. It is the total expression of an
individual’s self-concept.
Draw the symbol for the male gender if the phrase states
a usual role for men and draw the symbol for the female
gender if it is the usual role for women.

1. giving birth
2. making a living
3. fixing the broken faucet
4. doing household chores
5. helping the children with their homework
Gender Role is often an outward
expression of gender identity. It is
manifested within society by observable
factors such as behaviour and
appearance. Your gender role
demonstrates the typical characteristics
of a person in his or her behaviour.
Write words or phrases that you associate with the
words masculine and feminine.
Example: breadwinner Example: babysitter
Sexual Behaviour Standards are
behaviours that have come to be
accepted by society.
Social and cultural norms are some of
the factors which influence gender
Using Life Skills to Improve Sexual Health
Assessing Your Health

Making Good Decisions

LIFE SKILLS Communicating Effectively

Practicing Wellness

Setting Goals

Using Refusal Skills

Evaluating Media Messages

Assessing your Health means evaluating your well-being periodically.
This includes your sexuality. Figure out what you can do to improve your
health if it is not as good as it can be.
Making Good Decisions means making choices that are healthy and
responsible. You must have the courage to make difficult decisions and
stick to them.

Communicating Effectively. Communication skills help you avoid

misunderstanding by expressing your feelings in a healthy way. This
means if you listen to what people say, they will want to listen to you as
Practicing Wellness can be accomplished through information about
good sexuality.
Setting Goals or aiming for something that will give you a sense of
accomplishment. Just be sure to be realistic with your target goal.
Refusal Skill is a way to say no to something that you don’t want to do.
This skill requires practice. But first, you must feel strongly about what
things you want to avoid.

Evaluating Media Messages is being able to judge the worth of media

messages. It is a big challenge knowing that most media messages are
very convincing
Your decisions related to your
sexual behaviours affect yourself
and other now or later in your life.
These sexual behaviours may be
toward yourself, your family, your
friends, or other people.
Thus, what you choose to do,
and how you behave, should be
guided by family, social and
spiritual standards, and should be
based on decision-making steps or
You probably spend most of you day
interacting with other people. Having
good understanding of your sexual
health allows you to get along with the
people you meet every day.
We all encounter people in our lives. Here are some descriptions of
people. What are some positive ways of dealing with each type of
1. Show off (people who would like to be the center of attraction
whenever possible).
2. Worriers (people who worry about everything).
3. Gossips (people who spread rumors and often exaggerate
4. Bullies (people who use threats, fear, and cruelty to control others).
5. Whiners (people who grumble and complain about everything).
Write the roles played by male and female in the space provided. In the
space where the two circles meet, write the common roles played by
both. Where they don’t join, write their specific roles. Choose the
specific roles from the box below.

Male Female
Education for human sexuality deals
with the formation of
• virtuous habits
• right attitudes
• integration of positive values
1. Family. Family values oftentimes determine your own values.
Describe how your family affects your values regarding human

2. Culture. Filipinos living in different regions have diverse

cultures and beliefs. Your cultural background can affect your
values regarding sexuality, along with the norms and standards set
by society. Describe how your culture affects your human
3. Peers. Like your family, your friends can also have a
significant impact on your views on human sexuality.
Describe how your friends affect your human sexuality.

4. Media. The media plays a significant role in our lives

as we regularly watch televisions, listen to radio, search
the internet, read newspapers, etc.
Describe how media affects your human sexuality.

boys and girls are given the impression of men being superior to
women. In as much as we would like to practice gender equality,
the rules for human conduct and human appropriateness are not
alike for both sexes as practiced in most areas in the Philippines.
This is likely shown in the examples below:

A. Boys and men are permitted to stay out more and up to a later
time than the girls and women.

B. A philandering or immoral man is considered as demonstrating

his manliness or “pagkalalaki”. A philandering or immoral woman is
considered as cheap, bad, or “masamang babae”.

C. Women are expected to remain virginal until they marry, while it

is generally acceptable for men to have sexual experience before

D. Women are socially judged and legally penalized for adultery

and for having children out of wedlock.

E. Men who stay at home to do household chores instead of having

jobs to earn money for the family are considered by some as
“under ‘d saya.”
Values are strong beliefs held by persons,
families and group of people about important
issues. It is essential to know one’s own values,
beliefs and attitudes, how they influence on the
rights of others and how to stand up for them. As
you mature, you develop your own values which
may be different from one another. Social norms
and standards can affect your sexual decision-
making and behaviour as it influences values and
Your sex role should not limit your interests. You
can be masculine and feminine and participate
in events and professions that are usually chosen
by persons of only one sex. Healthful sexuality is
being comfortable and contented with your
attitudes about your sex role.
Issues and Problems
Related to Human
What is STIs?
Sexually-transmitted infection or STI, also known as
sexually-transmitted disease (STD) is a communicable
disease that is spread by a pathogen (disease-causing
organism) from one person to another person through
sexual contact.
What is STIs?
A person who has a sexual relationship with someone who
is infected can get one or more of these diseases. STIs are
transmitted through an exchange of bodily fluids during
sexual intercourse. These infections are commonly caused
by bacteria and viruses. Some STIs can be treated
successfully but many STIs such as HIV/AIDS still have no
cure. The good news is, all STIs can be prevented.
What is STIs?
Symptoms of STIs depend on the type of infections.
Common symptoms include discharge from the genitals,
warts, blisters or sores in the genital area, a rash,
painful urination, or flu- like symptoms.
Some STIs don’t have any signs or symptoms. In fact one
of every 10 people can have STIs but be asymptomatic.
These people are carriers and are very dangerous because
they can transmit an infection without even knowing it
AIDS Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis

Pathogen Human Chlamydia Herpes Neisseria Treponem

(causative Immunodeficie Trachomatis Simplex-2 gonorrhoea a Pallidum

agent) ncy Virus bacterium Virus bacterium bacterium
Long term Immune INFECTIONS
In women, If left Sterility, liver If left
effects systems failure, pelvic untreated, disease, untreated,
severe illness inflammation it may testicular mental
leading to with cause disease, illness,
death,8-10 abdominal cervical infection of heart and
years to see pain, fever, cancer in heart lining, kidney
signs of menstrual women and eye damage,
infection, bleeding, cause infections for and death
infection of ectopic deformities newborn may result
infants leading pregnancy in unborn leading to
to death babies blindness
In men,
glands of the
infection of
the testicles.
during birth
can cause
blindness or
illness in
Prevention Abstinence INFECTIONS
Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence
measures from sexual from sexual from from sexual from sexual
intercourse and intercourse sexual intercourse intercourse
from use of intercourse and from and from
intravenous and from use of se of
drugs use of intravenous intravenous
intravenou drugs drugs
s drugs
Genital Herpes
What are HIV and AIDS?

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

is a fatal communicable disease with no effective
treatment or known cure. It is the final stage of
infection caused by the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV).
What are HIV and AIDS?

When HIV enters the body it attacks the body’s

immune system. Thus, the body becomes
vulnerable to opportunistic infections or diseases
that develop when the body’s defense system
becomes weak.
What are HIV and AIDS?
Early symptoms of infection with HIV may include
a rash, sore throat, fever, and tiredness. Nearly
everyone with HIV develops AIDS. People with
AIDS cannot fight off diseases that healthy people
could easily resist. Because AIDS has no cure,
people with AIDS eventually die from one of these
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury
Magic Johnson
Ways of Acquiring HIV Yes No

1. Breastfeeding .    

2. Handshaking    

3. Sharing the eating utensils with someone infected with HIV.    

4. Donating blood with Red Cross    

5.Selling blood in blood banks    

6. Someone who has HIV who cough and sneeze near you.    

7.Hugging someone with HIV    

8. Having unprotected intercourse with someone with HIV    

9. Sharing contaminated syringes, needles or other sharp instruments with someone infected by HIV    

10.Receiving transfusion of blood infected with HIV    

11.Sitting in the toilet seat used by the HIV patient    

12.Mosquito bites    

13. Tattooing using an infected needle    

14.Swimming with an HIV infected person    

15.Wearing clothes of an infected person    

16. Ear and Body piercing with an infected needle    

HIV must enter into the person’s
bloodstream to infect the person.
HIV has been found in many body
fluids including blood, semen,
vaginal fluids, and breast milk of
infected person
Mode of Transmission
• Sexual Contact -(Infected Body Fluids, Blood .
• Injecting drug and sharing infected needles
• Maternal transference (Mother to baby during
Abstinence is choosing not to have sex.
There is an increasing number of
young people being infected with
Sexually Transmitted Infections
(STIs) or of every 10 cases 1 is a
child. The most serious of these
diseases is AIDS
Reducing the Risks of Sexually Transmitted Infections

• Safeguarding one’s sexual health starts from accurate information and
awareness of sexuality-related issues.
• Sexually-transmitted infections could be completely eradicated if
people practice wise decision-making skills and firmly say no to risky
sexual behaviors.
• The best way a teenager can prevent sexuality-related problems is
through sexual abstinence. Abstinence is refraining completely from
sexual relations with other people.
Policies in the
Prevention and
Control of
other STIs
● Republic Act No. 8504 also known as Philippine AIDS
● Government efforts in ensuring a clean blood supply to
prevent issues and Problems related to sexuality (RA
7719) or the Blood Services Act of 1994)
Republic Act No. 8504
● The Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 or RA
8504 is the government’s response to the threat of HIV/AIDS in the
country. Important provisions of the law include the following:
● The State shall promote public awareness about HIV/AIDS through
various modalities: integration in the curriculum or development of
special modules in basic education; inclusion in tertiary and
vocational curriculum; providing education in the workplace, for
Filipinos going abroad and among community people in general.
Republic Act No. 8504
● The State shall also ensure safe practices and procedures
regarding donation of blood, organ or tissue.
● The State shall provide a mechanism for anonymous HIV
testing and shall guarantee anonymity and medical
confidentiality in the conduct of such tests.
● The Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) shall
oversee an integrated and comprehensive approach to
HIV/AIDS prevention and control in the Philippines
RA 7719
● This law protects and promotes public health through
provisions related to blood donation. The government
promotes voluntary blood donation as a humanitarian act.
However, there are requirements that you need to meet if
you want to donate blood. This is to ensure a clean and
safe blood supply. Thus, you need to live a healthy
lifestyle in order for you to be a voluntary blood donor in
the future.
RA 7719
● To protect you from blood transfusion transmissible
diseases like HIV/AIDS, this law lays down the legal
principle that the provision of blood for transfusion is a
professional medical service and not a sale of a
commodity. They establish scientific and professional
standards for the operation of blood collection units and
blood banks/centers in the Philippines.
RA 7719
● People don’t have to sell blood as a commodity. To be a
responsible voluntary donor you donate the blood for a
cause through medical and scientific care.
The drug, the blood, the alcohol
connections to STI HIV AIDS
● How does it contribute to the transmission of STI HIV
● What are the connections of alcohol, drug abuse, blood
donation and transfusion to STI and HIV/AIDS?
Just Say NO!

● How to say no and remain friendly to someone you like?

● Is it difficult for you to refuse? If somebody ask you to

do risky behavior like drinking and smoking or even
doing pre-marital sex , how will you refuse?
Just Say NO!
● Throughout life you are likely to meet people who will
persuade you to do things you do not want to do. How do
you say no and still remain friendly with someone you
like? Is it difficult for you to refuse? If somebody asks
you to do risky behavior like drinking and smoking or
even do pre-marital sex, how will you refuse?

● The ability to say NO to unhealthful practices is called

Refusal Skills.
Technique of saying NO
● Maintain eye contact and say NO firmly
● Be true to yourself and to your belief. Give reasons for
saying NO
● Walk away or avoid the situation
● Change the subject
● Match verbal with non-verbal communication

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