Lecture 30 - Database
Lecture 30 - Database
Lecture 30 - Database
• What is data?
– Data can be defined in many ways. Information science defines
data as unprocessed information.
– Eg:-names, telephone numbers etc.
• What is information?
– Information is data that have been organized and communicated
in a coherent and meaningful manner.
– Data is converted into information, and information is converted
into knowledge.
– Knowledge; information evaluated and organized so that it can
be used purposefully.
Database - Definition
Other Definitions :
1. A database represents some aspects of the real world , sometimes called the
miniworld. Changes to the miniworld are reflected in the data base
2. A database is a logically coherent collection of data with some inherent meaning.
3. A data base is designed , built and populated with data for a specific purpose. It
has an intended group of users and some preconceived applications in which these
users are interested.
Why do we need a database?
is to transform
– Data isolation — changes made by one operation could not become visible to other
concurrent operations.
– Integrity problems
• Integrity constraints (e.g. account balance > 0) become “buried” in program code
rather than being stated explicitly
• Hard to add new constraints or change existing ones
File System Databases
• Drawbacks of using file systems (cont.)
– Atomicity of updates
• Failures may leave database in an inconsistent state with partial updates carried out
• Example: Transfer of funds from one account to another should either complete or
not happen at all
– Concurrent access by multiple users
• Concurrent access needed for performance
• Uncontrolled concurrent accesses can lead to inconsistencies
– Example: Two people reading a balance and updating it at the same time
– Security problems
• Hard to provide user access to some, but not all.
Problems of redundancy :
3. Inconsistency.
• Since database is typically stored on disk , DBMS uses index files to speed up the
• The query of the DBMS is responsible for choosing an processing and optimization
module efficient query execution plan for each query based on the existing storage
Advantages of using the DBMS Approach
5. Providing Backup and Recovery.
• The back up and recovery subsystem of the DBMS is responsible for recovery.
• A collection of concepts that can be used to describe the structure of database.
• Structure of database means the data types , relationships and constraints on
the data.
• A data model may also include operations for retrieval and updates on the
• A set of valid user defined operation can also be specified in a Data Model
Data Models - Types
1. Relational model