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           erik duval
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Fringe User Experience: Designing for the Future
Fringe User Experience: Designing for the Future Fringe User Experience: Designing for the Future
Fringe User Experience: Designing for the Future

Before Wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT), designing for Mobile was "the next big thing." While Mobile devices have proliferated faster than anyone anticipated, our practice as User Experience designers is still lagging: put simply, we're still figuring this out. But when the medium of our profession is advancing faster than the principles that underpin it, how do we evolve as practitioners? Is the future of UX tied to keeping up with the latest technology only, or is there something deeper to the practice of UX which needs to be identified and developed to help us make sense of the rapidly unfolding future? In this keynote address, Hong Kong based User Experience practitioner, facilitator and trainer Kristin Low will explore the future of User Experience - Fringe UX - and what the rapid advances in technology mean for our practice as User Experience professionals.

user experiencewearableshardware
Presentation week 11
Presentation week 11Presentation week 11
Presentation week 11

Spiller was concerned that architectural animation was replacing the design process with a focus on creating flashy videos. While animation can help explain designs to clients, Spiller argued it should not drive the design process itself. Some architects feared animation prioritized aesthetics over thoughtful space planning. However, new presentation tools need not harm traditional design if used to complement rather than replace established methods.

20130221 ucd leuven_leuven
20130221 ucd leuven_leuven20130221 ucd leuven_leuven
20130221 ucd leuven_leuven

This document provides an introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI) by Erik Duval. It discusses key concepts in HCI including the importance of user-centered design, examples of influential technologies and interfaces, and visions of future interactions between humans and computers. Examples mentioned include the early development of graphical user interfaces at Xerox PARC and the Apple Macintosh, as well as emerging technologies like brain-computer interfaces and augmented reality.

There is a conflict of interest in the world of
software development because the people
who build it are also the people who design it.
If carpenters designed houses, they would
certainly be easier or more interesting to
build, but not necessarily better to live in. The
architect, besides being trained in the art of
what works and what doesn't, is an advocate
for the client, for the user.

                      Alan Cooper. About Face, 1995
20130219 chi chi-overzicht
20130219 chi chi-overzicht
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HCID 2014: Designing Out The Screen. Steve Taylor, The Alloy.
HCID 2014: Designing Out The Screen. Steve Taylor, The Alloy.HCID 2014: Designing Out The Screen. Steve Taylor, The Alloy.
HCID 2014: Designing Out The Screen. Steve Taylor, The Alloy.

This talk is about how, as Designers, can we move beyond the need to design a screen into everything and embrace physical interactions? Now computing is becoming ever more ubiquitous & entwined into our lives, surely an acceptable solution isn't to cover our world in icons & screens. There is an emerging trend of beautifully crafted products that are becoming the face of complex systems, yet they have no screen at all and still provide a rich suite of interactions that are easily accessible by the user. What tools are available to us as Interaction Designer’s to give us the courage to step away from our wireframes & start designing beautiful, engaging physical interactions?

Role of human interaction
Role of human interactionRole of human interaction
Role of human interaction

The document discusses the importance of human-computer interaction (HCI). HCI aims to design human-centered technology by understanding human abilities and implementing research techniques that are clear to users. The interaction framework has four parts: user input, system output, and processing in between. Effective HCI follows principles like knowing users through observation, creating user-friendly designs, and collecting data to model users and develop a design process that focuses on positive experiences.

User Experience
User ExperienceUser Experience
User Experience

The document discusses the importance of user experience in business. It provides examples of companies like Netflix, iTunes, and iPhone that have achieved success through focus on user experience rather than just technological capabilities. The key aspects of successful experience design highlighted are that it is multidisciplinary, cultural, invisible when done right, and integrates user needs with business goals. Rapid prototyping and getting user feedback in short iterations is also emphasized.

Niet onbelangrijk…


voorbeelden uit jouw leven...

• ...

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Designing Out[side] the Screen
Designing Out[side] the ScreenDesigning Out[side] the Screen
Designing Out[side] the Screen

How as UX & Interaction Designers, can we move beyond the need to design a screen into everything and embrace physical interactions? Now computing is becoming ever more ubiquitous & entwined into our lives, surely an acceptable solution isn’t to cover our world in icons & screens. There is an emerging trend of beautifully crafted products that are becoming the face of complex systems, yet they have no screen at all and still provide a rich suite of interactions that are easily accessible by the user. What tools are available to us as Interaction Designer’s to give us the courage to step away from our wireframes & start designing beautiful, engaging physical interactions?

interaction designdesignphysical interaction
UX in Real Life
UX in Real LifeUX in Real Life
UX in Real Life

It has been more than two decades since UX entered the industry as a new frontier; however many of everyday products still highly frustrate us.

mappingsconstraintsdon norman
Usability & Design Principles
Usability & Design PrinciplesUsability & Design Principles
Usability & Design Principles

The document discusses several principles of good design for mobile applications. It summarizes guidelines from sources like Apple's iPad User Experience Guidelines, Jakob Nielsen's heuristics for user interface design, and Dieter Rams' principles of good design. The key principles discussed include enhancing interactivity, staying consistent, making designs simple, self-explanatory, and using familiar patterns. Designs should provide feedback, allow for mistakes, consider every detail, and delight users.

“a discipline concerned with the
  evaluation and
of interactive computing systems
for human use and with the study
of major phenomena surrounding
20130219 chi chi-overzicht
organisational &


 technology               user
20130219 chi chi-overzicht

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Context Rising : Wearable Interfaces
Context Rising : Wearable InterfacesContext Rising : Wearable Interfaces
Context Rising : Wearable Interfaces

Kharis O'Connell discusses the current state and future of wearable technology and interfaces. Some key points include: - Wearable tech is growing rapidly, with over 250 million devices expected to ship in 2016. - Current wearables focus on function over form, but designers are learning that fashion and aesthetics are important for success. - Future wearables may move beyond screens by becoming integrated directly into fabrics and surfaces through mechatronics. - Immersive virtual and augmented reality raise new challenges for user experience design by removing traditional constraints and interfaces. - Designing for flow and dopamine loops could make virtual experiences too engaging and addictive if not approached carefully.

Confessions of a former UCD devotee – How I managed to kick the UCD habit and...
Confessions of a former UCD devotee – How I managed to kick the UCD habit and...Confessions of a former UCD devotee – How I managed to kick the UCD habit and...
Confessions of a former UCD devotee – How I managed to kick the UCD habit and...

Repeat after me. "Thou shalt always consider the user above all others. Thou shalt centre thy design around user needs and seek user feedback at every pass". User-centred design (UCD) is still very much the established dogma within the UX community. The idea that everything we do should be centred around the user. That user insights, feedback and participation should be sought wherever possible. But what if user-centred design is a false prophet? What if it's not really the answer to all our UX hopes and dreams? In this talk originally delivered at UX Cambridge 2015 I will take you through my own story of UCD love and then disillusionment. Of how I went from a UCD evangelist and devotee to embracing a new dogma - lean UX. I will share with you what caused my change of heart and hopefully open your eyes to the limitations - and sometimes even dangers - of UCD. Come hear my tale and find out why I've not only come to embrace lean UX over UCD, but implore others to do the same.

user centred designlean uxuser experience
Don Norman "Design of everyday things" - UX Book Club
Don Norman "Design of everyday things" - UX Book ClubDon Norman "Design of everyday things" - UX Book Club
Don Norman "Design of everyday things" - UX Book Club

Prezentacja na temat książki Dona Normana "Design of everyday things" przygotowana na spotkanie z serii "UX Book Club". Prezentacja z notatkami jest dostępna tutaj: http://bit.ly/DesignOfEverdayThings

signifiersdesign of everyday thingsdon norman

The effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction
with which specified users achieve
specified goals in particular environments

This does not mean you have to create a “dry” design or something that is only good for novices
– it all depends on your goals
  • meer dan 6000 leden
  • jaarlijkse conferentie
• tijdschriften
 • ACM interactions
 • ACM Transactions Computer-Human Interaction
 • International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
• HCI bibliography
20130219 chi chi-overzicht

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From barrier-free to delightful
From barrier-free to delightfulFrom barrier-free to delightful
From barrier-free to delightful

What does it take to get from barrier-free to delightful experiences? Meeting basic accessibility requirements is a critical first step. But let’s dream bigger. Let’s aim for accessible UX – great user experience for everyone. Creating innovations that include a more diverse range of interaction styles, and designs that are both inclusive and delightful starts by bringing together the whole team — from content to code. It means thinking about people, not just technology. It means finding allies and partners, new ways of working, making our tools really usable, and helping everyone manage change. Updated May 2017 Versions presented at PhillyCHI, AccessU, IA Summit, Accessing Higher Ground

accessibilityuxaccessible ux
Workshop Universal Design Principles.
Workshop Universal Design Principles. Workshop Universal Design Principles.
Workshop Universal Design Principles.

This document discusses universal design principles for inclusive design. It begins with introducing the speaker and discussing how most designs are made for a narrow target user, usually young males. It emphasizes that good design should address the wide variety of human abilities. It then outlines several key principles of universal design like equitable use, flexibility, perceptible information, tolerance for error, and low physical effort. Examples are given to illustrate each principle, such as curb cuts that benefit people of all abilities. The document stresses that universal design requires understanding diverse audiences and their varied needs.

dfauniversal design
UX in a Nutshell
UX in a NutshellUX in a Nutshell
UX in a Nutshell

This document provides an overview of user experience (UX), defining what it is, why it matters, and the UX process. It defines UX as how a person feels about using a system and explains that UX considers practical and meaningful aspects of human-computer interaction. The document dispels myths about UX only concerning appearances or being an add-on, explaining that UX is the blueprint that drives product direction. It outlines the roles involved in UX, the general UX process and deliverables, and recommends further resources for learning about UX.

hoe weet je dat een UI “goed” is?
The economist – oct. 2004
To be truly successful, a
 complex technology
 needs to “disappear”

                     The real test is always
                        the mom test
You are not the user!

(if you are the developer)

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The Business Case for UX
The Business Case for UX The Business Case for UX
The Business Case for UX

This document discusses the business case for user experience (UX) design. It begins with an introduction to UX philosophy, process, and tools. It explains that the goal of UX design is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Several examples of UX design principles are provided, such as prioritizing frequent tasks, preventing errors, and allowing user control and freedom. The presentation concludes by discussing real-world examples of good UX design and taking questions.

design thinkinguser experienceux

This document provides an overview of user experience (UX) design. It discusses how UX designers observe people, create wireframes and prototypes, and conduct usability testing to understand user needs and validate designs. The document emphasizes designing based on human behavior and goals rather than just best practices. It also outlines methods like remote and moderated usability testing that UX designers use to evaluate designs. Throughout, it stresses the importance of UX in ensuring positive user experiences and business outcomes.

Extra Credit for SNB Gallery Tech Snack, 9-7-10
Extra Credit for SNB Gallery Tech Snack, 9-7-10Extra Credit for SNB Gallery Tech Snack, 9-7-10
Extra Credit for SNB Gallery Tech Snack, 9-7-10

The document instructs the reader to create an original Word Biz, Vortex Sort, or Sentence Arrange activity with at least ten elements for use with students, attach the file to an email without a password by September 17, 2010 to John Kain, and write "SNB Gallery Extra Credit" in the subject line to earn one recertification hour, having attended the September 7 Tech Snack to be eligible.

Four Myths
Only experts create good designs
Ä experts faster, simple and effective techniques anyone can apply

We can fix the user interface at the end
Ä good design is more than just user interface
Ä having right features, building those features right

Good design takes too long / costs too much
 Ä simple and effective techniques can reduce total development time & cost
(finds problems early on)

Good design is just cool graphics
Ä graphics part of bigger picture of what to communicate & how
If the user does something
“wrong”, it is the fault of the
       system designer!
“logical analysis is not a good way to
predict people's behavior (nor are focus
groups or surveys): observation is the

“I caution that the time frame for
adoption of new technologies is measured
in decades, not the months everyone
would prefer”
                             Donald A. Norman

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Jason Rhode Dissertation Overview
Jason Rhode Dissertation OverviewJason Rhode Dissertation Overview
Jason Rhode Dissertation Overview

Overview of the dissertation of Jason F. Rhode, Ph.D. entitled, "Interaction Equivalency in Self-Paced Online Learning Environments: An Exploration of Learner Preferences"

Audacity Basics
Audacity BasicsAudacity Basics
Audacity Basics

This document provides instructions for using audio editing tools in the Audacity software on a personal computer. It lists the Control Panel as the starting point and then outlines some of the main tools available like the selection, time shift and envelope tools for editing audio as well as playback controls like pause/unpause and zoom functions to customize the audio window view.

Social Media: a disease
Social Media: a diseaseSocial Media: a disease
Social Media: a disease

This document summarizes a presentation about modern media and youth. It discusses [1] how social media has grown exponentially in scale and popularity, with billions of videos watched and uploaded every day on platforms like Facebook and YouTube. It also [2] notes both pros and cons of social media use, such as how it enables openness and transparency but also brings concerns around privacy, cyberbullying, and the potential for "Facebook depression." Finally, [3] the presentation poses questions to the audience about how professionals and individuals can respond to social media and new technologies.

•   Ben Shneiderman, Designing the
    User Interface. Strategies for
    Effective Human-Computer
•   Jakob Nielsen, Designing Web
•   Jakob Nielsen & Marie Tahir,
    Homepage Usability.
•   Donald A. Norman, The Invisible
    Computer & Emotional Design.
•   Jef Raskin, The Humane Interface.
•   Peter Morville, Ambient Findability.
•   Jennu Preece, Yvonne Rogers,
    David Benyon, Simon Holland &
    Tom Carey, Human-Computer
•   Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory
    Abowd & Russell Beale, Human-
    Computer Interaction.


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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
InfoVis1415: slides sessie 7, 30 March 2015
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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Erik Duval
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201502010 pen ocw_les1_erik
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201502010 pen ocw_les1_erik
Erik Duval
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Erik Duval

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Technology that makes HUMANS smarter
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201502010 pen ocw_les1_erik
201502010 pen ocw_les1_erik201502010 pen ocw_les1_erik
201502010 pen ocw_les1_erik
Inleiding Human Computer Interaction
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20130219 chi chi-overzicht

  • 1. inleiding tot chi erik duval K.U.Leuven http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~erikd 1
  • 4. Bad day… http://www.web42.com/badday/
  • 5. There is a conflict of interest in the world of software development because the people who build it are also the people who design it. If carpenters designed houses, they would certainly be easier or more interesting to build, but not necessarily better to live in. The architect, besides being trained in the art of what works and what doesn't, is an advocate for the client, for the user. Alan Cooper. About Face, 1995 (http://www.cooper.com/)
  • 11. voorbeelden uit jouw leven... • ...
  • 13. “a discipline concerned with the design evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them." ACM
  • 15. task organisational & social CHI technology user
  • 17. Usability The effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with which specified users achieve specified goals in particular environments This does not mean you have to create a “dry” design or something that is only good for novices – it all depends on your goals
  • 19. • ACM SIGCHI • meer dan 6000 leden • jaarlijkse conferentie • tijdschriften • ACM interactions • ACM Transactions Computer-Human Interaction • International Journal of Human-Computer Studies • HCI bibliography
  • 22. hoe weet je dat een UI “goed” is?
  • 23. The economist – oct. 2004 To be truly successful, a complex technology needs to “disappear” The real test is always the mom test http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=3307363
  • 24. You are not the user! (if you are the developer)
  • 25. Four Myths Only experts create good designs Ä experts faster, simple and effective techniques anyone can apply We can fix the user interface at the end Ä good design is more than just user interface Ä having right features, building those features right Good design takes too long / costs too much Ä simple and effective techniques can reduce total development time & cost (finds problems early on) Good design is just cool graphics Ä graphics part of bigger picture of what to communicate & how
  • 26. If the user does something “wrong”, it is the fault of the system designer!
  • 27. “logical analysis is not a good way to predict people's behavior (nor are focus groups or surveys): observation is the key” “I caution that the time frame for adoption of new technologies is measured in decades, not the months everyone would prefer” Donald A. Norman
  • 30. Ben Shneiderman, Designing the User Interface. Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. • Jakob Nielsen, Designing Web Usability. • Jakob Nielsen & Marie Tahir, Homepage Usability. • Donald A. Norman, The Invisible Computer & Emotional Design. • Jef Raskin, The Humane Interface. • Peter Morville, Ambient Findability. • Jennu Preece, Yvonne Rogers, David Benyon, Simon Holland & Tom Carey, Human-Computer Interaction. • Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd & Russell Beale, Human- Computer Interaction.