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for leading
Continuous Improvement
Kanban Metrics
in practice
About me
● from Verona, Italy
● software dev & continuous improvement
● Kanban, Lean, Agile “helper”
● Sky Network Services
Mattia Battiston
Why are we here?
a little knowledge of Kanban helps
(limiting WIP, lead time, value vs waste, queues, batches, etc.)

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Turning Up the Magic in PI Planning
Turning Up the Magic in PI PlanningTurning Up the Magic in PI Planning
Turning Up the Magic in PI Planning

Presentation by Em Campbell-Pretty & Adrienne Wilson at the Global SAFe Summit 2021 Mob Programming thought leader, Woody Zuill, suggests that instead of always focusing on solving problems, we also take the time to notice the things that are going well and amplify them, thereby "turning up the good". When it comes to SAFe Dean Leffingwell perhaps said it best: "There is no magic in SAFe . . . except maybe for PI Planning." I suspect most of you agree that PI Planning is the magic in SAFe. There is nothing quite like the energy created by bringing a group of 100+ people together to build a collaborative plan over a couple of days every 10 to 12 weeks. So what would it mean to "turn up the good in PI Planning"? If we focused on what is good and what we want more of, would we get more magic?! For Em and Adrienne, the answer is a resounding "Yes!" In this session, they will take the "The Facilitator’s Guide to PI Planning" and illustrate how turning up the good can bring your PI Planning magic to the next level.

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Agile metrics for predicting the future
Agile metrics for predicting the futureAgile metrics for predicting the future
Agile metrics for predicting the future

Most teams need to answer questions like “When will it be done? What can I get by date X?”. However, common estimation approaches often fail to give us the predictability we want, and tend to introduce bad behaviours like hard deadlines and hiding uncertainty. In this session, I’ll show you how, step by step and with real life examples, my team uses their historical data and metrics to forecast the future and answer these questions with confidence. Download slides at: http://bit.ly/2pD9rfQ Book discount link: http://leanpub.com/metricsforbusinessdecisions/c/MATTIA20-BZXib2F

forecastingprobabilistic forecastingmetrics
The Spotify Tribe
The Spotify TribeThe Spotify Tribe
The Spotify Tribe

An introduction to the Spotify matrix model including recent updates we've made as we have continued to grow. I presented this talk at the Spark the Change Conference in London, UK on July 1, 2015.

organizational cultureagile software developmentorganizational development
Why do we need metrics?
#1: drive continuous improvement #2: forecast the future
But I thought metrics were bad....
Typical problems:
Good vs Bad metrics
● look at improving the whole system ● reward/punish individuals
“95% performance is attributable to
the system, 5% to the people”
W. Edwards Deming
● feedback about state of reality ● used as target
● leading (let you change behaviour) ● lagging (tell you about the past)
● all metrics must improve ● local optimisations
Our system

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Scrum at Scale - What's it all about?
Scrum at Scale - What's it all about?Scrum at Scale - What's it all about?
Scrum at Scale - What's it all about?

This document provides an overview of a training course on scaling Scrum. The course will cover Scrum frameworks, roles, events, execution, leadership patterns, and strategies for scaling Scrum across multiple teams. It will involve 4 interactive remote sessions with homework assignments and coaching. Key aspects of scaling Scrum that will be discussed include using a scale-free architecture, defining roles like the Chief Product Owner and Scrum of Scrums Master, and holding events like the Scaled Daily Scrum and Meta Scrum. Patterns like stable teams and mitosis value streams will also be presented as ways to achieve hyper-productivity when scaling Scrum.

Data driven coaching - Agile 2016 (troy magennis)
Data driven coaching  - Agile 2016 (troy magennis)Data driven coaching  - Agile 2016 (troy magennis)
Data driven coaching - Agile 2016 (troy magennis)

Team data and dashboards can be misused and cause more pain than results. Having the team run blind to its historical data though is often worse, with solely opinions and gut-feel driving process change. Helping your teams see and understand a holistic balance of their data will give your coaching advice context and encourage team constant improvement through experiments and reflection. Coaching dashboards are about balancing trade-offs. Trading something your team is great at for something they want (or need) to improve. Having the team complete the feedback loop and confirm than an experiment had the intended impact, will process improvement be continuous and sustainable. This presentation shows how to expose data to teams in order for them to retrospect productively, determine if a process experiment is panning out as expected, and to vigorously explore process change opportunities. Recent research shows strong relationships of certain metrics to process and practices, and this session demonstrates how these metrics have and can be tied to timely coaching advice. The real-world dashboards demonstrated in this session show most common problems and how to avoid them with before and after shots and quotes from the teams impacted by them. In this session you will – - Learn how you can not only gather data, but use it to improve the process, with examples! - Learn how your can tie data insights to coaching advice (data driven coaching) - Learn how you can detect, predict and avoid data gaming and dashboard misuse - Learn from my mistakes, and mistakes I’ve seen others with real examples of Agile coaching dashboards (good and bad)

agile2016 forecasting coaching dashboards metrics
The Five Phases of Agile Maturity (Part 2): Phase 3 and 4
The Five Phases of Agile Maturity (Part 2): Phase 3 and 4The Five Phases of Agile Maturity (Part 2): Phase 3 and 4
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The journey to agile maturity is neither fast nor straightforward. What do you need to know? What challenges might you face? Which tools will best meet your organization where it's at? Explore what you should expect to see across the five phases of Agile maturity. In part 2 of this series, we will focus on Phase 3 and 4. We'll share valuable advice about negotiating the turns, avoiding roadblocks, and enjoying the ride in your agile maturity journey. Plus, we’ll talk about the optimal tools to support you—enterprise product management software, like Atlassian Jira Align. Learn: - Common maturity elements of Phase 3 of agile maturity (The Scaling Agile Organization) and Phase 4 of agile maturity (The Agile Enterprise) - Challenges you may face in your agile maturity journey and how to overcome them - How Jira Align’s features and functionality can support scaling

enterprise agilityagilejira align
How do we collect the data?
The Spreadsheet
Inputs: story details; start time and duration of each state
Public version: https://goo.gl/0A9QSN
For you to copy, reuse, get inspired,
All the maths you need
● Min, Max
Normal: data is distributed
around a central value
e.g. height of UK population
Skewed: data has a long tail
on one side (positive or
e.g. income of UK population
(positive skew)
Lead time of stories follows
skewed distribution
● Average (mean)
avg(1,2,2,2,3,14) = (1+2+2+2+3+14)/6 = 4
● Median: separates the high half from the low half. Less impacted by outliers
median(1,2,2,2,3,14) = 2
● Mode: value that occurs more frequently
mode(1,2,2,2,3,14) = 2
● Standard Deviation: measures the amount of dispersion from the average. When
high, values are spread over a large range.
stdev(1,2,2,2,3,14) = 4.5; stdev(1,2,2,2,3,5) = 1.2;
● Percentile: percentage of elements that fall within a range
50% perc(1,2,2,3,7,8,14) = 3; 80% perc(1,2,2,3,7,8,14) = 7.8;
● Normal Distribution vs Skewed Distribution:
Cumulative Flow Diagram
Description: Each day shows how many stories are in each state

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Agile metrics - Measure and Improve
Agile metrics - Measure and ImproveAgile metrics - Measure and Improve
Agile metrics - Measure and Improve

Agile metrics: Measure and Improve: Mattia Battiston (SKY) and David Leach (Reed Online) share their expert views on velocity, agile ROI, reporting and measuring impact. Sponsored by Wemanity - www.wemanity.com - the agile driving force

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Scrum master checklist
Scrum master checklistScrum master checklist
Scrum master checklist

The document discusses the role and responsibilities of a Scrum Master. It describes how the Scrum Master facilitates the Scrum process and ceremonies like daily stand-ups, sprint planning and retrospectives. The Scrum Master also helps resolve impediments, enables self-organization of the team and protects the team from external interference. Key responsibilities include enforcing timeboxes, maintaining artifacts and metrics, and guiding the team on Agile best practices. The document provides checklists and guidelines for Scrum Masters to effectively perform their duties.

scrum checklistagilescrum
Why Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)?
Why Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)?Why Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)?
Why Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)?

Agile development works well in small teams. But we encounter problems when Scrum is applied to other teams and the rest of the organisation. Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) can help. This slide deck explains why.

organisational changeagileagile software development
Cumulative Flow Diagram
Ideal CFD: thin lines growing in parallel at a steady rate -> good flow!
Cumulative Flow Diagram
● Objective: retrospect (but needs a good facilitator)
CFD used for Retrospective
● Objective: demonstrate effectiveness of changes
changed WIP limit in DEV from 3 to 2
Cumulative Flow Diagram
● Objective: decide what you should work on today
● Objective: forecasting: rough info about lead time, wip, delivery date (although
they’re easier to use when tracked separately)
Lead Time
CFD Patterns
(taken from CFD article by Pawel Brodzinski)
growing lines: indicate large WIP + context switching.
action: use WIP limits
stairs: indicates large batches and timeboxes
action: move towards flow (lower WIP,
more releases, cross-functional people)
flat lines: nothing’s moving on the board
action: investigate blockers, focus on finishing, split in
smaller stories
single flat line: testing bottleneck
action: investigate blockers, pair with testers,
automate more
typical timeboxed iterationdropping lines: items going back
action: improve policies

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The document discusses the benefits of using an "Agile Release Train" approach for software development. Some key points: - An Agile Release Train plans work in train-like themes that are delivered on a regular cadence, such as every 2 weeks. This provides a predictable release rhythm. - Work is broken into small, independently releasable increments called user stories. If a story is not ready for the current release, it waits for the next one. - Planning occurs through story mapping epics and stories to future releases. The plan is updated each sprint to reflect progress and priority changes. - Benefits include clear focus on current work, visibility of priorities and timelines, and

agile software developmentagile release traincontinuous delivery
DevOps Transformation: Learnings and Best Practices
DevOps Transformation: Learnings and Best PracticesDevOps Transformation: Learnings and Best Practices
DevOps Transformation: Learnings and Best Practices

The presentation delves into the best practices and approach for DevOps adoption. Understand key aspects of DevOps and how it brings about speed and efficiency in the software development lifecycle

What should Scrum Master do on the project?
What should Scrum Master do on the project?What should Scrum Master do on the project?
What should Scrum Master do on the project?

presentation to a webinar about Scrum Master role and responsibilities. https://youtu.be/lxpaB6b8hS8 Video for presentation

reviewdefinition of donecollaboration
metrics for
Control Chart
Description: For each story it shows how long it took. Displays Upper and Lower control
limits; when a story falls out of limits something went wrong and you should talk about it.
Cycle/Lead Time stats + History
Description: Stats to get to know your cycle time and lead time. They let you predict “how
long is the next story likely to take?”. Visualize trends of improvement
Lead Time distribution
lead time (days)
Description: For each lead time bucket (#days), how many stories have taken that long.
Useful to show as a percentage to know probability.

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Agile IT Service Management
Agile IT Service ManagementAgile IT Service Management
Agile IT Service Management

This presentation outlines how Suncorp has adopted Agile scrum and Lean kanban to effectively and efficiently deliver IT Service Management. This presentation was given at the BMC Remedy User Group forums in Sydney & Melbourne, Australia in November 2013.

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5 Levels of Agile Planning Explained Simply
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5 Levels of Agile Planning Explained Simply

Delivering value early and often, giving ourselves the best opportunity to beat the competition to market, realize revenue and discover insights that we can use to help us improve.

Agile Dependency Management
Agile Dependency ManagementAgile Dependency Management
Agile Dependency Management

This document discusses various types of dependencies that can impact agile planning and development if not properly managed. It begins by covering dependencies related to requirements preparation, UI design, and inter-story dependencies that can delay development if not addressed in advance. It then discusses external dependencies on other teams, vendors, or systems that may not follow agile practices. The document provides recommendations for minimizing the impact of dependencies, such as advanced planning, cross-team coordination, and determining if dependencies are truly necessary or if workarounds are possible. The overall message is that dependencies require extra planning efforts to avoid blocking development work or impacting velocity.

Story Health
Description: Indicates if the story is in good health or if we should worry about it. Based
on lead time distribution
50-80% >90%80-90%0-50%
0-4 gg 5-7 gg 8-10 gg >10 gg
Cycle Time vs Release Prep. Time
Description: For each story shows how long it spent in the iteration and in release
preparation (Context specific). Used to discuss cost vs value of release testing.
metrics for
Iteration Throughput
Description: Number of stories that get done for each iteration

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DevOps continuous learning and experimentation
DevOps continuous learning and experimentationDevOps continuous learning and experimentation
DevOps continuous learning and experimentation

DevOps 3rd way is to Improve Continuously and Experiment. lets look at important concepts like devops continuous learning ,kaizen ,improvement kata ,PDCA, and blameless post-mortem

devopscontinuous learningcontinuous delivery
Traditional vs Lean Portfolio Management, Agile PMO & Organisations
Traditional vs Lean Portfolio Management, Agile PMO & OrganisationsTraditional vs Lean Portfolio Management, Agile PMO & Organisations
Traditional vs Lean Portfolio Management, Agile PMO & Organisations

This deck showcases how the future can look for organisations as they attempt to scale up agile and lean practices and principles across the entire organisation. Regardless if we have entered to do project/programme/portfolio work, once onsite I find it is a great way to introduce the wider organisation to the ideas that we use to deliver and how they can support all areas and activities in the organisation. Key concepts; - How traditional PMO and organisation are setup - Legacy mindset for are alive and still driving the majority of portfolio/organisation behaviours - Comparisons of traditional and agile/lean mindsets - Principles of agile/lean portfolio/organisation management - Organisational structure - Annual vs Incremental funding (Beyond Budgeting) - Limiting Work in Progress i.e. its only matters how many projects you finish, not start. - Managing and visualising capability - Coping with portfolio complexity through experimentation and validated learning - Removing the concept of projects and focusing on continuous delivery of value - Benefits of agile/lean portfolio/organisation management This deck was compiled using referenced materials and the support of David Joyce (@dpjoyce) and Ian Carroll (@caza_no7)

organizational changeagileorganisation learning
Real Life Clean Architecture
Real Life Clean ArchitectureReal Life Clean Architecture
Real Life Clean Architecture

We like the architecture of our applications to revolve around the business logic, not around technical details (and especially not around the database). In my team at Sky Network Services we use the Clean Architecture and it has given us a great deal of benefits: the business logic is explicit, we are free to change our technical decisions, the app is easy to test, working on it is faster and scalable, it’s hard to do the wrong thing, and many more. But it comes at a cost, of course. In this talk I’ll tell you the story of our experience with Clean Architecture and give you some tips to get the most out of it. Example Project https://github.com/mattia-battiston/clean-architecture-example Downloads Online: https://goo.gl/DTxftJ PDF: https://goo.gl/ZAtdBN Powerpoint: https://goo.gl/D54wdZ (but you need to install these fonts to see it properly: https://goo.gl/iH8SO5)

clean architecture javacleanclean architecture example
Rolling Wave Forecasting
Description: visualise in the backlog the likelihood of stories getting done in the next 2
Arrivals Rate
Description: how often a story is started, aka pulled into our system (arrival). This is how
often you can change your mind about what to do next
Points vs Lead Time
story points
Description: Shows low correlation between estimated points and actual lead time
Disney Stations
Description: Like queueing at Disneyland. “How long in here? How long from here?”

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Kanban Metrics in practice at Sky Network Services
Kanban Metrics in practice at Sky Network ServicesKanban Metrics in practice at Sky Network Services
Kanban Metrics in practice at Sky Network Services

Why should I bother collecting metrics? How can they help me? My CFD is pretty and colourful, but what is it actually trying to tell me? CFD, control chart, lead time distribution, percentiles...Metrics can be daunting to start with but if you know how to interpret them they can really take your Kanban system to the next level - drive continuous improvement and forecast the future! It’s much easier than you think, no need for complex maths or expensive software. At Sky Network Services a few teams are using Kanban and metrics. In this talk I’ll share our experience: what metrics we use, how we use each one of them, what little data we collect to get a whole lot of value, what pitfalls we encountered. Downloads Powerpoint: https://goo.gl/19wOjU PDF: https://goo.gl/AM69MF

Metriche Kanban in pratica a Sky UK [ITA]
Metriche Kanban in pratica a Sky UK [ITA]Metriche Kanban in pratica a Sky UK [ITA]
Metriche Kanban in pratica a Sky UK [ITA]

Perche’ dovrei raccogliere metriche? Come possono aiutarmi? Il mio CFD e’ molto colorato ma a cosa serve? CFD, control chart, lead time distribution…Le metriche possono incutere timore ma se sai come interpretarle puoi portare il tuo processo a un nuovo livello! In questo experience report pieno di esempi pratici vi raccontero’ come il mio team a Sky (Londra) usa Kanban e metriche per: - guidare il processo di miglioramento continuo - essere prevedibili, senza bisogno di stime Downloads Powerpoint: https://goo.gl/mHg3nx PDF: https://goo.gl/WFaoW8

cumulative flow diagramcycle timekanban metrics

We all seem to love the term 'continuous improvement' - which is an honourable intention. But in reality 'continuous improvement' can be hell on earth - e.g. to always be 'not good enough'. In fact, some corporations, managers and teams have been known to use this phrase as an excuse for behaving badly. So, how can an honourable intention like continuous improvement create a negative impact, ie. apathy? If so - how do we avoid it? What are other ways of handling this need to consistently overcome challenges in an ever-changing industry? And does 'continuous improvement' have a limit or is it an endless source of success? Using case study examples this talk reflects on what continuous improvement really feels like on the ground and explores how we might want to approach 'getting better' by looking at and drawing from other industries, research, ideas and real-life experiences.

Task Time
Description: Shows how long tasks usually take (context specific). Gives you an idea of
how long a story will take based on n. of tasks
metrics for
Bugs percentage
Description: Percentage of bugs over stories. Also expressed as “1 bug every X stories”
metrics for

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Lean Kanban Central Europe 2014: Beyond VSM: Understanding and Mapping Your P...
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The document discusses mapping processes of knowledge discovery beyond traditional value stream mapping (VSM). It notes knowledge discovery processes differ from production processes and provides examples of mapping dominant activities over time. Participants are invited to map examples for their work item types by identifying dominant knowledge-creating activities. Mapping is a social process that can provoke improvement rather than inertia. The document concludes by encouraging readers to try mapping their own processes and sharing stories.

vsmknowledge worklean
Metrics As A Learn And Change Agent
Metrics As A Learn And Change AgentMetrics As A Learn And Change Agent
Metrics As A Learn And Change Agent

Metrics should be used to learn and enable change in complex systems, not to control or constrain. Short-term metrics can provide information but longer-term perspectives are needed to understand emergent behaviors. It is important to consider unintended consequences and how metrics may influence behaviors in unexpected ways.

agile lean metrics learn change
Learned Helplessnes
Learned HelplessnesLearned Helplessnes
Learned Helplessnes

Here is the some important terms and explanations about LC. it may be helpful for classroom management if you have LC students in your classes.

Flow Efficiency
Description: Shows how long stories have spent in queues - nobody was working on
them. Shows how much you could improve if you removed waiting time.
Time in status
Description: for each story visualise how long it spent in each status (absolute and
percentage). Shows trends of where stories spend more time
● Data driven coaching - Troy Magennis
● Seven Deadly Sins of Agile Measurement - Larry Maccherone
● The Impact of Lean and Agile Quantified - Larry Maccherone
● Kanban at Scale: A Siemens Success Story - Bennet Vallet
● FocusedObjectives@Github - Troy Magennis
● Visual feedback brings key Agile principles to life - Bazil
● How visualisation improves Psychological Safety - Bazil
● Cycle Time Analytics - Troy Magennis
● Top Ten Data and Forecasting Tips - Troy Magennis
● Forecasting Your Oranges - Dan Brown
● Using Maths to work out Potentially Deliverable Scope -
Bazil Arden
● Forecasting Cards - Alexei Zheglov
Story Points
● Story Points and Velocity: The Good Bits - Pawel
● No correlation between estimated size and actual time
taken - Ian Carroll
Lead Time
● Analyzing the Lead Time Distribution Chart - Alexei
● Inside a Lead Time Distribution - Alexei Zheglov
● Lead Time: what we know about it, how we use it - Alexei
● The Economic Impact of Software Development Process
Choice - Troy Magennis
● Flow Efficiency - Julia Wester
● Cumulative Flow Diagram - Pawel Brodzinski

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Agile DC Lead Time
Agile DC Lead TimeAgile DC Lead Time
Agile DC Lead Time

This document discusses lead time and how measuring and understanding it can help forecast projects. It defines lead time as the time between one event preceding another. Lead time data can be more useful than just average times since it accounts for variability. The document also discusses using distributions to model different types of work instead of single numbers, as processes are probabilistic rather than deterministic. Measuring lead time and understanding its distribution is important for planning delivery rates and work in process.

Growth Hacking for Product Managers
Growth Hacking for Product ManagersGrowth Hacking for Product Managers
Growth Hacking for Product Managers

Practical lessons learned from our startup growth accelerator, Sprinthack on growth, agile product management and how to integrate this approach to any organisation's way of working.

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Scrum vs ScrumAnd vs ScrumBut: Which one are you doing? :: Agile Tour London ...
Scrum vs ScrumAnd vs ScrumBut: Which one are you doing? :: Agile Tour London ...Scrum vs ScrumAnd vs ScrumBut: Which one are you doing? :: Agile Tour London ...
Scrum vs ScrumAnd vs ScrumBut: Which one are you doing? :: Agile Tour London ...

This document discusses different approaches to implementing Scrum: Scrum, ScrumAnd, and ScrumBut. Scrum follows the framework strictly, ScrumAnd uses Scrum along with additional practices or "addons", and ScrumBut modifies or breaks from parts of the Scrum framework. It provides examples of popular addons for ScrumAnd, such as using XP practices, and popular modifications for ScrumBut, such as having sprints longer than 4 weeks. The document emphasizes that the goal should be to deliver working software, and modifying Scrum is acceptable if done for the right reasons, rather than just calling something Scrum.

Thank you!
really, really appreciated! Help me improve

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Kanban Metrics in practice for leading Continuous Improvement

  • 1. for leading Continuous Improvement Kanban Metrics in practice @BattistonMattia
  • 2. About me ● from Verona, Italy ● software dev & continuous improvement ● Kanban, Lean, Agile “helper” ● Sky Network Services Mattia Battiston @BattistonMattia mattia.battiston@gmail.com Ciao!
  • 4. Kan...what? a little knowledge of Kanban helps (limiting WIP, lead time, value vs waste, queues, batches, etc.)
  • 5. Why do we need metrics? #1: drive continuous improvement #2: forecast the future
  • 6. But I thought metrics were bad.... Typical problems: gaming dysfunctions
  • 7. Good vs Bad metrics ● look at improving the whole system ● reward/punish individuals “95% performance is attributable to the system, 5% to the people” W. Edwards Deming ● feedback about state of reality ● used as target ● leading (let you change behaviour) ● lagging (tell you about the past) ● all metrics must improve ● local optimisations
  • 9. How do we collect the data?
  • 10. The Spreadsheet Inputs: story details; start time and duration of each state Public version: https://goo.gl/0A9QSN For you to copy, reuse, get inspired, etc.
  • 11. All the maths you need ● Min, Max Normal: data is distributed around a central value e.g. height of UK population Skewed: data has a long tail on one side (positive or negative) e.g. income of UK population (positive skew) Lead time of stories follows skewed distribution ● Average (mean) avg(1,2,2,2,3,14) = (1+2+2+2+3+14)/6 = 4 ● Median: separates the high half from the low half. Less impacted by outliers median(1,2,2,2,3,14) = 2 ● Mode: value that occurs more frequently mode(1,2,2,2,3,14) = 2 ● Standard Deviation: measures the amount of dispersion from the average. When high, values are spread over a large range. stdev(1,2,2,2,3,14) = 4.5; stdev(1,2,2,2,3,5) = 1.2; ● Percentile: percentage of elements that fall within a range 50% perc(1,2,2,3,7,8,14) = 3; 80% perc(1,2,2,3,7,8,14) = 7.8; ● Normal Distribution vs Skewed Distribution:
  • 12. Cumulative Flow Diagram Description: Each day shows how many stories are in each state n.stories days
  • 13. Cumulative Flow Diagram Ideal CFD: thin lines growing in parallel at a steady rate -> good flow!
  • 14. Cumulative Flow Diagram ● Objective: retrospect (but needs a good facilitator) CFD used for Retrospective ● Objective: demonstrate effectiveness of changes changed WIP limit in DEV from 3 to 2
  • 15. Cumulative Flow Diagram ● Objective: decide what you should work on today ● Objective: forecasting: rough info about lead time, wip, delivery date (although they’re easier to use when tracked separately) WIP Lead Time
  • 16. CFD Patterns (taken from CFD article by Pawel Brodzinski) growing lines: indicate large WIP + context switching. action: use WIP limits stairs: indicates large batches and timeboxes action: move towards flow (lower WIP, more releases, cross-functional people) flat lines: nothing’s moving on the board action: investigate blockers, focus on finishing, split in smaller stories single flat line: testing bottleneck action: investigate blockers, pair with testers, automate more typical timeboxed iterationdropping lines: items going back action: improve policies
  • 18. Control Chart Description: For each story it shows how long it took. Displays Upper and Lower control limits; when a story falls out of limits something went wrong and you should talk about it. stories leadtime(days)
  • 19. Cycle/Lead Time stats + History Description: Stats to get to know your cycle time and lead time. They let you predict “how long is the next story likely to take?”. Visualize trends of improvement
  • 20. Lead Time distribution lead time (days) n.storiesthattookthatlong Description: For each lead time bucket (#days), how many stories have taken that long. Useful to show as a percentage to know probability. 50% 80%
  • 21. Story Health Description: Indicates if the story is in good health or if we should worry about it. Based on lead time distribution 50-80% >90%80-90%0-50% 0-4 gg 5-7 gg 8-10 gg >10 gg
  • 22. Cycle Time vs Release Prep. Time stories days Description: For each story shows how long it spent in the iteration and in release preparation (Context specific). Used to discuss cost vs value of release testing.
  • 24. Iteration Throughput iteration no.storiescompleted Description: Number of stories that get done for each iteration
  • 25. Rolling Wave Forecasting Description: visualise in the backlog the likelihood of stories getting done in the next 2 weeks
  • 26. Arrivals Rate Description: how often a story is started, aka pulled into our system (arrival). This is how often you can change your mind about what to do next
  • 27. Points vs Lead Time leadtime(days) story points Description: Shows low correlation between estimated points and actual lead time
  • 28. Disney Stations Description: Like queueing at Disneyland. “How long in here? How long from here?”
  • 29. Task Time Description: Shows how long tasks usually take (context specific). Gives you an idea of how long a story will take based on n. of tasks
  • 31. Bugs percentage Description: Percentage of bugs over stories. Also expressed as “1 bug every X stories”
  • 33. Flow Efficiency Description: Shows how long stories have spent in queues - nobody was working on them. Shows how much you could improve if you removed waiting time.
  • 34. Time in status timespentinstate(days) story Description: for each story visualise how long it spent in each status (absolute and percentage). Shows trends of where stories spend more time
  • 36. Resources Books Metrics ● Data driven coaching - Troy Magennis ● Seven Deadly Sins of Agile Measurement - Larry Maccherone ● The Impact of Lean and Agile Quantified - Larry Maccherone ● Kanban at Scale: A Siemens Success Story - Bennet Vallet ● FocusedObjectives@Github - Troy Magennis ● Visual feedback brings key Agile principles to life - Bazil Arden ● How visualisation improves Psychological Safety - Bazil Arden Forecasting ● Cycle Time Analytics - Troy Magennis ● Top Ten Data and Forecasting Tips - Troy Magennis ● Forecasting Your Oranges - Dan Brown ● Using Maths to work out Potentially Deliverable Scope - Bazil Arden ● Forecasting Cards - Alexei Zheglov Story Points ● Story Points and Velocity: The Good Bits - Pawel Brodzinski ● No correlation between estimated size and actual time taken - Ian Carroll Lead Time ● Analyzing the Lead Time Distribution Chart - Alexei Zheglov ● Inside a Lead Time Distribution - Alexei Zheglov ● Lead Time: what we know about it, how we use it - Alexei Zheglov ● The Economic Impact of Software Development Process Choice - Troy Magennis More ● Flow Efficiency - Julia Wester ● Cumulative Flow Diagram - Pawel Brodzinski

Editor's Notes

  1. thank you everyone for coming to my talk. Other sessions are great Can I ask: who here has an idea of what Kanban is? who here already knows what a CFD is? Great, you are in the right place!
  2. My name is Mattia, I’m from a small lovely town in Italy called Verona. You might know it as the city of Romeo and Juliet Background of software development, now team leader. I don’t consider myself a real coach but I like to help teams improve (run workshops, retros, talks, etc.) I work at Sky Network Services, we’re the department in Sky that deals with the Voice and Broadband. The way I explain it to my wife is “we make the internet work”. Oh btw we’re hiring
  3. this presentation is a slightly modified version of one that I do internally for teams that want to learn about Kanban metrics I use it to share our experience about why we like using metrics, what metrics we use and how, and how we collect the data
  4. not mandatory, but it helps if you have an idea of what kanban is and its values (e.g. limiting WIP) if you need help on this consider going to the London Lean Kanban Day, last year it was great and I’m sure this year it’s going to be even better!
  5. Why do I even need metrics? what problem are we trying to solve? #1 - improve (hints on where you should improve, validate experiments); Kanban is all about continuous improvement -> start with what you do, and use data to improve basically you are constantly running experiments and validating them with your data #2 - forecast future, move away from estimates and use historical data to predict the future Forecasting is a big topic that deserves to be discussed on its own, for this presentation I’m focusing on #1 (but if you want to know more we can have a chat later, or look up Troy Magennis, Kanbandan, Dimitar Bakardzhiev
  6. the typical reaction when you start talking about metrics is “how about no, thanks” The argument is usually that metrics can be gamed and they will cause dysfunctions (you’ll destroy the system but the metrics will say you’re doing great) example: velocity; we have to complete 10 points in each iteration -> double the points for each story! So yes, we are stepping in a high risk area when we talk about metrics
  7. That’s why we distinguish between good and bad metrics: good metrics are about improving the system as a whole, rather than rewarding/punishing individuals. We recognize Deming’s rule about the performance of a system (95/5). They always work with a systemic approach, team metrics absolutely not used as target! they are a feedback mechanism. Only for internal use, no exposure to management, PMs, etc. they are usually expressed as trends rather than single numbers; single numbers tends to become targets, trends instead can tell you a more generic “you are improving” they are leading to let you act on them, rather than lagging when you can’t do anything about it
  8. we use Jira but that has been setup with a very generic process to fit all teams; we’re pretty much a physical shop; we have physical boards to represent the real workflow and we either print cards or use post its this is the main board of my team, representing the main part of our process we represent our WIP limits with placeholders -> next = 3, dev = 2, test = 3; an empty placeholder is a pull signal we’ve got the next two stories to work on in next, then dev, functional testing (with “waiting” as a buffer), and waiting for a cut our point of commitment is when a story enters Next, so that’s when our Lead Time starts CLICK for “Iteration based” apps, stories have to wait in “waiting for cut” until the end of the the even iteration (2-4 weeks). Then we do a cut of the application and it goes through release testing, then to production. the “on demand” apps we can do the cut as soon as we want, so we try to do it as soon as possible and release as soon as possible “direct” stories are small things that have to be done (emails, reports, etc.) and go straight to done we treat these three as 3 different work item types, based on either different workflow or different speed in the same workflow This is very important because for most metrics you want to differentiate between work item types. They will have different lead time and different demand In particular for “On demand” and “Direct” we calculate the lead time from Next to Done But for “Iteration-based” we only count the time from Next to Cut and call it “Iteration Cycle time”, as the rest of the time is fixed time
  9. collecting the data is really simple. We record transitions; we stamp the card each time it moves from one state to the next this piece of information is enough to get most of the metrics we use then we regularly put this information in a spreadsheet, where we record the work item type and the transitions. You might decide to track some extra pieces of information, e.g. for bugs we want to record the environment it was found in. It’s up to you btw there are formulas to only count working days you’re probably wondering why we don’t use a tool. for collecting the data: make sure you are recording reality (real workflow) and you can change the data (e.g. if you forget to update it) Jira is quite bad, can’t update the dates for displaying and analysing the data: Jira is rubbish. Other tools do something, but in my experience you still want access to the raw data and go crazy with a spreadsheet. You will want to reorganise data, rearrange, split it differently, play with it...tools don’t have enough flexibility to do data mining. If you use a tool, make sure you have access to the raw data
  10. Our spreadsheet: the only input is some details about the story, what state it’s in, and then for each state when it enters that state and how long it stayed in there Collect CFD data every day - it’s inferrable but it makes it easier All the rest is calculated or inferred (organized in various sheets) Our spreadsheet has grown in complexity over time because of many experiments, eventually I will redo it and publish it
  11. I left this slide in but I’ll skip it, you can read it later if you want; the math involved is really easy, and all the formulas are already in excel
  12. Probably the most famous Kanban chart for each day it shows how many stories are in each state
  13. can be used in retrospectives and root cause analysis to look at history (but needs good facilitator)
  14. can be used as leading, but it might be just easier to look at the board keep queueing states as thin as possible don’t let any state grow too much alert when you don’t see flow (when chart is not going steadily up)
  15. one of the most famous (with CFD); usually done with dots, but it was easier to use columns (because of non-numeric data) Objective: retrospect: talk about stories that took longer or shorter than expected, and improve your process or policies; as you improve you should see trends of improvement leading: see stories approaching the limit and decide if you want to act on it Tips & Traps: use percentiles instead of std. deviation for the limits (std. dev only if you have a normal distribution) hard to talk about problems all the time (too busy to improve)
  16. we calculate some stats about our cycle time (or lead time). Objective: forecasting. Lets you answer questions like “how long do stories usually take? what are the chances that the next story is going to take longer than 10 days?” Tips and traps: distinguish between “all time” and “last X months”. I usually look at the last 5 or 6 months (the process is constantly improving, older data is not representative anymore) shows trends of improvements, but doesn’t really tell you why
  17. on x-axis you’ve got days, on y the number of stories that took that long. You should find a skewed distribution. You can draw the curve that interpolates the data - it’s called Weibull distribution Get the probability of each bucket, and if you sum them you can find that 50% of stories take 6 days or less, 85% of stories take 10 days or less So next time you ask “how long will the next story take?” you can decide how certain you want to be and pick a number. “how long will the next story take with a 80% confidence?” If I want a story to be done by a particular date, I know it needs to be in Next at least 10 days before the fixed date to have 83% confidence Objective: forecasting (on a story level, but this is the data you’d use to do a montecarlo simulation) Tips & Traps: long tail is symptom of high standard deviation (high variability) multiple peaks are often hiding multiple work item types from the shape of the weibull you can draw some conclusions
  18. concept of Health of a story, based on how long the story has been in progress for based on the lead time distribution I know that 50% stories take up to 6 days, so I consider that green. After 6 days it becomes yellow, we start worrying about it. And then red and black. Objective: leading. what should I work on today? It’s a way to escalate problems and raise alarms Tips and traps: remember to do it per work item type (can’t expect different work items to take the same amount of time)
  19. this is quite specific to our context for those stories that are iteration-based we show how long they wait in “release preparation” You can see that release testing takes up most of the time. That’s the effect of having a big batch, with all the dysfunctions that come from it. We put this together with the low value that we get from it, which is number of bugs found, to decide that it would have been crazy for new projects to follow the same approach That’s why for new applications we moved to a flow approach context specific, but it’s an example of how you can use data to drive your argument
  20. throughput: how many stories are done in a particular amount of time? we use the iteration as cadence, so “how many stories are done in two weeks?” Objective: how many stories should I plan in next iteration? are we going faster? Traps: If you split by work item type you might have iterations where you did nothing of that particular work item type; so the average is kind of weird depending on what project we’re working on, if it only involves iteration-based applications I would look at one throughput or another
  21. Shows how often a story is started Also called takt time in lean This is how often you can change your mind about what to do next (instead of deciding every two weeks) Arrivals and departures should be balanced
  22. this is a controversial one, people tend to have strong feelings for or against story points for stories of 1 points, they took from 2 to 10 days; stories of 2 points took 2 to 20 days; etc. very low correlation between story points and actual lead time this worked as a shock factor and we decided to stop wasting time with planning poker, or fingers in the air Now we do story breakdown and use historical data (e.g. lead time distribution) to forecast how long they’ll take
  23. like at disneyland “how long do I wait from here?” we use 50th and 80th percentile to show how long stories will take from here, and how long they’re going to spend in here Tips and Traps: remember, it’s only valid on a “per-work item” basis (can’t mix) useful to take decisions in the middle of the iterations
  24. another context specific metrics. When stories are in next we create a list of tasks for the story to agree on the scope and the acceptance criterias we monitored how long tasks take for a while, and now we can predict quite accurately how long a story is going to take based on the n. of tasks highly accurate for dev time (+ creating tasks makes scope clearer) Objective: forecast: how long is a story going to take, based on n. of tasks? leading: how much is left to do on this story? should we swarm? or should I rather start another story? Tips & Traps: high correlation between dev and n. tasks very low correlation between test and n. tasks (makes sense) also helps with defining scope of stories
  25. one simple way of keeping track of quality: count number of bugs; we express it as “n. of bugs per stories” so that we can keep them into account when we plan in future
  26. one of the best incarnation of lean mindset. Shows how long stories have spent in queue states, therefore no one was actively working on them (pure waste in lean) It’s a demonstration of deming’s rule - just by removing wait time we could improve our performance of 50% How do you reduce wait time? probably reduce WIP, have true cross-functional people, attack sources of variability Tips: represent queue states on your board by using red labels
  27. shows where stories spend most of the time; interesting to compare it with what the team perceives are the states that take longer. Clearly shows that development is only a small fraction of time; is this our intended process, or are we here just by chance? does this reflect the importance of each state? e.g. if we think development is the main state, are we happy with it being just a small fraction? lots of potential but hard to use for the risk of people feeling blamed
  28. GOOD drive changes to process: tells you what you should improve on and gives you directions for what to change validate experiments and arguments: can see if a change is having the effect you wanted, or find good arguments for your point enable forecasting helps answer “what should I work on today” infinite learning possibilities, only your imagination is the limit google spreadsheet as tool worked very well WATCH OUT resist the temptation to automate everything, or even worse create a custom tool! You will keep changing charts, metrics, reorganize them, etc. Use intelligent automation, just to make manual steps easier. example: you could capture the CFD data automatically, but I still prefer to have a look and copy/past them when I’m happy they’re right don’t obsess over precision, you’re looking for trends rather than precision. Number won’t always 100% precise but it doesn’t matter only use the last period of time, for example the last 6 months. Data older than that might not be accurate anymore, or might not reflect your current process people still know it better: if you have a reason to think that reality is different from what a metric is saying, you’re probably right; it’s worth investigating, you’re probably on to learning something new! PROBLEMS it was hard to get the team on board, and I actually never succeeded. NIM team is particularly difficult, people tend to have strong opinions and you have to find the right moment when they’re willing to listen. This is true in general. Be prepared to do it yourself, don’t expect people to help you until they think it’s helping them. It still works, you can look at the metrics and decide what’s the next change you’ll introduce. Just make sure you’re never forcing anything on the team, that’s an instant fail it’s hard to make these metrics speak: what do they mean? how do I interpret a particular chart? how do I read this? It’s hard to make them user friendly enough. So again, you can still use them as a management tool to drive the changes you introduce, but you need to make then easier to use if you want people to look at them as soon as you have work item types with different process the complexity explodes; I don’t know how to fix this, you need to make your metrics even more user friendly difficult to make it visible; ideally these metrics should be printable as some kind of dashboard, so before standup and after every iteration someone refreshes them and prints them. But I never managed to do it as soon as you open the spreadsheet you get an information overload that often scares people. Again, need to improve the usability. Add instructions, help, etc. should organise the metrics better, probably by their usage (example: daily vs iteration, lead time vs predictability) write down when important changes or important events happen, so that when you’re looking at the past you know “that’s when we changed the WIP limit in dev, have we improved?” it doesn’t matter what the numbers are saying, you’ll never be able to convince people with just numbers. You need to translate that to a feeling, make them feel a problem and then they’ll listen. example: it doesn’t matter that all metrics are telling you that you have too much WIP, people will be scared of WIP limits no matter what