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  Petrobras is a publicly listed company that operates on
   an integrated basis in the following segments of the oil,
       gas and power sector: exploration and production,
               refining, commercialization, transportation,
  petrochemicals, distribution of oil products, natural gas,
biofuels and electricity. Founded in 1953, Petrobras is now
    the world’s sixth largest oil company, by market value,
   according to the consulting firm PFC Energy. Leader in
 the Brazilian oil sector, Petrobras has been expanding its
operations, in order to become one of the world’s top five
                    integrated energy companies by 2020.

                         MISSION           VISION FOR 2020
   To operate in a safe and profitable       Petrobras will be one of
      manner in the energy sector in       the five largest integrated
   Brazil and abroad, showing social           energy companies in
   and environmental responsibility         the world and the brand
and providing products and services             of choice among our
    that meet clients’ needs and that                   stakeholders.
    contribute to the development of
     Brazil and the other countries in             VISION ATTRIBUTES
                                          Our activities will be notable for:
       which the company operates.
                                         > A strong international presence
                                                     > Setting a worldwide
                                                    benchmark in biofuels
                                           > Excellence in our operations,
                                                    management, human
                                               resources and technology
                                                              > Profitability
                                                 > Setting a benchmark in
                                                social and environmental
                                            > Commitment to sustainable
There are eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals
(MDG) presented in the Millennium Declaration to prioritize the
resolution of key challenges for development. The countries
should achieve the goals by 2015. Petrobras supports the MDG
and encourages other companies and institutions to put them
in practice. In 2007, the Company sponsored the MDG Brazil
Prize created by Brazilian government to encourage, valorize
and give further visibility to good practices that contribute to
achieving the goals.

      Goal 1                           Goal 5
      Eradicate extreme                Improve maternal health
      poverty and hunger

      Goal 2                           Goal 6
      Achieve universal                Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria
      primary education                and other diseases

      Goal 3                           Goal 7
      Promote gender equality          Ensure environmental
      and empower women                sustainability

      Goal 4                           Goal 8
      Reduce child mortality           Establish a global partnership
                                       for development
                             Message from the CEO       02

                                    Petrobras           05
                 Integrate role at home and abroad      06
           Rise in production, revenue and shares       10

        Social and Environmental
                    Responsibility                      14
  Management challenges in Social Responsibility        16                        Environment                 67
                      Report as a management tool       20      Principle 7 — Businesses should support
                                                                           a precautionary approach to
                                                                             environmental challenges         68
                            Human Rights                23
                                                                Role in Health, Safety and Environment        68
      Principle 1 — Businesses should support and
          respect the protection of internationally                                      Climate change       71
                         proclaimed human rights        24   Mapping, monitoring and reducing impacts         73
                           Impact on communities        24    Principle 8 — Businesses should undertake
            Cultural, social and sports investments     28                initiatives to promote greater
                                                                          environmental responsibility        75
        Principle 2 — Businesses should make sure
              that they are not complicit in human                     Consumption of energy, material
                                     rights abuses      37                     and natural resources          75
                        Relationship with suppliers     37               Emissions, effluents and waste         78
                                Human Rights Case       40                 Ecosystems and biodiversity        81
                                                               Products, compliance and transportation        85
                                                                              Energy conservation and
                                                                               conscious consumption          87
                                          Labor         43
                                                             Principle 9 — Businesses should encourage
                                         Workforce      44            the development and diffusion of
                  Health, Safety and Quality of Life    46       environmentally friendly technologies        88
                        Remuneration and benefits        50                          Renewable energies        88
        Principle 3 — Businesses should uphold the                                   Environment Case         90
          freedom of association and the effective
    recognition of the right to collective bargaining   54
                            Freedom of association      54
                                                                                 Transparency                 93
                                                                        Relationship with stakeholders        94
        Principle 4 — Businesses should uphold the
              elimination of all forms of forced and                              Products and Services       98
                                   compulsory labor     56        Principle 10 — Businesses should work
                           Rejection of forced labor    56             against corruption in all its forms   100
        Principle 5 — Businesses should uphold the             Anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies     100
                   effective abolition of child labor    58                           Transparency Case       103
Guarantee of the rights of the child and adolescent     58
       Principle 6 — Businesses should uphold the                                           Appendices       104
        elimination of discrimination in respect of
                    employment and occupation           60                                         Prizes    108
             Against prejudice and discrimination       60                                    Materiality    109
                                         Labor Case     64                              Indicator Matrix     110

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[Note: This is a partial preview. To download this presentation, visit: https://www.oeconsulting.com.sg/training-presentations] This presentation is a compilation of PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey top 20 corporate sustainability frameworks and standards. INCLUDED FRAMEWORKS & STANDARDS: 1. United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) 2. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 4. Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) 5. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) 6. FTSE4Good Index Series 7. EcoVadis Sustainability Rating 8. B Corp Certification 9. Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 10. International Integrated Reporting Framework (<IR> Framework) 11. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) 12. World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Compass 13. Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability 14. ISO 26000:2010 Social Responsibility 15. Total Resource Use and Efficiency (TRUE) 16. Carbon Trust Standard 17. Business in the Community (BITC) Corporate Responsibility Index 18. Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN) Ecolabels 19. International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Framework 20. Social Accountability International (SAI) Social Accountability Standards (SA8000)

sustainabilitysustainable developmentsustainable development goals
That same year when the Company’s
social responsibility policy was established,
       the topic was added to the corporate
        functions in the revision of the 2020
  Strategic Plan. The Petrobras challenge is
            now to become an international
      benchmark in social responsibility for
     business management, contributing to
                   sustainable development.
                         JOSÉ SERGIO GABRIELLI DE AZEVEDO, Petrobras CEO
    from the CEO

The year 2007 was a landmark for Petrobras. It was
considered to be the world’s sixth largest oil major and
a highlight of its operations was the major petroleum
discoveries in Brazil. The Tupi agglomeration alone
has a potential to significantly increase the levels of
current Brazilian reserves.
    Petrobras acknowledges and assumes its prime
responsibility for the environment. For this reason
it invested two billion reais in the environmental
aspects of its operations and external sponsorship
projects. The Company strives for eco-efficiency and
is constantly developing groundbreaking solutions to
minimize the waste of resources and impacts of its
operations. Another highlight is the increasing biofuel
investments. Petrobras is in the international fore-
front of companies with potential to operate in this
segment and to contribute to mitigating the effects
of global warming.
    Preserving the Amazon rainforest is a strategic
priority for the Company. The Petrobras Center of
Environmental Excellence in the Amazon, launched
in 2007, combines technology and scientific know-
how for the region’s sustainable development and
to prevent and reduce risks caused by the industry’s
    That same year when the Company’s social
responsibility policy was established, the topic was
added to the corporate functions in the revision of
the 2020 Strategic Plan. The Petrobras challenge is
now to become an international benchmark in social
responsibility for business management, contributing            actions of the Petrobras Citizen and Development
to sustainable development. Another 2007 highlight              program and evaluate its results. Annual public selec-
was the renewal of the Company’s participation in the           tion processes also seek to assure transparency of new
Dow Jones Sustainability Index and São Paulo Stock              incoming supported projects and make access to the
Exchange (Bovespa) Business Responsibility Index,               Company investments more democratic.
both benchmarks for investors looking for socially                  Petrobras agrees to align its management with
responsible businesses.                                         the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, to
    In 2007, Petrobras invested R$ 585.8 million                which it is a signatory since 2003. This report also
in cultural, environmental, social and sports proj-             informs about the Company’s progress in fulfilling
ects. The aim of the new Petrobras Citizenship and              these objectives.
Development social program that started in 2007                     We hope that this Social and Environmental
is to invest R$ 1.3 billion by 2012 in projects that            Report achieves its objective: to inform Petrobras
contribute to reducing poverty and social inequal-              stakeholders about our main actions, impacts, risks
ity in Brazil.                                                  and opportunities in the economic, environmental
    The program’s lines of action are to generate               and social areas.
income and job opportunities, professional training                 Good reading!
education and guaranteeing the rights of the child
and adolescent. A set of performance targets and                José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo
indicators make it possible to monitor the strategic            Petrobras CEO

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM    |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                            3

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              The market value of Petrobras, which operates in 27 countries, was
              R$ 429.9 billion in 2007, 86.6% up from the previous year. Growth in
              dollars was 125.2%, equal to US$ 242.7 billion. Company investments
              were R$ 45.3 billion, the highest annual figure ever for the Company.
                 Some of the year’s highlights are the discovery of a recoverable
              volume of five to eight billion barrels of light oil and natural gas in
              the Tupi area in Santos Basin; announcement of the Petrobras 2020
              Strategic Plan and 2008-2012 Business Plan; purchase of Suzano
              Petroquímica and takeover of the Ipiranga Group business in
              association with Braskem and the Ultra Group.

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM   |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                            5

      Integrate role at
    home and abroad
       Petrobras operates on an integrated basis at home            The trade of its products include on the Brazilian
       and abro
             abroad, with business strategies focusing on       market the sale of byproducts in diesel, gasoline, fuel
       exploration and production (E&P); downstream
       explorat                                                 oil, naphtha, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), jet fuel
       (refining, transportation and trade); petrochemi-
       (                                                        (aviation kerosene) and others. Various markets world-
       cals; distribution; gas & power; and biofuels. It is
       c                                                        wide are supplied by the Company. Product purchase
       a Brazilian public listed company incorporated as        and sale operations outside Brazil are up 49% against
       a joint stock business corporation linked to the         2006, reaching 559,000 barrels per day (bpd). Some
       Brazilian government’s Ministry of Mines and Energy.     highlights are the increase in gasoline sales in the USA
       The Company’s economic activities are freely com-        and petroleum in Colombia, plus the start of bunker
       petitive with other companies depending on market        sales with low sulfur content in Europe.
       conditions. Petrobras is regulated by the Corporation        The subsidiary Petrobras Distribuidora oper-
       Act (Law no. 6404 dated December 15, 1976) and the       ates throughout Brazil, with around 6,000 service
       Company bylaws.                                          stations and 740 BR Mania convenience stores.
            The Petrobras System consists of Petróleo           This network includes the resale of fuels and other
       Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras holding) and its subsidiar-   products, such as lubes, in addition to services. The
       ies, affiliates, joint affiliates and specific purpose com-   Company also sells considerably larger volumes of
       panies. Its subsidiaries include Petrobras Química       fuels, lubes, special products, asphalt, emulsions
       S.A. (Petroquisa), Petrobras Distribuidora S.A.          and energy to major consumers, such as industrial
       (Petrobras Distribuidora) and Petrobras Transporte       plants, governments, haulage companies and ther-
       S.A. (Transpetro).                                       moelectricity plants.

6                                                                                                             PETROBRAS
The corporate governance structure is based on the             national and international markets and strategies. In
Board of Directors, Fiscal Committee, Executive                order to assure that conflicts of interest are prevented,
Board, Administration Advisory Committees, Business            the Good Practices Code addresses Petrobras in-com-
Committees and Management Committees. The board                pany policies, such as the information dissemination         At the end
of directors consists of nine members elected by the           policy on a relevant act or fact, and the securities nego-   of 2007, the
General Shareholders’ Meeting, responsible for guid-           tiation policy, for example. These policies address
ance and senior management of the Company. The                 issues relating to the use of privileged information
board of directors sets the general business direction of      and conduct of the administrators and senior manage-
                                                                                                                            market value
the Company, defining mission, strategic objectives and         ment in Petrobras.                                           was
guidelines, in addition to approving the Strategic Plan.
The executive board consists of the CEO and six direc-
                                                                   The Fiscal Committee of a permanent nature
                                                               consists of five members, also elected by the General
tors elected by the board of directors and is responsible
for the Company’s business management.
                                                               Shareholders’ Meeting and is responsible for supervis-
                                                               ing the administrators’ acts and examining financial
    Since 1999, the chair of the board of directors is         statements, for example.
                                                                                                                            reais, or 86.6%
occupied by a member with no executive duties or                   The purpose of the board of director committees,         more than in
any other ties to Petrobras. Only one member of the            consisting of three members from the Board, is to help       2006
board has executive powers – the CEO of Petrobras.             the Committee by analyzing and recommending spe-
Of the nine directors he is the only one that does not         cific matters. The Business Committee, consisting of
conform to independence requirements. The direc-               members of the Executive Board and other Company
tors are elected by the General Shareholders’ Meeting          executives, examines and issues an opinion on relevant
without influence of the Executive Board. The corpo-            corporate topics, and which involve more than one
rate governance guidelines provide that the board of           business area. The Management committees consist of
directors each year assess its performance and the             the Company’s executive managers and act as discus-
role of the CEO and Petrobras executive directors.             sion forums on specific topics, whose results are later
These assessment mechanisms are in the process of              taken to the Business Committee. Today Petrobras
being implemented.                                             has 12 management committees: Supply; Exploration
    The corporate governance guidelines also include           & Production; Gas & Power; Organization Analysis
the skills and experience expected of the directors,           and Management; Internal Controls; Marketing and
that must meet the requirements of personal integrity,         Brands; Human Resources; Social Responsibility;
no conflicts of interest, time availability, motivation,        Risks; Health, Safety and Environment; Information
affinity with Company values, and familiarity with             Technology; and Petrobras Technology.
the best corporate governance practices. Moreover,                 Under its corporate bylaws, Petrobras activi-
experience as a top executive is valorized, in addition        ties obey the Basic Organization Plan, approved by
to knowledge of finance, accounting, energy sector,            the board of directors, which contains the general

Petrobras 2020 Strategic Plan
The Petrobras 2020 Strategic Plan and 2008-2012 Business Plan were announced in August. The Strategic Plan
has two structural changes. The first is the division by business segment, and no longer by business area. Petro-
bras now focuses its attention on six business segments: Exploration & Production (E&P), Downstream (Refining,
Transportation and Trade), Petrochemicals, Distribution, Gas & Power and Biofuels. The second refers to new
management challenges, with focus on capital discipline, human resources, social responsibility, climate change
and technology.
     The Business Plan foresees for 2012 an oil and natural gas production of 3,494,000 barrels of oil equivalent per
day (boed), of which 3,058,000 boed will be produced in Brazil. Investments are also expected of US$ 112.4 billion
in the 2008-2012 period with 87% in Brazil and 13% elsewhere.

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM   |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                                             7

    structure and defines the nature and attributes of         and by four Business Areas (Supply, Exploration &
    each body and subordination, coordination and             Production, Gas & Power and Worldwide). Each
    control relations for it to operate.                      of them is accountable to its contact director, in
        The current organizational model of Petrobras         addition to the Corporate area that is accountable
    consists of the Corporate, Finance & Service areas        to the CEO.

                                                                                                    P-50 platform in
                                                                                                     Albacora Leste,
                                                                                                      Campos Basin

    Petrobras System brand management, directly linked        and Evolua polish wax. Some of the main ser-
    to business development and protection and in line        vices provided are convenience stores (BR Mania
    with the Company’s worldwide expansion, admin-            and Spacio 1); car wash system in service stations
    istrated in 2007 a total of 4,367 registrations of this   (Lavamania and Acuocenter); quality programs (De
    intangible asset, with investments in sponsorships,       Olho no Combustível – keeping an eye on the fuel - and
    advertising, international communication, strategy,       Calidad Controlada Petrobras); lubrication center in
    development and protection of the corporate image         service stations (Lubrax Center); fuel credit card
    and brands. According to the ranking published in         (Petrobras Card); fleet automation system (Petrobras
    2006 by the consulting firm Brand Analytics, based on      Flota); loyalty (Petrobras Premmia) and relation-
    public data, the institutional trademark was worth US$    ship programs; and cultivating commercial clients
    1.012 billion, a 37% increase over the previous year.     and partners (360° Petrobras, On the Right Road,
        Some of the key Company products are: Podium          Truck Driver (Siga Bem Caminhoneiro) and Friendly
    gasoline, Podium diesel, Verana diesel, Biodiesel, BR     Mechanic (Amigo Mecânico).
    Aviation, Lubrax lubes and waxes, Lubrax Aviation

8                                                                                                         PETROBRAS

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The document discusses conducting business ethically and responsibly, including assessing ethics in the workplace, social responsibility towards stakeholders like customers and the environment, and implementing social responsibility programs through approaches like being proactive and managing responsibility plans. It also covers responsibilities to different groups like employees, investors, and the community, as well as considerations for social responsibility for small businesses.

Petrobras Organizational Structure
     The Petrobras organization model, approved by the Board of Directors in October 2000, is constantly being refined. Changes in the
     Company’s organizational structure in 2007 led to the adoption of a new organizational and administrative model in certain units. Examples
     of this are the broadened scope of operations in the Exploration & Production business unit in the Solimões Basin, the creation of temporary
     organizational structures for the implementation of large-scale undertakings, and the transferring of telecommunications activities to the
     Services area. Approval was granted for the structural reorganization of business units abroad, linked to the International business area.

                                                                 BOARD OF

                                                 Ombudsman                                     Internal Auditing


       Business Strategy &                                                                                                       Systems
             Performance                                                                                                         Development

                        New                                                                                                      Legal Area

                   Human                                CEO’s                                General                             Institutional
                 Resources                              Office                               Secretary                           Communication

                                                          Exploration                                       International
    Financial Area               Gas & Power              & Production           Downstream                                          Services

                                                                                                                                     Health, Safety &
    Corporate Finance            Corporate Section        Corporate Section      Corporate Section          Corporate Area           the Environment

    Financial                    Natural Gas
    Planning & Risk              Logistics &              Production                                        Business Technical
                                                                                 Logistics                                           Materials
    Management                   Equity Stakes            Engineering                                       Support

                                                                                                                                     Research &
                                 Energy Operations                                                          Business
    Finance                                               Services               Refining                                            Development
                                 & Equity Stakes                                                            Development              (Cenpes)

    Accounting                   Energy                   Exploration            Petrochemicals &           Southern Cone            Engineering
                                 Development                                     Fertilizers                Region

                                                                                                            Americas, Africa         Information
    Taxation                     Marketing & Sales        North–Northeast        Marketing & Sales                                   Technology & Tele-
                                                                                                            & Eurasia

    Investor Relations                                    South–Southeast                                                            Shared

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM     |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                                                          9

                                   Rise in
                              and shares
     Petrobras operates in 27 countries: Angola, Argentina,      sales performance on the home and foreign markets.
     Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador,
              B                                                  Net income was R$ 21.5 billion, 17% lower than in
     England India, Iran, Japan, Libya, Mexico, Mozambique,
             I                                                   2006 because of factors such as the valorization of the
     Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Senegal,       real, import costs for petroleum and byproducts, and
     Singapore, Tanzania, Turkey, Uruguay, USA and               extraordinary expenses with personnel with regard to
     Venezuela. Exploration and production are carried           the new pension plan agreement. The operating cash
     out in 20 countries.                                        generating capacity (EBITDA) continued stable in
         At the end of 2007, the Company’s market value          relation to the year before.
     was R$ 429.9 billion, 86.6% more than in 2006. In               Consolidated investments rose 34% compared
     dollars, its market value reached the US$ 242.7 bil-        to those in 2006, and reached the record figure of
     lion mark, which is a growth of 125.2% compared to          R$ 45.3 billion. The exploration and production
     the previous year. According to consulting firm PFC          segment received 47% - the largest share of direct
     Energy, it ranks as the sixth largest oil major in the      investments.
     world based on market value. The Petrobras financial             In November, Petrobras announced the discovery
     and operational results, the rise in international prices   of a major oil-bearing area in Brazil, stretching from
     of a barrel of petroleum and the major oil discover-        the Espirito Santo, Campos to Santos basins. The
     ies were decisive factors in the performance of the         discovered volume in the Tupi accumulation alone,
     Company shares in 2007.                                     part of this new frontier, has potential to increase the
         The net operating income was R$ 170.6 billion,          country’s current reserves by 50%.
     8% more than in 2006, the result of the improved                Another milestone was the start of deepwater

10                                                                                                             PETROBRAS
production in Northeast Brazil in the Piranema field                                                       Petrobras
                                                                                                  service station in
off the coast of Sergipe. The processed oil is consid-                                                Rio de Janeiro

ered the lightest ever found in deepwater in Brazil and
essential for lube production.
    In 2007 the total volume of 2.301 million boed of
oil and natural gas produced is almost the same level
as the previous year. In Brazil, 2.065 million boed was
produced and 236,000 boed outside Brazil, including
1.918 million barrels of oil, natural gas liquid (NGL)
and condensate and 383,000 boed of natural gas. On
December 31 the volume of the Petrobras proven
reserves of oil, condensate and natural gas was 15.01
billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), representing                                                                   Petrobras
0.1% less than the previous year.                                                                                       invested
    The total byproduct production was 2.046 mil-
lion bpd, or 8% more than in 2006. Ninety percent of                                                                    45.3
installed capacity was used in Brazil and 85% in the
other countries.
    Petrobras, the Ultra Group and Braskem signed                                                                       reais in 2007
an agreement to buy the Ipiranga Group shares for a
total sum of four billion dollars, of which Petrobras
disbursed US$ 1.3 billion. The Company now has                 ADR. This alteration was intended to make it easier
the distribution network of the Ipiranga Group in              for the small investor to buy ADRs on the New York
North, Northeast and Midwest Brazil, plus 40% of               stock exchange.
the Group’s activities in the petrochemicals sector.               Considering the implementation of major proj-
In 2007, it also bought out Suzano Petroquímica for            ects in the Company, two are worth mentioning: the
the total price of R$ 2.7 billion.                             Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj),
    Petrobras signed a lease agreement of R$ 45 mil-           which will process 150,000 bpd of oil to produce
lion with the company Emae for a 17-year rental of             petrochemical raw materials and byproducts from
the Piratininga thermoelectric power plant. The plant          2012 on; and the Northeast Refinery (Abreu e Lima
in the city of São Paulo is now part of the Petrobras          Refinery), under construction in Pernambuco, with
generation complex.                                            its start up expected for 2010 and production capac-
    Although there has been no change in the                   ity of 140,000 bpd of diesel. For 2014 the Premium
Petrobras capital stock structure in 2007, the ratio           Refinery is to start operating, although without a fixed
was altered between the shares and the American                site, which will process 500,000 bpd of heavy and sour
Depositary Receipts (ADRs) to two shares for each              oil from the Campos Basin.

Assets in Bolivia
In June 2007 all the shares in Petrobras Bolivia Refinación S.A. (PBR) were transferred to the state-owned oil
Company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) for US$ 112 million. In 2006, the Bolivian govern-
ment decided to nationalize most of the shares of PBR, owner of Santa Cruz and Cochabamba refineries. Sub-
sequent events were negotiation of advanced fair compensation with the Bolivian authorities; continuation
of Petrobras in the partnership, on the condition that it keeps its policies of health, safety and environment
and human resources in the refinery operations; and independent assessment of the share value, according
to criteria normally adopted for this type of transaction.
     The sale of all shares to YPFB was the best solution in the interest of both companies. The role of Petro-
bras in Bolivia is currently focused on the exploration and production, and gas and energy segments.

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM   |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                                        11

                                                                                                       PETROBRAS FIGURES

                 SALES VOLUME
                 (‘000 BARRELS PER DAY)                                                               2007    COMPARISON WITH 2006 (%)

                 Brazil                                                                              2,035                                 4
                 Byproducts                                                                          1,725                                 3
                     Diesel                                                                            705                                 5

       Total         Gasoline
                     Fuel oil
 byproducts          Naphtha                                                                           166                                 1
      were           Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)                                                     206                                 2
                     Jet fuel                                                                           70                                 9
  2.046              Other                                                                             172                                 3

 million         Alcohols, nitrogen compounds, biodiesel and other
                 Natural gas
barrels a day,
                 Other countries                                                                     1,204                                11
or 8% above      Exports                                                                               618                                 6

        2006     International sales                                                                   586                                17
                 Total                                                                               3,239                                 6

                 SHAREHOLDERS                                                                      SHARES                                  %

                 Federal government                                                         1,413,258,228                               32.2
                 BNDESPar                                                                       334,269,831                              7.6
                 ADR (common stock)                                                             695,675,776                             15.9
                 ADR (preferred capital stock)                                                  675,831,674                             15.4
                 FMP – Petrobras employee severance indemnity fund                              102,326,421                              2.3
                 Aliens (CMN Resolution no. 2689)                                               341,974,795                              7.8
                 Other individuals and companies                                                823,701,645                             18.8
                 Total                                                                      4,387,038,370                              100.0

                 NOMINAL VALORIZATION IN 2007(%)                     PETROBRAS SYSTEM
                 Petrobras common stock                 92.7         Employees                                                      68,931
                 Petrobras preferred stock              77.5         Shareholders                                                 272,952
                 ADR PBR (common)                      123.8         Exploration                                70 drilling rigs (43 offshore)
                 ADR PBR (preferred)                   107.5         Producer wells                                   9,569 (828 offshore)
                 Ibovespa                               43.7         Production platforms                        109 (77 fixed; 32 floating)
                 Amex Oil                               31.3         Refineries                                                          15
                 Dow Jones                               6.4         Pipelines                                                  23,142 km
                 Nasdaq                                  9.8         Tanker fleet                                                   55 own
                 Market value (R$ million)             429.9         Service stations                                                6,963
                                                                     Fertilizers                                                   3 plants
                                                                     Thermoelectricity plants                                            15

                                                                           In 2007 the total significant financial incentive
                                                                              from the government was R$ 2,528.9 billion.

12                                                                                                                             PETROBRAS

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by MSL
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(R$’000)                                                                   2007            2006

    Sales of goods and services and non-operating results           220,153,532     206,298,241
    Provision for settling doubtful debts – constitution               (104,156)        (13,045)
                                                                    220,049,376     206,285,196
Inputs acquired from third parties
    Consumables                                                      (26,304,617)    (24,409,419)
    Cost of merchandise for resale                                   (36,803,166)    (31,470,438)
    Energy, outsourcing and other operating expenses                 (28,495,668)    (22,596,832)
                                                                    (91,603,451)    (78,476,689)
Gross added value                                                   128,445,925     127,808,507

Retentions (depreciation & amortization)                             (10,695,825)     (9,823,557)
Net added value produced by company                                 117,750,100     117,984,950
Added value received in transfer
    Income from holdings in relevant investments                        (582,742)       (189,936)
    Financial income – includes monetary and exchange variations      2,506,543       2,388,152
    Amortization of share premiums and discounts                         (97,913)        (43,279)
    Rent and royalties                                                  562,307         554,750
                                                                      2,388,195       2,709,687
Added value for distribution                                        120,138,295     120,694,637

Distribution of added value
Personnel & administrators
    Wages, benefits and charges                                       7,059,652       5,952,525
    Employee and administrator profit sharing                         1,011,914       1,196,918
    Retirement and pension plan                                       2,872,894       1,384,879
    Health care plan                                                  1,867,607       1,860,478
                                                                     12,812,067      10,394,800
    Taxes, charges and contributions                                 54,374,015      53,963,591
    Deferred income tax and social contribution                         477,234         766,329
    Government interest                                              15,753,525      17,311,004
                                                                     70,604,774      72,040,924
Financial institutions & suppliers
    Interest, exchange and monetary variations                        6,438,549       3,720,347
    Rental and charter expenses                                       7,028,290       7,026,343
                                                                     13,466,839      10,746,690
    Interest on own capital and dividends                             6,580,557       7,896,669
    Holdings of non-controlling shareholders                          1,742,826       1,593,303
    Withheld earnings                                                14,931,232      18,022,251
                                                                     23,254,615      27,512,223
Distributed added value                                             120,138,295     120,694,637

 WWW.PETROBRAS.COM       |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                 13
Social and
In 2007 major advances were made in the field of the Company’s
social responsibility, which were to reflect on management and its
stakeholder relations. In its continuous striving to align its operations
with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, Petrobras
participated in and undertook projects that evidence its commitment
to reducing social inequalities and minimizing environmental
impacts of its activities. In recognition, its participation in Dow Jones
Sustainability Index (DJSI) and São Paulo Stock Exchange Business
Sustainability Index (ISE - Bovespa) was renewed.

challenges in Social
      The Man
          Management Committee for Social Responsi-              Assessing Social Responsibility Reports, and the
      bility is the main deliberative body on related issues     Diversity Committee.
      in the Petrobras System. It is linked to the Business
         th                                                          In 2007, 23 areas of Petrobras Holding and three
      Committee and its members are executive manag-
      Com                                                        subsidiaries were represented on the Committee for
      ers from 13 areas in the Company, in addition to the       Drafting and Assessing Social Responsibility Reports.
      subsidiaries Transpetro, Petrobras Distribuidora and       One of its responsibilities is to prepare content for the
      Petroquisa.                                                Social and Environmental Report and collect informa-
          Its main tasks are to create Social Responsibility     tion for questionnaires that resulted in the renewal of
      (SR) corporate guidelines and strategies, including        its participation in DJSI and ISE–Bovespa.
      aspects of stakeholder relations. It is also up to this         In order to increase the awareness of senior man-
      Committee to monitor the Company’s related activi-         agement with regard to SR matters, Petrobras contin-
      ties and projects, and to assess the performance and       ued with the Management Capacity Building Project,
      propose actions for alignment and integration.             which began in 2006. The project is a partnership with
          Some of the matters discussed during 2007 are          Uniethos, an institution specializing in SR capacity
      the preparation of the SR policy, inclusion of social      building and sustainable development for the business
      responsibility as a corporate role in the 2020 Strategic   and academic sectors. The content presents the main
      Plan, the Petrobras Citizen and Development pro-           SR principles and its impacts, risks and opportuni-
      gram, Gender Equality action plan, and the SR              ties in the oil and gas sector. The Company organized
      indicators and targets in the Company Balanced             training for the members of the Board of Directors,
      Scorecard. Two committees are directly related to          Executive Board, SR Management Committee and
      the Committee: the Committee for Drafting and              Institutional Communication managers.

 16                                                                               SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY

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Sustainability Guidelines
for the Amazon
The Company used the concept of sustainable de-
velopment to create the Sustainability Guidelines for
Petrobras Exploration and Production in the Amazon.
The guidelines were prepared by specialists and agen-
                                                                Social Responsibility Policy
cies working in the Amazon region, and address topics
 such as: protecting biodiversity; operating ecoefficiency;      Petrobras considers social responsibility to be “the
contingency control; and cultural, economic and social
interfacing.                                                    form of ethical and transparent integrated business
      The concept of sustainability must be considered          management with all stakeholders, promoting
at all stages in the life cycle of the projects and there
must be equal priority between the economic, environ-
                                                                human rights and citizenship, respecting cultural
mental and social variables. The guidelines also seek to        and human diversity, against discrimination,
minimize interference in the natural and ethnic-cultural
                                                                degrading work, child and slave labor, and
processes as well as promote social inclusion.
                                                                contributing to sustainable development and
                                                                reducing social inequality”.
    Petrobras started up the pilot SR capacity
building project for general and executive manag-
                                                                1 · Corporate Performance · To ensure that
ers, based on the Globally Responsible Leadership               corporate governance of the Petrobras System
Initiative (GRLI). The GRLI consists of executives              is committed to ethics and transparency in
from companies and business schools in five conti-               stakeholder relations. 2 · Integrated management
nents and was created by the European Foundation                · To ensure integrated management with
for Management Development (EFMD), with the                     social responsibility in the Petrobras System.
support of the UN Global Compact. The pilot proj-
                                                                3 · Sustainable Development · To conduct
ect was tailor-made for Petrobras, in a partnership
between Petrobras University, EFMD and Dom
                                                                Petrobras System business and operations with
Cabral Foundation. The first module began in 2007                social responsibility, fulfilling its commitments in
and will continue during 2008.                                  accordance with UN Global Compact principles and
                                                                contributing to sustainable development.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN                                        4 · Human Rights · To respect and support human
THE 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN                                         rights recognized internationally, basing the actions
When reviewing the 2020 Strategic Plan, social
                                                                of the Petrobras System on the promotion of the
responsibility now plays a corporate role with a spe-
                                                                principles of decent work and non-discrimination.
cific management challenge: “to be an international
benchmark in social responsibility in business man-
                                                                5 · Diversity · To respect the cultural and human
agement, contributing to sustainable development”.              diversity of its workforce and the countries where
The 2020 Vision attributes include commitment to                it operates. 6 · Labor Principles · To support the
sustainable development and the Company’s recog-                eradication of child, slave and degrading labor in
nition as a benchmark in social and environmental               the production chain of the Petrobras System.
responsibility.                                                 7 · Sustainable Social Investment · To seek
    The Petrobras Social Responsibility Policy was
                                                                sustainability of its social investments to achieve
created with the same objective to centralize aspects
in the areas of integrated management, sustain-
                                                                decent and productive social inclusion.
able development, human rights, diversity, decent               8 · Workforce Commitment · To assure the
work, sustainable social investment and workforce               commitment of its workforce to the social
commitment.                                                     responsibility policy of the Petrobras System.

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM    |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                      17
Vegetable garden in
                                                                                                the Family Farming
                                                                                                     along Pipelines
                                                                                              project, Rio de Janeiro

     SUPPORT FOR PRINCIPLES                                  ISO 26000 - Petrobras continues to participate in
     AND PROJECTS                                            drafting the ISO 26000, the future international stan-
     Global Compact — Petrobras has been signatory           dard on social responsibility to be launched in 2010.
     to the UN Global Compact since 2003 and its CEO         This standard is being developed by the International
     is a member of the International Board since 2006.      Organization for Standardization (ISO) — the top
     Petrobras is the only Latin American company to sit     world organization in developing technical regulations
     on the Council. In 2007 the Company attended the        and standards — in a multi-stakeholder process with
     International Council meetings and was the mas-         participation of representatives from industry, work-
     ter sponsor of the 2nd Global Leaders Meeting in        ers, government, non-governmental organizations,
     Geneva, Switzerland. The Company was also repre-        consumers and academic institutions from more
     sented at the World Network Meeting in Monterrey,       than 70 countries. Petrobras attended the two interna-
     Mexico, where delegations from different countries       tional working group meetings — in January in Sydney,
     discussed their experiences and know-how. In Brazil     Australia, and in November in Vienna, Austria — and
     the Company is a member of the Brazilian Global         organized thematic workshops for the local Global
     Compact Committee as corporate vice-president           Compact networks in Brazil and Mexico.
     since 2006.                                                 To further discussion about the ISO 26000
         The Social and Environmental Report is sent every   in Brazil, Petrobras signed a partnership with the
     year to UN Global Compact as its Communication          Brazilian Association for Technical Standards
     on Progress (COP). The submission of COP is one         (ABNT). Thematic seminars were held in a number
     of the conditions for organizations to stay active in   of Brazilian state capitals to spread knowledge about
     the Compact.                                            the future standard.

18                                                                           SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY

    It is one of the companies that contributed to the         representing the upstream and downstream sectors
ISO SR Trust Fund, which supports the participation            of the oil and gas industry, specifically on social and
of developing countries with finance problems in the            environmental issues. The objective of Ipieca is to
international meetings.                                        create and promote solutions so that all practices
Global Reporting Initiative — The Global                       can be socially and economically feasible for the
Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international institu-        oil and gas industry, offering a forum for discussion
tion that provides global guidelines for sustainability        and encouraging ongoing improvement of the indus-
reports through multi-stakeholder polls. The GRI               try’s performance. The Company is a member of the
model is used by the major companies worldwide                 Association’s SR committee.
to facilitate comparison between the presented data                Its members agree to contribute to sustainable
and information. Since 2006, the Company has been              development, supply safety and renewable energies
an Organizational Stakeholder (OS) member of GRI.              with social and environmental responsibility; run its
In 2007 Petrobras was elected by the other OS to the           operations and activities with business ethics; develop
GRI International Stakeholders Council, becoming               and encourage practices and solutions with others in the
one of the representatives of the Latin American               industry; and engage its stakeholders, considering their
industry segment.                                              expectations, ideas and visions, working together with
World Business Council for Sustainable                         governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Development (WBCSD) — In 2007 the Company                      Arpel — The Company is one of the 29 members
finalized its process that began in 2006 to join the           of the Regional Association of Oil and Natural Gas
WBCSD and became the sixth Brazilian company to                Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean
sign an agreement with the institution. The WBCSD              (ARPEL). Its mission is to promote and facilitate
brings together more than 200 companies worldwide,             development and integration of the oil and natural
including major international corporations, to further         gas industry, reinforcing its reputation and interac-
sustainable development through business solutions.            tion with society.
    In Brazil, Petrobras is member of the Brazilian                Petrobras is represented in eight committees and
Business Council for Sustainable Development, as               chairs the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee,
vice-president of the institution’s Committee for              whose working focus 2007-2011 is to implement SR
Corporate Responsibility.                                      among Arpel members, promote community devel-
International Petroleum Industry Environ-                      opment programs in the oil and gas industry, topics
mental Conservation Association (Ipieca) —                     relating to indigenous peoples and governance and
Petrobras is a member of Ipieca, a global association          energy integration.

In 2007 Petrobras became a member
of the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development and one
of the six Brazilian corporations to sign
an agreement with the institution
WWW.PETROBRAS.COM   |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                              19

          Report as a
     management tool
       The Social and Environmental Report (SER) is a valu-
           Socia                                                          This Report contains information referring to
       able management tool for the Company. It is not only
            m                                                         actions between January and December 2007 by the
       a tool for transparency and means of disseminating
         too                                                          Petrobras Holding in Brazil and wherever it oper-
       the principal actions taken during the year before
           p                                                          ates, and the subsidiaries Petrobras Distribuidora,
       its publication, but also plays the role of supporting         Transpetro and Petroquisa.
       the assessment of the form of SR management in the                 This year the Company decided to adopt only the
       Petrobras System.                                              GRI indicators, internationally recognized by busi-
           The Committee for Drafting and Assessing Reports           nesses and institutions that publish sustainability
       on Social and Environmental Responsibility is respon-          reports. With this change, then, the number of indica-
       sible for producing the report, which is coordinated by        tors presented dropped sharply compared to previous
       the Institutional Communication Manager.                       publications, which made it possible to go deeper into
           Every year a critical analysis of the SER results in the   the topics to be addressed.
       Vulnerabilities Chart, which evaluates any existing gaps           The information was collected by means of the
       and finds opportunities to improve, and strategies for          Follow-up System of Social Responsibility Indicators,
       SR action. This chart is examined by the Management            a database guided by the GRI indicator matrix. This
       Commitee for Social Responsibility.                            year, 398 professionals from 26 areas and subsidiaries
            The Petrobras SER for 2006 was given major recog-         collaborated to collect information. The entire con-
       nitions. For the second year running it was considered         tent produced from this information was validated by
       notable by the UN Global Compact and an example to             the Committee for Drafting and Assessing Reports on
       be followed. It was also entitled the GRI A+ seal for top      Social and Environmental Responsibility.
       level quality report assessed by the institution.                  The publication is audited and revised externally

20                                                                                    SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY

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The presentation contains forward-looking statements about future events that are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of future results. Such statements merely reflect the Company’s current views and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. Readers are cautioned that these statements are only projections and may differ materially from actual future results or events. The document also contains certain financial measures that are not recognized under Brazilian GAAP or IFRS and may not be comparable to similarly-titled measures provided by other companies.

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Young reporters of the Japim
 community radio in the
 Mocoronga Communication
 Network, Pará

by KPMG Independent Auditors. Petrobras also once              This year Petrobras also produces specific hardcopy
again is publishing the Ibase/Betinho Social Report            versions for the internal and general publics, as well
model, which is part of the set of accounting infor-           as online and CD versions.
mation sent to the Brazilian Exchange and Securities               The online version is permanently available in the
Commission (CVM).                                              Company’s website, on the Social and Environmental
    In response to a GRI recommendation, the                   Responsibility page, and is accessible to people with
Company for the first time performed the Materiality            visual disability.
Test, a poll for stakeholders. The Test was applied                The hardcopy version is distributed to the main      For the second
in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, with            stakeholders, such as internal public, press, govern-    year running
participation of representatives of the main stake-            ment, regulatory agencies, HSE agencies, non-govern-     UN Global
holders in relation to the Report: internal public, sup-       mental organizations and the academic community.         Compact
pliers, third sector, academic community, investors,           This year was the first time when Petrobras produced      considered the
clients and the general public. They all assessed the          the Braille version of the hardcopy report, to make it   Petrobras SER
Petrobras 2006 SER based on specific criteria and               also accessible to the visually impaired.                notable
could give their opinion and mention subjects to be                Examples can be requested through the e-mail         and an
reported (further details and results in the appendi-          balancosocial@petrobras.com.br or directly from the      example
ces — page 109).                                               SER Coordinator (address and phone available on the      to be followed
    After obtaining the results, the Company now had           sleeve of the third cover).
a guide to the most important topics to be addressed,
the so-called material indicators, and obtained an               Compiling the data reported in the SER is requested from the responsible
external assessment of the 2006 SER.                             areas and processed using their internal controls and operating systems.
    The Social and Environmental Report is pub-                  This data is measured according to the instructions by GRI in the indicator
lished every year in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM   |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                                              21
Social 2007 ing
Human Rights
Petrobras is committed to responsible growth and to help guarantee human
rights, both in communities where it operates and in supplier and internal
public relations. In 2007 it invested R$ 534 million in cultural, social and
sports projects. The Company gives priority to community participation,
respecting local cultures and identities and involving community leaders in
every region where it operates at home and abroad.
Principle 1 — Businesses should support and
      respect the protection of internationally
                        proclaimed human rights

                   Impacts on
         Petrobras intends to reduce risks, prevent negative        ing communities with poor social inclusion. Its projects
         social impacts and generate positive results through
                im                                                  and operations are designed to minimize interference in
         relationship programs in communities where it oper-        the natural and ethno-cultural processes and promote
         ates. It adopts ethical standards with its different       social inclusion.
         stakeholders by means of permanent communication               In 2007, there was no record of violation of indig-
         and dialogue systems with local leaders, to identify       enous peoples’ rights. Before undertaking any activ-
         and register the impacts of its activities. The Company    ity Petrobras upholds official aspects and consults
         increases its knowledge of local scenarios to assure the   licensing bodies and the Brazilian National Indigenous
         process of social inclusion and improve the quality of     Foundation (Funai). The Company supports a set of
         community life.                                            projects in different regions to promote the rights of
             The Company undertakes cultural, social and            the indigenous peoples. Some examples are the Project
         sports projects, respecting the communities living         to Implement Fish-farming in Indigenous Villages, in
         around its units. According to the Petrobras code of       Palmas and Laranjinha, Paraná; the Bracui Indigenous
         ethics, it works with community leaders and in accor-      Food Security Project, in Rio de Janeiro, and the Kani
         dance with local characteristics. The Company is com-      project, in Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso.
         mitted to its relationship with the community based            In 2005, Petrobras encountered setbacks in its oper-
         on respect for diversity, considering its demands and      ations in Ecuador from criticism by Ecuadorian social
         expectations. Petrobras analyses the strong and weak       movements on the Company’s plans to start activities
         points of each place, helping to strengthen neighbor-      in block 31 in the Yasuni National Park, Ecuadorian

24                                                                                                            HUMAN RIGHTS

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O documento apresenta as informações da reunião anual com investidores da Petrobras em 2018. Nele, o presidente da Petrobras discute os principais destaques da companhia no ano, incluindo a redução da dívida líquida, aumento do fluxo de caixa livre e entrega consistente das metas de produção. Além disso, o documento aborda a melhoria da governança corporativa e da gestão de riscos da Petrobras.

riinvestor daypetrobras
Amazon. The park occupies 70% of the most diverse               sis and health, safety and environment recommenda-
biomes on Earth and is the home of the Huaorani peo-            tions. The work in the operational units is done jointly
ple. Petrobras settled the issue by dialoguing with the         with non-governmental organizations and other gov-
stakeholders. The Company undertook community                   ernment agencies involved.
projects, infrastructure works and actions to preserve             Petrobras identifies the basic needs of the regions
the indigenous groups belonging to the cultural heri-           to improve the quality of life around its projects and
tage of humanity. All Petrobras activities in Ecuador           sets up projects in support of the communities. On
conform to its social responsibility policy.                    the international scene, the Mexico Business unit has
    Petrobras prepared a relationship plan with                 contracts for public works with Pemex Exploration &
the communities in the vicinity of the future Rio de            Production — a Mexican state-owned Company —,
Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj), planning               by allocating funds to the infrastructure works. In
actions for local sustainable development and through           Colombia, projects help to optimize and increase the
ongoing dialogue. Agenda 21 adopted in Comperj is               spread of public utilities, contributing to rural and
based on the Keeping an Eye on the Environment                  urban development. Investments of US$ 252,097
program and is being built in conjunction with the              helped improve living conditions and quality of life
Rio de Janeiro state government, business sector and            in these communities, attending 1,670 beneficiary
civil society. The Exploration and Production (E&P)             households. Petrobras Energia Ecuador complies
are using a new licensing method for projects in the            with Ecuadorian environmental legislation in the
Campos Basin Unit. With the approval of the Brazilian           community relations plans and compensation agree-            Petrobras
Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural             ments with the community in the areas of influence.           activities
Resources (Ibama), the Environmental Education                  The Company has invested in electric power projects,         positively
Program (PEA) collectively develops local Agendas               water wells, dispensaries, road improvement, sports          impact the
21 with priority actions and projects for affected              facilities and associations.                                 economy of the
neighboring social groups, based on local problems,                 Petrobras works to preserve and increase health          regions where
disputes and potential environmental aspects.                   care in the neighboring communities with services to         it operates,
    In the Engineering area, responsible for the new            monitor and control endemic diseases in its projects.        benefiting local
Petrobras facilities and expansion, the environmental           It is also doing a preliminary study in gas pipeline areas   businesses
impacts of pipeline projects are assessed after diagno-         to control their branch lines and access.

  Keeping an Eye on the Environment
  The Keeping an Eye on the Environment program has been run by Petrobras since 2005 and
  is validated by the Brazilian Ministry for the Environment. The program ratifies the Company’s
  commitment to sustainable development of the communities within its area of influence. It helps
  build Local Agendas 21 — an action plan for sustainable development that analyses the status of
  a state, county or region, with the participation of governments, companies, NGOs and society,
  to form partnerships for short, mid and long term solutions — and actions to improve the local
  quality of life. Keeping an Eye on the Environment, by using the fully participative community
  democracy, is a valuable tool for people’s mobilization and participation by implementing an
  action plan for community development.

   Mapped households                                                                                        269,195
   Surveyed households                                                                                      100,220
   Accumulated social environmental information                                                           7,215,840
   Community Agendas 21 ready (not implemented)                                                                 238
   Total possible community Agendas 21                                                                          338

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM    |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                                            25
Artisan in the Carnaúba Viva
                                      project, which produces
                                    straw mats as padding for
                                          Petrobras pipelines

     Stakeholder relations are ongoing and Petrobras
     maintains a continuous reciprocal and honest dia-
     logue with employees, shareholders, opinion setters,
     NGOs, press, public authorities, clients, communities
     and suppliers.
         The Company forms local partnerships for
     capacity building and subsequent recruitment, and
     to undertake projects. During the year Brazilian sup-
     pliers were allocated 70% of the investments in goods
     and service procurement. By giving priority to the
     home market, Petrobras contracted US$ 5.24 billion
     in goods and US$ 34.6 billion in services to a total of
     US$ 39.84 billion.
         Petrobras-supplier relations are based on values
     established in the social responsibility policy and
     code of ethics. The Company imposes regulations on
     its suppliers and takes action to develop the market

26                                 HUMAN RIGHTS    |   PRINCIPLE 1

70% of funds allocated to
procurement of goods during the
year went to Brazilian suppliers

                                                                                                                                 Principle 1
in order to align the supply of procured goods and             state. In this way Petrobras seeks to encourage mar-
services with the corporate guidelines.                        ket development for the oil and gas industry and to
     Every contract for biodiesel production in the            include small businesses in the supply chain of this
Company plants gives priority to raw material procure-         industrial segment.
ment from rural family-based producers. Petrobras                  The Company is aware of the economic impacts
hires local labor, providing technical assistance and          of its activities. When giving preference to local suppli-
capacity building to guarantee income and dead-                ers, it helps to maintain small and medium size service
lines compatible with the activity. The action plan for        providers and form partnerships with cooperatives.
Company-related biodiesel units advances rural family-         The main indirect economic impacts of Petrobras are
based producers by procurement of the production.              on paying royalties and special holdings, value added
Petrobras encourages setting up seed banks and build-          tax collection on goods and services (ICMS) and other
ing the productive capacity of the communities, and            taxation. The Plan of Investments in Brazil, mentioned
prepares studies to benefit farmers’ households.                in the 2008-2012 Business Plan, plans to create 917,000
    In the Amazon, the Exploration and Production              jobs, with 338,000 indirect ones in income effect and
Sustainability Guidelines define Company commit-                350,000 in the production chain. Added value in the
ment to prioritizing recruitment of local suppliers that       country, which measures the contribution of Petrobras
work with sustainability. In 2007 54% of the contracts         to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is an average of
signed by UN-AM were with companies in Amazonas                around 10% of the Brazilian GDP.

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM   |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                                27
Businesses should support and respect the protection
of internationally proclaimed human rights

                                                                                                  Cultural, social
                                                                                                      and sports
             Principle 1

                                                                                                  PETROBRAS CITIZENSHIP
                                                                                                  AND DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                                  In the past Petrobras has been including sustain-                                 its decision-making process the interests of its various
                                                                                                  ability-related aspects in both its business strategy                             stakeholders.
                                                                                                  and management practices in order to run its busi-                                    In 2007, Petrobras allocated around R$ 534 mil-
                                                                                                  ness according to an economically efficient, socially                               lion to sponsorships and support for cultural, social
                                                                                                  just and environmentally responsible model. The                                   and sports projects. This sum includes R$ 26.1 mil-
                                                                                                  Company therefore has achieved widespread recog-                                  lion for the Petrobras Young Apprentice Program
                                                                                                  nition at home and abroad for its leading role and                                and about R$ 43.2 million to the Fund for Childhood
                                                                                                  capacity to overcome the compensation and mitiga-                                 and Adolescence (FIA), to guarantee children’s and
                                                                                                  tion of social responsibility, successfully including in                          adolescents’ rights.
                                                                                                                                                                                        The Company is conscious of its role as devel-
                                                       INVESTMENTS IN SOCIAL PROJECTS IN 2007                                                                                       opment inducer and in 2007 launched the Petrobras
                                                       LINE OF ACTION                                                                NO. OF PROJECTS                      R$ ‘000   Development & Citizenship Program, continuing with
                                                       Income and Job Opportunity Generation                                                           321                58,838    actions considered to be successful or promising in
                                                       Education for Professional Qualification                                                        206                38,745    the Petrobras Zero Hunger Program, which directly
                                                       Guaranteeing Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights (1)                                             508            110,615       and indirectly attended over ten million people with
                                                       Other                                                                                           143                14,275    an investment of R$ 386 million.
                                                       Total                                                                                        1,178             222,473           The aim of the Petrobras Development &
                                                       (1) Includes transfer to the Childhood and Adolescence Fund, totaling R$ 43.1 million allocated to 284 projects.             Citizenship Program, prepared with the help of dif-

                                                       28                                                                                                                                                          HUMAN RIGHTS   |   PRINCIPLE 1

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Petrobras Investor Day - London 2018
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- Petrobras held its annual investor day in 2018 to discuss the company's performance and future plans - The CEO highlighted improvements in safety, debt reduction, cash generation, governance, and exploration successes in recent years - Executives provided details on ongoing debt management initiatives, production increases, cost savings, and new deepwater project startups - The company aims to further strengthen its financial position while preparing for a low-carbon future through technology investments and portfolio optimization

irpetrobrasinvestor day
Sustentabilidade 2017
Sustentabilidade 2017Sustentabilidade 2017
Sustentabilidade 2017

O documento fornece informações sobre as atividades e desempenho da Petrobras em 2017, incluindo sua transição para uma economia de baixo carbono, transformação digital, desempenho operacional e financeiro, segurança e saúde dos trabalhadores, e contribuições para a sociedade e meio ambiente. A mensagem do presidente destaca os compromissos da empresa com a sustentabilidade, como investimentos em novas tecnologias de baixo carbono e redução de emissões.

Apresentacao png-2018-2022-webcast-ingles
Apresentacao png-2018-2022-webcast-inglesApresentacao png-2018-2022-webcast-ingles
Apresentacao png-2018-2022-webcast-ingles

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: DISCLAIMER The presentation may contain forward-looking statements about future events within the meaning of Section 27 A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21 E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of future results. Such forward-looking statements merely reflect the Company’s current views and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. Such terms as "anticipate", "believe", "expect", "forecast", "intend", "plan", "project", "seek", "should", along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that these statements are only projections and may differ materially from actual future results or events. Readers are referred to the documents filed by the Company with the SEC, specifically the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F, which identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, including, among other things, risks relating to general economic and business conditions, including crude oil and other commodity prices, refining margins and prevailing exchange rates, uncertainties inherent in making estimates of our oil and gas reserves including recently discovered oil and gas reserves, international and Brazilian political, economic and social developments, receipt of governmental approvals and licenses and our ability to obtain financing.

Petrobras allocated 534 million
reais to cultural, social and sports projects

ferent areas of the Company and representatives from              ence public opinion, social organizations and the
civil society and the government, is to contribute to             government for discussion of issues relating to citi-
local, regional and national development. The objec-              zenship and human rights.
tive of the program is to offer decent and productive               The Petrobras Development & Citizenship
inclusion in society to the socially underprivileged.          Program is at a new phase, bringing a set of break-
By addressing cross-themes, such as gender, racial             throughs in the field of the Company’s social man-
equality, people with disability, fishermen and other           agement. First, funds for social projects are now con-
indigenous and traditional communities, the Petrobras          sidered investment, which means that their follow-up
Citizenship and Development seeks to directly and              reflects on the methodology adopted by business proj-
indirectly attend 17.6 million people and reach 27.5           ects. So much so that social investment systematics
million people nationwide by dissemination actions.            are being prepared to base the entire Petrobras System
    The program, with initial investment targets of            on standardizing procedures for analysis, selection,
R$ 1.3 billion in the period 2007-2012, supports proj-         approval, follow-up and assessment of social projects
ects that promote development with equal opportu-              backed by the Company, and establishing methodol-
nities and valorization of local talents, contributing         ogy, criteria and indicators to be adopted.
to reducing poverty and inequalities. All sponsored                Moreover, the program proposes a set of perfor-
projects are based on respect for diversity and act in         mance targets for the social project portfolio, which
synergy with public policies. The actions are stra-            includes: priority for young people with 50% of the
tegic, systemic and multi-institutional, to achieve            public attended in the 15-29 age group; 20% partici-
sustainable results. The program encourages social             pants in professional training projects included in the
protagonism, co-responsibility, associativism, coop-           job market; improved school performance by 60% of
erativism and networking, as well as contributing              children and teenagers in the projects; completion
to local development in the areas affected by the              certificates recognized by the National Professional
Petrobras System.                                              Certification System awarded to at least 60% of the
    The strategic actions of the Petrobras Development         professional training course; and business plans struc-
& Citizenship Program are focused on:                          tured by at least 70% of the income earning projects.
  Investments in social projects that foster social                The Company is also developing an information
  transformation of the most fringe communities by             system to monitor and appraise those involved in
  transferring resources on a planned and monitored            social projects to measure the results produced by
  basis;                                                       supported actions and follow up the scope of set tar-
  Reinforcing social organizations and networks                gets and objectives. The Company project portfolio
  by interacting between private, public and social            will use this system to be periodically assessed by the
  agents to form partnerships and alliances, exchang-          Management Committee for Social Responsibility.
  ing experiences, learning, and formulation and dis-              This new management model will help sys-
  cussion on public policies;                                  tematize and measure Petrobras contribution to
  Diffusion of information on citizenship involving             social change in the country. It will also share with
  communication campaigns to mobilize and influ-                Brazilian social organizations its expertise in the

WWW.PETROBRAS.COM   |   SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007                                                              29

     management field by spreading good practices,                  taken for capacity building and technical skills in
     networking synergy and fulfilling the potential of              production and marketing of the products. There is
     the results. In this way, it can invest strategically,         also capacity building for environmental education
     adding potential to the results.                               with a view to reforesting the Atlantic rainforest;
         Petrobras Development & Citizenship has formed             The Young who Samba, Work and are Happy:
     partnerships with several governmental, non-govern-            teaches skills to young people in a social risk sit-
     mental and community organizations all over Brazil             uation in poor communities in the city of Rio de
     within three main lines of action:                             Janeiro and taking socio-educational measures for
                                                                    adolescents on probation. The project gives pro-
     Generation of income and job opportunity: with                 fessional training in five activities of the so-called
     emphasis on the short term, the actions contribute             “Carnival Industry”. The activities in a logical pro-
     to productive inclusion of the Brazilian population,           duction cycle, such as modeling, dressmaking, wire
     finding more immediate solutions to overcome the                working, accessories and headdresses, help gener-
     poverty in the country. The projects have a strong             ate work and income for a segment of society that
     emancipating and autonomy-furthering nature. It                has huge difficulties to find their first job. The proj-
     encourages the use of technology and offers suitable            ect workshops on citizenship and Brazilian culture
     infrastructure for local production arrangements, to           further cultural, economic and social protagonism
     increase their competitiveness with a view to financial         among young people, and encourage them to stay
     sustainability. Some examples are as follows:                  on at or return to school. In 2007, partnership with
        Flour Corridor Project: by means of management              Portela Samba School helped create jobs for the
        technical assistance and ongoing capacity building          preparations of the 2008 samba school parade, on
        to further the skills of productive units, the project      the theme of ‘water’, giving the young more knowl-
        involves 120 farmers and six flour mills of family pro-      edge about the environment.
        ducers in six counties in Pernambuco. The actions
        aim to revive the manioc production chain in the         Guarantee the rights of the child and adolescent:
        region, reinforce and raise community conscious-         a long-term outlook, seeking to break the perpetuating
        ness of their role in Brazilian society, attending the   cycles of poverty in Brazil, and the actions are in line
        farmers to meet their expectations and needs;            with the paradigm of full protection. They address the
        Ivaporunduva Kilombo Sustainable Development             child and adolescent as having rights and absolute pri-
        Project: the project is designed to further social       ority, since they are at a special stage of development.
        and economic development, generate income and            The following are some examples of projects:
        improve the quality of life for the 150 households. It      Implementing the Millennium Goals for Children
        creates an economic alternative to banana growing           in Semi-Arid Brazil — UNICEF Seal of Approved
        — the major economic activity of the Ivaporunduva           Municipality: the idea of the project is to help
        community, in São Paulo — by organic handling               achieve the Millennium Goals for children and
        and processing of the fruit. The capacity building          adolescents in 1,118 municipalities in 11 semi-
        of the community for planning sustainable tourism           arid states of Brazil. Local players and talents with
        and structuring a visitors’ center in the kilombo has       strong community participation and children and
        helped to fulfill its potential for tourism;                 adolescents are mobilized and coordinated so that
                                                                    mayors, governors and the federal government can
     Learning professional skills: mid-term actions                 work to achieve the goals and commitments within
     give priority to training young people for the labor mar-      the sphere of the National Compact: A World for
     ket through professional training and building a life          the Child and Adolescent in Semi-Arid Brazil;
     project, considering their concerns, dreams, vocations         Educational Radio Soap Opera Broadcast to
     and talents. This is the case in the following projects:       Protect the Rights of Children and Adolescents:
        Human Capacity Building, Planting Forests and               the project is in Pará, North Brazil, and trains social
        Guaranteeing a Future: with organic production              agents in the subject of addressing violence against
        and sale of farm produce, around 50 households              children and adolescents, providing content for
        in Alagoas benefit from the project through actions          the educational radio soap operas. Through the

30                                                                                               HUMAN RIGHTS   |   PRINCIPLE 1
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Este documento descreve: 1) As previsões contidas na apresentação envolvem riscos e incertezas e não são garantias de resultados futuros. 2) A companhia não se obriga a atualizar previsões com novas informações. 3) Alguns indicadores financeiros não são reconhecidos pelo BR GAAP ou IFRS e não devem ser usados isoladamente.

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1. The document contains a disclaimer stating that any forward-looking statements are based on estimates and are subject to risks and uncertainties. 2. It then outlines an agenda for a Petrobras Day presentation, including discussing Petrobras at a glance, the oil and gas industry, Brazil's regulatory framework, Petrobras' strengths, recent results, and future planning. 3. The document provides several cautions about non-SEC compliant data and financial measures included in the presentation.

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1) O documento apresenta avisos sobre previsões e estimativas contidas no material. 2) É informado que termos como "descobertas" não podem ser usados nos relatórios arquivados da companhia segundo as diretrizes da SEC. 3) Há um aviso para investidores norte-americanos sobre indicadores financeiros não reconhecidos pelo BR GAAP ou IFRS.

Visão Geral 2017 fevereiro
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Este documento apresenta o plano estratégico e de negócios da Petrobras para 2017-2021. O plano visa reduzir custos operacionais em 18% e a dívida líquida da empresa através de parcerias e desinvestimentos. O plano também prevê aumentar a produção de petróleo e gás natural por meio de novos projetos de exploração e produção, principalmente no pré-sal.

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Petrobras presents its Strategic Plan for 2017-2021 which focuses on oil and gas production. Key goals include reducing total recordable injury rate by 36% and reducing leverage (net debt to EBITDA ratio) to 1.4 by 2018. The plan prioritizes cost reductions through operational efficiencies, partnerships and divestments. Planned investments total $74.1 billion, with 81% directed towards exploration and production. The plan expects to increase oil and gas production to 3.34 million boe/day by 2021 through development of pre-salt and post-salt assets. Financial measures aim to fund investments without taking on additional net debt over the period.

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Get an overview of our activities and operating and financial figures, with the investment prospects.

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Tenha uma visão geral das nossas atividades e números operacionais e financeiros, com as perspectivas de investimentos.

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Este documento apresenta o Plano Estratégico e de Negócios da empresa para o período de 2017-2021, com o objetivo de guiar a empresa rumo à sua visão de longo prazo. O plano descreve onde a empresa está atualmente, enfrentando desafios como endividamento e preços baixos de petróleo, e onde deseja chegar, com métricas focadas em segurança e redução da alavancagem. O plano também explica como a empresa pretende alcançar seus objetivos por meio de iniciativas de redução de custos, par

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O Conselho de Administração da Petrobras aprovou o Plano de Negócios e Gestão 2015-2019, com objetivos de desalavancagem da companhia e geração de valor para acionistas. O plano prevê reduzir a alavancagem líquida para menos de 40% até 2018 e 35% até 2020, com desinvestimentos de US$ 15,1 bilhões em 2015-2016 e US$ 42,6 bilhões em 2017-2018. A produção total esperada é de 3,7 milhões de barris de óleo equivalente por dia em 2020, com o pré

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1) A Petrobras divulgou seus resultados do primeiro trimestre de 2016, apresentando prejuízo líquido de R$ 1,2 bilhão. 2) Os resultados foram impactados negativamente pela queda nos preços do petróleo e câmbio desfavorável. 3) A produção total de petróleo e gás natural da Petrobras no Brasil e no exterior caiu 1% em relação ao trimestre anterior.

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The document summarizes Petrobras' 1st quarter 2016 results. Net income decreased 123% to a loss of R$1.2 billion due to lower oil prices, weaker demand, and higher financial expenses. Oil and gas production declined 6% to 2.6 million boed. Lifting costs fell 21% in Brazil and 37% abroad. Refining costs decreased slightly. Downstream sales volumes declined 5-8% while refining utilization remained stable. Cash flow from operations fell 2% to US$6 billion. Investments declined 13% to R$15.6 billion.

oil and gas energy1q16financial results

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Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦
Satta Matka Dpboss Kalyan Matka Results Kalyan Chart Call-⑨③④⑧⑧③⑥⑧⑧⑦

Social 2007 ing

  • 2. PROFILE Petrobras is a publicly listed company that operates on an integrated basis in the following segments of the oil, gas and power sector: exploration and production, refining, commercialization, transportation, petrochemicals, distribution of oil products, natural gas, biofuels and electricity. Founded in 1953, Petrobras is now the world’s sixth largest oil company, by market value, according to the consulting firm PFC Energy. Leader in the Brazilian oil sector, Petrobras has been expanding its operations, in order to become one of the world’s top five integrated energy companies by 2020. MISSION VISION FOR 2020 To operate in a safe and profitable Petrobras will be one of manner in the energy sector in the five largest integrated Brazil and abroad, showing social energy companies in and environmental responsibility the world and the brand and providing products and services of choice among our that meet clients’ needs and that stakeholders. contribute to the development of Brazil and the other countries in VISION ATTRIBUTES Our activities will be notable for: which the company operates. > A strong international presence > Setting a worldwide benchmark in biofuels > Excellence in our operations, management, human resources and technology > Profitability > Setting a benchmark in social and environmental responsibility > Commitment to sustainable development
  • 3. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS There are eight United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) presented in the Millennium Declaration to prioritize the resolution of key challenges for development. The countries should achieve the goals by 2015. Petrobras supports the MDG and encourages other companies and institutions to put them in practice. In 2007, the Company sponsored the MDG Brazil Prize created by Brazilian government to encourage, valorize and give further visibility to good practices that contribute to achieving the goals. MILLENNIUM GOALS Goal 1 Goal 5 Eradicate extreme Improve maternal health poverty and hunger Goal 2 Goal 6 Achieve universal Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria primary education and other diseases Goal 3 Goal 7 Promote gender equality Ensure environmental and empower women sustainability Goal 4 Goal 8 Reduce child mortality Establish a global partnership for development
  • 4. Contents Message from the CEO 02 Petrobras 05 Integrate role at home and abroad 06 Rise in production, revenue and shares 10 Social and Environmental Responsibility 14 Management challenges in Social Responsibility 16 Environment 67 Report as a management tool 20 Principle 7 — Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges 68 Human Rights 23 Role in Health, Safety and Environment 68 Principle 1 — Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally Climate change 71 proclaimed human rights 24 Mapping, monitoring and reducing impacts 73 Impact on communities 24 Principle 8 — Businesses should undertake Cultural, social and sports investments 28 initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility 75 Principle 2 — Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human Consumption of energy, material rights abuses 37 and natural resources 75 Relationship with suppliers 37 Emissions, effluents and waste 78 Human Rights Case 40 Ecosystems and biodiversity 81 Products, compliance and transportation 85 Energy conservation and conscious consumption 87 Labor 43 Principle 9 — Businesses should encourage Workforce 44 the development and diffusion of Health, Safety and Quality of Life 46 environmentally friendly technologies 88 Remuneration and benefits 50 Renewable energies 88 Principle 3 — Businesses should uphold the Environment Case 90 freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining 54 Freedom of association 54 Transparency 93 Relationship with stakeholders 94 Principle 4 — Businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and Products and Services 98 compulsory labor 56 Principle 10 — Businesses should work Rejection of forced labor 56 against corruption in all its forms 100 10 Principle 5 — Businesses should uphold the Anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies 100 10 effective abolition of child labor 58 Transparency Case 103 10 Guarantee of the rights of the child and adolescent 58 Principle 6 — Businesses should uphold the Appendices 104 10 elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation 60 Prizes 108 10 Against prejudice and discrimination 60 Materiality 109 10 Labor Case 64 Indicator Matrix 110 11
  • 5. That same year when the Company’s social responsibility policy was established, the topic was added to the corporate functions in the revision of the 2020 Strategic Plan. The Petrobras challenge is now to become an international benchmark in social responsibility for business management, contributing to sustainable development. JOSÉ SERGIO GABRIELLI DE AZEVEDO, Petrobras CEO
  • 6. Message from the CEO 2 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO
  • 7. The year 2007 was a landmark for Petrobras. It was consi considered to be the world’s sixth largest oil major and a highlight of its operations was the major petroleum high disco discoveries in Brazil. The Tupi agglomeration alone has a potential to significantly increase the levels of current Brazilian reserves. Petrobras acknowledges and assumes its prime responsibility for the environment. For this reason it invested two billion reais in the environmental aspects of its operations and external sponsorship projects. The Company strives for eco-efficiency and is constantly developing groundbreaking solutions to minimize the waste of resources and impacts of its operations. Another highlight is the increasing biofuel investments. Petrobras is in the international fore- front of companies with potential to operate in this segment and to contribute to mitigating the effects of global warming. Preserving the Amazon rainforest is a strategic priority for the Company. The Petrobras Center of Environmental Excellence in the Amazon, launched in 2007, combines technology and scientific know- how for the region’s sustainable development and to prevent and reduce risks caused by the industry’s intervention. That same year when the Company’s social responsibility policy was established, the topic was added to the corporate functions in the revision of the 2020 Strategic Plan. The Petrobras challenge is now to become an international benchmark in social responsibility for business management, contributing actions of the Petrobras Citizen and Development to sustainable development. Another 2007 highlight program and evaluate its results. Annual public selec- was the renewal of the Company’s participation in the tion processes also seek to assure transparency of new Dow Jones Sustainability Index and São Paulo Stock incoming supported projects and make access to the Exchange (Bovespa) Business Responsibility Index, Company investments more democratic. both benchmarks for investors looking for socially Petrobras agrees to align its management with responsible businesses. the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, to In 2007, Petrobras invested R$ 585.8 million which it is a signatory since 2003. This report also in cultural, environmental, social and sports proj- informs about the Company’s progress in fulfilling ects. The aim of the new Petrobras Citizenship and these objectives. Development social program that started in 2007 We hope that this Social and Environmental is to invest R$ 1.3 billion by 2012 in projects that Report achieves its objective: to inform Petrobras contribute to reducing poverty and social inequal- stakeholders about our main actions, impacts, risks ity in Brazil. and opportunities in the economic, environmental The program’s lines of action are to generate and social areas. income and job opportunities, professional training Good reading! education and guaranteeing the rights of the child and adolescent. A set of performance targets and José Sergio Gabrielli de Azevedo indicators make it possible to monitor the strategic Petrobras CEO WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 3
  • 8. 4 PETROBRAS
  • 9. Petrobras The market value of Petrobras, which operates in 27 countries, was R$ 429.9 billion in 2007, 86.6% up from the previous year. Growth in dollars was 125.2%, equal to US$ 242.7 billion. Company investments were R$ 45.3 billion, the highest annual figure ever for the Company. Some of the year’s highlights are the discovery of a recoverable volume of five to eight billion barrels of light oil and natural gas in the Tupi area in Santos Basin; announcement of the Petrobras 2020 Strategic Plan and 2008-2012 Business Plan; purchase of Suzano Petroquímica and takeover of the Ipiranga Group business in association with Braskem and the Ultra Group. WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 5
  • 10. PROFILE Integrate role at home and abroad ACTIVITIES AND MARKETS Petrobra Petrobras operates on an integrated basis at home The trade of its products include on the Brazilian and abro abroad, with business strategies focusing on market the sale of byproducts in diesel, gasoline, fuel exploration and production (E&P); downstream explorat oil, naphtha, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), jet fuel (refining, transportation and trade); petrochemi- ( (aviation kerosene) and others. Various markets world- cals; distribution; gas & power; and biofuels. It is c wide are supplied by the Company. Product purchase a Brazilian public listed company incorporated as and sale operations outside Brazil are up 49% against a joint stock business corporation linked to the 2006, reaching 559,000 barrels per day (bpd). Some Brazilian government’s Ministry of Mines and Energy. highlights are the increase in gasoline sales in the USA The Company’s economic activities are freely com- and petroleum in Colombia, plus the start of bunker petitive with other companies depending on market sales with low sulfur content in Europe. conditions. Petrobras is regulated by the Corporation The subsidiary Petrobras Distribuidora oper- Act (Law no. 6404 dated December 15, 1976) and the ates throughout Brazil, with around 6,000 service Company bylaws. stations and 740 BR Mania convenience stores. The Petrobras System consists of Petróleo This network includes the resale of fuels and other Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras holding) and its subsidiar- products, such as lubes, in addition to services. The ies, affiliates, joint affiliates and specific purpose com- Company also sells considerably larger volumes of panies. Its subsidiaries include Petrobras Química fuels, lubes, special products, asphalt, emulsions S.A. (Petroquisa), Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. and energy to major consumers, such as industrial (Petrobras Distribuidora) and Petrobras Transporte plants, governments, haulage companies and ther- S.A. (Transpetro). moelectricity plants. 6 PETROBRAS
  • 11. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The corporate governance structure is based on the national and international markets and strategies. In Board of Directors, Fiscal Committee, Executive order to assure that conflicts of interest are prevented, Board, Administration Advisory Committees, Business the Good Practices Code addresses Petrobras in-com- Committees and Management Committees. The board pany policies, such as the information dissemination At the end of directors consists of nine members elected by the policy on a relevant act or fact, and the securities nego- of 2007, the General Shareholders’ Meeting, responsible for guid- tiation policy, for example. These policies address Company’s ance and senior management of the Company. The issues relating to the use of privileged information board of directors sets the general business direction of and conduct of the administrators and senior manage- market value the Company, defining mission, strategic objectives and ment in Petrobras. was guidelines, in addition to approving the Strategic Plan. The executive board consists of the CEO and six direc- The Fiscal Committee of a permanent nature consists of five members, also elected by the General 429.9 tors elected by the board of directors and is responsible for the Company’s business management. Shareholders’ Meeting and is responsible for supervis- ing the administrators’ acts and examining financial billion Since 1999, the chair of the board of directors is statements, for example. reais, or 86.6% occupied by a member with no executive duties or The purpose of the board of director committees, more than in any other ties to Petrobras. Only one member of the consisting of three members from the Board, is to help 2006 board has executive powers – the CEO of Petrobras. the Committee by analyzing and recommending spe- Of the nine directors he is the only one that does not cific matters. The Business Committee, consisting of conform to independence requirements. The direc- members of the Executive Board and other Company tors are elected by the General Shareholders’ Meeting executives, examines and issues an opinion on relevant without influence of the Executive Board. The corpo- corporate topics, and which involve more than one rate governance guidelines provide that the board of business area. The Management committees consist of directors each year assess its performance and the the Company’s executive managers and act as discus- role of the CEO and Petrobras executive directors. sion forums on specific topics, whose results are later These assessment mechanisms are in the process of taken to the Business Committee. Today Petrobras being implemented. has 12 management committees: Supply; Exploration The corporate governance guidelines also include & Production; Gas & Power; Organization Analysis the skills and experience expected of the directors, and Management; Internal Controls; Marketing and that must meet the requirements of personal integrity, Brands; Human Resources; Social Responsibility; no conflicts of interest, time availability, motivation, Risks; Health, Safety and Environment; Information affinity with Company values, and familiarity with Technology; and Petrobras Technology. the best corporate governance practices. Moreover, Under its corporate bylaws, Petrobras activi- experience as a top executive is valorized, in addition ties obey the Basic Organization Plan, approved by to knowledge of finance, accounting, energy sector, the board of directors, which contains the general Petrobras 2020 Strategic Plan The Petrobras 2020 Strategic Plan and 2008-2012 Business Plan were announced in August. The Strategic Plan has two structural changes. The first is the division by business segment, and no longer by business area. Petro- bras now focuses its attention on six business segments: Exploration & Production (E&P), Downstream (Refining, Transportation and Trade), Petrochemicals, Distribution, Gas & Power and Biofuels. The second refers to new management challenges, with focus on capital discipline, human resources, social responsibility, climate change and technology. The Business Plan foresees for 2012 an oil and natural gas production of 3,494,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed), of which 3,058,000 boed will be produced in Brazil. Investments are also expected of US$ 112.4 billion in the 2008-2012 period with 87% in Brazil and 13% elsewhere. WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 7
  • 12. PROFILE structure and defines the nature and attributes of and by four Business Areas (Supply, Exploration & each body and subordination, coordination and Production, Gas & Power and Worldwide). Each control relations for it to operate. of them is accountable to its contact director, in The current organizational model of Petrobras addition to the Corporate area that is accountable consists of the Corporate, Finance & Service areas to the CEO. P-50 platform in Albacora Leste, Campos Basin PETROBRAS TRADEMARK Petrobras System brand management, directly linked and Evolua polish wax. Some of the main ser- to business development and protection and in line vices provided are convenience stores (BR Mania with the Company’s worldwide expansion, admin- and Spacio 1); car wash system in service stations istrated in 2007 a total of 4,367 registrations of this (Lavamania and Acuocenter); quality programs (De intangible asset, with investments in sponsorships, Olho no Combustível – keeping an eye on the fuel - and advertising, international communication, strategy, Calidad Controlada Petrobras); lubrication center in development and protection of the corporate image service stations (Lubrax Center); fuel credit card and brands. According to the ranking published in (Petrobras Card); fleet automation system (Petrobras 2006 by the consulting firm Brand Analytics, based on Flota); loyalty (Petrobras Premmia) and relation- public data, the institutional trademark was worth US$ ship programs; and cultivating commercial clients 1.012 billion, a 37% increase over the previous year. and partners (360° Petrobras, On the Right Road, Some of the key Company products are: Podium Truck Driver (Siga Bem Caminhoneiro) and Friendly gasoline, Podium diesel, Verana diesel, Biodiesel, BR Mechanic (Amigo Mecânico). Aviation, Lubrax lubes and waxes, Lubrax Aviation 8 PETROBRAS
  • 13. Petrobras Organizational Structure The Petrobras organization model, approved by the Board of Directors in October 2000, is constantly being refined. Changes in the Company’s organizational structure in 2007 led to the adoption of a new organizational and administrative model in certain units. Examples of this are the broadened scope of operations in the Exploration & Production business unit in the Solimões Basin, the creation of temporary organizational structures for the implementation of large-scale undertakings, and the transferring of telecommunications activities to the Services area. Approval was granted for the structural reorganization of business units abroad, linked to the International business area. FISCAL COUNCIL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ombudsman Internal Auditing EXECUTIVE BOARD CEO Management Business Strategy & Systems Performance Development New Legal Area Business Human CEO’s General Institutional Resources Office Secretary Communication Exploration International Financial Area Gas & Power & Production Downstream Services Area (Upstream) Health, Safety & Corporate Finance Corporate Section Corporate Section Corporate Section Corporate Area the Environment Financial Natural Gas Planning & Risk Logistics & Production Business Technical Logistics Materials Management Equity Stakes Engineering Support Research & Energy Operations Business Finance Services Refining Development & Equity Stakes Development (Cenpes) Accounting Energy Exploration Petrochemicals & Southern Cone Engineering Development Fertilizers Region Americas, Africa Information Taxation Marketing & Sales North–Northeast Marketing & Sales Technology & Tele- & Eurasia communications Investor Relations South–Southeast Shared Services WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 9
  • 14. PERFORMANCE IN 2007 Rise in production, revenue and shares OPERATIONS HIGHLIGHTS Petrobra Petrobras operates in 27 countries: Angola, Argentina, sales performance on the home and foreign markets. Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, B Net income was R$ 21.5 billion, 17% lower than in England India, Iran, Japan, Libya, Mexico, Mozambique, I 2006 because of factors such as the valorization of the N Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Senegal, real, import costs for petroleum and byproducts, and S Singapore, Tanzania, Turkey, Uruguay, USA and extraordinary expenses with personnel with regard to Venezuela. Exploration and production are carried the new pension plan agreement. The operating cash out in 20 countries. generating capacity (EBITDA) continued stable in At the end of 2007, the Company’s market value relation to the year before. was R$ 429.9 billion, 86.6% more than in 2006. In Consolidated investments rose 34% compared dollars, its market value reached the US$ 242.7 bil- to those in 2006, and reached the record figure of lion mark, which is a growth of 125.2% compared to R$ 45.3 billion. The exploration and production the previous year. According to consulting firm PFC segment received 47% - the largest share of direct Energy, it ranks as the sixth largest oil major in the investments. world based on market value. The Petrobras financial In November, Petrobras announced the discovery and operational results, the rise in international prices of a major oil-bearing area in Brazil, stretching from of a barrel of petroleum and the major oil discover- the Espirito Santo, Campos to Santos basins. The ies were decisive factors in the performance of the discovered volume in the Tupi accumulation alone, Company shares in 2007. part of this new frontier, has potential to increase the The net operating income was R$ 170.6 billion, country’s current reserves by 50%. 8% more than in 2006, the result of the improved Another milestone was the start of deepwater 10 PETROBRAS
  • 15. production in Northeast Brazil in the Piranema field Petrobras service station in off the coast of Sergipe. The processed oil is consid- Rio de Janeiro ered the lightest ever found in deepwater in Brazil and essential for lube production. In 2007 the total volume of 2.301 million boed of oil and natural gas produced is almost the same level as the previous year. In Brazil, 2.065 million boed was produced and 236,000 boed outside Brazil, including 1.918 million barrels of oil, natural gas liquid (NGL) and condensate and 383,000 boed of natural gas. On December 31 the volume of the Petrobras proven reserves of oil, condensate and natural gas was 15.01 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe), representing Petrobras 0.1% less than the previous year. invested The total byproduct production was 2.046 mil- lion bpd, or 8% more than in 2006. Ninety percent of 45.3 installed capacity was used in Brazil and 85% in the other countries. billlion Petrobras, the Ultra Group and Braskem signed reais in 2007 an agreement to buy the Ipiranga Group shares for a total sum of four billion dollars, of which Petrobras disbursed US$ 1.3 billion. The Company now has ADR. This alteration was intended to make it easier the distribution network of the Ipiranga Group in for the small investor to buy ADRs on the New York North, Northeast and Midwest Brazil, plus 40% of stock exchange. the Group’s activities in the petrochemicals sector. Considering the implementation of major proj- In 2007, it also bought out Suzano Petroquímica for ects in the Company, two are worth mentioning: the the total price of R$ 2.7 billion. Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj), Petrobras signed a lease agreement of R$ 45 mil- which will process 150,000 bpd of oil to produce lion with the company Emae for a 17-year rental of petrochemical raw materials and byproducts from the Piratininga thermoelectric power plant. The plant 2012 on; and the Northeast Refinery (Abreu e Lima in the city of São Paulo is now part of the Petrobras Refinery), under construction in Pernambuco, with generation complex. its start up expected for 2010 and production capac- Although there has been no change in the ity of 140,000 bpd of diesel. For 2014 the Premium Petrobras capital stock structure in 2007, the ratio Refinery is to start operating, although without a fixed was altered between the shares and the American site, which will process 500,000 bpd of heavy and sour Depositary Receipts (ADRs) to two shares for each oil from the Campos Basin. Assets in Bolivia In June 2007 all the shares in Petrobras Bolivia Refinación S.A. (PBR) were transferred to the state-owned oil Company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) for US$ 112 million. In 2006, the Bolivian govern- ment decided to nationalize most of the shares of PBR, owner of Santa Cruz and Cochabamba refineries. Sub- sequent events were negotiation of advanced fair compensation with the Bolivian authorities; continuation of Petrobras in the partnership, on the condition that it keeps its policies of health, safety and environment and human resources in the refinery operations; and independent assessment of the share value, according to criteria normally adopted for this type of transaction. The sale of all shares to YPFB was the best solution in the interest of both companies. The role of Petro- bras in Bolivia is currently focused on the exploration and production, and gas and energy segments. WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 11
  • 16. PERFORMANCE IN 2007 PETROBRAS FIGURES SALES VOLUME (‘000 BARRELS PER DAY) 2007 COMPARISON WITH 2006 (%) Brazil 2,035 4 Byproducts 1,725 3 Diesel 705 5 Total Gasoline Fuel oil 300 106 -3 6 byproducts Naphtha 166 1 were Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 206 2 Jet fuel 70 9 2.046 Other 172 3 million Alcohols, nitrogen compounds, biodiesel and other Natural gas 62 248 41 2 barrels a day, Other countries 1,204 11 or 8% above Exports 618 6 2006 International sales 586 17 Total 3,239 6 COMPOSITION OF CAPITAL STOCK SHAREHOLDERS SHARES % Federal government 1,413,258,228 32.2 BNDESPar 334,269,831 7.6 ADR (common stock) 695,675,776 15.9 ADR (preferred capital stock) 675,831,674 15.4 FMP – Petrobras employee severance indemnity fund 102,326,421 2.3 Aliens (CMN Resolution no. 2689) 341,974,795 7.8 Other individuals and companies 823,701,645 18.8 Total 4,387,038,370 100.0 NOMINAL VALORIZATION IN 2007(%) PETROBRAS SYSTEM Petrobras common stock 92.7 Employees 68,931 Petrobras preferred stock 77.5 Shareholders 272,952 ADR PBR (common) 123.8 Exploration 70 drilling rigs (43 offshore) ADR PBR (preferred) 107.5 Producer wells 9,569 (828 offshore) Ibovespa 43.7 Production platforms 109 (77 fixed; 32 floating) Amex Oil 31.3 Refineries 15 Dow Jones 6.4 Pipelines 23,142 km Nasdaq 9.8 Tanker fleet 55 own Market value (R$ million) 429.9 Service stations 6,963 Fertilizers 3 plants Thermoelectricity plants 15 In 2007 the total significant financial incentive from the government was R$ 2,528.9 billion. 12 PETROBRAS
  • 17. VALUE ADDED STATEMENT YEARS ENDING DECEMBER 2007 AND 2006 (R$’000) (R$’000) 2007 2006 Income Sales of goods and services and non-operating results 220,153,532 206,298,241 Provision for settling doubtful debts – constitution (104,156) (13,045) 220,049,376 206,285,196 Inputs acquired from third parties Consumables (26,304,617) (24,409,419) Cost of merchandise for resale (36,803,166) (31,470,438) Energy, outsourcing and other operating expenses (28,495,668) (22,596,832) (91,603,451) (78,476,689) Gross added value 128,445,925 127,808,507 Retentions (depreciation & amortization) (10,695,825) (9,823,557) Net added value produced by company 117,750,100 117,984,950 Added value received in transfer Income from holdings in relevant investments (582,742) (189,936) Financial income – includes monetary and exchange variations 2,506,543 2,388,152 Amortization of share premiums and discounts (97,913) (43,279) Rent and royalties 562,307 554,750 2,388,195 2,709,687 Added value for distribution 120,138,295 120,694,637 Distribution of added value Personnel & administrators Wages, benefits and charges 7,059,652 5,952,525 Employee and administrator profit sharing 1,011,914 1,196,918 Retirement and pension plan 2,872,894 1,384,879 Health care plan 1,867,607 1,860,478 12,812,067 10,394,800 Taxation Taxes, charges and contributions 54,374,015 53,963,591 Deferred income tax and social contribution 477,234 766,329 Government interest 15,753,525 17,311,004 70,604,774 72,040,924 Financial institutions & suppliers Interest, exchange and monetary variations 6,438,549 3,720,347 Rental and charter expenses 7,028,290 7,026,343 13,466,839 10,746,690 Shareholders Interest on own capital and dividends 6,580,557 7,896,669 Holdings of non-controlling shareholders 1,742,826 1,593,303 Withheld earnings 14,931,232 18,022,251 23,254,615 27,512,223 Distributed added value 120,138,295 120,694,637 WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 13
  • 19. In 2007 major advances were made in the field of the Company’s social responsibility, which were to reflect on management and its stakeholder relations. In its continuous striving to align its operations with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, Petrobras participated in and undertook projects that evidence its commitment to reducing social inequalities and minimizing environmental impacts of its activities. In recognition, its participation in Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and São Paulo Stock Exchange Business Sustainability Index (ISE - Bovespa) was renewed.
  • 20. COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Management challenges in Social Responsibility The Man Management Committee for Social Responsi- Assessing Social Responsibility Reports, and the bility is the main deliberative body on related issues Diversity Committee. in the Petrobras System. It is linked to the Business th In 2007, 23 areas of Petrobras Holding and three Committee and its members are executive manag- Com subsidiaries were represented on the Committee for fr ers from 13 areas in the Company, in addition to the Drafting and Assessing Social Responsibility Reports. subsidiaries Transpetro, Petrobras Distribuidora and One of its responsibilities is to prepare content for the Petroquisa. Social and Environmental Report and collect informa- Its main tasks are to create Social Responsibility tion for questionnaires that resulted in the renewal of (SR) corporate guidelines and strategies, including its participation in DJSI and ISE–Bovespa. aspects of stakeholder relations. It is also up to this In order to increase the awareness of senior man- Committee to monitor the Company’s related activi- agement with regard to SR matters, Petrobras contin- ties and projects, and to assess the performance and ued with the Management Capacity Building Project, propose actions for alignment and integration. which began in 2006. The project is a partnership with Some of the matters discussed during 2007 are Uniethos, an institution specializing in SR capacity the preparation of the SR policy, inclusion of social building and sustainable development for the business responsibility as a corporate role in the 2020 Strategic and academic sectors. The content presents the main Plan, the Petrobras Citizen and Development pro- SR principles and its impacts, risks and opportuni- gram, Gender Equality action plan, and the SR ties in the oil and gas sector. The Company organized indicators and targets in the Company Balanced training for the members of the Board of Directors, Scorecard. Two committees are directly related to Executive Board, SR Management Committee and the Committee: the Committee for Drafting and Institutional Communication managers. 16 SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY
  • 21. Sustainability Guidelines for the Amazon The Company used the concept of sustainable de- velopment to create the Sustainability Guidelines for Petrobras Exploration and Production in the Amazon. The guidelines were prepared by specialists and agen- Social Responsibility Policy cies working in the Amazon region, and address topics such as: protecting biodiversity; operating ecoefficiency; Petrobras considers social responsibility to be “the contingency control; and cultural, economic and social interfacing. form of ethical and transparent integrated business The concept of sustainability must be considered management with all stakeholders, promoting at all stages in the life cycle of the projects and there must be equal priority between the economic, environ- human rights and citizenship, respecting cultural mental and social variables. The guidelines also seek to and human diversity, against discrimination, minimize interference in the natural and ethnic-cultural degrading work, child and slave labor, and processes as well as promote social inclusion. contributing to sustainable development and reducing social inequality”. Petrobras started up the pilot SR capacity building project for general and executive manag- 1 · Corporate Performance · To ensure that ers, based on the Globally Responsible Leadership corporate governance of the Petrobras System Initiative (GRLI). The GRLI consists of executives is committed to ethics and transparency in from companies and business schools in five conti- stakeholder relations. 2 · Integrated management nents and was created by the European Foundation · To ensure integrated management with for Management Development (EFMD), with the social responsibility in the Petrobras System. support of the UN Global Compact. The pilot proj- 3 · Sustainable Development · To conduct ect was tailor-made for Petrobras, in a partnership between Petrobras University, EFMD and Dom Petrobras System business and operations with Cabral Foundation. The first module began in 2007 social responsibility, fulfilling its commitments in and will continue during 2008. accordance with UN Global Compact principles and contributing to sustainable development. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN 4 · Human Rights · To respect and support human THE 2020 STRATEGIC PLAN rights recognized internationally, basing the actions When reviewing the 2020 Strategic Plan, social of the Petrobras System on the promotion of the responsibility now plays a corporate role with a spe- principles of decent work and non-discrimination. cific management challenge: “to be an international benchmark in social responsibility in business man- 5 · Diversity · To respect the cultural and human agement, contributing to sustainable development”. diversity of its workforce and the countries where The 2020 Vision attributes include commitment to it operates. 6 · Labor Principles · To support the sustainable development and the Company’s recog- eradication of child, slave and degrading labor in nition as a benchmark in social and environmental the production chain of the Petrobras System. responsibility. 7 · Sustainable Social Investment · To seek The Petrobras Social Responsibility Policy was sustainability of its social investments to achieve created with the same objective to centralize aspects in the areas of integrated management, sustain- decent and productive social inclusion. able development, human rights, diversity, decent 8 · Workforce Commitment · To assure the work, sustainable social investment and workforce commitment of its workforce to the social commitment. responsibility policy of the Petrobras System. WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 17
  • 22. Vegetable garden in the Family Farming along Pipelines project, Rio de Janeiro SUPPORT FOR PRINCIPLES ISO 26000 - Petrobras continues to participate in AND PROJECTS drafting the ISO 26000, the future international stan- Global Compact — Petrobras has been signatory dard on social responsibility to be launched in 2010. to the UN Global Compact since 2003 and its CEO This standard is being developed by the International is a member of the International Board since 2006. Organization for Standardization (ISO) — the top Petrobras is the only Latin American company to sit world organization in developing technical regulations on the Council. In 2007 the Company attended the and standards — in a multi-stakeholder process with International Council meetings and was the mas- participation of representatives from industry, work- ter sponsor of the 2nd Global Leaders Meeting in ers, government, non-governmental organizations, Geneva, Switzerland. The Company was also repre- consumers and academic institutions from more sented at the World Network Meeting in Monterrey, than 70 countries. Petrobras attended the two interna- Mexico, where delegations from different countries tional working group meetings — in January in Sydney, discussed their experiences and know-how. In Brazil Australia, and in November in Vienna, Austria — and the Company is a member of the Brazilian Global organized thematic workshops for the local Global Compact Committee as corporate vice-president Compact networks in Brazil and Mexico. since 2006. To further discussion about the ISO 26000 The Social and Environmental Report is sent every in Brazil, Petrobras signed a partnership with the year to UN Global Compact as its Communication Brazilian Association for Technical Standards on Progress (COP). The submission of COP is one (ABNT). Thematic seminars were held in a number of the conditions for organizations to stay active in of Brazilian state capitals to spread knowledge about the Compact. the future standard. 18 SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY
  • 23. COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT It is one of the companies that contributed to the representing the upstream and downstream sectors ISO SR Trust Fund, which supports the participation of the oil and gas industry, specifically on social and of developing countries with finance problems in the environmental issues. The objective of Ipieca is to international meetings. create and promote solutions so that all practices Global Reporting Initiative — The Global can be socially and economically feasible for the Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an international institu- oil and gas industry, offering a forum for discussion tion that provides global guidelines for sustainability and encouraging ongoing improvement of the indus- reports through multi-stakeholder polls. The GRI try’s performance. The Company is a member of the model is used by the major companies worldwide Association’s SR committee. to facilitate comparison between the presented data Its members agree to contribute to sustainable and information. Since 2006, the Company has been development, supply safety and renewable energies an Organizational Stakeholder (OS) member of GRI. with social and environmental responsibility; run its In 2007 Petrobras was elected by the other OS to the operations and activities with business ethics; develop GRI International Stakeholders Council, becoming and encourage practices and solutions with others in the one of the representatives of the Latin American industry; and engage its stakeholders, considering their industry segment. expectations, ideas and visions, working together with World Business Council for Sustainable governmental and non-governmental organizations. Development (WBCSD) — In 2007 the Company Arpel — The Company is one of the 29 members finalized its process that began in 2006 to join the of the Regional Association of Oil and Natural Gas WBCSD and became the sixth Brazilian company to Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean sign an agreement with the institution. The WBCSD (ARPEL). Its mission is to promote and facilitate brings together more than 200 companies worldwide, development and integration of the oil and natural including major international corporations, to further gas industry, reinforcing its reputation and interac- sustainable development through business solutions. tion with society. In Brazil, Petrobras is member of the Brazilian Petrobras is represented in eight committees and Business Council for Sustainable Development, as chairs the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, vice-president of the institution’s Committee for whose working focus 2007-2011 is to implement SR Corporate Responsibility. among Arpel members, promote community devel- International Petroleum Industry Environ- opment programs in the oil and gas industry, topics mental Conservation Association (Ipieca) — relating to indigenous peoples and governance and Petrobras is a member of Ipieca, a global association energy integration. In 2007 Petrobras became a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and one of the six Brazilian corporations to sign an agreement with the institution WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 19
  • 24. THE SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT (SER) Report as a management tool The Social and Environmental Report (SER) is a valu- Socia This Report contains information referring to able management tool for the Company. It is not only m actions between January and December 2007 by the a tool for transparency and means of disseminating too Petrobras Holding in Brazil and wherever it oper- the principal actions taken during the year before p ates, and the subsidiaries Petrobras Distribuidora, pu its publication, but also plays the role of supporting Transpetro and Petroquisa. the assessment of the form of SR management in the This year the Company decided to adopt only the Petrobras System. GRI indicators, internationally recognized by busi- The Committee for Drafting and Assessing Reports nesses and institutions that publish sustainability on Social and Environmental Responsibility is respon- reports. With this change, then, the number of indica- sible for producing the report, which is coordinated by tors presented dropped sharply compared to previous the Institutional Communication Manager. publications, which made it possible to go deeper into Every year a critical analysis of the SER results in the the topics to be addressed. Vulnerabilities Chart, which evaluates any existing gaps The information was collected by means of the and finds opportunities to improve, and strategies for Follow-up System of Social Responsibility Indicators, SR action. This chart is examined by the Management a database guided by the GRI indicator matrix. This Commitee for Social Responsibility. year, 398 professionals from 26 areas and subsidiaries The Petrobras SER for 2006 was given major recog- collaborated to collect information. The entire con- nitions. For the second year running it was considered tent produced from this information was validated by notable by the UN Global Compact and an example to the Committee for Drafting and Assessing Reports on be followed. It was also entitled the GRI A+ seal for top Social and Environmental Responsibility. level quality report assessed by the institution. The publication is audited and revised externally 20 SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY
  • 25. Young reporters of the Japim community radio in the Mocoronga Communication Network, Pará by KPMG Independent Auditors. Petrobras also once This year Petrobras also produces specific hardcopy again is publishing the Ibase/Betinho Social Report versions for the internal and general publics, as well model, which is part of the set of accounting infor- as online and CD versions. mation sent to the Brazilian Exchange and Securities The online version is permanently available in the Commission (CVM). Company’s website, on the Social and Environmental In response to a GRI recommendation, the Responsibility page, and is accessible to people with Company for the first time performed the Materiality visual disability. Test, a poll for stakeholders. The Test was applied The hardcopy version is distributed to the main For the second in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, with stakeholders, such as internal public, press, govern- year running participation of representatives of the main stake- ment, regulatory agencies, HSE agencies, non-govern- UN Global holders in relation to the Report: internal public, sup- mental organizations and the academic community. Compact pliers, third sector, academic community, investors, This year was the first time when Petrobras produced considered the clients and the general public. They all assessed the the Braille version of the hardcopy report, to make it Petrobras SER Petrobras 2006 SER based on specific criteria and also accessible to the visually impaired. notable could give their opinion and mention subjects to be Examples can be requested through the e-mail and an reported (further details and results in the appendi- balancosocial@petrobras.com.br or directly from the example ces — page 109). SER Coordinator (address and phone available on the to be followed After obtaining the results, the Company now had sleeve of the third cover). a guide to the most important topics to be addressed, the so-called material indicators, and obtained an Compiling the data reported in the SER is requested from the responsible external assessment of the 2006 SER. areas and processed using their internal controls and operating systems. The Social and Environmental Report is pub- This data is measured according to the instructions by GRI in the indicator protocols. lished every year in Portuguese, English and Spanish. WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 21
  • 27. Human Rights Petrobras is committed to responsible growth and to help guarantee human rights, both in communities where it operates and in supplier and internal public relations. In 2007 it invested R$ 534 million in cultural, social and sports projects. The Company gives priority to community participation, respecting local cultures and identities and involving community leaders in every region where it operates at home and abroad.
  • 28. Principle 1 — Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights Impacts on communities COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Petrobra Petrobras intends to reduce risks, prevent negative ing communities with poor social inclusion. Its projects social impacts and generate positive results through im and operations are designed to minimize interference in relations relationship programs in communities where it oper- the natural and ethno-cultural processes and promote a ates. It adopts ethical standards with its different social inclusion. s stakeholders by means of permanent communication In 2007, there was no record of violation of indig- and dialogue systems with local leaders, to identify enous peoples’ rights. Before undertaking any activ- and register the impacts of its activities. The Company ity Petrobras upholds official aspects and consults increases its knowledge of local scenarios to assure the licensing bodies and the Brazilian National Indigenous process of social inclusion and improve the quality of Foundation (Funai). The Company supports a set of community life. projects in different regions to promote the rights of The Company undertakes cultural, social and the indigenous peoples. Some examples are the Project sports projects, respecting the communities living to Implement Fish-farming in Indigenous Villages, in around its units. According to the Petrobras code of Palmas and Laranjinha, Paraná; the Bracui Indigenous ethics, it works with community leaders and in accor- Food Security Project, in Rio de Janeiro, and the Kani dance with local characteristics. The Company is com- project, in Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso. mitted to its relationship with the community based In 2005, Petrobras encountered setbacks in its oper- on respect for diversity, considering its demands and ations in Ecuador from criticism by Ecuadorian social expectations. Petrobras analyses the strong and weak movements on the Company’s plans to start activities points of each place, helping to strengthen neighbor- in block 31 in the Yasuni National Park, Ecuadorian 24 HUMAN RIGHTS
  • 29. Amazon. The park occupies 70% of the most diverse sis and health, safety and environment recommenda- biomes on Earth and is the home of the Huaorani peo- tions. The work in the operational units is done jointly ple. Petrobras settled the issue by dialoguing with the with non-governmental organizations and other gov- stakeholders. The Company undertook community ernment agencies involved. projects, infrastructure works and actions to preserve Petrobras identifies the basic needs of the regions the indigenous groups belonging to the cultural heri- to improve the quality of life around its projects and tage of humanity. All Petrobras activities in Ecuador sets up projects in support of the communities. On conform to its social responsibility policy. the international scene, the Mexico Business unit has Petrobras prepared a relationship plan with contracts for public works with Pemex Exploration & the communities in the vicinity of the future Rio de Production — a Mexican state-owned Company —, Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (Comperj), planning by allocating funds to the infrastructure works. In actions for local sustainable development and through Colombia, projects help to optimize and increase the ongoing dialogue. Agenda 21 adopted in Comperj is spread of public utilities, contributing to rural and based on the Keeping an Eye on the Environment urban development. Investments of US$ 252,097 program and is being built in conjunction with the helped improve living conditions and quality of life Rio de Janeiro state government, business sector and in these communities, attending 1,670 beneficiary civil society. The Exploration and Production (E&P) households. Petrobras Energia Ecuador complies are using a new licensing method for projects in the with Ecuadorian environmental legislation in the Campos Basin Unit. With the approval of the Brazilian community relations plans and compensation agree- Petrobras Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural ments with the community in the areas of influence. activities Resources (Ibama), the Environmental Education The Company has invested in electric power projects, positively Program (PEA) collectively develops local Agendas water wells, dispensaries, road improvement, sports impact the 21 with priority actions and projects for affected facilities and associations. economy of the neighboring social groups, based on local problems, Petrobras works to preserve and increase health regions where disputes and potential environmental aspects. care in the neighboring communities with services to it operates, In the Engineering area, responsible for the new monitor and control endemic diseases in its projects. benefiting local Petrobras facilities and expansion, the environmental It is also doing a preliminary study in gas pipeline areas businesses impacts of pipeline projects are assessed after diagno- to control their branch lines and access. Keeping an Eye on the Environment The Keeping an Eye on the Environment program has been run by Petrobras since 2005 and is validated by the Brazilian Ministry for the Environment. The program ratifies the Company’s commitment to sustainable development of the communities within its area of influence. It helps build Local Agendas 21 — an action plan for sustainable development that analyses the status of a state, county or region, with the participation of governments, companies, NGOs and society, to form partnerships for short, mid and long term solutions — and actions to improve the local quality of life. Keeping an Eye on the Environment, by using the fully participative community democracy, is a valuable tool for people’s mobilization and participation by implementing an action plan for community development. RESULTS OF KEEPING AN EYE ON THE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM UNTIL 2007 Mapped households 269,195 Surveyed households 100,220 Accumulated social environmental information 7,215,840 Community Agendas 21 ready (not implemented) 238 Total possible community Agendas 21 338 WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 25
  • 30. Artisan in the Carnaúba Viva project, which produces straw mats as padding for Petrobras pipelines LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS Stakeholder relations are ongoing and Petrobras maintains a continuous reciprocal and honest dia- logue with employees, shareholders, opinion setters, NGOs, press, public authorities, clients, communities and suppliers. The Company forms local partnerships for capacity building and subsequent recruitment, and to undertake projects. During the year Brazilian sup- pliers were allocated 70% of the investments in goods and service procurement. By giving priority to the home market, Petrobras contracted US$ 5.24 billion in goods and US$ 34.6 billion in services to a total of US$ 39.84 billion. Petrobras-supplier relations are based on values established in the social responsibility policy and code of ethics. The Company imposes regulations on its suppliers and takes action to develop the market 26 HUMAN RIGHTS | PRINCIPLE 1
  • 31. IMPACTS ON COMMUNITIES 70% of funds allocated to procurement of goods during the year went to Brazilian suppliers Principle 1 in order to align the supply of procured goods and state. In this way Petrobras seeks to encourage mar- services with the corporate guidelines. ket development for the oil and gas industry and to Every contract for biodiesel production in the include small businesses in the supply chain of this Company plants gives priority to raw material procure- industrial segment. ment from rural family-based producers. Petrobras The Company is aware of the economic impacts hires local labor, providing technical assistance and of its activities. When giving preference to local suppli- capacity building to guarantee income and dead- ers, it helps to maintain small and medium size service lines compatible with the activity. The action plan for providers and form partnerships with cooperatives. Company-related biodiesel units advances rural family- The main indirect economic impacts of Petrobras are based producers by procurement of the production. on paying royalties and special holdings, value added Petrobras encourages setting up seed banks and build- tax collection on goods and services (ICMS) and other ing the productive capacity of the communities, and taxation. The Plan of Investments in Brazil, mentioned prepares studies to benefit farmers’ households. in the 2008-2012 Business Plan, plans to create 917,000 In the Amazon, the Exploration and Production jobs, with 338,000 indirect ones in income effect and Sustainability Guidelines define Company commit- 350,000 in the production chain. Added value in the ment to prioritizing recruitment of local suppliers that country, which measures the contribution of Petrobras work with sustainability. In 2007 54% of the contracts to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is an average of signed by UN-AM were with companies in Amazonas around 10% of the Brazilian GDP. WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 27
  • 32. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights Cultural, social and sports investments Principle 1 PETROBRAS CITIZENSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT I In the past Petrobras has been including sustain- its decision-making process the interests of its various a ability-related aspects in both its business strategy stakeholders. a and management practices in order to run its busi- In 2007, Petrobras allocated around R$ 534 mil- n ness according to an economically efficient, socially lion to sponsorships and support for cultural, social j just and environmentally responsible model. The and sports projects. This sum includes R$ 26.1 mil- Company therefore has achieved widespread recog- lion for the Petrobras Young Apprentice Program nition at home and abroad for its leading role and and about R$ 43.2 million to the Fund for Childhood capacity to overcome the compensation and mitiga- and Adolescence (FIA), to guarantee children’s and tion of social responsibility, successfully including in adolescents’ rights. The Company is conscious of its role as devel- INVESTMENTS IN SOCIAL PROJECTS IN 2007 opment inducer and in 2007 launched the Petrobras LINE OF ACTION NO. OF PROJECTS R$ ‘000 Development & Citizenship Program, continuing with Income and Job Opportunity Generation 321 58,838 actions considered to be successful or promising in Education for Professional Qualification 206 38,745 the Petrobras Zero Hunger Program, which directly Guaranteeing Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights (1) 508 110,615 and indirectly attended over ten million people with Other 143 14,275 an investment of R$ 386 million. Total 1,178 222,473 The aim of the Petrobras Development & (1) Includes transfer to the Childhood and Adolescence Fund, totaling R$ 43.1 million allocated to 284 projects. Citizenship Program, prepared with the help of dif- 28 HUMAN RIGHTS | PRINCIPLE 1
  • 33. Petrobras allocated 534 million reais to cultural, social and sports projects ferent areas of the Company and representatives from ence public opinion, social organizations and the civil society and the government, is to contribute to government for discussion of issues relating to citi- local, regional and national development. The objec- zenship and human rights. tive of the program is to offer decent and productive The Petrobras Development & Citizenship inclusion in society to the socially underprivileged. Program is at a new phase, bringing a set of break- By addressing cross-themes, such as gender, racial throughs in the field of the Company’s social man- equality, people with disability, fishermen and other agement. First, funds for social projects are now con- indigenous and traditional communities, the Petrobras sidered investment, which means that their follow-up Citizenship and Development seeks to directly and reflects on the methodology adopted by business proj- indirectly attend 17.6 million people and reach 27.5 ects. So much so that social investment systematics million people nationwide by dissemination actions. are being prepared to base the entire Petrobras System The program, with initial investment targets of on standardizing procedures for analysis, selection, R$ 1.3 billion in the period 2007-2012, supports proj- approval, follow-up and assessment of social projects ects that promote development with equal opportu- backed by the Company, and establishing methodol- nities and valorization of local talents, contributing ogy, criteria and indicators to be adopted. to reducing poverty and inequalities. All sponsored Moreover, the program proposes a set of perfor- projects are based on respect for diversity and act in mance targets for the social project portfolio, which synergy with public policies. The actions are stra- includes: priority for young people with 50% of the tegic, systemic and multi-institutional, to achieve public attended in the 15-29 age group; 20% partici- sustainable results. The program encourages social pants in professional training projects included in the protagonism, co-responsibility, associativism, coop- job market; improved school performance by 60% of erativism and networking, as well as contributing children and teenagers in the projects; completion to local development in the areas affected by the certificates recognized by the National Professional Petrobras System. Certification System awarded to at least 60% of the The strategic actions of the Petrobras Development professional training course; and business plans struc- & Citizenship Program are focused on: tured by at least 70% of the income earning projects. Investments in social projects that foster social The Company is also developing an information transformation of the most fringe communities by system to monitor and appraise those involved in transferring resources on a planned and monitored social projects to measure the results produced by basis; supported actions and follow up the scope of set tar- Reinforcing social organizations and networks gets and objectives. The Company project portfolio by interacting between private, public and social will use this system to be periodically assessed by the agents to form partnerships and alliances, exchang- Management Committee for Social Responsibility. ing experiences, learning, and formulation and dis- This new management model will help sys- cussion on public policies; tematize and measure Petrobras contribution to Diffusion of information on citizenship involving social change in the country. It will also share with communication campaigns to mobilize and influ- Brazilian social organizations its expertise in the WWW.PETROBRAS.COM | SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT 2007 29
  • 34. CULTURAL, SOCIAL AND SPORTS INVESTMENTS management field by spreading good practices, taken for capacity building and technical skills in networking synergy and fulfilling the potential of production and marketing of the products. There is the results. In this way, it can invest strategically, also capacity building for environmental education adding potential to the results. with a view to reforesting the Atlantic rainforest; Petrobras Development & Citizenship has formed The Young who Samba, Work and are Happy: partnerships with several governmental, non-govern- teaches skills to young people in a social risk sit- mental and community organizations all over Brazil uation in poor communities in the city of Rio de within three main lines of action: Janeiro and taking socio-educational measures for adolescents on probation. The project gives pro- Generation of income and job opportunity: with fessional training in five activities of the so-called emphasis on the short term, the actions contribute “Carnival Industry”. The activities in a logical pro- to productive inclusion of the Brazilian population, duction cycle, such as modeling, dressmaking, wire finding more immediate solutions to overcome the working, accessories and headdresses, help gener- poverty in the country. The projects have a strong ate work and income for a segment of society that emancipating and autonomy-furthering nature. It has huge difficulties to find their first job. The proj- encourages the use of technology and offers suitable ect workshops on citizenship and Brazilian culture infrastructure for local production arrangements, to further cultural, economic and social protagonism increase their competitiveness with a view to financial among young people, and encourage them to stay sustainability. Some examples are as follows: on at or return to school. In 2007, partnership with Flour Corridor Project: by means of management Portela Samba School helped create jobs for the technical assistance and ongoing capacity building preparations of the 2008 samba school parade, on to further the skills of productive units, the project the theme of ‘water’, giving the young more knowl- involves 120 farmers and six flour mills of family pro- edge about the environment. ducers in six counties in Pernambuco. The actions aim to revive the manioc production chain in the Guarantee the rights of the child and adolescent: region, reinforce and raise community conscious- a long-term outlook, seeking to break the perpetuating ness of their role in Brazilian society, attending the cycles of poverty in Brazil, and the actions are in line farmers to meet their expectations and needs; with the paradigm of full protection. They address the Ivaporunduva Kilombo Sustainable Development child and adolescent as having rights and absolute pri- Project: the project is designed to further social ority, since they are at a special stage of development. and economic development, generate income and The following are some examples of projects: improve the quality of life for the 150 households. It Implementing the Millennium Goals for Children creates an economic alternative to banana growing in Semi-Arid Brazil — UNICEF Seal of Approved — the major economic activity of the Ivaporunduva Municipality: the idea of the project is to help community, in São Paulo — by organic handling achieve the Millennium Goals for children and and processing of the fruit. The capacity building adolescents in 1,118 municipalities in 11 semi- of the community for planning sustainable tourism arid states of Brazil. Local players and talents with and structuring a visitors’ center in the kilombo has strong community participation and children and helped to fulfill its potential for tourism; adolescents are mobilized and coordinated so that mayors, governors and the federal government can Learning professional skills: mid-term actions work to achieve the goals and commitments within give priority to training young people for the labor mar- the sphere of the National Compact: A World for ket through professional training and building a life the Child and Adolescent in Semi-Arid Brazil; project, considering their concerns, dreams, vocations Educational Radio Soap Opera Broadcast to and talents. This is the case in the following projects: Protect the Rights of Children and Adolescents: Human Capacity Building, Planting Forests and the project is in Pará, North Brazil, and trains social Guaranteeing a Future: with organic production agents in the subject of addressing violence against and sale of farm produce, around 50 households children and adolescents, providing content for in Alagoas benefit from the project through actions the educational radio soap operas. Through the 30 HUMAN RIGHTS | PRINCIPLE 1