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Agile Software 
Who I am… 
Rui Barreira 
Senior Delivery Manager/Agile Coach 
Agile Enthusiast since 2008 
Experienced Software Architect and 
Product Manager 
What is NOT! 
Agile is NOT! – Reduced Team Capacity

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Agile and CMMI: Yes, They Can Work Together
Agile and CMMI: Yes, They Can Work TogetherAgile and CMMI: Yes, They Can Work Together
Agile and CMMI: Yes, They Can Work Together

There is a common misconception that agile and CMMI cannot work together. CMMI is viewed as a documentation heavy, slow, process-driven model—the polar opposite of agile principles. The cost of documentation for an appraisal is viewed as another drawback. Join Ed Weller to see why a large organization chose to use the practices in the CMMI to complement agile, and a formal appraisal to improve and evaluate their performance. When mixing approaches that seem contradictory, the first step is to understand the benefits, drawbacks, and cost of each approach and then identify complementary additions. This includes myth busting the misperceptions about both agile and CMMI. The second step, using a formal CMMI appraisal to evaluate organizational performance, requires an understanding of the CMMI model that goes beyond a “checklist approach” requiring extensive documentation. Using lean principles, the appraisal team minimized “appraisal documentation” by using the day-to-day team output. Ed shows that agile and CMMI can be complementary due to executive leadership, lean implementation, and organization training, as demonstrated by a formal appraisal and business results.

Introducing scrum
Introducing scrumIntroducing scrum
Introducing scrum

The document provides an overview of Scrum, an agile framework for project management. It discusses the core components of Scrum including roles, artifacts, ceremonies, and values. The key roles are Product Owner, Scrum Master, and self-organizing Team. Projects progress through a series of sprints where work is pulled from the prioritized Product Backlog to the Sprint Backlog and completed work is demonstrated at Sprint Review meetings. Daily stand-up meetings and retrospective meetings aid in transparency and process improvement.

Scrum introduction
Scrum introductionScrum introduction
Scrum introduction

This document provides an introduction to the Scrum framework. It describes Scrum as an agile process that focuses on delivering high business value in short iterations called sprints. Key Scrum roles include the Product Owner who prioritizes features, the Scrum Master who facilitates the process, and cross-functional teams. Ceremonies like sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews and retrospectives help teams self-organize their work.

scrumuser storyagile software development
Agile is NOT! – One Big Story
Agile is NOT! – No Process
Agile is NOT! 
“letting the programming team do whatever they need to with 
no project management, and no architecture, allowing a 
solution to emerge, the programmers will do all the testing 
necessary with Unit Tests…”
Business Value 

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Hanno Jarvet BeWise loeng "An Introduction to Scrum" (20.11.2013 EBS)
Hanno Jarvet BeWise loeng "An Introduction to Scrum" (20.11.2013 EBS)Hanno Jarvet BeWise loeng "An Introduction to Scrum" (20.11.2013 EBS)
Hanno Jarvet BeWise loeng "An Introduction to Scrum" (20.11.2013 EBS)

This document provides an introduction to Scrum, an agile process framework commonly used for project management. It describes key Scrum concepts like sprints, ceremonies, roles and artifacts. The three main roles in Scrum are the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and development team. Projects using Scrum are broken into sprints, typically 2-4 weeks. Ceremonies include sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews and retrospectives. Artifacts include the product backlog, sprint backlog and burn down charts. Scrum aims to rapidly deliver working software in short iterations with self-organizing teams.

RIPPLE 2014: "Be Agile in a CMMI level 5 World"
RIPPLE 2014: "Be Agile in a CMMI level 5 World"RIPPLE 2014: "Be Agile in a CMMI level 5 World"
RIPPLE 2014: "Be Agile in a CMMI level 5 World"

CRITICAL Software presentation on RIPPLE conference, hosted and sponsored by BLIP in Oporto back in March 2014. The topic is focused on the alignment of Agile/Scrum within a CMMI Maturity Level 5 organization in Portugal.

CAI - Agile Scrum Development Presentation
CAI - Agile Scrum Development PresentationCAI - Agile Scrum Development Presentation
CAI - Agile Scrum Development Presentation

The document discusses problems with traditional software development approaches and proposes an agile approach using Scrum. It outlines key principles of Scrum including short iterative development cycles, daily stand-ups, prioritized backlogs and frequent deliveries of working software. Scrum roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master and cross-functional team are defined along with common Scrum artifacts, meetings and metrics used. Challenges of adopting Scrum at an organizational level are also covered.

What is Business Value? 
• Value: is any desirable result for a stakeholder in a context; 
• Stakeholder: are groups or individuals with a relationship to the 
change or the solution; 
• Needs: are problems, opportunities or constraints with potential of 
value to a stakeholder; 
• Changes: are any controlled transformations of an organization; 
• Solutions: are specific ways to satisfy needs in a context; 
• Contexts: are the part of the environment that encompasses a 
What is Business Value? 
“Price is what you pay, Value is What you get!” 
Warren Buffet
Types of Business Value?
Delivering Business Value is difficult! 
• Of the work executed: “Many (possibly most) organisations lose 
as much as 45% of their total revenues due to costs associated 
with low quality” 
• On Failing: Some 75 percent of most large-scale J2EE projects 
fail by missing both time and budget projections …” 
• On Value: “64% of features actually delivered are either rarely 
or never used”

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Scrum. software engineering seminar
Scrum. software engineering seminarScrum. software engineering seminar
Scrum. software engineering seminar

Scrum is a framework for developing complex products and systems. It employs an iterative, incremental approach with three roles - Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Team - and four meetings - Planning, Daily Scrum, Review, and Retrospective. The Product Owner prioritizes items in the Product Backlog and accepts or rejects work results. The cross-functional Team selects and delivers the highest priority backlog items within a Sprint. The Scrum Master helps the Team achieve their goals and shields them from distractions.

Agile Scrum Methodology
Agile Scrum MethodologyAgile Scrum Methodology
Agile Scrum Methodology

Scrum is an agile software development framework that focuses on self-organizing cross-functional teams, sprints of work lasting 2-4 weeks, daily stand-up meetings, and empirical process control. The key roles are the Product Owner who prioritizes features, the Scrum Master who facilitates the process, and the self-organizing Development Team. Scrum uses sprints, daily scrums, sprint planning meetings, sprint reviews, and retrospectives to deliver working software frequently in an iterative and incremental fashion.

Let’s Play Agile ! 12-09-15-testers_hub
Let’s  Play  Agile ! 12-09-15-testers_hubLet’s  Play  Agile ! 12-09-15-testers_hub
Let’s Play Agile ! 12-09-15-testers_hub

The document discusses Agile software development methods. It defines Agile as iterative development methods that promote adaptive planning, evolutionary development, rapid response to change, and value interactions and collaboration over processes and tools. It describes common Agile frameworks like Scrum, which uses sprints, daily stand-ups, and artifacts like product backlogs to help teams self-organize and deliver working software frequently. The document contrasts traditional waterfall methods with Agile's emphasis on adaptability, collaboration, and rapid delivery of working software.

agile software developmentagilescrum
How to create Business Value! 
Requirements, design 
verification & 
(Barry Boehm) 
V-MODEL (Anon) 
Aligns testing to 
Waterfall development 
AGILE e.g. XP 
(Kent Beck) 
RUP (Rational) 
(James Martin) 
Incremental, user 
driven, low process 
Object oriented, 
iterative, time-boxed, 
user driven 
Prototyping, iterative, 
time-boxed, user driven 
1960 1970 1980 85 91 
98 99 
Waterfall V-Model 
Spiral Model 
Agile Philosophy 
The Philosophy 
 Agile methods are considered 
 People-based rather than Plan-based 
 Several agile methods 
 No single agile method 
 XP most popular 
 No single definition 
 Agile Manifesto closest to a definition 
 Set of principles 
 Developed by Agile Alliance
The Agile Manifesto 
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 
Working software over comprehensive documentation 
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 
Responding to change over following a plan

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Codess Prague - Agile vs Traditional Methods - Apr 2014
Codess Prague - Agile vs Traditional Methods - Apr 2014Codess Prague - Agile vs Traditional Methods - Apr 2014
Codess Prague - Agile vs Traditional Methods - Apr 2014

This document discusses Agile vs traditional project management methods. It provides an overview of Scrum, the most popular Agile framework, outlining its key roles, events and artifacts. Scrum emphasizes iterative development, early delivery of working software, transparency, collaboration and continuous improvement. It aims to eliminate waste and focus on delivering the highest business value. The document also discusses how Lean, Agile and Scrum philosophies relate, with all aiming to eliminate waste and increase customer value.

Agile-Scrum Methodology-An Introduction
Agile-Scrum Methodology-An IntroductionAgile-Scrum Methodology-An Introduction
Agile-Scrum Methodology-An Introduction

The document provides an introduction to Agile methodology and Scrum framework. It discusses the limitations of traditional waterfall approaches and how Agile and Scrum address those limitations through iterative development with frequent delivery and ability to adapt to changing requirements. The key aspects of Scrum like sprints, daily stand-ups, sprint planning, review and retrospective are explained to give an overview of how Scrum works in practice.

agile testingagile methodology
Agile - Scrum Presentation
Agile - Scrum PresentationAgile - Scrum Presentation
Agile - Scrum Presentation

Scrum is an agile framework for managing projects that uses short cycles of work called sprints to incrementally deliver working software. There are three main roles in Scrum - the Product Owner prioritizes features in the Product Backlog, the Scrum Master facilitates the process, and the self-organizing Team works to complete the highest priority items each sprint. Key Scrum artifacts include the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, and Burn Down Chart. The main Scrum ceremonies are Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective meetings.

software methodologyagilescrum
The Agile Manifesto 
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools 
Working software over comprehensive documentation 
That is, while there is value in the items on 
the right, we value the items on the left more. 
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 
Responding to change over following a plan
The 12 principles of Agile
On Image Agile
Agile Methodologies 

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What is agile?
What is agile?What is agile?
What is agile?

An explanation of Agile and how it relates to frameworks like Scrum. What is Agile: https://agile-mercurial.com/2019/01/28/what-is-agile-1-minute-explanation-video/ Blog: https://agile-mercurial.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPM82of2YuqIR1SgLGHa1eg Twitter: https://twitter.com/agile_mercurial Tumblr: https://agilemercurial.tumblr.com/

Agile Overview Session
Agile Overview SessionAgile Overview Session
Agile Overview Session

Overview presentation showing 4 parts: 1- Agile methodology 2- Test Driven Development 3- Agile different implementations 4- Agile Project Planning and Architecture

agile planningmanifestottd
Learn Scrum Engineering in 5 minutes
Learn Scrum Engineering in 5 minutesLearn Scrum Engineering in 5 minutes
Learn Scrum Engineering in 5 minutes

This document provides an overview of Scrum, an agile project management framework. Some key points: - Scrum uses iterative "Sprints" typically lasting 2-4 weeks to develop software in short cycles. A product backlog is prioritized and tasks are broken down for each Sprint. - Self-organizing Scrum teams of 5-9 people work to complete the Sprint goals. Daily stand-up meetings provide status updates and help remove impediments. - At the end of each Sprint, working software is demonstrated and the product owner evaluates progress before prioritizing tasks for the next Sprint. - Scrum aims to improve productivity, adaptability and creativity compared to

All of them are Agile 
 Agile methods: 
 Extreme Programming 
 Adaptive Software Development (ASD) 
 Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) 
 Lean IT 
 Agile Alliance (www.agilealliance.org) 
 A non-profit organization promotes agile development
Lets Talk About SCRUM
Sequencing vs Overlapping 
Requirements Design Code Test
Scrum in 100 Words 
 Scrum is an agile process that allows us to focus on 
delivering the highest business value in the shortest time. 
 It allows us to rapidly and repeatedly inspect actual 
working software (every two weeks to one month). 
 The business sets the priorities. Our teams self-manage to 
determine the best way to deliver the highest priority 
 Every two weeks to a month anyone can see real working 
software and decide to release it as is or continue to 
enhance for another iteration.

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Scrum Process For Offshore Team
Scrum Process For Offshore TeamScrum Process For Offshore Team
Scrum Process For Offshore Team

The document outlines the scrum process for an offshore development team, including an overview of scrum methodology, roles like the product owner and scrum master, artifacts like the product backlog and sprint burndown chart, and activities in the sprint planning, daily standups, and retrospectives. It provides details on tailoring scrum for offshore teams and defining roles for the project manager, development team, and business analyst to work with the onshore client.

web developmentproject managementplanning
Agile Scrum Training Process
Agile Scrum Training ProcessAgile Scrum Training Process
Agile Scrum Training Process

The document provides an overview of the Agile Scrum process. It describes traditional waterfall methodologies and how Agile and Scrum differ by being more iterative, collaborative with stakeholders, and able to adapt to changes. The Scrum framework involves three main roles - Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Team. It also describes the four main Scrum ceremonies - Sprint Planning Meeting, Daily Standup, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective - as well as the typical artifacts like Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog.

agileagile software developmentinformation technology

This document provides an overview of scrum, an agile project management framework. It defines key scrum roles like the product owner, scrum master, and scrum team. It also outlines the scrum process which involves sprint planning meetings, daily stand-up meetings, and working in 2-4 week sprints to develop incremental deliverables. The document notes major companies that use scrum and the advantages of increased flexibility, quality, and clear project status, while also acknowledging potential disadvantages like lack of a final plan and challenges in change management.

Scrum Characteristics 
• Self-organizing teams 
• Product progresses in a series of month-long “sprints” 
• Requirements are captured as items in a list of 
“product backlog” 
• No specific engineering practices prescribed 
• Uses generative rules to create an agile 
environment for delivering projects 
• One of the “agile processes”
Scrum Framework 
•Product owner 
•Product backlog 
•Sprint backlog 
•Burndown charts 
•Sprint planning 
•Sprint review 
•Sprint retrospective 
•Daily scrum meeting
Scrum Roles – Product Owner 
• Define the features of the product 
• Decide on release date and content 
• Be responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI) 
• Prioritize features according to market value 
• Adjust features and priority every iteration, as needed 
• Accept or reject work results
Scrum Roles – Scrum Master 
• Represents management to the project 
• Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices 
• Removes impediments 
• Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive 
• Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions 
• Shield the team from external interferences

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Agile scrum
Agile scrumAgile scrum
Agile scrum

The document provides an overview of the Agile SCRUM methodology. It defines Agile as lightweight iterative software development processes that emphasize collaboration and adaptation over rigid planning. Scrum is introduced as one of the most commonly used Agile frameworks. Key Scrum components are summarized as roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, ceremonies like sprint planning and review meetings, and artifacts like the product and sprint backlogs. The document outlines the Scrum process, history, characteristics, and pros and cons.

Practicing Agile through Scrum
Practicing Agile through ScrumPracticing Agile through Scrum
Practicing Agile through Scrum

Scrum is an agile framework that focuses on rapid delivery of working software in short cycles called sprints. It involves self-organizing cross-functional teams, prioritized backlogs and artifacts like product backlogs, sprint backlogs and increments. Key roles include the product owner who prioritizes features, the development team who work on delivering features and the scrum master who facilitates the process. Ceremonies like sprint planning, daily standups, sprint reviews and retrospectives help ensure transparency and process improvement.

scrumproduct ownerscrum master
Agile by KD
Agile by KDAgile by KD
Agile by KD

The document provides an overview of the Agile methodology known as Scrum. It defines Scrum as an Agile process that allows teams to focus on delivering high business value in short iterations called sprints. The document outlines the key components of Scrum, including roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, ceremonies like sprint planning and daily stand-ups, and artifacts like the product and sprint backlogs. It also discusses how Scrum teams self-organize to complete sprint goals and deliver working software incrementally in each sprint.

Scrum Roles – The Team 
• Typically 5-9 people 
• Cross-functional: 
• Programmers, testers, user experience designers, etc. 
• Members should be full-time 
• May be exceptions (e.g., database administrator) 
• Teams are self-organizing 
• Ideally, no titles but rarely a possibility 
• Membership should change only between sprints
Scrum Ceremonies - Planning Meeting 
Sprint Planning 
Product Backlog 
Team Capabilities 
Business Conditions 
Current Product 
Sprint Goal 
Sprint Backlog 
Product Backlog
Scrum Ceremonies - Planning Meeting 
• Team selects items from the 
product backlog they can commit 
to completing 
• Sprint backlog is created 
• Tasks are identified and each is 
estimated (1-16 hours) 
• Collaboratively, not done alone 
by the ScrumMaster 
• High-level design is considered 
Scrum Ceremonies – The Daily Scrum 
• Parameters 
• Daily 
• 15-minutes 
• Stand-up 
• Not for problem solving 
• Whole world is invited 
• Only team members, ScrumMaster, 
product owner, can talk 
• Helps avoid other unnecessary 

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Lecture 5 -6(CSC205).pptx jsksnxbbxjxksnsnz
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Lecture 5 -6(CSC205).pptx jsksnxbbxjxksnsnz

This document provides an overview of process models and agile development approaches. It discusses the Unified Process (UP) and its phases including inception, elaboration, and more. Agile methods like Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP) are also summarized. Scrum uses sprints, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews and retrospectives. XP practices pair programming, test-driven development, and frequent small releases. The document emphasizes that agile prioritizes individuals, working software, customer collaboration and responding to change over processes and tools.

Scrum in action
Scrum in actionScrum in action
Scrum in action

The document discusses Scrum, an agile framework for managing complex projects. It describes Scrum's core components like sprints, roles, artifacts, and events. Sprints are short, timed iterations where self-organizing teams work on prioritized backlog items to create shippable increments. Key roles include the Product Owner who prioritizes features, and the Scrum Master who coaches the team. Artifacts include the Product and Sprint Backlogs and shippable increments. Events help the team inspect and adapt their process through planning, daily check-ins, reviews, and retrospectives. Many large companies have adopted Scrum to deliver working software frequently in response to changing requirements.

scrummobile developer weekendagile software development
Scrum toufiq
Scrum toufiqScrum toufiq
Scrum toufiq

Scrum is an agile framework for managing software development projects, characterized by short development cycles called sprints, daily stand-up meetings, and emphasis on self-organizing cross-functional teams. Key roles include the product owner, who prioritizes features; the scrum master, who facilitates the process; and the development team. Scrum uses artifacts like the product backlog, sprint backlog, and burndown charts to track progress. Ceremonies like sprint planning, daily scrums, sprint reviews, and retrospectives promote inspection and adaptation.

scrumagileagile software development
Scrum Ceremonies – The Daily Scrum 
What did you do yesterday? 
What will you do today? 
Is anything in your way? 
Scrum Ceremonies – The Sprint Review 
• Team presents what it accomplished 
during the sprint 
• Typically takes the form of a demo of 
new features or underlying architecture 
• Informal 
• 2-hour prep time rule 
• No slides 
• Whole team participates 
• Invite the world
Scrum Ceremonies – The Sprint Retrospective 
• Periodically take a look at what is and is not working 
• Typically 15–30 minutes 
• Done after every sprint 
• Whole team participates 
• ScrumMaster 
• Product owner 
• Team 
• Possibly customers and others
Scrum Artifacts – The Product Backlog 
• The requirements 
• A list of all desired work 
on the project 
• Ideally expressed such 
that each item has 
value to the users or 
customers of the 
• Prioritized by the 
product owner 
• Reprioritized at the start 
of each sprint

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The document provides an overview of the Agile-Scrum project development methodology. Some key points include: - Scrum uses short development cycles called sprints to deliver working software frequently in an iterative manner. - Self-organizing cross-functional teams work to deliver business value through working software at the end of each sprint. - Daily stand-up meetings are held for teams to synchronize their work. Sprint planning and reviews ensure alignment with stakeholders. - Key Scrum roles include the Product Owner who prioritizes backlog items, the Scrum Master who facilitates the process, and the Development Team. - Sprints use a product backlog, sprint backlog and burn-down charts to track

Scrum Intro for E-works
Scrum Intro for E-worksScrum Intro for E-works
Scrum Intro for E-works

Scrum is an agile framework for managing product development that focuses on iterative delivery of value through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. Key aspects of Scrum include short "sprints" where work is defined and tracked on a sprint backlog, daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning and review sessions, and emphasizing working software over documentation. The framework defines three roles - Product Owner who prioritizes features, Scrum Master who facilitates the process, and a self-organizing Development Team.

Agile best practices
Agile best practicesAgile best practices
Agile best practices

The document discusses various best practices used in Agile project management. Some key Agile practices mentioned include iterations, customer-oriented approach, product backlog, user stories, Scrum meetings, and automated testing. It provides details on how each practice works and its benefits. For example, it notes that iterations allow teams to select work based on available hours, while product backlogs help prioritize and detail customer requirements to guide development work.

Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Backlog 
• A subset of Product Backlog Items, which define the work for 
a Sprint 
• Is created ONLY by Team members 
• Each Item has it’s own status 
• Should be updated every day 
• Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing 
• Work is never assigned 
• Estimated work remaining is updated daily
Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Backlog
Scrum Artifacts – All Backlogs 
All the features of 
product roadmap 
Products’s Backlog 
All the features of a 
particular product 
Sprint Backlog 
Stories for the 
Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Burndown Chart 
• Depicts the total Sprint Backlog hours remaining per day 
• Shows the estimated amount of time to release 
• Ideally should burn down to zero to the end of the Sprint 
• Actually is not a straight line 
• Can bump UP

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Agile Scrum CMMI
Agile Scrum CMMIAgile Scrum CMMI
Agile Scrum CMMI

Detail Information about Agile Process Frameworks such as SCRUM and CMMI along with agile manifesto. Comparison between scrum and capability maturity model integration

cmmiagile software developmentneuromancer
English redistributable-intro-scrum
English redistributable-intro-scrumEnglish redistributable-intro-scrum
English redistributable-intro-scrum

This document provides an overview of Agile and Scrum methodologies for software development. It discusses key Agile principles like early delivery, flexibility, and collaboration. Scrum is presented as a framework for Agile development with roles like Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Team. Ceremonies like sprint planning, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews and retrospectives are covered. Artifacts like the product and sprint backlogs are also summarized. Examples of companies using Scrum are provided.

Scrum Software Development Methodology
Scrum Software Development MethodologyScrum Software Development Methodology
Scrum Software Development Methodology

Scrum is a Agile framework which allows teams to work together in order to develop a product. Building complex products for customers is an naturally difficult task. In the Scrum methodology a sprint is the basic unit of development.

university of moratuwauommsc it
Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Burndown Chart
Definition of Done 
Code Commented 
and Committed to 
Unit Tests 
t Finished 
Agile Practices 
For Though Tasks – Pair Programming

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Scrum workshop - September 7, 2012
Scrum workshop - September 7, 2012Scrum workshop - September 7, 2012
Scrum workshop - September 7, 2012

Scrum Workshop presentation done by Alex Rosales on Septembe 7, 2012 - Quang Trung Software City, HCMC, Vietnam

Agile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वो
Agile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वोAgile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वो
Agile - Basics.pptxjvjplhxitstistidara तिहोचपवपज्वो

Agile is a software development methodology that uses short iterative cycles called sprints to develop software incrementally and align with changing business needs. It values early and continuous delivery of working software, welcoming changing requirements, self-organizing teams, and face-to-face conversations. Scrum is an agile framework that uses sprints, daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives in an empirical process of transparency, inspection, and adaptation. The product owner prioritizes the backlog and the scrum team works to complete items in each sprint.

Agile, not just for software
Agile, not just for softwareAgile, not just for software
Agile, not just for software

This document provides an overview of Agile and Scrum frameworks. It begins with introductions and then discusses what Agile is, comparing it to the traditional Waterfall model. Key aspects of Scrum like roles, meetings, events and artifacts are explained. The document argues that Agile is not just for software teams and discusses how Atlassian uses Agile to promote innovation through a culture that provides employees freedom, time, collaboration, funding and experimentation.

For Though Tasks – Pair Programming 
We help each other succeed. This practice comes 
from XP.
For Though Tasks – Pair Programming 
– Keep each other on task and focused 
– Don’t want to let partner down 
– “Embarrassed” to not follow the prescribed process 
– Parkinson’s law “work expands to fill all available time.” 
– Distributed cognition: “searching through larger spaces of alternatives” 
» Have shared goals and plans 
» Bring different prior experiences to the task 
» Different access to task relevant information 
» Must negotiate a common shared of action 
– Each, in turn, contributes to the best of their knowledge and ability 
– Then, sit back and think while their partner fights on
For Though Tasks – Pair Programming 
– Continuous design and code reviews 
– Ultimate in defect removal efficiency 
– Removes programmers distaste for reviews 
» 80% of all (solo) programmers don’t do them regularly or at all 
Debug by describing 
– Tell it to the Furby 
– Continuous reviews  learn from partners techniques, knowledge of 
language, domain, etc. 
– “Between the two of us, we knew it or could figure it out” 
– Apprenticeship 
– Defect prevention always more efficient than defect removal
Roles – Pair Programming 
The Driver 
The person with control of the computer 
Does the bulk of the typing 
The Navigator 
Actively follows along with the driver with comments 
Can take over at any time

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Scrum Refresher
Scrum RefresherScrum Refresher
Scrum Refresher

Scrum Refresher you can run for your organisation or Scrum team. Scrum values, Scrum framework, Scrum roles. Copy what you need to your own presentation.

Introduction to Scrum
Introduction to ScrumIntroduction to Scrum
Introduction to Scrum

This document provides an introduction to the Scrum methodology for software development. It discusses the software crisis in the 1960s that led to the need for more formal development methodologies. Scrum is defined as an agile framework that uses short iterations called sprints, a product backlog of features, and core roles of a product owner, development team, and scrum master. The document outlines Scrum's empirical process of transparency, inspection, and adaptation and how it aims to deliver high quality working software through frequent inspection and adaptation.

Agile project management day 2
Agile project management day 2Agile project management day 2
Agile project management day 2

This document provides an agenda and slides for a training on Agile Project Management. The training covers topics such as Scrum roles and processes, scaling Agile to multiple teams, user stories and estimation techniques, and empowering teams through delegation. Managing requirements and dependencies between teams when scaling Agile is also discussed. Examples from companies like Spotify, DeLaval, and Tele2 are used to illustrate how Agile principles can be applied at different levels from teams to programs.

For Quality – Continuous Integration 
“ Continuous Integration is a software development practice 
where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually 
each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple 
integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated 
build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as 
For Quality – Continuous Integration 
• The ultimate goal of continuous integration is to be able to 
deploy all code. 
• Although you won’t release in the middle of a sprint, the 
point is to be technologically ready, even if you are not 
• With Continuous integration, you are integrating in short 
cycle and thus have smaller changes to deal with as you 
• Continuous integration does not make sense unless it’s 
automated, has a short turn around time (fast builds), and 
everyone owns the concept of Green Builds. 
• You need tests to fail or pass a build. Tests are the backbone 
that give you a green or a red light to take a snapshot of 
your build.
Challenges – Continuous Integration 
• Don’t force this. It requires everyone to buy-in. 
• CI also requires some setup, if you don’t have one. 
• Keeping build times short. This might require some serious 
effort and might show you the deficiency of your builds. 
• And you need a good version control system – VC systems 
like subversion that allows atomic check-in.
Start with the wheels – Interactive Design

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Agile retrospectives v100
Agile retrospectives v100Agile retrospectives v100
Agile retrospectives v100

This document provides an overview of how to plan and facilitate an agile retrospective meeting. It discusses setting up the context and goal, introducing a check-in for participants, focusing the discussion on improvements, gathering feedback through exercises like team radar and learning matrix, prioritizing actions, and closing the meeting with appreciation. The overall objective is continuous improvement through inspecting and adapting the team's processes.

Getting things done
Getting things doneGetting things done
Getting things done

Getting Things Done! outlines a method for staying organized and productive by clearing your mind, clarifying commitments, and keeping reminders organized in a regularly reviewed system. It recommends collecting all tasks in an inbox, processing emails by archiving, deferring or taking action on them, and prioritizing next actions. Key aspects include using a task list to determine what to do and when based on importance and productivity, capturing everything, trusting the system, categorizing tools like Outlook and OneNote, and automating what you can while focusing on the method over specific tools.

timegetting things doneorganization
The Story of Agile @ Vortal - Agile Portugal
The Story of Agile @ Vortal - Agile PortugalThe Story of Agile @ Vortal - Agile Portugal
The Story of Agile @ Vortal - Agile Portugal

This document describes the story of VORTAL's adoption of Agile practices to support their software development work. It outlines the challenges they initially faced with large communication needs and delivery requirements. It then details how they implemented Scrum-based practices like daily standups and planning meetings to organize their team. Over 10 months they completed 14 releases using practices like continuous integration, peer review, and incremental design. The document concludes by describing how they have expanded their Agile team and processes to include over 250 engineers across multiple locations.

It’s Simulation Time!
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The document discusses wireless sensor networks and ambient intelligence. It begins by providing context on ambient intelligence, describing it as smart electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to people. It then discusses key challenges for ambient intelligence, including social and political concerns about privacy and trust. Finally, it outlines several technological areas important for ambient intelligence, such as ubiquitous computing, and emphasizes the importance of putting users at the center of system design.

Ambient Intelligence – Useful and non intrusive technology
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Ambient Intelligence – Useful and non intrusive technology

The document discusses ambient intelligence and its key technological areas. Ambient intelligence refers to smart electronic environments that are sensitive and responsive to people's presence. It involves embedding electronics in everyday objects to allow for natural interaction. The technologies discussed include embedded computing, wearable computing, ubiquitous computing, and context awareness. The document emphasizes that users should be at the center of ambient intelligence systems and discusses principles for putting people first through usability and social frameworks. It provides examples of ambient intelligence solutions from QUiiQ including home automation.

home automationambiente intelligencewearable computing
What the bread_said
What the bread_saidWhat the bread_said
What the bread_said

This document tells the story of a curious child named Suzzie who has a conversation with a loaf of bread. The bread shares some values with Suzzie like sharing, gratitude, tradition, family, friendship, and fun. It encourages Suzzie to remember these values and says goodbye until breakfast.


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Agile Session @ Universidade Portucalense

  • 2. Who I am… 2 Rui Barreira Senior Delivery Manager/Agile Coach @ VORTAL Agile Enthusiast since 2008 Experienced Software Architect and Product Manager pt.linkedin.com/in/ruimbarreira/ rui.barreira@vortal.biz
  • 4. 4 Agile is NOT! – Reduced Team Capacity
  • 5. 5 Agile is NOT! – One Big Story
  • 6. 6 Agile is NOT! – No Process
  • 7. 7 Agile is NOT! “letting the programming team do whatever they need to with no project management, and no architecture, allowing a solution to emerge, the programmers will do all the testing necessary with Unit Tests…”
  • 9. 9 What is Business Value? • Value: is any desirable result for a stakeholder in a context; • Stakeholder: are groups or individuals with a relationship to the change or the solution; • Needs: are problems, opportunities or constraints with potential of value to a stakeholder; • Changes: are any controlled transformations of an organization; • Solutions: are specific ways to satisfy needs in a context; • Contexts: are the part of the environment that encompasses a change;
  • 10. 10 What is Business Value? “Price is what you pay, Value is What you get!” Warren Buffet
  • 11. 11 Types of Business Value?
  • 12. 12 Delivering Business Value is difficult! • Of the work executed: “Many (possibly most) organisations lose as much as 45% of their total revenues due to costs associated with low quality” • On Failing: Some 75 percent of most large-scale J2EE projects fail by missing both time and budget projections …” • On Value: “64% of features actually delivered are either rarely or never used”
  • 13. 13 How to create Business Value! WATERFALL (Royce) Requirements, design implementation, verification & maintenance SPIRAL MODEL (Barry Boehm) V-MODEL (Anon) Iterative Aligns testing to Waterfall development AGILE e.g. XP (Kent Beck) RUP (Rational) RAD (James Martin) Incremental, user driven, low process Object oriented, iterative, time-boxed, user driven Prototyping, iterative, time-boxed, user driven 1960 1970 1980 85 91 98 99 Waterfall V-Model Spiral Model RAD RUP
  • 15. 15 The Philosophy Agile methods are considered Lightweight People-based rather than Plan-based Several agile methods No single agile method XP most popular No single definition Agile Manifesto closest to a definition Set of principles Developed by Agile Alliance
  • 16. 16 The Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
  • 17. 17 The Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
  • 18. 18 The 12 principles of Agile
  • 19. 19 On Image Agile
  • 21. 21 All of them are Agile Agile methods: Scrum Extreme Programming Adaptive Software Development (ASD) Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) Lean IT … Agile Alliance (www.agilealliance.org) A non-profit organization promotes agile development
  • 22. 22 Lets Talk About SCRUM
  • 23. 23 Sequencing vs Overlapping Requirements Design Code Test
  • 24. 24 Scrum in 100 Words Scrum is an agile process that allows us to focus on delivering the highest business value in the shortest time. It allows us to rapidly and repeatedly inspect actual working software (every two weeks to one month). The business sets the priorities. Our teams self-manage to determine the best way to deliver the highest priority features. Every two weeks to a month anyone can see real working software and decide to release it as is or continue to enhance for another iteration.
  • 25. 25 Scrum Characteristics • Self-organizing teams • Product progresses in a series of month-long “sprints” • Requirements are captured as items in a list of “product backlog” • No specific engineering practices prescribed • Uses generative rules to create an agile environment for delivering projects • One of the “agile processes”
  • 26. 26 Scrum Framework Roles •Product owner •ScrumMaster •Team Ceremonies Artifacts •Product backlog •Sprint backlog •Burndown charts •Sprint planning •Sprint review •Sprint retrospective •Daily scrum meeting
  • 27. 27 Scrum Roles – Product Owner • Define the features of the product • Decide on release date and content • Be responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI) • Prioritize features according to market value • Adjust features and priority every iteration, as needed • Accept or reject work results
  • 28. 28 Scrum Roles – Scrum Master • Represents management to the project • Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices • Removes impediments • Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive • Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions • Shield the team from external interferences
  • 29. 29 Scrum Roles – The Team • Typically 5-9 people • Cross-functional: • Programmers, testers, user experience designers, etc. • Members should be full-time • May be exceptions (e.g., database administrator) • Teams are self-organizing • Ideally, no titles but rarely a possibility • Membership should change only between sprints
  • 30. 30 Scrum Ceremonies - Planning Meeting Sprint Planning Meeting Product Backlog Team Capabilities Business Conditions Technology Current Product Sprint Goal Sprint Backlog Product Backlog
  • 31. 31 Scrum Ceremonies - Planning Meeting • Team selects items from the product backlog they can commit to completing • Sprint backlog is created • Tasks are identified and each is estimated (1-16 hours) • Collaboratively, not done alone by the ScrumMaster • High-level design is considered Sprint goal Sprint backlog
  • 32. 32 Scrum Ceremonies – The Daily Scrum • Parameters • Daily • 15-minutes • Stand-up • Not for problem solving • Whole world is invited • Only team members, ScrumMaster, product owner, can talk • Helps avoid other unnecessary meetings
  • 33. 33 Scrum Ceremonies – The Daily Scrum What did you do yesterday? 1 What will you do today? 2 Is anything in your way? 3
  • 34. 34 Scrum Ceremonies – The Sprint Review • Team presents what it accomplished during the sprint • Typically takes the form of a demo of new features or underlying architecture • Informal • 2-hour prep time rule • No slides • Whole team participates • Invite the world
  • 35. 35 Scrum Ceremonies – The Sprint Retrospective • Periodically take a look at what is and is not working • Typically 15–30 minutes • Done after every sprint • Whole team participates • ScrumMaster • Product owner • Team • Possibly customers and others
  • 36. 36 Scrum Artifacts – The Product Backlog • The requirements • A list of all desired work on the project • Ideally expressed such that each item has value to the users or customers of the product • Prioritized by the product owner • Reprioritized at the start of each sprint
  • 37. 37 Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Backlog • A subset of Product Backlog Items, which define the work for a Sprint • Is created ONLY by Team members • Each Item has it’s own status • Should be updated every day • Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing • Work is never assigned • Estimated work remaining is updated daily
  • 38. 38 Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Backlog
  • 39. 39 Scrum Artifacts – All Backlogs Strategic Roadmap All the features of product roadmap Products’s Backlog All the features of a particular product Sprint Backlog Stories for the sprint
  • 40. 40 Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Burndown Chart • Depicts the total Sprint Backlog hours remaining per day • Shows the estimated amount of time to release • Ideally should burn down to zero to the end of the Sprint • Actually is not a straight line • Can bump UP
  • 41. 41 Scrum Artifacts – The Sprint Burndown Chart
  • 42. 42 Definition of Done Code Commented and Committed to Line Unit Tests Developmen t Finished Report Functional Requirement Document Technical Requirement Document
  • 44. 44 For Though Tasks – Pair Programming
  • 45. 45 For Though Tasks – Pair Programming We help each other succeed. This practice comes from XP.
  • 46. 46 For Though Tasks – Pair Programming Pair-Pressure – Keep each other on task and focused – Don’t want to let partner down – “Embarrassed” to not follow the prescribed process – Parkinson’s law “work expands to fill all available time.” Pair-Think – Distributed cognition: “searching through larger spaces of alternatives” » Have shared goals and plans » Bring different prior experiences to the task » Different access to task relevant information » Must negotiate a common shared of action Pair-Relaying – Each, in turn, contributes to the best of their knowledge and ability – Then, sit back and think while their partner fights on
  • 47. 47 For Though Tasks – Pair Programming Pair-Reviews – Continuous design and code reviews – Ultimate in defect removal efficiency – Removes programmers distaste for reviews » 80% of all (solo) programmers don’t do them regularly or at all Debug by describing – Tell it to the Furby Pair-Learning – Continuous reviews learn from partners techniques, knowledge of language, domain, etc. – “Between the two of us, we knew it or could figure it out” – Apprenticeship – Defect prevention always more efficient than defect removal
  • 48. 48 Roles – Pair Programming The Driver The person with control of the computer Does the bulk of the typing The Navigator Actively follows along with the driver with comments Can take over at any time
  • 49. 49 For Quality – Continuous Integration “ Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.“ http://martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html
  • 50. 50 For Quality – Continuous Integration • The ultimate goal of continuous integration is to be able to deploy all code. • Although you won’t release in the middle of a sprint, the point is to be technologically ready, even if you are not functionally. • With Continuous integration, you are integrating in short cycle and thus have smaller changes to deal with as you integrate. • Continuous integration does not make sense unless it’s automated, has a short turn around time (fast builds), and everyone owns the concept of Green Builds. • You need tests to fail or pass a build. Tests are the backbone that give you a green or a red light to take a snapshot of your build.
  • 51. 51 Challenges – Continuous Integration • Don’t force this. It requires everyone to buy-in. • CI also requires some setup, if you don’t have one. • Keeping build times short. This might require some serious effort and might show you the deficiency of your builds. • And you need a good version control system – VC systems like subversion that allows atomic check-in.
  • 52. 52 Start with the wheels – Interactive Design