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Astronomy Topic 06 : Galaxies (part 2) Stephen’s Quintet
Galaxy Classification Edwin Hubble (1926) Three Classes Spiral Barred-spiral Regular spiral Elliptical Irregular Hubble’s famous “tuning fork”
Hubble Tuning Fork http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/astro1/slideshows/class21/003-hubblefork3.gif
Elliptical Galaxies (E) Spheres of hundreds of billions of stars.  Largest known galaxies E, are egg shaped E0, nearly perfect spheres, to flattest, E7 No gas and dust The oldest galaxies, population II stars

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06 Galaxies Mc Neely
06 Galaxies Mc Neely06 Galaxies Mc Neely
06 Galaxies Mc Neely

The document provides an overview of galaxies and the Milky Way galaxy. It discusses that galaxies contain billions of stars and describes our Milky Way galaxy as a spiral galaxy containing 100-200 billion stars. It also discusses other galaxy types like elliptical galaxies and active galaxies like quasars.

Black holes in galaxies and active galaxies
Black holes in galaxies and active galaxiesBlack holes in galaxies and active galaxies
Black holes in galaxies and active galaxies

Every galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. When matter falls into the black hole rapidly, tremendous amounts of energy are released. Galaxies with actively feeding black holes at their centers are called active galactic nuclei or AGNs. The luminosity of an AGN depends mainly on the rate at which matter falls into the central supermassive black hole.

ILOA Galaxy Forum Europe 2013 - dark matter in galaxies - dr benoit famaey
ILOA Galaxy Forum Europe 2013 - dark matter in galaxies - dr benoit famaeyILOA Galaxy Forum Europe 2013 - dark matter in galaxies - dr benoit famaey
ILOA Galaxy Forum Europe 2013 - dark matter in galaxies - dr benoit famaey

This document discusses the history and current state of the dark matter problem in astrophysics. It summarizes that observations in the 1930s and 1970s found that galaxies and galaxy clusters contain far more mass than can be accounted for by the visible stars and gas, with the mass increasing farther from galaxy centers. This is known as the "missing mass" problem. The current favored model, called Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda CDM), posits that dark matter makes up 85% of all matter in the universe and helps explain large scale structure formation. However, the nature of dark matter remains unknown, and alternative gravitational theories have not been ruled out. Future experiments aim to directly detect dark matter particles or test gravitational theories on larger scales

M87-Elliptical Small dots represent M87’s globular clusters Some large ellipticals emit jets of matter, perhaps from massive black holes at their centers
M87’s Jet Kitt Peak image Hubble
M87-CFH Telescope M87’s jet is visible at the 1:00 position
Spiral Galaxies Normal Spiral (S), and Barred Spiral (SB) Flat, pancake shaped with central bulge and spiral arms Young, large amounts of gas and dust Population I and II stars

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What is a galaxy?
What is a galaxy?What is a galaxy?
What is a galaxy?

The document discusses the Milky Way galaxy and its discovery and mapping over time by various astronomers from Galileo to Hubble. It then covers theories about galaxy formation from collapsing dust clouds and collisions. Finally, it describes different types of galaxies like elliptical, spiral, and starburst galaxies and lists some examples, as well as the parts that make up a typical galaxy.

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Glaxies and the universe
Glaxies and the universeGlaxies and the universe
Glaxies and the universe

Galaxies are large groups of stars, gas and dust bound by gravity. There are three main types of galaxies: spiral, elliptical, and irregular. Spiral galaxies have winding spiral arms, some with central bars. Elliptical galaxies are large and three-dimensional spheres. Irregular galaxies are smaller and less common with various shapes. Our Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy containing one trillion stars, including our Sun. The Universe contains billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars, that is always evolving as new stars are born and old stars die.

Types of galaxies
Types of galaxiesTypes of galaxies
Types of galaxies

There are an estimated 170 billion galaxies in the universe. Galaxies consist of stars, gas, dust, and dark matter that are gravitationally bound together. There are three main types of galaxies: spiral galaxies which have a bulge, disk, and halo structure; elliptical galaxies which are elongated spheres; and irregular galaxies which have no defined shape. Galaxies are further classified based on their structure.

by ht3
Normal Spiral Galaxies (S) Normal spiral galaxies, S Sa, Sb, and Sc, how tightly wound the spiral arms appear If no apparent spiral arms, SO
M51-Whirlpool Galaxy (Spiral) http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0207/m51_hallas_big.jpg
Barred-Spiral Galaxies (SB) Designated SB Spiral arms unwind from bar-shaped mid section NGC 1365
M109 http://www.astronomysight.com/as/images/pics/

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There are three main types of galaxies: - Spiral galaxies have spiral arms winding outward from a center and contain many stars and dust. The Milky Way is an example. - Elliptical galaxies are shaped like ellipses and can be football-shaped or round. - Irregular galaxies do not fit into the other classifications and are generally smaller than the other two types.

doppler effectdesgalaxies
IB Astrophysics - cosmology - Flippingphysics by nothingnerdy
IB Astrophysics - cosmology - Flippingphysics by nothingnerdyIB Astrophysics - cosmology - Flippingphysics by nothingnerdy
IB Astrophysics - cosmology - Flippingphysics by nothingnerdy

The document summarizes key concepts in cosmology, including Olbers' paradox, the expanding universe, the Big Bang theory, and evidence like the cosmic microwave background radiation. It discusses how the universe originated approximately 13.7 billion years ago in a massive expansion from a single point. The universe is still expanding today, and its fate depends on whether it has a flat, closed, or open geometry based on its total mass density. While most mass is dark matter and dark energy, their exact nature remains unknown. International space projects seek to further understand these cosmological questions through observation and research.


The document summarizes information about different galaxies. It describes the Milky Way galaxy as a spiral galaxy approximately 13 billion years old. It notes that the Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in about 3 billion years. It also describes the Andromeda galaxy and provides details about two galaxies colliding. It mentions other spiral galaxies like the Pinwheel galaxy and the Sombrero galaxy.

Irregular Galaxies Irregular galaxies, Irr No regular, geometric shape Contain gas and dust Ex: Small and Large Magellanic Clouds
Irregular NGC1427A, an example of an irregular galaxy This photo was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, and it reveals many other galaxies in the background  Note how the HST can resolve this galaxy’s stars
Galaxy Comparisons http://www.glyphweb.com/esky/_images/diagrams/galaxies.gif Elliptical galaxies, such as M87, are the largest known galaxies
Galaxy Orientation Spiral galaxies are flat disks Appearance from earth depends upon how they are tilted compared to our line-of-sight “ Edge-on”, “face-on”, or in between NGC 891 (above) is an “edge-on” spiral; M74 (below) is a “face-on” spiral

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This Hubble Space Telescope image shows the dramatic nebula M1-67 surrounding the Wolf-Rayet star WR124. Hot clumps of gas are being ejected from the star at over 100,000 miles per hour into vast arcs and filaments of glowing gas. Though previously only detected spectroscopically, Hubble can directly image gas blobs 100 billion miles wide that are each about 30 times the mass of Earth. The star is ejecting mass violently during its short and transitional phase.

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Lenz et al. discovered that soft particles at the nano- and microscale can form "clumpy crystals" where particles partially overlap and form regular lattices of clumps. This challenges ideas that soft materials will behave similarly to atomic and molecular systems. The discovery provides another example of how soft materials display unconventional behavior. An analysis of the satellites orbiting Andromeda found that about half are rotating coherently in a thin planar structure, providing a new constraint on galaxy formation theories. Further evidence suggests organized planar distributions of satellites may be common for nearby galaxy groups. The findings compound issues with the number of predicted versus observed satellites and suggest the structures themselves are not ancient.

M77 & NGC 2055 http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap061215.html NGC 2055 is an edge-on spiral, and M77 is a face-on spiral Both galaxies are located in Cetus
Galaxy Summary Table Values Spiral Elliptical Irregular Mass (Milky Way = 1) 0.005 to 2.0 0.000001 to 50.0 0.0005 to 0.15 Diameter (Milky Way = 1) 0.2 to 1.5 0.01 to 5.0 0.05 to 0.25 Luminosity (Milky Way = 1) 0.005 to 10.0 0.00005 to 5.0 0.00005 to 0.1 Star Population Old and Young Old Old and Young Interstellar Matter (gas and dust) Moderate Little Plentiful
Groups of Galaxies Galaxy clusters, contain dozens to thousands of galaxies held together as a unit by gravity  A supercluster is a cluster of galaxy clusters, the largest known structures in the universe
Hercules Galaxy Cluster http://home.earthlink.net/~stanleymm/images/NGC6050sm.jpg

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1. Stellar evolution begins with the fragmentation of massive molecular clouds into smaller masses, each initiating their own star formation process. 2. As clouds collapse under gravity, the gravitational energy is transformed to radiation through molecular hydrogen and dust grains, causing an isothermal collapse. Further collapse becomes adiabatic as stars become opaque. 3. Stars sustain themselves through nuclear fusion, with more massive stars having shorter lifespans than less massive stars due to the greater energy requirements. 4. Stellar remnants include white dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars, and black holes, depending on the star's original mass.

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Local Group Our galaxy cluster The Local Group contains about 30 galaxies Spirals Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy, and M33.  Others are small elliptical and irregular (dwarf galaxies) Local Group is part of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, part of the Local Supercluster
Local Group http://www.public.asu.edu/~rjansen/localgroup/NVWS99B_03.gif Some Members : Milky Way Large Magellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud NGC 6822 Andromeda Galaxy (M31) Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
Magellanic Clouds Magellanic Clouds are two small, nearby galaxies Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Appear as hazy spots in the night sky, visible only from the southern hemisphere Clouds are gravitationally bound satellites of the Milky Way They lie at distances of 169,000 LY and 210,000 LY A supernova in the LMC was discovered in 1987, the first bright nearby supernova in 300 years (since Kepler and Tycho)
Magellanic Clouds LMC, red glows are nebulae in the LMC Clouds from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~mcels/gallery/lmc.1.jpg

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The chapter discusses dark matter, galaxy formation and evolution, black holes, and large-scale structure of the universe. Galaxy masses require more matter than can be seen to explain rotation and dynamics. Galaxies likely formed from mergers of smaller galaxies and star clusters. Collisions are important and may transform spiral galaxies into ellipticals over time. Quasars and active galaxies represent early stages, with normal galaxies as a later evolutionary phase. The universe exhibits structure up to 100-200 megaparsecs but appears uniform at larger scales.

Magellanic Clouds & Milky Way http://www.atnf.csiro.au/news/press/images/magellanic_pics/MSsim_labels.jpg
Milky Way & Clouds in infrared from 2MASS http://astsun.astro.virginia.edu/~mfs4n/sgr/2mass_allskyatlas.jpg http://astsun.astro.virginia.edu/~mfs4n/sgr/sgr.flyaround.mpg
Andromeda Galaxy Our nearest large neighbor Similar in size and shape to Milky Way Andromeda Galaxy is visible to the naked eye as a glowing spot in the constellation of Andromeda 2.3 million light years distant (wave!)
Andromeda Galaxy (M31, M32, M110)

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The document discusses how certain phrases in verse 35 of Surat an-Nur from the Qur'an can be interpreted to describe astronomical phenomena like quasars that were discovered over a thousand years later. It suggests the "light" refers to quasars, the brightest objects in the universe. The "niche" could describe the gravitational lensing effect of black holes that feed quasars. Describing light coming from "neither east nor west" also matches quasars' uncertain light sources. The Qur'an contained knowledge of astronomical objects and effects that science has only recently discovered, showing it has a divine origin.

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The document discusses the evolution and deaths of stars. It describes how low-mass stars like the Sun will evolve into red giants and planetary nebulae over billions of years. More massive stars may explode as supernovae, producing neutron stars or black holes and spreading heavy elements throughout space. Neutron stars can be observed as pulsars that emit beams of radiation. The origins of elements on Earth and phenomena like cosmic rays and pulsars are also examined.

Andromeda Constellation Locate M31 and M33
Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
M33 The pink glow of emission nebulas can be seen in this photo
Virgo Virgo Supercluster  About 200 galaxies are visible in small telescopes  Galaxies range from Ursa Major through Coma Berenices to Virgo Sombrero Galaxy

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1. Stellar parallax is a method used to measure the distances to nearby stars by observing how their positions shift relative to more distant background stars over the course of 6 months as Earth orbits the Sun. 2. When starlight is passed through a prism or spectroscope, it is separated into a spectrum of colors that can reveal what chemical elements the star is made of. Different elements produce unique patterns of spectral lines. 3. By analyzing the absorption line spectra of stars, astronomers have identified over 70 chemical elements present in stars including hydrogen, helium, and metals like iron. A star's temperature can also be estimated from its spectral class.

Center of Virgo Cluster Virgo Cluster near M84, M86 M86
Sombrero Galaxy (M104) from HST
Sheets and Voids Superclusters are located in thin sheets of galaxies Sheets border empty voids Voids resemble gigantic bubbles The universe resembles a sponge
Large-Scale Structure of the Universe http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~cen/PROJECTS/p1/DARKallz0.jpeg Sheets & Voids: http://heasarc.nasa.gov/docs/cosmic/sheets_voids.html

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The document summarizes key concepts about stars and the universe from an Earth science textbook chapter. It describes the properties and evolution of stars from their formation as protostars through their main sequence and red giant phases. It explains that stars die in different ways depending on their mass, ending as white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. It also summarizes the different types of galaxies like spiral, elliptical, and irregular, as well as concepts about the expanding universe and theories like the Big Bang.

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The document is an astronomy exam study guide that provides questions about various astronomy topics including the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, stellar evolution, galaxies, telescopes, and more. It also includes a table with data on notable stars and an HR diagram. Students are to use the provided information and their knowledge of astronomy to answer the multiple choice and short answer questions on the exam.


This is an introduction to stars, including the basics of observing and classifying stars as well as their evolution and life cycle. This is a modification of a presentation I found online.

Active Galaxies (AGN) An active galaxy emits large amounts of energy from its nucleus AGNs exhibit jets of hydrogen racing outward along an axis Massive black holes? Mysterious quasars might represent extremely active galaxies
Galactic Cannibalism Galaxies can merge together to form larger galaxies Elliptical galaxies may be the result of multiple galaxy collisions NGC 2207 (left) and IC 2163 (HST)
Quasars Resemble faint stars, are strong radio sources Acronym for Quasi-Stellar Radio Source Small objects, yet emit energy egual to thousands of galaxies combined Most distant and powerful objects known Might represent early stage of galaxy growth Seyfert galaxies are active galaxies with nuclei that resemble quasars
3C 273-Quasar HST image of 3C 273 showing disk details (quasar blocked) 3C 273 Starfield in Virgo 3C 273 is one of the first identified quasars, it resembles an 11 th  magnitude star in Virgo and is visible in small amateur telescopes

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The document discusses stellar evolution and the life cycles of stars. It explains that: - The evolution of stars depends on their masses, with smaller stars like our Sun ending as white dwarfs and bigger stars ending as neutron stars or black holes after supernova explosions. - Material from older stars is recycled through planetary nebulae and supernova remnants to form new stars, making stars the ultimate recyclers in the universe.

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The Sun Activity and Genesis of Energy

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06 Galaxies Mc Neely Part 2

  • 1. Astronomy Topic 06 : Galaxies (part 2) Stephen’s Quintet
  • 2. Galaxy Classification Edwin Hubble (1926) Three Classes Spiral Barred-spiral Regular spiral Elliptical Irregular Hubble’s famous “tuning fork”
  • 3. Hubble Tuning Fork http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/astro1/slideshows/class21/003-hubblefork3.gif
  • 4. Elliptical Galaxies (E) Spheres of hundreds of billions of stars. Largest known galaxies E, are egg shaped E0, nearly perfect spheres, to flattest, E7 No gas and dust The oldest galaxies, population II stars
  • 5. M87-Elliptical Small dots represent M87’s globular clusters Some large ellipticals emit jets of matter, perhaps from massive black holes at their centers
  • 6. M87’s Jet Kitt Peak image Hubble
  • 7. M87-CFH Telescope M87’s jet is visible at the 1:00 position
  • 8. Spiral Galaxies Normal Spiral (S), and Barred Spiral (SB) Flat, pancake shaped with central bulge and spiral arms Young, large amounts of gas and dust Population I and II stars
  • 9. Normal Spiral Galaxies (S) Normal spiral galaxies, S Sa, Sb, and Sc, how tightly wound the spiral arms appear If no apparent spiral arms, SO
  • 10. M51-Whirlpool Galaxy (Spiral) http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0207/m51_hallas_big.jpg
  • 11. Barred-Spiral Galaxies (SB) Designated SB Spiral arms unwind from bar-shaped mid section NGC 1365
  • 13. Irregular Galaxies Irregular galaxies, Irr No regular, geometric shape Contain gas and dust Ex: Small and Large Magellanic Clouds
  • 14. Irregular NGC1427A, an example of an irregular galaxy This photo was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, and it reveals many other galaxies in the background Note how the HST can resolve this galaxy’s stars
  • 15. Galaxy Comparisons http://www.glyphweb.com/esky/_images/diagrams/galaxies.gif Elliptical galaxies, such as M87, are the largest known galaxies
  • 16. Galaxy Orientation Spiral galaxies are flat disks Appearance from earth depends upon how they are tilted compared to our line-of-sight “ Edge-on”, “face-on”, or in between NGC 891 (above) is an “edge-on” spiral; M74 (below) is a “face-on” spiral
  • 17. M77 & NGC 2055 http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap061215.html NGC 2055 is an edge-on spiral, and M77 is a face-on spiral Both galaxies are located in Cetus
  • 18. Galaxy Summary Table Values Spiral Elliptical Irregular Mass (Milky Way = 1) 0.005 to 2.0 0.000001 to 50.0 0.0005 to 0.15 Diameter (Milky Way = 1) 0.2 to 1.5 0.01 to 5.0 0.05 to 0.25 Luminosity (Milky Way = 1) 0.005 to 10.0 0.00005 to 5.0 0.00005 to 0.1 Star Population Old and Young Old Old and Young Interstellar Matter (gas and dust) Moderate Little Plentiful
  • 19. Groups of Galaxies Galaxy clusters, contain dozens to thousands of galaxies held together as a unit by gravity A supercluster is a cluster of galaxy clusters, the largest known structures in the universe
  • 20. Hercules Galaxy Cluster http://home.earthlink.net/~stanleymm/images/NGC6050sm.jpg
  • 21. Local Group Our galaxy cluster The Local Group contains about 30 galaxies Spirals Milky Way, Andromeda Galaxy, and M33. Others are small elliptical and irregular (dwarf galaxies) Local Group is part of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, part of the Local Supercluster
  • 22. Local Group http://www.public.asu.edu/~rjansen/localgroup/NVWS99B_03.gif Some Members : Milky Way Large Magellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud NGC 6822 Andromeda Galaxy (M31) Triangulum Galaxy (M33)
  • 23. Magellanic Clouds Magellanic Clouds are two small, nearby galaxies Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) Appear as hazy spots in the night sky, visible only from the southern hemisphere Clouds are gravitationally bound satellites of the Milky Way They lie at distances of 169,000 LY and 210,000 LY A supernova in the LMC was discovered in 1987, the first bright nearby supernova in 300 years (since Kepler and Tycho)
  • 24. Magellanic Clouds LMC, red glows are nebulae in the LMC Clouds from Lake Titicaca, Bolivia http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~mcels/gallery/lmc.1.jpg
  • 25. Magellanic Clouds & Milky Way http://www.atnf.csiro.au/news/press/images/magellanic_pics/MSsim_labels.jpg
  • 26. Milky Way & Clouds in infrared from 2MASS http://astsun.astro.virginia.edu/~mfs4n/sgr/2mass_allskyatlas.jpg http://astsun.astro.virginia.edu/~mfs4n/sgr/sgr.flyaround.mpg
  • 27. Andromeda Galaxy Our nearest large neighbor Similar in size and shape to Milky Way Andromeda Galaxy is visible to the naked eye as a glowing spot in the constellation of Andromeda 2.3 million light years distant (wave!)
  • 31. M33 The pink glow of emission nebulas can be seen in this photo
  • 32. Virgo Virgo Supercluster About 200 galaxies are visible in small telescopes Galaxies range from Ursa Major through Coma Berenices to Virgo Sombrero Galaxy
  • 33. Center of Virgo Cluster Virgo Cluster near M84, M86 M86
  • 35. Sheets and Voids Superclusters are located in thin sheets of galaxies Sheets border empty voids Voids resemble gigantic bubbles The universe resembles a sponge
  • 36. Large-Scale Structure of the Universe http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~cen/PROJECTS/p1/DARKallz0.jpeg Sheets & Voids: http://heasarc.nasa.gov/docs/cosmic/sheets_voids.html
  • 37. Active Galaxies (AGN) An active galaxy emits large amounts of energy from its nucleus AGNs exhibit jets of hydrogen racing outward along an axis Massive black holes? Mysterious quasars might represent extremely active galaxies
  • 38. Galactic Cannibalism Galaxies can merge together to form larger galaxies Elliptical galaxies may be the result of multiple galaxy collisions NGC 2207 (left) and IC 2163 (HST)
  • 39. Quasars Resemble faint stars, are strong radio sources Acronym for Quasi-Stellar Radio Source Small objects, yet emit energy egual to thousands of galaxies combined Most distant and powerful objects known Might represent early stage of galaxy growth Seyfert galaxies are active galaxies with nuclei that resemble quasars
  • 40. 3C 273-Quasar HST image of 3C 273 showing disk details (quasar blocked) 3C 273 Starfield in Virgo 3C 273 is one of the first identified quasars, it resembles an 11 th magnitude star in Virgo and is visible in small amateur telescopes