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Leigh Slauson - Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Variability



                     Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy

                                         in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University

                                                 Leigh Victoria Slauson, B.A., M.A.S.


                                                       The Ohio State University

                     Dissertation Committee
                                                                                   Approved by
                     Dr. Patricia Brosnan, Adviser

                     Dr. Doug Owens

                     Dr. Dennis Pearl                                              Adviser
                                                                             College of Education
Copyright by
Leigh Victoria Slauson

        Research has shown that even if a student passes a standard introductory statistics

course, they often still lack the ability to reason statistically. This is especially true when

it comes to reasoning about variability. Variability is one the core concepts in statistics,

yet many students come away from introductory course unable to discuss basic ideas of

variability or make the connection between graphical displays of data and measures of


        This study investigated students’ conceptual understanding of variability by

focusing on two numerical measures of variability: standard deviation and standard error.

Two sections of introductory statistics were taught at a small Midwestern liberal arts

college. One section was taught with standard lecture methods for the topics of standard

deviation, sampling distributions and standard error, and confidence intervals and the

margin of error. The other section completed a hands-on active learning lab for each

these topics. These labs were designed with a conceptual change framework. Students

were asked to use their prior knowledge to make predictions, collect and analyze data to

test their predictions, and then evaluate their predictions in light of their results.

Assessment questions designed to test conceptual knowledge were included at the end of

each lab.

Both classes completed the Comprehensive Assessment of Outcomes in a first

Statistics course (CAOS) as a pretest and a posttest. The assessment questions from the

active learning labs were analyzed and coded. And small number of students from each

section also participated in twenty-minute interviews. These interviews consisted of

statistical reasoning questions.

       The analysis of the data showed students’ conceptual understanding of ideas

related to standard deviation improved in the active class, but not in the lecture class.

There was no evidence of improvement on the topic of standard error in either class and

some evidence that students had regressed in both sections. The analysis of the

qualitative data suggests that understanding the connection between data distributions and

measures of variability, and understanding the connection between probability concepts

and variability is very important for students to successfully understand standard error.

There is also evidence that students come to an introductory statistics course with more

conceptual knowledge related to sampling distributions than was previously thought.

There is evidence that the feedback portion of hands-on active labs is the most important

feature of the conceptual change framework. Further research is needed to investigate

how much prior knowledge students possess about sampling distributions and how

important probability concepts are to understanding concepts of variability.

Dedicated to Lawrence Charles Weiss

I am my father’s daughter. And proud of it.


       First and foremost, I want to thank Dr. Patti Brosnan for her infinite patience and

expertise. I could not have asked for a better adviser.

       I want to thank my committee members, Dr. Dennis Pearl and Dr. Doug Owens

for providing me with invaluable feedback and support throughout this process. I also

want to thank Dr. Pearl for giving me so many opportunities to become a flourishing

member of the statistics education community.

       I want to thank Dr. Jackie Miller for being a mentor and a really good friend.

       I want to thank the all the faculty and staff of the Academic Support Center and

the Mathematical Sciences Department at Otterbein College, but most especially Ellen

Kasulis and Susan Thompson. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a faculty

member before I even earned my doctorate. And thank you so much for giving me the

time, resources, encouragement and sugar to successfully finish my dissertation.

       I want to thank my friends, Greg and Kelly Syferd, who kept me sane and helped

me procrastinate with many, many, many games of Union Pacific.

       I want to thank the Jeff and Becky Slauson, who have truly become my family. I

am so, so lucky to have in-laws like you.

I want to thank my sisters, Anne and Debra, and little Xanis for reminding me

there is much more to life than work. To Annie and Debra, best wishes on your own

adventures in school.

           To my mother, who has been waiting a long time for this document, thank you for

helping me become the independent, intelligent woman I am today.

           And finally to my husband Justin: there are no words to describe what you mean

to me or how much I love you. I could not have done this without you. You are my



June 14, 1976…………………….. Born – Redbank, NJ

1998……………………………….B.A. Math & Classics, Vanderbilt University.

2000……………………………….M.A.S. Statistics, The Ohio State University.

1998……………………………….Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department,
                 Vanderbilt University.

1998 – 2000.………………………Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics,
                     The Ohio State University.

2000 – 2001……………………….Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics,
                     University of Illinois.

2001- 2006………………………...Casual Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department,
                      The Ohio State University.

2001 – 2006……………………….Adjunct Faculty, Mathematics Department,
                     Columbus State Community College.

2005 – present…………………….Visiting Instructor, Academic Support Center &
                       Mathematical Sciences Department, Otterbein


1) Laughbaum, Ed. (2003). State of Ohio College Mathematics Placement Testing
Program. (COMPASS Analyst – Leigh Slauson)

2) Elstak, I, Rice, G., Strayer, J. & Weiss, L. Dissertations in Mathematics Education
Reported in 2000. In Reed, M.K., & Owens, D.T. (Eds.). (2003). Research in
Mathematics Education 2000. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science,
Mathematics, and Environmental Education.


Major Field: Education
Area of Emphasis: Mathematics Education

Minor Field: Statistics


Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii
Dedication .......................................................................................................................... iv
Vita.................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................... xiii
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................xv

1. Introduction....................................................................................................................1
        Rationale of the study .................................................................................................2
        Problem statement.......................................................................................................9
        Focus questions.........................................................................................................10
              Variation vs. Variability......................................................................................10
              Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking .....................................................11
        Theoretical framework..............................................................................................14
        My personal rationale for this study .........................................................................19
        What to expect in the next chapters ..........................................................................20
2. Literature Review.........................................................................................................21
        Statistics Education...................................................................................................21
        Statistical reasoning: Early studies ...........................................................................23
        Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) ............................................................................28
        Reasoning about Distribution ...................................................................................30
        Reasoning about Sampling Distributions..................................................................34
Models of Statistical Reasoning................................................................................39
        Reasoning about Variability .....................................................................................41
        Active Learning in Statistics.....................................................................................46
        Learning Theory Underpinning Active Learning .....................................................50
        Student Attitudes towards Statistics..........................................................................54
        Summary ...................................................................................................................58
3. Methods........................................................................................................................59
        Overview of Methods Used ......................................................................................62
        Location of the Study................................................................................................62
        Participant Selection .................................................................................................64
        Interview Subject Selection ......................................................................................65
        Class Instruction........................................................................................................65
        Researcher Perspective .............................................................................................66
        Research Labs ...........................................................................................................68
        Pretest/Posttest ..........................................................................................................69
        Demographic Data ....................................................................................................72
        Data Analysis ............................................................................................................73
        Timeline ....................................................................................................................76
        Summary ...................................................................................................................77
4. Data Analysis ...............................................................................................................78
        Demographics ...........................................................................................................79
        Quantitative Results – the CAOS test.......................................................................84
             Analysis of complete CAOS test results.............................................................84
             Analysis of research CAOS questions ................................................................89
             Analysis of CAOS question 32...........................................................................94
        Data Analysis Codes .................................................................................................98
Research Lab (Standard Deviation) ..........................................................................99
           Overview of instruction ......................................................................................99
      Research Lab (Sampling Distributions)..................................................................107
           Overview of instruction ....................................................................................107
           Description of reasoning assessment questions ................................................109
      Research Lab (Confidence Interval) .......................................................................116
           Overview of instruction ....................................................................................116
      Interview Overview ................................................................................................121
      Lack of Confidence in Responses...........................................................................124
      Approaches to Question Three (Standard Deviation vs. Standard Error)...............125
      Making Connections to Graphical Displays of Data Distributions ........................129
      Comparison of interview responses of active class versus lecture class ................131
      Understanding Standard Error ................................................................................133
      Summary of the Interview Analysis .......................................................................136
           Interview Question 1 (Q1) ................................................................................136
           Interview Question 2 (Q2) ................................................................................136
           Interview Question 3 (Q3) ................................................................................137
      Connections between the interviews, research labs and CAOS .............................137
      Chapter Summary ...................................................................................................139
5. Conclusions, Limitations and Implications................................................................141
      Overview of Conclusions........................................................................................141
      Limitations of the study ..........................................................................................142
           General Design Concerns .................................................................................142
           The College Effect ............................................................................................143
           Instructor Effect ................................................................................................145
           Design of the Sampling Distribution Lab .........................................................147
           The Second Interview Question (Standard Error) ............................................151
      Discussion ...............................................................................................................152
      Implications for classroom practice ........................................................................155
Suggestion for further research...............................................................................156
        What I learned through the dissertation process .....................................................157
        Summary .................................................................................................................158


             Appendix A – Original Informed Consent........................................................171
             Appendix B – Supplemental Informed Consent ...............................................173
             Appendix C – Standard Deviation Lab.............................................................175
             Appendix D – Sampling Distribution Lab ........................................................183
             Appendix E – Confidence Interval Lab – Active Class....................................190
             Appendix F – Confidence Interval Lab – Lecture Class...................................196
             Appendix G – Interview Protocol .....................................................................201


Table                                                                                                                        Page

1. Developmental model of statistical reasoning about sampling distributions (Garfield,
   2002, p. 4). ...................................................................................................................37

2. Categories of developing concepts of sampling (Watson, 2004) ................................39

3. Interpretation of SOLO taxonomy for statistical reasoning (Reading & Reid, 2006) .40

4. Timeline of research methods......................................................................................76

5. Demographic summary of each class section ..............................................................79

6. Contingency table of student responses to CAOS question 32....................................94

7. Distribution of answers for CAOS question 32 ...........................................................96

8. Data analysis code descriptions. ..................................................................................98

9. Distribution of responses to standard deviation lab reasoning assessments in the
   active class .................................................................................................................102

10. Distribution of responses to pre-lab and post-lab reasoning assessment questions in
    the sampling distribution lab......................................................................................112

11. Overview of the interview results ..............................................................................123

12. Summary of the active data on all statistical reasoning assessment items ................138
13. Summary of the lecture data on all statistical reasoning assessment items ...............138


Figure                                                                                                                         Page

1. The overlap model versus the subset model of statistical literacy, reasoning, and
   thinking (delMas, 2002)...............................................................................................13

2. Sample test item from Liu and delMas’ (2005) study .................................................43

3. A sample of assessment items used to detect the use of an availability or
   representativeness heuristic .........................................................................................47

4. Distribution of majors for each class section...............................................................81

5. Mathematics placement scores distribution for each class section..............................83

6. Statistical analysis of CAOS test results (paired t-test) from both class sections........86

7. Statistical output of Mann-Whitney test comparing improvement levels between each
   section ..........................................................................................................................88

8. Statistical output comparing improvement between lecture and active sections on
   standard deviation CAOS test question .......................................................................92

9. Statistical output comparing improvement between lecture and active sections on
   standard error CAOS test questions.............................................................................93

10. Statistical reasoning assessment question from standard deviation research lab ......101

11. Demonstration of the use of the standard error formula (CLT12).............................115



       During the first few years that I taught introductory statistics, I always tried to

follow my department guidelines for teaching statistics very closely. I had taken a job as

an adjunct at a local community college while I started working on my doctoral degree.

This particular mathematics department had many different instructors for introductory

statistics. In an attempt to keep the introductory classes as similar as possible, they had

laid out in great detail exactly what topics I should cover and when I should cover them.

The course was taught in a bi-weekly class meeting, with a weekly computer lab period.

They had a departmental final, weekly labs written by a course coordinator, and

departmental guidelines on what should be taught with the graphing calculator. Initially, I

thought this was great; I wouldn’t have to do much planning. However, I discovered very

quickly the course was tightly packed with material. I had very little time for any creative

teaching innovations, such as demonstrations or fun activities. I was forced to lecture

through most class periods just to get through the material on time. It was my first

experience as a lead statistics instructor. I had been a teaching assistant for years,

teaching in statistics recitation sections. Generally, however, this only entailed going over

student questions or helping students work through pre-designed activities. I had never

been in charge before of presenting the material for the whole course. It turned out to be
quite the learning experience for me. One of the requirements at the end of the quarter

was for me to cover a departmental final exam review sheet that included material from

the entire ten-week course. In this review packet, there was always at least one question

that asked students to calculate the standard deviation of a data set and then offer an

explanation of what the standard deviation meant in the context of the data set. Generally,

my students had little difficulty calculating the standard deviation using their required

graphing calculators, except for perhaps forgetting under which menu in the calculator

they were supposed to use. However more importantly, the explanation portion of that

question proved incredibly difficult for my students. Some were able to give the general

definition of standard deviation as a “measure of spread,” but rarely were they able to

elaborate further or explain any connection between the number they had just calculated

and the dataset from which it came. And more often than I would like to admit, I would

get responses such as the one I received from a student who said she had “just forgotten”

what it was. As the instructor and a statistics education researcher, this was disappointing.

                                  Rationale of the Study

       The idea of variability and its associated measures such as standard deviation in a

data set is one of the core concepts presented in an introductory course in statistics (Cobb,

1991; Moore, 1992; Snee, 1993). “Variation is at the heart of all statistical investigation.

If there were no variation in data sets, there would be no need for statistics” (Watson &

Kelly, 2002, p. 1). It is obvious, from both my own personal teaching experience and the

literature in statistics education, that students struggle with understanding the concept of

variability as it relates to data (Reading & Shaughnessy, 2004). Instructors struggle also
with how to teach it effectively. In February of 2005, the American Statistical

Association (ASA) released a report that presented Guidelines for Assessment and

Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) at the college level. Those statistics educators

who contributed to the report recognized that “many introductory courses contain too

much material and students end up with a collection of ideas that are understood only at a

surface level, are not well integrated and are quickly forgotten. If students don’t

understand the important concepts, there’s little value in knowing a set of procedures”

(ASA, 2005, p. 10). One of the arguments made for including technology (such as

graphing calculators) in the statistics classroom is that it reduces the time needed to teach

the procedures, such as the formula for calculating standard deviation, leaving instructors

more class time to focus on the concepts (Collins & Mittag, 2005). Theoretically, this

extra time spent on the conceptual nature of variation should result in better student

understanding of this basic statistical idea. However, even in classes that utilize graphing

calculators or other technology extensively, there is still overwhelming evidence that

students do not leave an introductory statistics class with good understanding of the

concept of variability (Hawkins, 1996). The solution to this problem then is much more

complex than simply using technology to do the calculations. Understanding variability

in a data set is a basic building block to all of the topics presented in an introductory class

in statistics. If students don’t understand this basic idea, this is a significant problem in

statistics education.

        There has certainly been a good deal of research in the last few years dealing with

student learning in the elementary statistics classroom. As more and more researchers

recognize that the problems of statistics education are separate from mathematics

education (Moore & Cobb, 2000; Moore, 1988), the volume of literature in statistics

education is slowly growing. Specifically, many of these studies focus on the

development of students’ statistical reasoning skills as the main goal of an introductory

course in statistics. While there is disagreement about how statistical reasoning is

defined1, most researchers agree that it includes “the use of statistical tools and concepts

to summarize, make predictions about and draw conclusions from data” (Lovett 2001, p.

350). Certainly, the act of making correct interpretations from the data is key to any

definition of statistical reasoning. Because of the shift in focus to statistical reasoning in

the introductory class (and away from a memorization of procedures), there have been an

increased number of calls for change in the way statistics is taught (Ben-Zvi & Garfield,

2004). Several factors have been identified as to why this change is needed:

          •   Changes in the field of statistics, including new techniques of data
          •   Changes and increases in the use of technology in the practice of
              statistics, and the growing availability of this technology in schools
              and at home
          •   Increased awareness of students’ inability to think or reason
              statistically, despite good performance in statistics courses
          •   Concerns about the preparation of teachers of statistics at the K-12 and
              college level, many of whom have never studied applied statistics or
              engaged in data analysis activities (Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004, p. 5).

          There has been research into statistics education topics since the seventies. Some

of the first “statistics education” researchers attempted to identify and classify the types

of statistical reasoning misconceptions people possess. Most notably in their research,

    The debate over the definition of statistical reasoning is discussed later in this chapter.
Kahneman, Slovic and Tversky (1982) documented many statistical reasoning fallacies2

that people possess and classified these into heuristics (the processes by which people

discover or learn). Their goal, however, was only to understand and classify how people

reasoned statistically, not to develop methods to correct incorrect statistical reasoning.

These studies were also not focused on students in statistics courses, but rather the

general population.

       In the eighties more researchers focused on whether students, who were enrolled

in a statistics course, showed a higher level of statistical reasoning than the subjects of the

previous research of the seventies. Fong, Krantz, and Nisbett (1986) showed that

statistics students made only marginal gains in statistical reasoning from the beginning to

the end of the course. Other researchers attempted to test different models of statistical

reasoning to explain why students reasoned incorrectly (Konold, 1989; Pollatsek,

Konold, Well, & Lima, 1984). These studies still did not provide suggestions for

improving instruction, but mainly focused on trying to define how statistics students

reasoned incorrectly.

       In contrast, the nineties were marked by a rapid shift in the research towards

providing instructional strategies that would help students learn to reason statistically

(Garfield & delMas, 1991). This shift mirrored an effort in the mathematics education

community to develop pedagogy that was aimed at helping students learn to reason better

mathematically (Lovett, 2001; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM),

2003; Shirley, 2000). Part of this shift was in response to the rapid shift in the practice of

 For example, the gambler’s fallacy: the incorrect belief that the likelihood of a random
event can be affected by or predicted from other independent events.
statistics. Software programs for not only doing statistics, but also for learning statistics

were being developed and refined. A computer lab section where students could use these

software applications was becoming more common in the introductory course (Lovett,

2001). The advent of graphing calculators in the late nineties that allowed students to

have basic statistical capabilities right at their fingertips, drastically changed the

possibilities for data analysis right in the classroom (Moore, 1997; NCTM, 2003).

       The most recent research in statistics education is trying to pull all these different

foci together: using the theories of how students learn to guide what kind of instructional

strategies should be tested and used in the introductory classroom (Lovett, 2001).

Certainly one pedagogical approach that has been recommended repeatedly by recent

researchers is the use of active learning techniques instead of traditional lecturing

(Gnanadesikan, Scheaffer, Watkins & Witmer, 1997; Moore, 1997; Shaughnessy, 1977).

The use of active learning is based partly on the theories on constructivism and

cooperative learning. Researchers argue that actually having students participate in

activities where they can manipulate and analyze real data that they themselves have

collected, leads to a much deeper and sophisticated understanding of the statistical

concepts being presented (Ben-Zvi, 2004; Mackisack, 1994).

       Using active learning methods in class is a valuable way to promote
       collaborative learning, allowing students to learn from each other. Active
       learning allows students to discover, construct, and understand important
       statistical ideas and to model statistical thinking. Activities have an added
       benefit in that they often engage students in learning and make the
       learning process fun. (ASA, 2005, p.11)

       However, the interpretation of what constitutes an active learning activity has

been varied. Teachers and departments often identify labs completed in a weekly

computer lab section as examples of active learning. This was certainly my experience at

the previously mentioned community college where I was an adjunct. Students, either in

groups or on their own, would work through these assigned labs on a computer using a

statistical software package. Unfortunately, while these labs did provide students

exposure to current statistical software and technology, many of these labs were

frequently more of an exercise in following directions and did not provide students the

opportunity to do real statistical investigation. Active learning techniques are “used in a

variety of class settings to allow students to ‘discover’ concepts of statistics by working

through a set of ‘laboratory’ exercises” (Scheaffer, Watkins, Gnanadesikan, & Witmer,

1996, p. vii). The most important feature of these active learning activities is that students

are allowed to discover concepts, and unfortunately many computer lab activities don’t

allow that process of student discovery to occur. Several texts (e.g., Workshop Statistics,

Activity Based Statistics, etc.) have been published in the last few years with a wealth of

active learning activities that allow a process of student discovery that could be used in

any type of statistics classroom. However, these textbooks are still considered

experimental by many, and very few departments have adopted them as course textbooks.

Regardless, they are invaluable references for the instructor who is looking to incorporate

active learning activities into a “regular” introductory course.

       One of the benefits of active learning techniques is that it often involves data

collection. One of the main recommendations of the GAISE report is for teachers to “use

real data” (ASA, 2005). Many times this comes in the form of either student run projects

or experiments in the classroom. It has been noted that students are much more invested

in understanding why a dataset behaves a certain way if it is their own (Mackisack, 1994;

Hogg, 1991). Often, data that are presented in textbooks are contrived and neat. While

contrived datasets may be necessary for teaching certain concepts, datasets in the real

world are complex and students should be exposed to that complexity (ASA, 2005).

Many different statistics educators have recommended student projects as an excellent

way of providing this exposure to data analysis in the real world (Binnie, 2002; Field,

1985; Mackisack & Petocz, 2002; Sylvester & Mee, 1992). However, this can potentially

take a great deal of time and effort for the instructor, who may have to mentor many

students’ projects individually.

       However, simply incorporating active learning techniques into the introductory

statistics classroom may not be enough to affect real change in student’s conceptual

understanding. In what became a multistage research project conducted at two different

colleges, a study showed several students were still failing to develop correct

understanding of sampling distributions after the topic was taught using active learning

techniques (Chance, delMas & Garfield, 2004). This was a surprise to the researchers,

given the numerous sources and studies that have proposed active learning helps to

develop student’s conceptual understanding. So the researchers decided to look outside of

the research in mathematics and statistics education to science education. Statistics is

considered in many circles to be more of a scientific discipline rather than a mathematical

one, so looking into the research in science education to better understand how students

might learn statistics certainly has merit. One learning theory that has a particularly

strong research base in science education is conceptual change theory. The theory posits

that students learn when an existing conception that they already possess is challenged.
“This model proposes that students who have misconceptions or misunderstandings need

to experience an anomaly, or contradictory evidence, before they will change their

current conceptions” (Chance, delMas & Garfield, 1999, p. 5).

       While most research on the application of conceptual change theory occurred in

science education, educators are now starting to see the potential applications in other

fields, such as statistics education. “Teaching for conceptual change primarily involves 1)

uncovering students' preconceptions about a particular topic or phenomenon and 2) using

various techniques to help students change their conceptual framework” (Davis, 2001,

para. 2.1). In a follow up study to the multistage research project described previously,

Chance, delMas and Garfield (2004) designed computer simulation activities that

followed a “predict/test/evaluate model” that allowed students to make predictions about

graphical test questions, use a sampling software to create the distributions to test their

predictions, and finally allowed students to evaluate their predictions with the computer

results. Chance et al. (2004) found that these activities, designed from a conceptual

change framework, significantly improved students’ reasoning about sampling

distributions. This multistage research project, which was part of the impetus for this

research, will be discussed in much greater detail in chapter two.

                                    Problem Statement

       It is important to understand how student’s come to reason about variability and

specifically what kind of instructional techniques improve the conceptual understanding

of variability. Research in the statistics education community has shown that traditional

lecture techniques are not providing students with the statistical reasoning skills they
should possess after a first course in statistics (Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004). Active

learning techniques provide an alternative type of learning for students, but this covers a

wide range of activities. What needs to be researched is how particular active learning

techniques specifically improve students’ conceptual understanding of variability.

                                     Focus Questions

   1) Do active learning labs, designed with a conceptual change framework, have a

       significant impact on students’ conceptual understanding of variability in an

       introductory statistics course?

   2) How do students articulate their understanding of variability?

   3) What differences in understanding of variability are there between students whose

       introduction to variability measures occurs through a lecture/demonstration

       format and students whose introduction occurs through active learning labs?


Variation vs. Variability

     Many research studies use the terms variation and variability interchangeably, and

assume these terms have self-evident definitions. Some recent research has attempted to

be more specific about the difference between variation and variability. Reading and

Shaughnessy (2004) distinguish the difference between the two terms as follows:

       The term variability will be taken to mean the [varying] characteristic of
       the entity that is observable, and the term variation to mean the describing
       or measuring of that characteristic. Consequently, the following discourse,
       relating to “reasoning about variation,” will deal with the cognitive
processes involved in describing the observed phenomenon in situations
         that exhibit variability, or the propensity for change (p. 202).

However, reasoning about variation and reasoning about variability are not always

differentiated this way in the literature. It is generally accepted that variation or

variability encompasses several things: the quantitative measures such as standard

deviation and variance, how it is used as a tool and why it is used in certain contexts

(Makar & Confrey, 2005). This particular study uses variability to encompass these


Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking

         A distinction also needs to be made among several terms that refer to the goals of

statistics education: statistical literacy (a component of quantitative literacy), statistical

reasoning, and statistical thinking. In much of the statistics research, these terms often

overlap one another in how they are defined and used. However, in recent years, there has

been a concerted effort to come to an agreement on their definitions. They have been

discussed and debated extensively at the International Research Forums on Statistical

Reasoning, Thinking, and Literacy and the following definitions of each term is the

product of several papers written on the subject by various statistics educators after the

forums. Although these terms are being defined here, it should be noted that different

researchers still use these terms interchangeably.

   •     Statistical literacy includes basic skills such as organizing data in graphs and
         tables, understanding the concepts, vocabulary, and symbols, and recognizing that
         probability is a measure of uncertainty. Statistical literacy goes beyond knowing
         statistical terminology to the “ability to understand and critically evaluate
         statistical results that permeate daily life…. and a questioning attitude one can

assume when applying concepts to contradict claims made without proper
       statistical foundation” (Gal, 2002, p. 2).

   •   Statistical reasoning requires the ability to make interpretations about data based
       on graphs, tables or statistical summaries. It also includes the ability to make
       connections and explain the relationships between the different statistical
       processes “Reasoning means understanding and being able to explain statistical
       processes and being able to fully interpret statistical results” (Ben –Zvi &
       Garfield, 2004, p. 7).

   •   Statistical thinking requires that one gets the “big ideas” of statistics. Specifically,
       statistical thinking focuses on the how and why of statistical inference. Snee
       (1990) defines statistical thinking as “thought processes, which recognize that
       variation is all around us and present in everything we do, all work is a series of
       interconnected processes and identifying, characterizing, quantifying, controlling,
       and reducing provide opportunities for improvement” (p. 118). For example, it
       includes knowing when to use appropriate data analysis techniques and knowing
       how and why inferences can be made from samples to populations to
       understanding why designed experiments are necessary to show causation.
       Statistical thinkers are able to evaluate and critique statistical studies and can
       explain how models can be used to simulate random phenomena (Ben–Zvi &
       Garfield, 2004; Chance, 2002).

In much of the literature, the ideas of statistical literacy, statistical reasoning, and

statistical thinking are hierarchal in terms of learning goals for an introductory course

(statistical literacy being most basic to statistical thinking being most advanced).

However, there is still a great deal of dissension in other research over the definitions of

these terms. delMas (2002) points out that some researchers feel that these terms should

cover separate ideas but recognize that there will be some degree of overlap. Other

authors have posited that statistical thinking and reasoning are actually completely

subsets of the overall idea of statistical literacy. Figure 1 shows a visual representation of

these competing models of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking.

Figure 1. The overlap model versus the subset model of statistical literacy, reasoning, and

thinking (delMas, 2002).

       Although there is a disagreement in the literature about whether statistical

reasoning is a unique goal onto itself, I feel that the goals of my research specifically

target the idea of statistical reasoning. The main goals of my study revolve around

students being able to see the connections between statistical measures of variability and

how a dataset behaves. This goes beyond knowledge of how to calculate and define

measures of variability as part of statistical literacy. It might be argued that the goals of

my study, particularly related to students knowing when to apply standard deviation

versus when to use standard error, might fall under the definition of statistical thinking.

However, I still believe that this particular knowledge can also be defined as statistical

reasoning, because it involves students “being able to explain statistical processes” (Ben–

Zvi & Garfield, 2004, p.7).

Theoretical Framework

       The main theoretical framework of this study is the theory of conceptual change.

Conceptual change theory is based on Jean Piaget’s ideas and writings on how students

learn. Piaget used the idea of schemas to describe the mental skills that a student or a

person possesses. Piaget defined two terms to describe how students process new

information or ideas      into their already existing schemas: assimilation and

accommodation. Assimilation occurs when a student encounters a new phenomenon or

idea and uses existing schemas to make sense of it. The new information is assimilated

into the old schemas. However, if the students’ existing schemas can’t fully explain the

new phenomenon, it creates a perturbation for the student. Then, a review of the

phenomenon is initiated that may lead to an accommodation (Von Glasersfeld, 1997).

During accommodation, a student must reorganize or replace his existing schemas to

allow for understanding the new phenomenon.

       Assimilation and accommodation work like pendulum swings at
       advancing our understanding of the world and our competency in it.
       According to Piaget, they are directed at a balance between the structure
       of the mind and the environment, at a certain congruency between the two
       that would indicate that you have a good (or at least good-enough) model
       of the universe. This ideal state he calls equilibrium. (Boeree, 2006, para.

His work eventually became the underlying foundations of constructivism, a theory that

postulates, “the learner constructs his/her own understanding from the totality of the

experiences which he/she sees as relevant to the content, belief, skill etc., being

considered” (Gunstone, 1994, p. 132). Constructivism has been extensively researched

and applied in mathematics education (Cobb, 1994).

The theory of conceptual change builds upon the ideas of assimilation and

accommodation a bit further: that the process of learning or how a student comes to know

a new concept is also guided by a student’s existing schemas on how learning should take

place. “Without such concepts it is impossible for the learner to ask a question about the

(new) phenomenon, to know what would count as an answer to the question, or to

distinguish relevant from irrelevant features of the phenomenon” (Posner, Strike, Hewson

& Gertzog, 1982, p. 212). The central concepts of the conceptual change model are status

and conceptual ecology.

       The status that an idea has for a person holding it is an indication of the
       degree to which he or she knows and accepts it: status is determined by its
       intelligibility, plausibility and fruitfulness to that person. The idea of a
       conceptual ecology deals with all the knowledge that a person holds,
       recognizes that it consists of different kinds, focuses attention on the
       interactions within this knowledge base, and identifies the role that these
       interactions play in defining niches that support some ideas (raise their
       status) and discourage others (reduce their status). Learning something,
       then, means that the learner has raised its status within the context of his
       or her conceptual ecology. (Hewson, Beeth & Thorley, 1998, p. 201)

Teaching for conceptual change can be difficult. Students may have to change their

“fundamental assumptions about the world, about knowledge, and that such changes can

be strenuous and potentially threatening” (Posner et al., 1982, p. 213). Many recent

researchers have taken these concepts and conceived that conceptual change “involves

the learner recognizing his/her ideas and beliefs, evaluating these ideas and beliefs

(preferably in terms of what is to be learned and how this is to be learned), and then

personally deciding whether or not to reconstruct these existing ideas and beliefs”

(Gunstone 1994, p. 132). In short, this creates a “recognize, evaluate, decide whether to

reconstruct” (Gunstone 1994, p. 132) formula of how conceptual change can occur.

In much of the literature, research on conceptual change and research on

“misconceptions” are research on the same idea. In particular, some researchers define

misconceptions as a “miscatergorized concept(s)”, and that conceptual change entails re-

categorizing these misconceptions correctly. There has been some dissension among

conceptual change researchers as to what exactly sparks the process of conceptual change

or recategorization for a learner. Vosniadou (2002) argues that learners begin with “naïve

theory of how something works based on previous experience” (p. 65) and the process of

conceptual change begins with instruction that is “inconsistent with their existing mental

representations” (p. 65) and that creates a perturbation in the mind of the student. As

students begin to assimilate the new knowledge, “they form synthetic meanings that lack

coherence and stability” (Vosniadou, 2002, p. 65). Resolving these internal

inconsistencies is a gradual process that can entail a progression of a series of mental

models about the new knowledge. In other words, conceptual change is not an

instantaneous reorganization and replacement of concepts (Mayer, 2002, p. 102), but a

process that happens over time.

       Chi and Roscoe (2002) argue that “to accomplish conceptual change, learners

must become aware that they have miscategorized a concept” (Mayer, 2002, p. 104), but

again they view this process as an incremental process that happens over time. Others

stress the importance of sociocultural aspects in the process of conceptual change.

Ivarsson, Schoultz and Saljo (2002) argue “human cognition is socialized through the

participation in activities where tools are used for particular purposes” (p. 79). In

particular, these authors ran an experiment that demonstrated children developed more

sophisticated reasoning about the nature of earth when they had access to a world map
during interviews. They argued that students’ mental models depend heavily on the tools

the students have access to in a particular learning situation.

       Others stress that conceptual change and metacognition are irrevocably

intertwined (Gunstone, 1994). Metacognition is the consciousness of our thoughts and the

knowledge we have about our cognitive process. Gunstone argues learners must

recognize and evaluate “with an understanding of learning goals, of relevant uses of the

knowledge/skills/strategies/structures to be learned, of the purposes of particular

cognitive strategies/structures to be learned, of the purposes of particular cognitive

strategies appropriate to achieving these goals, of the processes of learning itself” (p.

133). For example, De Jong and Gunstone (1998) found in their study to affect

conceptual change in physics students, that they were met with resistance because the

students felt that learners needed “high intelligence” and “good memory” in order to be

successful in physics and a student either had those things or they didn’t. The researchers

found that these students prevented themselves from learning because they believed they

did not possess the necessary skills to learn.

       Because of these differing viewpoints, defining all the aspects of the theory of

conceptual change is difficult. And some researchers point out the limitations of the

theory and the lack of “theoretical accountability concerning the nature of the mental

entities involved in the process of conceptual change” (Limon & Mason, 2002, p. xvi).

Since there is disagreement over how conceptual change operates, there is corresponding

disagreement over how exactly conceptual change theory works in practical applications.

However, common to all of the definitions and variations of the conceptual change

model, is the importance given to students’ knowledge prior to instruction (Hewson,
Beeth, & Thorley, 1998). In one of the first articles published on conceptual change

theory in science education, Posner, Strike, Hewson and Gertzog (1982) recommend the

following teaching strategies for teaching toward conceptual change.

       1) Develop lectures, demonstrations, problems, and labs that can be used
       to create cognitive conflict in students.

       2) Organize instruction so that teachers can spend a substantial portion of
       their time in diagnosing errors in students’ thinking and identifying
       defensive moves used by students to resist accommodation.

       3) Develop the kinds of strategies that teachers could include in their
       repertoire to deal with student errors and moves that interfere with

       4) Help students make sense of science content by representing content in
       multiple modes (e.g. verbal, mathematical, concrete-practical, pictorial),
       and by helping students translate from one mode of representation to

       5) Develop evaluation techniques to help the teacher track the process of
       conceptual change in students. (p. 225)

Researchers agree that teaching for conceptual change requires a great deal from

teachers. There is much they need to know not only about the content of a particular

course, but also the range of ideas students may have about a particular topic and the

various pedagogical techniques that can be employed (Hewson, Beeth & Thorley, 1998).

       Generally, researchers agree on the fundamental ideas of conceptual change and

accommodation and assimilation. The disagreements discussed above relate to how this

process actually occurs and what conditions must be present to stimulate the process.

       Conceptual change theory has been a major theoretical framework for science

education (especially physics) in the last thirty years or so. It has only been transferred to

other fields in a limited capacity. However there are a few recent studies in mathematics
and statistics that have used conceptual change theory successfully as their theoretical

framework (Chance, delmas, & Garfield, 1999). In particular, Chance, delMas and

Garfield (2004) used conceptual change theory to redesign an “activity to engage students

in recognizing their misconceptions and to help them overcome the faulty intuitions that

persisted in guiding their responses on assessment items” (p. 299). This was part of the

multistage research project that was mentioned earlier in this chapter. The researchers in

this case redesigned computer lab activities to follow a “predict/test/evaluate model” that

followed closely the “recognize/evaluate/decide whether to reconstruct” model of

conceptual change proposed by science education researchers. This study will be

discussed in much more detail in chapter two of this document.

                           My personal rationale for this study

       My intention for this study is to test how well conceptual change theory works in

the introductory statistics classroom. Shortly before I began working on this research, I

was hired as a full time instructor at a small, mid-western, liberal arts college. Teaching

introductory statistics at this college turned out to be a much bigger challenge than I had

encountered previously in my career. First, this course carried credit for the mathematics

major and was taught from a very mathematical perspective. However, this course was

taken and required by a wide variety of other majors, including business, nursing, and

sports management. While all the students had the required college algebra prerequisite,

there was still a great disparity in mathematical skills and reasoning abilities among the

students in the class. Second, the college did not have a computer lab large enough to

hold thirty students, which was the usual number of students in a particular introductory
statistics section. This made the logistics of teaching introductory statistics with a

computer component nearly impossible. And lastly, there was resistance within the

department to see the need for change to the introductory statistics curriculum. It was my

hope that by conducting my dissertation research at this college, I would be able to

demonstrate the need to revise their introductory statistics curriculum. I was also hoping

to demonstrate that the reforms proposed by the statistics education community would

improve the course, as it already existed.

                            What to expect in the next chapters

       Chapter 2 provides a literature review of studies done in statistics education and

beyond that are relevant to the issues of developing students’ conceptual understanding of

variability in an introductory statistics course. Chapter 3 discusses the qualitative and

quantitative methodologies that were employed to answer the research questions posed

previously. Chapter 4 gives a detailed analysis of all the relevant data from assessment

instruments, lab activities and student interviews. And chapter 5 discusses the issues

related to this study, the conclusions I was able to draw from my data and the

implications for further research on students’ conceptual understanding of variability.


                                  LITERATURE REVIEW

                                     Statistics Education

        The number of statistics courses taught at college and universities around the

United States and beyond has grown tremendously over the last twenty years. This is

partly due to the increased demand by the marketplace that college graduates have at least

a basic understanding of statistical concepts. Advancements in technology have created

the ability to collect vast volumes of data in government, business, and other industries.

Consequently, the ability to analyze data has become a much more valued commodity in

the workplace. “Not surprisingly, the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School

Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 1989) has echoed

the increased attention to statistics and probability in society by recommending a

prominent role for applications of data and chance in school mathematics” (Shaughnessy

& Zawojewski, 1999, p. 713).

        While the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, published by

National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, have increased the focus on data analysis

at all grade levels, there is still a struggle to get statistics and probability instruction into

K-12 classrooms. Many mathematics teachers, who end up becoming the statistics

instructors in many schools, receive little education in statistics during their professional

preparation (Fendel & Doyle, 1999). In most cases, only one statistics course is required

for pre-service teachers and in some cases, the statistics course is optional. Certainly the

college where this study took place requires only pre-service secondary mathematics

teachers to take a statistics course. For pre-service elementary teachers, statistics is an

optional course. Even so, there is evidence of an increase in the coverage of statistical

topics in K-12 classrooms. The 1996 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP)

showed that teachers are spending a “moderate” amount of time on statistical topics. This

is opposed to surveys conducted in 1990 and 1992, which showed teachers spending

“little” time on these topics (Shaughnessy & Zawojeski, 1999). The most current version

of the report shows that 4th graders in many states are doing significantly better on the

data analysis and probability sections of the assessment (United States Department of

Education, 2007).

       Even with this progress, for most students, their first formal experience with

statistics occurs in college. Therefore, a significant amount of the literature in statistics

education has focused on the college student and is the focus of this particular study.

Many of the conclusions and recommendations cited here, however, can apply to both the

college statistics student and the K-12 student. And I will discuss a few studies in this

literature review, which are relevant to conceptual understanding of variability that took

place in K-12 classrooms.

Statistical Reasoning: Early Studies

       Advances in educational and statistical technology have made data analysis much

more accessible to all grade levels. Before graphing calculators and computers, the

introductory statistics curriculum had to focus on performing calculations and learning to

manipulate complex statistical formulas. Now with the advancement and availability of

technology, it is no longer necessary for statistics students to complete those complex

calculations by hand. This has shifted the focus in statistics classrooms toward learning

the underlying concepts of statistics and learning to reason statistically. Therefore,

research in statistics education has shifted its focus to the unique educational issues that

come with trying to teach and learn abstract statistical concepts (Ben-Zvi & Garfield,

2004). The goal is no longer mastery of statistical skills, but rather a mastery of statistical


        If teachers were asked what they would really like students to know six
        months or one year after completing an introductory statistics course,
        …Many would indicate that they would like students to understand some
        basic statistical concepts and ideas, to become statistical thinkers, and to
        be able to evaluate quantitative information (Garfield, 1995, p. 26).

       In many of these studies, there is discussion and debate over defining statistical

reasoning versus statistical thinking. As I mentioned in Chapter 1, many authors use these

two terms interchangeably or feel that the concepts they encompass overlap. Lovett

(2001) defines statistical reasoning as “the use of statistical tools and concepts… to

summarize, make predictions about, and draw conclusions from data” (p. 350). Wild and

Pfannkuch (1999) define statistical thinking as “the complex thought processes involved

in solving real world problems using statistics with a view to improving such problem
solving” (p. 224). There does seem to be a consensus in the research that statistical

thinking is higher level of cognitive activity than statistical reasoning. “Statistical

reasoning may be defined as the way [italics added] people reason with statistical ideas

and make sense of statistical information…. Statistical thinking involves an

understanding of why and how [italics added] statistical investigations are conducted”

(Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004, p. 7). Still, the definitions of statistical reasoning and

statistical thinking are being developed and debated in the literature (delMas, 2004).

Regardless of the exact definition, several studies have been conducted recently that

focus on the issues of developing statistical reasoning.

         Research into understanding how students reason in probability and statistics

began with a few studies done in the late seventies and the early eighties. Two

psychologists, Kahneman and Tversky (1982) did a series of studies trying to understand

how people reason about probability and classify the different types of misconceptions

people develop about probability. These studies were conducted with people who had no

particular statistics training. Two of these heuristics that they developed are described


         1) Representativeness – people tend to make decisions about the
         probability of an event happening depending on how close the event
         models what happens in the distribution from which it is drawn. For
         example, deciding that a particular sequence of coin flips, such as H H H
         T H is not likely because it does not contain 50% heads. (Shaughnessy,

         2) Availability – people tend to assess the probability of a particular
         situation depending on how easily they can relate to it in their own mind.
         For example, a person might feel the probability of a middle-age person
         having a heart attack is high, if they have middle-age friends who have
         had heart attacks. (Kahneman & Tversky, 1982)
A number of studies were completed after Kahneman and Tversky published their

work attempting to confirm their classifications and understand how to correct these

misconceptions. Pollastek, Konold, Well, and Lima (1984) conducted two experiments in

which they took the one particular type of assessment question Kahneman and Tversky

had used in their work to identify use of the representativeness heuristic and posed them

to current statistics students. All the students answered the questions as part of a bonus

questionnaire that was passed out in class. Then some of those students were interviewed

later. In the second experiment, the interviewers posed alternative solutions to the

assessment questions to the interview subjects. These alternative suggestions were made

in an effort to judge how strongly students held onto their original answer and to further

probe what kind of reasoning the students were using. Pollastek et al. (1984) put forth

their own model (active balancing) to classify what kind of reasoning students were

using. However, they concluded that there was no evidence to support their model and

students were indeed using reasoning consistent with Kahneman and Tversky’s

representativeness heuristic. One major implication of the study was that “since students’

actual heuristic, representativeness, is so different in form from the appropriate

mechanistic belief, it may not be easy…to effect any lasting change in students’ beliefs”

(Pollastek et al., 1984, p. 401). The researchers were very concerned that the methods

students employed to reason about these probability assessment items were radically

different from any correct reasoning methods.

       Other studies focused on different aspects of Kahneman and Tversky’s heuristics

or used them as a framework for their own research. Fong, Krantz, and Nisbett (1986)
performed a series of studies to determine whether the level of statistical training of

subjects (Kahneman and Tversky’s subjects had no statistical training) affected the

statistical “quality” of responses to assessment questions. Fong et al. (1986) defined

statistical “quality” as how much formal statistical reasoning was used to answer the

assessment question. Although they were able to show that statistical training did have

some effect on the quality for some assessment questions, they were surprised to find that

statistical training had no effect on the statistical quality of the responses to two of their

four assessment questions. Their results suggested that coursework and training in

statistics would not necessarily guarantee a higher level of statistical reasoning skills

(Lovett, 2001). Konold (1989) tested his own model of statistical reasoning, what he

termed the “outcome approach”, against the representativeness heuristic and found that

there were “additional misconceptions that ought to be taken into account” (p. 93). He

observed that students would predict the outcome to a single trial with a yes or no for any

type of probability question and relied on casual, informal explanations of outcomes and

variability. For example, some participants were given an irregularly shaped bone with

each side labeled with different letters and asked which side was most likely to land

upright. A composite “outcome approach” response from his interview transcripts is

quoted below:

       S: Wow. If I were a math major, this would be easy. B is nice and flat, so
       if D fell down, B would be up. I’d go with B
       I: And how likely do you think B is to land upright?
       S: I wouldn’t say it’s much more likely. It depends on the roll.
       I: So what do you conclude, having rolled it once?
       S: Wrong again. [B] didn’t come up.
       I = Interviewer S= Student (Konold, 1989, p. 67)

The first part of this composite response demonstrates what Konold meant by a casual,

informal explanation: students not using any sort of a mathematical model to reason

about the question. The second part of this composite response shows what he meant by a

yes or no response: the student thought the probability of rolling a particular side of the

bone (B) was determined to be either right or wrong after each roll. Konold used his

results to demonstrate that Kahneman and Tversky’s classifications were a start to

understanding a student’s statistical reasoning and misconceptions, but there was much

more to the story.

       Lecoutre (1992) added the idea of “equiprobability bias” to the previously

mentioned heuristics. The equiprobability bias occurs when students feel that all results

from random events are equally likely. For example, if a jar contains two red chips and

one white chip, students will mistakenly feel that the probability of drawing two red chips

is the same as the probability of drawing one red chip and one white chip. Lecoutre

discovered this bias in a study of 87 students. She attempted to “trick” students into using

the correct conceptual model by first asking students a probability question with the

chance aspect masked and then following it with a more standard probability problem.

Of the students that got the first question correct, only sixty percent were able to correctly

transfer the reasoning to a second standard probability question. Another study confirmed

that there are enduring misconceptions among students of statistics regardless of age or

experience. Metz (1998) conducted a study of kindergarteners, third graders and

undergraduates, attempting to trace the conceptual development of the statistical idea of

randomness. Based on her videotaped analysis of students working three specific

sampling tasks, she concluded that while students did develop a more sophisticated idea

of randomness as they got older, there still remains “enduring challenges in the

interpretation of random phenomena, manifested from kindergarten to adulthood” (Metz,

p. 349).

       Most of this work in the seventies and eighties (and some in the nineties) focused

on reasoning in probability situations. The main conclusion of all of this research was

that students have many enduring misconceptions in probability and statistics even after

they complete an introductory course in statistics. Later research (Chance, delMas, &

Garfield, 1999; Garfield, 1995) would expand upon these identified misconceptions and

attempt to present pedagogy that would address and correct them.

                           Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

       Much of the more recent research that has been done in the area of statistical

reasoning has been done to ascertain how students develop these skills. One hypothesis

set forth by researchers is that students understand much more conceptually if they are

exposed to statistics through Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). EDA is a statistics

curriculum that asks students to analyze and explore data to answer open-ended questions

with a heavy emphasis on interpreting graphical displays, often with the aid of

technology (Ben-Zvi, 2004; Ben-Zvi & Friedlander, 1997; Burrill & Romberg, 1998).

This parallels mathematics education paradigms such as problem-based learning and

inquiry-based learning. Several researchers have done teaching experiments where EDA

was the primary pedagogical method. Ben-Zvi (2004) observed the development of

statistical reasoning in two students in a seventh grade EDA classroom in Tel-Aviv. This

particular curriculum (Statistics Curriculum) was “based on the creation of small

scenarios in which students can experience some of the processes involved in the experts’

practice of data based enquiry” (Ben-Zvi, 2004, p. 125). For example, one task asked

students to take data from the men’s 100-meter Olympic races and look for trends and

interesting phenomena. Then the students were asked to respond to an argument between

two journalists as to whether there is a limit to how fast a human can run.

       These students’ reasoning development was tracked over the course of two and a

half months through video recordings, classroom observations, interviews, student

notebooks, and student projects. He found that in this controlled learning environment,

students developed “their reasoning about data by meeting and working with, from the

very beginning, ideas and dispositions....[that include] making hypotheses, formulating

questions, handling samples and collecting data, summarizing data, recognizing trends,

identifying variability [italics added] and handling data representations” (Ben-Zvi, 2004,

p. 141).

       Other researchers have focused on creating an EDA classroom with a heavier

reliance on technology. Biehler (1997) conducted two studies in which students used a

software tool for an entire course in data analysis, which culminated in an end of course

project. Through in-depth interviews, Biehler was able to identify the problem areas and

difficulties students and teachers encounter in elementary data analysis much more

extensively; issues such as lacking the language to accurately describe graphical

structure. All of these studies emphasize the importance as well, even with the increased

use of technology, of the teacher in creating EDA environments that motivate and

challenge students to really understand the complexities of a dataset (Ben-Zvi, 2004;

Ben-Zvi & Friedlander, 1997; Groth, 2006).

       In some introductory statistics classes that are geared for science majors, EDA

can come in the form of scientific experiments. Because carrying out an experiment or

project is an exercise in applying general principles to a specific task (Mackisack, 1994),

these experiments can provide students with a way to examine aspects of data analysis

that wouldn’t be otherwise possible with traditional textbook problems. One of the main

principles of EDA is to have students work with real data. “Learning about statistics is

more meaningful – and fun – when students are analyzing real data that they themselves

collected. Whenever possible, it is important to involve students in testing their own

hypotheses” (Wolfe, 1993, p. 4). Issues such as critiquing experimental designs, giving

detailed interpretations of results, exploring anomalous observations, questioning to elicit

detailed information about somebody else’s problem, and deciding what analysis is

appropriate for a particular data set can be explored within the context of these

experiments (Mackisack, 1994).

                              Reasoning about Distribution

The concept of distribution is one of the first topics introduced in an introductory

statistics course. Researchers argue that it is fundamental for students to understand how

data behaves graphically (Gal & Short, 2006) and is inextricably linked to conceptual

understanding of variability (delMas & Liu, 2005; Leavy, 2006; Makar & Confrey, 2003;

Reading & Reid, 2006).

        Variation is at the heart of statistical thinking but the reasoning about
        variation is enabled through diagrams or displays…such as graphs or
        frequency distributions of data. (Pfannkuch & Reading, 2006, p. 4)

Several researchers have researched student’s conceptual understanding of distribution.

Bakker and Gravemeijer (2004) observed the development of statistical reasoning about

the shape of a distribution in students in four different seventh grade classrooms in the

Netherlands over the course of a year. They used specifically designed series of

interactive web applets (Minitools) that allowed students to first develop informal

reasoning about concepts such as majority, outliers, chance, reliability and mean on given

datasets. Later, students could use Minitools to invent their own dataset distribution in

response to descriptions of the data presented by their teacher. For example, in an activity

on battery life, students had to create a distribution that would show “brand A is bad but

reliable; brand B is good but unreliable; brand C has about the same spread as brand A,

but is the worst of all the brands” (Bakker & Gravemeijer, 2004, p. 154). During these

lessons, the researchers conducted mini-interviews with students. By asking students to

move back and forth between interpreting distributions and constructing distributions, the

researchers were able to demonstrate that in this kind of classroom environment, students

were able to represent many elements of distributions in their graphs. They also stressed

that the assessments, which asked students to create graphs using given statistical

information, was very effective in developing students’ conceptual understanding of


Other researchers have also focused on the importance of understanding how

teachers develop and talk about their own conceptions of distributions (Pfannkuch, 2006).

One study in particular, Leavy (2006), explored the development of pre-service teachers’

understanding of distribution in a mathematics methods course. The study consisted of

three phrases: pretest/baseline data collection, instructional intervention, and a posttest.

The pretest involved a bean sprout experiment in which the pre-service teachers were

asked to present their conclusions. From these results, researchers were able to see that

the teachers mostly relied on numerical methods instead of graphical displays to make

data comparisons. Based on the pretest results, the pre-service teachers participated in a

semester-long statistical investigation of the bean experiment with a specific focus on

distribution. During the course of the semester, the pre-service teacher’s work related to

the ongoing investigations was used to frame discussion and instruction. They were also

asked to keep a journal and participate in focus groups to discuss statistical strategies.

The pre-service teachers, then, participated in a post-instruction investigation involving

popcorn, but similar in structure to the pretest bean sprout experiment. The posttest

results showed several improvements in the pre-service teachers’ reasoning: they were

more attuned to issues of sample size, their choice of descriptive statistics was much

more careful, and the teachers were much more conscious of limitations of the choices

they made for data presentation.

       The results from this study had several important implications. The first was

recognizing that before this course, pre-service teachers focused much more on summary

of the data rather than exploration. Other researchers have noted this lack of statistical

knowledge with pre-service teachers and encouraged degree programs to require content

experience with data analysis and statistics (Lajoie & Romberg, 1998). Given that these

teachers are a crucial component in bringing statistics education reforms into classrooms,

it is important to realize that “their lack of exposure to statistical ideas and statistical

inquiry lead to the blanket implementation to measures they are familiar with – the mean

invariably” (Lajoie & Romberg, 1998). However, once participants’ attention was drawn

to variation, in concert with an emphasis on how variation is modeled in graphical

representations, variation quickly became the central component of participants’

understanding of distribution” (Leavy, 2006, p. 106). The study also highlights the

connection between statistical inquiry, concepts of distribution and recognizing the

importance of variation.

       While some researchers and educators view distribution as the “lens” through

which students learn and come to understand variation (Wild, 2006), other researchers

view reasoning about variation as a prerequisite to understanding distribution. Reading

and Reid (2006) conducted a study of statistical reasoning with 57 students in an

introductory course. The students were asked to complete four minute-papers around four

different themes: exploratory data analysis, probability, sampling distribution, and

inference. The minute papers were short assessment questions that were given to students

in the last five minutes of class and submitted to the instructor immediately. The papers

were coded by the researchers initially with a consideration of student’s reasoning about

variation using a four level hierarchy (no consideration of variation, weak consideration

of variation, developing consideration of variation, strong consideration of variation).

Later, the same minute papers were coded similarly but with a consideration towards

reasoning about distribution. The researchers found that there was a very strong link

between the code that a student received on variation and the code a student received on

distribution. Students who were rated weak on variation rarely demonstrated strong

understanding of distribution. Students who were rated developing consideration of

variation did a much better job describing the different elements of a distribution and

were more able to make the connection between variation and distribution. These results

make the argument that conceptual understanding of variability and conceptual

understanding of distribution are inextricably linked. However, it was noted by these

researchers, “few responses were able to successfully apply their understanding of centre,

spread, and density to the complex notion of the sampling distribution of the mean”

(Reading & Reid, 2006, p. 57).

                    Reasoning about Sampling Distributions

       Perhaps the most well known study of students’ conceptual understanding of

sampling distributions, Chance, delMas, and Garfield (2004) conducted a seven-year,

multi-stage project at two different American universities to track how college students

were reasoning about sampling distributions. Eventually they had five different studies

come out of this one larger project, each previous study driving the conceptual

framework for the next study. Initially they were interested in evaluating the usefulness

of simulation software for learning sampling distributions. Students participated in an

instructional activity that utilized a computer simulation program developed by one of the

researchers (Sampling Distribution). Students could change certain settings such as

population shape and sample size for generating sampling distributions. They were then

asked to summarize the results of what they had observed. The researchers used the

results from pretest and posttest graphical based assessment items to measure change in

reasoning about sampling distributions. The results from the assessment items showed

some positive changes, but for the most part did not demonstrate that students were

developing the correct reasoning about sampling distributions. From these results, the

researchers hypothesized that the simulation activities needed to have more than just a

visual component.

       Thus, Chance, delMas, and Garfield (2004) attempted to redesign the simulation

activities, using a conceptual change framework, i.e., “redesigning the activity to engage

students in recognizing their misconceptions and to help them overcome the faulty

intuitions that persisted in guiding their responses on assessment items” (p. 299).

Students were asked to give their response to a graphical test item and then use the

Sampling Distribution program to produce a sampling distribution in order to evaluate

their response to the graphical test item. The “predict/test/evaluate” model for the

redesigned activities seemed to produce better understanding of sampling distributions in

students, but there were still misconceptions that persisted.

       For the third study, Chance, delMas and Garfield (2004) looked at whether

students’ understanding of the knowledge prerequisite to understanding sampling

distribution could explain students’ persistent misconceptions about sampling

distributions. Through analysis of the experiences and observations of the classroom

researchers involved in the first two studies, plus a detailed analysis of student responses

from the first two studies, the researchers were able to compile a list of the prerequisite

knowledge necessary to understanding sampling distribution. These included the idea of

variability, the idea of distribution, the normal distribution and the idea of sampling. The

researchers then took those ideas and created a pretest designed to identify students’

weaknesses and help guide instruction before students began the unit on sampling


       The fourth study gathered more information about students’ conceptions about the

prerequisite knowledge and how they developed reasoning about sampling distributions

though interviews with students in a graduate level introductory statistics class. Students

were asked to answer open-ended questions about sampling variability while interacting

with the Sampling Distribution software. From these interviews, a developmental model

(Table 1) of how students come to reason about sampling distribution was proposed.

Level of Reasoning         Description
1: Idiosyncratic reasoning        The student knows some words and symbols related to
                                  sampling distributions, uses them without fully
                                  understanding them, often incorrectly, and may
                                  scramble these words with unrelated information.
2: Verbal reasoning               The student has a verbal understanding of sampling
                                  distributions and the Central Limit Theorem, but cannot
                                  apply this knowledge to actual behavior. For example,
                                  the student can select a correct definition or state the
                                  implications of the Central Limit Theorem as it
                                  describes sampling distributions, but does not
                                  understand how the key concepts such as variability,
                                  average, and shape are integrated.
3: Transitional reasoning         The student is able to correctly identify one or two
                                  dimensions of the sampling process without fully
                                  integrating these dimensions. For example, the student
                                  only understands the relationship between the sampling
                                  distribution shape and the population shape, the fact
                                  that large samples lead to more normal looking
                                  sampling distributions, or that larger sample size leads
                                  to a narrower sampling distribution (decreased
                                  variability among sample means).
4: Procedural reasoning           The student is able to correctly identify the dimensions
                                  of the sampling process but does not fully integrate
                                  them nor understand the process that generates
                                  sampling distributions. For example, the student can
                                  correctly predict which sampling distribution
                                  corresponds to the given parameters, but cannot explain
                                  the process and does not have confidence in his or her
5: Integrated process reasoning   The student has a complete understanding of the
                                  process of sampling and sampling distributions and is
                                  able to coordinate the rules (Central Limit Theorem)
                                  and behavior of the sampling process. The student can
                                  explain the process in her or his own words and makes
                                  correct predictions with confidence.

Table 1: Developmental model of statistical reasoning about sampling distributions

(Garfield, 2002, p. 4).

This developmental model became the basis for the fifth study. Chance, delMas

and Garfield (2004) developed a diagnostic assessment that was designed to identify

students who were at potentially different levels of statistical reasoning. Three different

populations of students took this diagnostic test after their unit on sampling distributions.

Subsets of these students participated in interviews, consisting of four questions related to

sampling distributions. The initial purpose of the interviews was to validate the level of

reasoning each interviewee had been placed at by the diagnostic test. However, the

researchers found it incredibly difficult to ascertain from the interviews the appropriate

level of reasoning for particular student.

        Each of these five studies contributed greatly to understanding why sampling

distributions is such a difficult subject for students to learn. The researchers were able to

identify some of the problem areas and document how “forcing students to confront the

limitations of their knowledge…[helped] students…correct their misconceptions and

…construct more lasting connections with their existing knowledge framework” (Chance,

delMas, & Garfield, 2004, p. 312). The researchers, however, recognized that many

students did not have the necessary prerequisite knowledge of variability and distribution

and that research needs to focus on how “these early foundational concepts needs to be

integrated throughout the course so students will be able to apply them and understand

their use in the context of sampling distribution” (Chance, delMas, & Garfield, 2004, p.


Models of Statistical Reasoning

          Several other studies have proposed models of statistical reasoning, although

these studies had different statistical topics as their focus. A longitudinal study (Watson

2004) of 22 Tasmanian students of varying grade levels classified students’ reasoning

about sampling into one of six categories. These categories were subsets of tiers (Table 2)

of statistical literacy that had been developed by the researchers in an earlier study

(Watson, 1997).

 Tier 1     Understanding Terminology
 Tier 2     Understanding Terminology in Context
 Tier 3     Critical Questioning of Claims made without Justification

Table 2. Categories of developing concepts of sampling (Watson, 2004).

          Watson (2004) used these categories and tiers to track students reasoning over the

period of four years through student interviews. They were able to document students’

responses to the assessment questions on sampling four years after their initial

classification generally improved. However, it was impossible to ascertain whether “life

experiences or the mathematics curriculum” (Watson, p. 290) were responsible for the

improvement. Some of the older students referred to examples in their classes, which

seemed to indicate that the mathematics curriculum was having an influence.

          Several studies employed a version of the Structure of Observed Learning

Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy developed originally by Biggs and Collis (1982) to develop

a hierarchy of statistical reasoning (Pfannkuch, 2005; Reading & Reid, 2006; Watson,

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  • 1. Leigh Slauson - Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Variability STUDENTS’ CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING OF VARIABILITY DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Leigh Victoria Slauson, B.A., M.A.S. ***** The Ohio State University 2008 Dissertation Committee Approved by Dr. Patricia Brosnan, Adviser Dr. Doug Owens Dr. Dennis Pearl Adviser College of Education
  • 3. ABSTRACT Research has shown that even if a student passes a standard introductory statistics course, they often still lack the ability to reason statistically. This is especially true when it comes to reasoning about variability. Variability is one the core concepts in statistics, yet many students come away from introductory course unable to discuss basic ideas of variability or make the connection between graphical displays of data and measures of variability. This study investigated students’ conceptual understanding of variability by focusing on two numerical measures of variability: standard deviation and standard error. Two sections of introductory statistics were taught at a small Midwestern liberal arts college. One section was taught with standard lecture methods for the topics of standard deviation, sampling distributions and standard error, and confidence intervals and the margin of error. The other section completed a hands-on active learning lab for each these topics. These labs were designed with a conceptual change framework. Students were asked to use their prior knowledge to make predictions, collect and analyze data to test their predictions, and then evaluate their predictions in light of their results. Assessment questions designed to test conceptual knowledge were included at the end of each lab. ii
  • 4. Both classes completed the Comprehensive Assessment of Outcomes in a first Statistics course (CAOS) as a pretest and a posttest. The assessment questions from the active learning labs were analyzed and coded. And small number of students from each section also participated in twenty-minute interviews. These interviews consisted of statistical reasoning questions. The analysis of the data showed students’ conceptual understanding of ideas related to standard deviation improved in the active class, but not in the lecture class. There was no evidence of improvement on the topic of standard error in either class and some evidence that students had regressed in both sections. The analysis of the qualitative data suggests that understanding the connection between data distributions and measures of variability, and understanding the connection between probability concepts and variability is very important for students to successfully understand standard error. There is also evidence that students come to an introductory statistics course with more conceptual knowledge related to sampling distributions than was previously thought. There is evidence that the feedback portion of hands-on active labs is the most important feature of the conceptual change framework. Further research is needed to investigate how much prior knowledge students possess about sampling distributions and how important probability concepts are to understanding concepts of variability. iii
  • 5. Dedicated to Lawrence Charles Weiss I am my father’s daughter. And proud of it. iv
  • 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I want to thank Dr. Patti Brosnan for her infinite patience and expertise. I could not have asked for a better adviser. I want to thank my committee members, Dr. Dennis Pearl and Dr. Doug Owens for providing me with invaluable feedback and support throughout this process. I also want to thank Dr. Pearl for giving me so many opportunities to become a flourishing member of the statistics education community. I want to thank Dr. Jackie Miller for being a mentor and a really good friend. I want to thank the all the faculty and staff of the Academic Support Center and the Mathematical Sciences Department at Otterbein College, but most especially Ellen Kasulis and Susan Thompson. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to be a faculty member before I even earned my doctorate. And thank you so much for giving me the time, resources, encouragement and sugar to successfully finish my dissertation. I want to thank my friends, Greg and Kelly Syferd, who kept me sane and helped me procrastinate with many, many, many games of Union Pacific. I want to thank the Jeff and Becky Slauson, who have truly become my family. I am so, so lucky to have in-laws like you. v
  • 7. I want to thank my sisters, Anne and Debra, and little Xanis for reminding me there is much more to life than work. To Annie and Debra, best wishes on your own adventures in school. To my mother, who has been waiting a long time for this document, thank you for helping me become the independent, intelligent woman I am today. And finally to my husband Justin: there are no words to describe what you mean to me or how much I love you. I could not have done this without you. You are my lobster. vi
  • 8. VITA June 14, 1976…………………….. Born – Redbank, NJ 1998……………………………….B.A. Math & Classics, Vanderbilt University. 2000……………………………….M.A.S. Statistics, The Ohio State University. 1998……………………………….Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department, Vanderbilt University. 1998 – 2000.………………………Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University. 2000 – 2001……………………….Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics, University of Illinois. 2001- 2006………………………...Casual Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department, The Ohio State University. 2001 – 2006……………………….Adjunct Faculty, Mathematics Department, Columbus State Community College. 2005 – present…………………….Visiting Instructor, Academic Support Center & Mathematical Sciences Department, Otterbein College. PUBLICATIONS 1) Laughbaum, Ed. (2003). State of Ohio College Mathematics Placement Testing Program. (COMPASS Analyst – Leigh Slauson) 2) Elstak, I, Rice, G., Strayer, J. & Weiss, L. Dissertations in Mathematics Education Reported in 2000. In Reed, M.K., & Owens, D.T. (Eds.). (2003). Research in Mathematics Education 2000. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education. vii
  • 9. FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Education Area of Emphasis: Mathematics Education Minor Field: Statistics viii
  • 10. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii Dedication .......................................................................................................................... iv Acknowledgments................................................................................................................v Vita.................................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ................................................................................................................... xiii List of Figures ....................................................................................................................xv Chapters: 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................1 Rationale of the study .................................................................................................2 Problem statement.......................................................................................................9 Focus questions.........................................................................................................10 Definitions.................................................................................................................10 Variation vs. Variability......................................................................................10 Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking .....................................................11 Theoretical framework..............................................................................................14 My personal rationale for this study .........................................................................19 What to expect in the next chapters ..........................................................................20 2. Literature Review.........................................................................................................21 Statistics Education...................................................................................................21 Statistical reasoning: Early studies ...........................................................................23 Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) ............................................................................28 Reasoning about Distribution ...................................................................................30 Reasoning about Sampling Distributions..................................................................34 ix
  • 11. Models of Statistical Reasoning................................................................................39 Reasoning about Variability .....................................................................................41 Active Learning in Statistics.....................................................................................46 Learning Theory Underpinning Active Learning .....................................................50 Student Attitudes towards Statistics..........................................................................54 Assessment................................................................................................................56 Summary ...................................................................................................................58 3. Methods........................................................................................................................59 Introduction...............................................................................................................59 Overview of Methods Used ......................................................................................62 Location of the Study................................................................................................62 Participant Selection .................................................................................................64 Interview Subject Selection ......................................................................................65 Class Instruction........................................................................................................65 Researcher Perspective .............................................................................................66 Research Labs ...........................................................................................................68 Pretest/Posttest ..........................................................................................................69 Interviews..................................................................................................................70 Demographic Data ....................................................................................................72 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................73 Quantitative.........................................................................................................73 Qualitative...........................................................................................................73 Timeline ....................................................................................................................76 Summary ...................................................................................................................77 4. Data Analysis ...............................................................................................................78 Introduction...............................................................................................................78 Demographics ...........................................................................................................79 Quantitative Results – the CAOS test.......................................................................84 Analysis of complete CAOS test results.............................................................84 Analysis of research CAOS questions ................................................................89 Analysis of CAOS question 32...........................................................................94 Data Analysis Codes .................................................................................................98 x
  • 12. Research Lab (Standard Deviation) ..........................................................................99 Overview of instruction ......................................................................................99 Analysis.............................................................................................................101 Research Lab (Sampling Distributions)..................................................................107 Overview of instruction ....................................................................................107 Description of reasoning assessment questions ................................................109 Analysis.............................................................................................................111 Research Lab (Confidence Interval) .......................................................................116 Overview of instruction ....................................................................................116 Analysis.............................................................................................................117 Interview Overview ................................................................................................121 Lack of Confidence in Responses...........................................................................124 Approaches to Question Three (Standard Deviation vs. Standard Error)...............125 Making Connections to Graphical Displays of Data Distributions ........................129 Comparison of interview responses of active class versus lecture class ................131 Understanding Standard Error ................................................................................133 Summary of the Interview Analysis .......................................................................136 Interview Question 1 (Q1) ................................................................................136 Interview Question 2 (Q2) ................................................................................136 Interview Question 3 (Q3) ................................................................................137 Connections between the interviews, research labs and CAOS .............................137 Chapter Summary ...................................................................................................139 5. Conclusions, Limitations and Implications................................................................141 Overview of Conclusions........................................................................................141 Limitations of the study ..........................................................................................142 General Design Concerns .................................................................................142 The College Effect ............................................................................................143 Instructor Effect ................................................................................................145 Design of the Sampling Distribution Lab .........................................................147 The Second Interview Question (Standard Error) ............................................151 Discussion ...............................................................................................................152 Implications for classroom practice ........................................................................155 xi
  • 13. Suggestion for further research...............................................................................156 What I learned through the dissertation process .....................................................157 Summary .................................................................................................................158 References........................................................................................................................159 Appendices.......................................................................................................................171 Appendix A – Original Informed Consent........................................................171 Appendix B – Supplemental Informed Consent ...............................................173 Appendix C – Standard Deviation Lab.............................................................175 Appendix D – Sampling Distribution Lab ........................................................183 Appendix E – Confidence Interval Lab – Active Class....................................190 Appendix F – Confidence Interval Lab – Lecture Class...................................196 Appendix G – Interview Protocol .....................................................................201 xii
  • 14. LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Developmental model of statistical reasoning about sampling distributions (Garfield, 2002, p. 4). ...................................................................................................................37 2. Categories of developing concepts of sampling (Watson, 2004) ................................39 3. Interpretation of SOLO taxonomy for statistical reasoning (Reading & Reid, 2006) .40 4. Timeline of research methods......................................................................................76 5. Demographic summary of each class section ..............................................................79 6. Contingency table of student responses to CAOS question 32....................................94 7. Distribution of answers for CAOS question 32 ...........................................................96 8. Data analysis code descriptions. ..................................................................................98 9. Distribution of responses to standard deviation lab reasoning assessments in the active class .................................................................................................................102 10. Distribution of responses to pre-lab and post-lab reasoning assessment questions in the sampling distribution lab......................................................................................112 11. Overview of the interview results ..............................................................................123 12. Summary of the active data on all statistical reasoning assessment items ................138 xiii
  • 15. 13. Summary of the lecture data on all statistical reasoning assessment items ...............138 xiv
  • 16. LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. The overlap model versus the subset model of statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking (delMas, 2002)...............................................................................................13 2. Sample test item from Liu and delMas’ (2005) study .................................................43 3. A sample of assessment items used to detect the use of an availability or representativeness heuristic .........................................................................................47 4. Distribution of majors for each class section...............................................................81 5. Mathematics placement scores distribution for each class section..............................83 6. Statistical analysis of CAOS test results (paired t-test) from both class sections........86 7. Statistical output of Mann-Whitney test comparing improvement levels between each section ..........................................................................................................................88 8. Statistical output comparing improvement between lecture and active sections on standard deviation CAOS test question .......................................................................92 9. Statistical output comparing improvement between lecture and active sections on standard error CAOS test questions.............................................................................93 10. Statistical reasoning assessment question from standard deviation research lab ......101 11. Demonstration of the use of the standard error formula (CLT12).............................115 xv
  • 17. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION During the first few years that I taught introductory statistics, I always tried to follow my department guidelines for teaching statistics very closely. I had taken a job as an adjunct at a local community college while I started working on my doctoral degree. This particular mathematics department had many different instructors for introductory statistics. In an attempt to keep the introductory classes as similar as possible, they had laid out in great detail exactly what topics I should cover and when I should cover them. The course was taught in a bi-weekly class meeting, with a weekly computer lab period. They had a departmental final, weekly labs written by a course coordinator, and departmental guidelines on what should be taught with the graphing calculator. Initially, I thought this was great; I wouldn’t have to do much planning. However, I discovered very quickly the course was tightly packed with material. I had very little time for any creative teaching innovations, such as demonstrations or fun activities. I was forced to lecture through most class periods just to get through the material on time. It was my first experience as a lead statistics instructor. I had been a teaching assistant for years, teaching in statistics recitation sections. Generally, however, this only entailed going over student questions or helping students work through pre-designed activities. I had never been in charge before of presenting the material for the whole course. It turned out to be 1
  • 18. quite the learning experience for me. One of the requirements at the end of the quarter was for me to cover a departmental final exam review sheet that included material from the entire ten-week course. In this review packet, there was always at least one question that asked students to calculate the standard deviation of a data set and then offer an explanation of what the standard deviation meant in the context of the data set. Generally, my students had little difficulty calculating the standard deviation using their required graphing calculators, except for perhaps forgetting under which menu in the calculator they were supposed to use. However more importantly, the explanation portion of that question proved incredibly difficult for my students. Some were able to give the general definition of standard deviation as a “measure of spread,” but rarely were they able to elaborate further or explain any connection between the number they had just calculated and the dataset from which it came. And more often than I would like to admit, I would get responses such as the one I received from a student who said she had “just forgotten” what it was. As the instructor and a statistics education researcher, this was disappointing. Rationale of the Study The idea of variability and its associated measures such as standard deviation in a data set is one of the core concepts presented in an introductory course in statistics (Cobb, 1991; Moore, 1992; Snee, 1993). “Variation is at the heart of all statistical investigation. If there were no variation in data sets, there would be no need for statistics” (Watson & Kelly, 2002, p. 1). It is obvious, from both my own personal teaching experience and the literature in statistics education, that students struggle with understanding the concept of variability as it relates to data (Reading & Shaughnessy, 2004). Instructors struggle also 2
  • 19. with how to teach it effectively. In February of 2005, the American Statistical Association (ASA) released a report that presented Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) at the college level. Those statistics educators who contributed to the report recognized that “many introductory courses contain too much material and students end up with a collection of ideas that are understood only at a surface level, are not well integrated and are quickly forgotten. If students don’t understand the important concepts, there’s little value in knowing a set of procedures” (ASA, 2005, p. 10). One of the arguments made for including technology (such as graphing calculators) in the statistics classroom is that it reduces the time needed to teach the procedures, such as the formula for calculating standard deviation, leaving instructors more class time to focus on the concepts (Collins & Mittag, 2005). Theoretically, this extra time spent on the conceptual nature of variation should result in better student understanding of this basic statistical idea. However, even in classes that utilize graphing calculators or other technology extensively, there is still overwhelming evidence that students do not leave an introductory statistics class with good understanding of the concept of variability (Hawkins, 1996). The solution to this problem then is much more complex than simply using technology to do the calculations. Understanding variability in a data set is a basic building block to all of the topics presented in an introductory class in statistics. If students don’t understand this basic idea, this is a significant problem in statistics education. There has certainly been a good deal of research in the last few years dealing with student learning in the elementary statistics classroom. As more and more researchers 3
  • 20. recognize that the problems of statistics education are separate from mathematics education (Moore & Cobb, 2000; Moore, 1988), the volume of literature in statistics education is slowly growing. Specifically, many of these studies focus on the development of students’ statistical reasoning skills as the main goal of an introductory course in statistics. While there is disagreement about how statistical reasoning is defined1, most researchers agree that it includes “the use of statistical tools and concepts to summarize, make predictions about and draw conclusions from data” (Lovett 2001, p. 350). Certainly, the act of making correct interpretations from the data is key to any definition of statistical reasoning. Because of the shift in focus to statistical reasoning in the introductory class (and away from a memorization of procedures), there have been an increased number of calls for change in the way statistics is taught (Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004). Several factors have been identified as to why this change is needed: • Changes in the field of statistics, including new techniques of data exploration • Changes and increases in the use of technology in the practice of statistics, and the growing availability of this technology in schools and at home • Increased awareness of students’ inability to think or reason statistically, despite good performance in statistics courses • Concerns about the preparation of teachers of statistics at the K-12 and college level, many of whom have never studied applied statistics or engaged in data analysis activities (Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004, p. 5). There has been research into statistics education topics since the seventies. Some of the first “statistics education” researchers attempted to identify and classify the types of statistical reasoning misconceptions people possess. Most notably in their research, 1 The debate over the definition of statistical reasoning is discussed later in this chapter. 4
  • 21. Kahneman, Slovic and Tversky (1982) documented many statistical reasoning fallacies2 that people possess and classified these into heuristics (the processes by which people discover or learn). Their goal, however, was only to understand and classify how people reasoned statistically, not to develop methods to correct incorrect statistical reasoning. These studies were also not focused on students in statistics courses, but rather the general population. In the eighties more researchers focused on whether students, who were enrolled in a statistics course, showed a higher level of statistical reasoning than the subjects of the previous research of the seventies. Fong, Krantz, and Nisbett (1986) showed that statistics students made only marginal gains in statistical reasoning from the beginning to the end of the course. Other researchers attempted to test different models of statistical reasoning to explain why students reasoned incorrectly (Konold, 1989; Pollatsek, Konold, Well, & Lima, 1984). These studies still did not provide suggestions for improving instruction, but mainly focused on trying to define how statistics students reasoned incorrectly. In contrast, the nineties were marked by a rapid shift in the research towards providing instructional strategies that would help students learn to reason statistically (Garfield & delMas, 1991). This shift mirrored an effort in the mathematics education community to develop pedagogy that was aimed at helping students learn to reason better mathematically (Lovett, 2001; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 2003; Shirley, 2000). Part of this shift was in response to the rapid shift in the practice of 2 For example, the gambler’s fallacy: the incorrect belief that the likelihood of a random event can be affected by or predicted from other independent events. 5
  • 22. statistics. Software programs for not only doing statistics, but also for learning statistics were being developed and refined. A computer lab section where students could use these software applications was becoming more common in the introductory course (Lovett, 2001). The advent of graphing calculators in the late nineties that allowed students to have basic statistical capabilities right at their fingertips, drastically changed the possibilities for data analysis right in the classroom (Moore, 1997; NCTM, 2003). The most recent research in statistics education is trying to pull all these different foci together: using the theories of how students learn to guide what kind of instructional strategies should be tested and used in the introductory classroom (Lovett, 2001). Certainly one pedagogical approach that has been recommended repeatedly by recent researchers is the use of active learning techniques instead of traditional lecturing (Gnanadesikan, Scheaffer, Watkins & Witmer, 1997; Moore, 1997; Shaughnessy, 1977). The use of active learning is based partly on the theories on constructivism and cooperative learning. Researchers argue that actually having students participate in activities where they can manipulate and analyze real data that they themselves have collected, leads to a much deeper and sophisticated understanding of the statistical concepts being presented (Ben-Zvi, 2004; Mackisack, 1994). Using active learning methods in class is a valuable way to promote collaborative learning, allowing students to learn from each other. Active learning allows students to discover, construct, and understand important statistical ideas and to model statistical thinking. Activities have an added benefit in that they often engage students in learning and make the learning process fun. (ASA, 2005, p.11) However, the interpretation of what constitutes an active learning activity has been varied. Teachers and departments often identify labs completed in a weekly 6
  • 23. computer lab section as examples of active learning. This was certainly my experience at the previously mentioned community college where I was an adjunct. Students, either in groups or on their own, would work through these assigned labs on a computer using a statistical software package. Unfortunately, while these labs did provide students exposure to current statistical software and technology, many of these labs were frequently more of an exercise in following directions and did not provide students the opportunity to do real statistical investigation. Active learning techniques are “used in a variety of class settings to allow students to ‘discover’ concepts of statistics by working through a set of ‘laboratory’ exercises” (Scheaffer, Watkins, Gnanadesikan, & Witmer, 1996, p. vii). The most important feature of these active learning activities is that students are allowed to discover concepts, and unfortunately many computer lab activities don’t allow that process of student discovery to occur. Several texts (e.g., Workshop Statistics, Activity Based Statistics, etc.) have been published in the last few years with a wealth of active learning activities that allow a process of student discovery that could be used in any type of statistics classroom. However, these textbooks are still considered experimental by many, and very few departments have adopted them as course textbooks. Regardless, they are invaluable references for the instructor who is looking to incorporate active learning activities into a “regular” introductory course. One of the benefits of active learning techniques is that it often involves data collection. One of the main recommendations of the GAISE report is for teachers to “use real data” (ASA, 2005). Many times this comes in the form of either student run projects or experiments in the classroom. It has been noted that students are much more invested 7
  • 24. in understanding why a dataset behaves a certain way if it is their own (Mackisack, 1994; Hogg, 1991). Often, data that are presented in textbooks are contrived and neat. While contrived datasets may be necessary for teaching certain concepts, datasets in the real world are complex and students should be exposed to that complexity (ASA, 2005). Many different statistics educators have recommended student projects as an excellent way of providing this exposure to data analysis in the real world (Binnie, 2002; Field, 1985; Mackisack & Petocz, 2002; Sylvester & Mee, 1992). However, this can potentially take a great deal of time and effort for the instructor, who may have to mentor many students’ projects individually. However, simply incorporating active learning techniques into the introductory statistics classroom may not be enough to affect real change in student’s conceptual understanding. In what became a multistage research project conducted at two different colleges, a study showed several students were still failing to develop correct understanding of sampling distributions after the topic was taught using active learning techniques (Chance, delMas & Garfield, 2004). This was a surprise to the researchers, given the numerous sources and studies that have proposed active learning helps to develop student’s conceptual understanding. So the researchers decided to look outside of the research in mathematics and statistics education to science education. Statistics is considered in many circles to be more of a scientific discipline rather than a mathematical one, so looking into the research in science education to better understand how students might learn statistics certainly has merit. One learning theory that has a particularly strong research base in science education is conceptual change theory. The theory posits that students learn when an existing conception that they already possess is challenged. 8
  • 25. “This model proposes that students who have misconceptions or misunderstandings need to experience an anomaly, or contradictory evidence, before they will change their current conceptions” (Chance, delMas & Garfield, 1999, p. 5). While most research on the application of conceptual change theory occurred in science education, educators are now starting to see the potential applications in other fields, such as statistics education. “Teaching for conceptual change primarily involves 1) uncovering students' preconceptions about a particular topic or phenomenon and 2) using various techniques to help students change their conceptual framework” (Davis, 2001, para. 2.1). In a follow up study to the multistage research project described previously, Chance, delMas and Garfield (2004) designed computer simulation activities that followed a “predict/test/evaluate model” that allowed students to make predictions about graphical test questions, use a sampling software to create the distributions to test their predictions, and finally allowed students to evaluate their predictions with the computer results. Chance et al. (2004) found that these activities, designed from a conceptual change framework, significantly improved students’ reasoning about sampling distributions. This multistage research project, which was part of the impetus for this research, will be discussed in much greater detail in chapter two. Problem Statement It is important to understand how student’s come to reason about variability and specifically what kind of instructional techniques improve the conceptual understanding of variability. Research in the statistics education community has shown that traditional lecture techniques are not providing students with the statistical reasoning skills they 9
  • 26. should possess after a first course in statistics (Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004). Active learning techniques provide an alternative type of learning for students, but this covers a wide range of activities. What needs to be researched is how particular active learning techniques specifically improve students’ conceptual understanding of variability. Focus Questions 1) Do active learning labs, designed with a conceptual change framework, have a significant impact on students’ conceptual understanding of variability in an introductory statistics course? 2) How do students articulate their understanding of variability? 3) What differences in understanding of variability are there between students whose introduction to variability measures occurs through a lecture/demonstration format and students whose introduction occurs through active learning labs? Definitions Variation vs. Variability Many research studies use the terms variation and variability interchangeably, and assume these terms have self-evident definitions. Some recent research has attempted to be more specific about the difference between variation and variability. Reading and Shaughnessy (2004) distinguish the difference between the two terms as follows: The term variability will be taken to mean the [varying] characteristic of the entity that is observable, and the term variation to mean the describing or measuring of that characteristic. Consequently, the following discourse, relating to “reasoning about variation,” will deal with the cognitive 10
  • 27. processes involved in describing the observed phenomenon in situations that exhibit variability, or the propensity for change (p. 202). However, reasoning about variation and reasoning about variability are not always differentiated this way in the literature. It is generally accepted that variation or variability encompasses several things: the quantitative measures such as standard deviation and variance, how it is used as a tool and why it is used in certain contexts (Makar & Confrey, 2005). This particular study uses variability to encompass these ideas. Statistical Literacy, Reasoning and Thinking A distinction also needs to be made among several terms that refer to the goals of statistics education: statistical literacy (a component of quantitative literacy), statistical reasoning, and statistical thinking. In much of the statistics research, these terms often overlap one another in how they are defined and used. However, in recent years, there has been a concerted effort to come to an agreement on their definitions. They have been discussed and debated extensively at the International Research Forums on Statistical Reasoning, Thinking, and Literacy and the following definitions of each term is the product of several papers written on the subject by various statistics educators after the forums. Although these terms are being defined here, it should be noted that different researchers still use these terms interchangeably. • Statistical literacy includes basic skills such as organizing data in graphs and tables, understanding the concepts, vocabulary, and symbols, and recognizing that probability is a measure of uncertainty. Statistical literacy goes beyond knowing statistical terminology to the “ability to understand and critically evaluate statistical results that permeate daily life…. and a questioning attitude one can 11
  • 28. assume when applying concepts to contradict claims made without proper statistical foundation” (Gal, 2002, p. 2). • Statistical reasoning requires the ability to make interpretations about data based on graphs, tables or statistical summaries. It also includes the ability to make connections and explain the relationships between the different statistical processes “Reasoning means understanding and being able to explain statistical processes and being able to fully interpret statistical results” (Ben –Zvi & Garfield, 2004, p. 7). • Statistical thinking requires that one gets the “big ideas” of statistics. Specifically, statistical thinking focuses on the how and why of statistical inference. Snee (1990) defines statistical thinking as “thought processes, which recognize that variation is all around us and present in everything we do, all work is a series of interconnected processes and identifying, characterizing, quantifying, controlling, and reducing provide opportunities for improvement” (p. 118). For example, it includes knowing when to use appropriate data analysis techniques and knowing how and why inferences can be made from samples to populations to understanding why designed experiments are necessary to show causation. Statistical thinkers are able to evaluate and critique statistical studies and can explain how models can be used to simulate random phenomena (Ben–Zvi & Garfield, 2004; Chance, 2002). In much of the literature, the ideas of statistical literacy, statistical reasoning, and statistical thinking are hierarchal in terms of learning goals for an introductory course (statistical literacy being most basic to statistical thinking being most advanced). However, there is still a great deal of dissension in other research over the definitions of these terms. delMas (2002) points out that some researchers feel that these terms should cover separate ideas but recognize that there will be some degree of overlap. Other authors have posited that statistical thinking and reasoning are actually completely subsets of the overall idea of statistical literacy. Figure 1 shows a visual representation of these competing models of statistical literacy, reasoning and thinking. 12
  • 29. Figure 1. The overlap model versus the subset model of statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking (delMas, 2002). Although there is a disagreement in the literature about whether statistical reasoning is a unique goal onto itself, I feel that the goals of my research specifically target the idea of statistical reasoning. The main goals of my study revolve around students being able to see the connections between statistical measures of variability and how a dataset behaves. This goes beyond knowledge of how to calculate and define measures of variability as part of statistical literacy. It might be argued that the goals of my study, particularly related to students knowing when to apply standard deviation versus when to use standard error, might fall under the definition of statistical thinking. However, I still believe that this particular knowledge can also be defined as statistical reasoning, because it involves students “being able to explain statistical processes” (Ben– Zvi & Garfield, 2004, p.7). 13
  • 30. Theoretical Framework The main theoretical framework of this study is the theory of conceptual change. Conceptual change theory is based on Jean Piaget’s ideas and writings on how students learn. Piaget used the idea of schemas to describe the mental skills that a student or a person possesses. Piaget defined two terms to describe how students process new information or ideas into their already existing schemas: assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation occurs when a student encounters a new phenomenon or idea and uses existing schemas to make sense of it. The new information is assimilated into the old schemas. However, if the students’ existing schemas can’t fully explain the new phenomenon, it creates a perturbation for the student. Then, a review of the phenomenon is initiated that may lead to an accommodation (Von Glasersfeld, 1997). During accommodation, a student must reorganize or replace his existing schemas to allow for understanding the new phenomenon. Assimilation and accommodation work like pendulum swings at advancing our understanding of the world and our competency in it. According to Piaget, they are directed at a balance between the structure of the mind and the environment, at a certain congruency between the two that would indicate that you have a good (or at least good-enough) model of the universe. This ideal state he calls equilibrium. (Boeree, 2006, para. 2) His work eventually became the underlying foundations of constructivism, a theory that postulates, “the learner constructs his/her own understanding from the totality of the experiences which he/she sees as relevant to the content, belief, skill etc., being considered” (Gunstone, 1994, p. 132). Constructivism has been extensively researched and applied in mathematics education (Cobb, 1994). 14
  • 31. The theory of conceptual change builds upon the ideas of assimilation and accommodation a bit further: that the process of learning or how a student comes to know a new concept is also guided by a student’s existing schemas on how learning should take place. “Without such concepts it is impossible for the learner to ask a question about the (new) phenomenon, to know what would count as an answer to the question, or to distinguish relevant from irrelevant features of the phenomenon” (Posner, Strike, Hewson & Gertzog, 1982, p. 212). The central concepts of the conceptual change model are status and conceptual ecology. The status that an idea has for a person holding it is an indication of the degree to which he or she knows and accepts it: status is determined by its intelligibility, plausibility and fruitfulness to that person. The idea of a conceptual ecology deals with all the knowledge that a person holds, recognizes that it consists of different kinds, focuses attention on the interactions within this knowledge base, and identifies the role that these interactions play in defining niches that support some ideas (raise their status) and discourage others (reduce their status). Learning something, then, means that the learner has raised its status within the context of his or her conceptual ecology. (Hewson, Beeth & Thorley, 1998, p. 201) Teaching for conceptual change can be difficult. Students may have to change their “fundamental assumptions about the world, about knowledge, and that such changes can be strenuous and potentially threatening” (Posner et al., 1982, p. 213). Many recent researchers have taken these concepts and conceived that conceptual change “involves the learner recognizing his/her ideas and beliefs, evaluating these ideas and beliefs (preferably in terms of what is to be learned and how this is to be learned), and then personally deciding whether or not to reconstruct these existing ideas and beliefs” (Gunstone 1994, p. 132). In short, this creates a “recognize, evaluate, decide whether to reconstruct” (Gunstone 1994, p. 132) formula of how conceptual change can occur. 15
  • 32. In much of the literature, research on conceptual change and research on “misconceptions” are research on the same idea. In particular, some researchers define misconceptions as a “miscatergorized concept(s)”, and that conceptual change entails re- categorizing these misconceptions correctly. There has been some dissension among conceptual change researchers as to what exactly sparks the process of conceptual change or recategorization for a learner. Vosniadou (2002) argues that learners begin with “naïve theory of how something works based on previous experience” (p. 65) and the process of conceptual change begins with instruction that is “inconsistent with their existing mental representations” (p. 65) and that creates a perturbation in the mind of the student. As students begin to assimilate the new knowledge, “they form synthetic meanings that lack coherence and stability” (Vosniadou, 2002, p. 65). Resolving these internal inconsistencies is a gradual process that can entail a progression of a series of mental models about the new knowledge. In other words, conceptual change is not an instantaneous reorganization and replacement of concepts (Mayer, 2002, p. 102), but a process that happens over time. Chi and Roscoe (2002) argue that “to accomplish conceptual change, learners must become aware that they have miscategorized a concept” (Mayer, 2002, p. 104), but again they view this process as an incremental process that happens over time. Others stress the importance of sociocultural aspects in the process of conceptual change. Ivarsson, Schoultz and Saljo (2002) argue “human cognition is socialized through the participation in activities where tools are used for particular purposes” (p. 79). In particular, these authors ran an experiment that demonstrated children developed more sophisticated reasoning about the nature of earth when they had access to a world map 16
  • 33. during interviews. They argued that students’ mental models depend heavily on the tools the students have access to in a particular learning situation. Others stress that conceptual change and metacognition are irrevocably intertwined (Gunstone, 1994). Metacognition is the consciousness of our thoughts and the knowledge we have about our cognitive process. Gunstone argues learners must recognize and evaluate “with an understanding of learning goals, of relevant uses of the knowledge/skills/strategies/structures to be learned, of the purposes of particular cognitive strategies/structures to be learned, of the purposes of particular cognitive strategies appropriate to achieving these goals, of the processes of learning itself” (p. 133). For example, De Jong and Gunstone (1998) found in their study to affect conceptual change in physics students, that they were met with resistance because the students felt that learners needed “high intelligence” and “good memory” in order to be successful in physics and a student either had those things or they didn’t. The researchers found that these students prevented themselves from learning because they believed they did not possess the necessary skills to learn. Because of these differing viewpoints, defining all the aspects of the theory of conceptual change is difficult. And some researchers point out the limitations of the theory and the lack of “theoretical accountability concerning the nature of the mental entities involved in the process of conceptual change” (Limon & Mason, 2002, p. xvi). Since there is disagreement over how conceptual change operates, there is corresponding disagreement over how exactly conceptual change theory works in practical applications. However, common to all of the definitions and variations of the conceptual change model, is the importance given to students’ knowledge prior to instruction (Hewson, 17
  • 34. Beeth, & Thorley, 1998). In one of the first articles published on conceptual change theory in science education, Posner, Strike, Hewson and Gertzog (1982) recommend the following teaching strategies for teaching toward conceptual change. 1) Develop lectures, demonstrations, problems, and labs that can be used to create cognitive conflict in students. 2) Organize instruction so that teachers can spend a substantial portion of their time in diagnosing errors in students’ thinking and identifying defensive moves used by students to resist accommodation. 3) Develop the kinds of strategies that teachers could include in their repertoire to deal with student errors and moves that interfere with accommodation. 4) Help students make sense of science content by representing content in multiple modes (e.g. verbal, mathematical, concrete-practical, pictorial), and by helping students translate from one mode of representation to another. 5) Develop evaluation techniques to help the teacher track the process of conceptual change in students. (p. 225) Researchers agree that teaching for conceptual change requires a great deal from teachers. There is much they need to know not only about the content of a particular course, but also the range of ideas students may have about a particular topic and the various pedagogical techniques that can be employed (Hewson, Beeth & Thorley, 1998). Generally, researchers agree on the fundamental ideas of conceptual change and accommodation and assimilation. The disagreements discussed above relate to how this process actually occurs and what conditions must be present to stimulate the process. Conceptual change theory has been a major theoretical framework for science education (especially physics) in the last thirty years or so. It has only been transferred to other fields in a limited capacity. However there are a few recent studies in mathematics 18
  • 35. and statistics that have used conceptual change theory successfully as their theoretical framework (Chance, delmas, & Garfield, 1999). In particular, Chance, delMas and Garfield (2004) used conceptual change theory to redesign an “activity to engage students in recognizing their misconceptions and to help them overcome the faulty intuitions that persisted in guiding their responses on assessment items” (p. 299). This was part of the multistage research project that was mentioned earlier in this chapter. The researchers in this case redesigned computer lab activities to follow a “predict/test/evaluate model” that followed closely the “recognize/evaluate/decide whether to reconstruct” model of conceptual change proposed by science education researchers. This study will be discussed in much more detail in chapter two of this document. My personal rationale for this study My intention for this study is to test how well conceptual change theory works in the introductory statistics classroom. Shortly before I began working on this research, I was hired as a full time instructor at a small, mid-western, liberal arts college. Teaching introductory statistics at this college turned out to be a much bigger challenge than I had encountered previously in my career. First, this course carried credit for the mathematics major and was taught from a very mathematical perspective. However, this course was taken and required by a wide variety of other majors, including business, nursing, and sports management. While all the students had the required college algebra prerequisite, there was still a great disparity in mathematical skills and reasoning abilities among the students in the class. Second, the college did not have a computer lab large enough to hold thirty students, which was the usual number of students in a particular introductory 19
  • 36. statistics section. This made the logistics of teaching introductory statistics with a computer component nearly impossible. And lastly, there was resistance within the department to see the need for change to the introductory statistics curriculum. It was my hope that by conducting my dissertation research at this college, I would be able to demonstrate the need to revise their introductory statistics curriculum. I was also hoping to demonstrate that the reforms proposed by the statistics education community would improve the course, as it already existed. What to expect in the next chapters Chapter 2 provides a literature review of studies done in statistics education and beyond that are relevant to the issues of developing students’ conceptual understanding of variability in an introductory statistics course. Chapter 3 discusses the qualitative and quantitative methodologies that were employed to answer the research questions posed previously. Chapter 4 gives a detailed analysis of all the relevant data from assessment instruments, lab activities and student interviews. And chapter 5 discusses the issues related to this study, the conclusions I was able to draw from my data and the implications for further research on students’ conceptual understanding of variability. 20
  • 37. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Statistics Education The number of statistics courses taught at college and universities around the United States and beyond has grown tremendously over the last twenty years. This is partly due to the increased demand by the marketplace that college graduates have at least a basic understanding of statistical concepts. Advancements in technology have created the ability to collect vast volumes of data in government, business, and other industries. Consequently, the ability to analyze data has become a much more valued commodity in the workplace. “Not surprisingly, the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 1989) has echoed the increased attention to statistics and probability in society by recommending a prominent role for applications of data and chance in school mathematics” (Shaughnessy & Zawojewski, 1999, p. 713). While the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, published by National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, have increased the focus on data analysis at all grade levels, there is still a struggle to get statistics and probability instruction into K-12 classrooms. Many mathematics teachers, who end up becoming the statistics instructors in many schools, receive little education in statistics during their professional 21
  • 38. preparation (Fendel & Doyle, 1999). In most cases, only one statistics course is required for pre-service teachers and in some cases, the statistics course is optional. Certainly the college where this study took place requires only pre-service secondary mathematics teachers to take a statistics course. For pre-service elementary teachers, statistics is an optional course. Even so, there is evidence of an increase in the coverage of statistical topics in K-12 classrooms. The 1996 National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) showed that teachers are spending a “moderate” amount of time on statistical topics. This is opposed to surveys conducted in 1990 and 1992, which showed teachers spending “little” time on these topics (Shaughnessy & Zawojeski, 1999). The most current version of the report shows that 4th graders in many states are doing significantly better on the data analysis and probability sections of the assessment (United States Department of Education, 2007). Even with this progress, for most students, their first formal experience with statistics occurs in college. Therefore, a significant amount of the literature in statistics education has focused on the college student and is the focus of this particular study. Many of the conclusions and recommendations cited here, however, can apply to both the college statistics student and the K-12 student. And I will discuss a few studies in this literature review, which are relevant to conceptual understanding of variability that took place in K-12 classrooms. 22
  • 39. Statistical Reasoning: Early Studies Advances in educational and statistical technology have made data analysis much more accessible to all grade levels. Before graphing calculators and computers, the introductory statistics curriculum had to focus on performing calculations and learning to manipulate complex statistical formulas. Now with the advancement and availability of technology, it is no longer necessary for statistics students to complete those complex calculations by hand. This has shifted the focus in statistics classrooms toward learning the underlying concepts of statistics and learning to reason statistically. Therefore, research in statistics education has shifted its focus to the unique educational issues that come with trying to teach and learn abstract statistical concepts (Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004). The goal is no longer mastery of statistical skills, but rather a mastery of statistical reasoning. If teachers were asked what they would really like students to know six months or one year after completing an introductory statistics course, …Many would indicate that they would like students to understand some basic statistical concepts and ideas, to become statistical thinkers, and to be able to evaluate quantitative information (Garfield, 1995, p. 26). In many of these studies, there is discussion and debate over defining statistical reasoning versus statistical thinking. As I mentioned in Chapter 1, many authors use these two terms interchangeably or feel that the concepts they encompass overlap. Lovett (2001) defines statistical reasoning as “the use of statistical tools and concepts… to summarize, make predictions about, and draw conclusions from data” (p. 350). Wild and Pfannkuch (1999) define statistical thinking as “the complex thought processes involved in solving real world problems using statistics with a view to improving such problem 23
  • 40. solving” (p. 224). There does seem to be a consensus in the research that statistical thinking is higher level of cognitive activity than statistical reasoning. “Statistical reasoning may be defined as the way [italics added] people reason with statistical ideas and make sense of statistical information…. Statistical thinking involves an understanding of why and how [italics added] statistical investigations are conducted” (Ben-Zvi & Garfield, 2004, p. 7). Still, the definitions of statistical reasoning and statistical thinking are being developed and debated in the literature (delMas, 2004). Regardless of the exact definition, several studies have been conducted recently that focus on the issues of developing statistical reasoning. Research into understanding how students reason in probability and statistics began with a few studies done in the late seventies and the early eighties. Two psychologists, Kahneman and Tversky (1982) did a series of studies trying to understand how people reason about probability and classify the different types of misconceptions people develop about probability. These studies were conducted with people who had no particular statistics training. Two of these heuristics that they developed are described below: 1) Representativeness – people tend to make decisions about the probability of an event happening depending on how close the event models what happens in the distribution from which it is drawn. For example, deciding that a particular sequence of coin flips, such as H H H T H is not likely because it does not contain 50% heads. (Shaughnessy, 1977) 2) Availability – people tend to assess the probability of a particular situation depending on how easily they can relate to it in their own mind. For example, a person might feel the probability of a middle-age person having a heart attack is high, if they have middle-age friends who have had heart attacks. (Kahneman & Tversky, 1982) 24
  • 41. A number of studies were completed after Kahneman and Tversky published their work attempting to confirm their classifications and understand how to correct these misconceptions. Pollastek, Konold, Well, and Lima (1984) conducted two experiments in which they took the one particular type of assessment question Kahneman and Tversky had used in their work to identify use of the representativeness heuristic and posed them to current statistics students. All the students answered the questions as part of a bonus questionnaire that was passed out in class. Then some of those students were interviewed later. In the second experiment, the interviewers posed alternative solutions to the assessment questions to the interview subjects. These alternative suggestions were made in an effort to judge how strongly students held onto their original answer and to further probe what kind of reasoning the students were using. Pollastek et al. (1984) put forth their own model (active balancing) to classify what kind of reasoning students were using. However, they concluded that there was no evidence to support their model and students were indeed using reasoning consistent with Kahneman and Tversky’s representativeness heuristic. One major implication of the study was that “since students’ actual heuristic, representativeness, is so different in form from the appropriate mechanistic belief, it may not be easy…to effect any lasting change in students’ beliefs” (Pollastek et al., 1984, p. 401). The researchers were very concerned that the methods students employed to reason about these probability assessment items were radically different from any correct reasoning methods. Other studies focused on different aspects of Kahneman and Tversky’s heuristics or used them as a framework for their own research. Fong, Krantz, and Nisbett (1986) 25
  • 42. performed a series of studies to determine whether the level of statistical training of subjects (Kahneman and Tversky’s subjects had no statistical training) affected the statistical “quality” of responses to assessment questions. Fong et al. (1986) defined statistical “quality” as how much formal statistical reasoning was used to answer the assessment question. Although they were able to show that statistical training did have some effect on the quality for some assessment questions, they were surprised to find that statistical training had no effect on the statistical quality of the responses to two of their four assessment questions. Their results suggested that coursework and training in statistics would not necessarily guarantee a higher level of statistical reasoning skills (Lovett, 2001). Konold (1989) tested his own model of statistical reasoning, what he termed the “outcome approach”, against the representativeness heuristic and found that there were “additional misconceptions that ought to be taken into account” (p. 93). He observed that students would predict the outcome to a single trial with a yes or no for any type of probability question and relied on casual, informal explanations of outcomes and variability. For example, some participants were given an irregularly shaped bone with each side labeled with different letters and asked which side was most likely to land upright. A composite “outcome approach” response from his interview transcripts is quoted below: S: Wow. If I were a math major, this would be easy. B is nice and flat, so if D fell down, B would be up. I’d go with B I: And how likely do you think B is to land upright? S: I wouldn’t say it’s much more likely. It depends on the roll. I: So what do you conclude, having rolled it once? S: Wrong again. [B] didn’t come up. I = Interviewer S= Student (Konold, 1989, p. 67) 26
  • 43. The first part of this composite response demonstrates what Konold meant by a casual, informal explanation: students not using any sort of a mathematical model to reason about the question. The second part of this composite response shows what he meant by a yes or no response: the student thought the probability of rolling a particular side of the bone (B) was determined to be either right or wrong after each roll. Konold used his results to demonstrate that Kahneman and Tversky’s classifications were a start to understanding a student’s statistical reasoning and misconceptions, but there was much more to the story. Lecoutre (1992) added the idea of “equiprobability bias” to the previously mentioned heuristics. The equiprobability bias occurs when students feel that all results from random events are equally likely. For example, if a jar contains two red chips and one white chip, students will mistakenly feel that the probability of drawing two red chips is the same as the probability of drawing one red chip and one white chip. Lecoutre discovered this bias in a study of 87 students. She attempted to “trick” students into using the correct conceptual model by first asking students a probability question with the chance aspect masked and then following it with a more standard probability problem. Of the students that got the first question correct, only sixty percent were able to correctly transfer the reasoning to a second standard probability question. Another study confirmed that there are enduring misconceptions among students of statistics regardless of age or experience. Metz (1998) conducted a study of kindergarteners, third graders and undergraduates, attempting to trace the conceptual development of the statistical idea of randomness. Based on her videotaped analysis of students working three specific 27
  • 44. sampling tasks, she concluded that while students did develop a more sophisticated idea of randomness as they got older, there still remains “enduring challenges in the interpretation of random phenomena, manifested from kindergarten to adulthood” (Metz, p. 349). Most of this work in the seventies and eighties (and some in the nineties) focused on reasoning in probability situations. The main conclusion of all of this research was that students have many enduring misconceptions in probability and statistics even after they complete an introductory course in statistics. Later research (Chance, delMas, & Garfield, 1999; Garfield, 1995) would expand upon these identified misconceptions and attempt to present pedagogy that would address and correct them. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Much of the more recent research that has been done in the area of statistical reasoning has been done to ascertain how students develop these skills. One hypothesis set forth by researchers is that students understand much more conceptually if they are exposed to statistics through Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). EDA is a statistics curriculum that asks students to analyze and explore data to answer open-ended questions with a heavy emphasis on interpreting graphical displays, often with the aid of technology (Ben-Zvi, 2004; Ben-Zvi & Friedlander, 1997; Burrill & Romberg, 1998). This parallels mathematics education paradigms such as problem-based learning and inquiry-based learning. Several researchers have done teaching experiments where EDA was the primary pedagogical method. Ben-Zvi (2004) observed the development of 28
  • 45. statistical reasoning in two students in a seventh grade EDA classroom in Tel-Aviv. This particular curriculum (Statistics Curriculum) was “based on the creation of small scenarios in which students can experience some of the processes involved in the experts’ practice of data based enquiry” (Ben-Zvi, 2004, p. 125). For example, one task asked students to take data from the men’s 100-meter Olympic races and look for trends and interesting phenomena. Then the students were asked to respond to an argument between two journalists as to whether there is a limit to how fast a human can run. These students’ reasoning development was tracked over the course of two and a half months through video recordings, classroom observations, interviews, student notebooks, and student projects. He found that in this controlled learning environment, students developed “their reasoning about data by meeting and working with, from the very beginning, ideas and dispositions....[that include] making hypotheses, formulating questions, handling samples and collecting data, summarizing data, recognizing trends, identifying variability [italics added] and handling data representations” (Ben-Zvi, 2004, p. 141). Other researchers have focused on creating an EDA classroom with a heavier reliance on technology. Biehler (1997) conducted two studies in which students used a software tool for an entire course in data analysis, which culminated in an end of course project. Through in-depth interviews, Biehler was able to identify the problem areas and difficulties students and teachers encounter in elementary data analysis much more extensively; issues such as lacking the language to accurately describe graphical structure. All of these studies emphasize the importance as well, even with the increased 29
  • 46. use of technology, of the teacher in creating EDA environments that motivate and challenge students to really understand the complexities of a dataset (Ben-Zvi, 2004; Ben-Zvi & Friedlander, 1997; Groth, 2006). In some introductory statistics classes that are geared for science majors, EDA can come in the form of scientific experiments. Because carrying out an experiment or project is an exercise in applying general principles to a specific task (Mackisack, 1994), these experiments can provide students with a way to examine aspects of data analysis that wouldn’t be otherwise possible with traditional textbook problems. One of the main principles of EDA is to have students work with real data. “Learning about statistics is more meaningful – and fun – when students are analyzing real data that they themselves collected. Whenever possible, it is important to involve students in testing their own hypotheses” (Wolfe, 1993, p. 4). Issues such as critiquing experimental designs, giving detailed interpretations of results, exploring anomalous observations, questioning to elicit detailed information about somebody else’s problem, and deciding what analysis is appropriate for a particular data set can be explored within the context of these experiments (Mackisack, 1994). Reasoning about Distribution The concept of distribution is one of the first topics introduced in an introductory statistics course. Researchers argue that it is fundamental for students to understand how data behaves graphically (Gal & Short, 2006) and is inextricably linked to conceptual 30
  • 47. understanding of variability (delMas & Liu, 2005; Leavy, 2006; Makar & Confrey, 2003; Reading & Reid, 2006). Variation is at the heart of statistical thinking but the reasoning about variation is enabled through diagrams or displays…such as graphs or frequency distributions of data. (Pfannkuch & Reading, 2006, p. 4) Several researchers have researched student’s conceptual understanding of distribution. Bakker and Gravemeijer (2004) observed the development of statistical reasoning about the shape of a distribution in students in four different seventh grade classrooms in the Netherlands over the course of a year. They used specifically designed series of interactive web applets (Minitools) that allowed students to first develop informal reasoning about concepts such as majority, outliers, chance, reliability and mean on given datasets. Later, students could use Minitools to invent their own dataset distribution in response to descriptions of the data presented by their teacher. For example, in an activity on battery life, students had to create a distribution that would show “brand A is bad but reliable; brand B is good but unreliable; brand C has about the same spread as brand A, but is the worst of all the brands” (Bakker & Gravemeijer, 2004, p. 154). During these lessons, the researchers conducted mini-interviews with students. By asking students to move back and forth between interpreting distributions and constructing distributions, the researchers were able to demonstrate that in this kind of classroom environment, students were able to represent many elements of distributions in their graphs. They also stressed that the assessments, which asked students to create graphs using given statistical information, was very effective in developing students’ conceptual understanding of distribution. 31
  • 48. Other researchers have also focused on the importance of understanding how teachers develop and talk about their own conceptions of distributions (Pfannkuch, 2006). One study in particular, Leavy (2006), explored the development of pre-service teachers’ understanding of distribution in a mathematics methods course. The study consisted of three phrases: pretest/baseline data collection, instructional intervention, and a posttest. The pretest involved a bean sprout experiment in which the pre-service teachers were asked to present their conclusions. From these results, researchers were able to see that the teachers mostly relied on numerical methods instead of graphical displays to make data comparisons. Based on the pretest results, the pre-service teachers participated in a semester-long statistical investigation of the bean experiment with a specific focus on distribution. During the course of the semester, the pre-service teacher’s work related to the ongoing investigations was used to frame discussion and instruction. They were also asked to keep a journal and participate in focus groups to discuss statistical strategies. The pre-service teachers, then, participated in a post-instruction investigation involving popcorn, but similar in structure to the pretest bean sprout experiment. The posttest results showed several improvements in the pre-service teachers’ reasoning: they were more attuned to issues of sample size, their choice of descriptive statistics was much more careful, and the teachers were much more conscious of limitations of the choices they made for data presentation. The results from this study had several important implications. The first was recognizing that before this course, pre-service teachers focused much more on summary of the data rather than exploration. Other researchers have noted this lack of statistical 32
  • 49. knowledge with pre-service teachers and encouraged degree programs to require content experience with data analysis and statistics (Lajoie & Romberg, 1998). Given that these teachers are a crucial component in bringing statistics education reforms into classrooms, it is important to realize that “their lack of exposure to statistical ideas and statistical inquiry lead to the blanket implementation to measures they are familiar with – the mean invariably” (Lajoie & Romberg, 1998). However, once participants’ attention was drawn to variation, in concert with an emphasis on how variation is modeled in graphical representations, variation quickly became the central component of participants’ understanding of distribution” (Leavy, 2006, p. 106). The study also highlights the connection between statistical inquiry, concepts of distribution and recognizing the importance of variation. While some researchers and educators view distribution as the “lens” through which students learn and come to understand variation (Wild, 2006), other researchers view reasoning about variation as a prerequisite to understanding distribution. Reading and Reid (2006) conducted a study of statistical reasoning with 57 students in an introductory course. The students were asked to complete four minute-papers around four different themes: exploratory data analysis, probability, sampling distribution, and inference. The minute papers were short assessment questions that were given to students in the last five minutes of class and submitted to the instructor immediately. The papers were coded by the researchers initially with a consideration of student’s reasoning about variation using a four level hierarchy (no consideration of variation, weak consideration of variation, developing consideration of variation, strong consideration of variation). 33
  • 50. Later, the same minute papers were coded similarly but with a consideration towards reasoning about distribution. The researchers found that there was a very strong link between the code that a student received on variation and the code a student received on distribution. Students who were rated weak on variation rarely demonstrated strong understanding of distribution. Students who were rated developing consideration of variation did a much better job describing the different elements of a distribution and were more able to make the connection between variation and distribution. These results make the argument that conceptual understanding of variability and conceptual understanding of distribution are inextricably linked. However, it was noted by these researchers, “few responses were able to successfully apply their understanding of centre, spread, and density to the complex notion of the sampling distribution of the mean” (Reading & Reid, 2006, p. 57). Reasoning about Sampling Distributions Perhaps the most well known study of students’ conceptual understanding of sampling distributions, Chance, delMas, and Garfield (2004) conducted a seven-year, multi-stage project at two different American universities to track how college students were reasoning about sampling distributions. Eventually they had five different studies come out of this one larger project, each previous study driving the conceptual framework for the next study. Initially they were interested in evaluating the usefulness of simulation software for learning sampling distributions. Students participated in an instructional activity that utilized a computer simulation program developed by one of the 34
  • 51. researchers (Sampling Distribution). Students could change certain settings such as population shape and sample size for generating sampling distributions. They were then asked to summarize the results of what they had observed. The researchers used the results from pretest and posttest graphical based assessment items to measure change in reasoning about sampling distributions. The results from the assessment items showed some positive changes, but for the most part did not demonstrate that students were developing the correct reasoning about sampling distributions. From these results, the researchers hypothesized that the simulation activities needed to have more than just a visual component. Thus, Chance, delMas, and Garfield (2004) attempted to redesign the simulation activities, using a conceptual change framework, i.e., “redesigning the activity to engage students in recognizing their misconceptions and to help them overcome the faulty intuitions that persisted in guiding their responses on assessment items” (p. 299). Students were asked to give their response to a graphical test item and then use the Sampling Distribution program to produce a sampling distribution in order to evaluate their response to the graphical test item. The “predict/test/evaluate” model for the redesigned activities seemed to produce better understanding of sampling distributions in students, but there were still misconceptions that persisted. For the third study, Chance, delMas and Garfield (2004) looked at whether students’ understanding of the knowledge prerequisite to understanding sampling distribution could explain students’ persistent misconceptions about sampling distributions. Through analysis of the experiences and observations of the classroom 35
  • 52. researchers involved in the first two studies, plus a detailed analysis of student responses from the first two studies, the researchers were able to compile a list of the prerequisite knowledge necessary to understanding sampling distribution. These included the idea of variability, the idea of distribution, the normal distribution and the idea of sampling. The researchers then took those ideas and created a pretest designed to identify students’ weaknesses and help guide instruction before students began the unit on sampling distributions. The fourth study gathered more information about students’ conceptions about the prerequisite knowledge and how they developed reasoning about sampling distributions though interviews with students in a graduate level introductory statistics class. Students were asked to answer open-ended questions about sampling variability while interacting with the Sampling Distribution software. From these interviews, a developmental model (Table 1) of how students come to reason about sampling distribution was proposed. 36
  • 53. Level of Reasoning Description 1: Idiosyncratic reasoning The student knows some words and symbols related to sampling distributions, uses them without fully understanding them, often incorrectly, and may scramble these words with unrelated information. 2: Verbal reasoning The student has a verbal understanding of sampling distributions and the Central Limit Theorem, but cannot apply this knowledge to actual behavior. For example, the student can select a correct definition or state the implications of the Central Limit Theorem as it describes sampling distributions, but does not understand how the key concepts such as variability, average, and shape are integrated. 3: Transitional reasoning The student is able to correctly identify one or two dimensions of the sampling process without fully integrating these dimensions. For example, the student only understands the relationship between the sampling distribution shape and the population shape, the fact that large samples lead to more normal looking sampling distributions, or that larger sample size leads to a narrower sampling distribution (decreased variability among sample means). 4: Procedural reasoning The student is able to correctly identify the dimensions of the sampling process but does not fully integrate them nor understand the process that generates sampling distributions. For example, the student can correctly predict which sampling distribution corresponds to the given parameters, but cannot explain the process and does not have confidence in his or her predictions. 5: Integrated process reasoning The student has a complete understanding of the process of sampling and sampling distributions and is able to coordinate the rules (Central Limit Theorem) and behavior of the sampling process. The student can explain the process in her or his own words and makes correct predictions with confidence. Table 1: Developmental model of statistical reasoning about sampling distributions (Garfield, 2002, p. 4). 37
  • 54. This developmental model became the basis for the fifth study. Chance, delMas and Garfield (2004) developed a diagnostic assessment that was designed to identify students who were at potentially different levels of statistical reasoning. Three different populations of students took this diagnostic test after their unit on sampling distributions. Subsets of these students participated in interviews, consisting of four questions related to sampling distributions. The initial purpose of the interviews was to validate the level of reasoning each interviewee had been placed at by the diagnostic test. However, the researchers found it incredibly difficult to ascertain from the interviews the appropriate level of reasoning for particular student. Each of these five studies contributed greatly to understanding why sampling distributions is such a difficult subject for students to learn. The researchers were able to identify some of the problem areas and document how “forcing students to confront the limitations of their knowledge…[helped] students…correct their misconceptions and …construct more lasting connections with their existing knowledge framework” (Chance, delMas, & Garfield, 2004, p. 312). The researchers, however, recognized that many students did not have the necessary prerequisite knowledge of variability and distribution and that research needs to focus on how “these early foundational concepts needs to be integrated throughout the course so students will be able to apply them and understand their use in the context of sampling distribution” (Chance, delMas, & Garfield, 2004, p. 314). 38
  • 55. Models of Statistical Reasoning Several other studies have proposed models of statistical reasoning, although these studies had different statistical topics as their focus. A longitudinal study (Watson 2004) of 22 Tasmanian students of varying grade levels classified students’ reasoning about sampling into one of six categories. These categories were subsets of tiers (Table 2) of statistical literacy that had been developed by the researchers in an earlier study (Watson, 1997). Tier 1 Understanding Terminology Tier 2 Understanding Terminology in Context Tier 3 Critical Questioning of Claims made without Justification Table 2. Categories of developing concepts of sampling (Watson, 2004). Watson (2004) used these categories and tiers to track students reasoning over the period of four years through student interviews. They were able to document students’ responses to the assessment questions on sampling four years after their initial classification generally improved. However, it was impossible to ascertain whether “life experiences or the mathematics curriculum” (Watson, p. 290) were responsible for the improvement. Some of the older students referred to examples in their classes, which seemed to indicate that the mathematics curriculum was having an influence. Several studies employed a version of the Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy developed originally by Biggs and Collis (1982) to develop a hierarchy of statistical reasoning (Pfannkuch, 2005; Reading & Reid, 2006; Watson, 39