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French Antiques Handwriting
Printable Pages 4 Vintage
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French Antiques Handwriting Printable Pages 4 Vintage French Antiques Handwriting Printable Pages 4 Vintage
Francisco Goya Research Paper
The French Revolution, which was a critical period of reformation, was an era in which war happened
frequently. Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes was an important artist of that time, who created many
artwork that portrayed wars. In the analysis of his masterpieces, people can find his disappointment in
how people pursue freedom, their ignorance, and the brutality of the wars. Freedom was one of the
main ideas in French Revolution, but in Goya s painting, he was disappointed in how the society
fought for it. In his artwork, he showed the stupidity of how people pursued freedom during that
period. In The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (1797 1798), Goya used the mocking owls and
bats to imply folly and ignorance, while the lynx stayed alert against the monsters of greed and
stupidity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In The Disasters of War (1810 1820), he showed how brutal the French were in the invasion of Spain.
In the early plates of the series, Goya depicted the dead and injured are carried away, soldiers strip
corpses, which are then thrown into a common grave in the Plate 18 Bury them and keep quiet
(Tomlinson 1994, p.191). This picture wholly described how the war looked in Spain during that time:
how people were killed and then buried like it was a normal scenario. The ruthlessness of the French
also sent out another message that beauty is not only destroyed, but grotesquely ravaged to attest the
end of any faith in an ideal (p.193). In the paintings, people lost their dignity, and there are no heroes
countless unidentified victims in the picture, which indicate that humanity is only ideal in the
Revolution (p.202). The hand gestures in the paintings are in motion, which emphasized the
instantaneity of the climax. For example, in the painting, the soldiers are holding arms and already
stabbing it into the victims. The capture of the particular moment reinforce the brutality of people in
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Short Term Memory Experiment
Methods: Short term memory is something that effects everyday life, is it possible that one gender
could have a higher accuracy in this area? To conduct an experiment to test this question, the
following materials will be needed and used, fifty notecards, slides with different pictures (can be
created with paper or on power point), and people to test. Fifty notecards will be used for the
participants to write down their answer. Slides will have the different pictures on them for the
participants to memorize. People that will be tested are used to help answer the question, does gender
effect short term memory? This experiment was developed by having interest in gender differences.
Short term memory effects everything done, so interest in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Short term memory is used in everything ever done, everything happening, and everything that is
going to happen. Short term memory helps remember skills we have learned, retrieve information that
is stored in our brain, and organize information (newly learned and learned in the past). Short term
memory also helps with applying the correct and certain information to the correct context, and
current activity. Alzheimer s disease or Senile Dementia is a progressive disease that destroys memory
and other important mental functions. When someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease, the
hippocampus in their brain is very sensitive and can be damaged a lot. Currently there are no cures for
Alzheimer s disease, and it can last a couple of years or even an entire life time, because the
hippocampus is being damaged, they cannot remember things that recently happened, along with
memories from a long time ago in their long term memory. With the knowledge that the female
hippocampus is larger, and more accurate than the males, scientists and doctors can find ways to have
a sick person that is diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease, and transplant a healthy female hippocampus
into their brain. Doing this can help the patients retrieve memories, make new memories, and also
retrieve past
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Charles Taylor Doesn t Think So And His Almost 900 Page...
Why was it virtually impossible not to believe in God in, say, 1500 in our Western society, while in
2000 many of us find this not only easy, but even inescapable? Was it really an inevitable conclusion
of uncompromising reality as Tom Hardy assumes? Charles Taylor doesn t think so and his almost 900
page answer is an ambitious retelling of the process known as secularization. His narrative style
documentation of the massive cultural shift of the past several centuries demonstrates the inadequacy
of Mainstream Secularization Theory and the spiritual complexity of our cross pressured society. The
culmination of this story lends voice to a hemisphere s subconscious, diving beneath the taken for
granted assumptions of the Western mind to hear the truth.
That underlying level of assumption is what Charles Taylor calls a social imaginary:
What I m trying to get at with this term is something much broader and deeper than intellectual
schemes people may entertain when they think about social reality in a disengaged mode. I am
thinking rather of the ways in which they imagine their social existence, how they fit together with
others, how things go on between them and their fellows, the expectations which are normally me, and
the deeper normative notions and images which underlie these expectations.
Charles Taylor definition of social imaginary is much different than a social theory in many ways. He
uses imaginary because he is speaking about the way ordinary
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Hypothesis Example In Research Paper Researc
Hypothesis Example In Research Paper  ResearcHypothesis Example In Research Paper  Researc
Hypothesis Example In Research Paper Researc

This document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request through the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. It emphasizes that original, plagiarism-free work is guaranteed, with refunds offered for plagiarized content.

Argumentative Essay Owning A Car
Argumentative Essay Owning A CarArgumentative Essay Owning A Car
Argumentative Essay Owning A Car

The document discusses how the film 10 Things I Hate About You is an adaptation of Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew. It argues that the characters in the film are carefully constructed to accurately represent the characters in the original play while modernizing them. Specifically, it notes that the main characters Katherine and Kat are both outspoken, bold women disliked by friends and family for how they carry themselves, and are constantly compared to their younger, favored sisters Bianca and Bianca. However, the plots have some differences, such as Kat being in high school while Katherine has likely finished schooling. Overall, the document analyzes how the film adaptation preserved Shakespeare's characters while updating their settings.

Write My Essay Online For Cheap - Essay Describing
Write My Essay Online For Cheap - Essay DescribingWrite My Essay Online For Cheap - Essay Describing
Write My Essay Online For Cheap - Essay Describing

The document describes the steps to get essay writing help from the website HelpWriting.net, which includes creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, reviewing writer bids and choosing one to complete the assignment, receiving the paper and authorizing payment upon approval of the work. Customers can request revisions until satisfied and are ensured original content or a full refund.

Gummy Bear Hypothesis For Osmosis
Osmosis is a natural occurrence constantly happening within the cells of all living things. For osmosis
to occur, water molecules must move across a semipermeable membrane from an area of low
concentration to an are of high concentration. In order to understand osmosis, people must understand
the different types of concentrations that can be present within solution. One of them is an Isotonic
solution where the concentration of dissolved particles is equal to that of a cell s. Another is a
hypertonic solution where there is a higher concentration of dissolved particles then inside the cell.
And lastly there is a hypotonic solution where there are less dissolved particles than inside the cell. As
dissolved particles move to a region of lower concentration, water moves the opposite direction as a
result of there being less water in the highly concentrated region. In this experiment, gummy bears
were placed in salt water, sugar water, and tap water to find the measure of osmosis between the
solution and gummy bear.
If the gummy bear is added to the solution, then it will lose its coloring and expand.
The materials used during the experiment included three plastic cups, three gummy bears, masking
tape, marker, balance, calculator, tray, one plastic spoon, a measurement tray, and a ruler. The three
plastic cups were used to hold the tap water, salt water, and sugar water. The masking tape and marker
were used to label each cup with the
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Questions On The Prince
The Prince Questions:
1.During the time period that Machiavelli wrote the Prince, Italy was tons of different group of cities
and states. Each one of them was trying to gain control and power over the others. Along with the
small civil wars over power, other countries such as the Spanish, Germans, and the French. The
French had an ally with one of Italy s oldest and most powerful cities of Florence. When the French
were defeated by the Pope, Florence was also taken out. Florence was important to Machiavelli
because it was where he served as a diplomat and a counselor for thirteen years. When Florence was
taken over, Machiavelli nearly escaped execution and was later charged with exile. He was not
allowed to come back to his beloved city. Machiavelli continued to write letters to the government
trying to convince them to let him come back to his usual position of power. Along with many of the
letters ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Armies, as seen by Machiavelli, are there to defend the kingdom and expand into new territory. It is
necessary for a prince to have good foundations for himself... (Ch XII, 48) which means having a
successful army fighting for him. Machiavelli advises not to use mercenary or auxiliary units because
they are useless and dangerous. They cannot be trusted because they can turn against you as soon as
they find a higher offer and ...they do indeed want to be your soldiers while you are not making war,
but when war comes, they either flee or leave (Ch XII, 49). The role of the prince when it comes to his
army is the leader. He is the decision maker, the one who hires his soldiers, and the one who is in
charge of everyone. A prince should never be ok with winning a battle with alien arms. The only true
defeat is when you win with your own men. A prince should, ...never lift his thoughts from the
exercise of war... (Ch XIV, 58). The most important thing is to have a strong army, a strong bond
between all the troops and the citizens, and a strong desire to defeat the
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Compare And Contrast The Aprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz
The relationship between a parent and their child is a very important relationship in anyone s life. An
example of children being affected by their relationships with their parents is evident in the following
pieces of work. Death of a Salesman and The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz both share similarities
between the father and son relationships shown within the novels. The two books both share the idea
of having false ideals within the relationship between a father and son, the father does not treat women
with any respect, therefore the son follows in his footsteps, and the relationships simply lack a bond
between father and son. Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and The Apprenticeship of Duddy
Kravitz by Mordecai Richler, show significant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There s no spite in it any more. I m just what I am, that s all. (Act 2) In The Apprenticeship of Duddy
Kravitz, Max is a pimp and he focuses his attention more on Lennie than Duddy. This is evident when
Duddy went off to work in the Laurentian Mountains and Max never took the time to reach out and
write to him whereas Max was able to write to Lennie every week, who was working as a camp
counsellor. The relationship between Duddy and his father is distant and his father never tells Duddy
that he is proud of him. This is small, but it removes any sort of positive reinforcement for Duddy.
Duddy would not feel accomplished whenever he would do something great and just be constantly
brought down because he feels like he does not make his father proud. The father son relationships
between Willy and Biff, and Max and Duddy both have a lack of a bond between the individuals
which evidently affects the son in a negative
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Theories Of Defending The Knowledge Argument
Robert David Boone Jr.
Professor Tyron Goldschmidt
Philosophy 111
23 September 2014
Defending the Knowledge Argument There are two main theories that make up the knowledge
argument. The first is Physicalism, (or better known as materialism) which is the thesis that All facts
are dependent upon physical processes. (Smart) The other main stance taken is property dualism. The
thesis of property dualism states that there are Non physical properties of physical substances (Calef)
or that there are physical and mental properties. In this article, I will defend the stance of property
dualism by acknowledging objections and replying to these objections to show why the argument for
property dualism works. The knowledge argument revolves around the scenario of Mary. Mary is very
wise and she knows everything there is to know about neurophysiology which has to do with vision
and understanding everything physical when people see things. She has been enclosed in a purely
black and white room her whole life and the main questions are: What will happen to Mary...[when
she sees color] and Will she learn anything or not? (Nida Rümelin) When Mary first sees a red rose for
example, she learns something new because she has a new experience for the first time. She has a new
feeling and has acquired a new knowledge. This sets up the following for the stance on substance
dualism (Gulick 369):
1. Mary before her release knows everything physical there is to know about seeing red.
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PPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, FPPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, F
PPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, F

The document outlines the steps to request and complete an assignment writing request through the HelpWriting.net platform, including creating an account, providing assignment details in an order form, choosing a writer based on their bid and qualifications, reviewing and authorizing payment for the completed assignment. The process emphasizes ensuring customer satisfaction through revisions and refunds for plagiarized work.

A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.
A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.
A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas. Online assignment writing service.

The Individual Visit Scheme allows mainland Chinese residents to visit Hong Kong and Macau individually rather than on group tours. This has significantly increased tourism numbers and economic activity but also created challenges. It has led to an imbalance in Macau's economy and industries as gambling has dominated. It has also increased parallel trading of goods in Hong Kong, creating shortages and limiting purchases by residents. Traffic congestion is a major issue as well for both locations due to the large number of visitors.

A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas
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A Modest Proposal Essay Ideas

The Individual Visit Scheme allows mainland Chinese residents to visit Hong Kong and Macau individually rather than on group tours. This has significantly increased tourism numbers and economic activity but also created challenges. It has led to an imbalance in Macau's economy and industries as gambling has dominated. It has also increased parallel trading of goods in Hong Kong, putting pressure on housing and traffic.

Ipod Compare And Contrast
In the last 50 plus years, society has been changed tremendously as new inventions and innovations
have emerged. In my experiences, there are two noteworthy items that have a pronounced place in this
catalog. As a teenager in the early 21st century, I have an abundance of experience with both of these
inventions. Today s modern televisions are a product of evolution and improvement, and that the iPod
is relatively new to society there are a lot of differences between the two. Such as ways information is
broadcasted, target demographics, and their separate functions. On the contrary, they also are popular
forms of entertainment and share some similar functions.
A major difference between the two household items, today is how they retrieve the information they
use to compute and display. Televisions receive signals broadcast to them from stations throughout the
country and display them, either by satellite or cable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ever since the conception of the television, its purpose was to give entertainment to families around
America in real time. When TV began, families would gather around at night and watch together.
Back then, houses typically had only one television. Most of the programs were cartoons and silent
films at first, but have since evolved into having thousands of channels containing movies, cartoons,
documentaries, the daily news, soap operas, and more. The iPod, on the other hand, has all of the
capabilities of a computer and in many homes there is an iPod for each member of the family. Ipods
today allow users to store information on the internet, using programs such as Icloud, google drive,
and other storage sites. This information is accessible at any time to users. Ipods are not only utilized
for business, but for entertainment as well. Music, games, movies and shows can be downloaded and
installed on their hard
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Starbucks Strategic Alliance Essay
According to Gulati, Huffman, and Neilson (2002), Starbucks proves relationships is an important
asset for growth. Starbucks is a relationship centric organization which relationship is act as a core
asset of the firm. This asset is called relational capital , which indicates the value of a firm s network
of relationship with stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, alliance partners, and employees.
Alliances Starbucks had made with its partners are one of the main cause Starbucks has become well
known brand and coffee leading company in the world. Starbucks has the partnership with many
companies all around the world to expand its business. Starbucks had used two kind of strategic
alliance which is non equity based alliances such as co marketing, strategic supplier, strategic
distributor, and licensing. Another kind of alliance is equity based alliances such as strategic
investment, cross shareholding, and joint ventures. Here is the example strategic alliances of
Starbucks had to make before and now.
In 13th January 2011, a non binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Starbucks
Coffee Company and Tata Coffee Limited. The main objective of Starbucks signing MoU is to entry
into India market. India is a potential market where the economy is emerging and people growing to
the middle class is increasing. Howard ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Starbucks Newsroom, Tata Coffee Limited will supply roasted coffee to Tata Starbucks
Limited to export to Starbucks Coffee Company. Second, to expand a wide range of beverages with
greater used of assets and innovation. A brand new tea product named Tata Tazo is one of the example
beverage had made. Third, ensure the consumers in India enjoying high quality and premium
Starbucks coffee experience. Furthermore, they also work together to develop and improve the profile
of Indian grown Arabica coffees around the
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Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Process
Chapter: 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objective of the study 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Scopes 1.5 Limitations 1.1
Introduction Human Resource is a basic need of any work to be done. The internship report is all
about recruitment and selection process that is an important part of any organization. Recruitment
highlights each applicant s skills, talents and experience. Their selection involves developing a list of
qualified candidates, defining a selection strategy, identifying qualified candidates, thoroughly
evaluating qualified candidates and selecting the most qualified candidate. It is said if right person is
appointed at right place the half work has been done. In this report I have tried to cover all the
important point that should be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In spite of having the wholehearted efforts there are some limitations which acted as a barrier to
conduct the program. The limitations were: * Time constraint is the first limitation of the study. * For
the reason of company confidentiality some information could not be collected * Workload of the
employees created a barrier while gathering data. * Lack of young, energetic and talented employees.
CHAPTER: 2 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Historical Events of the company 2.3 Company profile 2.4 Vision
amp; Mission of the company 2.5 Corporate strategies amp; Core Values 2.6 Directors Panel 2.7
Corporate Management 2.8 Organization structure of POCL 2.9 Organization structure of P amp; A
Department 2.10 Functions of different departments 2.10.1 Functions of Marketing amp; Sales
department of POCL 2.10.2 Functions of Operations Department 2.10.3 Functions of Financial
Management amp; Accounts department of
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Building a New Mentality and a more Aware Society to Fight...
Introduction The obesity levels have reached its highest limits in the MENA region recently. People
who are eating from the boxes are more than those who eat from the nature, fast food industry is
booming and the diseases do increasingly take over a day after another. We need a new mentality and
more aware society to control the obesity, that for sure; however we need an effective tools and handy
services that have the potential of restraining the so called developing countries killer . Product
Description The product is a research based technology. A recapitulation of previous softwares
concerned by health and dieting developed in collaboration with the world s finest chefs and
nutritionists. My Cooking Mate is online/offline application developed to work on Android and IOS
operating platforms, which means that you will use it on the go, on portable devices anywhere
anytime. What is so special about the app is the fact that you will not struggle to decide what to eat or
what shouldn t you eat . Basically to get started with the app, you have to build your profile on spot by
the time you download it and entering your details: your current weight, your desired weight and other
details, As the app calculates for you and creates the right daily macros, you will choose your favorite
cuisines and food types and then you will choose your mate (a vocal instructor) who will give you a
step by step guidance while you cook with a voice recognition feature, you will
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The novel follows a woman named Makina who travels from Mexico to the United States in search of her brother. Along the way, she encounters various obstacles and dangers. Makina displays strength and resilience throughout her journey across the border as she faces challenges such as harsh terrain, threats of violence, and uncertainty about finding her brother.

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Essay On The Most Funniest Incident Of My Life

This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism. The document promises original, high-quality content through this process.

Elon University Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Elon University Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.Elon University Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Elon University Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses how attitudes and behaviors are affected by the onset of menarche and menstruation. Cultural, religious, and familial influences typically create negative attitudes towards menstruation in women. This leads to self-objectification, disconnection from their mothers and other women. Most discussions of menarche in media and religion portray it as shameful and requiring secret hygienic management. Women are conditioned to believe they must quietly control their menstruating bodies.

The Importance Of Language In Communication
Language has an array of layers that generate and promote a vast degree of social and cultural
interactions, contributing to the communications of humans in each aspect of their lives. As Vyvyan
Evans (2014) states language is central to our lives, and is arguably the cultural tool that sets humans,
us, apart from any other species . (p.1)
Language has an indefinite list of rules, conventions and ideas that come together to create
communications among humans across the world. When described, language can be defined as an
object by it s various definitions which include the functions of language, material forms, language as
a system, social semiotics, language variations and syntax in sentences among adults and children.
The functions of language can be easily described as the use of language for a range of different
reasons in order to talk, write, listen, read. (Halliday, 1985, p.1). These functions may be for personal,
interpersonal, directive, referential and imaginative reasons. Personal may be expression of ones
feelings, thoughts and ideas. Interpersonal would include discussion, social chat and sharing ideas or
concerns, which may possibly occur in a work place or in general situations. Directive might be to
influence the actions of others, which might occur in leadership roles. Referential is reporting actions
or events. Finally, imaginative encompasses storytelling and problem solving. Theorists including
Malinowski, Buhler, Britton and Morris categorised the
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Descriptive Essay About The Pool
Alright, kiddos, Teacher announces, we re here. Before we head into the pool, let s check. What are
the pool rules again?
An assortment of enthusiastic voices cries out, Sunscreen, get a buddy, we have to see you Anything
said beyond is incomprehensible.
That s right, confirms Teacher, you need sunscreen, a swimming buddy, eyes on me, and you MUST, I
repeat, MUST wear your floaties when going to the deep end. That being said, everyone follow me to
the pool.
The short walk to the pool is a blur to Zane. His mind is elsewhere thinking of all the fun things he s
going to do, I m gonna make big splashes and race my friends and go to the deep end and do cool
things and make big splashes. When the pool finally comes into view, it s a paradise. An ocean of
clear, wavy water covers all the eye can see. Zane can see all the way to the bottom, and if not for the
distorting ripples he would believe it to be empty. The pool makes a distinct L shape, branching off to
the side to mark the deeper waters. It is already occupied with people of all ages. Most are lounging
around on rafts or in inner tubes, but some of the younger inhabitants are gleefully splashing and
flailing about. Multicolored balls soar through the air, descending until forced skywards with a
satisfying whack. Just as Zane had imagined, children are in competition, playing water tag, racing
one another, and throwing balls of mass destruction. He finally succumbs to his anticipation and starts
toward the
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Analysis Of Riverine By Alice Hoffman
The story Riverine has a lot of great details and interesting quotes that may stick out to a read and
make you wanna continue reading until you finish the whole story. The key thing that stood out to me
early in this book was the quote from Alice Hoffman s Being an outsider is the one thing we all have
in common. The reason for it is because it is completely true not matter what you do in your life now
or in the future you will always be an outsider from time to time depending on different situations.
The narrator of the story feels like an outsider from different times in the story because she feels
perhaps she can not fit in into anything going on around her. She first begins to feel as an outsider due
to the fact that she lives way out
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Professor s Name
Executive summary ...............................................................3
Introduction ........................................................................4
Company background .............................................................5
Benefits of investing in the business ............................................5
Dangers of investing in a Betting Corporation .................................7
Executive Summary Gambling is often considered an activity of probability that an individual is
willing to participate so as they can quickly earn an extra amount of money. Such practices are often
connected to series of games that offer chances for people to make money. Betting is often practiced in
areas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Such a bold move led to the addition of the betting culture into the corporation which later enticed the
clients to participate so as they can earn an extra amount of cash from their tickets. According to the
current structure of management at the firm, it is currently chaired by Jim Mullen. It has revenue of
1.175 billion GBP and a net income of 41 million GBP as documented in the year 2014. Conclusively,
the organization has an operating income of 139.6 million GBP as per the year 2014.
Benefits of Investing in a Betting Firm According to the documentations of various authors, the acts of
gambling will lead to a client earning a quick turnover. Once an individual develops an interest in
having an investment in a gambling business, there is a likelihood that they are to attain a quick
turnover from their investment. The aspect of rapid turnover is based on the level of incomes that the
business is to generate the participation in the betting games. Recent publications state that the firm
Ladbrokes is achieving positive results in the first quarter of the year 2016 (Scargill, 2016). The
amount of money, however, attains such returns that an individual is willing to invest in the business
Secondly, the investor has a high chance of earning more money in the form of profits as a

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This document discusses how a fast-paced society can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression, prompting escapism in individuals seeking mental stability. It notes there are healthy forms of escapism like music and sleep, as well as unhealthy forms like suicide. While escapism aims to flee daily routines and boredom, some methods are dangerous if taken to an extreme.

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The document provides instructions for writing an essay through an online service in 5 steps: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and choose one; 4) Review the paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes providing clear instructions, choosing qualified writers, and getting original, high-quality content with the option of a refund if plagiarized.

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The Power of Personality in Toni Cade Bambara s The...
The Power of Personality in Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson
Developing character is something that comes with time. I believe that there are three major things
that effect how people develop their character where they are from, which includes their financial
status; how they are raised; and the character of the people that have had the most influence on their
lives. Sylvia, in Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson, is very much influenced by all of these factors.
Sylvia s living in the slums and being poor makes her defensive and judgmental. Her parents not being
around much leaves her without the attention and discipline that children need to develop to their
fullest. Lastly, her friends and Miss Moore also have a great influence on how ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Because Sylvia does not recognize her own faults, it would be expected that someone else might see
them and correct her appropriately. The problem though, is that Sylvia s parents are always in a la de
da apartment up the block having a good ole time, probably partying. Sylvia s parents, mentioned
infrequently throughout the story, do not seem to have too much involvement with their daughter. This
is represented in Sylvia s behavior, for example, when she wants to steal Ms. Moore s cab money and
run to the bar b que. Although most of Sylvia s actions are conceivably wrong, it would be
inappropriate to blame her solely for her mistakes. It is impossible for any child to understand what is
right or wrong if it was never defined for him/her. Sylvia was probably not disciplines growing up and
so her judgment of what is right or wrong is based on her own opinions and her observations of what
the other children in her neighborhood are doing.
The children in the neighborhood are probably the most influential people in Sylvia s life, since she is
around them most frequently, and they are her peers. They too seem to come from the same kind of
background as Sylvia poor, defensive,
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Intellectual Property Theft
Chinese involvement in Intellectual Property Theft
The depth of China s involvement in intellectual property theft is far greater than I would have ever
expected. Prior to taking the business law course, I never thought about what intellectual property
theft was or the impacts that it has. The report of the Commission on the Theft of American
Intellectual Property, states that China is the world s largest source of Intellectual Property theft (pg 10
11) costing the American economy hundreds of billions of dollars per year, along with millions of
Studies have estimated around seventy percent of the intellectual property theft is related to China.
The head of the National Security Agency told a Senate panel that China s government ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
On March 14th Motorola Solutions filed complaints in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
Illinois against Hytera Communications Corporation limited. The case number of the patent
infringement is 1:17 cv 1972 and 1:17 cv 1973 is the case for the trade secret theft. Hytera a company
based in Shenzhen, China had the assistance of three engineers from Motorola that prior to their
resigning were able to download and transfer thousands of highly classified Motorola documents.
Motorola is seeking to prohibit Hytera sales and imports into the United
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Similarities Between The American Revolution And The...
The Glorious Revolution and The American Revolution had similarities. Each ended with practically
the same thing as each other. They both are just in different times and with different people. The
Glorious Revolution, also known as the 1688 Revolution, basically put an end to King James II and it
started to put a start to religious freedom. King James was a Catholic. He wanted everyone to worship
that religion. In 1687 James created a declaration of indulgence. It suspended the penal laws against
dissenters and recusants against his religion. In April 1688, he made another declaration of indulgence,
saying that every sunday everyone must come to the church and worship his religion. There were
people who tried to petition against him like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was when Americans escaped Britain to find new land because Britain wouldn t let them worship
the religion they wanted. When this happened Britain came along with them so they wouldn t get too
far away from their authority. Britain made every citizen their pay taxes on items like tea, clothes, or
food. That was when some anarchist did the Boston Tea Party in 1773. They took out all the tea and
dumped it into the ocean. During those times there was a lot of bloodshed. Patriots or the anarchist
were rioting against the redcoats, also known as Britain. People would try to contact the King of
Britain to ask they can stop but each time they asked the king got harder on them. The king knew that
they were having meetings. The king didn t like it so much where he forced the redcoats into their
houses. The people even had to take care of them. The patriots were still sneaking to meetings. Their
was eventually a big war that broke out that ended the war. It was led by George Washington. They
defeated the redcoats. Britain stepped off of them. It ended with George Washington becoming our
very first president. We created our version of the Bill of Rights.It was signed by plenty of famous
people im our history like Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and John Hanckock. It tells us things
like We have a freedom of speech, religion and to own guns. It is practically the opposite of what the
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The document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net service to request essay writing help. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

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The document discusses how organizational theories developed in the United States may not be universally applicable due to cultural differences. While American theories assume values like individualism, other cultures prioritize collectivism. Theories also often ignore how cultural variations impact organizations. To be effective globally, theories need consideration of diverse cultural motivations and expectations between individualistic and collectivist societies.

How To Write A Discursive Essay English
How To Write A Discursive Essay EnglishHow To Write A Discursive Essay English
How To Write A Discursive Essay English

The document provides instructions for how to request and complete an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net platform. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized work.

Vegetarianism Vs Buddhism Essay
Buddhism is a religion with many different beliefs, traditions, and spiritual practices, founded in
ancient India in the sixth century by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). It spread through much of Asia
and later declined to India. Some of the of Buddhist philosophies are: The Four Noble Truths, the
Noble Eightfold Path and The Five Precept, Unsatisfactoriness. These basically deal with the way
suffering exists universally, and that desire and attachment are the causes of unsatisfactoriness and
suffering. Even though Buddhist dietary laws vary are not very clear, most of them are vegetarians, or
is at least desirable, and they have different opinions on eating meat.
1) I selected a friend with who practices buddhism very strictly and is from Korea.
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Ellis Harris Narrative
Throughout the afternoon sessions, thankfully only two remained after Emily Harris, the image of
Ellis Harris lingered. He could still vividly envisage her model features, the manner in which her
perky young breasts strained the fabric of her shirt, her luscious blonde hair, smile, youth. and, oh god,
that ass. The perfect, tight buttocks that flexed under the thin fabric of her uniform as stood, and which
his gaze never left until the office door had closed behind her.
When it had, Dr McHugh not longer attempted to stop the physical reaction her presence had elicited,
but embraced it. With Emily out of sight, where he could push aside the sounds anguish in her voice,
and the memory of her tear filled eyes, and the reason she d been referred to him, The Doctor dropped
a hand, and moaned softly when he gripped his erection through the fabric of his trousers, granting ...
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You can leave now for the night now, we ll serve it ourselves.
Leave. Ellis s voice turned stern, and the cheerful expression on the maid s face transformed into one
of surprise, before she meekly nodded, and turned her back.
McHugh didn t get to witness the latter, and barely heard the door close, for as he approached Beth,
his attention was locked on her. Somehow she looked younger than usual, more attractive, alluring.
Like when they d first met. Hey baby. Ellis unknotted his tie as he dropped into the seat next to Beth,
and threw an arm around her shoulder. Tedious. A bunch of privileged, assholes suffering first world
afflictions; a mother addicted to sleeping pills, and a paranoid schizophrenic hearing the voice of God
instructing him to peep into the next door neighbours window. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. No
mention of Emily
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World War I Had Devastating And Everlasting Effects
World War I had devastating and everlasting effects across the European continent. The Austria
Hungary and Russian Empire s collapsed. New nations were formed including Poland, and
Czechoslovakia, which has recently been separated into Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Communism became widespread in Eastern Europe and large amounts of land and resources were
gained by Great Britain and France. The war began when Yugoslavian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip
assassinated the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Serbia, after
which, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. International alliances quickly formed and within
weeks most of the world s superpowers were involved and the conflict spread rapidly around the ...
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With the outbreak of World War I in August 1914, the industries of the United States quickly went into
high gear to produce the war materials and other goods needed by the warring powers. Because of its
strategic location and vast shipping facilities, New York Harbor became the main port for transporting
those materials overseas. On any given workday the harbor was a beehive of activity, with ships
coming and going; with tugs, barges, lighters and other harbor craft scurrying between the ships and
the numerous piers lining the New York and New Jersey waterfronts; and with the constant traffic
from the interior of loaded trains carrying the commodities that fed the frenzy. One of the most
important and most dangerous of these commodities was munitions the gunpowder, explosives, shells
and other ammunition and components required by the weapons of war. Although the movement of
these volatile goods through the busy and crowded port posed a constant threat to the thousands upon
thousands of residents jammed in on either side of the harbor, all remained relatively safe and quiet for
the first two years of the war. However, this peaceful coexistence between munitions and populace
was shattered early on July 30, 1916. The weather had been unseasonably cool when the residents of
New York City and the surrounding area went to bed the preceding Saturday. In the early hours of
Sunday morning, their
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My Budget Variance
The baseline I have set out for my budget worked very well for me in the past month, but this month
there was a large kink in it. There were just a couple different kinds of variances I met when adding up
the totals of my real spending this month. When I was analyzing my budget, I went through and
determined if the budget variances I had were good or bad for my needs. Most of my budget variances
were positive except for one major one. What I mean by this is a good budget variance signified to me
an outcome that was better than I expected. This one large bad budget variance I had consisted within
my doctor s expenses budget. The reason I had such a large variance of almost one thousand one
hundred dollars within my doctor s expenses is because I had to have surgery on my shoulder, and that
was the amount of the co pay. Within my budget I set an amount for my gas, clothing, and dining out,
but it varies from month to month. For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The one way my budget allowed me to pay for the unexpected outcome was because of the variances,
savings, and emergency fund I had. Although I went under the set amount in my budget in several
different categories it was not enough to cover my unexpected expense of surgery. This resulted in
having to use those separate accounts of savings and emergency funds to compensate for the
unexpected expenses rather than going into debt further. Along with this I was unable to save ten
percent of my budget this month because as I expressed above all off my existing savings and
emergency fund went towards the procedure I had to have done. This was extremely disappointing
because for as long as I can remember I have been religious about depositing at least ten percent into
my savings no matter what, but as I was analyzing my situation this was the only way to make it
happen other than going into debt with a
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Web 2.0 technologies allow for more user interaction and participation through features like social media, user-generated content, and web applications. Examples of popular Web 2.0 sites include social networks like Facebook and Twitter, video sharing platforms like YouTube, blogs, wikis, and web-based applications like Google Docs.

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This document provides an overview of Prader-Willi syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by mental retardation, short stature, low muscle tone, incomplete sexual development, and an intense, insatiable desire to eat. The syndrome was first described in 1956 by three Swiss doctors and is caused by the absence of certain genes on chromosome 15. People with Prader-Willi syndrome experience constant hunger and obesity, which can lead to serious health problems if not carefully managed.

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Quotes About Good Essay Writing - Www.. Online assignment writing service.Quotes About Good Essay Writing - Www.. Online assignment writing service.
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The document discusses Charles Tiebout's theory that people will move between different political jurisdictions to find the taxes and spending that best match their interests, similar to how people choose private goods. It notes that Tiebout believed this competition between jurisdictions for residents could lead to an efficient allocation of public goods, as people vote with their feet for their preferred basket of taxes and services. The summary briefly outlines Tiebout's theory and its implications for how people select their preferred government policies through residential choice.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of SLN
NLC were idealized to overcome inherent disadvantages of SLN. Entrapping structure is a blend of
solid and liquid, spatially incompatible, lipids that confers distinct characteristics of NLC when
compared with other lipid NPs [80]. Indeed, since the matrix of the lipids composing the
nanostructured lipid carriers is more amorphous than for SLN, association efficiency is higher and
offers a slower release [81]. The nanodroplet of liquid lipid, containing most of the drug to entrap,
becomes dispersed within the solid lipid, granting a slower migration of drug to the outer phase and,
therefore, a higher entrapment that lasts longer.
It was suggested that using NLC to carry and delivery domperidone in the buccal cavity could lead to
a permeability ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order to develop and optimize polymeric NPs as buccal delivery systems, Pistone et al. chose
chitosan, pectin and alginate as matrixpolymers and tripolyphosphate and zinc as negative and
positive counterions, respectively [90]. The polymer:counterion proportion was thoroughly studied to
achieve the most stable and suitable particles for buccal delivery. The stability was determined by
assessing nanoparticle aggregation and disintegration in contact with simulated salivary fluid, along
with the variation of polydispersity index, hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential. It was observed
that alginate NPs presented good stability during 120 min in contact with artificial saliva since some
parameters did not significantly vary throughout of the course of the assay. Even though the chelation
of zinc ions would be expected due to the high content of phosphates in artificial saliva, so it was
suggested that the presence of calcium in the dispersion media prevented the zinc chelation and
maintained the structure of alginate NPs intact, as expected to occur in vivo [91]. The size of pectin
NPs significantly decreased (with consequent variation of polydispersity index) after contact with
artificial saliva, indicating either erosion and/or shrinking due to the formation of additional cross
linking with the ions present in the artificial saliva. The size
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Pros And Cons Of Agricultural Subsidies
In late 1920, early 1930 s, the government of the United States of America (USA) first initiated efforts
to control the agricultural economy during the great depression. During that period of time, farm
prices collapsed and therefore farmers hardly had any income. Subsidies are benefits given by the
state to specific groups needing financial aid in form of cash or tax reduction. Subsidies are often
considered to be in the interest of the general public. Agricultural subsidies therefore exist to stabilize
food prices, ensure a healthy food production, guaranteeing a farmer s basic income and in general to
strengthen the agricultural part of the economies gross domestic product (GDP) (encyclopedia.com,
agricultural subsidies). In reality however, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since there are farmers with more financial opportunities, smaller farms would suffer from the
inequality that would be present, as they can not afford high priced equipment and machinery to
expand their production or to even invest in new crops. However, when the government decides on
subsidies, especially the smaller farms profit from the extra cash, as they can now afford to keep up
with the competition. This means that subsidies enable the smaller farms to produce at an optimal
level of production. Therefore, financial aids by the state also aim to prevent that there is a monopoly
of one farmer since a monopoly would damage the whole agricultural industry. In contrast to
monopoly, competition plays an important role, not only in the agricultural, but in any industry. A
healthy competition leads to a variety of products the consumer can choose from at an affordable price
since a high contestability leads to prices going down to average cost at some point because of the
constant undercutting in
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Criminal Appeal Process
Federal Criminal Appeal Process as a Social Policy
The losing party in a judgment by a federal district court, in general has a right to appeal the judgment
to the next highest court, which is usually the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. In a federal
criminal case, the government may not appeal a not guilty verdict, though they may appeal the
sentence imposed on a criminal convict. In a federal criminal case, the defendant may appeal their
conviction and the sentence.
The party who files the appeal is known as the appellant. The appellant has the burden of proof. The
appellant must demonstrate to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals that the federal district made
a substantial legal error, which affected the judgment in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Secondly, as stated above, the burden of proof is on the appellant to prove that an error occurred and
that the error was substantial. Errors that do not impinge on the substantial rights of the appellant are
disregarded as harmless error. Number of Appeals Overview
As a general rule, the final judgment of a lower district may only be appealed once to the next higher
court. Therefore, the total number of appeals is dependent upon the total number of superior courts to
the lower district court, which rendered the judgment. The first appeal is the appeal as of right
(Levenson, 2017). The appeal as of right entitles the appellant to the assistance of counsel (Levenson,
Steps in Filing a Timely Appeal: File the Notice of Appeal
Filing an appeal is ordinarily a two step process: firstly, file the notice of appeal. The notice of appeal
is filed with the lower district court, which simply notifies the lower district court that the defendant is
appealing the case. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals may not consider an appeal, if the
lower district court has not received timely notice of appeal. In criminal appeals, notice of appeal must
be filed within ten days from the date the lower district court s judgment if filed (Levenson, 2017).
Secondly, file the appellate brief with the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. As stated above, the
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Critical Appreciation Of John Keats
British Romantic Literature Assignment (Semester IV)
Nayan Srivastava (1116)
Keats s Escape from Reality
John Keats, a second generation Romantic poet, is considered the perfect Romantic poet. His works
have been read, appreciated and studied across the world, though this was not done during his lifetime.
Only in the twentieth century did Keats get due credit and respect for the complexity of his odes, his
pursuit of truth and beauty and dealing with human difficulty and suffering.
The Romantic poets, as a whole, strived for perfection. Romanticism grew as an opposition to the
Enlightenment Age or the Age of Reason and as a result the poets focused on emotion, motives and
imagination. Keats is known for his aestheticism, sensuousness and captivating imagery in his works.
On analysis of his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This ode is the simplest of all his odes and describes the scenes of autumn as a season of abundance. It
has a mellow tone and this ode picks up where all the others left off. The simple and sincere
appreciation of the season and its reflections in nature as well as the calm acceptance of the upcoming
winter project Keats as an evolved individual. Even though a season too is transient in nature, he is
inspired in its fleeting beauty and does not yearn permanence as in Ode on a Grecian Urn . Keats
preoccupation with mortality and death as in Ode to A Nightingale , too simmers down in this work.
The wafting wind is described as living or dying, and the use of these words emphasize an acceptance
on his behalf about the natural inevitability of this process. Winter is viewed as a season of absolute
decay when everything freezes, and hence To Autumn can be seen as a period prior to the death when
one begins to accept one s fate and does not fear death anymore. This ode essentially provides a serene
and tranquil closure to all the other odes that preceded this and places Keats in a more stable position
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) create an account, 2) complete a request form providing instructions and deadline, 3) writers will bid on the request and the customer can choose a writer, 4) the customer will receive the paper and pay for it if satisfied, 5) the customer can request revisions to ensure satisfaction and the company guarantees original work or a refund.

Mla Research Paper Template. Sample Papers I
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This document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests to the writing service HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The purpose is to guide users through obtaining writing help from this particular website.

English Essay On Terrorism In English. Online assignment writing service.
English Essay On Terrorism In English. Online assignment writing service.English Essay On Terrorism In English. Online assignment writing service.
English Essay On Terrorism In English. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides an analysis of Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter. It discusses how in the Puritan society depicted in the novel, people were branded, tortured, and defined by society based on a single act, even though others did not truly know them as individuals. The analysis argues that society has not changed much in how it labels people based on actions, and will likely continue to do so.

Summary Of Submission By Amy Waldman
The attacks on the World Trade Centers on September 11th left the country a divided nation. A
majority seemed to fear anyone who looked different than what they claimed an American should look
like. In the novel the Submission written by Amy Waldman, we can see the feelings of survivor
families shift after they find out a United States citizen with loose ties to the Muslim religion has won
the memorial competition. From their perspective, it felt as if it were a defeat to the whole purpose of
the memorial. But from the winner s perspective, he just wanted to try and bring the country together
with a memorial that they could all appreciate. In a situation like this it would be difficult to find a
side to support due to the fact that they are
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Taliban Women s Roles
After 20 years of civil war, the Taliban, an extremist militia, took over and plunged Afghanistan into
gender apartheid. The Taliban is a group composed of all men; they initially started to take over in
1994, but they didn t overthrow the capital, Kabul, until 1996. Many people originally thought they
would help stabilize the country; however, its oppressive laws threw women into destitution. Shortly
after the Taliban came to power, women s right for healthcare, education, and other lifestyle
constraints drastically changed placing women into a state of virtual house arrest. The Taliban
jeopardized the health of women when they cut off access to proper medical care. To consider what
life was like before the Taliban took control, N. Lukanovich writes, The interpretation of Islam was
varied... women were pawned into marriages, education was forbidden for women... Not once does it
say anything about women not having the right ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Women were given only the most rudimentary access to medical care, shortening life expectancy and
increasing mortality rates. They were also banished from any schooling whether it was public, private,
or homeschooling. In addition, women had bizarre rules against how they got around. Women, while
allowed to go out, had to be escorted by a male relative. Women also had rules against showing their
skin; they were forced to wear a burqa every time they stepped out of their house. They were not
allowed to show an inch of their skin and if they did, even by accident, they were punished harshly.
The Taliban had no remorse for how they treated these women. Although they were defeated in 2001,
many of their concepts are still being practiced today, and women are continuously treated unequally.
The Taliban have had a lasting impact on not only Afghanistan, but also countries around the
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Building Trust In A Cross Functional Team
Trust is an integral component of a highly effective team and is especially necessary in a cross
functional team composed of members from various cultures. Trust is the mechanism by which the
risks associated with social complexity are transcended risks that might otherwise stifle initiative
(Lewicki McAllister, 1998, p. 446). Inherently people do not trust those that are different from
themselves. Consequently, creating a fertile environment for trust to grow is critical to overcome the
natural responses and build cohesion. Quickly building trust in cross functional teams with diverse
backgrounds is especially challenging. Managers on these types of teams should study the cultures of
each of the members represented on the team.
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How The Benefits Of Cutting Golf Courses
Golf courses must definitely be maintained properly, so that the golfers can play a good game, without
any sort of unpleasant situations. For further information regarding this aspect, here is how a golf
course is maintained throughout the year.
A riding lawn mower is absolutely necessary
When it comes to golf courses, you obviously need to cut the grass frequently, and also very well. It
needs to be evenly and perfectly cut, so that the golfers don t encounter any difficulties, when it comes
to their shots. A quality riding lawn mower is highly recommended. A machine like this is very easy to
maneuver, and it will certainly do a wonderful job. Furthermore, the whole job will be finished in a
short period of time. Keep in mind that cutting the grass is the most important details to take into
account, when it comes to golf courses. Cutting the grass needs to be done throughout the year,
Aeration plays a very important role ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Aeration definitely plays a very important role and it must be done properly. The condition of the
green actually depends on what it is happening below the surface. Good roots will certainly demand
oxygen, and due to the traffic from golfers feet, the soil can be compacted under the putting green. If
the soil becomes compacted, then the roots will be left gasping for air. Without the necessary oxygen,
the grass will become weaker and it will die. Therefore, it is essential to aerate the soil very well, in
order to have a healthy green, and it is recommended to do this twice a year, in the early winter and
spring as
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1. IKEA faced a challenge in 1995 when one of their Indian rug suppliers was found to use child labor. 2. Marianne Barner, IKEA's carpet manager, had to address the issue in a way that was ethical but also allowed IKEA to continue sourcing from India, an important market. 3. IKEA responded by working with UNICEF and the supplier to establish age verification processes, education programs, and healthcare services to help prevent child labor in the industry while continuing to support communities and livelihoods.

Should College Athletes Be Paid. Online assignment writing service.
Should College Athletes Be Paid. Online assignment writing service.Should College Athletes Be Paid. Online assignment writing service.
Should College Athletes Be Paid. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses evaluating the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Elephantopus scaber leaves extracted using ethyl alcohol, acetone, and water. Phytochemical analysis revealed various compounds in the leaves. Antimicrobial testing of the extracts against bacteria and yeast showed ethyl alcohol and acetone extracts had promising activity, with ethyl alcohol having the best effects against all test organisms. Ethyl alcohol extract of the leaves was found to have high antimicrobial effectiveness compared to other extracts.

Five Paragraph Essay Sample In Sixth Grade R
Five Paragraph Essay Sample In Sixth Grade RFive Paragraph Essay Sample In Sixth Grade R
Five Paragraph Essay Sample In Sixth Grade R

The document provides instructions for a Descriptive Analysis PowerPoint presentation, asking students to choose a work of art they have experienced in person or through Google Art Project. Students will describe the artwork in detail using sensory descriptions of what can be seen, analyze the formal elements and how they work together, and discuss what the artwork may communicate and how it relates to its cultural and historical context. The presentation should follow a standard format and include visuals of the artwork to aid the description and analysis.

Global Warming Position Paper
Although some believe that Global Warming has been created due to manmade pollutants, I believe
that Global Warming is a natural process that has been accelerated due to the excess emissions of
pollutants from nature and manmade devices into the atmosphere. The world has been said to be on a
cycle of global warming and cooling, this process can neither be stopped nor prevented, but it can be
accelerated with the addition of non natural emissions from automobiles and factories; because this is
a natural process, even if constraints were to be put on the amount of pollutants released into the air
global warming could not be prevented it could only be slowed. When the inevitable happens and
global warming occurs, there are many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Slowing the process of global warming would allow us, as a worldwide power, to take preventative
measures that could cut back the amount of damage that global warming can cause though it would be
hard, if we could cut back on work hours of large factories and put together more public transportation
for the working class then we could slow global warming within the next few years. This idea, if
enacted, has the potential to harm the economy of many nations, because the working hours would be
cut in factories that employ thousands of employees, but it also can allow for scientists and engineers
to come up with a plan that could prevent/lower the amount of risk we have environmentally from
being impacted by global warming and its effects. It has the potential to harm the economy of other
nations, because shortening the amount of hours that their factories are allowed to run can raise
production time and cost this would lead to the increase in price of items, because it would take more
money and time to produce these goods rather than if they were able to work for a longer amount of
time and produce more goods in this time period. The reward outweighs the risk, though; this is
because if global warming is not slowed down, then the sea level can rise sooner than we are able
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The Pros And Cons Of Hemp Essay
There has been a great deal of active discussion regarding hemp in today s society and its usefulness
on the society as a whole. What s more argued about than its usefulness is whether or not it ought to
be legal. Several nations across the Western Hemisphere are exempt from the back and forth debate on
the subject concerning the use of Hemp. Trinidad falls within the group of countries currently
petitioning for the decriminalization of hemp. With widespread controversy over the substance, what
has to be known is if Trinidad will treat this topic differently from others and what will be the size of
that variance.
First and foremost, to fully understand the views of any item being ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The hemp seed itself contains Omega 6 (polyunsaturated fatty acid) and Omega 3 (polyunsaturated
fatty acid), essential fatty acids that make for a healthy heart and anti inflammatory benefits. Unlike
marijuana, it does not make the user get high and loose all form of inhibition, which is a major side
effect governments have been concerned about. Due to the protein and fiber in hemp, digestion is
slowed therefore preventing spikes in blood sugar. Apart from regulating digestion, the protein and
fiber keeps one fuller for an extended time and eliminates outrageous snacking. These benefits of the
substance are not oftentimes mentioned like others. Additional attention is mostly paid to the reduction
in risk of cardiovascular disease, lowering blood pressure, fending off Alzheimer s disease,
stimulating skin and hair growth, maintaining bone health, metabolism regulation, and also the
improvement of brain performance. Hemp seeds that contain essential amino acids, improves muscle
management, mental function, and normal body maintenance of cells, muscle, tissues, and
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Nurse Vs. Behavioral Health Nurse
The best part of your decision was not only did you protect your license; you also protected the nurse s
license that made the suggestion. In addition, you found an alternative method to help better distribute
the patient assignments and achieve the desired goal. The justification for working out of our scope of
practice can be as simple as you said feeling complimented , but does not consider safety risk if
something goes wrong. Another common hospital practice that places nurses in similar jeopardy is
being pulled to a nursing unit deemed comparable. As behavioral health nurses (adult unit), we are
required to cover our child and adolescent psychiatric unit (CAPU) when their below their staffing
needs. Though all behavioral units have
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Coming Of Age In To Kill A Mockingbird
Coming of Age
As people get older they go through experiences in their life that can change them in bad ways or most
of the time change them in good ways.This good change occurs usually by the experiences teaching
them important lessons they should know in life.These changes are very important in ones life because
it matures them into an adult. This transformation happens to certain characters in every novel and it is
called coming of age. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, both Jem and Scout go
through this coming of age and learn what it means to be courageous, the unfairness of the world, and
to look at other people s perspective before judging them. First Jem and Scout learn what real courage
is. When Cecil starts saying bad things about Atticus Scout doesn t fight him like she did before I
drew a bead on him, remembered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Scout stands up for Walter Cunningham and says That Walter s as smart as he can be, he just gets held
back sometimes because he has to stay out and help his daddy. Nothing s wrong with him. (p304).
Scout realizes that Walter Cunningham is not the way he is by choice but because his life holds him
back by seeing what it would be like to be him. When Scout goes on the Radley s porch and thinks
about how things would look like through Boo s eyes she realizes Atticus was right. One time he said
you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on
the Radley s porch was enough (p.374). When Scout was younger she believed that Boo was this
monster because of all the rumors that were spread about him but in reality Boo is this kind man who
is kind to Jem and Scout. After realizing this Scout now sees hat Atticus was right and that she she
shouldn t judge someone just by things she hears and people might do what they do for a
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Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well-known painter...
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well known painter during the 17th century, was born in
Seville in 1599 (Brown 1). He was the eldest of the seven children, and the son of Silva and Jerónima
Velazquez (Brown 1). Both of his parents claimed to be descendants of lesser nobility, a claim that
Velázquez will later benefit from (Brown 1). During his time, painting was considered a craft, which is
work done with hands rather than the mind, meaning it was unworthy of a nobleman (Carr 26).
Velázquez was sent to Franciso Pacheco, a well known painter in Seville, as an apprentice (Carr 26).
Under Pacheco s teachings, Velázquez began to use everyday life as his subjects, which at the time
was something new; he painted tavern and kitchen scenes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All of these fascinating qualities of Velázquez s paintings later influence Goya, Mazo, Juan Carreño,
and many more. Las Meninas, which means the maids of honor, is considered to be Velázquez s
masterpiece within has last few years (Harris 170). Most of the information we know today, come
form Palomino, who is the Court Painter to Phillip IV s successor, Chalres II (Harris 170). Palomino
even knew all of the people being portrayed except for one, and even gave the date when the painting
was completed, 1656 (Harris 170). The center of the piece is focused on the Infanta Margarita, the five
year old princess, who is surrounded by her two meninas, maids of honour. The menina standing on
the Infanta s left side, handing her a vessel of water while doing a curtsey is named María Aguestina
Sarmineto (Carr 47). The menina standing on her right look as if she is about to bend down to whisper
something to the princess or about to do a curtsy is named Isabel de Velasco (Carr 47). In the bottom
right corner of the painting are two dwarfs, Maribarbola and Nicolas Pertusato (Carr 47). Nicolas
appears to be awakening the mastiff (Carr 47). Palomino said that when the mastiff was being painted
it had stayed motionless (Harris 170). Standing behind them is Marcela Ulloa, who is the attendant to
the ladies in waiting, and a male escort who is not named (Carr 47). In the doorway of the painting
stands the Queen s Palace Marshal, also known as the Queens Chamberlain,
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Kudler Fine Foods and Wine
Abstract This paper focuses on the various ways which Kudler Fine Foods and Wine can do in case of
a critical event to avoid negative publicity by the media. It highlights different steps that can be
employed by any organization to ensure that its image as well as interests is safeguarded. In addition,
this paper focuses on the role of public relation and public affairs in critical incidences. The
organizational truth and public communication are also discussed in this paper. Lastly right to know
versus personal privacy is also put into consideration in the critical incidences. Introduction Kudler
Fine Foods and Wine is a food shop which was started in 1998 by Kathy Kudler, the owner. Currently,
the owner has expanded his business to three different locations. The business provides quality and
various varieties of food and wines. It is evident that the company has experienced a notable growth,
and it is expected to develop even more in the near future. Similar to other organizations, Kudler Fine
Foods and Wines can have critical events, which can jeopardize the reputation of a company on the
face of the media. How the Organization can overcome its Critical Event in the Face of the Media
Research indicates that many organizations all over the world will be confronted because of critical
events, which are likely to compromise the reputation of the organization (Nudell Antokol, 2001). Due
to this fact, planning on how to overcome its critical event in the face of
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Consciousness In The German Ideology
Before one is able to consider this quote, the concept of materialism and consciousness must be
dissected. According to Marx, materialism is not only the way people s beliefs are conditioned by
material activities, but also the fact that people s ideologies are conditioned by history and the powers
of production. Consciousness plays a large role in his definition of materialism, because they are
inherently connected. For example, The production of ideas, of conceptions, of consciousness is
directly interwoven with the material activity and the material relationships of men; it is the language
of actual life (Marx, 111). Marx also defines consciousness as an economic process; in other words,
economic determinism defines consciousness and even history itself. This differs greatly from Hegel s
idea that consciousness is a process called the dialectic, which includes distinguishing between thesis
and antithesis in order to come to a conclusion. Although Marx utilizes the dialectic to analyze
materialism and consciousness in The German Ideology, he goes even further than Hegel and uses this
dialectic thinking to challenge Hegel s own concepts. It is important to understand the concept that the
process of thinking is actually a reflection of the external world through consciousness, because then
one can connect the idea that it is more of a relationship than an externalized object. Marx explains
this notion when he states, In the social production of their existence, men
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Actions Caused by Cognitive Dissonance Essay
If I chose to do it or say it, I must believe in it. asserts the psychologist Leon Festinger (as cited in
Psychology: Eighth Edition in Modules, 2007, p.731). When we become aware that our actions
contradict our attitudes, we tend to revise our attitudes. This statement fits Festinger s cognitive
dissonance theory that asserts that we act to reduce discomfort or dissonance, an unpleasant tension,
we experience when two of our thoughts or cognitions are inconsistent. Mkimmie, et al. (2003)
investigated the impact of social support on cognitive dissonance arousal in their experiment, I m a
Hypocrite, but So Is Everyone Else: Group Support and the Reduction of Cognitive Dissonance. The
psychologists aimed to test the impact of social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The fact that the level of dissonance assessed in terms of attitude change was greatest for participants
given no support, but only when a shared group membership was made salient, proved their first
hypothesis. The participants subjected to the highest levels of dissonance, through a high salience and
nonsupport condition, distanced themselves from the group as the second hypothesis predicted.
Overall, the main point of this research was to examine the role of social support in the arousal and
reduction of cognitive dissonance. The researchers conducted this experiment in an effort to augment
rather than change current understanding of the dissonance phenomena; however, this theory does not
expand the current understanding of dissonance because it does not provide concrete, reliable
evidence of how group support can reduce cognitive dissonance. Also the researchers did not test a
random or a representative sample and inferred dissonance solely from surveys that measured attitude
change. The fact that surveys were used as the main method to ascertain the self reported attitudes or
behaviors of people weakens the theory s reliability and validity. The wording and order of the
questions could have had a major affect on how the subjects responded and possibly skewed the
researcher s central data. Additionally, the researchers did not use a direct method to detect
dissonance; instead, they merely inferred the presence of dissonance exclusively from surveys
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How To Write Rationale In Research. Online assignment writing service.How To Write Rationale In Research. Online assignment writing service.
How To Write Rationale In Research. Online assignment writing service.

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The document provides an overview of the stories "Donkeyskin" by Charles Perrault and "All Kinds of Fur" by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Both stories involve princesses who flee their kingdoms to escape their fathers' incestuous desires to marry them. In each story, the princess sets impossible tasks, such as obtaining dresses made of gold, silver, and stars, to discourage the proposals. The princess in "All Kinds of Fur" is portrayed as more clever and responsible for her own choices, devising the tasks and independently deciding to run away disguised in a mantle of fur.

How To Write Purdue Honors College Essay
How To Write Purdue Honors College EssayHow To Write Purdue Honors College Essay
How To Write Purdue Honors College Essay

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a request on the HelpWriting.net website for writing assistance. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete a form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided.

Silver Age Research Paper
The Silver Age is also recognized to be the superhero era of science. Science would explain any
dilemma in the story line and would also be the answer to how to fix it. Many superhero origins were
also based on the idea of science such as the X Men, Spiderman, and the Fantastic Four gained their
superhuman abilities by genetic mutation. Science topics and factoids also appeared in comics during
the Silver Age through comic issues of The Flash. Each issue contained multiple panels explaining
scientific topics that related to the plot line. An example of this would be from The Flash Issue #140,
in which one of Flash s nemeses Heat Wave used a gun like weapon to transform heat waves into
physical bullets. Throughout The Flash Issue #140, factoids about heat waves were laced within the
story line, creating an educational standpoint within comic books. Another significant aspect of the
Silver Age was the international space race between the United States and the Soviet Union over
usage of satellites and spacecraft in Earth s atmosphere. The heated topic became inspiration for many
storylines to break boundaries both with setting and characters by having storylines take place in space
and having superheroes defending Earth from extraterrestrials (Hatfield 102). The use of outer space
and aliens in superhero ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whether it is the art style or the storyline, superhero comics have evolved over the years to appeal to
their diverse audience. In the end, superhero comics are so popular because they give people hope.
They re a push to carry on and make something of yourself even in times of oppression. Today there
are superheroes of different genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and professions and the
representation everyone gets is doing a lot to prove that anyone, regardless of who they are, can
accomplish great
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
A Comedic Drama Genre
2. This genre is a combination of comedic drama, however it is primarily comedy, and dark comedy at
that. Whether it be jokes or poking fun at others in the acts there is clear comedic nature in the writing.
Characters poke fun at one another and act in flamboyant ways. I have to problem saying that this is a
comedy despite its romantic plot and nature.
What is the exposition of the story?
The two are ready to be married but no one loves Helena.
What is the rising action or actions in this story? the fights in the relationship are what cause the
negative effects in the world.
What is the climax of this selection?
The fight between the two men and women.
What is the falling action in the story?
Before the fighting is resolved the
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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French Antiques Handwriting Printable Pages 4 Vintage

  • 1. French Antiques Handwriting Printable Pages 4 Vintage 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. French Antiques Handwriting Printable Pages 4 Vintage French Antiques Handwriting Printable Pages 4 Vintage
  • 2. Francisco Goya Research Paper The French Revolution, which was a critical period of reformation, was an era in which war happened frequently. Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes was an important artist of that time, who created many artwork that portrayed wars. In the analysis of his masterpieces, people can find his disappointment in how people pursue freedom, their ignorance, and the brutality of the wars. Freedom was one of the main ideas in French Revolution, but in Goya s painting, he was disappointed in how the society fought for it. In his artwork, he showed the stupidity of how people pursued freedom during that period. In The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (1797 1798), Goya used the mocking owls and bats to imply folly and ignorance, while the lynx stayed alert against the monsters of greed and stupidity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In The Disasters of War (1810 1820), he showed how brutal the French were in the invasion of Spain. In the early plates of the series, Goya depicted the dead and injured are carried away, soldiers strip corpses, which are then thrown into a common grave in the Plate 18 Bury them and keep quiet (Tomlinson 1994, p.191). This picture wholly described how the war looked in Spain during that time: how people were killed and then buried like it was a normal scenario. The ruthlessness of the French also sent out another message that beauty is not only destroyed, but grotesquely ravaged to attest the end of any faith in an ideal (p.193). In the paintings, people lost their dignity, and there are no heroes countless unidentified victims in the picture, which indicate that humanity is only ideal in the Revolution (p.202). The hand gestures in the paintings are in motion, which emphasized the instantaneity of the climax. For example, in the painting, the soldiers are holding arms and already stabbing it into the victims. The capture of the particular moment reinforce the brutality of people in that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Short Term Memory Experiment Methods: Short term memory is something that effects everyday life, is it possible that one gender could have a higher accuracy in this area? To conduct an experiment to test this question, the following materials will be needed and used, fifty notecards, slides with different pictures (can be created with paper or on power point), and people to test. Fifty notecards will be used for the participants to write down their answer. Slides will have the different pictures on them for the participants to memorize. People that will be tested are used to help answer the question, does gender effect short term memory? This experiment was developed by having interest in gender differences. Short term memory effects everything done, so interest in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Short term memory is used in everything ever done, everything happening, and everything that is going to happen. Short term memory helps remember skills we have learned, retrieve information that is stored in our brain, and organize information (newly learned and learned in the past). Short term memory also helps with applying the correct and certain information to the correct context, and current activity. Alzheimer s disease or Senile Dementia is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. When someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease, the hippocampus in their brain is very sensitive and can be damaged a lot. Currently there are no cures for Alzheimer s disease, and it can last a couple of years or even an entire life time, because the hippocampus is being damaged, they cannot remember things that recently happened, along with memories from a long time ago in their long term memory. With the knowledge that the female hippocampus is larger, and more accurate than the males, scientists and doctors can find ways to have a sick person that is diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease, and transplant a healthy female hippocampus into their brain. Doing this can help the patients retrieve memories, make new memories, and also retrieve past ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Charles Taylor Doesn t Think So And His Almost 900 Page... Why was it virtually impossible not to believe in God in, say, 1500 in our Western society, while in 2000 many of us find this not only easy, but even inescapable? Was it really an inevitable conclusion of uncompromising reality as Tom Hardy assumes? Charles Taylor doesn t think so and his almost 900 page answer is an ambitious retelling of the process known as secularization. His narrative style documentation of the massive cultural shift of the past several centuries demonstrates the inadequacy of Mainstream Secularization Theory and the spiritual complexity of our cross pressured society. The culmination of this story lends voice to a hemisphere s subconscious, diving beneath the taken for granted assumptions of the Western mind to hear the truth. That underlying level of assumption is what Charles Taylor calls a social imaginary: What I m trying to get at with this term is something much broader and deeper than intellectual schemes people may entertain when they think about social reality in a disengaged mode. I am thinking rather of the ways in which they imagine their social existence, how they fit together with others, how things go on between them and their fellows, the expectations which are normally me, and the deeper normative notions and images which underlie these expectations. Charles Taylor definition of social imaginary is much different than a social theory in many ways. He uses imaginary because he is speaking about the way ordinary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Gummy Bear Hypothesis For Osmosis Introduction: Osmosis is a natural occurrence constantly happening within the cells of all living things. For osmosis to occur, water molecules must move across a semipermeable membrane from an area of low concentration to an are of high concentration. In order to understand osmosis, people must understand the different types of concentrations that can be present within solution. One of them is an Isotonic solution where the concentration of dissolved particles is equal to that of a cell s. Another is a hypertonic solution where there is a higher concentration of dissolved particles then inside the cell. And lastly there is a hypotonic solution where there are less dissolved particles than inside the cell. As dissolved particles move to a region of lower concentration, water moves the opposite direction as a result of there being less water in the highly concentrated region. In this experiment, gummy bears were placed in salt water, sugar water, and tap water to find the measure of osmosis between the solution and gummy bear. Hypothesis: If the gummy bear is added to the solution, then it will lose its coloring and expand. Materials: The materials used during the experiment included three plastic cups, three gummy bears, masking tape, marker, balance, calculator, tray, one plastic spoon, a measurement tray, and a ruler. The three plastic cups were used to hold the tap water, salt water, and sugar water. The masking tape and marker were used to label each cup with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Questions On The Prince The Prince Questions: 1.During the time period that Machiavelli wrote the Prince, Italy was tons of different group of cities and states. Each one of them was trying to gain control and power over the others. Along with the small civil wars over power, other countries such as the Spanish, Germans, and the French. The French had an ally with one of Italy s oldest and most powerful cities of Florence. When the French were defeated by the Pope, Florence was also taken out. Florence was important to Machiavelli because it was where he served as a diplomat and a counselor for thirteen years. When Florence was taken over, Machiavelli nearly escaped execution and was later charged with exile. He was not allowed to come back to his beloved city. Machiavelli continued to write letters to the government trying to convince them to let him come back to his usual position of power. Along with many of the letters ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Armies, as seen by Machiavelli, are there to defend the kingdom and expand into new territory. It is necessary for a prince to have good foundations for himself... (Ch XII, 48) which means having a successful army fighting for him. Machiavelli advises not to use mercenary or auxiliary units because they are useless and dangerous. They cannot be trusted because they can turn against you as soon as they find a higher offer and ...they do indeed want to be your soldiers while you are not making war, but when war comes, they either flee or leave (Ch XII, 49). The role of the prince when it comes to his army is the leader. He is the decision maker, the one who hires his soldiers, and the one who is in charge of everyone. A prince should never be ok with winning a battle with alien arms. The only true defeat is when you win with your own men. A prince should, ...never lift his thoughts from the exercise of war... (Ch XIV, 58). The most important thing is to have a strong army, a strong bond between all the troops and the citizens, and a strong desire to defeat the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Compare And Contrast The Aprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz The relationship between a parent and their child is a very important relationship in anyone s life. An example of children being affected by their relationships with their parents is evident in the following pieces of work. Death of a Salesman and The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz both share similarities between the father and son relationships shown within the novels. The two books both share the idea of having false ideals within the relationship between a father and son, the father does not treat women with any respect, therefore the son follows in his footsteps, and the relationships simply lack a bond between father and son. Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler, show significant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There s no spite in it any more. I m just what I am, that s all. (Act 2) In The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Max is a pimp and he focuses his attention more on Lennie than Duddy. This is evident when Duddy went off to work in the Laurentian Mountains and Max never took the time to reach out and write to him whereas Max was able to write to Lennie every week, who was working as a camp counsellor. The relationship between Duddy and his father is distant and his father never tells Duddy that he is proud of him. This is small, but it removes any sort of positive reinforcement for Duddy. Duddy would not feel accomplished whenever he would do something great and just be constantly brought down because he feels like he does not make his father proud. The father son relationships between Willy and Biff, and Max and Duddy both have a lack of a bond between the individuals which evidently affects the son in a negative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Theories Of Defending The Knowledge Argument Robert David Boone Jr. Professor Tyron Goldschmidt Philosophy 111 23 September 2014 Defending the Knowledge Argument There are two main theories that make up the knowledge argument. The first is Physicalism, (or better known as materialism) which is the thesis that All facts are dependent upon physical processes. (Smart) The other main stance taken is property dualism. The thesis of property dualism states that there are Non physical properties of physical substances (Calef) or that there are physical and mental properties. In this article, I will defend the stance of property dualism by acknowledging objections and replying to these objections to show why the argument for property dualism works. The knowledge argument revolves around the scenario of Mary. Mary is very wise and she knows everything there is to know about neurophysiology which has to do with vision and understanding everything physical when people see things. She has been enclosed in a purely black and white room her whole life and the main questions are: What will happen to Mary...[when she sees color] and Will she learn anything or not? (Nida Rümelin) When Mary first sees a red rose for example, she learns something new because she has a new experience for the first time. She has a new feeling and has acquired a new knowledge. This sets up the following for the stance on substance dualism (Gulick 369): 1. Mary before her release knows everything physical there is to know about seeing red. 2. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Ipod Compare And Contrast In the last 50 plus years, society has been changed tremendously as new inventions and innovations have emerged. In my experiences, there are two noteworthy items that have a pronounced place in this catalog. As a teenager in the early 21st century, I have an abundance of experience with both of these inventions. Today s modern televisions are a product of evolution and improvement, and that the iPod is relatively new to society there are a lot of differences between the two. Such as ways information is broadcasted, target demographics, and their separate functions. On the contrary, they also are popular forms of entertainment and share some similar functions. A major difference between the two household items, today is how they retrieve the information they use to compute and display. Televisions receive signals broadcast to them from stations throughout the country and display them, either by satellite or cable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ever since the conception of the television, its purpose was to give entertainment to families around America in real time. When TV began, families would gather around at night and watch together. Back then, houses typically had only one television. Most of the programs were cartoons and silent films at first, but have since evolved into having thousands of channels containing movies, cartoons, documentaries, the daily news, soap operas, and more. The iPod, on the other hand, has all of the capabilities of a computer and in many homes there is an iPod for each member of the family. Ipods today allow users to store information on the internet, using programs such as Icloud, google drive, and other storage sites. This information is accessible at any time to users. Ipods are not only utilized for business, but for entertainment as well. Music, games, movies and shows can be downloaded and installed on their hard ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Starbucks Strategic Alliance Essay According to Gulati, Huffman, and Neilson (2002), Starbucks proves relationships is an important asset for growth. Starbucks is a relationship centric organization which relationship is act as a core asset of the firm. This asset is called relational capital , which indicates the value of a firm s network of relationship with stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, alliance partners, and employees. Alliances Starbucks had made with its partners are one of the main cause Starbucks has become well known brand and coffee leading company in the world. Starbucks has the partnership with many companies all around the world to expand its business. Starbucks had used two kind of strategic alliance which is non equity based alliances such as co marketing, strategic supplier, strategic distributor, and licensing. Another kind of alliance is equity based alliances such as strategic investment, cross shareholding, and joint ventures. Here is the example strategic alliances of Starbucks had to make before and now. In 13th January 2011, a non binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Starbucks Coffee Company and Tata Coffee Limited. The main objective of Starbucks signing MoU is to entry into India market. India is a potential market where the economy is emerging and people growing to the middle class is increasing. Howard ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Starbucks Newsroom, Tata Coffee Limited will supply roasted coffee to Tata Starbucks Limited to export to Starbucks Coffee Company. Second, to expand a wide range of beverages with greater used of assets and innovation. A brand new tea product named Tata Tazo is one of the example beverage had made. Third, ensure the consumers in India enjoying high quality and premium Starbucks coffee experience. Furthermore, they also work together to develop and improve the profile of Indian grown Arabica coffees around the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Analysis of Recruitment and Selection Process Chapter: 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Objective of the study 1.3 Methodology 1.4 Scopes 1.5 Limitations 1.1 Introduction Human Resource is a basic need of any work to be done. The internship report is all about recruitment and selection process that is an important part of any organization. Recruitment highlights each applicant s skills, talents and experience. Their selection involves developing a list of qualified candidates, defining a selection strategy, identifying qualified candidates, thoroughly evaluating qualified candidates and selecting the most qualified candidate. It is said if right person is appointed at right place the half work has been done. In this report I have tried to cover all the important point that should be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In spite of having the wholehearted efforts there are some limitations which acted as a barrier to conduct the program. The limitations were: * Time constraint is the first limitation of the study. * For the reason of company confidentiality some information could not be collected * Workload of the employees created a barrier while gathering data. * Lack of young, energetic and talented employees. CHAPTER: 2 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Historical Events of the company 2.3 Company profile 2.4 Vision amp; Mission of the company 2.5 Corporate strategies amp; Core Values 2.6 Directors Panel 2.7 Corporate Management 2.8 Organization structure of POCL 2.9 Organization structure of P amp; A Department 2.10 Functions of different departments 2.10.1 Functions of Marketing amp; Sales department of POCL 2.10.2 Functions of Operations Department 2.10.3 Functions of Financial Management amp; Accounts department of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Building a New Mentality and a more Aware Society to Fight... Introduction The obesity levels have reached its highest limits in the MENA region recently. People who are eating from the boxes are more than those who eat from the nature, fast food industry is booming and the diseases do increasingly take over a day after another. We need a new mentality and more aware society to control the obesity, that for sure; however we need an effective tools and handy services that have the potential of restraining the so called developing countries killer . Product Description The product is a research based technology. A recapitulation of previous softwares concerned by health and dieting developed in collaboration with the world s finest chefs and nutritionists. My Cooking Mate is online/offline application developed to work on Android and IOS operating platforms, which means that you will use it on the go, on portable devices anywhere anytime. What is so special about the app is the fact that you will not struggle to decide what to eat or what shouldn t you eat . Basically to get started with the app, you have to build your profile on spot by the time you download it and entering your details: your current weight, your desired weight and other details, As the app calculates for you and creates the right daily macros, you will choose your favorite cuisines and food types and then you will choose your mate (a vocal instructor) who will give you a step by step guidance while you cook with a voice recognition feature, you will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Importance Of Language In Communication Language has an array of layers that generate and promote a vast degree of social and cultural interactions, contributing to the communications of humans in each aspect of their lives. As Vyvyan Evans (2014) states language is central to our lives, and is arguably the cultural tool that sets humans, us, apart from any other species . (p.1) Language has an indefinite list of rules, conventions and ideas that come together to create communications among humans across the world. When described, language can be defined as an object by it s various definitions which include the functions of language, material forms, language as a system, social semiotics, language variations and syntax in sentences among adults and children. The functions of language can be easily described as the use of language for a range of different reasons in order to talk, write, listen, read. (Halliday, 1985, p.1). These functions may be for personal, interpersonal, directive, referential and imaginative reasons. Personal may be expression of ones feelings, thoughts and ideas. Interpersonal would include discussion, social chat and sharing ideas or concerns, which may possibly occur in a work place or in general situations. Directive might be to influence the actions of others, which might occur in leadership roles. Referential is reporting actions or events. Finally, imaginative encompasses storytelling and problem solving. Theorists including Malinowski, Buhler, Britton and Morris categorised the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Descriptive Essay About The Pool Alright, kiddos, Teacher announces, we re here. Before we head into the pool, let s check. What are the pool rules again? An assortment of enthusiastic voices cries out, Sunscreen, get a buddy, we have to see you Anything said beyond is incomprehensible. That s right, confirms Teacher, you need sunscreen, a swimming buddy, eyes on me, and you MUST, I repeat, MUST wear your floaties when going to the deep end. That being said, everyone follow me to the pool. The short walk to the pool is a blur to Zane. His mind is elsewhere thinking of all the fun things he s going to do, I m gonna make big splashes and race my friends and go to the deep end and do cool things and make big splashes. When the pool finally comes into view, it s a paradise. An ocean of clear, wavy water covers all the eye can see. Zane can see all the way to the bottom, and if not for the distorting ripples he would believe it to be empty. The pool makes a distinct L shape, branching off to the side to mark the deeper waters. It is already occupied with people of all ages. Most are lounging around on rafts or in inner tubes, but some of the younger inhabitants are gleefully splashing and flailing about. Multicolored balls soar through the air, descending until forced skywards with a satisfying whack. Just as Zane had imagined, children are in competition, playing water tag, racing one another, and throwing balls of mass destruction. He finally succumbs to his anticipation and starts toward the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Analysis Of Riverine By Alice Hoffman The story Riverine has a lot of great details and interesting quotes that may stick out to a read and make you wanna continue reading until you finish the whole story. The key thing that stood out to me early in this book was the quote from Alice Hoffman s Being an outsider is the one thing we all have in common. The reason for it is because it is completely true not matter what you do in your life now or in the future you will always be an outsider from time to time depending on different situations. The narrator of the story feels like an outsider from different times in the story because she feels perhaps she can not fit in into anything going on around her. She first begins to feel as an outsider due to the fact that she lives way out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Ladbrokes LADBROKES By Course Professor s Name University City Date TABLE OF CONTENT Executive summary ...............................................................3 Introduction ........................................................................4 Company background .............................................................5 Benefits of investing in the business ............................................5 Dangers of investing in a Betting Corporation .................................7 Recommendations...................................................................9 Conclusions...........................................................................10 References.............................................................................12 Executive Summary Gambling is often considered an activity of probability that an individual is willing to participate so as they can quickly earn an extra amount of money. Such practices are often connected to series of games that offer chances for people to make money. Betting is often practiced in areas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Such a bold move led to the addition of the betting culture into the corporation which later enticed the clients to participate so as they can earn an extra amount of cash from their tickets. According to the current structure of management at the firm, it is currently chaired by Jim Mullen. It has revenue of 1.175 billion GBP and a net income of 41 million GBP as documented in the year 2014. Conclusively, the organization has an operating income of 139.6 million GBP as per the year 2014. Benefits of Investing in a Betting Firm According to the documentations of various authors, the acts of gambling will lead to a client earning a quick turnover. Once an individual develops an interest in having an investment in a gambling business, there is a likelihood that they are to attain a quick turnover from their investment. The aspect of rapid turnover is based on the level of incomes that the business is to generate the participation in the betting games. Recent publications state that the firm Ladbrokes is achieving positive results in the first quarter of the year 2016 (Scargill, 2016). The amount of money, however, attains such returns that an individual is willing to invest in the business Secondly, the investor has a high chance of earning more money in the form of profits as a
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  • 18. The Power of Personality in Toni Cade Bambara s The... The Power of Personality in Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson Developing character is something that comes with time. I believe that there are three major things that effect how people develop their character where they are from, which includes their financial status; how they are raised; and the character of the people that have had the most influence on their lives. Sylvia, in Toni Cade Bambara s The Lesson, is very much influenced by all of these factors. Sylvia s living in the slums and being poor makes her defensive and judgmental. Her parents not being around much leaves her without the attention and discipline that children need to develop to their fullest. Lastly, her friends and Miss Moore also have a great influence on how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because Sylvia does not recognize her own faults, it would be expected that someone else might see them and correct her appropriately. The problem though, is that Sylvia s parents are always in a la de da apartment up the block having a good ole time, probably partying. Sylvia s parents, mentioned infrequently throughout the story, do not seem to have too much involvement with their daughter. This is represented in Sylvia s behavior, for example, when she wants to steal Ms. Moore s cab money and run to the bar b que. Although most of Sylvia s actions are conceivably wrong, it would be inappropriate to blame her solely for her mistakes. It is impossible for any child to understand what is right or wrong if it was never defined for him/her. Sylvia was probably not disciplines growing up and so her judgment of what is right or wrong is based on her own opinions and her observations of what the other children in her neighborhood are doing. The children in the neighborhood are probably the most influential people in Sylvia s life, since she is around them most frequently, and they are her peers. They too seem to come from the same kind of background as Sylvia poor, defensive, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Intellectual Property Theft Chinese involvement in Intellectual Property Theft The depth of China s involvement in intellectual property theft is far greater than I would have ever expected. Prior to taking the business law course, I never thought about what intellectual property theft was or the impacts that it has. The report of the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property, states that China is the world s largest source of Intellectual Property theft (pg 10 11) costing the American economy hundreds of billions of dollars per year, along with millions of jobs. Studies have estimated around seventy percent of the intellectual property theft is related to China. The head of the National Security Agency told a Senate panel that China s government ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On March 14th Motorola Solutions filed complaints in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against Hytera Communications Corporation limited. The case number of the patent infringement is 1:17 cv 1972 and 1:17 cv 1973 is the case for the trade secret theft. Hytera a company based in Shenzhen, China had the assistance of three engineers from Motorola that prior to their resigning were able to download and transfer thousands of highly classified Motorola documents. Motorola is seeking to prohibit Hytera sales and imports into the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Similarities Between The American Revolution And The... The Glorious Revolution and The American Revolution had similarities. Each ended with practically the same thing as each other. They both are just in different times and with different people. The Glorious Revolution, also known as the 1688 Revolution, basically put an end to King James II and it started to put a start to religious freedom. King James was a Catholic. He wanted everyone to worship that religion. In 1687 James created a declaration of indulgence. It suspended the penal laws against dissenters and recusants against his religion. In April 1688, he made another declaration of indulgence, saying that every sunday everyone must come to the church and worship his religion. There were people who tried to petition against him like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was when Americans escaped Britain to find new land because Britain wouldn t let them worship the religion they wanted. When this happened Britain came along with them so they wouldn t get too far away from their authority. Britain made every citizen their pay taxes on items like tea, clothes, or food. That was when some anarchist did the Boston Tea Party in 1773. They took out all the tea and dumped it into the ocean. During those times there was a lot of bloodshed. Patriots or the anarchist were rioting against the redcoats, also known as Britain. People would try to contact the King of Britain to ask they can stop but each time they asked the king got harder on them. The king knew that they were having meetings. The king didn t like it so much where he forced the redcoats into their houses. The people even had to take care of them. The patriots were still sneaking to meetings. Their was eventually a big war that broke out that ended the war. It was led by George Washington. They defeated the redcoats. Britain stepped off of them. It ended with George Washington becoming our very first president. We created our version of the Bill of Rights.It was signed by plenty of famous people im our history like Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and John Hanckock. It tells us things like We have a freedom of speech, religion and to own guns. It is practically the opposite of what the British ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Vegetarianism Vs Buddhism Essay Buddhism is a religion with many different beliefs, traditions, and spiritual practices, founded in ancient India in the sixth century by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha). It spread through much of Asia and later declined to India. Some of the of Buddhist philosophies are: The Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path and The Five Precept, Unsatisfactoriness. These basically deal with the way suffering exists universally, and that desire and attachment are the causes of unsatisfactoriness and suffering. Even though Buddhist dietary laws vary are not very clear, most of them are vegetarians, or is at least desirable, and they have different opinions on eating meat. 1) I selected a friend with who practices buddhism very strictly and is from Korea. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Ellis Harris Narrative Throughout the afternoon sessions, thankfully only two remained after Emily Harris, the image of Ellis Harris lingered. He could still vividly envisage her model features, the manner in which her perky young breasts strained the fabric of her shirt, her luscious blonde hair, smile, youth. and, oh god, that ass. The perfect, tight buttocks that flexed under the thin fabric of her uniform as stood, and which his gaze never left until the office door had closed behind her. When it had, Dr McHugh not longer attempted to stop the physical reaction her presence had elicited, but embraced it. With Emily out of sight, where he could push aside the sounds anguish in her voice, and the memory of her tear filled eyes, and the reason she d been referred to him, The Doctor dropped a hand, and moaned softly when he gripped his erection through the fabric of his trousers, granting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You can leave now for the night now, we ll serve it ourselves. But. Leave. Ellis s voice turned stern, and the cheerful expression on the maid s face transformed into one of surprise, before she meekly nodded, and turned her back. McHugh didn t get to witness the latter, and barely heard the door close, for as he approached Beth, his attention was locked on her. Somehow she looked younger than usual, more attractive, alluring. Like when they d first met. Hey baby. Ellis unknotted his tie as he dropped into the seat next to Beth, and threw an arm around her shoulder. Tedious. A bunch of privileged, assholes suffering first world afflictions; a mother addicted to sleeping pills, and a paranoid schizophrenic hearing the voice of God instructing him to peep into the next door neighbours window. Sometimes I wonder why I bother. No mention of Emily ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. World War I Had Devastating And Everlasting Effects World War I had devastating and everlasting effects across the European continent. The Austria Hungary and Russian Empire s collapsed. New nations were formed including Poland, and Czechoslovakia, which has recently been separated into Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Communism became widespread in Eastern Europe and large amounts of land and resources were gained by Great Britain and France. The war began when Yugoslavian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip assassinated the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo, Serbia, after which, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. International alliances quickly formed and within weeks most of the world s superpowers were involved and the conflict spread rapidly around the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the outbreak of World War I in August 1914, the industries of the United States quickly went into high gear to produce the war materials and other goods needed by the warring powers. Because of its strategic location and vast shipping facilities, New York Harbor became the main port for transporting those materials overseas. On any given workday the harbor was a beehive of activity, with ships coming and going; with tugs, barges, lighters and other harbor craft scurrying between the ships and the numerous piers lining the New York and New Jersey waterfronts; and with the constant traffic from the interior of loaded trains carrying the commodities that fed the frenzy. One of the most important and most dangerous of these commodities was munitions the gunpowder, explosives, shells and other ammunition and components required by the weapons of war. Although the movement of these volatile goods through the busy and crowded port posed a constant threat to the thousands upon thousands of residents jammed in on either side of the harbor, all remained relatively safe and quiet for the first two years of the war. However, this peaceful coexistence between munitions and populace was shattered early on July 30, 1916. The weather had been unseasonably cool when the residents of New York City and the surrounding area went to bed the preceding Saturday. In the early hours of Sunday morning, their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. My Budget Variance The baseline I have set out for my budget worked very well for me in the past month, but this month there was a large kink in it. There were just a couple different kinds of variances I met when adding up the totals of my real spending this month. When I was analyzing my budget, I went through and determined if the budget variances I had were good or bad for my needs. Most of my budget variances were positive except for one major one. What I mean by this is a good budget variance signified to me an outcome that was better than I expected. This one large bad budget variance I had consisted within my doctor s expenses budget. The reason I had such a large variance of almost one thousand one hundred dollars within my doctor s expenses is because I had to have surgery on my shoulder, and that was the amount of the co pay. Within my budget I set an amount for my gas, clothing, and dining out, but it varies from month to month. For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The one way my budget allowed me to pay for the unexpected outcome was because of the variances, savings, and emergency fund I had. Although I went under the set amount in my budget in several different categories it was not enough to cover my unexpected expense of surgery. This resulted in having to use those separate accounts of savings and emergency funds to compensate for the unexpected expenses rather than going into debt further. Along with this I was unable to save ten percent of my budget this month because as I expressed above all off my existing savings and emergency fund went towards the procedure I had to have done. This was extremely disappointing because for as long as I can remember I have been religious about depositing at least ten percent into my savings no matter what, but as I was analyzing my situation this was the only way to make it happen other than going into debt with a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Advantages And Disadvantages Of SLN NLC were idealized to overcome inherent disadvantages of SLN. Entrapping structure is a blend of solid and liquid, spatially incompatible, lipids that confers distinct characteristics of NLC when compared with other lipid NPs [80]. Indeed, since the matrix of the lipids composing the nanostructured lipid carriers is more amorphous than for SLN, association efficiency is higher and offers a slower release [81]. The nanodroplet of liquid lipid, containing most of the drug to entrap, becomes dispersed within the solid lipid, granting a slower migration of drug to the outer phase and, therefore, a higher entrapment that lasts longer. It was suggested that using NLC to carry and delivery domperidone in the buccal cavity could lead to a permeability ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to develop and optimize polymeric NPs as buccal delivery systems, Pistone et al. chose chitosan, pectin and alginate as matrixpolymers and tripolyphosphate and zinc as negative and positive counterions, respectively [90]. The polymer:counterion proportion was thoroughly studied to achieve the most stable and suitable particles for buccal delivery. The stability was determined by assessing nanoparticle aggregation and disintegration in contact with simulated salivary fluid, along with the variation of polydispersity index, hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential. It was observed that alginate NPs presented good stability during 120 min in contact with artificial saliva since some parameters did not significantly vary throughout of the course of the assay. Even though the chelation of zinc ions would be expected due to the high content of phosphates in artificial saliva, so it was suggested that the presence of calcium in the dispersion media prevented the zinc chelation and maintained the structure of alginate NPs intact, as expected to occur in vivo [91]. The size of pectin NPs significantly decreased (with consequent variation of polydispersity index) after contact with artificial saliva, indicating either erosion and/or shrinking due to the formation of additional cross linking with the ions present in the artificial saliva. The size ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Pros And Cons Of Agricultural Subsidies In late 1920, early 1930 s, the government of the United States of America (USA) first initiated efforts to control the agricultural economy during the great depression. During that period of time, farm prices collapsed and therefore farmers hardly had any income. Subsidies are benefits given by the state to specific groups needing financial aid in form of cash or tax reduction. Subsidies are often considered to be in the interest of the general public. Agricultural subsidies therefore exist to stabilize food prices, ensure a healthy food production, guaranteeing a farmer s basic income and in general to strengthen the agricultural part of the economies gross domestic product (GDP) (encyclopedia.com, agricultural subsidies). In reality however, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since there are farmers with more financial opportunities, smaller farms would suffer from the inequality that would be present, as they can not afford high priced equipment and machinery to expand their production or to even invest in new crops. However, when the government decides on subsidies, especially the smaller farms profit from the extra cash, as they can now afford to keep up with the competition. This means that subsidies enable the smaller farms to produce at an optimal level of production. Therefore, financial aids by the state also aim to prevent that there is a monopoly of one farmer since a monopoly would damage the whole agricultural industry. In contrast to monopoly, competition plays an important role, not only in the agricultural, but in any industry. A healthy competition leads to a variety of products the consumer can choose from at an affordable price since a high contestability leads to prices going down to average cost at some point because of the constant undercutting in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Criminal Appeal Process Federal Criminal Appeal Process as a Social Policy The losing party in a judgment by a federal district court, in general has a right to appeal the judgment to the next highest court, which is usually the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. In a federal criminal case, the government may not appeal a not guilty verdict, though they may appeal the sentence imposed on a criminal convict. In a federal criminal case, the defendant may appeal their conviction and the sentence. The party who files the appeal is known as the appellant. The appellant has the burden of proof. The appellant must demonstrate to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals that the federal district made a substantial legal error, which affected the judgment in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Secondly, as stated above, the burden of proof is on the appellant to prove that an error occurred and that the error was substantial. Errors that do not impinge on the substantial rights of the appellant are disregarded as harmless error. Number of Appeals Overview As a general rule, the final judgment of a lower district may only be appealed once to the next higher court. Therefore, the total number of appeals is dependent upon the total number of superior courts to the lower district court, which rendered the judgment. The first appeal is the appeal as of right (Levenson, 2017). The appeal as of right entitles the appellant to the assistance of counsel (Levenson, 2017). Steps in Filing a Timely Appeal: File the Notice of Appeal Filing an appeal is ordinarily a two step process: firstly, file the notice of appeal. The notice of appeal is filed with the lower district court, which simply notifies the lower district court that the defendant is appealing the case. The United States Circuit Court of Appeals may not consider an appeal, if the lower district court has not received timely notice of appeal. In criminal appeals, notice of appeal must be filed within ten days from the date the lower district court s judgment if filed (Levenson, 2017). Secondly, file the appellate brief with the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. As stated above, the appellate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Critical Appreciation Of John Keats British Romantic Literature Assignment (Semester IV) Nayan Srivastava (1116) Keats s Escape from Reality John Keats, a second generation Romantic poet, is considered the perfect Romantic poet. His works have been read, appreciated and studied across the world, though this was not done during his lifetime. Only in the twentieth century did Keats get due credit and respect for the complexity of his odes, his pursuit of truth and beauty and dealing with human difficulty and suffering. The Romantic poets, as a whole, strived for perfection. Romanticism grew as an opposition to the Enlightenment Age or the Age of Reason and as a result the poets focused on emotion, motives and imagination. Keats is known for his aestheticism, sensuousness and captivating imagery in his works. On analysis of his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This ode is the simplest of all his odes and describes the scenes of autumn as a season of abundance. It has a mellow tone and this ode picks up where all the others left off. The simple and sincere appreciation of the season and its reflections in nature as well as the calm acceptance of the upcoming winter project Keats as an evolved individual. Even though a season too is transient in nature, he is inspired in its fleeting beauty and does not yearn permanence as in Ode on a Grecian Urn . Keats preoccupation with mortality and death as in Ode to A Nightingale , too simmers down in this work. The wafting wind is described as living or dying, and the use of these words emphasize an acceptance on his behalf about the natural inevitability of this process. Winter is viewed as a season of absolute decay when everything freezes, and hence To Autumn can be seen as a period prior to the death when one begins to accept one s fate and does not fear death anymore. This ode essentially provides a serene and tranquil closure to all the other odes that preceded this and places Keats in a more stable position in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Summary Of Submission By Amy Waldman The attacks on the World Trade Centers on September 11th left the country a divided nation. A majority seemed to fear anyone who looked different than what they claimed an American should look like. In the novel the Submission written by Amy Waldman, we can see the feelings of survivor families shift after they find out a United States citizen with loose ties to the Muslim religion has won the memorial competition. From their perspective, it felt as if it were a defeat to the whole purpose of the memorial. But from the winner s perspective, he just wanted to try and bring the country together with a memorial that they could all appreciate. In a situation like this it would be difficult to find a side to support due to the fact that they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Taliban Women s Roles After 20 years of civil war, the Taliban, an extremist militia, took over and plunged Afghanistan into gender apartheid. The Taliban is a group composed of all men; they initially started to take over in 1994, but they didn t overthrow the capital, Kabul, until 1996. Many people originally thought they would help stabilize the country; however, its oppressive laws threw women into destitution. Shortly after the Taliban came to power, women s right for healthcare, education, and other lifestyle constraints drastically changed placing women into a state of virtual house arrest. The Taliban jeopardized the health of women when they cut off access to proper medical care. To consider what life was like before the Taliban took control, N. Lukanovich writes, The interpretation of Islam was varied... women were pawned into marriages, education was forbidden for women... Not once does it say anything about women not having the right ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Women were given only the most rudimentary access to medical care, shortening life expectancy and increasing mortality rates. They were also banished from any schooling whether it was public, private, or homeschooling. In addition, women had bizarre rules against how they got around. Women, while allowed to go out, had to be escorted by a male relative. Women also had rules against showing their skin; they were forced to wear a burqa every time they stepped out of their house. They were not allowed to show an inch of their skin and if they did, even by accident, they were punished harshly. The Taliban had no remorse for how they treated these women. Although they were defeated in 2001, many of their concepts are still being practiced today, and women are continuously treated unequally. The Taliban have had a lasting impact on not only Afghanistan, but also countries around the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Building Trust In A Cross Functional Team Trust is an integral component of a highly effective team and is especially necessary in a cross functional team composed of members from various cultures. Trust is the mechanism by which the risks associated with social complexity are transcended risks that might otherwise stifle initiative (Lewicki McAllister, 1998, p. 446). Inherently people do not trust those that are different from themselves. Consequently, creating a fertile environment for trust to grow is critical to overcome the natural responses and build cohesion. Quickly building trust in cross functional teams with diverse backgrounds is especially challenging. Managers on these types of teams should study the cultures of each of the members represented on the team. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. How The Benefits Of Cutting Golf Courses Golf courses must definitely be maintained properly, so that the golfers can play a good game, without any sort of unpleasant situations. For further information regarding this aspect, here is how a golf course is maintained throughout the year. A riding lawn mower is absolutely necessary When it comes to golf courses, you obviously need to cut the grass frequently, and also very well. It needs to be evenly and perfectly cut, so that the golfers don t encounter any difficulties, when it comes to their shots. A quality riding lawn mower is highly recommended. A machine like this is very easy to maneuver, and it will certainly do a wonderful job. Furthermore, the whole job will be finished in a short period of time. Keep in mind that cutting the grass is the most important details to take into account, when it comes to golf courses. Cutting the grass needs to be done throughout the year, regularly. Aeration plays a very important role ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aeration definitely plays a very important role and it must be done properly. The condition of the green actually depends on what it is happening below the surface. Good roots will certainly demand oxygen, and due to the traffic from golfers feet, the soil can be compacted under the putting green. If the soil becomes compacted, then the roots will be left gasping for air. Without the necessary oxygen, the grass will become weaker and it will die. Therefore, it is essential to aerate the soil very well, in order to have a healthy green, and it is recommended to do this twice a year, in the early winter and spring as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Global Warming Position Paper Although some believe that Global Warming has been created due to manmade pollutants, I believe that Global Warming is a natural process that has been accelerated due to the excess emissions of pollutants from nature and manmade devices into the atmosphere. The world has been said to be on a cycle of global warming and cooling, this process can neither be stopped nor prevented, but it can be accelerated with the addition of non natural emissions from automobiles and factories; because this is a natural process, even if constraints were to be put on the amount of pollutants released into the air global warming could not be prevented it could only be slowed. When the inevitable happens and global warming occurs, there are many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Slowing the process of global warming would allow us, as a worldwide power, to take preventative measures that could cut back the amount of damage that global warming can cause though it would be hard, if we could cut back on work hours of large factories and put together more public transportation for the working class then we could slow global warming within the next few years. This idea, if enacted, has the potential to harm the economy of many nations, because the working hours would be cut in factories that employ thousands of employees, but it also can allow for scientists and engineers to come up with a plan that could prevent/lower the amount of risk we have environmentally from being impacted by global warming and its effects. It has the potential to harm the economy of other nations, because shortening the amount of hours that their factories are allowed to run can raise production time and cost this would lead to the increase in price of items, because it would take more money and time to produce these goods rather than if they were able to work for a longer amount of time and produce more goods in this time period. The reward outweighs the risk, though; this is because if global warming is not slowed down, then the sea level can rise sooner than we are able ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Pros And Cons Of Hemp Essay TRINIDAD AND HEMP OR IS HEMP REALLY THE ENEMY? OR HEMP REVEALED There has been a great deal of active discussion regarding hemp in today s society and its usefulness on the society as a whole. What s more argued about than its usefulness is whether or not it ought to be legal. Several nations across the Western Hemisphere are exempt from the back and forth debate on the subject concerning the use of Hemp. Trinidad falls within the group of countries currently petitioning for the decriminalization of hemp. With widespread controversy over the substance, what has to be known is if Trinidad will treat this topic differently from others and what will be the size of that variance. First and foremost, to fully understand the views of any item being ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The hemp seed itself contains Omega 6 (polyunsaturated fatty acid) and Omega 3 (polyunsaturated fatty acid), essential fatty acids that make for a healthy heart and anti inflammatory benefits. Unlike marijuana, it does not make the user get high and loose all form of inhibition, which is a major side effect governments have been concerned about. Due to the protein and fiber in hemp, digestion is slowed therefore preventing spikes in blood sugar. Apart from regulating digestion, the protein and fiber keeps one fuller for an extended time and eliminates outrageous snacking. These benefits of the substance are not oftentimes mentioned like others. Additional attention is mostly paid to the reduction in risk of cardiovascular disease, lowering blood pressure, fending off Alzheimer s disease, stimulating skin and hair growth, maintaining bone health, metabolism regulation, and also the improvement of brain performance. Hemp seeds that contain essential amino acids, improves muscle management, mental function, and normal body maintenance of cells, muscle, tissues, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Nurse Vs. Behavioral Health Nurse The best part of your decision was not only did you protect your license; you also protected the nurse s license that made the suggestion. In addition, you found an alternative method to help better distribute the patient assignments and achieve the desired goal. The justification for working out of our scope of practice can be as simple as you said feeling complimented , but does not consider safety risk if something goes wrong. Another common hospital practice that places nurses in similar jeopardy is being pulled to a nursing unit deemed comparable. As behavioral health nurses (adult unit), we are required to cover our child and adolescent psychiatric unit (CAPU) when their below their staffing needs. Though all behavioral units have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Coming Of Age In To Kill A Mockingbird Coming of Age As people get older they go through experiences in their life that can change them in bad ways or most of the time change them in good ways.This good change occurs usually by the experiences teaching them important lessons they should know in life.These changes are very important in ones life because it matures them into an adult. This transformation happens to certain characters in every novel and it is called coming of age. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, both Jem and Scout go through this coming of age and learn what it means to be courageous, the unfairness of the world, and to look at other people s perspective before judging them. First Jem and Scout learn what real courage is. When Cecil starts saying bad things about Atticus Scout doesn t fight him like she did before I drew a bead on him, remembered ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Scout stands up for Walter Cunningham and says That Walter s as smart as he can be, he just gets held back sometimes because he has to stay out and help his daddy. Nothing s wrong with him. (p304). Scout realizes that Walter Cunningham is not the way he is by choice but because his life holds him back by seeing what it would be like to be him. When Scout goes on the Radley s porch and thinks about how things would look like through Boo s eyes she realizes Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley s porch was enough (p.374). When Scout was younger she believed that Boo was this monster because of all the rumors that were spread about him but in reality Boo is this kind man who is kind to Jem and Scout. After realizing this Scout now sees hat Atticus was right and that she she shouldn t judge someone just by things she hears and people might do what they do for a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well-known painter... Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez, a well known painter during the 17th century, was born in Seville in 1599 (Brown 1). He was the eldest of the seven children, and the son of Silva and Jerónima Velazquez (Brown 1). Both of his parents claimed to be descendants of lesser nobility, a claim that Velázquez will later benefit from (Brown 1). During his time, painting was considered a craft, which is work done with hands rather than the mind, meaning it was unworthy of a nobleman (Carr 26). Velázquez was sent to Franciso Pacheco, a well known painter in Seville, as an apprentice (Carr 26). Under Pacheco s teachings, Velázquez began to use everyday life as his subjects, which at the time was something new; he painted tavern and kitchen scenes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All of these fascinating qualities of Velázquez s paintings later influence Goya, Mazo, Juan Carreño, and many more. Las Meninas, which means the maids of honor, is considered to be Velázquez s masterpiece within has last few years (Harris 170). Most of the information we know today, come form Palomino, who is the Court Painter to Phillip IV s successor, Chalres II (Harris 170). Palomino even knew all of the people being portrayed except for one, and even gave the date when the painting was completed, 1656 (Harris 170). The center of the piece is focused on the Infanta Margarita, the five year old princess, who is surrounded by her two meninas, maids of honour. The menina standing on the Infanta s left side, handing her a vessel of water while doing a curtsey is named María Aguestina Sarmineto (Carr 47). The menina standing on her right look as if she is about to bend down to whisper something to the princess or about to do a curtsy is named Isabel de Velasco (Carr 47). In the bottom right corner of the painting are two dwarfs, Maribarbola and Nicolas Pertusato (Carr 47). Nicolas appears to be awakening the mastiff (Carr 47). Palomino said that when the mastiff was being painted it had stayed motionless (Harris 170). Standing behind them is Marcela Ulloa, who is the attendant to the ladies in waiting, and a male escort who is not named (Carr 47). In the doorway of the painting stands the Queen s Palace Marshal, also known as the Queens Chamberlain, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Kudler Fine Foods and Wine Abstract This paper focuses on the various ways which Kudler Fine Foods and Wine can do in case of a critical event to avoid negative publicity by the media. It highlights different steps that can be employed by any organization to ensure that its image as well as interests is safeguarded. In addition, this paper focuses on the role of public relation and public affairs in critical incidences. The organizational truth and public communication are also discussed in this paper. Lastly right to know versus personal privacy is also put into consideration in the critical incidences. Introduction Kudler Fine Foods and Wine is a food shop which was started in 1998 by Kathy Kudler, the owner. Currently, the owner has expanded his business to three different locations. The business provides quality and various varieties of food and wines. It is evident that the company has experienced a notable growth, and it is expected to develop even more in the near future. Similar to other organizations, Kudler Fine Foods and Wines can have critical events, which can jeopardize the reputation of a company on the face of the media. How the Organization can overcome its Critical Event in the Face of the Media Research indicates that many organizations all over the world will be confronted because of critical events, which are likely to compromise the reputation of the organization (Nudell Antokol, 2001). Due to this fact, planning on how to overcome its critical event in the face of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Consciousness In The German Ideology Before one is able to consider this quote, the concept of materialism and consciousness must be dissected. According to Marx, materialism is not only the way people s beliefs are conditioned by material activities, but also the fact that people s ideologies are conditioned by history and the powers of production. Consciousness plays a large role in his definition of materialism, because they are inherently connected. For example, The production of ideas, of conceptions, of consciousness is directly interwoven with the material activity and the material relationships of men; it is the language of actual life (Marx, 111). Marx also defines consciousness as an economic process; in other words, economic determinism defines consciousness and even history itself. This differs greatly from Hegel s idea that consciousness is a process called the dialectic, which includes distinguishing between thesis and antithesis in order to come to a conclusion. Although Marx utilizes the dialectic to analyze materialism and consciousness in The German Ideology, he goes even further than Hegel and uses this dialectic thinking to challenge Hegel s own concepts. It is important to understand the concept that the process of thinking is actually a reflection of the external world through consciousness, because then one can connect the idea that it is more of a relationship than an externalized object. Marx explains this notion when he states, In the social production of their existence, men ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Actions Caused by Cognitive Dissonance Essay If I chose to do it or say it, I must believe in it. asserts the psychologist Leon Festinger (as cited in Psychology: Eighth Edition in Modules, 2007, p.731). When we become aware that our actions contradict our attitudes, we tend to revise our attitudes. This statement fits Festinger s cognitive dissonance theory that asserts that we act to reduce discomfort or dissonance, an unpleasant tension, we experience when two of our thoughts or cognitions are inconsistent. Mkimmie, et al. (2003) investigated the impact of social support on cognitive dissonance arousal in their experiment, I m a Hypocrite, but So Is Everyone Else: Group Support and the Reduction of Cognitive Dissonance. The psychologists aimed to test the impact of social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The fact that the level of dissonance assessed in terms of attitude change was greatest for participants given no support, but only when a shared group membership was made salient, proved their first hypothesis. The participants subjected to the highest levels of dissonance, through a high salience and nonsupport condition, distanced themselves from the group as the second hypothesis predicted. Overall, the main point of this research was to examine the role of social support in the arousal and reduction of cognitive dissonance. The researchers conducted this experiment in an effort to augment rather than change current understanding of the dissonance phenomena; however, this theory does not expand the current understanding of dissonance because it does not provide concrete, reliable evidence of how group support can reduce cognitive dissonance. Also the researchers did not test a random or a representative sample and inferred dissonance solely from surveys that measured attitude change. The fact that surveys were used as the main method to ascertain the self reported attitudes or behaviors of people weakens the theory s reliability and validity. The wording and order of the questions could have had a major affect on how the subjects responded and possibly skewed the researcher s central data. Additionally, the researchers did not use a direct method to detect dissonance; instead, they merely inferred the presence of dissonance exclusively from surveys ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Silver Age Research Paper The Silver Age is also recognized to be the superhero era of science. Science would explain any dilemma in the story line and would also be the answer to how to fix it. Many superhero origins were also based on the idea of science such as the X Men, Spiderman, and the Fantastic Four gained their superhuman abilities by genetic mutation. Science topics and factoids also appeared in comics during the Silver Age through comic issues of The Flash. Each issue contained multiple panels explaining scientific topics that related to the plot line. An example of this would be from The Flash Issue #140, in which one of Flash s nemeses Heat Wave used a gun like weapon to transform heat waves into physical bullets. Throughout The Flash Issue #140, factoids about heat waves were laced within the story line, creating an educational standpoint within comic books. Another significant aspect of the Silver Age was the international space race between the United States and the Soviet Union over usage of satellites and spacecraft in Earth s atmosphere. The heated topic became inspiration for many storylines to break boundaries both with setting and characters by having storylines take place in space and having superheroes defending Earth from extraterrestrials (Hatfield 102). The use of outer space and aliens in superhero ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whether it is the art style or the storyline, superhero comics have evolved over the years to appeal to their diverse audience. In the end, superhero comics are so popular because they give people hope. They re a push to carry on and make something of yourself even in times of oppression. Today there are superheroes of different genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities and professions and the representation everyone gets is doing a lot to prove that anyone, regardless of who they are, can accomplish great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. A Comedic Drama Genre 2. This genre is a combination of comedic drama, however it is primarily comedy, and dark comedy at that. Whether it be jokes or poking fun at others in the acts there is clear comedic nature in the writing. Characters poke fun at one another and act in flamboyant ways. I have to problem saying that this is a comedy despite its romantic plot and nature. 3. What is the exposition of the story? The two are ready to be married but no one loves Helena. What is the rising action or actions in this story? the fights in the relationship are what cause the negative effects in the world. What is the climax of this selection? The fight between the two men and women. What is the falling action in the story? Before the fighting is resolved the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...