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        December 13, 2011
Carl Nelson   Jonathan Hung   Robert Surrency

Raised $606 = Educating 21 students for one year.

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UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dustUX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust

My opening keynote at UX Riga, 2016 UX strategy is about analyzing an organization’s business strategy and outlining what needs to be done from a UX perspective to ensure that the goals of the business strategy are achieved. In brief, UX strategy is the glue that binds the company vision (goals) with the day-to-day UX tactics (execution). Without a clear UX strategy, it is entirely possible to design killer UX concepts, yet fail miserably in the marketplace. That happens a lot. This talk aims to help companies and designers avoid costly yet easily avoidable pitfalls.

uxrigaeric reissux strategy
Prototyping Information Architecture
Prototyping Information ArchitecturePrototyping Information Architecture
Prototyping Information Architecture

The document discusses Leisa Reichelt's approach to prototyping, which involves quickly testing ideas through multiple prototypes rather than extensive documentation. She advocates forming a multidisciplinary team to create prototypes moving from sketches to HTML to test content and get early user feedback. Prototypes should be used to test both qualitative and functional aspects. Iterating quickly allows learning more. This approach can be used with startups, large conservative organizations, and governments to make new things less scary through experimentation.

information architectureuser experienceprototyping
The visual interface is now your brand
The visual interface is now your brandThe visual interface is now your brand
The visual interface is now your brand

Like it or not, more and more interactions between companies and their customers are occurring via an interface. Careful consideration of the interaction and visual design is of paramount importance to any company wishing to grow their customer base or loyalty. The importance of visual interface design has risen sharply since the introduction of smart phones and tablets and is becoming ever more complex. Executives now care more than ever about the visual interface and what it means to their brand. So how does one stand out? This talk will help designers create visual interfaces for dense, complex products and make their experiences memorable and useful. The talk highlights some of the key differences between more traditional visual design mediums and designing for the interface. It will also discuss how to design a unique visual interface but put the needs of users first, how to add surprise and delight to critical moments of the experience, and how craftsmanship and attention to detail can set you apart in a visually complex medium.

interaction design 11brandexperience design
“   ‘User experience’ encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s
    interaction with the company, its services, and its products. The
    first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the
    exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next comes
    simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own,
    a joy to use. True user experience goes far beyond giving customers
    what they say they want, or providing checklist features. In order
    to achieve high-quality user experience in a company’s offerings
    there must be a seamless merging of the services of multiple
    disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and
    industrial design, and interface design.
                                                           Neilson Norman Group
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

• Who is the audience?
• Is this really a good experience for the end user?
• Have I considered the entire experience, not just what’s
   in front of me?
   (Not just digitally, but in the real world as well)
• Even though it “works”, is there anything that can be
   improved to better the experience?
Guiding UX Principles

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NoVA UX Responsive Design
NoVA UX Responsive DesignNoVA UX Responsive Design
NoVA UX Responsive Design

Presentation for NoVA UX Meetup Group on October 24th, 2012. Thanks to everyone for coming out! Looking forward to seeing you at the next event!

responsive design techniquessiteworxmatt fiore
Design process
Design processDesign process
Design process

The document provides an overview of the design thinking process, which includes discovery, framing insights into direction, developing concepts, creating prototypes, gathering feedback, and iterating. It discusses methods for each stage like learning from users, experts, context immersion, and inspirations in discovery. In framing, important elements are analyzed and synthesized to determine direction. Concepts integrate analyzed elements into concrete solutions. Prototypes are created and feedback is gathered to integrate into the next iteration. The document outlines tools, methods, and pitfalls to consider at each stage of the process.

user experience
Agile design thinking and you... ux australia2011
Agile design thinking and you... ux australia2011Agile design thinking and you... ux australia2011
Agile design thinking and you... ux australia2011

Agile is changing the way we create software. Design, and Design Thinking, is becoming pivotal to business success. The UX game is changing, and you need to step up! Daniel Oertli (CIO, REA Group) and Jason Furnell (Experience Design consultant, ThoughtWorks) will discuss the changing role of UX in fast moving, Agile development environments, presenting case studies demonstrating the impact that a design-led approach has had at Australia’s No.1 real estate site (www.realestate.com.au). This talk will present concepts that will challenge your thinking and introduce you to new methods that will increase your impact as a designer working on software and business strategy projects. The Agile development methodology dramatically changes the role of designers: the build is the design. Agile concepts like ‘working software over comprehensive documentation’ and the disciplines of ‘just enough’ and ‘just in time’, mean that traditional, heavy weight specification documentation is no longer effective – or even possible. Practitioners need to find ways to ‘power up’ their design impact. Jason and Daniel will discuss how to use collaborative design as a ‘force multiplier’, share the experience of designing in real-time, and show you how to let go, be fearless and take your team with you on a journey that builds trust, buy-in and design momentum. They will challenge you to shift your focus; to make the transition to design thinking, and focus on design facilitation in order to increase the scale and complexity of the things you design.

uxdesign thnkingagile
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Content is the heart of your experience.

•   Do you know what content you have?
•   Is the content redundant, outdated, trivial?
•   Is your content static or will it change over time?
•   Do you have an overall content strategy?
Guiding UX Principles

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The elements of product success for designers and developers
The elements of product success for designers and developersThe elements of product success for designers and developers
The elements of product success for designers and developers

All software, whether it's for consumers or workers, needs to meet the ever growing demands people have in today’s world. Greater user expectations and influence are forcing companies to create and deliver better products, but not every organization has a rich heritage in software creation like tech giants Apple and Google. Most companies need to be more customer-focused, become design specialists, and transform their cultures as they shift to become both software makers and innovators. Myers, head of design services at Cooper, will share the elements of product success that companies need to possess and be market leaders: user insight, design, and organization. Myers will share principles and techniques that successful innovative companies use to truly understand their customers. He’ll also discuss the methods effective designers use to support their customers and create breakthrough ideas and delightful experiences. And he’ll finish by sharing the magic formula organizations need to deliver ground-breaking experiences to market. This talk was given at UX Day.

methodsux dayuxday
DIY UX - Higher Ed
DIY UX - Higher EdDIY UX - Higher Ed
DIY UX - Higher Ed

This document provides an overview of DIY user experience (UX) design techniques that organizations can use to improve their digital products and services without hiring external UX professionals. It discusses design research methods like user interviews and analytics to understand user needs. It also covers usability testing, A/B testing of design variations, and establishing a culture of continuous experimentation and iteration. The document emphasizes listening to users, using both qualitative and quantitative data to inform decisions, testing designs, and completing the feedback loop to ensure ongoing improvements.

usabilityuser experienceux
How to design more ethically engaging experiences (UCD 2016)
How to design more ethically engaging experiences (UCD 2016)How to design more ethically engaging experiences (UCD 2016)
How to design more ethically engaging experiences (UCD 2016)

Hi. My name is Neil, and I’m an addict. I’ll admit it, I’m addicted to technology, and you know what, I suspect that you are too. We’re all addicts now aren’t we? We’ve all become addicted to a very modern drug called technology. It’s not our fault that we’re addicted to technology, we're only human after all. You see technology is just too damn addictive. And why is it so addictive? Because it’s been designed to be so by designers like you and me. It’s been designed to engage, to demand our attention, to draw us in and to slowly but surely get us hooked. In this talk which was originally delivered at UCD 2016, I’m going to argue the case for why we as designers should be helping to break this cycle of addiction. Why we should be focusing on making a positive impact on peoples’ lives, rather than chasing ever greater usage of our products and designs. I’m going to show you how to create products that are more ethically engaging; that let people get on with their lives without becoming a slave to the machine!

ethicsux designux
Guiding UX Principles
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

A path! A path!

•   Can users get from A to B...easily?
•   Is it easy to move forward and back?
•   Is there too many steps or too few?
•   Can you tell where you are?
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles

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What is UX?
What is UX?What is UX?
What is UX?

The document discusses user experience (UX) and how it differs from common sense and information architecture. UX focuses on understanding user needs and designing products and services to meet those needs. The value of UX is that it leads to faster and better solutions, greater productivity, and helps companies avoid failures caused by not understanding users. UX combines skills like strategy, research, design and development to simplify complexity and create desirable, feasible and viable solutions from the user's perspective. It is important to involve UX early in projects to avoid costly redesigns later. The amount of time a UX project takes depends on its scope, from a few days for simple projects to over a month for complex ones.

user storyuser experiencedigital strategy
Design Thinking is Killing Creativity
Design Thinking is Killing CreativityDesign Thinking is Killing Creativity
Design Thinking is Killing Creativity

This presentation explores the concept of Design Thinking, some of its problems, and how we can fix them.

SXSW 2012: The visual interface is now your brand
SXSW 2012: The visual interface is now your brandSXSW 2012: The visual interface is now your brand
SXSW 2012: The visual interface is now your brand

Like it or not, the digital world has changed at a wicked pace and more and more interactions between companies and customers now happen via an interface. Careful consideration of the software's design is of paramount importance to any company wishing to grow their customer base or loyalty. At the center of this change sits the user experience, which has become a huge influence in how customers perceive a company's brand. Traditional marketing principles and practices aren’t effective in software. So how do you create an experience that is usable, desirable, and still stands out? Myers, an interface and brand specialist in design, marketing, and development for 16 years, will highlight the differences of software from other forms of media, you’ll gain insight for creating a truly unique experience that guides executives and teams, and can influence your company’s culture. You’ll learn new techniques such as defining the ideal experience, exploring first impressions with visual language studies, and designing signature interactions. These techniques build a memorable experience that’s hard for your competitors to mimic and your customers will fall in love with.

visual designsxswiexperience strategy
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Less is more.

• What can I remove from this screen, interaction, or page
   so that the most important functionality is prominent?
• Can you explain why it really needs to be there?
• Is the purpose and function of this page convoluted by too
   many visual elements, buttons, form fields?
• Can you say the same thing with less words?
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles

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Strategic User Experience (ConfabUK 2013)
Strategic User Experience (ConfabUK 2013)Strategic User Experience (ConfabUK 2013)
Strategic User Experience (ConfabUK 2013)

This document discusses strategic user experience and how to effectively prototype strategies to achieve organizational goals. It emphasizes that strategy is best executed through prototyping rather than abstract planning. Some key points made include prototyping in code instead of tools like Axure, using multidisciplinary teams to quickly test ideas iteratively, making evidence-based decisions through experimentation and analytics, and using prototypes to engage stakeholders and bring strategies to life. The overall message is that prototyping is crucial for translating strategies into reality and driving organizational alignment and change.

prototypinguser experiencestrategic ux
(Design) Principles To Build By
(Design) Principles To Build By(Design) Principles To Build By
(Design) Principles To Build By

How do you extend a product vision statement such that it remains aspirational but is specific enough to clarify intention and make difficult decisions easy? Enter "Design Tenets"

Good UX Bad UX
Good UX Bad UXGood UX Bad UX
Good UX Bad UX

1. The document discusses UX design, including defining UX, the work of UX designers, and how to review UX. 2. It provides insights into how users interact with digital products and highlights truths about users, such as how they rely on habits and treat products as their property. 3. Examples are given of reviewing the UX of Snapchat for different age groups, finding that younger users prioritized fun over functions while older users focused more on understanding the product.

Guiding UX Principles
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Lather, rinse, repeat.

• Is the style guide or pattern library being followed?
• Are they violating expectations around established
   interface guidelines?
• Would interacting with anything in this system surprise a user?
• Are similar tasks completed in the same way throughout
   the system?
• When they updated their product, is the functionality and
   content in the locations people expect?
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles

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Setting Course: Design Research to Experience Roadmap
Setting Course: Design Research to Experience RoadmapSetting Course: Design Research to Experience Roadmap
Setting Course: Design Research to Experience Roadmap

Presented by Jason Ulaszek and Brian Winters at Interactions '13 on January 28th, 2013. Have you ever been enlisted by your company or client to create a consumer “vision” for the evolution of their product or service? As design-thinking principles and activities continue to become centerstage in transforming business models, creating new products and services to meet consumer and market demand, we'll be counted on to leverage our skill to help inform business direction. So, how do you do it? Design research is critical. Creating foundational, living documentation about the needs, beliefs and behaviors of your customer is of the utmost importance. And, being able to identify needs, opportunities and the future direction for the business, based on both sound process and analytical thought, will be your keys to short and long-term success. In this session you'll learn how to turn design research activities into a mental model, identify potential new business opportunities and derive business and experience direction from your newly found consumer insight. And, you'll look like a freakin' rockstar in your company doing it.

user experienceixdainteraction design
UX principles at Marketing Week Live London 2014
UX principles at Marketing Week Live London 2014UX principles at Marketing Week Live London 2014
UX principles at Marketing Week Live London 2014

User Experience (UX) principles for marketing team as presented by Danny Bluestone at Marketing Week Live 2014 in London. The presentation touches on the importance of UX and how it has to be engrained into an organisation's culture as opposed to being a bolt-on.

cyber-duckdigital agencyux principles
What is a UX Strategy?
What is a UX Strategy?What is a UX Strategy?
What is a UX Strategy?

The document discusses what a UX strategy is and how to develop one. It explains that a UX strategy defines the big picture vision for a product by focusing on solving the users' problems rather than just designing individual screens. The levels of UX design are outlined from strategic goals down to individual interface objects. Examples of successful strategies like ProFlowers and Websense are provided that were built around understanding the users' needs rather than the company's existing solutions. The key aspects of developing a strategy are identifying the user's problem, desired outcome, knowledge, and knowledge gaps.

ux design strategy user experience knowledge conti
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

• Are well known patterns and models that people are used to,
  difficult to use or interact with?
• Are there opportunities to standardize specific patterns or models
  to be more consistent with what people are used to?
Guiding UX Principles

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Creating a Core Strategy with the UX Strategy Blueprint
Creating a Core Strategy with the UX Strategy BlueprintCreating a Core Strategy with the UX Strategy Blueprint
Creating a Core Strategy with the UX Strategy Blueprint

The document discusses defining and building strategy, describing it as a creative exercise to design a way to overcome key challenges and reach desired outcomes through interlocking choices, and providing examples of strategic questions and elements that can be used to develop a strategy blueprint for a user experience.

UX Strategy and Lean UX
UX Strategy and Lean UXUX Strategy and Lean UX
UX Strategy and Lean UX

Learn how to create a winning strategy and design concepts through strategy workshops and design studios. Find out how UX is at the heart of hot concepts such as LeanUX, Design Thinking and Agile Development.

Simulating Your Ideas & Designs
Simulating Your Ideas & DesignsSimulating Your Ideas & Designs
Simulating Your Ideas & Designs

http://skl.sh/py9AdK This was the presentation given at the SkillShare class "Simulating Your Ideas & Designs".

user experienceprototyping
Cover Flow


             Checkout Workflow
Guiding UX Principles
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Make it easy and clear.

•   Are there clear signs for what to do and where to go?
•   Do you know what the primary goals for the user are?
•   Are you thinking in terms of features or needs?
•   Could your grandmother do the basics?
Guiding UX Principles

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Agile vs ??
Agile vs ??Agile vs ??
Agile vs ??

Appsterdam Milan meetup 15/10/2015 How to become a happy Agile developer... and never feel lost Discover more at http://blog.zigolab.it

Lean ux principles
Lean ux principlesLean ux principles
Lean ux principles

The document outlines the principles of Lean UX, which are inspired by Lean Startup and Agile Development theories. It emphasizes bringing products to light faster through cross-functional collaboration with less emphasis on deliverables. Key principles include forming small, dedicated, co-located cross-functional teams; focusing on outcomes over outputs; removing waste; using small batch sizes; continuous discovery; getting out of the building to engage customers; emphasizing shared understanding; allowing for permission to fail through experimentation; and getting out of the deliverables business to focus on outcomes. The overall goal is to sustain innovation, agility, and feedback to develop solutions through a collaborative process.

uxlean startup
Laban Principles for UX Design
Laban Principles for UX DesignLaban Principles for UX Design
Laban Principles for UX Design

This document discusses Laban Movement Principles and how they can be applied to UX/UI design. It introduces Rudolf Laban, the creator of the first dance notation system and movement theorist. It then explains some of Laban's key concepts including kinesphere, spatial harmony, and the Effort Graph which analyzes the dynamics of movement. The document provides examples of how these principles correlate to gestures and qualities of intention. It concludes by examining applications of Laban's work for graphical interface motion, interaction metaphors, and examples like gestural interfaces.

Guiding UX Principles
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Always the best policy.

•   Is it clear why they are collecting sensitive information?
•   Can you find help or contact resources easily?
•   Do they provide a secure environment?
•   Are instructions and directions clearly explained?
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles

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How to Develop a Successful UX Strategy
How to Develop a Successful UX StrategyHow to Develop a Successful UX Strategy
How to Develop a Successful UX Strategy

UserZoom hosted a webinar with UX strategy expert Paul Bryan. In the webinar, Paul covered 7 important elements for developing a successful UX strategy.

user experience strategyuser experienceux strategy
Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder AnalysisStakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is used to identify an organization's stakeholders, assess how they may be impacted by or influence the organization, and develop strategies for managing stakeholder relationships. The document defines stakeholders as any person or group that can be positively or negatively affected by an organization's actions. It then discusses different frameworks for categorizing stakeholders, such as internal vs. external, primary vs. secondary, and mapping stakeholders based on attributes like power, interests, and urgency. Performing a stakeholder analysis helps an organization develop strategies to meet stakeholder needs and create value, thereby gaining acceptance and managing risks from stakeholders.

UX STRAT 2013: Tim Loo, Workshop: Redesigning business culture and thinking a...
UX STRAT 2013: Tim Loo, Workshop: Redesigning business culture and thinking a...UX STRAT 2013: Tim Loo, Workshop: Redesigning business culture and thinking a...
UX STRAT 2013: Tim Loo, Workshop: Redesigning business culture and thinking a...

The document summarizes key aspects of a workshop on developing user experience (UX) strategy. It discusses understanding the current customer experience through pain point mapping and principles for envisioning improved future experiences. Workshop exercises guide participants in collaboratively defining goals, stakeholders, pain points, experience principles and roadmaps. The goal is to help organizations transform culture and align all customer touchpoints with business and brand strategies through a holistic UX strategy.

uxstrattim looux strat 2013

Apple Store
Facebook Privacy Settings Page (2010)

“   The act of creating deliberately confusing
    jargon and user-interfaces which trick
    your users into sharing more info about
    themselves than they really want to.
                                                       Tim Jones
                                  Electronic Frontier Foundation
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

It’s still design, not science.

• Does it include basic design principles?
   (Balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis, color, texture & lines)
• Does it use layout grids?
• Do components have enough spacing?
• Is there a visual and information hierarchy?

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Elements & Principles of Design
Elements & Principles of DesignElements & Principles of Design
Elements & Principles of Design

The document defines various artistic elements and concepts used in visual art including: - Line: Different types of lines including outlines, contours, expressive, sketch, and calligraphic lines. Characteristics of lines like width, length, direction, focus, and feeling. - Shape: Geometric, organic, positive, negative, static, and dynamic shapes. - Color: Primary, secondary, tertiary colors. Analogous, complementary, monochromatic, warm, and cool colors. - Space: Positive and negative space, picture plane, composition, and focal point. - Perspective: Linear and nonlinear perspective using techniques like size variation, overlapping, and convergence of lines. - Texture: Real

by Z M
principles of designzaiba mustafamaaz mustafa
Value Proposition Design
Value Proposition DesignValue Proposition Design
Value Proposition Design

The document discusses tools and processes for designing and testing value propositions for businesses. It describes using the Value Proposition Canvas tool to iteratively search for value propositions that customers want through designing, testing, and evolving propositions. It emphasizes managing the non-linear process of value proposition design by systematically applying tools like the Canvas to reduce risk.

Basic Principles of Interface design
Basic Principles of Interface designBasic Principles of Interface design
Basic Principles of Interface design

This document outlines the basic principles of user-centered design (UCD). It discusses how UCD prioritizes users by putting them at the center of design decisions through iterative testing and research. The goal is to optimize the user experience. Key aspects of UCD include discovering user needs through research, defining concepts based on personas, designing prototypes, and evaluating designs through usability testing to identify problems and continually improve the design.

Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles

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More Than Usability
More Than UsabilityMore Than Usability
More Than Usability

This document discusses 7 methods for conducting user research: field studies, desirability studies, surveys and polls, usability studies, remote testing, A/B testing, and researching without users. It provides an overview of when each method should be used, how to implement it, and tips/tools for each. The document emphasizes that user research is important because designers are not users, and it should be conducted at different stages of the product development process to inform, optimize, and assess the user experience.

product designuser experienceux
User Experience Design: an Overview
User Experience Design: an OverviewUser Experience Design: an Overview
User Experience Design: an Overview

Julie Grundy gives an overview of user experience Design, why it's important, guiding principles, UX research overview, and tactics used by UX professionals. November 2015.

user experienceuxnielsen
Workshop: The craft of creating delightful experiences: User Centred Problem ...
Workshop: The craft of creating delightful experiences: User Centred Problem ...Workshop: The craft of creating delightful experiences: User Centred Problem ...
Workshop: The craft of creating delightful experiences: User Centred Problem ...

Learn about the Design Thinking methodology used at Blackboard to empathise with our users and solve problems. In this workshop we will apply Design Thinking to evaluate the Learn interface and user experiences when logging into Blackboard. Together we will ideate and wireframe suggested solutions.

design thinkingdesignworkshop
Guiding UX Principles
No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10

Practice good listening skills.

• How do you know what you’ve done is best for the user?
• What questions do you have about the design that a user
  might answer?
• Are there places on the site that users can solicit feedback?
• Does the brand make communication with customers a
  core value?
Guiding UX Principles
Guiding UX Principles

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Intro to Lean UX with UserTesting
Intro to Lean UX with UserTestingIntro to Lean UX with UserTesting
Intro to Lean UX with UserTesting

This document provides an introduction to Lean UX and UserTesting. It defines UX and Lean UX, discusses the benefits of user testing such as increased revenue and decreased costs, and outlines the UserTesting process including defining objectives, writing tasks, analyzing results, and using metrics and notes. UserTesting allows remote, unmoderated usability testing of digital products through video recordings of testers interacting with designs. The document provides tips for effective user testing through UserTesting.

productproduct managementux
Developers, you're designing experiences (and you didn't even know it)
Developers, you're designing experiences (and you didn't even know it)Developers, you're designing experiences (and you didn't even know it)
Developers, you're designing experiences (and you didn't even know it)

Designers are from Venus, developers are from Mars. For far too long, the two groups have had difficulties working together. At best, it is dysfunctional, at worst, impossible. In return, we have been drowned in a sea of horrible products. Great experiences come from design and technology working together to complement each other. In this presentation, the focus in on how developers can be integrated into the design process earlier and more effectively.

software developmentweb design and developmentdesign
User Interface Design- Module 2 Uid Process
User Interface Design- Module 2 Uid ProcessUser Interface Design- Module 2 Uid Process
User Interface Design- Module 2 Uid Process

User Interface Design- Module 2 Uid Process Subject Code:15CS832 USER INTERFACE DESIGN VTU UNIVERSITY Referred Text Book: The Essential Guide to User Interface Design (Second Edition) Author: Wilbert O. Galitz

uiduser interface designinterface design

  1   User-Centric Thinking           6   Patterns & Models

  2   Content Matters                 7   Don’t Make Me Think

  3   Clear Workflows                 8   Honesty & Transparency

  4   Simplify                        9   Design Principles

  5   Consistency                10       Ask for Feedback
The Scenario

Re-imagine how you buy a
    Kindle on Amazon

    10 GROUPS
    30 MINUTES

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Conversion Day 2015 - Usability Best Practices - Johan Verhaegen
Conversion Day 2015 - Usability Best Practices - Johan VerhaegenConversion Day 2015 - Usability Best Practices - Johan Verhaegen
Conversion Day 2015 - Usability Best Practices - Johan Verhaegen

Surely you've attended them: all those design meetings full of high-temperature discussions about product pages, search queries and checkout flows. Everybody has their own opinion and preference, everyone refers to another big name with: “Let's do it like they do, surely they've got it right”. More often than not it ends up in a chaotic mishmash. It doesn't have to be that way. By creating a design vision specifically tailored to your website or mobile app, you will enter your future design meetings with much more confidence and efficiency. And armored with an up-to-date selection of e-commerce usability best practices, you will be ready to design like a pro. In this talk you will learn: - How to create a design vision, tailored to your specific goals. - Which usability best practices are relevant to improve your conversion rates.

user experienceusability
501 Talks Tech: Design Thinking Workshop by Dupla Studios
501 Talks Tech: Design Thinking Workshop by Dupla Studios501 Talks Tech: Design Thinking Workshop by Dupla Studios
501 Talks Tech: Design Thinking Workshop by Dupla Studios

The document provides an overview of the design thinking process through two case studies. It begins with an introduction to design thinking and covers the main stages of the process - discovery, definition, development, and delivery. The first case study examines improving automotive infotainment systems based on field observations and user insights. The second case study looks at designing a platform to better connect volunteers with nonprofit opportunities. The document concludes with a workshop on user research skills like interviewing and making sense of user data.

Collaboration Within A Multidisciplinary Team
Collaboration Within A Multidisciplinary Team Collaboration Within A Multidisciplinary Team
Collaboration Within A Multidisciplinary Team

Collaboration within a multidisciplinary team: working together to solve design problems more effectively. These slides are from a workshop at UX Cambridge 2012 presented with Andy Morris and Revathi Nathaniel from Red Gate. The workshop aimed to promote the role of UX practitioners as facilitators and gave participants the opportunity to try out the KJ-Method and Design Consequences game.

#uxcam collaboration multidisciplinaryteams agile

           THE APPROACH
1 Ideation                                   3 Sketch
 • Individual brainstorm                      • Converge ideas
 • Anything goes – no critique                • Sketch your idea
 • Use the assigned UX Principle              • One paragraph description
    as a Lens

2 Refine                                     4 Present
 • Regroup                                    • Pick a speaker
 • Pick 2-3 ideas                             • Tell us about your group’s idea
 • Explore combinations & best traits

Carl Nelson                Jonathan Hung                  Robert Surrency
e: carl@carlrnelson.com    e: jonathan.a.hung@gmail.com   e: hello@rsurrency.com
t: @CarlRNelson            t: @JonathanHung               t: @RobSurrency

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Usability for Web Designers
Usability for Web DesignersUsability for Web Designers
Usability for Web Designers

This document discusses web usability for designers. It begins with an introduction to usability, providing examples of usability guidelines and techniques for do-it-yourself usability testing. Some of the key guidelines discussed include consistency and standards, error handling, recognition over recall, and limiting unnecessary content. The document also provides a navigation stress test technique for testing usability without user recruitment. Resources for learning more about usability include research firms, books, and organizations.

Design Process | Tool 02: Scenario - Tool 03: Wireframe
Design Process | Tool 02: Scenario - Tool 03: WireframeDesign Process | Tool 02: Scenario - Tool 03: Wireframe
Design Process | Tool 02: Scenario - Tool 03: Wireframe

"A scenario is a description of a person’s interaction with a system. Scenarios help focus design efforts on the user’s requirements, which are distinct from technical or business requirements. Scenarios may be related to ‘use cases’, which describe interactions at a technical level. Unlike use cases, however, scenarios can be understood by people who do not have any technical background. They are therefore suitable for use during participatory design activities." http://infodesign.com.au/usabilityresources/scenarios/

User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applica...
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applica...User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applica...
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applica...

The document discusses five techniques for improving user experience in website and application design: 1. Design early by incorporating user experience design into requirements gathering to better understand user needs. 2. Test early and often through prototyping, usability testing, and engaging users to iterate on designs before development is complete. 3. Make prototypes like sketches, flows, and mockups to generate ideas, get stakeholder buy-in, and test designs at low cost before implementing. 4. Focus on user behavior by asking open-ended questions about what users actually do rather than what they say they want. 5. Make "good mistakes" through exploratory prototyping to learn about problems and

user experience designnformweb design

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Guiding UX Principles

  • 1. GUIDING UX PRINCIPLES December 13, 2011
  • 2. WHO ARE WE? Carl Nelson Jonathan Hung Robert Surrency
  • 3. THANK YOU. Raised $606 = Educating 21 students for one year.
  • 5. ‘User experience’ encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother. Next comes simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own, a joy to use. True user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features. In order to achieve high-quality user experience in a company’s offerings there must be a seamless merging of the services of multiple “ disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design. Neilson Norman Group
  • 7. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 USER-CENTRIC THINKING Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. • Who is the audience? • Is this really a good experience for the end user? • Have I considered the entire experience, not just what’s in front of me? (Not just digitally, but in the real world as well) • Even though it “works”, is there anything that can be improved to better the experience?
  • 11. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 CONTENT MATTERS Content is the heart of your experience. • Do you know what content you have? • Is the content redundant, outdated, trivial? • Is your content static or will it change over time? • Do you have an overall content strategy?
  • 14. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 CLEAR WORKFLOWS A path! A path! • Can users get from A to B...easily? • Is it easy to move forward and back? • Is there too many steps or too few? • Can you tell where you are?
  • 17. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 SIMPLIFY Less is more. • What can I remove from this screen, interaction, or page so that the most important functionality is prominent? • Can you explain why it really needs to be there? • Is the purpose and function of this page convoluted by too many visual elements, buttons, form fields? • Can you say the same thing with less words?
  • 22. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 CONSISTENCY Lather, rinse, repeat. • Is the style guide or pattern library being followed? • Are they violating expectations around established interface guidelines? • Would interacting with anything in this system surprise a user? • Are similar tasks completed in the same way throughout the system? • When they updated their product, is the functionality and content in the locations people expect?
  • 27. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 PATTERNS & MODELS Don’t need to reinvent the wheel. • Are well known patterns and models that people are used to, difficult to use or interact with? • Are there opportunities to standardize specific patterns or models to be more consistent with what people are used to?
  • 29. Cover Flow Pagination Checkout Workflow
  • 31. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 DON’T MAKE ME THINK Make it easy and clear. • Are there clear signs for what to do and where to go? • Do you know what the primary goals for the user are? • Are you thinking in terms of features or needs? • Could your grandmother do the basics?
  • 34. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 HONESTY & TRANSPARENCY Always the best policy. • Is it clear why they are collecting sensitive information? • Can you find help or contact resources easily? • Do they provide a secure environment? • Are instructions and directions clearly explained?
  • 39. Definition ZUCKERING “ The act of creating deliberately confusing jargon and user-interfaces which trick “ your users into sharing more info about themselves than they really want to. Tim Jones Electronic Frontier Foundation
  • 40. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 DESIGN PRINCIPLES It’s still design, not science. • Does it include basic design principles? (Balance, proportion, rhythm, emphasis, color, texture & lines) • Does it use layout grids? • Do components have enough spacing? • Is there a visual and information hierarchy?
  • 46. No. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 ASK FOR FEEDBACK Practice good listening skills. • How do you know what you’ve done is best for the user? • What questions do you have about the design that a user might answer? • Are there places on the site that users can solicit feedback? • Does the brand make communication with customers a core value?
  • 49. Recap GUIDING UX PRINCIPLES 1 User-Centric Thinking 6 Patterns & Models 2 Content Matters 7 Don’t Make Me Think 3 Clear Workflows 8 Honesty & Transparency 4 Simplify 9 Design Principles 5 Consistency 10 Ask for Feedback
  • 51. The Scenario Re-imagine how you buy a Kindle on Amazon
  • 53. Process THE APPROACH 1 Ideation 3 Sketch • Individual brainstorm • Converge ideas • Anything goes – no critique • Sketch your idea • Use the assigned UX Principle • One paragraph description as a Lens 2 Refine 4 Present • Regroup • Pick a speaker • Pick 2-3 ideas • Tell us about your group’s idea • Explore combinations & best traits
  • 54. Reference CLASS NOTES http://www.rsurrency.com/classnotes.html
  • 56. THANK YOU. Carl Nelson Jonathan Hung Robert Surrency e: carl@carlrnelson.com e: jonathan.a.hung@gmail.com e: hello@rsurrency.com t: @CarlRNelson t: @JonathanHung t: @RobSurrency