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User Experience Design
Five Techniques for Creating Websites and Applications

                ICE Conference | November 3, 2011
About Us
• Founded in 2003
• Edmonton & Toronto
- User experience research, strategy &
 -   Evaluate performance of websites, apps and intranets

 -   Understand customer needs to create better products

 -   Design: requirements, content analysis, information architecture,
     interface and interaction.
“We’re getting a lot of calls
about ________”
“It looks great but I can’t
do ________”
“Our customers can’t find
The Problem

- Success rates for IT Projects
  - 32% Succeed
  - 44% Challenged
  - 24% Failed

Source: 2009 Standish CHAOS Reports
Why does this
Top reasons were...
- Lack of user input
- Incomplete requirements
- Changing requirements
Consistent over the last 10 years!
User experience can help.
What is UX?

“A term used to describe the overall
experience or satisfaction a user has with a
product or service”
What is UX?
A holistic practice of designing a product or
system to achieve a set of objectives:
- Positive experience for the user (useful,
  pleasurable, fun, unobtrusive, helpful)
- Specified business goals (increased
  revenue, cost avoidance, streamlined
Five Techniques

1. Design Early
2. Test Early and Often
3. Make Prototypes
4. Focus on Behaviour
5. Make Good Mistakes
Why Bother?

- People expect good software because
  they use it every day
- More successful projects
- Reduce ongoing expenditures like
  training and support
1. Design Early
What is “design”
                     Typical Approach on IT Projects

Requirements → Development → Design
 System & business              Building system        Colours
  documentation                  components            & fonts
Rethinking Design
“The engineer, and more
generally the designer, is
concerned with how things
ought to be - how they
ought to be in order to
attain goals, and to
function.”                   Herbert Simon
Rethinking Design
“In most people’s
vocabularies, design means
veneer. It’s interior
decorating... But to me,
nothing could be further from
the meaning of design. Design
is the fundamental soul of a
human-made creation that         Steve Jobs
ends up expressing itself in
successive outer layers of the
product or service.”
Rethinking Design

“Design is how it works”

                           Steve Jobs
How do we design
• Think of design as part of the
  requirements process
• Use low-fidelity techniques to generate
  lots of ideas
• Use visual deliverables to get
Design as
• Recognize that user experience and
  business analysis are complementary
• Visual BA: using design to create better
                           Interface Development

                     Visual Design

                               Users                                                                                              Stakeholders

                Process Modelling & Improvement

                                                                                                                       Data Modelling & Analysis

                                                                                                                Use Cases

Adapted from Business Analysis & User Experience

Adapted from Business Analysis & User Experience
2. Make Prototypes
What’s a Prototype?

• A prototype is a visual model of a
Kinds of Prototypes

• Sketches
• Flows
• Mock-ups
• Wireframes & Documentation
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
Why Prototype?
• A common language that everyone
• An inexpensive way to make mistakes
• An inexpensive way to explore ideas
• A tool to iterate and refine
• A way to document design
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
Common Language

• Pictures can be understood by
• Pictures raise questions
• Pictures reveal hidden problems

• Prototypes let us iterate easily
• Explore options and ideas
• Throw away bad ideas (no sunk costs)
• Test vehicle (crash them and see what
3. Engage Users Early
   & Often
• UAT vs. Usability Testing
• Evaluation methods
• You vs them
UX, Usability & UAT

                           Positive experience for users

                           System can be used efficiently

 User Acceptance Testing   System meets requirements
You vs. Them
• Intelligent
• Analytical
• Comfortable with technology
• Comfortable with complexity
• Hackers or tinkerers
• Not always comfortable with ambiguity
• Invested in your projects
• Not as smart as you
• Less comfortable with technology
• Less comfortable with complexity,
• Just want things to work
• Can describe problems, not great at
  describing solutions
Ways to Engage
• Conversations!
• Workshops
• Surveys
• Usability Evaluation
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
Survey Tools

• Surveymonkey
• Optimal Workshop
• Usertesting.com
4. Focus on Behavior
Video from The Simpsons episode 215 where
   Homer designs his own car (removed)
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
What can we do
• Ask questions about what people do
  instead of what they want.
• Keep questions open-ended
• Listen to their problems
• Do not sell ideas or attempt to get their
  agreement on a solution
 • E.g. “would it help if you had a really robust
   search interface?”
User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications
7 Kinds of Questions
                                  Task                Can you show me how you make tea?

                              Sequence                     Walk me through the steps.

                        Specific Example            What did you do the last time you made tea?

                        Peer Comparison                  Do other people do it that way?

                          Project Ahead            How do you think you’ll make tea in 5 years?

                          Exhaustive List       What are the things you use when you make tea?

                         Other Viewpoint    What do coffee drinkers think about the way you make tea?

Adapted from work by Steve Portigal
Teatumbler from Kicker Studio
5. Make Good Mistakes
Good Mistakes           Bad Mistakes
- Recognized early      - Cause critical failures
  and corrected
                        - Are expensive to fix
- Part of an
                        - Caught late (end of
  exploratory process
                          project or in
- Teach us something      production)
  new about a problem
"He was gifted with the special capability of
making many mistakes, mostly in the right
direction. I envied him this and tried in vain to
imitate him, but found it quite difficult to make
good mistakes."

                                                    Yutaka Taniyama
“Mistakes are the portals
of discovery.”

                            James Joyce
"Anyone who has never made
a mistake has never tried
anything new."

                             Albert Einsten
How do we make
   good mistakes?

- Start with low-fidelity tools
- Generate lots of ideas


Which option do you

 1   2   3   4   5   6
3-5-3 Exercise
• 3-5-3
• Give everyone three minutes to sketch
  out 5 ideas
• Repeat three times
• Post the ideas on a white board and
Five Techniques

1. Design Early
2. Test Early and Often
3. Make Prototypes
4. Focus on Behaviour
5. Make Good Mistakes
- Reduce costs
 - Less rework, more clarity
 - Less training and support
- Reduced risk
 - Lower chance of failure
- Improve adoption, satisfaction
Development        Cheaper to find and fix problems
                   early in the project


              $1                 $5                 $10
Budget     Too often we catch user experience
           problems late in projects when there’s
           no budget to fix them.

    UX Cards
Thank you!
gene.smith@nform.com | @gsmith

  http://nform.com | @nform

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User Experience Design: 5 Techniques for Creating Better Websites and Applications

  • 1. User Experience Design Five Techniques for Creating Websites and Applications ICE Conference | November 3, 2011
  • 2. About Us • Founded in 2003 • Edmonton & Toronto - User experience research, strategy & design - Evaluate performance of websites, apps and intranets - Understand customer needs to create better products - Design: requirements, content analysis, information architecture, interface and interaction.
  • 4. “We’re getting a lot of calls about ________”
  • 5. “It looks great but I can’t do ________”
  • 6. “Our customers can’t find ________”
  • 7. The Problem - Success rates for IT Projects - 32% Succeed - 44% Challenged - 24% Failed Source: 2009 Standish CHAOS Reports
  • 8. Why does this happen? Top reasons were... - Lack of user input - Incomplete requirements - Changing requirements Consistent over the last 10 years!
  • 10. What is UX? “A term used to describe the overall experience or satisfaction a user has with a product or service”
  • 11. What is UX? A holistic practice of designing a product or system to achieve a set of objectives: - Positive experience for the user (useful, pleasurable, fun, unobtrusive, helpful) - Specified business goals (increased revenue, cost avoidance, streamlined processes)
  • 12. Five Techniques 1. Design Early 2. Test Early and Often 3. Make Prototypes 4. Focus on Behaviour 5. Make Good Mistakes
  • 13. Why Bother? - People expect good software because they use it every day - More successful projects - Reduce ongoing expenditures like training and support
  • 15. What is “design” anyway? Typical Approach on IT Projects Requirements → Development → Design System & business Building system Colours documentation components & fonts
  • 16. Rethinking Design “The engineer, and more generally the designer, is concerned with how things ought to be - how they ought to be in order to attain goals, and to function.” Herbert Simon
  • 17. Rethinking Design “In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. It’s interior decorating... But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that Steve Jobs ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.”
  • 18. Rethinking Design “Design is how it works” Steve Jobs
  • 19. How do we design earlier? • Think of design as part of the requirements process • Use low-fidelity techniques to generate lots of ideas • Use visual deliverables to get agreement
  • 20. Design as Requirements • Recognize that user experience and business analysis are complementary activities • Visual BA: using design to create better requirements
  • 21. BA/UX Functional Interface Development Visual Design Users Stakeholders Process Modelling & Improvement Data Modelling & Analysis Use Cases Technical Adapted from Business Analysis & User Experience http://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/1892/Business-Analysis-and-User-Experience.aspx
  • 22. BA/UX Adapted from Business Analysis & User Experience http://www.modernanalyst.com/Resources/Articles/tabid/115/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/1892/Business-Analysis-and-User-Experience.aspx
  • 24. What’s a Prototype? • A prototype is a visual model of a system.
  • 25. Kinds of Prototypes • Sketches • Flows • Mock-ups • Wireframes & Documentation
  • 31. Why Prototype? • A common language that everyone understands • An inexpensive way to make mistakes • An inexpensive way to explore ideas • A tool to iterate and refine • A way to document design
  • 33. Common Language • Pictures can be understood by everyone • Pictures raise questions • Pictures reveal hidden problems
  • 34. Iteration • Prototypes let us iterate easily • Explore options and ideas • Throw away bad ideas (no sunk costs) • Test vehicle (crash them and see what happens)
  • 35. 3. Engage Users Early & Often
  • 36. • UAT vs. Usability Testing • Evaluation methods • You vs them
  • 37. UX, Usability & UAT Positive experience for users UX System can be used efficiently Usability User Acceptance Testing System meets requirements
  • 38. You vs. Them • Intelligent • Analytical • Comfortable with technology • Comfortable with complexity • Hackers or tinkerers • Not always comfortable with ambiguity • Invested in your projects
  • 39. Them • Not as smart as you • Less comfortable with technology • Less comfortable with complexity, abstraction • Just want things to work • Can describe problems, not great at describing solutions
  • 40. Ways to Engage Users • Conversations! • Workshops • Surveys • Usability Evaluation
  • 43. Survey Tools • Surveymonkey • Optimal Workshop • Usertesting.com
  • 44. 4. Focus on Behavior
  • 45. Video from The Simpsons episode 215 where Homer designs his own car (removed)
  • 47. What can we do instead? • Ask questions about what people do instead of what they want. • Keep questions open-ended • Listen to their problems • Do not sell ideas or attempt to get their agreement on a solution • E.g. “would it help if you had a really robust search interface?”
  • 49. 7 Kinds of Questions Task Can you show me how you make tea? Sequence Walk me through the steps. Specific Example What did you do the last time you made tea? Peer Comparison Do other people do it that way? Project Ahead How do you think you’ll make tea in 5 years? Exhaustive List What are the things you use when you make tea? Other Viewpoint What do coffee drinkers think about the way you make tea? Adapted from work by Steve Portigal
  • 51. 5. Make Good Mistakes
  • 52. Mistakes! Good Mistakes Bad Mistakes - Recognized early - Cause critical failures and corrected - Are expensive to fix - Part of an - Caught late (end of exploratory process project or in - Teach us something production) new about a problem
  • 53. "He was gifted with the special capability of making many mistakes, mostly in the right direction. I envied him this and tried in vain to imitate him, but found it quite difficult to make good mistakes." Yutaka Taniyama
  • 54. “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” James Joyce
  • 55. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." Albert Einsten
  • 56. How do we make good mistakes? - Start with low-fidelity tools - Generate lots of ideas
  • 57. Sketches Mockups Design
  • 59. Which option do you prefer? 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 60. 3-5-3 Exercise • 3-5-3 • Give everyone three minutes to sketch out 5 ideas • Repeat three times • Post the ideas on a white board and discuss.
  • 61. Five Techniques 1. Design Early 2. Test Early and Often 3. Make Prototypes 4. Focus on Behaviour 5. Make Good Mistakes
  • 62. Benefits - Reduce costs - Less rework, more clarity - Less training and support - Reduced risk - Lower chance of failure - Improve adoption, satisfaction
  • 63. Development Cheaper to find and fix problems early in the project Design $1 $5 $10
  • 64. Budget Too often we catch user experience problems late in projects when there’s no budget to fix them. Time
  • 65. Resources UX Cards http://nform.com/cards
  • 66. Thank you! gene.smith@nform.com | @gsmith http://nform.com | @nform