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How To Write A Cause And Effect
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How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay - IELTS ACHI How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay - IELTS ACHI
Why Did Texas Almost Fail as a Spanish Essay
Why Did Texas Almost Fail as a Spanish Colony?
Why do the ventures of man fail? The ventures of men fail primarily due to a lack of planning. In the
case of Spanish colonies in Texas this holds true. The Spanish first set eyes on the Texas coast in 1519
and in 1821 they lowered their flag for the final time in Texas. The Spanish had about 300 years to try
and colonize Texas and the attempt to colonize and settle Texas was not very successful. The initial
boats that came to Texas were shipwrecked and only four people survived of the approximately 270
men that made the trip. One of these four survivors was Cabeza De Vaca. These were the first
Spaniards to live on Texas soil. Cabeza had a goal to settle Texas and befriend ... Show more content
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Third, the Spanish failed to plan for the hostility of the Comanche and Apache Indians living in the
area. Thus, the difficult geography, the weak missions, and hostile Indians were the main causes of the
near failure of the Spanish colonies in Texas.
The geography, primarily the distances between settled areas in Texas was a real problem for the
colonization of Texas by the Spaniards. The Spanish were well established in Mexico City in the south
and in New Mexico to the north. However, the distance from Mexico City and the missions in San
Antonio was about 700 miles (Doc A). Also, the distance from San Antonio to Santa Fe, New Mexico
was about the same distance of 700 miles (Doc A). These were the two closest developed areas to the
new colonies. In those days, travel was primarily by mule train and it would take around two months
to travel these distances (Doc A). These vast distances made it difficult for trade and made it
expensive to transport needed supplies to the newly settled areas. The expense of transportation
between settlements lead to very slow economic development and without a chance to make a living
people were just not willing to move to the new settlements. In addition to the distances, the land in
the area was characterized by very rough terrain and with very little water (Doc A). Since travel was
by animals pulling wagons the availability of fresh water was important in order to water the mules
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Classroom Discipline And Management Literature Review
Classroom discipline and management literature review
It is a fact that classroom management and discipline has always been a challenge to pre service
teachers as they do not know and have not acquired the necessary skills to deal with unruly learners
effectively. Often so, teachers in service use strategies that are incorrect or rather unacceptable;
whether this is done intentionally or under certain desperation to gain control and respect of the
learners. It is prevalent across the globe. Although the South African system has used corporal
punishment for many years to maintain discipline and management in the classroom; there have
always been other alternative ways which are effective and better as opposed to the harsh way of
discipline. The Constitution of South Africa specifically banned the use of this harsh treatment
because of the awareness that children are vulnerable and defenceless; therefore they are the ones who
are at risk of being victims of crime, beatings and psychological trauma that are an ultimate result of
being bullied by adults. My claim is that strategies used to maintain classrooms in public schools are
not acceptable if they cause a negative effect to the development of our children. And I will argue that
there are other alternatives that could be used to make sure that the classes run smooth and without
causing any intimidation to either the learners or teachers in this industry, as the South African Journal
of Education mentions that
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The Birdcage Essay
In analyzing the style of Emmanuel Lubezki I found that his techniques adapts to the style/needs of
the director and the movie he works on. In the movie The Birdcage, he uses a long lens glamour style
whereas, in Children of Men he takes on his famous natural lighting style with a handheld camera.
What s unique about these two styles is that he manages to show that the subjects/actors are the main
focus and they standout and look amazing whether natural or artificial, he produces natural looking
shots. Lubezki also uses techniques in camera to create the best shoot without green screens although,
when used, the lighting holdes the image together and creates believable moments.
Lubezki has two predominant styles of lighting the actors faces. One is called short lite, which is when
the shadow side of the subject s faces the camera (three fourths lighting style) and the other style of
lighting cuts right down the middle of the actors faces. We see this in A Series of Unfortunate Events,
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He works between the t2.84 but has stopped down to t5.6 or higher. Using a wide angle lens as well as
the 2 stops helps creating depth in the frames. According to wolfcrow he uses a 12 millimeter to 17
millimeter lens on a full frame DSLR Alexa G6. Allowing him to create the intense focus shots where
the actors eyes are in crisp focus. Yet he is still able to adapt his lens techniques to suit the director s
style. All in all, Emmanuel Lubezki personal techniques of shooting creates a well known artistic mark
in each of the films he works on but the never hinders with the style which the directors are striving
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Kevin Mitnick Case
There is no one like Kevin. He was once included among the FBI s Most Wanted because he hacked
into over 30 major corporations just for the challenge. After being caught and sentenced to jail for a
few years, Kevin is now a trusted security consultant to the Fortune 500 and governments worldwide,
as well as author to numerous books. (Mitnick, 2004, para. 1) Kevin Mitnick had his first major run in
with the law in the late 1980s. At 25, Kevin was caught monitoring the e mail of MCI and Digital
Equipment security officials, which led to his conviction of damaging computers and stealing
software. The jury ruled him guilty and the judge sentenced him to one year in prison. (Trigaux, 2000,
para. 13) One day after Valentine s Day in 1995, FBI
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Why Did Federation Occur In Australia In The 19th Century
In the mid 1800 s, Australia was divided into six relatively independent British colonies which, despite
similar cultural beliefs and backgrounds, all acted as separate countries. Each colony had established
its own legal system (though the Monarch was the head of state for each colony) which had evolved
from and was heavily influenced by the British system. When the First Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove
in 1788, they brought with them English law which was implemented in early settler times. This
action in conjecture with the British background of the colonies led to early Australian law closely
mimicking that of Mother England.
Reasons For Federation
In the latter half of the 19th century, momentum for the colonies to federate into a single nation
increased. There were a significant number of reasons in favour of federating, though there were six
main areas which ultimately led to the decision to federate:
A major reason for federation was to create an adequate army in case of attack. Prior to federation, ...
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Went on to become Australia s first prime minister.
Charles Kingston The South Australian Premier whom was a strong supporter of federation and a
radical liberal.
The conference ended up agreeing to follow the American model of law and the first draft of the
Constitution that was prepared was very similar to the final result.
The Second National Australasian Convention was held in March 1897. Adelaide hosted the first
session of the convention during March and April in SA s Parliament. During the convention the
Constitution draft from 1891 was further developed though Queensland did not attend the convention,
due to it failing to pass the legislature needed to send delegates. There were second and third sessions
of the Second National Australasian Convention held in Sydney and Melbourne respectively, before
the Constitution finished drafting in March
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Difference Between Psychodynamic Theory And Humanistic Theory
In order to practice effectively, social workers implement various theories in practice. Theories play an
important role in providing knowledge for generalist social workers. There is a total of four different
types of practice theories: psychodynamic theories, cognitive behavioral theories, humanistic theories,
and postmodern theories. Each theory implements important ideas that are applicable when meeting
with a client. Two of the theories that have many similarities and differences are psychodynamic
theories and humanistic theories. To begin with, the psychodynamic theory was first started by
Sigmund Freud, a psychologist. He based the theory that traumas and childhood experiences link to
current issues. This theory has a strong emphasis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the psychodynamic theory likes to look at defense mechanisms to see how people
behave. Defense mechanisms are the impulse reactions people have to stressful events that occur in
their life (Engard, 2017). In contrast, the humanistic theory researches the personality as a whole. The
theory does this by providing the what would make one achieve greatness, no matter the good or bad a
person has. For example, a humanistic therapy approach would be the therapist pointing out the
strengths and the positive qualities in a
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New Garage Door
Need A New Garage Door? Understand The Different Kinds Of Openers When you need to purchase a
new garage door, you may be very concerned about the material, style, and color. However, the most
important aspect of the garage door can be the opener. Know the difference between the 5 kinds of
garage door openers, and select the one that will be best for you. Jackshaft The jackshaft opener works
with a combination of cables, pulleys, and a motor. It opens the door by turning its torsion bar, which
pulls on the cables and pulls the door upward. When the torsion bar turns in the reverse motion, it
lowers the cables so that the door can close. Jackshaft openers are wall mounted next to your garage
door, which help keep the garage ceiling free for storing your personal belongings. The opener itself is
also quiet, which makes it ideal for garages that share a wall with a bedroom. Direct Drive The direct
driver opener is even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It works by connecting a trolley to the j arm connected to your garage door, which moves on the
chain. While these openers are known for being noisy, newer models use DC motors and have
vibration technology that makes the entire unit quieter. It won t be silent, but the noise is an
improvement over older models. Due to the noise, it is often used in garages that are detached or have
separation between the home and the garage. Belt Drive A belt drive opener is practically identical to
its chain drive counterpart, except it uses a belt instead of a chain. The belt is made from rubber that
has reinforced steel, fiberglass, or polyurethane. They have the same reliability as a chain drive
opener, but are more expensive and quieter. Screw Drive This opener rotates a steel rod that is
threaded, which moves the trolly over a rod. These types of openers don t have many moving parts, so
they will require less maintenance over the years. They are also ideal for heavy
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The Myth Of The Word Narcissism
The word narcissism develops from the popular Greek myth of the flawless young man, Narcissus,
who falls in love with his own reflection in a pool of water and becomes self obsessed. Narcissism still
plagues are society today. This behavior reflected in society involves arrogant behavior, a lack of
empathy for other people, and the constant need for admiration. In the years of 2002 through 2007,
students in college scores on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) rose twice as high compared
to an earlier study that covered changes between 1982 and 2006 (Twenge). Jean Twenge, a professor
of psychology at San Diego University, uses psychological data, mainly from American college
students, to support the idea that today s youth are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the negative side, the generation is categorized as narcissistic, lazy, and prone to jump from job to
job. The book written by Ron Alsop in 2008, Trophy Kids, shares data on how many young people are
given rewards for basic accomplishments (such as mere participation) in competitive sports, and have
unrealistic expectations of working life (Main). Millennials were often offered many participation
trophies growing up that a study showed 40% should be promoted every two years, regardless of
performance (Stein). Studies on the millennials show that they hold symptoms of the narcissistic
personality disorder nearly three times as high for people in their 20s as for the generation that is now
65 or older, according to the National Institutes of Health. They also have evidence that 58% of
college students scored higher on a narcissism scale in 2009 than in 1982 (Stein). Jean Twenge
compares decades of personality test results which repeatedly conclude that the younger generation
are increasingly self obsessed, entitled, and unprepared for the realities of adult life. Twenge blames it
mainly on America s culture idea of self esteem, where every parent or guardian praises every child as
special, and self worth is considered necessary to succeed,
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Summary Of Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didn T Call The Police
In the essay Thirty Eight who saw Murder didn t call the Police , Martin Gansberg describes how
selfish and inconsiderable some people can be. He claims that society should be more involved in
taking action when seeing violent or life threatening events occurring in their communities. Gansberg
strongly supports the fact that people should have taken immediate action when they saw the murder s
attempt to killing Miss Genovese, the victim. He also supports this claim by giving feedback from
different authority figures. He mentions the detective s feedback on the situation stating that, as we
have reconstructed the crime, the assailant had three chances to kill this woman during a 35 minute
period. He returned twice to complete the job. If we had been called when he first attacked, the
woman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The man said he didn t want to get involved. He uses this imagery to make the reader understand his
point of view regarding the homicide. He was also very informative when providing the details and
descriptions of what caused this death of an innocent person. [Add details and descriptions, anything
that has to do with imagery, before this sentence then use this sentence as a description.] Gansberg
uses different strategies such as description throughout the entire essay to make the tone come alive.
For example, he describes how the whole homicide scenario occurred right from the very beginning
when Ms. Genovese was grabbed by the killer and she screamed even though no help was offered. He
also uses the explaining process to help the reader understand how a good citizen or neighbor should
act. In his point of view, a good neighbor or citizen should always be willing to take immediate action
to help out the victim or someone in danger. [need quote and explanation of
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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And Luhrmann Films
The Comparisons of the 1997, and the 1965 Romeo and Juliet Films Two different actors, Baz
Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli, take on the challenge of recreating the William Shakespeare play,
Romeo and Juliet. Some of the comparisons of the two Romeo and Juliet plays, by William
Shakespeare, is the dialogue and the colors. For the dialogue both directors use some of the same lines
of the William Shakespeare play. Part fools! Put up our swords; you know not what you do (Act I,
Scene i, p. 13). Another comparison between the Zefferelli and the Luhrmann film is, they kept the
same names of the characters. In the Luhrmann film Benvolio is that same name and has the same
lines in the Zefferelli film. Another Character that shows this is Tybalt.
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Civilization And Civilization Summary
In Civilization and Discontents, Sigmund Freud analyzes the relationship between individuals and
civilization and how it relates to his theory of instincts and the individual psyche. The viewpoint of
civilization and the individuals residing in it changed after the First World War when death became
anonymous with the use of new war tactics and weapons such as trench warfare, machine guns, and
tanks. Many were left unsettled at the savagery that the modern man was capable of. The idea of
civilization and the actions individuals made became more complex and Freud s theory of instincts
began to become pertinent to the times. Freud believed that the human psyche is composed of three
distinct parts; id, ego, and superego. Id is the set of unconscious desires that are deep within an
individual, called the subconscious (Offman Lecture 6). This first part of the human psyche is
primitive and is made up of all inherited components of personality that can be found at birth. Freud
believed that the id could not be controlled beyond certain limits and that it was part of your instinct
that is found within all individuals living in any type of civilization (Freud 101). The id of each
individual is described by Freud as never before been touched by the external world, therefore it will
not change over time or with an individual s life experiences. The id believes that every sensation of
pain of or unpleasure should be removed and avoided at all costs (Freud 15). This is what Freud
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The Plague Dbq
Section One: The Black Death I. Preconditions/Causes of the Plague A. Population of Europe doubled
in 1000 1300 1. Strained food supply 2. Caused higher unemployment rates and lower wages B. The
Black Death followed trade routes from Asia into Europe 1. The plague traveled south to north along
major trade routes II. Popular Remedies A. People believed that the plague was caused by corruption
in the atmosphere 1. Some people blamed poisonous fumes from earthquakes B. Remedies 1. Many
people wore aromatic amulets 2. lifestyle changes a. moderate and temperate living b. fleeing from the
plague or staying in seclusion 3. religious fanatics a. flagellants b. Jews as scapegoats III.
Social/Economic Consequences A. Farms decline 1. Supply and demand: ... Show more content on
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Clement VII was still the French pope 2. Emperor Sigismund demanded that John XXIII call a council
in Constance which made a declaration entitled Sacrosancta which: a. elected a new pope, Martin V
(the three other popes were forced to resign) b. asserted the supremacy of church councils over
individual pope c. demanded that regular meetings of church councils F. The Council of Basel (1431
1449) 1. Church council negotiated directly with the Hussites, a group formerly identified as heretics
2. Four Articles of Prague presented to council by Hussites a. give laity the Eucharist with the cup as
well as bread b. free, itinerant preaching c. exclusion of clergy from holding secular offices and
owning property d. just punishment of clergy who commit mortal sins 3. Council of Basel showed
dominance over the papacy but Pope Pius II (r. 1458 1464) issued a papal bull Execrabilis which
condemned appeals to councils and made them completely void. G. Consequences 1. Without
effective papal authority and leadership, secular control of national or territorial churches increased a.
Kings asserted their power over the church in England and France b. German, Swiss, and Italian
magistrates and city councils reformed and regulated religious
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E-Commerce and the Global Market
Electronic commerce (e commerce) over the Internet is the fastest growing method for consumers to
conduct business. Less than ten years old and it already has radically altered the potential to economic
activities and the social environment. There are nearly 200 million Internet users worldwide currently.
Of these 200 million users, roughly 40 percent reside in the United States (Styliano, A., Robbins, S.
Jackson, P., 2003). E commerce currently affects large sectors such as communications, banking and
the retail industry. E commerce has also had an effect on the education, health and government
(Wyckoff, A., Colecchia A., 1999). It is predicted that commerce on the Internet could total tens of
billions of dollars by the turn of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There have been some negative effects on the economy due to the emergence of e commerce. It is
assumed that the availability of goods online should increase competition but this does not always
occur. Reputable companies who have majority control over their industry can sometimes maintain
high prices. Further, the Internet allows companies to obtain pricing information from their
competitors companies easily and allows them to react immediately to external changes. Company
monitoring can also work against consumers. Since other companies can quickly change their price,
the original company would not make any extra revenue from increased sales (LaRose, R.,2000).
There is also the issue of product differentiation. Increased competition due to ecommerce allows
companies to better create products especially for a certain target audience. This makes it difficult for
consumers to compare products and lessens the competition and keep prices high.
As electronic commerce expands it has a greater social impact. The social impact of e commerce is
characterized by the globalization of markets, the shift towards an economy based on knowledge and
information, and the growing prominence of technology in everyday life (Jones, B., n.d.). As e
commerce expands, there becomes a greater need to improve education about the business and
technical side of e commerce. Traditional educational institutions will have to
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Development Of Hate Crimes
and their extents. As a recently coined term, it was not widely known as to what exactly it entailed.
HSCA would give one the ability to see, in numbers, how often the crimes were occurring.
Another impactful facet of the bill would be to support future development of hate crime legislation.
Legislation, moving forward, would need as much momentum as possible for future implementation.
But as public knowledge, those in support believed that reporting would aid in such momentum. It
would also aid in law enforcement s ability to address hate crimes. For one, with the bill, they would
have access to information that was never available before. This could help in both predicting future
crimes, as well as addressing them where they are most prominent. ... Show more content on
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Although the bias was apparent through his speech, it was made provable through the young men s
actions in which he inclined. But this is where hate crime statues become tricky, and face most
opposition. Those against hate crime statutes argue just that, of one s rights being violated if a penalty
enhancement is enforced.
Those in opposition, however, would eventually be out reasoned; much thanks to this case in
particular. What the ruling brought to light was ideals and reason that are still in place today
surrounding hate crime laws. One, being the public display of the serious nature in which these crimes
present, and the repercussions that follow if committed. Just as the HCSA intended to bring exposure
to such acts, this case would send a similar message in that acts of this nature will not be tolerated. If
committed, they are subject to a greater penalty.
Which is the other strongpoint of this case. The ruling proved, through court of law, that an act s
penalty can be constitutionally enhanced. This case would be of great aid in paving the way for hate
crime statues, on a national level, to be implemented in the
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The Auteur Theory
The film of tomorrow will not be directed by civil servants of the camera, but by artists for whom
shooting a film constitutes a wonderful and thrilling adventure. Francois Truffaut. Auteur Theory
suggests that the best films will bear their maker s signature . Discuss
The Auteur Theory was born out of a group of influential french filmmakers and critics of the 1950s.
Its origins stem from a french film magazine Cahiers du Cinema and in particular an article written by
Francois Truffaut titled A Certain Tendency of the French Cinema. Truffaut was a french director,
screenwriter, producer, actor, as well as a film critic and is also credited as being one of the founders
of the French New Wave.
Auteur Theory suggests that a director ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each film in a different genre still touches upon similar themes and has the signature style of
filmmaking that we would expect to see. (Roper, 2014) Through his films, Kubrick was able to create
something original, and, shining through overall were his signature cinematic
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What Does Seven Dollars Mean
In the movie, Seven Pounds, Gabriele Muccino develops a character played by Will Smith who s
name is Tim in the movie. Through out the movie Tim pretends to be is brother Ben. I believe that Tim
cares so much more about other people s lives than his own life. Also, I think that this was triggered
when him and his recently engaged wife got into a car accident. The first organ Tim donated was to
his brother Ben and it was a lobe of his lung this was a year after the crash. This is also when Tim
steals Bens IRS ID badge and pretends to be him to look at people financial history of people that
might receive his donations. Tim would also interview the person to make sure they were a good
person before he knew he was going to donate to them. The
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Robert Louv s Last Child In The Woods
The days of making mud pies, running around the neighborhood, getting poison ivy from exploring
the river are dwindling down with the change in society and cultural values. Over the past few
decades, children have become less and less familiar and engaged with nature. Children of the
millennial generation are encountering new issues defined by a term identified by Robert Louv in his
book, Last Child in The Woods, as Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD). This disorder is not a medical
term, but it is an appropriate and relatable term for many children to describe the growing disconnect
between them and nature. NDD is developing into a real issue because of the change in parental
values, school atmosphere, technology and urbanization. As society changes ... Show more content on
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Vital information and learning is lost when children aren t able to tap into all of their senses through
nature and the innate connection with the land. The Land Trust Alliance is an organization working on
conserving the precious land that people need and love. The Alliances president, Rand Wentwoth,
advocates for combatting NDD in a news release and says, We, as a species, are now far more
sedentary and disconnected from the land than our forerunners, and we are paying the price, ( Land
Trust Alliance Teams with Environmental, Health Allies to Combat National Health Crisis of Nature
Deficit Disorder ) The classic schoolyard asphalt, jungle gym, swings and maybe a field or baseball
diamond are not much help to children s learned and rejuvenation of the brain. (Geaghan Breiner 36)
More and more schools are reducing recess time in order to give more student time to focus on
academics so their test scores will be raised ( Nature Deficit Disorder Takes Root ). Nature Deficit
Disorder causes the students to have higher chances of Attention Deficit Disorder, higher stress levels
and lower attention spans which are all reduced by being connected back with nature like mankind is
supposed to be
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Analysis Of The Catcher Of The Rye
Two Worlds, Two Choices, Two Boys
In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield struggles to leave the real world around
him which he constantly fails to fit in. He is expelled from three schools before going to Pencey. He
then leaves Pencey for New York before Christmas. After experiencing the coldness of society in New
York, He decides to hitchhike to the West alone, escaping the society and leaving his family behind.
Instead, he chooses to dream about living in the fantasy world in his mind where all things he resists
do not exist. Among those things he resists in the real world, the phoniness of adults, the unavoidable
loss of children s innocence and his unbreakable bond with his family are the most significant ones
that schedule Holden s canceled departure.
Holden is unwilling to get along with phonies at his schools. When Holden explains the reason why he
leaves Elkton Hills School to Mr. Spencer, he gives an example: For instance, they had this
headmaster, Mr. Haas, that was the phoniest bastard I ever met in my life (Salinger 17). Holden finally
drops out of Elkton Hills because of the phoniness of his headmaster even though Holden has no
direct contact with him. However, Holden s abhorrence toward phonies is so great and evident that he
cannot even stand watching a phony s action from far away. Holden originally believes that changing
to another school will reduce his interaction with phonies, but his thought is proved wrong at Pencey.
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How the Federal Bilingual Education Act of 1968 Ended the...
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the Federal Bilingual Education Act of 1968, ended the
War on Poverty. Bilingual education is the use of more than one language to deliver curriculum
content. The bilingual education system is designed for students to become proficient in English, and
also encourage students to become bi cultural; and function in two, or more linguistic and cultural
groups. The policy expressed U.S commitment to the needs of the growing number of children in the
public schools, whose first language was not English. In 1968, the government passed the Bilingual
Education Act, which required language minority students to be taught in both their native language
and English. I myself had to undergo English as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Which provided federal aid to low income children with limited English speaking families. The
government believed that in order to end the War on Poverty, it would have to aid schools in
developing new and imaginative elementary and secondary school programs (Parkay, 2013). The
education gap between one generation and another would end here. However, this issue would take far
more than funding. The issue of bilingual education in our public school system is a much debated
topic in this country, and especially in this state. The Education Topic over Bilingual Education in our
School Systems Spanish speaking populace has grown tremendously in these past decades, much of
which have immigrated with Spanish as their only language. This has left the public school system
with an interesting problem; how to successfully transition Spanish speaking students into an English
environment. Public school systems have adopted an immersion program; where students learn
English and other subjects in classrooms where only English is spoken (Parkay, 2013). Students are
not necessarily aided, they are required to learn like their peers from the teacher and ask for direction
when needed in English. This program might aid some fast learners, but students who do not adapt to
English; which is a foreign language to them, are left to learn on their own. If the student does not get
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Cell Free DNA Case Study
Circulating tumor nucleic acids (ctNAs) composed of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), mRNA and
microRNA that are released and circulate in the blood of cancer patient, and changes in the levels of
ctNAs in the circulation have been associated with tumor burden, tumor stage, vascularity, cellular
turnover, response to therapy and metastasis12, 210 212.
It has been postulated that cell free DNA (cfDNA) can originates directly from the viable tumor cells
or from CTCs by apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy, micro environmental stress, mitotic catastrophe,
trauma and treatment procedure12, 213 220, others includes viruses, such as EBV, HPV and hepatitis
B virus221 223. Cell free DNA (cfDNA) is regarded as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) after ... Show
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Withal, not all cfDNA originates from cell death; viable cells also release cfDNA as a part of
homeostasis215, 217, 246, 247. In addition to this, it has also been seen that incitements of
lymphocytes can results into release of large numbers of cfDNA in the absence of apoptosis or
necrosis216, 246, 248. Moreover, It has been suggested that cfDNA act as a ligand for Toll like
receptor 9 (TLR9) that may inhibit pro apoptotic caspases by virtue of TLR9 dependent signaling249.
This signifies a possible immunomodulatory role for cfDNA. These days cfDNA remains to be hot
topic and is widely used for wide range of research and clinical purposes, including tumor genotyping,
early cancer detection, patient prognosis, minimal residual disease monitoring, therapy evaluation,
biomarker in transplant surgery for graft injury and prediction of allograft rejection53, 250 262 .
Multiple studies have demonstrated that patients with invasive tumors such as lung, breast, pancreas,
colon, hepatocellular, ovarian, prostate, esophageal and melanoma generally have high level of ctDNA
in their plasma than in healthy individuals263 268. Several genomic studies of tumor mutations have
analyzed ctDNA to quantify tumor burden and to detect therapeutic resistance conferring
mutations211, 269 271. Moreover, a correlation has been set up
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The Crucial Role Of Cultural Relevance In Health Care
Different cultural groups employ different health belief systems that assist in explaining the causes of
certain diseases that affect each and every culture. This also explains how the diseases can be treated
or the cure that should be employed and the person that should handle the whole procedure. Patient
education as perceived by the patient with regards to the extent of the cultural relevance in health care
can play a crucial role on their information perception given and also on the willingness to employ it
(Essex, 2006). Industrialized societies of the West like the US that view illnesses to be caused by
phenomena that is naturally scientific, advocate for sophisticated technology use and medical
treatments that diagnose and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is normally a habit for the Chinese to cease using medicines immediately after the symptoms of the
illness disappear and prefer to keep the leftover medicine for when the symptoms return. It is also a
common culture and tradition for the patients to treat another Chinese patient having similar
symptoms with the leftover medicine. Two, it is crucial for a nurse caring for a Chinese to have
adequate knowledge that the Chinese culture highly hold respect and value for authority. In a situation
where the nurse is explaining something to the patient and he or she nods giving the impression to the
nurse that they have understood, while in fact it is just a sign of respect. Therefore, it is vital that the
nurse make sure the patient completely understands the medical procedure being given and if
necessary, a certified medical translator should be engaged. Three, in the Chinese culture, Traditional
Chinese medicine (TCM) is part of medical treatment options used to cure illnesses. This is why the
Chinese tend to prefer to take medicinal herbs and foods first before seeking medical attention and in a
situation where medication is given, they will stop taking them immediately the symptoms disappear.
Nurses need to be aware of these types of scenarios and should therefore emphasize the relevance of
the drug regimen undertaken. Four, nurses out to be
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Frida Kahlo And The Mexican Community
Frida Kahlo once said At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can. There is
no better person to say this than Kahlo, whose life was filled with pain and sadness. She was one of
the most influential artists of her time, especially in the Mexican community.. The most important
aspects of her life were her multicultural background, her tragic accident she survived as a teen, her
relationship with Diego Rivera, her death, and her face as a product.
Frida Kahlo was born Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón, July 6th, 1907, in Coyoacan,
Mexico. Her mother, Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez, was of indigenous and Spanish descent. Her
father, Wilhelm Kahlo, was German. The combinations of the two heritages gave Frida a rich cultural
background, which was a key part of her artwork. Kahlo developed polio at the young age of 6, which
left one of her legs thinner and weaker than the other one. It is also speculated that she may have had
spina bifida, which would also hinder the growth of her leg. Although she suffered from these
afflictions, her father encouraged her to be active and participate in sports, such as swimming,
wrestling and boxing. It would be September 17, 1925, that Kahlo s life would be changed forever. It
was a normal day, and Kahlo had been out shopping with her boyfriend, Alex Gomez Arias. They
decided to board a bus that would take them back home to Coyoacan. A streetcar collided with the bus
that the couple were on, and Kahlo was
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The Consumption Of Two Goods
consumption of two goods
In economics a consumer is described as a rational individual who wishes to maximise their utility by
making rational choices. These choices appear when a consumer is exposed to two goods, where a
given amount of one good substitutes the use of another one. To calculate how a consumer can achieve
the optimal allocation of the two goods, an indifference curve is used and the analysis of an
indifference curve can be combined with the budget constraint. For the consumer, some combinations
are better than others for maximising utility, and the best combination is the optimal combination.
Consumers have preferences about the goods they consume. Therefore, when faced with a choice of
goods, the consumer must decide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Consumers wish to have a higher number of goods than less. If the consumer added another book to
his bundle, he would have to sacrifice some water, in order to hold utility constant. One can calculate
how many glasses of water the consumer is willing to sacrifice for another book without changing his
total utility through the marginal rate of substitution. According to (BEGG et al., Economics, 11th
edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2014 ), the marginal rate of substitution between two goods
measures the quantity of a good the consumer must sacrifice to increase the quantity of the other good
by one unit without changing total utility. For example, if the consumer has 10 books and no water
and he reads 9 of these books, he won t enjoy the last one as much. Furthermore, by drinking no water
the consumer will be very dehydrated and won t enjoy reading at all, and so the utility of this
particular bundle would be extremely low. On the flip side, if the consumer drank a large amount of
water and read few books. As a result, he would be reluctant to sacrifice his books for even more
water. By and large, a consumer s preferences exhibit the diminishing marginal rate of substitution,
which means that when a consumer owns lot of one good, they will give up a comparatively large
amount of it to get another good of which they have little. We use indifference curves to portray our
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Who Is Lysander In A Midsummer Night s Dream
In the play A Midsummer Night s Dream written by William Shakespeare, the couple of Hermia and
Lysander lack a smooth love story. They are both having an issue with Hermia s father Egeus wanting
her to marry a person named Demetrius but she wants to marry Lysander but it is resolved at the end
with Demetrius falling in love with Hermia s best friend Helena. Egeus, Hermia, Lysander, and
Demetrius are all fighting because Egeus wants Hermia to marry Demetrius but Hermia wants to
marry Lysander. Then, Egeus can t make Hermia obey him so; then, they go to the duke of Athens
Theseus whom will be getting married to the Queen of the Amazons in four days. Then, the duke
gives Hermia three choices: become a nun, marry Demetrius, or be executed. During
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Arguments Against Racial Diversity
Racial Diversity
Race is a part of our culture that shapes who we are as a society. Race helps us make up how one sees
the world around us and the different multitudes of ethnic groups. Different raciest are compassed by
how we view one s languages, values, and beliefs, race that continues to shape the practice and
politics of citizenship in ways that are often obscured in modern citizenship debates (Collins issues .
2014) causing for racial diversity, the importance of making diversity evident at every level of the
organization, showing respect for diversity (Luttrell.2014) groups. In the past race was concerted
either black or white, there was no in between. With the changing of times ... Show more content on
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475 488. Publisher: Sage Publications; [Journal Article], Database: PsycINFO
Collins, Kristin A.; Yale Law Journal, May 2014, v. 123, iss. 7, pp. 2134 2235, Database: EconLit with
Full Text
Luttrell, Regina. Public Relations Tactics. Dec2014, Vol. 21 Issue 12, p12 12. 3/4p. , Database:
Corporate ResourceNet
Ruebeck, Christopher S.; Averett, Susan L.; Bodenhorn, Howard N.; B.E. Journal of Economic
Analysis and Policy: Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy, 2009, v. 9, iss. 1, Database
Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and cultural foundations of counseling and human service multiple
influences on self concept development. Boston: Pearson
Seong, Jee Young; Kristof Brown, Amy L.; Park, Won Woo; Hong, Doo Seung; Shin, Yuhyung;
Journal of Management, Vol 41(4), May, 2015 pp. 1184 1213. Publisher: Sage Publications; [Journal
Article], Database: PsycINFO
Shumaker, David; Medoff, David; the Family Journal, Vol 21(3), Jul, 2013 pp. 318 327. Publisher:
Sage Publications; [Journal Article], Database:
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Detroit Argumentative Essay
something that was done over two generations ago. Michigan is attempting to move forward with
backwards thinking.
If Detroit is not revitalized and branded it has been said that Michigan as a whole cannot rebrand.
Detroit is the city that most people outside of the state look at and determine Michigan s prominence,
domination and future. Rather right or wrong that is simply the way that it is. Michigan over the past
few years has attempted to gut the city of what they perceive as the ugliness of Detroit, people in
poverty. In this attempt most of the people whom had to leave Detroit because of unemployment after
the downturn are the very people that the State needs.
Michigan s diverse cultural population seems to be what the current government
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Karl Marx View On Capitalism
Karl Marx was a philosopher who was engaged in economic politics, sociology, and radical politics.
Marx saw the world as two different entities. He saw it as a scuffle between the bourgeoisie and the
proletariats. This is what divided the capitalist society. Marx believed everyone works in some shape,
form, and fashion. The bourgeoisie were the individuals that held the capital and the proletariats were
the wage laborers. The social aspect would then come in to play. Marx would then try to figure out
how the bourgeoise and the proletariats could thrive in a world that had the poverty but there was
plenty of wealth. Meaning how would the individuals who fell under the proletariat state be in a
poverty class. Capitalism would be the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, we learned in Dr. Tatum s class that Rousseau had a major influence on the French and
American Revolutions. Rousseau seems to explore more on freedom rather than radical politics. In my
opinion, Rousseau would evaluate in the state of nature how man would have their freedom. You
could say that men or man is actually free because he is not forced by state or other individuals.
Another way, man is mentally and spiritually free and is not succumbed to wants or needs of society.
Rousseau thought that a worthy government should be or have freedom for everyone in its social
class. From the Discourse of Inequality to the possibility of being well governed: in which every
person being equal to his occupation, no one should be obliged to commit to others the functions with
which he was entrusted: a State, in which all the individuals being well known to one another, neither
the secret machinations of vice, nor the modesty of virtue should be able to escape the notice and
judgment of the public (Discourse of Inequality, Jean Jacque Rousseau) page1. As I understand
Rousseau s beliefs on this matter or what he writes about in the Discourse of Inequality, unless you are
In a state of nature you are not free to do as you please. If you have to have laws or be governed by
man that says you must or will abide by certain standards, then you are not free. Furthermore,
Rousseau also states that human
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Young Woman By Ella Thomas Essay
Another young woman, Ella Thomas, described her pregnancy in a manner that further complicates
interpreting historical pregnancy. While having a miscarriage, Ella describes herself as sick but does
not appear to be bothered by the event. Despite experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, Ella does not
describe her pregnancy within these terms. If anything, she finds her symptoms a nuisance (Thomas).
Furthermore, her own pregnancy has led her to sympathize with other pregnant women. She mentions
in the diary that if she had sole management of a plantation that pregnant women would be highly
favored...whether black of white (Thomas). The distinction of sole management here is fascinating
because it implies that her husband would not be in charge in this case, and that if he were in charge
he would be less likely to show favor to pregnant women because he personally could not understand
the experience (Thomas).
Eventually, Ella becomes worried for her health when more serious symptoms begin to manifest. Her
symptoms are so severe that she they frighten [her] with fears of sickness and cause her to call for her
doctor. She notes however, that her physician Dr. Edward Eve does nothing to help her or to alleviate
her symptoms. Days later, her pregnancy miscarries, which she colloquially refers to as an abortion
(Thomas). Despite the bodily trauma, Ella s diary entries continues in good spirits. The actual
miscarriage, she notes, did not scare her, it only
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Explain the Purpose of Hermeneutics
The primary need of Hermeneutics is to determine and understand the meaning of Biblical text. The
purpose of Hermeneutics is to bridge the gap between our minds and the minds of the Biblical writers
through a thorough knowledge of the original languages, ancient history and the comparison of
Scripture with Scripture. Through Hermeneutics, Biblical Interpretation can be achieved in three
ways; historically, the message and the doctrine.
The Bible is totally authoritive and inspired by God, however is it propositional or not? To be
propositional means that God reveals certain truths at which we respond in accepting these truths.
These certain truths may be found in scripture, creeds and or the teachings of the church. Non
propositional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Liberals believe that the writers of the Bible accommodated their recipients and hence the Bible is
not binding on us. Non propositional theology is often favoured by liberal theologians because it
places the emphasis on human experience and rationality.
The third school of interpretation is Traditionalism. Traditionalists maintain that the Bible is full of
truth, God is revealed within the Bible and that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. One of the key
characteristics of their approach to the Bible is its emphasis on the need to understand the nature of the
different types of literature within the bible. However, traditionalists would not accept the
fundamentalist s notion of inerrancy as many would acknowledge that there are mistakes in the Bible.
These are seen as a reflection of both the historical context in which they are written and the human
fallibility of the authors. As with Liberals, traditionalists believe that some aspects of the Bible need to
be reinterpreted for today. Traditionalists place a lot of emphasis on the process of exegesis. However,
after establishing the intended meaning of the author the next step in the traditional approach is the
question of how it should be applied to Christian today. However, whereas fundamentalists believe
that the true meaning of a text should be clear to each reader;
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Analysis Of An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce has the audience feeling multiple emotions
such as shocked and on the edge of their seat from start to finish. Peyton Farquhar is a plantation
owner is his mid thirties. Farquhar was up for execution by hanging from an Alabama railroad bridge
the Civil War because a Federal scout betrayed him. Bierce could mislead the readers thinking that
Peyton Farquhar, was escaping from being hung when in fact it was just is imagination. Bierce
engages a great use of characterization in how he describes the characters throughout the story and
timing details, to have the audience sitting on the edge of their seats and having a twist that no one
was expecting. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge succeeds in misleading the readers by the way
Bierce represents the timing between the events that go on. In section III, there are a lot of details that
serve a purpose in having the audience believing that he is escaping. When reading The water, the
banks, the forests, the now distant bridge, fort, and men, all were commingled and blurred it allows
the authors to picture him running far away from the bridge like he was making his elaborate escape
(Bierce). It was as if he finally broke away from the soldier and that he was going to be saved.
Everything in Section III is emphasized as reality to the audience as if it is really happening, though it
is all Peyton s thoughts right before his death. Bierce characterizes of Peyton
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Aldo Leopold And The Expansion Of The Redwood National Park
Aldo Leopold s idea of land ethics is that a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity,
stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise . In the early 1970 s,
a rising concern for the Redwood Forest grew as nearby logging and other human activities started to
become a threat to the Redwood National Park by encroaching on its boundaries. By 1968, it was
estimated that nearly 90 percent of the original redwoods trees had been lost due to logging. Congress
stepped into action after several environmental studies showed that the existing redwood trees could
be endangered from the rapid deforestation in the surrounding area. The Redwood National Park
Expansion Act, amended in 1978; expanded the
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A Retrieved Reformation And The Gift Of The Magi
Great ideas come from the least expected places. That s what happened to famous American short
story writer O. Henry. He found himself a career by writing in a jail cell. Although this seems like a
weird place, many of his famous pieces came from him writing while serving time in jail. O. Henry
was famous for his surprise endings and also put a lot of his life experiences into his stories. Two of O.
Henry s stories where he incorporates his life into the most are A Retrieved Reformation and The Gift
of the Magi. O. Henry uses a lot of examples where he uses his life experiences in A Retrieved
Reformation. First of all, in their lives, both Jimmy and O. Henry go to for robbing banks. O. Henry
was jailed for embezzlement, while Jimmy
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An Definition Of Moral Theory
Another moral theory, also born of Deontological Perspectives, comes from WD Ross. In contrast to
Kant, who stated that moral positions can be deduced by reason and are absolutely binding, Ross
believes that we determine moral positions through intuition of the rightness or wrongness on the
action. This intuition allows us to determine what our duties are while these duties are not dependent
on the outcomes or circumstances, but how we rank these duties is dependent on a situation. In turn,
this creates what Ross refers to as Prima Facie duties. Prima Facie duties are duties that are obligatory
duties that can be trumped by other duties depending on our situation. Ross gives an example of seven
of these prima facie duties in his writings: beneficence, non maleficence, justice, self improvement,
fidelity, reparation, and gratitude. These duties arise because we intuit them to be true and binding
duties. In Ross s view, all of these duties are binding, but he does not exclude, as Kant does that these
duties may overlap and run contrary to one another in any given situation. We can only act in
accordance with what our perception is of the situation and try to do our best, but we may often fail as
a result. While this theory is superior to Kant in that it does allow for more universal applicability and
wiggle room to fit various cultures, the main issue with Ross s theory is that it relies on the intuition of
flawed humans to determine self evident duties and does not
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Rennie Harris Research Paper
Uduak Ubom Dance 2303 Professor Shani Sterling May 30, 2018 PUREMOVEMENT BY RENNIE
HARRIS Rennie Harris was born on January 28, 1964 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Rennie was
raised in an African American community, Rennie Harris was inspired by Don Campbell Lockers after
seeing them on the popular TV show called Soul Train . He started dancing socially as a kid but when
Rennie turned 12 years he officially started a dance group called Cobra III with his brother and
childhood friend nicknamed Brainy . Cobra lll entered and won a local church talent show, this
marked the beginning of Harris life commitment to dance. In 1992 he founded Rennie Harris
Puremovement, a hip hop dance theater company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In my opinion the dance and Harries intent was successful because it personally made me view hip
hop differently rather than rap, swag and sway and act like a gangster, I realized that real hip hop
dancers do not have time to do all that because they are doing party dances, with vocabulary and steps
and partner. Harris was able to take street dance and put it on the stage. The hip hop dancers were
trained and they delivered the dance professionally. The design of the dance was magical, there was
concentration, cooperation, communication and creativity. The dancers maintained the rhythm and the
shape of the body was shown by the body and the way it made use of time and space. They costumes
being a key component in the moves matched the description of the dance and this made the
choreographer s idea successful. The lighting was appropriate for the dance; the colors from the
lighting portrayed a recent picture and engaged the audience
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The Great Achilles
The Great Achilles, great for his passion, skills in the art of war, however, something eerily stands of
in his almost dominating, charismatic character. His wrath is that of none. The merciless Achilles,
why? Why would the poet choose to focus on the wrath of Achilles more than anything in The Illiad?
From his apparent distain towards Agamemnon, to his seething anger towards the Gods, leading to the
gut wrenching revenge inflicted upon Hector, it is clear as day that Achilles s wrath is one of the most
highlighted attributes of any character in English language today. You may feel as though your
personal pride and ego play apart in your daily lives, as for the feud between Achilles and
Agamemnon, one could argue they wouldn t inhale a single breathe not being in the name of their
honor. A true power struggle between a warrior capable of all out demolition of armies of the greatest
of warriors, versus the powerful king, who may deploy him at the drop of a hat. The feud going as far
as Agamemnon stealing Achilles s beloved slave girl, as Agamemnon states , And now my prize you
threaten in person to strip from me, for whom I labored much, the gift of the sons of the Achaians
.Never, when the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The wrath of Achilles at the moment of battle could have defeated an army of the greatest soldiers
known to man. Even Hector was left timid and begging for pacts. Achilles made himself quite clear as
he responds with Hector, Ill have no talks of pacts with you, forever unforgiven as you are. Without
reading you may be able to assume the wrath unleashed in the following occurrences. As Beowulf had
obligations to himself in protecting his people, Achilles had obligations to himself in avenging his
friend, and even more so, his
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The Shoemaker And The Tea Party Summary
Book Analysis: The Shoemaker and The Tea Party
This book, The Shoemaker and The Tea Party is split into two different sections. The first part is about
the events that happened in Boston through the eyes of George Robert Twelves Hewes. The second
part is written about the Author, Alfred Young, who asks the question When Did They Start Calling It
the Boston Tea Party . This book is written about the memory that Hewes had of the many events that
he participated in. These events included the Boston Massacre, The Boston Tea Party, and the tarring
and feathering of people. The recollections of Hewes helped Americans to realize that we are all equal,
and all capable of doing great things to help our country.
The first section of the book is a recollection of memories that Hewes explained to two different men,
James Hawkes and Benjamin Thatcher. When Hewes finally explains some of these events he is
ninety years old and is trying to recall memories from many years before. Hewes grew up very poor,
and was a shoemaker but was very humble with the life that he lived. He played a big role in the
destroying of the tea in the Boston Harbor that was later named the Boston Tea Party . The Boston Tea
Party happened because of the large amount of taxes that the Parliament in England was making the
colonies in America pay. One of these taxes was the tax on tea that was imported to the colonies. The
citizens of Boston had realized that there was going to be a large shipment of tea
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White Tailed Deer Suicides Analysis
When you think of a mammal who regularly kills humans, the white tailed deer does not come to
mind. Unfortunately, the white tailed deer often jumps in front of vehicles, causing more than one
million collisions resulting in over two hundred deaths a year. In James Gorman s article, he
persuaded me that by bringing the eastern cougar back to its original home, the number of deaths
would significantly reduce. He explains both the benefits and downsides of cougars returning to their
natural habitat.
As a new driver, I am constantly worried of hitting other objects such as cars, mailboxes, and animals.
When deer jump out from the side of the road, I worry that they may cause deadly accidents. Gorman
s article interested me because if there is
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Give Us Avocados Cheap Coalition Analysis
Chipotle raised its guacamole prices to $5 per serving. You are part of the Give Us Avocados Cheap
Coalition (GUAC Coalition) which is an advocate group for affordable guacamole prices. Your group
plans to protest against this new price hike in front of the Whitehouse. When GUAC gets to the
Whitehouse to protest and noon, a Secret Service agent stops them and informs GUAC members that
no protests are allowed this week by any group from 10am 2pm within a 2 block radius of the
Whitehouse because the Secret Service is performing training drills. The agent also informs you that
when protesting, all protestors must remain on the sidewalk and cannot go into the street. As the agent
tells you this, you see a group of people with signs that have
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Candy Chromatography Research Paper
A. Background of study
Candy coated sweets come in different colors and sometimes even vary in flavor in association with
the colors. These colors provide a creative display for children to easily get attracted to the particular
treat, leaving those tinted marks on their mouths and a happy, satisfied grin on their faces.
The reason for conducting the research is to know how the colors of our favorite candy coated sugary
rewards came to be and that method of knowing is what we call Candy Crhomatography .
Chromatography by definition according to Webster s dictionary means a method for separating the
constituents of a solution (gas or liquid) by exploiting the different bonding properties of different
molecules . In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are terms brought about like the capillary action which pertains to the capillary property of
water in reaction to the substance. There are also terms like Retention factor value meaning the
distance run by a component spot, divided by the distance run by the solvent in thin layer
chromatography. Also hydrophilic , meaning something that is easily absorbed in water. They should
be interpreted well and understood as the concept and terms. III. Methodology
A. Design of Experiment and Experimental Values
The flow/design of the experiment starts with these materials:
A. Color coated candies
B. Filter paper; enough to make thirty 2.5 cm x 8 cm strips.
C. Scissors
D. Ruler; metric
E. Pencil
F. Petri dish
G. 150 mL beaker
H. Disposable pipet
I. Wooden coffee stirrers or other similar wooden splints (4)
J. Measuring cup; 4 cup volume
K. 1/8th teaspoon (tsp) measuring spoon or 1/4th tsp measuring spoon
L. Salt
M. Water
N. 400 mL beaker
O. Mini binder clips (2)
P. Food coloring; red, green, and blue
Q. Lab notebook
2. The independent variable is thewater. The dependent variable is the candy. The controlled variable
are the other materials used.
B. Samples Information 1. The samples were very clear in what they were portraying and was very
easy to understand. I tried my best to follow the references and to make the experiment running as
smooth as it seemed to be in the reference material.
2. The samples were gathered through the
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Grand Theft Auto 4 Research Paper
Grand Theft Auto V is a third person open world adventure game developed by Rockstar North.
Players also have the option of playing in First person view in versions of the game that was later
released for the new generation consoles (Xbox1, PS4) and PC. Grand Theft Auto is meant for the
mature audience since it involves Crime, violence, sex, drugs, alcohol and foul language. One of the
most anticipated and popular releases for the younger generation. The previous highly popular title
Grand Theft Auto Four was released in 2008 which managed to get various game of the year awards,
five years later Grand Theft Auto Five was released it quickly became the fastest selling game in
history earning 1 billion in just a few days.
The story takes place in the beautiful city of Los Santos with different variety of cultures and modern
city atmosphere. Los Santos located in San ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However all these boxes were ticked with all these features brought back into the game, massive
world to explore with lots of side missions and free roam. Wildlife was introduced to the game from
crows, deer s, coyote s, bears and dogs. Also the ability to hunt wildlife as a side quest. A large variety
of fast cars were introduced from sports cars and heavy duty industrial trucks and being able to apply
visual and performance upgrades. An under water world to explore with various marine life and also
the danger of being mauled by a shark. Enormous commercial planes are available for flying along
with high grade military fighter jets. Online multilayer is also available which can hold lobbies up to
32 players where they can participate in co op missions, death matches, capture, raid, heist s and
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Essay about Misfortunes of Dreams in Everyday Use” by...
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged
by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. This famous excerpt from Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. s I have a Dream speech seems to echo the very sentiment of the narrator, whom we
find out later is Mama and Mrs. Johnson, in the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker. She alludes
to her eldest daughter Dee and says sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly
brought together on a TV program of this sort. Out of a dark and soft seated limousine I am ushered
into a bright room filled with many people. There I meet a smiling, gray, sporty man like Johnny
Carson who shakes my hand and tells me ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But she does refer to Dee s proclivity to be materialistic: Dee wants nice thing .... At sixteen she had a
style of her own: and knew what style was (61). Mama s dramatic description of herself leaves
nothing to the imagination: In real life I am a large, big boned woman with rough, man working
hands. In winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a
hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather (60). This description does not bold
well for Mama capturing her role in her dream.
The disparity of the outward imageries by Mama is a small manifestation of her cloaked animosity
and resentment as compared to her hyperbolic soliloquies. Even in her dreams she says Dee wants her
to be a hundred pounds lighter, [her] skin like an uncooked barley pancake; [her] hair [glistening] in
the hot bright lights (60). Mama refers to Dee being embarrassed and ashamed of her mother s
appearance. Mama indicates that she can never be what Dee wants her to be in stating Who ever knew
a Johnson with a quick tongue (60); rhetoric corroborated by Mama s admission that she never had an
education [herself]. After second grade the school was closed down (61). However, Mama shunned
Dee s quick tongue, acquired from her education; Mama recalls [Dee] used to read to [them] without
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Commuting vs Dorming
Chelsea Clough
Professor Dingle
13 December 2012
Commuting vs. Dorming The hardest decision a student has to make during their senior year of high
school is which school to attend and whether to live on campus or commute. There are both
advantages and disadvantages to both scenarios. The entire college experience is a learning trip and it
is oftentimes a young adults first step towards independence. Living on campus is an adjustment and
is a huge eye opener to the real world. The college dorm life is considered to be part of the full college
experience, but the costs of living in a residence hall can persuade students to remain home while they
are in college in order to avoid housing fees. The biggest advantage of ... Show more content on
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Since fellow students always surround you, it s a lot easier to make friends and develop lasting
relationships. Even if you don t have a roommate, you re sure to meet students who live in your dorm
hall. Dorming at school is a great experience that you will never forget. For the rest of your life you
can speak of your time where you were a teenager that moved away from home to try something new.
The people you meet and the times you will share with them will be with you forever. There are many
advantages for living on campus, however, there also many disadvantages too. Constant
companionship in your living space can sometimes be a disadvantage, especially in situations when
you want privacy. If you are accustomed to living in your own room in your parents house and
suddenly have to share a room with others, this can take some adjustment time (Bartkowski1). Noise
also is huge factor to the disadvantages of living on campus. Dorms can be a noisy place, considering
there are many students living there who gather in dorm rooms or the lounge. However, if you need
some quiet time to study or do homework, you can always go to the library. Dorming can also be very
overwhelming at first. You can easily be distracted by parties or hanging out in the lounge or a friends
dorm. Also it makes it more susceptible to leave everything for last minute and realize that you have
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Uterus and Hysterectomy
Causes of Hysterectomy
Having a hysterectomy can be one of the most difficult decisions a woman ever has to make. It can
threaten your identity, sexuality, and fertility, and lead to lingering feelings of grief, depression, and
loss. But sometimes a hysterectomy is necessary in order to increase quality of life, reduce painful
symptoms, or even save lives. If you are thinking about having a hysterectomy, it is important to
weigh your decision carefully. This report is designed to give the reader some important background
information on hysterectomy procedures and on how a hysterectomy might affect you or someone you
But first, what is a hysterectomy? The Webster s New World Medical Dictionary defines ... Show
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In endometriosis, this endometrial tissue begins to grow in places outside the uterus. Typical sites
include the fallopian tubes, intestines, vagina, and on scars that my form after abdominal surgery. The
misplaced endometrial tissue thickens, engorges with blood and bleeds during the menstrual cycle,
just like the normal tissue in the uterus. However, there is no place for the abnormally placed
endometrial tissue outside the uterus to shed blood. This results in the formation of cysts, scars, and
adhesions. This process can also block or affect the fallopian tubes so that conception and pregnancy
are less likely to happen. It can also result in complete infertility. Other symptoms of endometriosis
are often associated with heavy or painful periods. Risk factors for the development of endometriosis
include having a mother or sister with the disorder, never having children, starting the menstrual
period at an early age, and frequent or long periods. According to Dr. Camron Nezhat, Laparoscopic
Surgeon at Stanford University, 5.5% of women in the U.S are infected with Endometriosis and 30%
to 40% are infertile as a result of it.
PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
The Professional Guide to Diseases states that Pelvic Inflammatory Disease refers to a variety of
infections of the female reproductive organs. It can affect the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and
nearby tissues. PID is most commonly
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Components Of Engineering Design And Analysis
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. ENGINEERING MATERIALS Materials are an important aspect
of engineering design and analysis. The importance of engineering materials can be noted from the
fact that historical ages have been named after materials. Materials Science forms the basic foundation
for engineers in product development because the structures, components, and devices that design are
limited by the properties of the materials. In the customer driven competitive business environment,
the product quality is of paramount importance [1]. The product or end application quality has been
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technology employed. Therefore, the importance of engineering materials and their process techniques
are art of today s engineering world. There are wide categories of materials available which have
shown their potential in various engineering applications ranging from aerospace to household. The
materials are usually selected by considering their properties, specific application areas, advantages
and limitations. The challenge for designers is to select an optimal material suitable for the specific
design requirements. The complex design need in modern science generally lead to development of
newer materials to meet the specific operating conditions and regimes [1]. The new materials are
today developed from the conventional materials by both structural and surface (extrinsic)
modifications. In
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Research Paper On Nightcrawler
As of 2015, my favorite movie was Nightcrawler. The reason why this movie appeals to me so much
is because of how the film portrays the power of ones will to achieve a goal and ultimately, reach
success. Furthermore, veryaspect of the film unveils its core theme. The movie is quite dark and gritty
with a subtle feel of thrill. Not only does the movie evoke thrill at times, but also anticipation and a
sullen sense of cruel, but cool adventure.
The main character Louis Bloom drives home when he encounters an accident. He watches as two
men film the accident yet are not helping.Nevertheless, Louis becomes intensely focused and
submerged into his field of career after he sells his first film of a graphically gory shot of a victim who
got shot
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The Baseball Player Alex Rodriguez
In 2014 the famous baseball player Alex Rodriguez was suspended for the season due to testing
positive for using performance enhancing drugs. The Yankees star continuously denied any allegations
connecting him with the steroids but eventually claimed to be using products from a bio anti aging
clinic in order to treat an injury. According to an article written by Allen St. John, he has tested
positive for both Primobolan and excess testosterone (St. John, 2009). Eventually, Alex confessed to
using steroids to avoid any more persecution and in hope that it might save how people viewed his
career. Over the course of the situation Alex Rodriguez chose to handle the situation in a manner he
deemed would conceal the truth from everyone. This in turn may cause a great deal of baseball fans to
question his contribution to the sport as they further learn the details about his extensive use of
steroids over the course of recent history.
Student Insight
Alex Rodriguez has faced a lengthy amount of criticism primarily due to the way the situation was
handled. One of the ways he tried combatting the allegations was to deny it in front of the public and
criticize the MLB for trying to portray him as cheater. According to a CNN article written by Ray
Sanchez, Rodriguez claims he was the target of an MLB witch hunt (Sanchez, 2014). He consistently
stood by this position making him look like a victim of career sabotage. This was a poor way of
dealing with the allegations because once he
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How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay - IELTS ACHI

  • 1. How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay - IELTS ACHI 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay - IELTS ACHI How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay - IELTS ACHI
  • 2. Why Did Texas Almost Fail as a Spanish Essay Why Did Texas Almost Fail as a Spanish Colony? Why do the ventures of man fail? The ventures of men fail primarily due to a lack of planning. In the case of Spanish colonies in Texas this holds true. The Spanish first set eyes on the Texas coast in 1519 and in 1821 they lowered their flag for the final time in Texas. The Spanish had about 300 years to try and colonize Texas and the attempt to colonize and settle Texas was not very successful. The initial boats that came to Texas were shipwrecked and only four people survived of the approximately 270 men that made the trip. One of these four survivors was Cabeza De Vaca. These were the first Spaniards to live on Texas soil. Cabeza had a goal to settle Texas and befriend ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Third, the Spanish failed to plan for the hostility of the Comanche and Apache Indians living in the area. Thus, the difficult geography, the weak missions, and hostile Indians were the main causes of the near failure of the Spanish colonies in Texas. The geography, primarily the distances between settled areas in Texas was a real problem for the colonization of Texas by the Spaniards. The Spanish were well established in Mexico City in the south and in New Mexico to the north. However, the distance from Mexico City and the missions in San Antonio was about 700 miles (Doc A). Also, the distance from San Antonio to Santa Fe, New Mexico was about the same distance of 700 miles (Doc A). These were the two closest developed areas to the new colonies. In those days, travel was primarily by mule train and it would take around two months to travel these distances (Doc A). These vast distances made it difficult for trade and made it expensive to transport needed supplies to the newly settled areas. The expense of transportation between settlements lead to very slow economic development and without a chance to make a living people were just not willing to move to the new settlements. In addition to the distances, the land in the area was characterized by very rough terrain and with very little water (Doc A). Since travel was by animals pulling wagons the availability of fresh water was important in order to water the mules and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Classroom Discipline And Management Literature Review Classroom discipline and management literature review Introduction It is a fact that classroom management and discipline has always been a challenge to pre service teachers as they do not know and have not acquired the necessary skills to deal with unruly learners effectively. Often so, teachers in service use strategies that are incorrect or rather unacceptable; whether this is done intentionally or under certain desperation to gain control and respect of the learners. It is prevalent across the globe. Although the South African system has used corporal punishment for many years to maintain discipline and management in the classroom; there have always been other alternative ways which are effective and better as opposed to the harsh way of discipline. The Constitution of South Africa specifically banned the use of this harsh treatment because of the awareness that children are vulnerable and defenceless; therefore they are the ones who are at risk of being victims of crime, beatings and psychological trauma that are an ultimate result of being bullied by adults. My claim is that strategies used to maintain classrooms in public schools are not acceptable if they cause a negative effect to the development of our children. And I will argue that there are other alternatives that could be used to make sure that the classes run smooth and without causing any intimidation to either the learners or teachers in this industry, as the South African Journal of Education mentions that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Birdcage Essay In analyzing the style of Emmanuel Lubezki I found that his techniques adapts to the style/needs of the director and the movie he works on. In the movie The Birdcage, he uses a long lens glamour style whereas, in Children of Men he takes on his famous natural lighting style with a handheld camera. What s unique about these two styles is that he manages to show that the subjects/actors are the main focus and they standout and look amazing whether natural or artificial, he produces natural looking shots. Lubezki also uses techniques in camera to create the best shoot without green screens although, when used, the lighting holdes the image together and creates believable moments. Lubezki has two predominant styles of lighting the actors faces. One is called short lite, which is when the shadow side of the subject s faces the camera (three fourths lighting style) and the other style of lighting cuts right down the middle of the actors faces. We see this in A Series of Unfortunate Events, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He works between the t2.84 but has stopped down to t5.6 or higher. Using a wide angle lens as well as the 2 stops helps creating depth in the frames. According to wolfcrow he uses a 12 millimeter to 17 millimeter lens on a full frame DSLR Alexa G6. Allowing him to create the intense focus shots where the actors eyes are in crisp focus. Yet he is still able to adapt his lens techniques to suit the director s style. All in all, Emmanuel Lubezki personal techniques of shooting creates a well known artistic mark in each of the films he works on but the never hinders with the style which the directors are striving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Kevin Mitnick Case There is no one like Kevin. He was once included among the FBI s Most Wanted because he hacked into over 30 major corporations just for the challenge. After being caught and sentenced to jail for a few years, Kevin is now a trusted security consultant to the Fortune 500 and governments worldwide, as well as author to numerous books. (Mitnick, 2004, para. 1) Kevin Mitnick had his first major run in with the law in the late 1980s. At 25, Kevin was caught monitoring the e mail of MCI and Digital Equipment security officials, which led to his conviction of damaging computers and stealing software. The jury ruled him guilty and the judge sentenced him to one year in prison. (Trigaux, 2000, para. 13) One day after Valentine s Day in 1995, FBI ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Why Did Federation Occur In Australia In The 19th Century In the mid 1800 s, Australia was divided into six relatively independent British colonies which, despite similar cultural beliefs and backgrounds, all acted as separate countries. Each colony had established its own legal system (though the Monarch was the head of state for each colony) which had evolved from and was heavily influenced by the British system. When the First Fleet arrived at Sydney Cove in 1788, they brought with them English law which was implemented in early settler times. This action in conjecture with the British background of the colonies led to early Australian law closely mimicking that of Mother England. Reasons For Federation In the latter half of the 19th century, momentum for the colonies to federate into a single nation increased. There were a significant number of reasons in favour of federating, though there were six main areas which ultimately led to the decision to federate: Defence A major reason for federation was to create an adequate army in case of attack. Prior to federation, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Went on to become Australia s first prime minister. Charles Kingston The South Australian Premier whom was a strong supporter of federation and a radical liberal. The conference ended up agreeing to follow the American model of law and the first draft of the Constitution that was prepared was very similar to the final result. The Second National Australasian Convention was held in March 1897. Adelaide hosted the first session of the convention during March and April in SA s Parliament. During the convention the Constitution draft from 1891 was further developed though Queensland did not attend the convention, due to it failing to pass the legislature needed to send delegates. There were second and third sessions of the Second National Australasian Convention held in Sydney and Melbourne respectively, before the Constitution finished drafting in March ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Difference Between Psychodynamic Theory And Humanistic Theory In order to practice effectively, social workers implement various theories in practice. Theories play an important role in providing knowledge for generalist social workers. There is a total of four different types of practice theories: psychodynamic theories, cognitive behavioral theories, humanistic theories, and postmodern theories. Each theory implements important ideas that are applicable when meeting with a client. Two of the theories that have many similarities and differences are psychodynamic theories and humanistic theories. To begin with, the psychodynamic theory was first started by Sigmund Freud, a psychologist. He based the theory that traumas and childhood experiences link to current issues. This theory has a strong emphasis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the psychodynamic theory likes to look at defense mechanisms to see how people behave. Defense mechanisms are the impulse reactions people have to stressful events that occur in their life (Engard, 2017). In contrast, the humanistic theory researches the personality as a whole. The theory does this by providing the what would make one achieve greatness, no matter the good or bad a person has. For example, a humanistic therapy approach would be the therapist pointing out the strengths and the positive qualities in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. New Garage Door Need A New Garage Door? Understand The Different Kinds Of Openers When you need to purchase a new garage door, you may be very concerned about the material, style, and color. However, the most important aspect of the garage door can be the opener. Know the difference between the 5 kinds of garage door openers, and select the one that will be best for you. Jackshaft The jackshaft opener works with a combination of cables, pulleys, and a motor. It opens the door by turning its torsion bar, which pulls on the cables and pulls the door upward. When the torsion bar turns in the reverse motion, it lowers the cables so that the door can close. Jackshaft openers are wall mounted next to your garage door, which help keep the garage ceiling free for storing your personal belongings. The opener itself is also quiet, which makes it ideal for garages that share a wall with a bedroom. Direct Drive The direct driver opener is even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It works by connecting a trolley to the j arm connected to your garage door, which moves on the chain. While these openers are known for being noisy, newer models use DC motors and have vibration technology that makes the entire unit quieter. It won t be silent, but the noise is an improvement over older models. Due to the noise, it is often used in garages that are detached or have separation between the home and the garage. Belt Drive A belt drive opener is practically identical to its chain drive counterpart, except it uses a belt instead of a chain. The belt is made from rubber that has reinforced steel, fiberglass, or polyurethane. They have the same reliability as a chain drive opener, but are more expensive and quieter. Screw Drive This opener rotates a steel rod that is threaded, which moves the trolly over a rod. These types of openers don t have many moving parts, so they will require less maintenance over the years. They are also ideal for heavy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Myth Of The Word Narcissism The word narcissism develops from the popular Greek myth of the flawless young man, Narcissus, who falls in love with his own reflection in a pool of water and becomes self obsessed. Narcissism still plagues are society today. This behavior reflected in society involves arrogant behavior, a lack of empathy for other people, and the constant need for admiration. In the years of 2002 through 2007, students in college scores on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) rose twice as high compared to an earlier study that covered changes between 1982 and 2006 (Twenge). Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego University, uses psychological data, mainly from American college students, to support the idea that today s youth are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the negative side, the generation is categorized as narcissistic, lazy, and prone to jump from job to job. The book written by Ron Alsop in 2008, Trophy Kids, shares data on how many young people are given rewards for basic accomplishments (such as mere participation) in competitive sports, and have unrealistic expectations of working life (Main). Millennials were often offered many participation trophies growing up that a study showed 40% should be promoted every two years, regardless of performance (Stein). Studies on the millennials show that they hold symptoms of the narcissistic personality disorder nearly three times as high for people in their 20s as for the generation that is now 65 or older, according to the National Institutes of Health. They also have evidence that 58% of college students scored higher on a narcissism scale in 2009 than in 1982 (Stein). Jean Twenge compares decades of personality test results which repeatedly conclude that the younger generation are increasingly self obsessed, entitled, and unprepared for the realities of adult life. Twenge blames it mainly on America s culture idea of self esteem, where every parent or guardian praises every child as special, and self worth is considered necessary to succeed, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Summary Of Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didn T Call The Police In the essay Thirty Eight who saw Murder didn t call the Police , Martin Gansberg describes how selfish and inconsiderable some people can be. He claims that society should be more involved in taking action when seeing violent or life threatening events occurring in their communities. Gansberg strongly supports the fact that people should have taken immediate action when they saw the murder s attempt to killing Miss Genovese, the victim. He also supports this claim by giving feedback from different authority figures. He mentions the detective s feedback on the situation stating that, as we have reconstructed the crime, the assailant had three chances to kill this woman during a 35 minute period. He returned twice to complete the job. If we had been called when he first attacked, the woman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The man said he didn t want to get involved. He uses this imagery to make the reader understand his point of view regarding the homicide. He was also very informative when providing the details and descriptions of what caused this death of an innocent person. [Add details and descriptions, anything that has to do with imagery, before this sentence then use this sentence as a description.] Gansberg uses different strategies such as description throughout the entire essay to make the tone come alive. For example, he describes how the whole homicide scenario occurred right from the very beginning when Ms. Genovese was grabbed by the killer and she screamed even though no help was offered. He also uses the explaining process to help the reader understand how a good citizen or neighbor should act. In his point of view, a good neighbor or citizen should always be willing to take immediate action to help out the victim or someone in danger. [need quote and explanation of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And Luhrmann Films The Comparisons of the 1997, and the 1965 Romeo and Juliet Films Two different actors, Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli, take on the challenge of recreating the William Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. Some of the comparisons of the two Romeo and Juliet plays, by William Shakespeare, is the dialogue and the colors. For the dialogue both directors use some of the same lines of the William Shakespeare play. Part fools! Put up our swords; you know not what you do (Act I, Scene i, p. 13). Another comparison between the Zefferelli and the Luhrmann film is, they kept the same names of the characters. In the Luhrmann film Benvolio is that same name and has the same lines in the Zefferelli film. Another Character that shows this is Tybalt. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Civilization And Civilization Summary In Civilization and Discontents, Sigmund Freud analyzes the relationship between individuals and civilization and how it relates to his theory of instincts and the individual psyche. The viewpoint of civilization and the individuals residing in it changed after the First World War when death became anonymous with the use of new war tactics and weapons such as trench warfare, machine guns, and tanks. Many were left unsettled at the savagery that the modern man was capable of. The idea of civilization and the actions individuals made became more complex and Freud s theory of instincts began to become pertinent to the times. Freud believed that the human psyche is composed of three distinct parts; id, ego, and superego. Id is the set of unconscious desires that are deep within an individual, called the subconscious (Offman Lecture 6). This first part of the human psyche is primitive and is made up of all inherited components of personality that can be found at birth. Freud believed that the id could not be controlled beyond certain limits and that it was part of your instinct that is found within all individuals living in any type of civilization (Freud 101). The id of each individual is described by Freud as never before been touched by the external world, therefore it will not change over time or with an individual s life experiences. The id believes that every sensation of pain of or unpleasure should be removed and avoided at all costs (Freud 15). This is what Freud ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Plague Dbq Section One: The Black Death I. Preconditions/Causes of the Plague A. Population of Europe doubled in 1000 1300 1. Strained food supply 2. Caused higher unemployment rates and lower wages B. The Black Death followed trade routes from Asia into Europe 1. The plague traveled south to north along major trade routes II. Popular Remedies A. People believed that the plague was caused by corruption in the atmosphere 1. Some people blamed poisonous fumes from earthquakes B. Remedies 1. Many people wore aromatic amulets 2. lifestyle changes a. moderate and temperate living b. fleeing from the plague or staying in seclusion 3. religious fanatics a. flagellants b. Jews as scapegoats III. Social/Economic Consequences A. Farms decline 1. Supply and demand: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clement VII was still the French pope 2. Emperor Sigismund demanded that John XXIII call a council in Constance which made a declaration entitled Sacrosancta which: a. elected a new pope, Martin V (the three other popes were forced to resign) b. asserted the supremacy of church councils over individual pope c. demanded that regular meetings of church councils F. The Council of Basel (1431 1449) 1. Church council negotiated directly with the Hussites, a group formerly identified as heretics 2. Four Articles of Prague presented to council by Hussites a. give laity the Eucharist with the cup as well as bread b. free, itinerant preaching c. exclusion of clergy from holding secular offices and owning property d. just punishment of clergy who commit mortal sins 3. Council of Basel showed dominance over the papacy but Pope Pius II (r. 1458 1464) issued a papal bull Execrabilis which condemned appeals to councils and made them completely void. G. Consequences 1. Without effective papal authority and leadership, secular control of national or territorial churches increased a. Kings asserted their power over the church in England and France b. German, Swiss, and Italian magistrates and city councils reformed and regulated religious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. E-Commerce and the Global Market Electronic commerce (e commerce) over the Internet is the fastest growing method for consumers to conduct business. Less than ten years old and it already has radically altered the potential to economic activities and the social environment. There are nearly 200 million Internet users worldwide currently. Of these 200 million users, roughly 40 percent reside in the United States (Styliano, A., Robbins, S. Jackson, P., 2003). E commerce currently affects large sectors such as communications, banking and the retail industry. E commerce has also had an effect on the education, health and government (Wyckoff, A., Colecchia A., 1999). It is predicted that commerce on the Internet could total tens of billions of dollars by the turn of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There have been some negative effects on the economy due to the emergence of e commerce. It is assumed that the availability of goods online should increase competition but this does not always occur. Reputable companies who have majority control over their industry can sometimes maintain high prices. Further, the Internet allows companies to obtain pricing information from their competitors companies easily and allows them to react immediately to external changes. Company monitoring can also work against consumers. Since other companies can quickly change their price, the original company would not make any extra revenue from increased sales (LaRose, R.,2000). There is also the issue of product differentiation. Increased competition due to ecommerce allows companies to better create products especially for a certain target audience. This makes it difficult for consumers to compare products and lessens the competition and keep prices high. As electronic commerce expands it has a greater social impact. The social impact of e commerce is characterized by the globalization of markets, the shift towards an economy based on knowledge and information, and the growing prominence of technology in everyday life (Jones, B., n.d.). As e commerce expands, there becomes a greater need to improve education about the business and technical side of e commerce. Traditional educational institutions will have to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Development Of Hate Crimes and their extents. As a recently coined term, it was not widely known as to what exactly it entailed. HSCA would give one the ability to see, in numbers, how often the crimes were occurring. Another impactful facet of the bill would be to support future development of hate crime legislation. Legislation, moving forward, would need as much momentum as possible for future implementation. But as public knowledge, those in support believed that reporting would aid in such momentum. It would also aid in law enforcement s ability to address hate crimes. For one, with the bill, they would have access to information that was never available before. This could help in both predicting future crimes, as well as addressing them where they are most prominent. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the bias was apparent through his speech, it was made provable through the young men s actions in which he inclined. But this is where hate crime statues become tricky, and face most opposition. Those against hate crime statutes argue just that, of one s rights being violated if a penalty enhancement is enforced. Those in opposition, however, would eventually be out reasoned; much thanks to this case in particular. What the ruling brought to light was ideals and reason that are still in place today surrounding hate crime laws. One, being the public display of the serious nature in which these crimes present, and the repercussions that follow if committed. Just as the HCSA intended to bring exposure to such acts, this case would send a similar message in that acts of this nature will not be tolerated. If committed, they are subject to a greater penalty. Which is the other strongpoint of this case. The ruling proved, through court of law, that an act s penalty can be constitutionally enhanced. This case would be of great aid in paving the way for hate crime statues, on a national level, to be implemented in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Auteur Theory The film of tomorrow will not be directed by civil servants of the camera, but by artists for whom shooting a film constitutes a wonderful and thrilling adventure. Francois Truffaut. Auteur Theory suggests that the best films will bear their maker s signature . Discuss The Auteur Theory was born out of a group of influential french filmmakers and critics of the 1950s. Its origins stem from a french film magazine Cahiers du Cinema and in particular an article written by Francois Truffaut titled A Certain Tendency of the French Cinema. Truffaut was a french director, screenwriter, producer, actor, as well as a film critic and is also credited as being one of the founders of the French New Wave. Auteur Theory suggests that a director ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each film in a different genre still touches upon similar themes and has the signature style of filmmaking that we would expect to see. (Roper, 2014) Through his films, Kubrick was able to create something original, and, shining through overall were his signature cinematic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. What Does Seven Dollars Mean In the movie, Seven Pounds, Gabriele Muccino develops a character played by Will Smith who s name is Tim in the movie. Through out the movie Tim pretends to be is brother Ben. I believe that Tim cares so much more about other people s lives than his own life. Also, I think that this was triggered when him and his recently engaged wife got into a car accident. The first organ Tim donated was to his brother Ben and it was a lobe of his lung this was a year after the crash. This is also when Tim steals Bens IRS ID badge and pretends to be him to look at people financial history of people that might receive his donations. Tim would also interview the person to make sure they were a good person before he knew he was going to donate to them. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Robert Louv s Last Child In The Woods The days of making mud pies, running around the neighborhood, getting poison ivy from exploring the river are dwindling down with the change in society and cultural values. Over the past few decades, children have become less and less familiar and engaged with nature. Children of the millennial generation are encountering new issues defined by a term identified by Robert Louv in his book, Last Child in The Woods, as Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD). This disorder is not a medical term, but it is an appropriate and relatable term for many children to describe the growing disconnect between them and nature. NDD is developing into a real issue because of the change in parental values, school atmosphere, technology and urbanization. As society changes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Vital information and learning is lost when children aren t able to tap into all of their senses through nature and the innate connection with the land. The Land Trust Alliance is an organization working on conserving the precious land that people need and love. The Alliances president, Rand Wentwoth, advocates for combatting NDD in a news release and says, We, as a species, are now far more sedentary and disconnected from the land than our forerunners, and we are paying the price, ( Land Trust Alliance Teams with Environmental, Health Allies to Combat National Health Crisis of Nature Deficit Disorder ) The classic schoolyard asphalt, jungle gym, swings and maybe a field or baseball diamond are not much help to children s learned and rejuvenation of the brain. (Geaghan Breiner 36) More and more schools are reducing recess time in order to give more student time to focus on academics so their test scores will be raised ( Nature Deficit Disorder Takes Root ). Nature Deficit Disorder causes the students to have higher chances of Attention Deficit Disorder, higher stress levels and lower attention spans which are all reduced by being connected back with nature like mankind is supposed to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Analysis Of The Catcher Of The Rye Two Worlds, Two Choices, Two Boys In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caulfield struggles to leave the real world around him which he constantly fails to fit in. He is expelled from three schools before going to Pencey. He then leaves Pencey for New York before Christmas. After experiencing the coldness of society in New York, He decides to hitchhike to the West alone, escaping the society and leaving his family behind. Instead, he chooses to dream about living in the fantasy world in his mind where all things he resists do not exist. Among those things he resists in the real world, the phoniness of adults, the unavoidable loss of children s innocence and his unbreakable bond with his family are the most significant ones that schedule Holden s canceled departure. Holden is unwilling to get along with phonies at his schools. When Holden explains the reason why he leaves Elkton Hills School to Mr. Spencer, he gives an example: For instance, they had this headmaster, Mr. Haas, that was the phoniest bastard I ever met in my life (Salinger 17). Holden finally drops out of Elkton Hills because of the phoniness of his headmaster even though Holden has no direct contact with him. However, Holden s abhorrence toward phonies is so great and evident that he cannot even stand watching a phony s action from far away. Holden originally believes that changing to another school will reduce his interaction with phonies, but his thought is proved wrong at Pencey. After ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. How the Federal Bilingual Education Act of 1968 Ended the... The purpose of this paper is to examine how the Federal Bilingual Education Act of 1968, ended the War on Poverty. Bilingual education is the use of more than one language to deliver curriculum content. The bilingual education system is designed for students to become proficient in English, and also encourage students to become bi cultural; and function in two, or more linguistic and cultural groups. The policy expressed U.S commitment to the needs of the growing number of children in the public schools, whose first language was not English. In 1968, the government passed the Bilingual Education Act, which required language minority students to be taught in both their native language and English. I myself had to undergo English as a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which provided federal aid to low income children with limited English speaking families. The government believed that in order to end the War on Poverty, it would have to aid schools in developing new and imaginative elementary and secondary school programs (Parkay, 2013). The education gap between one generation and another would end here. However, this issue would take far more than funding. The issue of bilingual education in our public school system is a much debated topic in this country, and especially in this state. The Education Topic over Bilingual Education in our School Systems Spanish speaking populace has grown tremendously in these past decades, much of which have immigrated with Spanish as their only language. This has left the public school system with an interesting problem; how to successfully transition Spanish speaking students into an English environment. Public school systems have adopted an immersion program; where students learn English and other subjects in classrooms where only English is spoken (Parkay, 2013). Students are not necessarily aided, they are required to learn like their peers from the teacher and ask for direction when needed in English. This program might aid some fast learners, but students who do not adapt to English; which is a foreign language to them, are left to learn on their own. If the student does not get the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Cell Free DNA Case Study Circulating tumor nucleic acids (ctNAs) composed of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), mRNA and microRNA that are released and circulate in the blood of cancer patient, and changes in the levels of ctNAs in the circulation have been associated with tumor burden, tumor stage, vascularity, cellular turnover, response to therapy and metastasis12, 210 212. It has been postulated that cell free DNA (cfDNA) can originates directly from the viable tumor cells or from CTCs by apoptosis, necrosis, autophagy, micro environmental stress, mitotic catastrophe, trauma and treatment procedure12, 213 220, others includes viruses, such as EBV, HPV and hepatitis B virus221 223. Cell free DNA (cfDNA) is regarded as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) after ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Withal, not all cfDNA originates from cell death; viable cells also release cfDNA as a part of homeostasis215, 217, 246, 247. In addition to this, it has also been seen that incitements of lymphocytes can results into release of large numbers of cfDNA in the absence of apoptosis or necrosis216, 246, 248. Moreover, It has been suggested that cfDNA act as a ligand for Toll like receptor 9 (TLR9) that may inhibit pro apoptotic caspases by virtue of TLR9 dependent signaling249. This signifies a possible immunomodulatory role for cfDNA. These days cfDNA remains to be hot topic and is widely used for wide range of research and clinical purposes, including tumor genotyping, early cancer detection, patient prognosis, minimal residual disease monitoring, therapy evaluation, biomarker in transplant surgery for graft injury and prediction of allograft rejection53, 250 262 . Multiple studies have demonstrated that patients with invasive tumors such as lung, breast, pancreas, colon, hepatocellular, ovarian, prostate, esophageal and melanoma generally have high level of ctDNA in their plasma than in healthy individuals263 268. Several genomic studies of tumor mutations have analyzed ctDNA to quantify tumor burden and to detect therapeutic resistance conferring mutations211, 269 271. Moreover, a correlation has been set up ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Crucial Role Of Cultural Relevance In Health Care Introduction Different cultural groups employ different health belief systems that assist in explaining the causes of certain diseases that affect each and every culture. This also explains how the diseases can be treated or the cure that should be employed and the person that should handle the whole procedure. Patient education as perceived by the patient with regards to the extent of the cultural relevance in health care can play a crucial role on their information perception given and also on the willingness to employ it (Essex, 2006). Industrialized societies of the West like the US that view illnesses to be caused by phenomena that is naturally scientific, advocate for sophisticated technology use and medical treatments that diagnose and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is normally a habit for the Chinese to cease using medicines immediately after the symptoms of the illness disappear and prefer to keep the leftover medicine for when the symptoms return. It is also a common culture and tradition for the patients to treat another Chinese patient having similar symptoms with the leftover medicine. Two, it is crucial for a nurse caring for a Chinese to have adequate knowledge that the Chinese culture highly hold respect and value for authority. In a situation where the nurse is explaining something to the patient and he or she nods giving the impression to the nurse that they have understood, while in fact it is just a sign of respect. Therefore, it is vital that the nurse make sure the patient completely understands the medical procedure being given and if necessary, a certified medical translator should be engaged. Three, in the Chinese culture, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is part of medical treatment options used to cure illnesses. This is why the Chinese tend to prefer to take medicinal herbs and foods first before seeking medical attention and in a situation where medication is given, they will stop taking them immediately the symptoms disappear. Nurses need to be aware of these types of scenarios and should therefore emphasize the relevance of the drug regimen undertaken. Four, nurses out to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Frida Kahlo And The Mexican Community Frida Kahlo once said At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can. There is no better person to say this than Kahlo, whose life was filled with pain and sadness. She was one of the most influential artists of her time, especially in the Mexican community.. The most important aspects of her life were her multicultural background, her tragic accident she survived as a teen, her relationship with Diego Rivera, her death, and her face as a product. Frida Kahlo was born Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón, July 6th, 1907, in Coyoacan, Mexico. Her mother, Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez, was of indigenous and Spanish descent. Her father, Wilhelm Kahlo, was German. The combinations of the two heritages gave Frida a rich cultural background, which was a key part of her artwork. Kahlo developed polio at the young age of 6, which left one of her legs thinner and weaker than the other one. It is also speculated that she may have had spina bifida, which would also hinder the growth of her leg. Although she suffered from these afflictions, her father encouraged her to be active and participate in sports, such as swimming, wrestling and boxing. It would be September 17, 1925, that Kahlo s life would be changed forever. It was a normal day, and Kahlo had been out shopping with her boyfriend, Alex Gomez Arias. They decided to board a bus that would take them back home to Coyoacan. A streetcar collided with the bus that the couple were on, and Kahlo was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Consumption Of Two Goods consumption of two goods In economics a consumer is described as a rational individual who wishes to maximise their utility by making rational choices. These choices appear when a consumer is exposed to two goods, where a given amount of one good substitutes the use of another one. To calculate how a consumer can achieve the optimal allocation of the two goods, an indifference curve is used and the analysis of an indifference curve can be combined with the budget constraint. For the consumer, some combinations are better than others for maximising utility, and the best combination is the optimal combination. Consumers have preferences about the goods they consume. Therefore, when faced with a choice of goods, the consumer must decide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Consumers wish to have a higher number of goods than less. If the consumer added another book to his bundle, he would have to sacrifice some water, in order to hold utility constant. One can calculate how many glasses of water the consumer is willing to sacrifice for another book without changing his total utility through the marginal rate of substitution. According to (BEGG et al., Economics, 11th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2014 ), the marginal rate of substitution between two goods measures the quantity of a good the consumer must sacrifice to increase the quantity of the other good by one unit without changing total utility. For example, if the consumer has 10 books and no water and he reads 9 of these books, he won t enjoy the last one as much. Furthermore, by drinking no water the consumer will be very dehydrated and won t enjoy reading at all, and so the utility of this particular bundle would be extremely low. On the flip side, if the consumer drank a large amount of water and read few books. As a result, he would be reluctant to sacrifice his books for even more water. By and large, a consumer s preferences exhibit the diminishing marginal rate of substitution, which means that when a consumer owns lot of one good, they will give up a comparatively large amount of it to get another good of which they have little. We use indifference curves to portray our hypotheses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Who Is Lysander In A Midsummer Night s Dream In the play A Midsummer Night s Dream written by William Shakespeare, the couple of Hermia and Lysander lack a smooth love story. They are both having an issue with Hermia s father Egeus wanting her to marry a person named Demetrius but she wants to marry Lysander but it is resolved at the end with Demetrius falling in love with Hermia s best friend Helena. Egeus, Hermia, Lysander, and Demetrius are all fighting because Egeus wants Hermia to marry Demetrius but Hermia wants to marry Lysander. Then, Egeus can t make Hermia obey him so; then, they go to the duke of Athens Theseus whom will be getting married to the Queen of the Amazons in four days. Then, the duke gives Hermia three choices: become a nun, marry Demetrius, or be executed. During ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Arguments Against Racial Diversity Racial Diversity Race is a part of our culture that shapes who we are as a society. Race helps us make up how one sees the world around us and the different multitudes of ethnic groups. Different raciest are compassed by how we view one s languages, values, and beliefs, race that continues to shape the practice and politics of citizenship in ways that are often obscured in modern citizenship debates (Collins issues . 2014) causing for racial diversity, the importance of making diversity evident at every level of the organization, showing respect for diversity (Luttrell.2014) groups. In the past race was concerted either black or white, there was no in between. With the changing of times ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 475 488. Publisher: Sage Publications; [Journal Article], Database: PsycINFO Collins, Kristin A.; Yale Law Journal, May 2014, v. 123, iss. 7, pp. 2134 2235, Database: EconLit with Full Text Luttrell, Regina. Public Relations Tactics. Dec2014, Vol. 21 Issue 12, p12 12. 3/4p. , Database: Corporate ResourceNet Ruebeck, Christopher S.; Averett, Susan L.; Bodenhorn, Howard N.; B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Contributions to Economic Analysis and Policy, 2009, v. 9, iss. 1, Database Schmidt, J. (2006). Social and cultural foundations of counseling and human service multiple influences on self concept development. Boston: Pearson Seong, Jee Young; Kristof Brown, Amy L.; Park, Won Woo; Hong, Doo Seung; Shin, Yuhyung; Journal of Management, Vol 41(4), May, 2015 pp. 1184 1213. Publisher: Sage Publications; [Journal Article], Database: PsycINFO Shumaker, David; Medoff, David; the Family Journal, Vol 21(3), Jul, 2013 pp. 318 327. Publisher: Sage Publications; [Journal Article], Database: ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Detroit Argumentative Essay something that was done over two generations ago. Michigan is attempting to move forward with backwards thinking. If Detroit is not revitalized and branded it has been said that Michigan as a whole cannot rebrand. Detroit is the city that most people outside of the state look at and determine Michigan s prominence, domination and future. Rather right or wrong that is simply the way that it is. Michigan over the past few years has attempted to gut the city of what they perceive as the ugliness of Detroit, people in poverty. In this attempt most of the people whom had to leave Detroit because of unemployment after the downturn are the very people that the State needs. Michigan s diverse cultural population seems to be what the current government ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Karl Marx View On Capitalism Karl Marx was a philosopher who was engaged in economic politics, sociology, and radical politics. Marx saw the world as two different entities. He saw it as a scuffle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariats. This is what divided the capitalist society. Marx believed everyone works in some shape, form, and fashion. The bourgeoisie were the individuals that held the capital and the proletariats were the wage laborers. The social aspect would then come in to play. Marx would then try to figure out how the bourgeoise and the proletariats could thrive in a world that had the poverty but there was plenty of wealth. Meaning how would the individuals who fell under the proletariat state be in a poverty class. Capitalism would be the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, we learned in Dr. Tatum s class that Rousseau had a major influence on the French and American Revolutions. Rousseau seems to explore more on freedom rather than radical politics. In my opinion, Rousseau would evaluate in the state of nature how man would have their freedom. You could say that men or man is actually free because he is not forced by state or other individuals. Another way, man is mentally and spiritually free and is not succumbed to wants or needs of society. Rousseau thought that a worthy government should be or have freedom for everyone in its social class. From the Discourse of Inequality to the possibility of being well governed: in which every person being equal to his occupation, no one should be obliged to commit to others the functions with which he was entrusted: a State, in which all the individuals being well known to one another, neither the secret machinations of vice, nor the modesty of virtue should be able to escape the notice and judgment of the public (Discourse of Inequality, Jean Jacque Rousseau) page1. As I understand Rousseau s beliefs on this matter or what he writes about in the Discourse of Inequality, unless you are In a state of nature you are not free to do as you please. If you have to have laws or be governed by man that says you must or will abide by certain standards, then you are not free. Furthermore, Rousseau also states that human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Young Woman By Ella Thomas Essay Another young woman, Ella Thomas, described her pregnancy in a manner that further complicates interpreting historical pregnancy. While having a miscarriage, Ella describes herself as sick but does not appear to be bothered by the event. Despite experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, Ella does not describe her pregnancy within these terms. If anything, she finds her symptoms a nuisance (Thomas). Furthermore, her own pregnancy has led her to sympathize with other pregnant women. She mentions in the diary that if she had sole management of a plantation that pregnant women would be highly favored...whether black of white (Thomas). The distinction of sole management here is fascinating because it implies that her husband would not be in charge in this case, and that if he were in charge he would be less likely to show favor to pregnant women because he personally could not understand the experience (Thomas). Eventually, Ella becomes worried for her health when more serious symptoms begin to manifest. Her symptoms are so severe that she they frighten [her] with fears of sickness and cause her to call for her doctor. She notes however, that her physician Dr. Edward Eve does nothing to help her or to alleviate her symptoms. Days later, her pregnancy miscarries, which she colloquially refers to as an abortion (Thomas). Despite the bodily trauma, Ella s diary entries continues in good spirits. The actual miscarriage, she notes, did not scare her, it only ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Explain the Purpose of Hermeneutics The primary need of Hermeneutics is to determine and understand the meaning of Biblical text. The purpose of Hermeneutics is to bridge the gap between our minds and the minds of the Biblical writers through a thorough knowledge of the original languages, ancient history and the comparison of Scripture with Scripture. Through Hermeneutics, Biblical Interpretation can be achieved in three ways; historically, the message and the doctrine. The Bible is totally authoritive and inspired by God, however is it propositional or not? To be propositional means that God reveals certain truths at which we respond in accepting these truths. These certain truths may be found in scripture, creeds and or the teachings of the church. Non propositional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Liberals believe that the writers of the Bible accommodated their recipients and hence the Bible is not binding on us. Non propositional theology is often favoured by liberal theologians because it places the emphasis on human experience and rationality. The third school of interpretation is Traditionalism. Traditionalists maintain that the Bible is full of truth, God is revealed within the Bible and that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit. One of the key characteristics of their approach to the Bible is its emphasis on the need to understand the nature of the different types of literature within the bible. However, traditionalists would not accept the fundamentalist s notion of inerrancy as many would acknowledge that there are mistakes in the Bible. These are seen as a reflection of both the historical context in which they are written and the human fallibility of the authors. As with Liberals, traditionalists believe that some aspects of the Bible need to be reinterpreted for today. Traditionalists place a lot of emphasis on the process of exegesis. However, after establishing the intended meaning of the author the next step in the traditional approach is the question of how it should be applied to Christian today. However, whereas fundamentalists believe that the true meaning of a text should be clear to each reader; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Analysis Of An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce has the audience feeling multiple emotions such as shocked and on the edge of their seat from start to finish. Peyton Farquhar is a plantation owner is his mid thirties. Farquhar was up for execution by hanging from an Alabama railroad bridge the Civil War because a Federal scout betrayed him. Bierce could mislead the readers thinking that Peyton Farquhar, was escaping from being hung when in fact it was just is imagination. Bierce engages a great use of characterization in how he describes the characters throughout the story and timing details, to have the audience sitting on the edge of their seats and having a twist that no one was expecting. An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge succeeds in misleading the readers by the way Bierce represents the timing between the events that go on. In section III, there are a lot of details that serve a purpose in having the audience believing that he is escaping. When reading The water, the banks, the forests, the now distant bridge, fort, and men, all were commingled and blurred it allows the authors to picture him running far away from the bridge like he was making his elaborate escape (Bierce). It was as if he finally broke away from the soldier and that he was going to be saved. Everything in Section III is emphasized as reality to the audience as if it is really happening, though it is all Peyton s thoughts right before his death. Bierce characterizes of Peyton ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Aldo Leopold And The Expansion Of The Redwood National Park Aldo Leopold s idea of land ethics is that a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise . In the early 1970 s, a rising concern for the Redwood Forest grew as nearby logging and other human activities started to become a threat to the Redwood National Park by encroaching on its boundaries. By 1968, it was estimated that nearly 90 percent of the original redwoods trees had been lost due to logging. Congress stepped into action after several environmental studies showed that the existing redwood trees could be endangered from the rapid deforestation in the surrounding area. The Redwood National Park Expansion Act, amended in 1978; expanded the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. A Retrieved Reformation And The Gift Of The Magi Great ideas come from the least expected places. That s what happened to famous American short story writer O. Henry. He found himself a career by writing in a jail cell. Although this seems like a weird place, many of his famous pieces came from him writing while serving time in jail. O. Henry was famous for his surprise endings and also put a lot of his life experiences into his stories. Two of O. Henry s stories where he incorporates his life into the most are A Retrieved Reformation and The Gift of the Magi. O. Henry uses a lot of examples where he uses his life experiences in A Retrieved Reformation. First of all, in their lives, both Jimmy and O. Henry go to for robbing banks. O. Henry was jailed for embezzlement, while Jimmy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. An Definition Of Moral Theory Another moral theory, also born of Deontological Perspectives, comes from WD Ross. In contrast to Kant, who stated that moral positions can be deduced by reason and are absolutely binding, Ross believes that we determine moral positions through intuition of the rightness or wrongness on the action. This intuition allows us to determine what our duties are while these duties are not dependent on the outcomes or circumstances, but how we rank these duties is dependent on a situation. In turn, this creates what Ross refers to as Prima Facie duties. Prima Facie duties are duties that are obligatory duties that can be trumped by other duties depending on our situation. Ross gives an example of seven of these prima facie duties in his writings: beneficence, non maleficence, justice, self improvement, fidelity, reparation, and gratitude. These duties arise because we intuit them to be true and binding duties. In Ross s view, all of these duties are binding, but he does not exclude, as Kant does that these duties may overlap and run contrary to one another in any given situation. We can only act in accordance with what our perception is of the situation and try to do our best, but we may often fail as a result. While this theory is superior to Kant in that it does allow for more universal applicability and wiggle room to fit various cultures, the main issue with Ross s theory is that it relies on the intuition of flawed humans to determine self evident duties and does not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Rennie Harris Research Paper Uduak Ubom Dance 2303 Professor Shani Sterling May 30, 2018 PUREMOVEMENT BY RENNIE HARRIS Rennie Harris was born on January 28, 1964 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Rennie was raised in an African American community, Rennie Harris was inspired by Don Campbell Lockers after seeing them on the popular TV show called Soul Train . He started dancing socially as a kid but when Rennie turned 12 years he officially started a dance group called Cobra III with his brother and childhood friend nicknamed Brainy . Cobra lll entered and won a local church talent show, this marked the beginning of Harris life commitment to dance. In 1992 he founded Rennie Harris Puremovement, a hip hop dance theater company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In my opinion the dance and Harries intent was successful because it personally made me view hip hop differently rather than rap, swag and sway and act like a gangster, I realized that real hip hop dancers do not have time to do all that because they are doing party dances, with vocabulary and steps and partner. Harris was able to take street dance and put it on the stage. The hip hop dancers were trained and they delivered the dance professionally. The design of the dance was magical, there was concentration, cooperation, communication and creativity. The dancers maintained the rhythm and the shape of the body was shown by the body and the way it made use of time and space. They costumes being a key component in the moves matched the description of the dance and this made the choreographer s idea successful. The lighting was appropriate for the dance; the colors from the lighting portrayed a recent picture and engaged the audience ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Great Achilles The Great Achilles, great for his passion, skills in the art of war, however, something eerily stands of in his almost dominating, charismatic character. His wrath is that of none. The merciless Achilles, why? Why would the poet choose to focus on the wrath of Achilles more than anything in The Illiad? From his apparent distain towards Agamemnon, to his seething anger towards the Gods, leading to the gut wrenching revenge inflicted upon Hector, it is clear as day that Achilles s wrath is one of the most highlighted attributes of any character in English language today. You may feel as though your personal pride and ego play apart in your daily lives, as for the feud between Achilles and Agamemnon, one could argue they wouldn t inhale a single breathe not being in the name of their honor. A true power struggle between a warrior capable of all out demolition of armies of the greatest of warriors, versus the powerful king, who may deploy him at the drop of a hat. The feud going as far as Agamemnon stealing Achilles s beloved slave girl, as Agamemnon states , And now my prize you threaten in person to strip from me, for whom I labored much, the gift of the sons of the Achaians .Never, when the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The wrath of Achilles at the moment of battle could have defeated an army of the greatest soldiers known to man. Even Hector was left timid and begging for pacts. Achilles made himself quite clear as he responds with Hector, Ill have no talks of pacts with you, forever unforgiven as you are. Without reading you may be able to assume the wrath unleashed in the following occurrences. As Beowulf had obligations to himself in protecting his people, Achilles had obligations to himself in avenging his friend, and even more so, his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Shoemaker And The Tea Party Summary Book Analysis: The Shoemaker and The Tea Party This book, The Shoemaker and The Tea Party is split into two different sections. The first part is about the events that happened in Boston through the eyes of George Robert Twelves Hewes. The second part is written about the Author, Alfred Young, who asks the question When Did They Start Calling It the Boston Tea Party . This book is written about the memory that Hewes had of the many events that he participated in. These events included the Boston Massacre, The Boston Tea Party, and the tarring and feathering of people. The recollections of Hewes helped Americans to realize that we are all equal, and all capable of doing great things to help our country. The first section of the book is a recollection of memories that Hewes explained to two different men, James Hawkes and Benjamin Thatcher. When Hewes finally explains some of these events he is ninety years old and is trying to recall memories from many years before. Hewes grew up very poor, and was a shoemaker but was very humble with the life that he lived. He played a big role in the destroying of the tea in the Boston Harbor that was later named the Boston Tea Party . The Boston Tea Party happened because of the large amount of taxes that the Parliament in England was making the colonies in America pay. One of these taxes was the tax on tea that was imported to the colonies. The citizens of Boston had realized that there was going to be a large shipment of tea ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. White Tailed Deer Suicides Analysis When you think of a mammal who regularly kills humans, the white tailed deer does not come to mind. Unfortunately, the white tailed deer often jumps in front of vehicles, causing more than one million collisions resulting in over two hundred deaths a year. In James Gorman s article, he persuaded me that by bringing the eastern cougar back to its original home, the number of deaths would significantly reduce. He explains both the benefits and downsides of cougars returning to their natural habitat. As a new driver, I am constantly worried of hitting other objects such as cars, mailboxes, and animals. When deer jump out from the side of the road, I worry that they may cause deadly accidents. Gorman s article interested me because if there is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Give Us Avocados Cheap Coalition Analysis Chipotle raised its guacamole prices to $5 per serving. You are part of the Give Us Avocados Cheap Coalition (GUAC Coalition) which is an advocate group for affordable guacamole prices. Your group plans to protest against this new price hike in front of the Whitehouse. When GUAC gets to the Whitehouse to protest and noon, a Secret Service agent stops them and informs GUAC members that no protests are allowed this week by any group from 10am 2pm within a 2 block radius of the Whitehouse because the Secret Service is performing training drills. The agent also informs you that when protesting, all protestors must remain on the sidewalk and cannot go into the street. As the agent tells you this, you see a group of people with signs that have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Candy Chromatography Research Paper I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of study Candy coated sweets come in different colors and sometimes even vary in flavor in association with the colors. These colors provide a creative display for children to easily get attracted to the particular treat, leaving those tinted marks on their mouths and a happy, satisfied grin on their faces. The reason for conducting the research is to know how the colors of our favorite candy coated sugary rewards came to be and that method of knowing is what we call Candy Crhomatography . Chromatography by definition according to Webster s dictionary means a method for separating the constituents of a solution (gas or liquid) by exploiting the different bonding properties of different molecules . In ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are terms brought about like the capillary action which pertains to the capillary property of water in reaction to the substance. There are also terms like Retention factor value meaning the distance run by a component spot, divided by the distance run by the solvent in thin layer chromatography. Also hydrophilic , meaning something that is easily absorbed in water. They should be interpreted well and understood as the concept and terms. III. Methodology A. Design of Experiment and Experimental Values The flow/design of the experiment starts with these materials: A. Color coated candies B. Filter paper; enough to make thirty 2.5 cm x 8 cm strips. C. Scissors D. Ruler; metric E. Pencil F. Petri dish G. 150 mL beaker H. Disposable pipet I. Wooden coffee stirrers or other similar wooden splints (4) J. Measuring cup; 4 cup volume K. 1/8th teaspoon (tsp) measuring spoon or 1/4th tsp measuring spoon L. Salt M. Water N. 400 mL beaker O. Mini binder clips (2) P. Food coloring; red, green, and blue Q. Lab notebook 2. The independent variable is thewater. The dependent variable is the candy. The controlled variable are the other materials used.
  • 41. B. Samples Information 1. The samples were very clear in what they were portraying and was very easy to understand. I tried my best to follow the references and to make the experiment running as smooth as it seemed to be in the reference material. 2. The samples were gathered through the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Grand Theft Auto 4 Research Paper Grand Theft Auto V is a third person open world adventure game developed by Rockstar North. Players also have the option of playing in First person view in versions of the game that was later released for the new generation consoles (Xbox1, PS4) and PC. Grand Theft Auto is meant for the mature audience since it involves Crime, violence, sex, drugs, alcohol and foul language. One of the most anticipated and popular releases for the younger generation. The previous highly popular title Grand Theft Auto Four was released in 2008 which managed to get various game of the year awards, five years later Grand Theft Auto Five was released it quickly became the fastest selling game in history earning 1 billion in just a few days. The story takes place in the beautiful city of Los Santos with different variety of cultures and modern city atmosphere. Los Santos located in San ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However all these boxes were ticked with all these features brought back into the game, massive world to explore with lots of side missions and free roam. Wildlife was introduced to the game from crows, deer s, coyote s, bears and dogs. Also the ability to hunt wildlife as a side quest. A large variety of fast cars were introduced from sports cars and heavy duty industrial trucks and being able to apply visual and performance upgrades. An under water world to explore with various marine life and also the danger of being mauled by a shark. Enormous commercial planes are available for flying along with high grade military fighter jets. Online multilayer is also available which can hold lobbies up to 32 players where they can participate in co op missions, death matches, capture, raid, heist s and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Essay about Misfortunes of Dreams in Everyday Use” by... I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. This famous excerpt from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. s I have a Dream speech seems to echo the very sentiment of the narrator, whom we find out later is Mama and Mrs. Johnson, in the short story Everyday Use by Alice Walker. She alludes to her eldest daughter Dee and says sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together on a TV program of this sort. Out of a dark and soft seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people. There I meet a smiling, gray, sporty man like Johnny Carson who shakes my hand and tells me ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But she does refer to Dee s proclivity to be materialistic: Dee wants nice thing .... At sixteen she had a style of her own: and knew what style was (61). Mama s dramatic description of herself leaves nothing to the imagination: In real life I am a large, big boned woman with rough, man working hands. In winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather (60). This description does not bold well for Mama capturing her role in her dream. The disparity of the outward imageries by Mama is a small manifestation of her cloaked animosity and resentment as compared to her hyperbolic soliloquies. Even in her dreams she says Dee wants her to be a hundred pounds lighter, [her] skin like an uncooked barley pancake; [her] hair [glistening] in the hot bright lights (60). Mama refers to Dee being embarrassed and ashamed of her mother s appearance. Mama indicates that she can never be what Dee wants her to be in stating Who ever knew a Johnson with a quick tongue (60); rhetoric corroborated by Mama s admission that she never had an education [herself]. After second grade the school was closed down (61). However, Mama shunned Dee s quick tongue, acquired from her education; Mama recalls [Dee] used to read to [them] without ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Commuting vs Dorming Chelsea Clough Professor Dingle English 13 December 2012 Commuting vs. Dorming The hardest decision a student has to make during their senior year of high school is which school to attend and whether to live on campus or commute. There are both advantages and disadvantages to both scenarios. The entire college experience is a learning trip and it is oftentimes a young adults first step towards independence. Living on campus is an adjustment and is a huge eye opener to the real world. The college dorm life is considered to be part of the full college experience, but the costs of living in a residence hall can persuade students to remain home while they are in college in order to avoid housing fees. The biggest advantage of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since fellow students always surround you, it s a lot easier to make friends and develop lasting relationships. Even if you don t have a roommate, you re sure to meet students who live in your dorm hall. Dorming at school is a great experience that you will never forget. For the rest of your life you can speak of your time where you were a teenager that moved away from home to try something new. The people you meet and the times you will share with them will be with you forever. There are many advantages for living on campus, however, there also many disadvantages too. Constant companionship in your living space can sometimes be a disadvantage, especially in situations when you want privacy. If you are accustomed to living in your own room in your parents house and suddenly have to share a room with others, this can take some adjustment time (Bartkowski1). Noise also is huge factor to the disadvantages of living on campus. Dorms can be a noisy place, considering there are many students living there who gather in dorm rooms or the lounge. However, if you need some quiet time to study or do homework, you can always go to the library. Dorming can also be very overwhelming at first. You can easily be distracted by parties or hanging out in the lounge or a friends dorm. Also it makes it more susceptible to leave everything for last minute and realize that you have no time to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Uterus and Hysterectomy Causes of Hysterectomy Introduction Having a hysterectomy can be one of the most difficult decisions a woman ever has to make. It can threaten your identity, sexuality, and fertility, and lead to lingering feelings of grief, depression, and loss. But sometimes a hysterectomy is necessary in order to increase quality of life, reduce painful symptoms, or even save lives. If you are thinking about having a hysterectomy, it is important to weigh your decision carefully. This report is designed to give the reader some important background information on hysterectomy procedures and on how a hysterectomy might affect you or someone you love. But first, what is a hysterectomy? The Webster s New World Medical Dictionary defines ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In endometriosis, this endometrial tissue begins to grow in places outside the uterus. Typical sites include the fallopian tubes, intestines, vagina, and on scars that my form after abdominal surgery. The misplaced endometrial tissue thickens, engorges with blood and bleeds during the menstrual cycle, just like the normal tissue in the uterus. However, there is no place for the abnormally placed endometrial tissue outside the uterus to shed blood. This results in the formation of cysts, scars, and adhesions. This process can also block or affect the fallopian tubes so that conception and pregnancy are less likely to happen. It can also result in complete infertility. Other symptoms of endometriosis are often associated with heavy or painful periods. Risk factors for the development of endometriosis include having a mother or sister with the disorder, never having children, starting the menstrual period at an early age, and frequent or long periods. According to Dr. Camron Nezhat, Laparoscopic Surgeon at Stanford University, 5.5% of women in the U.S are infected with Endometriosis and 30% to 40% are infertile as a result of it. PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease [pic] The Professional Guide to Diseases states that Pelvic Inflammatory Disease refers to a variety of infections of the female reproductive organs. It can affect the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and nearby tissues. PID is most commonly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Components Of Engineering Design And Analysis CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. ENGINEERING MATERIALS Materials are an important aspect of engineering design and analysis. The importance of engineering materials can be noted from the fact that historical ages have been named after materials. Materials Science forms the basic foundation for engineers in product development because the structures, components, and devices that design are limited by the properties of the materials. In the customer driven competitive business environment, the product quality is of paramount importance [1]. The product or end application quality has been found to be influenced by the engineering design, type of materials selected and the processing technology employed. Therefore, the importance of engineering materials and their process techniques are art of today s engineering world. There are wide categories of materials available which have shown their potential in various engineering applications ranging from aerospace to household. The materials are usually selected by considering their properties, specific application areas, advantages and limitations. The challenge for designers is to select an optimal material suitable for the specific design requirements. The complex design need in modern science generally lead to development of newer materials to meet the specific operating conditions and regimes [1]. The new materials are today developed from the conventional materials by both structural and surface (extrinsic) modifications. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Research Paper On Nightcrawler As of 2015, my favorite movie was Nightcrawler. The reason why this movie appeals to me so much is because of how the film portrays the power of ones will to achieve a goal and ultimately, reach success. Furthermore, veryaspect of the film unveils its core theme. The movie is quite dark and gritty with a subtle feel of thrill. Not only does the movie evoke thrill at times, but also anticipation and a sullen sense of cruel, but cool adventure. The main character Louis Bloom drives home when he encounters an accident. He watches as two men film the accident yet are not helping.Nevertheless, Louis becomes intensely focused and submerged into his field of career after he sells his first film of a graphically gory shot of a victim who got shot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Baseball Player Alex Rodriguez In 2014 the famous baseball player Alex Rodriguez was suspended for the season due to testing positive for using performance enhancing drugs. The Yankees star continuously denied any allegations connecting him with the steroids but eventually claimed to be using products from a bio anti aging clinic in order to treat an injury. According to an article written by Allen St. John, he has tested positive for both Primobolan and excess testosterone (St. John, 2009). Eventually, Alex confessed to using steroids to avoid any more persecution and in hope that it might save how people viewed his career. Over the course of the situation Alex Rodriguez chose to handle the situation in a manner he deemed would conceal the truth from everyone. This in turn may cause a great deal of baseball fans to question his contribution to the sport as they further learn the details about his extensive use of steroids over the course of recent history. Student Insight Alex Rodriguez has faced a lengthy amount of criticism primarily due to the way the situation was handled. One of the ways he tried combatting the allegations was to deny it in front of the public and criticize the MLB for trying to portray him as cheater. According to a CNN article written by Ray Sanchez, Rodriguez claims he was the target of an MLB witch hunt (Sanchez, 2014). He consistently stood by this position making him look like a victim of career sabotage. This was a poor way of dealing with the allegations because once he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...