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Writing A Personal Philosophy
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Writing A Personal Philosophy Essay Writing A Personal Philosophy Essay
Three Elements Of A Hero s Quest Cycle In Thor
The life of a superhero fits a certain pattern. No matter the universe or comic book, superheroes
generally follow the same pattern. Three essential characteristics of a superhero s life include an
unusual birth, embarking on a quest and winning rewards for completing an ultimate quest. In Thor, he
fulfils these three elements of a hero s quest cycle. Thor is born under strange circumstances; goes on
a journey to learn humility and regains his powers back thus becoming one of the quintessential
models of classical heroism.
In Thor, the audience sees how thor had an unusual birth a typical feature of the archetypal superhero s
life. Odin, ruler of Asgard, desired a heir who would one day surpass him in power and have the
power of the heavens ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Thor, he must regain his powers by getting his hammer back. Like all superheroes of antiquity this
final test must be completed alone. Once The Destroyer arrives, he starts destroying everything with
heat. Thor and three scientists attempt to get everyone away safely. In this final test, there is always a
doubt of success or final unexpected hurdle that the superhero must overcome. Unexpectedly, The
Destroyer kills Thor, which causes a setback. Everyone thinks he is dead but since he sacrificed
himself, he gets his Mjolnir back which he is then able to easily defeat The Destroyer. The completion
of the final test is the most important element in a superheroes life and Thor succeeds and is rewarded
by getting his hammer back. This pattern in Thor s life confirms his status as a true model of the Hero
Quest Cycle.
In conclusion, Thor lives the life of the archetypal superhero. Thor is born under strange
circumstances, must regain his powers and go on a journey to learn humility. His many quests and
difficult times all culminate with his ultimate test, regaining his powers. He gets his hammer back and
easily defeats The Destroyer. In all these stages of life, Thor demonstrates to be the model of classic
heroism as he fulfills the criteria of the Hero Quest Cycle and shows his heroic
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The Effect Of Urbanization On Wildlife
In modern day urban settings, it is not uncommon to walk outside and experience Madagascar right in
the city parks. OK, maybe not quite Madagascar yet, but cities are getting there. The wildlife that used
to live out in the wild are now migrating into urban areas because there are no resources left for them
in their original homes. The problem is humans. Humans have taken over the resources, homes, and
economies that animals need to survive, so they are forced to come closer and closer to humans. The
movement caused by this is creating many problems between humans and the animals that are forced
to move. Urban wildlife is beginning to cause damage to the environment and needs to be stopped.
The effect that urbanization has on wildlife is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the causes of fear loss is caused by animals being too closely associated with the millions of
humans that surround them on a daily basis. The animals are forced to reside in human habitat because
they have nowhere else to live. The closeness can cause alterations and some urban animals trade
personal space for the convenience of the city (Soniak). Species continue to be made to live side by
side to humans and breathe the exact same air that they do. They practically share homes with humans
now because of the lack of space and the excessive populations of urban wildlife. What used to be
considered taboo is presently different because the relationship between humans and large predators is
changing (Mahoney). Large predators who lose their fears and approach humans in search for food or
water are put in danger because humans misunderstand the animals and what they are trying to tell
them. They may view a harmless approach for food as a murder spree targeted straight at them.
Another problem that follows urbanization is the harmony between humans and animals that has been
around for years is now being disturbed. The amount of wildlife deaths in urban cities is rising as
more human populations expand and grow. Some threats to urban wildlife include: habitat loss, light
and noise pollution, invasive species, chemical runoff/ pollution and habitat fragmentation. For the
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Children s Child Welfare Reform Essay
In 1980, about 500,000 children were in foster care, but a series of successful reforms began with that
year s Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act which dramatically decreased the number of
children in foster care. But in the early 1990s, with the advent of crack cocaine and an economic
recession numbers went back up. Child welfare advocates said that the foster care system was in need
of changes so that children spend less time in foster placements and that America s child welfare
system needed an improvement. Some children in care were separated from their siblings, others
transitioned from one foster care placement to another, never knowing where to call home. Too many
children were being abused in systems that were supposed to protect them. Instead of being safely
reunified with their families or moved quickly into adoptive homes many remained in foster homes or
institutions for years.
In 2014, over 650,000 children spent time in the child welfare foster care system. On average, children
remain in state care for nearly two years and seven percent of children in foster care remain in foster
care for five years or more. The majority of children in foster care are very young, the average age of
children in care is around the age of nine. In 2014, more than half of children entering the United
States foster care system were children of color. While most children in foster care reside with family
in the present time, 14 percent of minorities live in institutions or
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Group B Streptococcus Agalactiae
Group B Streptococcus agalactiae is an important Gram positive bacterial pathogen that cause a wide
variety of clinical infections, ranging from septicemia to meningitis. The reported lethality of severe S.
agalactiae infections is ranging from 4 to 6% in the United States. Of note, it has been suggested that
the incidence of neonatal disease is considerably greater than reported, because the requirement for
positive cultures from blood or cerebrospinal fluid may underestimates the true burden of disease.
Therefore, in this review I focused on virulence factors of S. agalactiae in order to elucidate aspects of
the infection.
S. agalactiae is frequently colonizes rectovaginal tract. S. agalactiae is found in 15 40% of adult
women, and there is a 1% chance to be transmitted vertically from mother to infants before or during
birth. This type of infection is divided into early onset and late onset infections. Early onset infection,
is one of the most common infection among neonates with a mortality rates of 4 to 6% in the United
States. This type of infection is characterized with shock and breathing difficulties and occurs at birth
or within the first 6 days of life. This infant probably had become infected by ascending spread of the
organism from the maternal genital tract to the amniotic fluid, in which the bacteria colonize and
multiply within the respiratory tract of the fetus and causes pneumonia. Also, this bacteria may enter
the respiratory tract and spread to the
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Similarities And Differences Between The Southern And...
In the late 1700 s, dozens of historians learned about events and forces that drove many colonial
people to an armed rebellion. Among the patriots and economic determinists, fundamental agreement
prevails, and the immediate cause is The American Revolution. Although the people of the colonies all
lived in the same country, there were many similarities and differences between the southern and
northern colonies, such as religion, economics, politics and governments.
During the Revolution, there were thirteen different colonies, and when talked about they were
divided into three different geographical locations, northern, middle and southern. The Northern
region, also known as, the New England colonies, consisted of Rhode Island, Connecticut,
Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The Southern colonies consisted of Maryland, Virginia, the
Carolinas, and Georgia. In the old colonial system a colony was to be a colony in the most obvious
sense of the word: a perpetually subordinate agricultural and extractive area that served the mother
country as a source of raw materials, a safety valve for excess or unwanted population, and a market
for finished goods. During the seventeenth and eighteenth century, mercantilism played a major role
throughout the colonies. Mercantilism is a economic theory that enabled the government to regulate
the economy for the purpose of building up the rival nations economic power. The colonies, which
belonged in the northern region, were a dysfunctional
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Arguments For And Against Gay Adoption
In a study of sexual abuse, 269 cases only two of those cases the offenders were gay. Adoption of
homosexuals should be allowed because they are no different from heterosexual parents, the only
difference is preference on gender of their partner. People still to this day deny service to these people
just because of that. Gay and lesbian adoption should be allowed because children would actually get
adopted, homosexual parenting has no disadvantages to heterosexual parenting, and their children
would be more accepting to differences. In today s world heterosexual couples don t adopt much and
the most common resort to having the children be adopted is with homosexual couples. Homosexual
couples are six times more likely to foster children and four times more likely to adopt (Davis 1). In
some areas homosexual adoption isn t common because they tend to deny them of the access to do so
due to their sexual preference. In the areas that allow it there have been over 65,000 children have
found homes in the U.S. because of gay adoption ( Arguments for and Against Gay Adoption ). In
many other cases people tend to find gay adoption a great thing because with it many more kids will
be adopted and they also find nothing wrong with it. According to Susan McConnell, the founder and
director of Let It Be Us a non profit adoption center Across the country and especially in Illinois, we
just do not have enough people who have stepped forward, and we think that the (LGBT) community
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Is Guantanamo Wrong
Is it ever acceptable to torture a man to the point of inflicting suicidal thoughts and actions on him?
This instance commonly takes place at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, or GTMO ( Gitmo ).
Only 6 of the 166 current detainees have been formally charged, which leaves the possibility that over
96% of the prisoners there are innocent. In fact, more men have died at Guantanamo than have ever
been convicted. GTMO s existence is a controversial topic because of the treatment of detainees,
various Supreme Court rulings, and the lasting impact on people who are lucky enough to be released.
The only way to ensure that guiltless people are not both physically and mentally traumatized at
Guantanamo Bay is to cease its unconstitutional and inhumane ... Show more content on
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The Supreme Court ruled that if someone is detained by the American government, then they are
entitled to basic constitutional rights, which does not allow the detainment of a person before bringing
them before a court or a judge. Since this injustice is taking place in Guantanamo, innocent men are
being placed there. Everyone being taken to GTMO is also protected from cruel and unusual
punishment regardless of what they have been accused of. Therefore, the CIA s use of various torture
methods and brutal interrogations are not acceptable by law. Lakhdar Boumediene was one of many
men who were taken away from their family and punished for a crime they did not commit. He will
forever be affected by the seven years of mental and physical abuse that he endured at Guantanamo
Bay Detention Camp. After 14 years, why is the U.S. still forcing faultless men to go to a place that
makes them want to end their
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American Indian Stories Essay
In American Indian Stories, University of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London edition, the author,
Zitkala Sa, tries to tell stories that depicted life growing up on a reservation. Her stories showed how
Native Americans reacted to the white man s ways of running the land and changing the life of
Indians. Zitkala Sa was one of the early Indian writers to record tribal legends and tales from oral
tradition (back cover) is a great way to show that the author s stories were based upon actual events in
her life as a Dakota Sioux Indian. This essay will describe and analyze Native American life as
described by Zitkala Sa s American Indian Stories, it will relate to Native Americans and their
interactions with American societies, it will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We where once very happy. But the paleface has stolen our lands and driven us hither. Having
defrauded us of our land, the paleface forced us away (10). Having knowing this, the little girl still
persisted and wanted to go with the paleface.
Many of the Indians that left with the missionaries were gone for many years and did not know how
much had changed back at home. In the story The Soft Hearted Sioux a young man comes back home
after receiving an education from the missionaries. He had left before he was taught how to survive
out in the wild. He came back to dying and starving parents. He was brainwashed by the missionaries
because he went against his family s customs and told the medicine man never to come back and that
God will save his father. He started preaching God s words to his people and they left the community.
His father was growing sicker and sicker and he needed food. His son went out everyday trying to get
something but had no skills in hunting. His father had told him to go two hills over and he could find
meat. With no concept of ownership, the son went and killed a cow that belonged to an American.
Upon leaving with the meat he was chased down and attacked by the owner of the cattle. The son
accidentally killed the man and fled back to his father s teepee only to realize that he was too late and
that his father had died. He was so conditioned by the white man that he had forgotten his ancestors
ways of survival.
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Study Guide Week 3 Essays
Module/Week 3: Mankind and Sin
Textbook Readings:
Towns: Chs. 8 10
Chapter 8
1. What point does the author illustrate with an elephant and 4 blind men?
...Comparing it to the way people describe and see life and the world
2. Do Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ?
3. What are the 4 questions that Darwinians have not been able to answer?
Where is the missing link
How can man evolve to be the apex of living beings if the fact suggest the process of evolution goes
the other way
Where life originated.
Refuse to believe or even explore data that suggest intelligent design.
4. What question did the old ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3. What is Fiat Creationism?
Typically conservative orthodoxy has tended to support this view. Basically, fiat creationism holds that
God, by direct acts, brought into being virtually everything that exists.
4. What is Deistic Evolution?
This view basically claims that God began the process of evolution within the context of created
5. What is Theistic Evolution?
Similar in certain respects to deism, theistic evolutionteaches that God began the creative process by
bringing the first organism to life.
6. What is Progressive Creationism?
This view combines the view of specific de novo (flesh or from nothing) creative acts with in moment
or processive operations of life.
7. Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to scripture?
From the four possiblilties,
Fiat Creation
Progressive Creation
Are in closer harmony with the testimony of the Scripture.
Creation in the Image of God
1. T/F: All of creation is created in the image of God.
2. T/F: The image of God in man solely refers to his immaterial nature.
3. T/F: Only Christians maintain the image of God.
4. T/F: The image of God in man was lost as a result of the fall of man.
5. What four primary aspects are included in the image
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Rock And Roll Or Roll
Shake and roll (frequently composed as rock and roll or shake n roll) is a classification of mainstream
music that started and developed in the United States amid the late 1940s and mid 1950s,[1][2] from a
mix of African American sorts, for example, soul, boogie woogie, hop soul, jazz, and gospel music,[3]
together with Western swing and nation music.[4] Though components of rock and roll can be heard in
soul records from the 1920s[5] and in nation records of the 1930s,[4] the class did not obtain its name
until the 1950s.[6][7]
Shake and roll can allude either to the primary rush of music that began in the US in the 1950s
preceding its improvement into rock music , or all the more comprehensively to shake music and
culture.[8] For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, shake and roll may have added to the social liberties development in light of the fact that
both African American and white American high schoolers appreciated the music.[11] It went ahead to
generate different types, regularly without the at first trademark steady rhythm, that are currently all
the more usually called just shake music or rock .
Sign recognizing the part of Alan Freed and Cleveland, Ohio in the sources of rock and roll
The expression shake and move now has no less than two unique implications, both in like manner
utilization. The American Heritage Dictionary[12] and the Merriam Webster Dictionary[13] both
characterize shake and move as synonymous with rock music. Encyclopædia Britannica, then again,
sees it as the music that started in the mid 1950s and later created into the additionally incorporating
worldwide style known as rock music .[14]
The expression shaking and moving initially portrayed the development of a boat on the ocean,[15]
however was utilized by the mid twentieth century, both to depict the otherworldly intensity of dark
church rituals[16] and as a sexual similarity. Different gospel, soul and swing recordings utilized the
expression before it got to be utilized all the more as often as possible yet at the same time
discontinuously in the 1940s, on recordings and in surveys of what got to be known as beat and soul
music went for a dark audience.[16]
In 1934, the melody
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Essay on Bio lap report endocrine system
The Endocrine System
Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42 0023 01 01
What is the purpose of this exercise? Are there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If
so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken.
The purpose of this exercise is to point out the major endocrine structures and being able to identify
them and understand their functions. Yes, there are many safety concerns. We have to make sure that
we are in the appropriate environment. We must make sure that everything is clean and sanitary. Some
precautions that should be taken is watching all of the safety videos and ... Show more content on
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What does the hormone thymosin do?
Stimulates the development of other lymphatic organs and T cells.
B. Based on your answer to Question A, explain why the thymus gland shrinks as we reach adulthood.
When we are first born the thymus gland excretes three hormones which promotes the growth of the T
cells. After puberty the thymus gland begins to shrink.
Exercise 5: The Adrenal Gland
Please describe in detail the structures and features you observed on the adrenal gland slide
A. The adrenal glands are in part controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the
autonomic nervous system. Name the hormones involved in this regulation and the functions of each.
B. Where in the adrenal gland are mineralocorticoids made?
Zona Glomulerosa
C. What are the functions of mineralocorticoids? Give an example of a mineralocorticoid hormone.
Maintain salt and water balance. An example of a mineralocorticoid is aldosterone.
D. Where
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Keira Collins Dreams, Passions, And Accomplishments
Keira Collins: Dreams, Passions, Fears, and Accomplishments
What are your dreams, passions, fears, and accomplishments? I ll tell you about some of mine!
The three most important things that someone should know about me.
1. I am a huge fan of writing and reading
2. I love volleyball
3. I am on a swim team
The hardest thing I have ever done would have to be finishing 4th Grade Aleks. It was quite a
challenge, but I did it! Yay!
My first dream is to become an author by the age of twelve. I love writing and I started writing when I
was eight years old. It may be hard, but I m going to do it.
Another dream that I have would be to become an Olympic Swimmer. It would be so much fun and I
would work really hard. I already do when I go to
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Product Management and Lego
Lego Case Study for
ISM class 5014
How did the information systems and organization diging changes implemented by Knundstorp align
with the changes in business strategy.
The Lego Cast Study is about how the toy company has been affected by the rapid and vast change in
the way children play with toys and their preference of the same. Historically, Lego s have been a top
rated toy for children and when that quickly changed Lego was not expecting it and furthermore not
prepared. The company began to lose money, by 2004, the company found itself close to extinction,
losing $1 million a day. (Saunders Pearlson , 2013) A new CEO, Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, was hired in
an effort to bring the company back to its feet and the Lego toys back ... Show more content on
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This allowed Lego to better serve customers by enhancing their overtaxed order management and
fulfillment systems. (Pearlson Saunders)
At first glance many would discount the idea that Lego deployed a strategy of hyper competition.
However, when we consider some of the characteristics of hyper competition, such as profit
maximization, emphasis on customer satisfaction, and the ability to dynamically adjust allocation of
organizational resources, we see that Lego did adopt a hypercompetitive strategy.
4. What advise would you give Knudstorp to keep Lego competitive, growing and relevant?
I think Knudstorp did an amazing job with coming into Lego and taking a failing business to a
successful one by building a block style work environment. He made standards which the employees
were to follow which allowed them more creative freedom and incentives to want to improve upon the
great quality of their products. One suggestion I would give Knudstorp would be to spend more time
focusing on his competition and to see what Lego could do to model what has worked for their
company and how it would fit in best with Lego. Mattel is Lego s biggest competition in the market
place. Mattel has advanced in the market place due to their new product development effort. Toy
developers are encouraged to think globally from
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The United States Of America Fought For Independence
The United States of America fought for independence in 1775 until 1783. After the war, the newly
independent Americans needed a new government. The Continental Congress, after years of debate
and drafting, decided to adopt the Articles of Confederation in 1781. The first draft was proposed in
1775, but never acted upon. Many drafts were proposed, six, to be exact, and in 1777 it was given to
the states for approval. Maryland was the last to ratify it, given to concerns of lands to the west. After
this was settled, they approved and the Articles of Confederation went into effect on March 1, 1781 (
Articles of Confederation. ). However, none of these six drafts compared to the document of the U.S.
Constitution in 1787. This document changes the union from a loose group of friendly states allowed
to attend to almost all affairs, to states united under a federal government. Not all of the founding
fathers thought that this document was good, though. The debates were between two parties, the
federalists and the anti federalists. The anti federalists thought that the constitution gave the federal
government too much power. Despite these fears, the constitution was ratified. To this day government
officials argue about legitimacy of laws and whether the federal government or the states have the
right to pass the laws in question. All throughout the time that the United States has operated under the
constitution, it has been a fight between views of centralism and
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Performance Analysis Simulation
Performance analysis is an essential aspect to any business due to its evaluate performance. The goal
of the performance analysis is to identify problems, understand the cause and make informed
decisions. To do that, asking why is important. Why is my competitor making more sales? Why are
sales slow? Why are my expenses so high? If you know why, you can make calculated decisions and
advance the success of your company. To answer those why questions, you must analyze available
data. For each round of the simulation, a new set of decisions will be made, those decisions will
directly affect the budget. It is vital to analyze the pro forma, income statement, actual and budget to
determine why there was a positive or negative variance, why
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The Benefits of Organics Essay
Organic or non organic? That is the question! And the answer to this question happens to be organic. I
d love think that everyone shares my thoughts on this but others aren t so willing to accept this. The
fact is that the majority of the population doesn t agree with my opinion that going organic leads to a
healthier life style. As it is there is constant debate as to whether chemically processed foods are better
than organically grown foods, mind you both sides have their pros and cons, but in the end organic is
the obvious choice. Yet despite the apparent win that organic products have over its counterpart,
people still don t fully understand what is wrong with the chemically processed. What is worse yet is
that the public typically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Instead organic farmers use natural fertilizers like green manure, compost, and cover crops to put
nutrients back in the soil. In addition, methods such as crop rotation and hand weeding are used to
create a more diverse ecological system to naturally grow pest s predators.
Healthy seeds are selected and used in Organic farming, seeds that are genetically altered are not used.
As far as livestock are concerned: they are given a proper diet, and adequate exposure to the outdoors.
Good animal treatment standards or husbandry as they call it are maintained in organic farming. No
antibiotics are used on animals, but homeopathic medicine is used, just in case an animal gets sick. If a
farmer gives antibiotics to an animal, he loses his certificate for organic farming and he has to start all
over and earn his certificate again. Growth hormones are also not used in organic animal husbandry.
The concept of being organic is by no means a new thing. In fact if you go back you ll realize that
organic farming was the way of things, not because people were more health conscience or anything,
but simply because there wasn t any other way. There was no need for these chemicals. So where did
our modern farming techniques come from? Easy; the 1930 s just wasn t a great time for the United
States. With the great depression the world s economy was already plummeting and with the following
of World War II, the time
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Martin Luther King Research Paper
In 1996 Samuel Mohammed, a resident of West Palm Beach community, kicked down the door of an
abandoned house within his neighborhood, that was used as a drug house, spread lighter fluid and
started a fire. The night he set the fire he was never far away from the scene. He stood by and watched
as the fire and at the time he deemed appropriate he called the police and the fire station. In response
for setting the fire he was arrested on the charge of arson. His lawyer argued that he was not practicing
arson but he was practicing Civil Disobedience in the traditional of Martin Luther King Jr. The
question the jury was faced was should he be punished as an arsonist or let slide for practicing Civil
Disobedience. He should be charged with arson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Black Law Dictionary defines civil disobedience as the refusal to obey a law because it is unjust or it
is unfair and it is usually nonviolent in behavior. Florida s law against arson in the 1997 Florida
Statutes section 806.01 one part a that pertains to arson states that Any person who willfully and
unlawfully, or while in the commission of any felony, by fire or explosion, damages or causes to be
damaged: (a) Any dwelling, whether occupied or not, or its contents. Mohammed did start a fire and
did cause damage to a unoccupied dwelling. He broke the law, but in order for him to be practicing
civil disobedience he would have to have broken the law because it was unfair or unjust. If in face he
thought that it was an unfair law why did he state his reasons for starting the fire as he and his
neighbors were tired of the police not doing their job punishing the criminals that frequented the house
()? If somebody torched his unoccupied house while he was on vacation he could not be upset because
he believed the law against arson was unfair. His reason for starting the fire was not civil disobedience
it was
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Impact Of Globalization On China
Introduction This paper sheds light on the impact of globalisation on China and the factors, which
affect the process of globalisation in the developing country like China. China is a developing
country; its service sector is generally small scale and weak in strength compared with other sectors in
the country and its counterparts in the other nations. The business is pre ruled by traditional services
and presently can t seem to be expanded sector wise. When the markets open up, they will feel the
pressure from different nations, which have pre emptive advantages in business thoughts, quality and
scale. In any case, the open entryway change during recent years saw the effective change from a
conventional arranged economy to a market economy and from withdrawal to openness. The effect of
such a change has gone past desire and been overpowering. What s more, it is likewise genuine that no
single nation can avoid globalisation. Support is the best way to distinguish and get a handle on the
open doors. Interest is additionally the best way to stay up to date with the standard of the world
economy. Discussion The impact of globalisation on China s economic growth is broad. During the
previous 20 years, China s worldwide trade extended 16 times, with its positioning in the world
skipped to seventh from the original 32nd and trade dependence rate lifted from 10 to 36%. The
amount of FDI is presently the largest among developing nations. As indicated by a review on the
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Community Relations Officer Cover Letter
I am qualified for the position of Community Relations Officer because of my strong organization
skills, dedication to FBLA members and outstanding communication ability. My excellent
organization skills will be very useful for the position of Community Relations Officer. This year, my
main job as the Individual Projects Chair was to promote projects and guide members through their
projects. Promoting the project was not the difficult part; it was making sure the members successfully
completed their projects on time. With this in mind, I divided each project into many sections, or
activities, and set deadlines every week so that members would always be on track to completing their
projects. I created a calendar that included every email I had planned to send out along with the mini
deadlines. In addition, I made a tracker for each project. This included the name of every member
participating in the project along with all the mini deadlines of the activities. If a member did not
complete an activity, it would be marked on the tracker and I would send them a follow up email
asking them to complete the activity with an extended deadline; this ensured that members always
knew what they had to complete and when it was due. My organization can be demonstrated through
the calendar and the tracker. I will use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One example of my promising communication skills is with my summer internship at a law firm. I
was trained to write emails professionally with formal vocabulary because my main duty was to email
and reply to clients. As a result, I have firsthand experience of speaking with professionals. I am
proficient with netiquette and can represent our chapters well through these emails. Furthermore, I am
a people person . I am known to be outgoing and sociable which will be crucial when talking to the
guest speakers or employees at business
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Louise Rosenblatt Poem
Reflection on Rosenblatt Limerick (Ireland) is a cold, humid city. Days in Limerick are gray. Always
rains there. A continuous drizzle falls day after day. You need to watch out where you are walking, try
to avoid the mud on your shoes. It is always wet and muddy. You need also to be careful, people throw
their waste into the streets. The odor, as you can imagine, is unbearable. This city is poor and
miserable. Macondo (Colombia) is a hot, humid little town lost somewhere in the Colombian coast.
Macondo has a delicious fruity aroma due to the guava tress that you could see there. However, you
do not want to be outside at noon, the sun at that time is brutal. That is the reason why the majority of
people living in Macondo prefer to take ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reader and the text make possible to construct multiple layers of reality. Rosenblatt states:
literature especially invites confusion about its relation with reality (p. 33); thus, the pretended reality
of the text only emerges when the reader makes it real. Text reality is not just related to the tangible
world, but it is related to the realities constructed in the mind of the reader. It is not uncommon, for
example, to see children creating realities in their minds when they read. It has been more than once
that I have seen my own children to mimic the voices of the characters of the text. How can they
mimic a sound that is not audible? This only could be explained through Rosenblatt s framework of
the transactional process of reading. Rosenblatt philosophy of reading has made possible, for those
who belief that reading is much more than the processing of printed words, to understand the reader s
position as the center of the transaction, and create around him/her a truly supportive literacy system,
not just to be able to decode printed symbols, but also to construct the meaning of texts. I am sure that
I was provided this literary context in the form of accessing to books and caring of my reading
practices; otherwise, I am afraid, my love for reading would have disappeared as the years
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Food Quotes About Food
I Importance of food for the first generation immigrants 1) In Indian culture
Food is very important in Indian culture, morality and spirituality speaking. In the novel, there is a
ceremony that involves food : the annaprasan. It celebrates the growth of Hindu babies and their
transition from a liquid diet to a solid diet. Babies eat rice, an asiatic item. It symbolizes the entrance
of the world for them and food is used for this transition.
Like Appadurai Arjun said in Gastro Politics in Hindu South Asia , Indians are sharing food with
others. The importance of being a perfect host for their guests in order to honour them is seen in the
namesake. « as usual his mother cooks for days beforehand, cramming the refrigerator with stacks of
foil covered trays. »1
Ashima puts her heart in her cookings. They honour guests with a lot of food and they are spending
several days so that everyone is satisfied. In the movie, in the scene when Maxine comes at Gogol s ...
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It can be disturbing for a child to have a link, more or less important, with all these cultures. Gogol
never really felt Indian, and he hated his name so much that he changed it for Nikhil. Gogol is
American, he feels American. 7We can see that throughout food he is American. He loves occidental
food and before his departure for India for a long time, he takes his last meal « a final meal is served,
an herbed omelette tapped with a sliced of grilled tomato. Gogol savors each mouthful, aware that for
the next eight months nothing will taste quite the same »8 He s clearly doesn t seem to appreciate
Indian food and has this need of American food just like Ashima needs Indian food : « from time to
time, they privately admit to excruciating cravings for hamburgers or a slice of pepperoni pizza or a
cold glass of milk. » He can t away with his appartenance with America, it doesn t feel like this is his
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Violence During The Trojan War
The Trojan War is one of the most important events in Greek Mythology. The Trojan War had so much
violence throughout, that there were three types of violence. Physical violence is the fighting part of
the war. Verbal violence is when the Greeks and Trojans would hurt each other with words not
weapons. Sexual violence was the raping of any women who were from Troy or the Greeks. In this
analysis, you will learn the three types of violence in the Trojan War.
Physical violence was the main type of violence that occurred throughout the grueling Trojan War. In
Mythology it says, For nine years victory wavered, now to this side, now to that. Neither was ever
able to gain any decided advantage. Each and every day, for nine years there was a bloody, gory battle
that took place. A lot of the noblest fighters in Greek Mythology died in this war such as; Achilles,
Ajax, Hector, and Paris. Obviously, Physical violence was what occurred throughout the bloody
Trojan War. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Mythology it says Athena sweeping down to the battlefield, persuaded the foolish heart of
Panduras, a Trojan, to break the truce and shoot an arrow at Menelaus. If Athena had not tricked
Panduras into shooting an arrow at Menelaus, Troy might still be standing here to this present day.
Also, when The Judgement of Paris occurred, if Aphrodite had not portrayed her story to Paris well
enough to get the golden apple, most likely the Trojan War would ve never happened. Truly, Verbal
violence can be just as effective as Physical
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Special Needs Trust Essay
A Special Needs Trust in Southington CT, often referred to as a Supplemental Needs Trust in
Southington CT, is a special type of trust intended for use with individuals who are either mentally or
physically disabled. The trust is written in a manner that allows the individual to use property reserved
for his or her benefit, without interfering with their ability to obtain essential government benefits that
are needs based. In addition, the trust offers administrative benefits, by allowing the holding and
management of property intended for use by the beneficiary in situations where he or she doesn t have
the proper legal capacity to manage their financial matters. The Preservation Of Government Benefits
Many benefits provided by the government are handled on a need basis. As a result, individuals who
have a number of assets may find they don t qualify for the assistance they need. They are then forced
to sell the assets to obtain the needed care and, when the assets are depleted, the government programs
step in. The supplemental needs trust preserves these assets while allowing the individual to obtain
government assistance. When included in a trust of this type, the assets do not count for the purpose of
needs based benefits. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The trust must be set up in a way that allows it to be considered its own entity, one that comes with a
Federal Identification Number issued through the IRS. The person benefiting from the trust and the
person granting the trust may not use their social security numbers in this situation, and the trust has to
be irrevocable. It it may be revoked, it won t qualify as a special needs trust, and this may hurt the
recipient. The trust, when properly drafted, allows for the dissolution or termination of the trust under
specific conditions. In addition, it outlines the process for amendments, when
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Celiac Essay
Celiac is an autoimmune disease; meaning the immune system is attacking and destroying ones on
health cells within the body mistakenly when eating gluten also known as a protein found in wheat,
rye and barley. When consuming these types of food hard to absorb for people with this type of
disorder. Once gluten is digests by an individual for the first time this can cause a reaction in a person
immune system with these disease because the antibodies from gluten are invading by damaging the
villi which are finger shaped tissue lined in your small intestine in your digestive tract. The villi are
what helps take in all the nutrients from the food we eat to allow our body to stay healthy and fight off
diseases. Damage caused to the intestines makes it hard to absorb nutrients our body requires such as;
calcium, iron, fat and folate. Improper absorption of these nutrients can lead to other medical
problems. This condition is a chronic autoimmune disease; which means it is not something you can
get rid of overtime, but proper diagnosis and treatment can help.
Many people are unaware of this disease because of it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The only true cure to this lifelong disease is a firm diet with no gluten. The lesions of the small
intestinal mucosa; are secondary to a permanent intolerance to gluten (Bhand, Shaikh, Korejo Raza
275). No gluten at all is the only real solution doctors have come up with as a treatment for Celiac
Disease which has been proven to have beneficial effects on histology and serology testing gathered
from further research (Ramin161). By a gluten free diet we are talking about one without foods which
contain wheat, rye, and barley which may be found in bread and beer. The slightest ingestion of gluten
like crumbs from a cutting board or toaster can still cause small intestinal damage
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Paley City
There is a strong connection between the senses and the formation of our perception. Traditionally, the
sense categories are known as sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. The modern perspective views the
senses as systems in which information about our external world is acquired; visual, auditory,
olfactory, gestation and haptic (tactile) systems. Architecture in the sense of environmental design is
the art of nourishing these senses. In order to receive information from the environment, each sense
organ is part of a sensory system which receives and transmits sensory information to the brain. How
the human body engages space is of prime importance; as the human body moves, sees, smells,
touches, hears and even tastes within a space the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The smell receptors interact with the molecules of these vapors and transmit sensations to the brain.
We need only a little amount of molecules of substance to trigger an impulse of smell in a nerve end,
and we can smell more than ten thousand different scents. If it is a new scent it is possible to
remember the scent and identify it again later. The scent captures one s memory of the place; the nose
makes the eyes remember. For the blind people, the sense of smell can help awareness of one s
location. Odour can also relate to hunger and the desire to consume. Since it is not possible to name all
the odours, spatial qualities or experiences are often associated with scents. Positive experiences of
smell can be used in design to induce positive memories or associations to a space, while negative
smells can do the opposite. Bringing certain smells into a designed space can immediately stimulate
emotions, guide us, or distract us. Designer Valerie Trent cites research that connects smell and
memory; People can often recall aromas from childhood or a distinctive odor they ve only smelled
once. Whatever your particular nose prefers, smells do enhance comfort and
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Diction In Avatar
In James Cameron s films they all found a major success with the science diction action theme. Avatar
is a perfect example of how the worlds blend perfectly for an acceptable amount of time. The real
world, according to the Na vi people of Pandora is visualized as a peaceful setting that can be
compared to a church. In Avatar, there is a tree that symbolizes their perfect equilibrium. Who s
Eywa? Only their deity! Their goddess, made up of all living things. Everything they know! You d
know this if you had any training whatsoever. (Norm, Avatar) This quote was used to explain to Jake
how the people of Pandora function throughout their everyday life. The story of Jake Sully (Sam
Worthington), a paraplegic Marine, is about how a human enters a whole new world. There they have
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Another reason as to why Avatar can be depicted as the human world is because of the vivid displays
that the film provided. The viewer of the film can imagine being so engulfed by the imagery. When
the scenes of Pandora appear with the Hometree, or the Tree of Soul, you feel like you can smell the
trees. This type of imagery is in relation to the real world. The director succeeded with the fact that we
felt like we were actually in the movie. Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world,
and here is the dream (Sam Worthington, Avatar). Jake Sully, the protagonist of Avatar, agreed to
replace his brother in the Avatar program. The humans were able to navigate throughout the planet of
Pandora. Jake Sully s transformation was a great experience for him, and one of the best scenes in the
movie. When I was lying in the V.A. hospital with a big hole blown through the middle of my life, I
started having these dreams of flying. I was free. But sooner or later, you always have to wake up
(Avatar. Film). This scene shows how, after many years or being in a wheelchair, Jake gets to use his
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Effectiveness Of Reading Comprehension Strategies
This paper focuses on two major concerns: the effectiveness of reading comprehension strategies and
the effectiveness of professional development. There has been a great amount of study and writing on
both topics. In addition to these subtopics, the topic of reading inventories will also be explored with
regards to the Scholastic Reading Inventory and the use of these tools in evaluating comprehension in
Reading comprehension strategies. Throughout the history of reading education, there has been
extensive research on phonological awareness and phonics. More recently, educational theorists have
also recognized and researched the need for instructing students in the use of comprehension strategies
in reading (Muspratt, Luke, Freebody, 1997). Block, Gambrell, and Pressley (2002) state The message
is clear the most important thing about reading is comprehension (p. 3)
Reading comprehension is the process of acquiring meaning from written text ( Block, Gambrell,
Pressley, 2002, p. 4) and is an interactive process involving the reader, the text, and the context (p. 5).
While there are many ideas on the most effective way to teach comprehension skills, most agree on a
few basic skills that students should know. Keene and Zimmerman (1997) identify 7 key
comprehension strategies: making connections, visualizing, questioning, inferring, synthesis, problem
solving, and deciding what is important. Making connections involves the use of the reader s schema,
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Serotonin Syndrome Research Paper
PROGNOSIS The prognosis of serotonin syndrome is favorable if the physician avoids multidrug
regimens and discontinues any serotonergic agent before starting another 20 Once treatment is
instituted, the syndrome typically resolves within 24 hours, but confusion can last for days, and death
has been reported. 8 The potential for relapse and recurrence is fair and follows the clinical course of
the primary disease (e.g., recurring periods of depression) Prompt recognition, withdrawal of
precipitating agents, and treatment may prevent complications. 20 SCREENING AND
PREVENTION PREVENTION 1 Patients must be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of
serotonin syndrome whenever a serotonergic drug is prescribed ○ The most likely time that ... Show
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○ Avoidance of these interactions is practical in most instances by substitution or alternative
treatments ○ May require a 2 week washout of associated drug combinations 20 SYNOPSIS KEY
POINTS Serotonin syndrome presents as anxiety, confusion, autonomic instability and severely
elevated body temperature (i.e., T 105.9°F) Confirmation of serotonin syndrome diagnosis is made by
serum toxicology (i.e., elevated levels of serum serotonin) Comorbid conditions of depression,
obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar affective disorder may accompany serotonin syndrome as
primary diseases Treatment is directed toward symptomatic and supportive care (e.g., benzodiazepines
for restlessness, paralyzing agents for body temperature regulation) Rhabdomyolysis is a nephrotoxic
complication that may result from muscle breakdown following severe hyperthermia Prognosis
depends on etiology but most cases show improvement, if not resolution, within a day or two
URGENT ACTION Aggressive cooling is of utmost importance for hyperthermic patients (e.g.,
cooling blanket, cool intravenous fluids) Admission consultation with a medical toxicologist,
experienced clinical pharmacologist, or regional poison control
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Compare And Contrast Politics And Political System
Here in this topic an issue arises that why we do compare and compare the political systems of the
different regions, states, and countries and as well as domestic politics.
To answer the bigger question what is politics and political systems. Politics mean the activities
associated are attached with the governance of a country or area especially the debate between parties
or regimes having power. Politics is also to struggle to gain power to rule and govern governments. On
the other hand governments have access to resources and powers to rule over people and as well as
empower people through the majority winning political party who wins to rule and impose.
Some philosophers consider politics it forces for good while others take it as force for evil. In
seventeenth and eighteenth century were the opinions that if no government existed, there would be
state of nature. Some philosophers conceive the idea of Social Contract on which societies come to an
existence. John Locke, Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes considered the pioneers of the ... Show
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Here comparison doesn t mean that we compare two people with their heights or compare two
classrooms but it s all about comparing Political systems of the world and how the run and are have
been placed. It is also a core method to humanistic and scientific methods. Comparing our own
political systems and institutions with others provide us the opportunity to see wider range of political
alternatives and increase our appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of our own political
system, enabling us learn from other countries. Comparative analysis makes us aware of the
possibilities of politics. It also helps us to formulate theories about how to certain political systems
work. Comparison as a method is very old but as s discipline it developed very
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The Colonization Of African Countries
Africa had been known as the dark continent considering Europeans knew little of its culture or
background. Europeans sought control over Africa because of its natural resources and plantation. By
1914 almost all of Africa was colonized by Europeans, with Britain and France being the biggest
colonizers. The imperialization in Africa by European countries have had a significant impact on the
continent and its indigenous people. The colonization of African countries has had a negative effect, as
the native Africans were treated poorly in the Belgian Congo, resources were exploited for the benefit
of the Europeans and African culture was lost.
In 1884, Europeans met in Berlin, Germany to set rules for dividing Africa into colonies, this
consultation is known as the Berlin Conference. Belgium was one of the smallest European
colonizers, who colonized the large country of Congo. The Europeans believed that the Africans were
inferior and felt the need to civilize their population. Social Darwinism is the classification of humans
into species races based on hair, skin, etc, with no scientific support to this conclusion. According to
this theory the different human species are not equally evolved. The stronger, more evolved species
will dominate, as it is natural for the strong to control the weak. Many of the Europeans believed this
concept, certain they were the dominate race (Pearson 1900). Natives were enslaved, overworked,
exploited in the Belgian Congo. Leopold had
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Effects Of Decentralization Of Indonesia
In the beginning of Soeharto s period until the end of Soeharto s period, Indonesia centralized the
national regime. Indonesia determined to apply a policy of decentralization that became effective on
January 1st, 2001. This essay would explain the failure of Indonesian decentralization, whereas this
essay only has one area of focus, the failure of distribution of power. Why decentralization in
Indonesia has failed? The main factor of this failure has been started in the first time Indonesia apply
decentralization after 1998 tragedy whereas the end of Soeharto s period and the end of centralized
government. After that tragedy Indonesia use decentralization until now. But, Indonesia applies this
system in sudden. Another country around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to World Bank the enrollment rate differences among regions are significant. Given the
size, and diversity of the country, enrollment rates varies from the highest in Java to the lowest in
Papua. From that, can be seen that the public services in Indonesia is not growing equally. For fact that
public services growth is slow we can see in health care. Indonesia had the lowest physician density
(number of physician per 100.000 populations) within its ASEAN neighbors. Ratios of nurses and
midwives are higher than
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The Collapse Of The Space Shuttle Before Columbia
In the year of 2003, on February 1, a tragic accident had occurred in the atmosphere above Texas as
the space shuttle called Columbia was on it s way to land at the Kennedy Space Center. The shuttle
itself was on its 28th mission and was just one of the five space shuttles that was used amongst
NASA. But on this particular day, it wasn t like the rest because astronauts are supposed to return
home safely; that s not what happened on this day. There were seven astronauts that were inside the
shuttle. Their names were Rick Husband, David Brown, Michael Anderson, Laurel Clark, William
McCool, Kalpana Chawla, and Ilan Ramon. They had all died in an explosion within the shuttle itself.
NASA was trying to figure out how this could ve happened. They ran through many possibilities of
what could ve gone wrong and they came to the conclusion that the reason the shuttle had exploded
when coming through the atmosphere was because a chunk of foam hilt a wing of the craft. This was
suspected to be the reason when tape was analyzed of the takeoff before Columbia went into space.
NASA wanted to know if it was the real reason but didn t want anyone else to know of the issues
besides them. The Department of Defense had asked permission from the people working for NASA
to use orbital spy cameras to analyze the problem. But NASA had said no to their offer and went on to
analyze and check the disaster for themselves so that they knew what the problem was. They call this
a common check .
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Writing A Personal Philosophy Essay. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Writing A Personal Philosophy Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Writing A Personal Philosophy Essay Writing A Personal Philosophy Essay
  • 2. Three Elements Of A Hero s Quest Cycle In Thor The life of a superhero fits a certain pattern. No matter the universe or comic book, superheroes generally follow the same pattern. Three essential characteristics of a superhero s life include an unusual birth, embarking on a quest and winning rewards for completing an ultimate quest. In Thor, he fulfils these three elements of a hero s quest cycle. Thor is born under strange circumstances; goes on a journey to learn humility and regains his powers back thus becoming one of the quintessential models of classical heroism. In Thor, the audience sees how thor had an unusual birth a typical feature of the archetypal superhero s life. Odin, ruler of Asgard, desired a heir who would one day surpass him in power and have the power of the heavens ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Thor, he must regain his powers by getting his hammer back. Like all superheroes of antiquity this final test must be completed alone. Once The Destroyer arrives, he starts destroying everything with heat. Thor and three scientists attempt to get everyone away safely. In this final test, there is always a doubt of success or final unexpected hurdle that the superhero must overcome. Unexpectedly, The Destroyer kills Thor, which causes a setback. Everyone thinks he is dead but since he sacrificed himself, he gets his Mjolnir back which he is then able to easily defeat The Destroyer. The completion of the final test is the most important element in a superheroes life and Thor succeeds and is rewarded by getting his hammer back. This pattern in Thor s life confirms his status as a true model of the Hero Quest Cycle. In conclusion, Thor lives the life of the archetypal superhero. Thor is born under strange circumstances, must regain his powers and go on a journey to learn humility. His many quests and difficult times all culminate with his ultimate test, regaining his powers. He gets his hammer back and easily defeats The Destroyer. In all these stages of life, Thor demonstrates to be the model of classic heroism as he fulfills the criteria of the Hero Quest Cycle and shows his heroic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Effect Of Urbanization On Wildlife In modern day urban settings, it is not uncommon to walk outside and experience Madagascar right in the city parks. OK, maybe not quite Madagascar yet, but cities are getting there. The wildlife that used to live out in the wild are now migrating into urban areas because there are no resources left for them in their original homes. The problem is humans. Humans have taken over the resources, homes, and economies that animals need to survive, so they are forced to come closer and closer to humans. The movement caused by this is creating many problems between humans and the animals that are forced to move. Urban wildlife is beginning to cause damage to the environment and needs to be stopped. The effect that urbanization has on wildlife is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the causes of fear loss is caused by animals being too closely associated with the millions of humans that surround them on a daily basis. The animals are forced to reside in human habitat because they have nowhere else to live. The closeness can cause alterations and some urban animals trade personal space for the convenience of the city (Soniak). Species continue to be made to live side by side to humans and breathe the exact same air that they do. They practically share homes with humans now because of the lack of space and the excessive populations of urban wildlife. What used to be considered taboo is presently different because the relationship between humans and large predators is changing (Mahoney). Large predators who lose their fears and approach humans in search for food or water are put in danger because humans misunderstand the animals and what they are trying to tell them. They may view a harmless approach for food as a murder spree targeted straight at them. Another problem that follows urbanization is the harmony between humans and animals that has been around for years is now being disturbed. The amount of wildlife deaths in urban cities is rising as more human populations expand and grow. Some threats to urban wildlife include: habitat loss, light and noise pollution, invasive species, chemical runoff/ pollution and habitat fragmentation. For the urban ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Children s Child Welfare Reform Essay In 1980, about 500,000 children were in foster care, but a series of successful reforms began with that year s Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act which dramatically decreased the number of children in foster care. But in the early 1990s, with the advent of crack cocaine and an economic recession numbers went back up. Child welfare advocates said that the foster care system was in need of changes so that children spend less time in foster placements and that America s child welfare system needed an improvement. Some children in care were separated from their siblings, others transitioned from one foster care placement to another, never knowing where to call home. Too many children were being abused in systems that were supposed to protect them. Instead of being safely reunified with their families or moved quickly into adoptive homes many remained in foster homes or institutions for years. In 2014, over 650,000 children spent time in the child welfare foster care system. On average, children remain in state care for nearly two years and seven percent of children in foster care remain in foster care for five years or more. The majority of children in foster care are very young, the average age of children in care is around the age of nine. In 2014, more than half of children entering the United States foster care system were children of color. While most children in foster care reside with family in the present time, 14 percent of minorities live in institutions or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Group B Streptococcus Agalactiae Group B Streptococcus agalactiae is an important Gram positive bacterial pathogen that cause a wide variety of clinical infections, ranging from septicemia to meningitis. The reported lethality of severe S. agalactiae infections is ranging from 4 to 6% in the United States. Of note, it has been suggested that the incidence of neonatal disease is considerably greater than reported, because the requirement for positive cultures from blood or cerebrospinal fluid may underestimates the true burden of disease. Therefore, in this review I focused on virulence factors of S. agalactiae in order to elucidate aspects of the infection. S. agalactiae is frequently colonizes rectovaginal tract. S. agalactiae is found in 15 40% of adult women, and there is a 1% chance to be transmitted vertically from mother to infants before or during birth. This type of infection is divided into early onset and late onset infections. Early onset infection, is one of the most common infection among neonates with a mortality rates of 4 to 6% in the United States. This type of infection is characterized with shock and breathing difficulties and occurs at birth or within the first 6 days of life. This infant probably had become infected by ascending spread of the organism from the maternal genital tract to the amniotic fluid, in which the bacteria colonize and multiply within the respiratory tract of the fetus and causes pneumonia. Also, this bacteria may enter the respiratory tract and spread to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Similarities And Differences Between The Southern And... In the late 1700 s, dozens of historians learned about events and forces that drove many colonial people to an armed rebellion. Among the patriots and economic determinists, fundamental agreement prevails, and the immediate cause is The American Revolution. Although the people of the colonies all lived in the same country, there were many similarities and differences between the southern and northern colonies, such as religion, economics, politics and governments. During the Revolution, there were thirteen different colonies, and when talked about they were divided into three different geographical locations, northern, middle and southern. The Northern region, also known as, the New England colonies, consisted of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The Southern colonies consisted of Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. In the old colonial system a colony was to be a colony in the most obvious sense of the word: a perpetually subordinate agricultural and extractive area that served the mother country as a source of raw materials, a safety valve for excess or unwanted population, and a market for finished goods. During the seventeenth and eighteenth century, mercantilism played a major role throughout the colonies. Mercantilism is a economic theory that enabled the government to regulate the economy for the purpose of building up the rival nations economic power. The colonies, which belonged in the northern region, were a dysfunctional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Arguments For And Against Gay Adoption In a study of sexual abuse, 269 cases only two of those cases the offenders were gay. Adoption of homosexuals should be allowed because they are no different from heterosexual parents, the only difference is preference on gender of their partner. People still to this day deny service to these people just because of that. Gay and lesbian adoption should be allowed because children would actually get adopted, homosexual parenting has no disadvantages to heterosexual parenting, and their children would be more accepting to differences. In today s world heterosexual couples don t adopt much and the most common resort to having the children be adopted is with homosexual couples. Homosexual couples are six times more likely to foster children and four times more likely to adopt (Davis 1). In some areas homosexual adoption isn t common because they tend to deny them of the access to do so due to their sexual preference. In the areas that allow it there have been over 65,000 children have found homes in the U.S. because of gay adoption ( Arguments for and Against Gay Adoption ). In many other cases people tend to find gay adoption a great thing because with it many more kids will be adopted and they also find nothing wrong with it. According to Susan McConnell, the founder and director of Let It Be Us a non profit adoption center Across the country and especially in Illinois, we just do not have enough people who have stepped forward, and we think that the (LGBT) community there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Is Guantanamo Wrong Is it ever acceptable to torture a man to the point of inflicting suicidal thoughts and actions on him? This instance commonly takes place at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, or GTMO ( Gitmo ). Only 6 of the 166 current detainees have been formally charged, which leaves the possibility that over 96% of the prisoners there are innocent. In fact, more men have died at Guantanamo than have ever been convicted. GTMO s existence is a controversial topic because of the treatment of detainees, various Supreme Court rulings, and the lasting impact on people who are lucky enough to be released. The only way to ensure that guiltless people are not both physically and mentally traumatized at Guantanamo Bay is to cease its unconstitutional and inhumane ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Supreme Court ruled that if someone is detained by the American government, then they are entitled to basic constitutional rights, which does not allow the detainment of a person before bringing them before a court or a judge. Since this injustice is taking place in Guantanamo, innocent men are being placed there. Everyone being taken to GTMO is also protected from cruel and unusual punishment regardless of what they have been accused of. Therefore, the CIA s use of various torture methods and brutal interrogations are not acceptable by law. Lakhdar Boumediene was one of many men who were taken away from their family and punished for a crime they did not commit. He will forever be affected by the seven years of mental and physical abuse that he endured at Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. After 14 years, why is the U.S. still forcing faultless men to go to a place that makes them want to end their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. American Indian Stories Essay In American Indian Stories, University of Nebraska Press Lincoln and London edition, the author, Zitkala Sa, tries to tell stories that depicted life growing up on a reservation. Her stories showed how Native Americans reacted to the white man s ways of running the land and changing the life of Indians. Zitkala Sa was one of the early Indian writers to record tribal legends and tales from oral tradition (back cover) is a great way to show that the author s stories were based upon actual events in her life as a Dakota Sioux Indian. This essay will describe and analyze Native American life as described by Zitkala Sa s American Indian Stories, it will relate to Native Americans and their interactions with American societies, it will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We where once very happy. But the paleface has stolen our lands and driven us hither. Having defrauded us of our land, the paleface forced us away (10). Having knowing this, the little girl still persisted and wanted to go with the paleface. Many of the Indians that left with the missionaries were gone for many years and did not know how much had changed back at home. In the story The Soft Hearted Sioux a young man comes back home after receiving an education from the missionaries. He had left before he was taught how to survive out in the wild. He came back to dying and starving parents. He was brainwashed by the missionaries because he went against his family s customs and told the medicine man never to come back and that God will save his father. He started preaching God s words to his people and they left the community. His father was growing sicker and sicker and he needed food. His son went out everyday trying to get something but had no skills in hunting. His father had told him to go two hills over and he could find meat. With no concept of ownership, the son went and killed a cow that belonged to an American. Upon leaving with the meat he was chased down and attacked by the owner of the cattle. The son accidentally killed the man and fled back to his father s teepee only to realize that he was too late and that his father had died. He was so conditioned by the white man that he had forgotten his ancestors ways of survival. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Study Guide Week 3 Essays Module/Week 3: Mankind and Sin Textbook Readings: Towns: Chs. 8 10 Chapter 8 1. What point does the author illustrate with an elephant and 4 blind men? ...Comparing it to the way people describe and see life and the world 2. Do Moslem leaders claim that Christianity and Islam are alike in that Allah was the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? No 3. What are the 4 questions that Darwinians have not been able to answer? Where is the missing link How can man evolve to be the apex of living beings if the fact suggest the process of evolution goes the other way Where life originated. Refuse to believe or even explore data that suggest intelligent design. 4. What question did the old ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. What is Fiat Creationism? Typically conservative orthodoxy has tended to support this view. Basically, fiat creationism holds that God, by direct acts, brought into being virtually everything that exists. 4. What is Deistic Evolution? This view basically claims that God began the process of evolution within the context of created matter. 5. What is Theistic Evolution? Similar in certain respects to deism, theistic evolutionteaches that God began the creative process by bringing the first organism to life. 6. What is Progressive Creationism? This view combines the view of specific de novo (flesh or from nothing) creative acts with in moment or processive operations of life.
  • 11. 7. Which two possibilities of Creationism does the author say are closest to scripture? From the four possiblilties, Fiat Creation Progressive Creation Are in closer harmony with the testimony of the Scripture. Creation in the Image of God 1. T/F: All of creation is created in the image of God. False, 2. T/F: The image of God in man solely refers to his immaterial nature. True, 3. T/F: Only Christians maintain the image of God. (False) 4. T/F: The image of God in man was lost as a result of the fall of man. (False) 5. What four primary aspects are included in the image ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Rock And Roll Or Roll Shake and roll (frequently composed as rock and roll or shake n roll) is a classification of mainstream music that started and developed in the United States amid the late 1940s and mid 1950s,[1][2] from a mix of African American sorts, for example, soul, boogie woogie, hop soul, jazz, and gospel music,[3] together with Western swing and nation music.[4] Though components of rock and roll can be heard in soul records from the 1920s[5] and in nation records of the 1930s,[4] the class did not obtain its name until the 1950s.[6][7] Shake and roll can allude either to the primary rush of music that began in the US in the 1950s preceding its improvement into rock music , or all the more comprehensively to shake music and culture.[8] For ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, shake and roll may have added to the social liberties development in light of the fact that both African American and white American high schoolers appreciated the music.[11] It went ahead to generate different types, regularly without the at first trademark steady rhythm, that are currently all the more usually called just shake music or rock . Sign recognizing the part of Alan Freed and Cleveland, Ohio in the sources of rock and roll The expression shake and move now has no less than two unique implications, both in like manner utilization. The American Heritage Dictionary[12] and the Merriam Webster Dictionary[13] both characterize shake and move as synonymous with rock music. Encyclopædia Britannica, then again, sees it as the music that started in the mid 1950s and later created into the additionally incorporating worldwide style known as rock music .[14] The expression shaking and moving initially portrayed the development of a boat on the ocean,[15] however was utilized by the mid twentieth century, both to depict the otherworldly intensity of dark church rituals[16] and as a sexual similarity. Different gospel, soul and swing recordings utilized the expression before it got to be utilized all the more as often as possible yet at the same time discontinuously in the 1940s, on recordings and in surveys of what got to be known as beat and soul music went for a dark audience.[16] In 1934, the melody ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Essay on Bio lap report endocrine system The Endocrine System Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42 0023 01 01 Purpose What is the purpose of this exercise? Are there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If so, list what they are and what precautions should be taken. The purpose of this exercise is to point out the major endocrine structures and being able to identify them and understand their functions. Yes, there are many safety concerns. We have to make sure that we are in the appropriate environment. We must make sure that everything is clean and sanitary. Some precautions that should be taken is watching all of the safety videos and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What does the hormone thymosin do? Stimulates the development of other lymphatic organs and T cells. B. Based on your answer to Question A, explain why the thymus gland shrinks as we reach adulthood. When we are first born the thymus gland excretes three hormones which promotes the growth of the T cells. After puberty the thymus gland begins to shrink. Exercise 5: The Adrenal Gland Observations Please describe in detail the structures and features you observed on the adrenal gland slide Questions A. The adrenal glands are in part controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. Name the hormones involved in this regulation and the functions of each. B. Where in the adrenal gland are mineralocorticoids made? Zona Glomulerosa C. What are the functions of mineralocorticoids? Give an example of a mineralocorticoid hormone. Maintain salt and water balance. An example of a mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. D. Where
  • 14. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Keira Collins Dreams, Passions, And Accomplishments Keira Collins: Dreams, Passions, Fears, and Accomplishments What are your dreams, passions, fears, and accomplishments? I ll tell you about some of mine! The three most important things that someone should know about me. 1. I am a huge fan of writing and reading 2. I love volleyball 3. I am on a swim team The hardest thing I have ever done would have to be finishing 4th Grade Aleks. It was quite a challenge, but I did it! Yay! My first dream is to become an author by the age of twelve. I love writing and I started writing when I was eight years old. It may be hard, but I m going to do it. Another dream that I have would be to become an Olympic Swimmer. It would be so much fun and I would work really hard. I already do when I go to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Product Management and Lego Lego Case Study for ISM class 5014 How did the information systems and organization diging changes implemented by Knundstorp align with the changes in business strategy. The Lego Cast Study is about how the toy company has been affected by the rapid and vast change in the way children play with toys and their preference of the same. Historically, Lego s have been a top rated toy for children and when that quickly changed Lego was not expecting it and furthermore not prepared. The company began to lose money, by 2004, the company found itself close to extinction, losing $1 million a day. (Saunders Pearlson , 2013) A new CEO, Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, was hired in an effort to bring the company back to its feet and the Lego toys back ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This allowed Lego to better serve customers by enhancing their overtaxed order management and fulfillment systems. (Pearlson Saunders) At first glance many would discount the idea that Lego deployed a strategy of hyper competition. However, when we consider some of the characteristics of hyper competition, such as profit maximization, emphasis on customer satisfaction, and the ability to dynamically adjust allocation of organizational resources, we see that Lego did adopt a hypercompetitive strategy. 4. What advise would you give Knudstorp to keep Lego competitive, growing and relevant? I think Knudstorp did an amazing job with coming into Lego and taking a failing business to a successful one by building a block style work environment. He made standards which the employees were to follow which allowed them more creative freedom and incentives to want to improve upon the great quality of their products. One suggestion I would give Knudstorp would be to spend more time focusing on his competition and to see what Lego could do to model what has worked for their company and how it would fit in best with Lego. Mattel is Lego s biggest competition in the market place. Mattel has advanced in the market place due to their new product development effort. Toy developers are encouraged to think globally from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The United States Of America Fought For Independence The United States of America fought for independence in 1775 until 1783. After the war, the newly independent Americans needed a new government. The Continental Congress, after years of debate and drafting, decided to adopt the Articles of Confederation in 1781. The first draft was proposed in 1775, but never acted upon. Many drafts were proposed, six, to be exact, and in 1777 it was given to the states for approval. Maryland was the last to ratify it, given to concerns of lands to the west. After this was settled, they approved and the Articles of Confederation went into effect on March 1, 1781 ( Articles of Confederation. ). However, none of these six drafts compared to the document of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. This document changes the union from a loose group of friendly states allowed to attend to almost all affairs, to states united under a federal government. Not all of the founding fathers thought that this document was good, though. The debates were between two parties, the federalists and the anti federalists. The anti federalists thought that the constitution gave the federal government too much power. Despite these fears, the constitution was ratified. To this day government officials argue about legitimacy of laws and whether the federal government or the states have the right to pass the laws in question. All throughout the time that the United States has operated under the constitution, it has been a fight between views of centralism and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Performance Analysis Simulation Performance analysis is an essential aspect to any business due to its evaluate performance. The goal of the performance analysis is to identify problems, understand the cause and make informed decisions. To do that, asking why is important. Why is my competitor making more sales? Why are sales slow? Why are my expenses so high? If you know why, you can make calculated decisions and advance the success of your company. To answer those why questions, you must analyze available data. For each round of the simulation, a new set of decisions will be made, those decisions will directly affect the budget. It is vital to analyze the pro forma, income statement, actual and budget to determine why there was a positive or negative variance, why ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Benefits of Organics Essay Organic or non organic? That is the question! And the answer to this question happens to be organic. I d love think that everyone shares my thoughts on this but others aren t so willing to accept this. The fact is that the majority of the population doesn t agree with my opinion that going organic leads to a healthier life style. As it is there is constant debate as to whether chemically processed foods are better than organically grown foods, mind you both sides have their pros and cons, but in the end organic is the obvious choice. Yet despite the apparent win that organic products have over its counterpart, people still don t fully understand what is wrong with the chemically processed. What is worse yet is that the public typically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Instead organic farmers use natural fertilizers like green manure, compost, and cover crops to put nutrients back in the soil. In addition, methods such as crop rotation and hand weeding are used to create a more diverse ecological system to naturally grow pest s predators. Healthy seeds are selected and used in Organic farming, seeds that are genetically altered are not used. As far as livestock are concerned: they are given a proper diet, and adequate exposure to the outdoors. Good animal treatment standards or husbandry as they call it are maintained in organic farming. No antibiotics are used on animals, but homeopathic medicine is used, just in case an animal gets sick. If a farmer gives antibiotics to an animal, he loses his certificate for organic farming and he has to start all over and earn his certificate again. Growth hormones are also not used in organic animal husbandry. The concept of being organic is by no means a new thing. In fact if you go back you ll realize that organic farming was the way of things, not because people were more health conscience or anything, but simply because there wasn t any other way. There was no need for these chemicals. So where did our modern farming techniques come from? Easy; the 1930 s just wasn t a great time for the United States. With the great depression the world s economy was already plummeting and with the following of World War II, the time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Martin Luther King Research Paper In 1996 Samuel Mohammed, a resident of West Palm Beach community, kicked down the door of an abandoned house within his neighborhood, that was used as a drug house, spread lighter fluid and started a fire. The night he set the fire he was never far away from the scene. He stood by and watched as the fire and at the time he deemed appropriate he called the police and the fire station. In response for setting the fire he was arrested on the charge of arson. His lawyer argued that he was not practicing arson but he was practicing Civil Disobedience in the traditional of Martin Luther King Jr. The question the jury was faced was should he be punished as an arsonist or let slide for practicing Civil Disobedience. He should be charged with arson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Black Law Dictionary defines civil disobedience as the refusal to obey a law because it is unjust or it is unfair and it is usually nonviolent in behavior. Florida s law against arson in the 1997 Florida Statutes section 806.01 one part a that pertains to arson states that Any person who willfully and unlawfully, or while in the commission of any felony, by fire or explosion, damages or causes to be damaged: (a) Any dwelling, whether occupied or not, or its contents. Mohammed did start a fire and did cause damage to a unoccupied dwelling. He broke the law, but in order for him to be practicing civil disobedience he would have to have broken the law because it was unfair or unjust. If in face he thought that it was an unfair law why did he state his reasons for starting the fire as he and his neighbors were tired of the police not doing their job punishing the criminals that frequented the house ()? If somebody torched his unoccupied house while he was on vacation he could not be upset because he believed the law against arson was unfair. His reason for starting the fire was not civil disobedience it was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Impact Of Globalization On China Introduction This paper sheds light on the impact of globalisation on China and the factors, which affect the process of globalisation in the developing country like China. China is a developing country; its service sector is generally small scale and weak in strength compared with other sectors in the country and its counterparts in the other nations. The business is pre ruled by traditional services and presently can t seem to be expanded sector wise. When the markets open up, they will feel the pressure from different nations, which have pre emptive advantages in business thoughts, quality and scale. In any case, the open entryway change during recent years saw the effective change from a conventional arranged economy to a market economy and from withdrawal to openness. The effect of such a change has gone past desire and been overpowering. What s more, it is likewise genuine that no single nation can avoid globalisation. Support is the best way to distinguish and get a handle on the open doors. Interest is additionally the best way to stay up to date with the standard of the world economy. Discussion The impact of globalisation on China s economic growth is broad. During the previous 20 years, China s worldwide trade extended 16 times, with its positioning in the world skipped to seventh from the original 32nd and trade dependence rate lifted from 10 to 36%. The amount of FDI is presently the largest among developing nations. As indicated by a review on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Community Relations Officer Cover Letter I am qualified for the position of Community Relations Officer because of my strong organization skills, dedication to FBLA members and outstanding communication ability. My excellent organization skills will be very useful for the position of Community Relations Officer. This year, my main job as the Individual Projects Chair was to promote projects and guide members through their projects. Promoting the project was not the difficult part; it was making sure the members successfully completed their projects on time. With this in mind, I divided each project into many sections, or activities, and set deadlines every week so that members would always be on track to completing their projects. I created a calendar that included every email I had planned to send out along with the mini deadlines. In addition, I made a tracker for each project. This included the name of every member participating in the project along with all the mini deadlines of the activities. If a member did not complete an activity, it would be marked on the tracker and I would send them a follow up email asking them to complete the activity with an extended deadline; this ensured that members always knew what they had to complete and when it was due. My organization can be demonstrated through the calendar and the tracker. I will use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One example of my promising communication skills is with my summer internship at a law firm. I was trained to write emails professionally with formal vocabulary because my main duty was to email and reply to clients. As a result, I have firsthand experience of speaking with professionals. I am proficient with netiquette and can represent our chapters well through these emails. Furthermore, I am a people person . I am known to be outgoing and sociable which will be crucial when talking to the guest speakers or employees at business ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Louise Rosenblatt Poem Reflection on Rosenblatt Limerick (Ireland) is a cold, humid city. Days in Limerick are gray. Always rains there. A continuous drizzle falls day after day. You need to watch out where you are walking, try to avoid the mud on your shoes. It is always wet and muddy. You need also to be careful, people throw their waste into the streets. The odor, as you can imagine, is unbearable. This city is poor and miserable. Macondo (Colombia) is a hot, humid little town lost somewhere in the Colombian coast. Macondo has a delicious fruity aroma due to the guava tress that you could see there. However, you do not want to be outside at noon, the sun at that time is brutal. That is the reason why the majority of people living in Macondo prefer to take ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reader and the text make possible to construct multiple layers of reality. Rosenblatt states: literature especially invites confusion about its relation with reality (p. 33); thus, the pretended reality of the text only emerges when the reader makes it real. Text reality is not just related to the tangible world, but it is related to the realities constructed in the mind of the reader. It is not uncommon, for example, to see children creating realities in their minds when they read. It has been more than once that I have seen my own children to mimic the voices of the characters of the text. How can they mimic a sound that is not audible? This only could be explained through Rosenblatt s framework of the transactional process of reading. Rosenblatt philosophy of reading has made possible, for those who belief that reading is much more than the processing of printed words, to understand the reader s position as the center of the transaction, and create around him/her a truly supportive literacy system, not just to be able to decode printed symbols, but also to construct the meaning of texts. I am sure that I was provided this literary context in the form of accessing to books and caring of my reading practices; otherwise, I am afraid, my love for reading would have disappeared as the years ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Food Quotes About Food I Importance of food for the first generation immigrants 1) In Indian culture Food is very important in Indian culture, morality and spirituality speaking. In the novel, there is a ceremony that involves food : the annaprasan. It celebrates the growth of Hindu babies and their transition from a liquid diet to a solid diet. Babies eat rice, an asiatic item. It symbolizes the entrance of the world for them and food is used for this transition. Like Appadurai Arjun said in Gastro Politics in Hindu South Asia , Indians are sharing food with others. The importance of being a perfect host for their guests in order to honour them is seen in the namesake. « as usual his mother cooks for days beforehand, cramming the refrigerator with stacks of foil covered trays. »1 Ashima puts her heart in her cookings. They honour guests with a lot of food and they are spending several days so that everyone is satisfied. In the movie, in the scene when Maxine comes at Gogol s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can be disturbing for a child to have a link, more or less important, with all these cultures. Gogol never really felt Indian, and he hated his name so much that he changed it for Nikhil. Gogol is American, he feels American. 7We can see that throughout food he is American. He loves occidental food and before his departure for India for a long time, he takes his last meal « a final meal is served, an herbed omelette tapped with a sliced of grilled tomato. Gogol savors each mouthful, aware that for the next eight months nothing will taste quite the same »8 He s clearly doesn t seem to appreciate Indian food and has this need of American food just like Ashima needs Indian food : « from time to time, they privately admit to excruciating cravings for hamburgers or a slice of pepperoni pizza or a cold glass of milk. » He can t away with his appartenance with America, it doesn t feel like this is his ordinary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Violence During The Trojan War The Trojan War is one of the most important events in Greek Mythology. The Trojan War had so much violence throughout, that there were three types of violence. Physical violence is the fighting part of the war. Verbal violence is when the Greeks and Trojans would hurt each other with words not weapons. Sexual violence was the raping of any women who were from Troy or the Greeks. In this analysis, you will learn the three types of violence in the Trojan War. Physical violence was the main type of violence that occurred throughout the grueling Trojan War. In Mythology it says, For nine years victory wavered, now to this side, now to that. Neither was ever able to gain any decided advantage. Each and every day, for nine years there was a bloody, gory battle that took place. A lot of the noblest fighters in Greek Mythology died in this war such as; Achilles, Ajax, Hector, and Paris. Obviously, Physical violence was what occurred throughout the bloody Trojan War. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Mythology it says Athena sweeping down to the battlefield, persuaded the foolish heart of Panduras, a Trojan, to break the truce and shoot an arrow at Menelaus. If Athena had not tricked Panduras into shooting an arrow at Menelaus, Troy might still be standing here to this present day. Also, when The Judgement of Paris occurred, if Aphrodite had not portrayed her story to Paris well enough to get the golden apple, most likely the Trojan War would ve never happened. Truly, Verbal violence can be just as effective as Physical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Special Needs Trust Essay A Special Needs Trust in Southington CT, often referred to as a Supplemental Needs Trust in Southington CT, is a special type of trust intended for use with individuals who are either mentally or physically disabled. The trust is written in a manner that allows the individual to use property reserved for his or her benefit, without interfering with their ability to obtain essential government benefits that are needs based. In addition, the trust offers administrative benefits, by allowing the holding and management of property intended for use by the beneficiary in situations where he or she doesn t have the proper legal capacity to manage their financial matters. The Preservation Of Government Benefits Many benefits provided by the government are handled on a need basis. As a result, individuals who have a number of assets may find they don t qualify for the assistance they need. They are then forced to sell the assets to obtain the needed care and, when the assets are depleted, the government programs step in. The supplemental needs trust preserves these assets while allowing the individual to obtain government assistance. When included in a trust of this type, the assets do not count for the purpose of needs based benefits. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The trust must be set up in a way that allows it to be considered its own entity, one that comes with a Federal Identification Number issued through the IRS. The person benefiting from the trust and the person granting the trust may not use their social security numbers in this situation, and the trust has to be irrevocable. It it may be revoked, it won t qualify as a special needs trust, and this may hurt the recipient. The trust, when properly drafted, allows for the dissolution or termination of the trust under specific conditions. In addition, it outlines the process for amendments, when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Celiac Essay Celiac is an autoimmune disease; meaning the immune system is attacking and destroying ones on health cells within the body mistakenly when eating gluten also known as a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. When consuming these types of food hard to absorb for people with this type of disorder. Once gluten is digests by an individual for the first time this can cause a reaction in a person immune system with these disease because the antibodies from gluten are invading by damaging the villi which are finger shaped tissue lined in your small intestine in your digestive tract. The villi are what helps take in all the nutrients from the food we eat to allow our body to stay healthy and fight off diseases. Damage caused to the intestines makes it hard to absorb nutrients our body requires such as; calcium, iron, fat and folate. Improper absorption of these nutrients can lead to other medical problems. This condition is a chronic autoimmune disease; which means it is not something you can get rid of overtime, but proper diagnosis and treatment can help. Many people are unaware of this disease because of it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The only true cure to this lifelong disease is a firm diet with no gluten. The lesions of the small intestinal mucosa; are secondary to a permanent intolerance to gluten (Bhand, Shaikh, Korejo Raza 275). No gluten at all is the only real solution doctors have come up with as a treatment for Celiac Disease which has been proven to have beneficial effects on histology and serology testing gathered from further research (Ramin161). By a gluten free diet we are talking about one without foods which contain wheat, rye, and barley which may be found in bread and beer. The slightest ingestion of gluten like crumbs from a cutting board or toaster can still cause small intestinal damage ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Paley City There is a strong connection between the senses and the formation of our perception. Traditionally, the sense categories are known as sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. The modern perspective views the senses as systems in which information about our external world is acquired; visual, auditory, olfactory, gestation and haptic (tactile) systems. Architecture in the sense of environmental design is the art of nourishing these senses. In order to receive information from the environment, each sense organ is part of a sensory system which receives and transmits sensory information to the brain. How the human body engages space is of prime importance; as the human body moves, sees, smells, touches, hears and even tastes within a space the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The smell receptors interact with the molecules of these vapors and transmit sensations to the brain. We need only a little amount of molecules of substance to trigger an impulse of smell in a nerve end, and we can smell more than ten thousand different scents. If it is a new scent it is possible to remember the scent and identify it again later. The scent captures one s memory of the place; the nose makes the eyes remember. For the blind people, the sense of smell can help awareness of one s location. Odour can also relate to hunger and the desire to consume. Since it is not possible to name all the odours, spatial qualities or experiences are often associated with scents. Positive experiences of smell can be used in design to induce positive memories or associations to a space, while negative smells can do the opposite. Bringing certain smells into a designed space can immediately stimulate emotions, guide us, or distract us. Designer Valerie Trent cites research that connects smell and memory; People can often recall aromas from childhood or a distinctive odor they ve only smelled once. Whatever your particular nose prefers, smells do enhance comfort and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Diction In Avatar In James Cameron s films they all found a major success with the science diction action theme. Avatar is a perfect example of how the worlds blend perfectly for an acceptable amount of time. The real world, according to the Na vi people of Pandora is visualized as a peaceful setting that can be compared to a church. In Avatar, there is a tree that symbolizes their perfect equilibrium. Who s Eywa? Only their deity! Their goddess, made up of all living things. Everything they know! You d know this if you had any training whatsoever. (Norm, Avatar) This quote was used to explain to Jake how the people of Pandora function throughout their everyday life. The story of Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a paraplegic Marine, is about how a human enters a whole new world. There they have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another reason as to why Avatar can be depicted as the human world is because of the vivid displays that the film provided. The viewer of the film can imagine being so engulfed by the imagery. When the scenes of Pandora appear with the Hometree, or the Tree of Soul, you feel like you can smell the trees. This type of imagery is in relation to the real world. The director succeeded with the fact that we felt like we were actually in the movie. Everything is backwards now, like out there is the true world, and here is the dream (Sam Worthington, Avatar). Jake Sully, the protagonist of Avatar, agreed to replace his brother in the Avatar program. The humans were able to navigate throughout the planet of Pandora. Jake Sully s transformation was a great experience for him, and one of the best scenes in the movie. When I was lying in the V.A. hospital with a big hole blown through the middle of my life, I started having these dreams of flying. I was free. But sooner or later, you always have to wake up (Avatar. Film). This scene shows how, after many years or being in a wheelchair, Jake gets to use his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Effectiveness Of Reading Comprehension Strategies This paper focuses on two major concerns: the effectiveness of reading comprehension strategies and the effectiveness of professional development. There has been a great amount of study and writing on both topics. In addition to these subtopics, the topic of reading inventories will also be explored with regards to the Scholastic Reading Inventory and the use of these tools in evaluating comprehension in reading. Reading comprehension strategies. Throughout the history of reading education, there has been extensive research on phonological awareness and phonics. More recently, educational theorists have also recognized and researched the need for instructing students in the use of comprehension strategies in reading (Muspratt, Luke, Freebody, 1997). Block, Gambrell, and Pressley (2002) state The message is clear the most important thing about reading is comprehension (p. 3) Reading comprehension is the process of acquiring meaning from written text ( Block, Gambrell, Pressley, 2002, p. 4) and is an interactive process involving the reader, the text, and the context (p. 5). While there are many ideas on the most effective way to teach comprehension skills, most agree on a few basic skills that students should know. Keene and Zimmerman (1997) identify 7 key comprehension strategies: making connections, visualizing, questioning, inferring, synthesis, problem solving, and deciding what is important. Making connections involves the use of the reader s schema, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Serotonin Syndrome Research Paper PROGNOSIS The prognosis of serotonin syndrome is favorable if the physician avoids multidrug regimens and discontinues any serotonergic agent before starting another 20 Once treatment is instituted, the syndrome typically resolves within 24 hours, but confusion can last for days, and death has been reported. 8 The potential for relapse and recurrence is fair and follows the clinical course of the primary disease (e.g., recurring periods of depression) Prompt recognition, withdrawal of precipitating agents, and treatment may prevent complications. 20 SCREENING AND PREVENTION PREVENTION 1 Patients must be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of serotonin syndrome whenever a serotonergic drug is prescribed ○ The most likely time that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ○ Avoidance of these interactions is practical in most instances by substitution or alternative treatments ○ May require a 2 week washout of associated drug combinations 20 SYNOPSIS KEY POINTS Serotonin syndrome presents as anxiety, confusion, autonomic instability and severely elevated body temperature (i.e., T 105.9°F) Confirmation of serotonin syndrome diagnosis is made by serum toxicology (i.e., elevated levels of serum serotonin) Comorbid conditions of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar affective disorder may accompany serotonin syndrome as primary diseases Treatment is directed toward symptomatic and supportive care (e.g., benzodiazepines for restlessness, paralyzing agents for body temperature regulation) Rhabdomyolysis is a nephrotoxic complication that may result from muscle breakdown following severe hyperthermia Prognosis depends on etiology but most cases show improvement, if not resolution, within a day or two URGENT ACTION Aggressive cooling is of utmost importance for hyperthermic patients (e.g., cooling blanket, cool intravenous fluids) Admission consultation with a medical toxicologist, experienced clinical pharmacologist, or regional poison control ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Compare And Contrast Politics And Political System Here in this topic an issue arises that why we do compare and compare the political systems of the different regions, states, and countries and as well as domestic politics. To answer the bigger question what is politics and political systems. Politics mean the activities associated are attached with the governance of a country or area especially the debate between parties or regimes having power. Politics is also to struggle to gain power to rule and govern governments. On the other hand governments have access to resources and powers to rule over people and as well as empower people through the majority winning political party who wins to rule and impose. Some philosophers consider politics it forces for good while others take it as force for evil. In seventeenth and eighteenth century were the opinions that if no government existed, there would be state of nature. Some philosophers conceive the idea of Social Contract on which societies come to an existence. John Locke, Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes considered the pioneers of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here comparison doesn t mean that we compare two people with their heights or compare two classrooms but it s all about comparing Political systems of the world and how the run and are have been placed. It is also a core method to humanistic and scientific methods. Comparing our own political systems and institutions with others provide us the opportunity to see wider range of political alternatives and increase our appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of our own political system, enabling us learn from other countries. Comparative analysis makes us aware of the possibilities of politics. It also helps us to formulate theories about how to certain political systems work. Comparison as a method is very old but as s discipline it developed very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Colonization Of African Countries Africa had been known as the dark continent considering Europeans knew little of its culture or background. Europeans sought control over Africa because of its natural resources and plantation. By 1914 almost all of Africa was colonized by Europeans, with Britain and France being the biggest colonizers. The imperialization in Africa by European countries have had a significant impact on the continent and its indigenous people. The colonization of African countries has had a negative effect, as the native Africans were treated poorly in the Belgian Congo, resources were exploited for the benefit of the Europeans and African culture was lost. In 1884, Europeans met in Berlin, Germany to set rules for dividing Africa into colonies, this consultation is known as the Berlin Conference. Belgium was one of the smallest European colonizers, who colonized the large country of Congo. The Europeans believed that the Africans were inferior and felt the need to civilize their population. Social Darwinism is the classification of humans into species races based on hair, skin, etc, with no scientific support to this conclusion. According to this theory the different human species are not equally evolved. The stronger, more evolved species will dominate, as it is natural for the strong to control the weak. Many of the Europeans believed this concept, certain they were the dominate race (Pearson 1900). Natives were enslaved, overworked, exploited in the Belgian Congo. Leopold had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Effects Of Decentralization Of Indonesia ABSTRACT In the beginning of Soeharto s period until the end of Soeharto s period, Indonesia centralized the national regime. Indonesia determined to apply a policy of decentralization that became effective on January 1st, 2001. This essay would explain the failure of Indonesian decentralization, whereas this essay only has one area of focus, the failure of distribution of power. Why decentralization in Indonesia has failed? The main factor of this failure has been started in the first time Indonesia apply decentralization after 1998 tragedy whereas the end of Soeharto s period and the end of centralized government. After that tragedy Indonesia use decentralization until now. But, Indonesia applies this system in sudden. Another country around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to World Bank the enrollment rate differences among regions are significant. Given the size, and diversity of the country, enrollment rates varies from the highest in Java to the lowest in Papua. From that, can be seen that the public services in Indonesia is not growing equally. For fact that public services growth is slow we can see in health care. Indonesia had the lowest physician density (number of physician per 100.000 populations) within its ASEAN neighbors. Ratios of nurses and midwives are higher than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Collapse Of The Space Shuttle Before Columbia In the year of 2003, on February 1, a tragic accident had occurred in the atmosphere above Texas as the space shuttle called Columbia was on it s way to land at the Kennedy Space Center. The shuttle itself was on its 28th mission and was just one of the five space shuttles that was used amongst NASA. But on this particular day, it wasn t like the rest because astronauts are supposed to return home safely; that s not what happened on this day. There were seven astronauts that were inside the shuttle. Their names were Rick Husband, David Brown, Michael Anderson, Laurel Clark, William McCool, Kalpana Chawla, and Ilan Ramon. They had all died in an explosion within the shuttle itself. NASA was trying to figure out how this could ve happened. They ran through many possibilities of what could ve gone wrong and they came to the conclusion that the reason the shuttle had exploded when coming through the atmosphere was because a chunk of foam hilt a wing of the craft. This was suspected to be the reason when tape was analyzed of the takeoff before Columbia went into space. NASA wanted to know if it was the real reason but didn t want anyone else to know of the issues besides them. The Department of Defense had asked permission from the people working for NASA to use orbital spy cameras to analyze the problem. But NASA had said no to their offer and went on to analyze and check the disaster for themselves so that they knew what the problem was. They call this a common check . ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...