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Mike Rother
Five Key Factors for
Success for Kata
Advance Groups (or any
one practicing Kata
Rev 3.0
Kata MasterCoach, Instructorand MasterLearner
in the successful deployment of
Toyota Kata
1. Relevancy
2. Right People in Right Roles
3. Close-in Target Conditions
4. Frequent and Rapid PDCA’s
5. Purposeful Coaching Cycles
Your “Advance Group”, who shepherds and PDCAs
your organization’s deployment, should assure that
these factors are in play
Advance Groups (AGs) are charged with
actively monitoring and guiding
the organization’s kata deployment.

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OKR Intro Powerpoint Michael Thomas Jr.
OKR Intro Powerpoint Michael Thomas Jr.OKR Intro Powerpoint Michael Thomas Jr.
OKR Intro Powerpoint Michael Thomas Jr.

OKRs are objectives and key results used to set goals at all levels of a company to unite everyone around a shared vision. OKRs are made famous by companies like Intel and Google that credit much of their success to OKRs. OKRs are set quarterly, public, and scored at the end of each quarter to assess progress and adjust goals if needed. The document then provides examples of how OKRs could be set at the company, director, and individual employee levels and how they align to measure progress towards shared objectives.

Goal setting
Goal settingGoal setting
Goal setting

The document discusses goal setting and provides guidance on establishing effective goals. It explains that goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. The process of setting goals involves identifying potential goals, prioritizing them, writing them down, planning how to achieve them, pursuing them while monitoring progress, and evaluating if the goals were met. Both top-down and bottom-up approaches to setting goals can work as long as those responsible for the goals are involved in the process.

OKR in Action - Connecting Strategic and Individual Goals
OKR in Action - Connecting Strategic and Individual GoalsOKR in Action - Connecting Strategic and Individual Goals
OKR in Action - Connecting Strategic and Individual Goals

This document discusses Objective Key Results (OKR), a goal-setting framework that connects strategic goals to individual work. It describes OKR's characteristics like transparency, focus, priority, and motivation. OKRs represent a vision for the future, have objectives that are measurable and time-bound targets reviewed in 2-3 month cycles. They provide a structure from company vision down to individual employee goals to ensure strategic alignment.

okrstrategic alignmentobjective key results
Toyota Kata deployment involves creating
a pattern of learning and striving
that’s embedded in everyone’s day.
The Work Day
Work Day
Learning and Striving
Troubleshoo ng
The Advance Group is striving to achieve a
tipping point within the organization
The point in time when
kata activities are no
longer “something
extra” I have to do, but
just the “usual thing” I
do to manage my
processes and develop
my people. Mike Rother
 A tipping point is a moment that signals the beginning of dramatic change.
 Malcolm Gladwell asserts that tipping points explain uncanny phenomena;
the momentum behind the spread of AIDS orthe murderratein the NYC
suddenly dropping in the mid 1990’s.
 More interestingly, it’s the basis of the idea that behaviors and ideas are
contagious; inother words, theyalso have tipping points.
Improvement Kata activity has to be relevant
 to the organization
 to the 2nd Coach
 to the Coach
 to the Learner

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Your first 90 days

The amended (for reading online) version of the slides from my presentation at UX Camp Brighton 2019 - https://www.uxcampbrighton.org/redux-2019 Before I started my new role at Madgex, I took the opportunity to run a few workshops to help plan out my first 90 days as successful as possible. This presentation details the output of the workshop and learnings I've had during my first 90 days.

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Human Resources OKR Examples
Human Resources OKR ExamplesHuman Resources OKR Examples
Human Resources OKR Examples

When you’re building a company culture of success, using Human Resources OKRs is a great way to provide focus and align priorities with the rest of your company. If you’re looking for a basic introduction to OKRs, check out our Complete Guide to OKRs: https://7geese.com/okr-objectives-and-key-results-faqs/ Table of Contents: - Human Resources OKR Examples for Compensation and Benefits - Human Resources OKR Examples for Culture - Human Resources OKR Examples for Employee Retention - Human Resources OKR Examples for Hiring - Human Resources OKR Examples for Performance - Human Resources OKR Examples for Staffing and Training

goal settinghuman resourcesokrs
SeriouslyCreative Credentials
SeriouslyCreative CredentialsSeriouslyCreative Credentials
SeriouslyCreative Credentials

Credentials presentation for SeriouslyCreative. About us, what we do it and what makes us passionate about it.

Relevancy comes when the outcomes are
Improvement Kata is deployed on critical
organizational challenges and processes.
Coaches have a vested interest in the outcomes and
are held accountable for the results.
Learners are the process owners and will personally
benefit from the improvements achieved.
 Learner’s role is to apply the Improvement Kata
following a scientific model to obtain innovative
 Coach’s role is to teach the scientific model to
obtain innovative improvements.
 2nd Coach’s role is to the teach coaching kata to
the primary coach.
2nd Coach
(not always
The relationship between the Learner, Coach and
2nd Coach is a key factor to success
 The relationship between a Learner and their
Coach is the basis for development of people.
 The development of people is how day-to-day
improvement and innovation are delivered.

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HORENSO PDCA by Anubha WaliaHORENSO PDCA by Anubha Walia
HORENSO PDCA by Anubha Walia

Japanese Culture - HO REN SO - PDCA cycle training is conducted by Anubha. She is training in quality to corporates on TQM, PDCA, Six Sigma, 5S, Culture for last 10 years www.prismphilosophy.com 919818446562 training@prismphilosophy.com

The OKRs "objectives and key results"
The OKRs "objectives and key results"The OKRs "objectives and key results"
The OKRs "objectives and key results"

Whether talking about small, medium, or large companies or non-profits organisations, OKRs work the same for setting goals throughout many company levels. Discover more on our blog: https://jedisquad.com/the-okrs/

ELEC2017 3.4 o. roemeling - the role of leadership in continuous improvemen...
ELEC2017   3.4 o. roemeling - the role of leadership in continuous improvemen...ELEC2017   3.4 o. roemeling - the role of leadership in continuous improvemen...
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This document summarizes a study on the relationship between leadership styles and the maturity of continuous improvement (CI) initiatives in a healthcare organization. The study found that teams with a mix of transactional and transformational leadership styles achieved higher levels of CI maturity than those relying on a single style. Specifically, transactional styles were more effective at lower maturity levels while transformational styles worked better at higher levels of maturity. The study proposes that adopting a single leadership style will limit maturity, while a combination of styles across maturity levels can help organizations fully embed CI into their operations.

leadershipcontinuous improvementhealthcare
TheCoach must have a vestedinterest in developing their Learneralong with
obtaining improvement. The Coach is interested in altering the thinking and acting of
the Learner, resulting in a new mindset.
The 2nd Coach should have a vested interest in developing the
management skillset of the Coach
Avd Bgnr
Sometimes peer-to-peer Learner, Coach and 2nd
Coach roles are assigned, particularly during early
skill development stages.
While peers can find challenges relevant and
improvements can be made, there is no expectation
to develop skill. Skill development of peers is not in
their scope of responsibilities, unlike a manager with
their subordinate.
Target conditions, particularly
with Novice learners and
coaches, tend to be large and
more complex then they
should be.
This leads to large and
complex PDCA’s. PDCA’s
that could be target conditions
in and of themselves!

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OKR explained in 10 slides

This short deck introduces the key concepts of Objective and Key Results (OKR). OKR is a goal driven management process that thousands of top companies use to engage staff and deliver exceptional performance

okrobjectives and key resultsgoal setting
Driving towards a disruption hbr case study
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HBR case study, Driving towards a disruption, this is about to curriculum adopted by Harvard business school and top ivy management colleges of the world.

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CAS-2015 Workshop OKR’s, use m or lose m (20151204)
CAS-2015 Workshop OKR’s, use m or lose m (20151204)CAS-2015 Workshop OKR’s, use m or lose m (20151204)
CAS-2015 Workshop OKR’s, use m or lose m (20151204)

This is the presentation that we gave for CAS 2015 in Madrid. Partly theory about OKRs and partly an interactive exercise on making actions and scoring your OKR.

goalkey resultalignment
Advance Groups should
review target conditions to
assure they are:
1. Of the proper distance into
the future
2. Aligned to organizational
For Novices, Target
Conditions should be
set 1 or 2 weeks out.
Process level
target conditions should
be no more than 3 to 4
weeks out.
Value stream target
conditions should be no
more than 1 month to 3
months out.
With close-in target conditions, PDCA’s tend to be smaller, single factor
experiments that are performed with laser focus set on overcoming
one obstacle at a time

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The document describes a 6-month learning journey program for new managers at Intuit that aims to: 1. Immerse new managers in monthly virtual and in-person sessions to practice desired leadership behaviors and skills. 2. Create an environment where managers learn from each other through peer relationships and receive candid feedback. 3. Continually measure the impact of the program and use data to improve it over time, ensuring it honors Intuit's unique culture. The goal is to help new managers accelerate their business impact, lead through Intuit's values, and promote a "One Intuit" mindset.

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This document provides an overview of continuous quality improvement (CQI) principles and models. It discusses key concepts like quality, quality improvement, and quality improvement models including PDCA, FADE, PDSA, and Six Sigma. The core steps of CQI involve forming a team, defining clear aims and measures of success, understanding customer needs, testing changes using the scientific method, and continuously monitoring improvements. Commonly used CQI tools include fishbone diagrams, flowcharts, histograms, Pareto charts, and run charts. The goal of CQI is to turn thoughts into ongoing, incremental improvements through analysis and monitoring to ensure quality outputs.

softwarecontinuous quality improvementcqi
OKRs AT THE CENTER book launch meetup slides
OKRs AT THE CENTER book launch meetup slidesOKRs AT THE CENTER book launch meetup slides
OKRs AT THE CENTER book launch meetup slides

Presentation of the OKRs AT THE CENTER book launch meetup 6th May 2020 together with Jeff Gothelf from Sense & Respond Press More on: https://okrs-at-the-center.com/ How OKRs can drive ongoing change in your organization! Changing the way you work with goals through concepts like OKRs has the potential to create important impulses for new ways of working in the whole organization. And yet many companies working with OKRs, fall short of their expectation. In this interactive session, authors Natalija Hellesoe and Sonja Mewes will share - how they themselves fell into the trap of high expectations - which aha moments led to taking a different approach to work with OKRs - and how proactive OKR System design and other ideas can help to successfully use OKRs

okrokrsokr book
Frequent and rapid PDCA’s keep the learning and
improvements coming at a fast pace, keeping the
Learner and their teams motivated and engaged.
Frequent and rapid PDCA’s give purpose to
frequent coaching cycles
Mike Rother
 When fast-pace learning occurs, coaches and 2nd
coaches remain engaged and motivated to Go and
 On the flip side, if PDCA’s are long and learning is
happening at a slow pace, coaching sessions lose their
allure and value.
1. Relevancy
2. Right People in Right Roles
3. Close-in Target Conditions
4. Frequent and Rapid PDCA’s
5. Purposeful Coaching Cycles
Advance Groups... keep these factors in play!

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Propeller: Sales and Success Manager
Propeller: Sales and Success ManagerPropeller: Sales and Success Manager
Propeller: Sales and Success Manager

The document discusses Propeller, a tool designed to help teams achieve key results and improve performance through alignment, feedback, and problem-solving. It can guide teams by clarifying priorities, cutting through complexity, and crowdsourcing solutions. The tool allows teams to align on key results, provide feedback, recognize strengths, solve problems together, and track progress. It aims to increase engagement and accountability to accelerate results. Teams are advised to start by setting up profiles, establishing key results, inviting members, and consistently using features like feedback and solving issues collectively. The goal is to focus teams on achieving targeted outcomes.

to do listproductivitymotivation
Propeller - Your app for team success
Propeller -  Your app for team successPropeller -  Your app for team success
Propeller - Your app for team success

Propeller is a success building team app - your guide to team success. Better than traditional project plans, this software does more - feedback, recognition, key results (better than OKR's), And Wisdom from the OZ Principle. Go to www.partnersinleadership.com/propeller and sign up for free.

slackmondayteam building
Toyota Kata 5 key Factors for Successful Advance Groups
Toyota Kata 5 key Factors for Successful Advance GroupsToyota Kata 5 key Factors for Successful Advance Groups
Toyota Kata 5 key Factors for Successful Advance Groups

This document outlines five key factors for successful deployment of Toyota Kata: 1) relevancy, 2) having the right people in the right roles, 3) close-in target conditions, 4) frequent and rapid PDCA cycles, and 5) purposeful coaching cycles. Advance groups are charged with actively monitoring and guiding the organization's kata deployment to achieve a "tipping point" where kata activities are embedded in everyone's daily work of managing processes and developing people. Keeping these five factors in play will help advance groups drive kata activities from being "something extra" to the "usual thing" that is done.

coaching kataadvance groupimprovement kata
Remember, an Advance Group is striving to
achieve a tipping point within their
The point in time when
kata activities are no
longer “something
extra” I have to do, but
just the “usual thing” I
do to manage my
processes and develop
my people. Mike Rother
Wishing you success in your Kata
Kata, kata, kata...
Beth Carrington

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Kata advance groups 5 key factors km rev 2.0

  • 1. 1 Mike Rother Five Key Factors for Success for Kata Advance Groups (or any one practicing Kata Rev 3.0 BETH CARRINGTON
  • 2. BETH CARRINGTON Kata MasterCoach, Instructorand MasterLearner
  • 3. 5 FACTORS in the successful deployment of Toyota Kata 1. Relevancy 2. Right People in Right Roles 3. Close-in Target Conditions 4. Frequent and Rapid PDCA’s 5. Purposeful Coaching Cycles Your “Advance Group”, who shepherds and PDCAs your organization’s deployment, should assure that these factors are in play
  • 4. ADVANCE GROUPS Advance Groups (AGs) are charged with actively monitoring and guiding the organization’s kata deployment.
  • 5. DESIRED PATTERN Toyota Kata deployment involves creating a pattern of learning and striving that’s embedded in everyone’s day. The Work Day Work Day Learning and Striving Troubleshoo ng
  • 6. THE TIPPING POINT The Advance Group is striving to achieve a tipping point within the organization The point in time when kata activities are no longer “something extra” I have to do, but just the “usual thing” I do to manage my processes and develop my people. Mike Rother
  • 7. A MOMENT  A tipping point is a moment that signals the beginning of dramatic change.  Malcolm Gladwell asserts that tipping points explain uncanny phenomena; the momentum behind the spread of AIDS orthe murderratein the NYC suddenly dropping in the mid 1990’s.  More interestingly, it’s the basis of the idea that behaviors and ideas are contagious; inother words, theyalso have tipping points.
  • 8. Improvement Kata activity has to be relevant  to the organization  to the 2nd Coach  to the Coach  to the Learner FACTOR 1 RELEVANCY
  • 9. OUTCOMES ARE CRITICAL Relevancy comes when the outcomes are critical… Improvement Kata is deployed on critical organizational challenges and processes. Coaches have a vested interest in the outcomes and are held accountable for the results. Learners are the process owners and will personally benefit from the improvements achieved.
  • 10. FACTOR 2 RIGHT PEOPLE IN RIGHT ROLES  Learner’s role is to apply the Improvement Kata following a scientific model to obtain innovative improvements.  Coach’s role is to teach the scientific model to obtain innovative improvements.  2nd Coach’s role is to the teach coaching kata to the primary coach.
  • 12. REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS The relationship between the Learner, Coach and 2nd Coach is a key factor to success  The relationship between a Learner and their Coach is the basis for development of people.  The development of people is how day-to-day improvement and innovation are delivered. 2nd Coach Learner Learner Learner Coach
  • 13. COACHAND LEARNER TheCoach must have a vestedinterest in developing their Learneralong with obtaining improvement. The Coach is interested in altering the thinking and acting of the Learner, resulting in a new mindset.
  • 14. 2ND COACH AND COACH The 2nd Coach should have a vested interest in developing the management skillset of the Coach Novice Avd Bgnr Competent Proficient Expert 2ndCoach Learner Learner Learner Coach
  • 15. PEER SKILL DEVELOPMENT VERSUS DAY-TO-DAY MANGANGENT Sometimes peer-to-peer Learner, Coach and 2nd Coach roles are assigned, particularly during early skill development stages. While peers can find challenges relevant and improvements can be made, there is no expectation to develop skill. Skill development of peers is not in their scope of responsibilities, unlike a manager with their subordinate.
  • 16. FACTOR 3 CLOSE-IN TARGET CONDITIONS Target conditions, particularly with Novice learners and coaches, tend to be large and more complex then they should be. This leads to large and complex PDCA’s. PDCA’s that could be target conditions in and of themselves!
  • 17. ADVANCE GROUP TARGET CONDITION REVIEWS Advance Groups should review target conditions to assure they are: 1. Of the proper distance into the future 2. Aligned to organizational challenge
  • 18. NOVICE SKILL LEVEL TARGET CONDITIONS For Novices, Target Conditions should be set 1 or 2 weeks out.
  • 19. ADVANCED BEGINNER OR COMPETENT SKILL LEVEL Process level target conditions should be no more than 3 to 4 weeks out. Value stream target conditions should be no more than 1 month to 3 months out.
  • 20. FACTOR 4 FREQUENT AND RAPID PDCA’S With close-in target conditions, PDCA’s tend to be smaller, single factor experiments that are performed with laser focus set on overcoming one obstacle at a time Plan Do Check Act Plan Do Check Act Plan Do Check Act Plan Do Check Act Plan Do Check Act Plan Do Check Act Plan Do Check Act Plan Do Check Act
  • 21. KEEP LEARNERS ENGAGED Frequent and rapid PDCA’s keep the learning and improvements coming at a fast pace, keeping the Learner and their teams motivated and engaged.
  • 22. FACTOR 5 PURPOSEFUL COACHING CYCLES Frequent and rapid PDCA’s give purpose to frequent coaching cycles Mike Rother
  • 23. KEEP COACHES ENGAGED  When fast-pace learning occurs, coaches and 2nd coaches remain engaged and motivated to Go and See.  On the flip side, if PDCA’s are long and learning is happening at a slow pace, coaching sessions lose their allure and value.
  • 24. SUMMARY 1. Relevancy 2. Right People in Right Roles 3. Close-in Target Conditions 4. Frequent and Rapid PDCA’s 5. Purposeful Coaching Cycles Advance Groups... keep these factors in play!
  • 25. THE TIPPING POINT Remember, an Advance Group is striving to achieve a tipping point within their organization. The point in time when kata activities are no longer “something extra” I have to do, but just the “usual thing” I do to manage my processes and develop my people. Mike Rother
  • 26. Wishing you success in your Kata Deployment! Kata, kata, kata... Beth Carrington Beth.Carrington@KATAMatters.com