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Distinguish equations representing the
circles and the conics; use the properties
of a particular geometry to sketch the
graph in using the rectangular or the polar
coordinate system. Furthermore, to be
able to write the equation and to solve
application problems involving a particular
Circle : Center at any point ( Include discussion on translation of axes)
CONICS: Properties and Application Involving the
Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola with
Vertex/ Center at any point with
Horizontal/Vertical/ Oblique Axis
Polar Curves and Parametric Curves; Sketching and Transformation to Rectangular forms of
Lesson 1: CIRCLE
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able
to use the basic principles concerning the circle to illustrate
properly and solve diligently application problems.
A circle is the locus of point that moves in a plane at a constant
distance from a fixed point. The fixed point is called the center,
C( h, k) and the distance from the center to any point on the
circle is called the radius, r.
The second degree equation , for some
constants C, D, and E, is the general equation of a circle.
+ y2
+ Dx + Ey+ F = 0
● Chord - A chord is a straight line joining two points on the
circumference. The longest chord in a circle is called a
diameter. The diameter passes through the center.
● Segment - A segment of a circle is the region enclosed by a
chord and an arc of the circle.
● Secant - A secant is a straight line cutting the circle at two
distinct points.
● Tangent - If a straight line and a circle have only one point of
contact, then that line is called a tangent. A tangent is
always perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of
C (h, k) - coordinates of the center of the circle
r - radius of the circle
P (x, y) - coordinates of any point on the circle
Distance CP = radius ( r )
or r2 = (x – h)2 + (y – k)2
the center-radius form or the Standard Form of the equation
of the circle.
The general form of the equation of the circle is obtained from
the center-radius form (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2 by expanding
the squares as follows:
(x2 – 2hx + h2) + (y2 – 2ky + k2) = r2
x2 + y2 – 2hx – 2ky + h2 + k2 - r2= 0
Comparing this form with
It can be shown that -2h = D
-2k = E
h2 + k2 - r2 = F
Thus, , and
+ y2
+ Dx + Ey+ F = 0
h = -
k = -
r =
+ E2
- 4F
Sample Problems
1. Find the equation of the circle satisfying the given condition:
a. center at C(3, 2) and the radius of 4 units
b. center (-1, 7) and tangent to the line 3x – 4y + 6 = 0
c. having (8, 1) and (4,-3) as ends of a diameter
d. passing through the intersection of 2x-3y+6=0 and
x+3y-6=0 with center at (3,-1).
2. Reduce the equation 4x2 + 4y2 – 4x – 8y – 31 = 0 to the
center-radius form. Draw the circle.
Circles Determined by Three Geometric Conditions
The standard equation and the
general equation both have three
parameters: h , k, and r for the standard equation and D, E, and F
for the general equation. Each of these equations defines a
unique circle for a given set of values of the parameters. Thus, a
unique circle results from the following conditions:
a. Given the center C ( h, k) and the radius r
b. Given 3 non-collinear points,
c. Given the equation of a tangent line, the point of
tangency, and another point on the circle
d. Given a tangent line and a pair of points on a circle
+ y2
+ Dx + Ey+ F = 0
x -h( )
+ y-k( )
= r2
Pi xi, yi( )
Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 3 Figure 4
Illustrations of the different conditions:
Sample Problems
1. Find the equation of the circle tangent to the line 4x – 3y + 12=0
at (-3, 0) and also tangent to the line 3x + 4y –16 = 0 at (4, 1).
2. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points
(1, -2), (5, 4) and (10, 5).
3. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points
(2, 3) and (-1, 1) , with center on the line x – 3y – 11 = 0.
4. Find the equation(s) of the circle(s) tangent to 3x-4y-4=0 at (0,-1)
and containing the point (-1,-8).
5. Find the equation of the circle tangent to the line x + y = 2 at
point (4 -2) and with center on the x-axis.
6. A triangle has its sides on the lines x + 2y – 5 = 0, 2x – y – 10 = 0
and 2x + y + 2 = 0. Find the equation of the circle inscribed in the
A family of circles is a set of circles satisfying less than three
geometric conditions. Also, if we let x2+y2+D1x+E1y+F1=0 and
x2+y2+D2x+E2y+F2=0 be the equation of two circles and taking “k”
as the parameter, then the equation of the family of circles
passing through the intersection of two circles is
(x2+y2+D1x+E1y+F1) + k(x2+y2+D2x+E2y+F2) =0.
Except at k=-1 when the equation reduces to a linear equation
(D1-D2)x + (E1-E2)y + (F1-F2) = 0, which is called a “radical axis” of
the two given circles.
Sample Problems
1. Write the equation of the family of circles satisfying the given
a. With center at C (3, -4)
b. Of radius 5
c. always tangent to the Y-axis at ( 0, -6)
2. Write the equation of the family of circles C3 all members of
which pass through the intersection of the circles C1: x2+y2-
6x+2y+5=0 and C2: x2+y2-12x-2y+29=0. Find the member of the
family C3 that passes through the point (7, 0). Graph the
member of the family for which k = -1.
3. Draw the graph of the equations x2+y2-4x-6y-3=0 and x2+y2-12x-
14y+65=0. Then find the equation of the radical axis and draw
the axis.
At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to apply the basic concepts and properties of the
conic sections in solving application problems.
Conic Section or a Conic is the path of a point which moves so
that its distance from a fixed point is in constant ratio to its
distance from a fixed line.
Focus is the fixed point
Directrix is the fixed line
Eccentricity ( e ) is the constant ratio given by
Depending on the value of the eccentricity e, the conic
sections are defined as follows:
If e = 1, the conic section is a parabola
If e < 1, the conic section is an ellipse
If e > 1, the conic section is a hyperbola
A parabola is the set of all points in a plane equidistant
from a fixed point and a fixed line on the plane. The fixed
point is called the focus (F) and the fixed line the directrix
(D). The point midway between the focus and the directrix is
called the vertex (V). A parabola is always symmetric with
respect to its axis. The chord drawn through the focus and
perpendicular to the axis of the parabola is called the latus
rectum (LR).
(-a, y)
Let: D - Directrix
F - Focus
2a - Distance from F to D
4a – the length of the Latus Rectum (LR)
(a, 0) - Coordinates of F
To derive the equation of a parabola, choose any point P on
the parabola and let it satisfy the condition
So that,
e =
Squaring both side,
Equations of parabola with vertex at the origin V (0, 0)
Lecture co2 math 21-1
Sample Problems
1. Determine the focus, the length of the latus rectum and the equation
of the directrix for the parabola 3y2 – 8x = 0 and sketch the graph.
2. Write the equation of the parabola with vertex V at (0, 0) which
satisfies the given conditions:
a. axis on the y-axis and passes through (6, -3)
b. F(0, 4/3) and the equation of the directrix is y + 4/3 = 0
c. Directrix is x – 4 = 0
d. Focus at (0, 2)
e. Latus rectum is 6 units and the parabola opens to the left
f. Focus on the x-axis and passes through (4, 3)
3. Find the locus of the center of a circle tangent to the line y = -5 and
externally to the circle .x2
+ y2
-9 = 0
Consider a parabola whose axis is parallel to, but not on, a
coordinate axis. Let the vertex be at point V(h, k) and the focus
at F(h+a, k). Introduce another pair of axes by a translation of
the Origin (0, 0) to the point O’(h, k). Since the distance from
the vertex to the focus is a, the equation of the parabola on
the x’y’ plane is given by:
y’2 = 4ax’
Let x’ = x - h and y’ = y – k ( the translation formula)
Then the equation of a parabola with vertex at (h, k) and focus
at (h+a, k) on the xy plane is
(y – k)2 = 4a (x – h)
Equations of parabola with vertex at V (h, k)
Standard Form General Form
(y – k)2 = 4a (x – h)
y2 + Dy + Ex + F = 0
(y – k)2 = - 4a (x – h)
(x – h)2 = 4a (y – k)
x2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
(x – h)2 = - 4a (y – k)
Sample Problems
1. Draw the parabola defined by y2 + 8x – 6y + 25 = 0
2. Express x2 – 12x + 16y – 60 = 0 in standard form then draw the parabola.
3. Determine the equation of the parabola (in the standard form) satisfying
the given conditions; draw the parabola:
a. V (3, 2) and F (5, 2)
b. V (2, 3) and axis parallel to y axis and passing through (4, 5)
c. V (2, 1), Latus rectum at (-1, -5) & (-1, 7)
d. V (2, -3) and directrix is y = -7
e. with vertical axis, vertex at (-1, -2), and passes through (3, 6).
f. Axis parallel to the y-axis, passes through (1, 1), (2, 2) and (-1, 5)
g. axis parallel to the x-axis passes through (0, 4), (0, -1) and (6, 1).
4. A parkway 20 meters wide is spanned by a parabolic arch 30 meters long
along the horizontal. If the parkway is centered, how high must the vertex of
the arch be in order to give a minimum clearance of 5 meters over the
5. A parabolic suspension bridge cable is hung between two supporting towers
120 meters apart and 35 meters above the bridge deck. The lowest point of
the cable is 5 meters above the deck. Determine the lengths of the tension
members 20 meters and 40 meters from the bridge center.
6. Water spouts from a horizontal pipe 12 meters above the ground. Three
meters below the line of the pipe, the water trajectory is at a horizontal
distance of 5 meters from the water outlet. How far from the water outlet
will the stream of the water hit the ground?
7. A parabolic trough 10 meters long, 4 meters wide across the top and 3
meters deep is filled with water at a depth of 2 meters. Find the volume of
water in the trough.
An ellipse is the set of all points P in a plane such that
the sum of the distances of P from two fixed points F’ and F is
constant. The constant sum is equal to the length of the major
axis (2a). Each of the fixed points is called a focus (plural foci).
Important Terms
Eccentricity measure the degree of flatness of an ellipse. The
eccentricity of an ellipse should be less than 1.
Major axis is the segment cut by the ellipse on the line joining the
vertices of an ellipse through the foci; MA = 2a
Minor Axis is the segment cut by the ellipse on the line joining the
co-vertices through the center of the ellipse; ma = 2b
Vertices are the endpoints of the major axis.
Co-vertices are the endpoints of the minor axis
Focal chord is any chord of the ellipse through the focus.
Latus rectum ( latera recta in plural form) is the segment cut by the
ellipse through a focus and perpendicular to the major axis;
Properties of an Ellipse
1. The ellipse intersects the major-axis at two points called the vertices, V and V’.
2. The length of the segment VV’ is equal to 2a where a is the length of the semi-
major axis.
3. The ellipse intersects the minor axis at two points called the co-vertices, B and
4. The length of the segment BB’ is equal to 2b where b is the length of the semi-
minor axis.
5. The length of the segment FF’ is equal to 2c where c is the distance from the
center to a focus; c = ae
6. The midpoint of the segment VV’ is called the center of an ellipse denoted by
7. The line segments through F1 and F2 perpendicular to the major – axis are
the latera recta and each has a length of 2b2/a.
8. The relationship of a, b and c is given by a2 = b2 + c2 where, a > b.
PF + PF’ = 2a
Considering triangle F’PF
d3 + d4 = 2a
d3 = 2a – d4
Lecture co2 math 21-1
Equations of ellipse with center at the origin C (0, 0)
The equation of an ellipse on the x’y’ plane, with axes
parallel to the coordinate axes and the center at (h,k), is
given by
Using the substitutions x’ = x – h and y’ = y – k will
transform the equation to
x -h( )
y -k( )
Sample Problems
1. Find the equation of the ellipse which satisfies the given
a. foci at (0, 4) and (0, -4) and a vertex at (0,6)
b. center (0, 0), one vertex (0, -7), one end of minor axis (5, 0)
c. foci (-5, 0), and (5, 0) length of minor axis is 8
d. foci (0, -8), and (0, 8) length of major axis is 34
e. vertices (-5, 0) and (5, 0), length of latus rectum is 8/5
f. center (2, -2), vertex (6, -2), one end of minor axis (2, 0)
g. foci (-4, 2) and (4, 2), major axis 10
h. center (5, 4), major axis 16, minor axis 10 with major axis
parallel to x-axis.
2. Determine the coordinates of the foci, the ends of the major and
minor axes, and the ends of each latus rectum. Sketch the curve.
9x2 + 25y2 = 225
3. Reduce the equations to standard form. Find the coordinates of the
center, the foci, and the ends of the minor and major axes. Sketch the
a. x2 + 4y2 – 6x –16y – 32 = 0
b. 16x2 + 25y2 – 160x – 200y + 400 = 0
4. The arch of an underpass is a semi-ellipse 6m wide and 2m high. Find
the clearance at the edge of a lane if the edge is 2m from the middle.
a. b.
5. The earth’s orbit is an ellipse with the sun at one focus. The
length of the major axis is 186,000,000 miles and the
eccentricity is 0.0167. Find the distances from the ends of the
major axis to the sun. These are the greatest and least distances
from the earth to the sun.
6. A hall that is 10 feet wide has a ceiling that is a semi-ellipse. The
ceiling is 10 feet high at the sides and 12 feet high in the center.
Find its equation with the x-axis horizontal and the origin at the
center of the ellipse.
A hyperbola is the set of points in a plane such that the
difference of the distances of a point from two fixed points
(foci) in the plane is constant.
General Equation of a Hyperbola
1. Horizontal Transverse Axis : Ax2 – Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
2. Vertical Transverse Axis: Cy2 – Ax2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
where A and C are positive real numbers
Important Terms and Relations
Transverse axis is a line segment joining the two vertices of the
Conjugate axis is the perpendicular bisector of the transverse axis;
the line through the center joining the co-vertices.
Asymptote is a line that the hyperbola approaches to as x and y
increses without bound.
PF – PF’ = 2a
Considering triangle F’PF
Then letting b2 = c2 – a2 and dividing by a2b2, we have
if foci are on the x-axis
if foci are on the y-axis
The generalized equations of hyperbola with axes parallel to the
coordinate axes and center at (h, k) are
if foci are on a line parallel to the
if foci are on a line parallel to the
Important Relations
1. a = b , a < b , a > b
2. , c = ae
3. length of Transverse Axis = 2a
4. length of Conjugate Axis = 2b
5. distance from Center to Focus = c
6. distance from Center to Vertex = a
7. distance from Center to co-vertex =b
8. length of latus rectum =
9. distance from Center to Directrix =
= a2
a a2
Lecture co2 math 21-1
Sample Problems
1. Find the equation of the hyperbola which satisfies the given
a. Center (0,0), transverse axis along the x-axis, a focus at (8,0), a
vertex at (4,0).
b. Center (0, 0), conjugate axis on x-axis, one focus at , equation
of one directrix is .
c. Center (0,0), transverse axis along the x-axis, a focus at (5,0),
transverse axis = 6.
d. Center (0,0), transverse axis along y-axis, passing through the
points (5,3) and (-3,2).
e. Center (1, -2), transverse axis parallel to the y-axis, transverse axis
= 6 conjugate axis = 10.
 13,0
13139y 
f. Center (-3, 2), transverse axis parallel to the y-axis, passing through
(1,7), the asymptotes are perpendicular to each other.
g. Center (0, 6), conjugate axis along the y-axis, asymptotes are 6x –
5y + 30 = 0 and 6x + 5y – 30 = 0.
h. With transverse axis parallel to the x-axis, center at (2,-2), passing
i. Center at (2,-5), conjugate axis parallel to the y-axis, slopes of
asymptotes numerically one-sixteenth times the length of the latus
rectum, and distance between foci is .
j. Center (1,-1), TA // to x-axis, LR=9, DD’= .
k. Center (4,-1), TA // to y-axis, FF’=10, LR=9/2.
l. CA // to x-axis, C (3, 6), FF’= , DD’= .
m.C (-7,-2), TA // to x-axis, eccentricity= , LR=4/3.
2+3 2, 0( ) and 2+3 10, 4( )
2. Reduce each equation to its standard form. Find the coordinates
of the center, the vertices and the foci. Draw the asymptotes and
the graph of each equation.
a. 9x2 –4y2 –36x + 16y – 16 = 0
b. 49y2 – 4x2 + 48x – 98y - 291 = 0
3. Determine the equation of the hyperbola if its center is at (-4,2)
if its vertex is at (-4, 7) and the slope of an asymptote is 5/2.
Lesson 3 : Simplification of Equations
by Translation and Rotation of Axes
Translation of Axes
Consider a transformation in which the new axes, similarly
directed, are parallel to the original axes. Translation of axes is
related to performing two geometric transformations: a horizontal
shift and a vertical shift. Hence the new axes can be obtained by
shifting the old axes h units horizontally and k units vertically while
keeping their directions unchanged.
Let x and y stand for the coordinates of any point P when
referred to the old axes, and x’ and y’ the coordinates of P with
respect to the new axes then
x = x’ + h and y = y’ + k
the translation formula.
Sample Problems
1. Find the new coordinates of the point P(4,-2) if the origin is
moved to (-2, 3) by a translation.
2. Find the new equation of the circle x2+y2-6x+4y-3=0 after a
translation that moves the origin to the point (3,-2).
3. Translate the axes so that no first-degree term will appear in
the transformed equation.
a. x2+y2+6x-10y+12=0
b. 2x2+3y2+10x-18y+26=0
c. x2-6x-6y-15=0
Consider a transformation in which new axes are obtained by
rotating the original axes by some positive angle . This
transformation is called rotation of axes and is used to simplify the
general second degree equation
to the form free of the product term xy and in terms of the rotated
axes given by the eqaution
q, 0 <q<90
+Dx+Ey+F =0
+Dx'+Ey'+F =0
x' and y'
Identification of Conics
The general second degree equation with the product term xy
represents a conic or degenerate conic with a rotated axes based
on the discriminant value as follows; if the discriminant
vaue is:
1. less than 1, the conic is an ellipse or a circle
2. equal to 1, the conic is a parabola
3. greater than 1, the conic is a hyperbola
+Dx+Ey+F =0
The angle of rotation to eliminate the product term xy is
determined by . If A = C then .
The coordinates of every point P(x, y) on the graph is transformed
to the new pair P’( x’, y’) by using the rotation formula:
tan2q =
q = 45
x = x'cosq -y'sinq
y = x'sinq +y'cosq
cosq =
sinq =
Sample Problems
I. Identify the type of conic represented by the
equation. Then, simplify the equation to a
form free of the product term xy. Sketch the
graph of the equation.
xy = 3
+ 4xy+ 4y2
-6x -5 = 0
+ xy+ y2
- 4 = 0
-40x -30y+100 = 0
Lesson 4 : Polar Coordinate System
and Polar Curves
Lecture co2 math 21-1
Recall that under the rectangular coordinate system,
Under the polar coordinate system, however, we have
Polar axis
Lecture co2 math 21-1
In the given point, it has the following coordinate
The transformation formulas that express the relationship
between rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates of a point
are as follows:
Also, or
Sample Problems
1. Plot the following points on a polar coordinate system:
2. Transform the coordinate as required:
a. polar to rectangular
i. iii.
b. rectangular to polar
i. iii.
P 2,60( )
P 2,-120( )
P -4,45( )
P 1,120( )
P 3,
P -
P 2, 2( ) P 7,-7( )
P 2,2 3( )
3. Write the equation as required:
A. Rectangular form of the following:
i. iv.
iii. v.
B. Polar form of the following:
i. y=2 iii.
ii. Iv. xy = 4
r = 3cosq
r = 4
sin2q = 3
r =
r(2cosq +sinq) = 3
+ y2
= 4
= 4x
Lecture co2 math 21-1
Cardioid Limacon
Eight – leaf Rose Three – leaf Rose
Spiral of Archimedes Logarithmic Spiral
Standard Forms of the Polar Equations of Conics:
Let the Pole be the focus of a conic section of eccentricity e,
with directrix d units from the Focus; then the equation of the
conic is given by one of the following forms:
a. Vertical directrix , axis of symmetry
b. Horizontal directrix, axis of symmetry
r =
q = 0
q =
r =
Sample Problems
Sketch the curve given by the following equations:
1. r = 3 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
q = 2
r = 6cosq r2
= 8sin2q
r = 5cos3q r = 4+3sinq
r =
r =
2+ 4cosq
Lesson 5 : Parametric Equations
Let t be a number in an interval I. A curve is a set of ordered pairs
( x, y), where
x = f(t) and y = g(t) for all t in I .
The variable t is called the parameter and the equations x = f(t)
and y = g(t) are parametric equations of the curve.
Sample Problems
1. Express the equation in the rectangular form by eliminating
the parameter. Then sketch the graph
x = 2t , y= - t , t Î Â
x = t , y= 2t - 1
x = 2t , y= 2t2
- t +1 , t Î Â
x = 2cost , y= 3sin t , 0 £ t <2p
x = sect , y= tan t , -
< t<
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Analytic Geometry, by Quirino and Mijares
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Lecture co2 math 21-1

  • 1. CO2 Math21-1 Distinguish equations representing the circles and the conics; use the properties of a particular geometry to sketch the graph in using the rectangular or the polar coordinate system. Furthermore, to be able to write the equation and to solve application problems involving a particular geometry.
  • 2. COVERAGE Circle : Center at any point ( Include discussion on translation of axes) 3 CONICS: Properties and Application Involving the Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola with Vertex/ Center at any point with Horizontal/Vertical/ Oblique Axis 4 Polar Curves and Parametric Curves; Sketching and Transformation to Rectangular forms of equations
  • 4. OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to use the basic principles concerning the circle to illustrate properly and solve diligently application problems.
  • 5. CIRCLE A circle is the locus of point that moves in a plane at a constant distance from a fixed point. The fixed point is called the center, C( h, k) and the distance from the center to any point on the circle is called the radius, r. The second degree equation , for some constants C, D, and E, is the general equation of a circle. x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey+ F = 0
  • 6. ● Chord - A chord is a straight line joining two points on the circumference. The longest chord in a circle is called a diameter. The diameter passes through the center. ● Segment - A segment of a circle is the region enclosed by a chord and an arc of the circle. ● Secant - A secant is a straight line cutting the circle at two distinct points. ● Tangent - If a straight line and a circle have only one point of contact, then that line is called a tangent. A tangent is always perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of contact.
  • 7. EQUATION OF THE CIRCLE  P(x,y) C(h,k) y x x y k h r o 
  • 8. Let: C (h, k) - coordinates of the center of the circle r - radius of the circle P (x, y) - coordinates of any point on the circle Distance CP = radius ( r ) or r2 = (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 the center-radius form or the Standard Form of the equation of the circle.
  • 9. The general form of the equation of the circle is obtained from the center-radius form (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2 by expanding the squares as follows: (x2 – 2hx + h2) + (y2 – 2ky + k2) = r2 x2 + y2 – 2hx – 2ky + h2 + k2 - r2= 0 Comparing this form with It can be shown that -2h = D -2k = E h2 + k2 - r2 = F Thus, , and x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey+ F = 0 h = - D 2 k = - E 2 r = D2 + E2 - 4F 2
  • 10. Sample Problems 1. Find the equation of the circle satisfying the given condition: a. center at C(3, 2) and the radius of 4 units b. center (-1, 7) and tangent to the line 3x – 4y + 6 = 0 c. having (8, 1) and (4,-3) as ends of a diameter d. passing through the intersection of 2x-3y+6=0 and x+3y-6=0 with center at (3,-1). 2. Reduce the equation 4x2 + 4y2 – 4x – 8y – 31 = 0 to the center-radius form. Draw the circle.
  • 11. Circles Determined by Three Geometric Conditions The standard equation and the general equation both have three parameters: h , k, and r for the standard equation and D, E, and F for the general equation. Each of these equations defines a unique circle for a given set of values of the parameters. Thus, a unique circle results from the following conditions: a. Given the center C ( h, k) and the radius r b. Given 3 non-collinear points, c. Given the equation of a tangent line, the point of tangency, and another point on the circle d. Given a tangent line and a pair of points on a circle x2 + y2 + Dx + Ey+ F = 0 x -h( ) 2 + y-k( ) 2 = r2 Pi xi, yi( )
  • 12. Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Illustrations of the different conditions:
  • 13. Sample Problems 1. Find the equation of the circle tangent to the line 4x – 3y + 12=0 at (-3, 0) and also tangent to the line 3x + 4y –16 = 0 at (4, 1). 2. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points (1, -2), (5, 4) and (10, 5). 3. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points (2, 3) and (-1, 1) , with center on the line x – 3y – 11 = 0. 4. Find the equation(s) of the circle(s) tangent to 3x-4y-4=0 at (0,-1) and containing the point (-1,-8). 5. Find the equation of the circle tangent to the line x + y = 2 at point (4 -2) and with center on the x-axis. 6. A triangle has its sides on the lines x + 2y – 5 = 0, 2x – y – 10 = 0 and 2x + y + 2 = 0. Find the equation of the circle inscribed in the triangle.
  • 14. FAMILY OF CIRCLES A family of circles is a set of circles satisfying less than three geometric conditions. Also, if we let x2+y2+D1x+E1y+F1=0 and x2+y2+D2x+E2y+F2=0 be the equation of two circles and taking “k” as the parameter, then the equation of the family of circles passing through the intersection of two circles is (x2+y2+D1x+E1y+F1) + k(x2+y2+D2x+E2y+F2) =0. Except at k=-1 when the equation reduces to a linear equation (D1-D2)x + (E1-E2)y + (F1-F2) = 0, which is called a “radical axis” of the two given circles.
  • 15. Sample Problems 1. Write the equation of the family of circles satisfying the given condition: a. With center at C (3, -4) b. Of radius 5 c. always tangent to the Y-axis at ( 0, -6) 2. Write the equation of the family of circles C3 all members of which pass through the intersection of the circles C1: x2+y2- 6x+2y+5=0 and C2: x2+y2-12x-2y+29=0. Find the member of the family C3 that passes through the point (7, 0). Graph the member of the family for which k = -1. 3. Draw the graph of the equations x2+y2-4x-6y-3=0 and x2+y2-12x- 14y+65=0. Then find the equation of the radical axis and draw the axis.
  • 16. Lesson 2 : CONIC SECTIONS
  • 17. OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to apply the basic concepts and properties of the conic sections in solving application problems.
  • 18. Conic Section or a Conic is the path of a point which moves so that its distance from a fixed point is in constant ratio to its distance from a fixed line. Focus is the fixed point Directrix is the fixed line Eccentricity ( e ) is the constant ratio given by
  • 19. Depending on the value of the eccentricity e, the conic sections are defined as follows: If e = 1, the conic section is a parabola If e < 1, the conic section is an ellipse If e > 1, the conic section is a hyperbola
  • 20. THE PARABOLA (e = 1) A parabola is the set of all points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point and a fixed line on the plane. The fixed point is called the focus (F) and the fixed line the directrix (D). The point midway between the focus and the directrix is called the vertex (V). A parabola is always symmetric with respect to its axis. The chord drawn through the focus and perpendicular to the axis of the parabola is called the latus rectum (LR).
  • 21. PARABOLA WITH VERTEX AT THE ORIGIN, V (0, 0) (-a, y)
  • 22. Let: D - Directrix F - Focus 2a - Distance from F to D 4a – the length of the Latus Rectum (LR) (a, 0) - Coordinates of F To derive the equation of a parabola, choose any point P on the parabola and let it satisfy the condition So that, e = PF PD =1 PF = PD
  • 24. Equations of parabola with vertex at the origin V (0, 0)
  • 26. Sample Problems 1. Determine the focus, the length of the latus rectum and the equation of the directrix for the parabola 3y2 – 8x = 0 and sketch the graph. 2. Write the equation of the parabola with vertex V at (0, 0) which satisfies the given conditions: a. axis on the y-axis and passes through (6, -3) b. F(0, 4/3) and the equation of the directrix is y + 4/3 = 0 c. Directrix is x – 4 = 0 d. Focus at (0, 2) e. Latus rectum is 6 units and the parabola opens to the left f. Focus on the x-axis and passes through (4, 3) 3. Find the locus of the center of a circle tangent to the line y = -5 and externally to the circle .x2 + y2 -9 = 0
  • 28. Consider a parabola whose axis is parallel to, but not on, a coordinate axis. Let the vertex be at point V(h, k) and the focus at F(h+a, k). Introduce another pair of axes by a translation of the Origin (0, 0) to the point O’(h, k). Since the distance from the vertex to the focus is a, the equation of the parabola on the x’y’ plane is given by: y’2 = 4ax’ Let x’ = x - h and y’ = y – k ( the translation formula) Then the equation of a parabola with vertex at (h, k) and focus at (h+a, k) on the xy plane is (y – k)2 = 4a (x – h)
  • 29. Equations of parabola with vertex at V (h, k)
  • 30.
  • 31. Standard Form General Form (y – k)2 = 4a (x – h) y2 + Dy + Ex + F = 0 (y – k)2 = - 4a (x – h) (x – h)2 = 4a (y – k) x2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 (x – h)2 = - 4a (y – k)
  • 32. Sample Problems 1. Draw the parabola defined by y2 + 8x – 6y + 25 = 0 2. Express x2 – 12x + 16y – 60 = 0 in standard form then draw the parabola. 3. Determine the equation of the parabola (in the standard form) satisfying the given conditions; draw the parabola: a. V (3, 2) and F (5, 2) b. V (2, 3) and axis parallel to y axis and passing through (4, 5) c. V (2, 1), Latus rectum at (-1, -5) & (-1, 7) d. V (2, -3) and directrix is y = -7 e. with vertical axis, vertex at (-1, -2), and passes through (3, 6). f. Axis parallel to the y-axis, passes through (1, 1), (2, 2) and (-1, 5) g. axis parallel to the x-axis passes through (0, 4), (0, -1) and (6, 1).
  • 33. 4. A parkway 20 meters wide is spanned by a parabolic arch 30 meters long along the horizontal. If the parkway is centered, how high must the vertex of the arch be in order to give a minimum clearance of 5 meters over the parkway. 5. A parabolic suspension bridge cable is hung between two supporting towers 120 meters apart and 35 meters above the bridge deck. The lowest point of the cable is 5 meters above the deck. Determine the lengths of the tension members 20 meters and 40 meters from the bridge center. 6. Water spouts from a horizontal pipe 12 meters above the ground. Three meters below the line of the pipe, the water trajectory is at a horizontal distance of 5 meters from the water outlet. How far from the water outlet will the stream of the water hit the ground? 7. A parabolic trough 10 meters long, 4 meters wide across the top and 3 meters deep is filled with water at a depth of 2 meters. Find the volume of water in the trough.
  • 34. THE ELLIPSE (e < 1) An ellipse is the set of all points P in a plane such that the sum of the distances of P from two fixed points F’ and F is constant. The constant sum is equal to the length of the major axis (2a). Each of the fixed points is called a focus (plural foci).
  • 35. Important Terms Eccentricity measure the degree of flatness of an ellipse. The eccentricity of an ellipse should be less than 1. Major axis is the segment cut by the ellipse on the line joining the vertices of an ellipse through the foci; MA = 2a Minor Axis is the segment cut by the ellipse on the line joining the co-vertices through the center of the ellipse; ma = 2b Vertices are the endpoints of the major axis. Co-vertices are the endpoints of the minor axis Focal chord is any chord of the ellipse through the focus. Latus rectum ( latera recta in plural form) is the segment cut by the ellipse through a focus and perpendicular to the major axis;
  • 36. Properties of an Ellipse 1. The ellipse intersects the major-axis at two points called the vertices, V and V’. 2. The length of the segment VV’ is equal to 2a where a is the length of the semi- major axis. 3. The ellipse intersects the minor axis at two points called the co-vertices, B and B’. 4. The length of the segment BB’ is equal to 2b where b is the length of the semi- minor axis. 5. The length of the segment FF’ is equal to 2c where c is the distance from the center to a focus; c = ae 6. The midpoint of the segment VV’ is called the center of an ellipse denoted by C. 7. The line segments through F1 and F2 perpendicular to the major – axis are the latera recta and each has a length of 2b2/a. 8. The relationship of a, b and c is given by a2 = b2 + c2 where, a > b.
  • 38. ELLIPSE WITH CENTER AT ORIGIN C (0, 0) PF + PF’ = 2a Considering triangle F’PF d3 + d4 = 2a d3 = 2a – d4
  • 40. Equations of ellipse with center at the origin C (0, 0)
  • 42. ELLIPSE WITH CENTER AT (h, k) The equation of an ellipse on the x’y’ plane, with axes parallel to the coordinate axes and the center at (h,k), is given by Using the substitutions x’ = x – h and y’ = y – k will transform the equation to x -h( ) 2 a2 + y -k( ) 2 b2 =1
  • 44. Sample Problems 1. Find the equation of the ellipse which satisfies the given conditions a. foci at (0, 4) and (0, -4) and a vertex at (0,6) b. center (0, 0), one vertex (0, -7), one end of minor axis (5, 0) c. foci (-5, 0), and (5, 0) length of minor axis is 8 d. foci (0, -8), and (0, 8) length of major axis is 34 e. vertices (-5, 0) and (5, 0), length of latus rectum is 8/5 f. center (2, -2), vertex (6, -2), one end of minor axis (2, 0) g. foci (-4, 2) and (4, 2), major axis 10 h. center (5, 4), major axis 16, minor axis 10 with major axis parallel to x-axis.
  • 45. 2. Determine the coordinates of the foci, the ends of the major and minor axes, and the ends of each latus rectum. Sketch the curve. 9x2 + 25y2 = 225 3. Reduce the equations to standard form. Find the coordinates of the center, the foci, and the ends of the minor and major axes. Sketch the graph. a. x2 + 4y2 – 6x –16y – 32 = 0 b. 16x2 + 25y2 – 160x – 200y + 400 = 0 4. The arch of an underpass is a semi-ellipse 6m wide and 2m high. Find the clearance at the edge of a lane if the edge is 2m from the middle. a. b.
  • 46. 5. The earth’s orbit is an ellipse with the sun at one focus. The length of the major axis is 186,000,000 miles and the eccentricity is 0.0167. Find the distances from the ends of the major axis to the sun. These are the greatest and least distances from the earth to the sun. 6. A hall that is 10 feet wide has a ceiling that is a semi-ellipse. The ceiling is 10 feet high at the sides and 12 feet high in the center. Find its equation with the x-axis horizontal and the origin at the center of the ellipse.
  • 47. THE HYPERBOLA (e > 1) A hyperbola is the set of points in a plane such that the difference of the distances of a point from two fixed points (foci) in the plane is constant.
  • 48. General Equation of a Hyperbola 1. Horizontal Transverse Axis : Ax2 – Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 2. Vertical Transverse Axis: Cy2 – Ax2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 where A and C are positive real numbers
  • 49. Important Terms and Relations Transverse axis is a line segment joining the two vertices of the hyperbola. Conjugate axis is the perpendicular bisector of the transverse axis; the line through the center joining the co-vertices. Asymptote is a line that the hyperbola approaches to as x and y increses without bound.
  • 51. HYPERBOLA WITH CENTER AT ORIGIN C (0, 0) PF – PF’ = 2a Considering triangle F’PF ±
  • 52. Then letting b2 = c2 – a2 and dividing by a2b2, we have if foci are on the x-axis if foci are on the y-axis The generalized equations of hyperbola with axes parallel to the coordinate axes and center at (h, k) are if foci are on a line parallel to the x-axis if foci are on a line parallel to the y-axis
  • 53. Important Relations 1. a = b , a < b , a > b 2. , c = ae 3. length of Transverse Axis = 2a 4. length of Conjugate Axis = 2b 5. distance from Center to Focus = c 6. distance from Center to Vertex = a 7. distance from Center to co-vertex =b 8. length of latus rectum = 9. distance from Center to Directrix = c2 = a2 +b2 2b2 a a2 c
  • 55. Sample Problems 1. Find the equation of the hyperbola which satisfies the given conditions: a. Center (0,0), transverse axis along the x-axis, a focus at (8,0), a vertex at (4,0). b. Center (0, 0), conjugate axis on x-axis, one focus at , equation of one directrix is . c. Center (0,0), transverse axis along the x-axis, a focus at (5,0), transverse axis = 6. d. Center (0,0), transverse axis along y-axis, passing through the points (5,3) and (-3,2). e. Center (1, -2), transverse axis parallel to the y-axis, transverse axis = 6 conjugate axis = 10.  13,0 13139y 
  • 56. f. Center (-3, 2), transverse axis parallel to the y-axis, passing through (1,7), the asymptotes are perpendicular to each other. g. Center (0, 6), conjugate axis along the y-axis, asymptotes are 6x – 5y + 30 = 0 and 6x + 5y – 30 = 0. h. With transverse axis parallel to the x-axis, center at (2,-2), passing through i. Center at (2,-5), conjugate axis parallel to the y-axis, slopes of asymptotes numerically one-sixteenth times the length of the latus rectum, and distance between foci is . j. Center (1,-1), TA // to x-axis, LR=9, DD’= . k. Center (4,-1), TA // to y-axis, FF’=10, LR=9/2. l. CA // to x-axis, C (3, 6), FF’= , DD’= . m.C (-7,-2), TA // to x-axis, eccentricity= , LR=4/3. 2+3 2, 0( ) and 2+3 10, 4( ) 1452 13138 56 5524 311
  • 57. 2. Reduce each equation to its standard form. Find the coordinates of the center, the vertices and the foci. Draw the asymptotes and the graph of each equation. a. 9x2 –4y2 –36x + 16y – 16 = 0 b. 49y2 – 4x2 + 48x – 98y - 291 = 0 3. Determine the equation of the hyperbola if its center is at (-4,2) if its vertex is at (-4, 7) and the slope of an asymptote is 5/2.
  • 58. Lesson 3 : Simplification of Equations by Translation and Rotation of Axes
  • 59. Translation of Axes Consider a transformation in which the new axes, similarly directed, are parallel to the original axes. Translation of axes is related to performing two geometric transformations: a horizontal shift and a vertical shift. Hence the new axes can be obtained by shifting the old axes h units horizontally and k units vertically while keeping their directions unchanged. Let x and y stand for the coordinates of any point P when referred to the old axes, and x’ and y’ the coordinates of P with respect to the new axes then x = x’ + h and y = y’ + k the translation formula.
  • 60. x y
  • 61. Sample Problems 1. Find the new coordinates of the point P(4,-2) if the origin is moved to (-2, 3) by a translation. 2. Find the new equation of the circle x2+y2-6x+4y-3=0 after a translation that moves the origin to the point (3,-2). 3. Translate the axes so that no first-degree term will appear in the transformed equation. a. x2+y2+6x-10y+12=0 b. 2x2+3y2+10x-18y+26=0 c. x2-6x-6y-15=0
  • 62. ROTATION OF AXES Consider a transformation in which new axes are obtained by rotating the original axes by some positive angle . This transformation is called rotation of axes and is used to simplify the general second degree equation to the form free of the product term xy and in terms of the rotated axes given by the eqaution q, 0 <q<90 Ax2 +Bxy+Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0 Ax'2 +Cy'2 +Dx'+Ey'+F =0 x' and y'
  • 63. Identification of Conics The general second degree equation with the product term xy represents a conic or degenerate conic with a rotated axes based on the discriminant value as follows; if the discriminant vaue is: 1. less than 1, the conic is an ellipse or a circle 2. equal to 1, the conic is a parabola 3. greater than 1, the conic is a hyperbola Ax2 +Bxy+Cy2 +Dx+Ey+F =0 B2 -4AC
  • 64. The angle of rotation to eliminate the product term xy is determined by . If A = C then . The coordinates of every point P(x, y) on the graph is transformed to the new pair P’( x’, y’) by using the rotation formula: where q tan2q = B A-C q = 45 x = x'cosq -y'sinq y = x'sinq +y'cosq cosq = 1+cos2q 2 sinq = 1-cos2q 2
  • 65. RP
  • 66. Sample Problems I. Identify the type of conic represented by the equation. Then, simplify the equation to a form free of the product term xy. Sketch the graph of the equation. a. b. c. d. xy = 3 x2 + 4xy+ 4y2 -6x -5 = 0 2x2 + xy+ y2 - 4 = 0 9x2 -24xy+16y2 -40x -30y+100 = 0
  • 67. Lesson 4 : Polar Coordinate System and Polar Curves
  • 69. POLAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Recall that under the rectangular coordinate system,
  • 70. POLAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Under the polar coordinate system, however, we have Polar axis
  • 72. POLAR COORDINATE SYSTEM In the given point, it has the following coordinate
  • 73. RELATIONS BETWEEN RECTANGULAR AND POLAR COORDINATES The transformation formulas that express the relationship between rectangular coordinates and polar coordinates of a point are as follows: and Also, or ;
  • 74. Sample Problems 1. Plot the following points on a polar coordinate system: a. b. c. 2. Transform the coordinate as required: a. polar to rectangular i. iii. iii. b. rectangular to polar i. iii. ii. P 2,60( ) P 2,-120( ) P -4,45( ) P 1,120( ) P 3, 2p 3 æ è ç ö ø ÷ P - 1 2 ,90 æ è ç ö ø ÷ P 2, 2( ) P 7,-7( ) P 2,2 3( )
  • 75. 2 3. Write the equation as required: A. Rectangular form of the following: i. iv. ii. iii. v. B. Polar form of the following: i. y=2 iii. ii. Iv. xy = 4 r = 3cosq r = 4 r2 sin2q = 3 r = 2 1-sinq r(2cosq +sinq) = 3 x2 + y2 = 4 y2 = 4x
  • 79. Eight – leaf Rose Three – leaf Rose
  • 80. Spiral of Archimedes Logarithmic Spiral
  • 83. Standard Forms of the Polar Equations of Conics: Let the Pole be the focus of a conic section of eccentricity e, with directrix d units from the Focus; then the equation of the conic is given by one of the following forms: a. Vertical directrix , axis of symmetry b. Horizontal directrix, axis of symmetry r = ed 1±ecosq q = 0 q = p 2 r = ed 1±esinq
  • 84. Sample Problems Sketch the curve given by the following equations: 1. r = 3 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. q = 2 r = 6cosq r2 = 8sin2q r = 5cos3q r = 4+3sinq r = 2 1-sinq r = 8 2+ 4cosq
  • 85. Lesson 5 : Parametric Equations
  • 86. PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS Let t be a number in an interval I. A curve is a set of ordered pairs ( x, y), where x = f(t) and y = g(t) for all t in I . The variable t is called the parameter and the equations x = f(t) and y = g(t) are parametric equations of the curve.
  • 87. Sample Problems 1. Express the equation in the rectangular form by eliminating the parameter. Then sketch the graph a. b. c. d. e. x = 2t , y= - t , t Î Â x = t , y= 2t - 1 x = 2t , y= 2t2 - t +1 , t Î Â x = 2cost , y= 3sin t , 0 £ t <2p x = sect , y= tan t , - p 2 < t< p 2
  • 88. REFERENCES Analytic Geometry, 6th Edition, by Douglas F. Riddle Analytic Geometry, 7th Edition, by Gordon Fuller/Dalton Tarwater Analytic Geometry, by Quirino and Mijares Fundamentals of Analytic Geometry by Marquez, et al. College Algebra and Trigonometry , 7th ed by Aufmann, Barker and Nation