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Hosted by Soumya, Athar,
Gautham and Sushant
Music, Entertainment, Television and Anime
● LDQ Manipal.
● Anshita and Jiya’s one braincell.
● Rithwik Rao and Major.
● Hell Energy Drink.
● MIT Admin
● 5 Rounds. 3 Written, 2 Dries.
● Only shout out the answer when asked.
● Don’t cheat. This is like BET, googling won’t help.
● QMs are MIT Admin, arguing with us is pointless.
● Please maintain decorum, lest you give your sleep deprived QMs a
● +5/0
● 8 Minimalistic Posters, 5 Points each.
● Movies and Album Covers.
● No negs.
● Write down all your answers together.
Written 1
Q. 1 Q. 2
Q. 3 Q. 4
Q. 5 Q. 6
Q. 7 Q. 8
Q. 1 Q. 2
Q. 1 Abbey Road Q. 2 American Idiot
Q. 3 Q. 4
Q3. Born in the USA
Q4. Dark Side of
the Moon
Q. 5 Q. 6
Q5. 101 Dalmatians Q6. Harry Potter
Q. 7 Q. 8
Q7. 2001: A Spacetime
Q8. The Matrix
● +15/-10
● Clockwise Dries
● 11 Questions.
● Standard Bounce/Pounce rules apply.
● Part points will be preserved.
● Only pounce with a full answer.
Dries 1
Q1. ID X and Y.
X is an immersive internet experience that lets you augment reality with realistic
simulations. As a giant recently renamed itself, X came to the forefront of global news.
Meanwhile, Y is a 1967 born musician credited for creating a genre called "Rabbabi", a
combination of Thumri, Sufi, and rock. He recently bought “Balle Balle Land” in X to host
films and concerts.
ID X and Y.
Safety Slide
X = METAverse, Y = Daler Mehendi
Featured in the image is a Generation IV Pokemon that's the final evolution of a Water
type Starter from the Sinnoh Region.
Its name is a Portmanteau of two terms. The first term alludes to a specific subset of
animals it bears a direct resemblance to. The second term is a reference to its rather short
stature, and thereby draws inspiration from a historic personality.
What is the Pokemon named?
Q2. Pokemon?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Q3. What’s the funda behind this?
Safety Slide
Ans: Peacemaker’s Opening Credits Dance!
Following is a shot from the comedy-drama Sex Education.
Take a really good look, and tell what this scene is inspired by.
Q4. What scene?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: 1917 - Final Battle run scene
In 2012, Rovio turned X into an honorary
Angry Birds character in time for his
birthday (September 5th).
They released an animated short featuring
this character and several of the other
Birds, and a Pig.
Who is being commemorated?
Q5. Who?
Safety Slide
Ans: Freddie Mercury
In the following video, you'll see an actor perform a modern reinterpretation of a very
iconic literary work.
What is he performing?
Where have you famously seen this actor play an antagonist?
Q6. Actor?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Andrew Scott performs To be or Not to be,
Moriarty in Sherlock
Owing to various infrastructural issues, the countries of Romania and Bulgaria struggle
with sorting out garbage and organizing landfills. This has led to a major dumping issue
in the city of Sofia, something that the state has been trying to solve for the past 15-20
These landscapes hence served as the perfect inspiration for art director Anthony
Christov who was looking to create something.
What did these waste filled landscapes give an inspiration to about 1 and a half decades
ago, and was also inspired by a similar dystopian look in Chernobyl?
Q7. what was inspired?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: WALL - E!
Back in 2014, an American state struck a deal with Universal Records for rights to
something. The state ended up paying $75,000 dollars for five year rights and an option
of renewing the agreement after the first five-year term.
The state ended up buying rights as it saw this as a natural fit and an important part of
marketing itself to visitors. Aptly, this soon featured as a welcome sign along the state's
highways and became the tagline for its tourism campaign.
What did the state buy rights for?
Q8. Rights for what?
Safety Slide
Ans: 🎵Sweet Home Alabama🎵
The Geisel Library is the main library building of the University of California, San Diego
and was first built in 1970. The building’s architecture has been praised by many as “a
fascinating nexus between brutalism and futurism”.
The name of the library was just “Central Library” before changing its current name in
1990 because of the library receiving a donation from the widow of X who contributed
2.3 million dollars worth of original works by X. (Image of X’s wife follows.)
The architecture of the library inspired a fictional structure that featured in the climax of a
certain work from the very beginning of the last decade.
ID X, who we would all know from childhood, albeit with a different name.
Which fictional structure’s architecture took its inspiration from this library?
Q9. X? Inspiration?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
X = Dr. Seuss, Snow Fortress in Inception
Although we popularly associate only one of them as the iconic mascot, there were around eight
of them before the last one stuck around forever since 1957.
The first one was named Slats and used between 1924-28. He however didn't have any aural
effects to offer due to the era of silent movies and was used just as a visual mascot.
Slats was followed by Jackie, who was a superstar of sorts in his own right, appearing in many
movies. It is due to the invention of the gramophone that Jackie was able to lend sound for
something that we would associate with this company for a very long time to come.
Another one named Tanner was hired too, whose sound was regarded as the most frightening so
Lastly, there was X, who's face and sound we've associated with the company since 1957.
ID X - ostensibly, the most generic pet name for the above described animal mascots.
Q10. Give X and the funda.
Safety Slide
X = Leo, Lions used in MGM intro
Spyridon Michalakis is a mathematical physicist at Caltech. His research interests include
topics like theoretical physics, computer science and astronomy.
Back in 2015, he was called upon as a scientific consultant by certain franchise’s
executives to come up with a scientifically accurate look of something. Spyridon called it
“a place of infinite possibility, where the laws of physics and forces of nature as we know
haven’t crystallized.” He also advised on how such a dimension may look like, continually
changing bright colors to reflect transience. Interestingly, he also came up with the 2
word name that this “place” is now known by to everyone, a name that saw its use to the
maximum in a 2019 film.
What 2 word term did Spyridon come up with?
Q11. 2-word term?
While talking about the same in an interview to the NYT, he recalls how tardigrades were
an integral part of the “place” that he came up with; and how they reminded him of
certain fictional creatures. These creatures are known to us again, thanks to a 2020
What creatures?
Q11. cont.
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: Quantum Realm, Dune sandworms
● Chaotic scoring, will be explained accordingly.
● Moe Anthropomorphism.
● No negs.
● Write down all your answers together.
Written 2
In Japanese pop culture, the term “moe” is used to describe the quality in
a fictional female character of being youthfully innocent and vulnerable.
“Moe” women often provoke feelings of affection, and hence become
popular online.
Subsequently, moe anthropomorphism is a phenomenon where “moe”
qualities are given to people, things, plants, concepts, you name it.
Moe Anthropomorphism
Q1. What are these women representing?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Q2. ID all of them.
● +5 for each.
● No points for funda.
a) b)
c) d)
Q3. Moe representation of what?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
In Japanese culture, the suffix -tan is intended as an even cuter variant of -chan. It evokes
a small child's mispronunciation of the word – similar to how an English speaker might
use "widdle" instead of "little" when speaking to a baby.
Moe anthropomorphisms are often labeled as -tan, referring to the cute and childlike
representation of things.
A manga, published in 2005, tells the story of a bunch of characters and the conflicts
they’ve had to endure. Look at their images closely, and tell who these characters are.
[+5, +5]
Q4. ID the characters.
a) b)
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Q1. What are these women representing?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Ans: Windows Versions
Q2. ID all of them.
● +5 for each.
● No points for funda.
a) b)
a) Saddam Hussein b) Adolf Hitler
c) d)
a) Mao Zedong b) Joseph Stalin
Q3. Moe representation of what?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Ans: Wikipedia
In Japanese culture, the suffix -tan is intended as an even cuter variant of -chan. It evokes
a small child's mispronunciation of the word – similar to how an English speaker might
use "widdle" instead of "little" when speaking to a baby.
Moe anthropomorphisms are often labeled as -tan, referring to the cute and childlike
representation of things.
A manga, published in 2005, tells the story of a bunch of characters and the conflicts
they’ve had to endure. Look at their images closely, and tell who these characters are.
[+5, +5]
Q4. ID the characters.
Ans: Afuganisu-tan, Pakisu-tan
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
a) b)
● +15/-10
● Anti - Clockwise Dries
● 11 Questions.
● Standard Bounce/Pounce rules apply. (as explained earlier)
● Part points will be preserved.
● Only pounce with a full answer.
Dries 2
In an article for The Washington Post, journalist Geoff Edgers laments the demise of a
particular instrument X. He talks about how X is slowly diminishing in popularity and how
the present generation prefers Pop and Electro music.
The writer rues the fact that we no longer have heroes for this instrument, i.e. - the likes
of Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, etc. and argues how current X players like John Mayer and
Taylor Swift aren’t “inspiring” enough.
What is the article aptly titled, punning on a song featuring the word X by perhaps the
most iconic British entity in the realm of music?
Q1. Title of the article?
Safety Slide
Ans: Why my Guitar gently weeps
The mysterious girl's name is an allusion to Resusci Anne, a mannequin used for teaching
Trainees are taught to repeatedly say "_____, ___ ___ __?" to the dummy in order to
check if the patient is conscious and responsive.
In 1988, a singer took a CPR course and decided to incorporate the phrase in a song he
was working on. The song's lyrics talk about a woman who has been struck down in her
apartment, and the singer's attempts at checking up on her.
Who is this singer? What song?
Q2. Singer and song?
Safety Slide
Ans: Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
"We're supposed to be on a different planet, different culture. We're
supposed to be in the future. By putting that voice there as opposed to
hearing the beautiful fanfare of European orchestra, you instantly knew
we were going to tell you a story that was dark and mysterious and
different, and you couldn't quite work out whether this was human or was
it beyond humanity?"
Who, talking about what?
Q3. Who, talking about what?
Safety Slide
Ans. Hans Zimmer talks about the Dune
The Victorian language of flowers was used back in the 1800s to send meaningful
messages and convery deep secrets.
This flower X, as decoded by this language is beauty, elegance and sweetness. This
striking flower is easy to grow, as long as it is planted in the right place.
The flower Y is susceptible to damage and best grown in a container or basket, needs
shelter from the wind and plenty of light. It is also a flower that can, in the language of
flowers, mean ‘resentment and anger’.
A popular author cleverly employed this Victorian symbolism in the nomenclature of a
pair of siblings, alluding to their inherent personalities.
Identify X and Y.
Q4. X and Y?
Safety Slide
Ans: X - Lily, Y - Petunia
Perhaps the most famous example of this occurred very recently, involving a certain
childish individual named Spencer Elden.
The album in question has been in the limelight again as something in it was used in a
2022 film.
Give funda.
Which 2022 film?
Image follows.
Q5. Funda? Which film?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: These people sued the artists for using their
This is a Japanese Manga and Anime series that
features the anthropomorphized versions of something.
The show was heavily praised for its art style, scientific
accuracy, and the amount of detail incorporated.
In the next image you'll see the protagonist, a rookie
who gets lost during "deliveries" and her friend - a
relentless fighter who wards off invasions.
What do these characters represent?
Q6. What do they represent?
The anime also portrays a group of small children to be symbolic of
something. They are commonly seen as a construction/repair crew throughout
the show.
What do these children represent?
The antagonist is a character who believes that death is his destiny, and in the
process tries to harm as many characters as possible by gaining their trust and
taking over.
What does the antagonist represent?
Q. What do they represent?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: Red and White Blood Cell, Platelets, Cancer
The Stranger is a French novel which was first published in the year 1942 and has
nihilism as its primary theme.
In the second half of the book, the protagonist murders someone by shooting at him from
near sight but just before he does so, he has hallucinations due to the sunstroke and
thought that it was a dream.
After the murder, he realizes that there’s no turning back from this real occurrence. In the
subsequent trial, he says he murdered the victim for no reason and that it won’t matter
what the eventual verdict will be, which turns out to be a death sentence.
According to several critics, this subplot inspired the introductory part of which work in
another realm of MELAS about three decades after the book’s release?
Q7. Inspiration for what?
Safety Slide
Ans: Bohemian Rhapsody
This music artist has had a long-standing rivalry with a certain company. It all started in 2014 when the
company filed a copyright infringement statement against the artist attributed to something that he uses
every concert.
The conflict deepened when the company used one of his songs without permission in a set of videos
where they remix old videos of their first ever series with some new age songs and is aptly given a one
word punny term.
One song of his titled “Terrors in My Head” featured Maria Viktorovna who pursues a certain profession
that has found advent since 2015 on YouTube. Which company? What was the one word punny title
given to the set of videos? What profession does Maria pursue which is also alluded in the song?
Q8. Company? Title? Profession?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: Disney, Re-Micks, ASMR
‘96 is a 2018 Tamil movie starring Vijay Sethupathi and Trisha. The
soundtrack of the movie was widely acclaimed, with the song Kadhale
Kadhale being the standout number.
In the song, the lead singer Chinmayi’s voice is accented by minimal music -
mostly just the solo guitar and violin. However, music composer Govind
Vasantha makes an ingenious use of another sound along with instruments
and bird chirps.
What sound does he make use of?
Q9. What sounds?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: Whale songs
This common, but somewhat strange phenomenon, arises due to the fact that most anime
stories usually start as manga. When intense action scenes are depicted, flurries of action
lines and constantly changing camera angles often confuse the reader. Moreover, since
manga is typically black and white, characters can look similar to each other. Bleeding ink
from bad printing only makes the situation worse.
To fix this, mangakas have their characters do something, which clears out a lot of
confusion. Often, when converting manga to anime, animators will include this, despite it
not being necessary, either to stick to the source or to increase clarity.
What phenomenon?
Q10. Phenomenon?
Safety Slide
Ans: Announcing themselves and/or attacks
In the 2nd episode of the 3rd Season of House M.D, House's team treats a young boy who believes
he has been abducted by aliens. Upon lots of further complications and failures, House finally has an
epiphany. The patient was the result of an IVF. In rare cases, two embryos get implanted and one
gets absorbed by the other—known as Chimerism. The absorbed twin's DNA was asserting itself
and was the cause behind all of the boy's symptoms. The boy is cured by cutting off the latent DNA
and inactive neurons in his brain.
In the same episode, House's chronic leg pain returns, forcing him to use his walking stick again.
The episode is brilliantly named, referencing perhaps the first instance of fratricide, and the fact that
House is forced to use his stick again.
What is this episode titled?
Q11. Episode’s name?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Safety Slide
Ans: Cane and Able (from Cain and Abel)
● +10/0
● META(L) Quiz
● Literary references in Bungou Stray Dogs.
● No negs.
● Write down all your answers together.
Written 3
Bungou Stray Dogs, is a studio Bones anime which recasts famous Japanese
and Western authors as superpowered detectives and criminals who possess
special abilities named after their most well-known works.
These characters themselves are modelled after the lead characters of their
most famous works.
Bungou Stray Dogs
Ranpo Edogawa is a member of the Armed Detective Agency, regarded by his colleagues and
others as the “greatest detective in the world”. Although he doesn’t have any abilities, his
incredible intelligence can solve any mystery in mere seconds.
The name of this character is a direct reference to a popular Japanese author of the same name
who played a major role in the development of Japanese mystery and thriller fiction.
Interestingly, the name Ranpo Edogawa was a pen name used by Taro Hirai - the original author
behind these Japanese crime novels. He adopted his pen name as a Japanese rendering of an
extremely popular western mystery writer - someone whose work he admired the most.
What is the inspiration behind his choice of name?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
This character is pictured as a tall man with white slicked-back hair, gray eyes, a full beard and
mustache. He is rarely seen without his wooden pipe, and he occasionally carries with him a black
jacket. A generally reserved and quiet person, he is a competent leader and a devoted captain till
his eventful death in the series.
His ability involves summoning a violent mechanical white whale that can float in the sky;
referencing the eponymous work behind the inspiration for this character.
What is the name of this character? (Author)
What is his ability named? (work name)
Who is the fictional character referred here? (Main char. name)
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Margaret Mitchell is a character that first appears in episode 17 of the series. She is portrayed
as a classic Southern belle, who is physically attractive but, more importantly, personally
charming with sophisticated social skills. She appears as an arrogant woman, be it to her own
subordinates or fellow partners albeit occasionally showing a softer side.
Margaret possesses a weathering ability- she is able to break garments, paper, and wood.
She does so by breaking down materials with a strong blow of air - and hence the ability is
literally named ” ____ ____ ___ ____”
What fictional character is Margaret Mitchell inspired by?
What is her ability named?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
This character is depicted as a tall and slim young man with long, dark, and messy hair.
He wears a buttoned white shirt and white pants; accompanied by a long black coat with
white fur, and an ushanka hat. Despite being extremely arrogant, he is a straightforward and
intelligent man with a truly sinister personality. He refers to himself as carrying out the lord’s
will and always talks about the sinful nature of man.
His ability _____ ___ __________ is hinted at to be something that is able to kill with a single
touch. In the series, he inevitably ends up getting arrested; an allusion to the literary work in
Who is this character? (Author)
What is his ability? (Work name)
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
The Order of the Clock Tower is an underground organization
whose purpose is to protect the Royal Family in London. The
order consists of only 3 people - A leader and two agents.
Pictured here is the Leader of the order. She is portrayed as a
tall and slim woman, with refined facial features, and blonde
curly hair with a short cut. Being completely refined, she
possesses a lady-like attitude. She has a ruthless, conniving
side to her personality, but isn't completely unreasonable.
Who is this character modelled after, one of 20th century's
greatest novelists?
This character’s ability is pretty cool. She can transport any individual
back in time with the use of her camera, but only for a limited time of
55 Minutes. She is only able to transport someone to the past once; and
is unable to transport the same person to the past twice. As a scientist,
she also has knowledge of the uncertainty principle and quantum
entanglement; something that helps her use her camera efficiently.
She is also one of only 3 characters in the anime whose gender is
different from the real life counterpart.
What is her ability named?
What is the character named?
Ranpo Edogawa is a member of the Armed Detective Agency, regarded by his colleagues and
others as the “greatest detective in the world”. Although he doesn’t have any abilities, his
incredible intelligence can solve any mystery in mere seconds.
The name of this character is a direct reference to a popular Japanese author of the same
name who played a major role in the development of Japanese mystery and thriller fiction.
Interestingly, the name Ranpo Edogawa was a pen name used by Taro Hirai - the original
author behind these Japanese crime novels. He adopted his pen name as a Japanese
rendering of an extremely popular western mystery writer - someone whose work he admired
the most.
What is the inspiration behind his choice of name?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Ans: Edgar Allan Poe
This character is pictured as a tall man with white slicked-back hair, gray eyes, a full beard and
mustache. He is rarely seen without his wooden pipe, and he occasionally carries with him a black
jacket. A generally reserved and quiet person, he is a competent leader and a devoted captain till
his eventful death in the series.
His ability involves summoning a violent mechanical white whale that can float in the sky;
referencing the eponymous work behind the inspiration for this character.
What is the name of this character? (Author)
What is his ability named? (work name)
Who is the fictional character referred here? (Main char. name)
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Ans: Herman Melville
Margaret Mitchell is a character that first appears in episode 17 of the series. She is portrayed
as a classic Southern belle, who is physically attractive but, more importantly, personally
charming with sophisticated social skills. She appears as an arrogant woman, be it to her own
subordinates or fellow partners albeit occasionally showing a softer side.
Margaret possesses a weathering ability- she is able to break garments, paper, and wood.
She does so by breaking down materials with a strong blow of air - and hence the ability is
literally named ” ____ ____ ___ ____”
What fictional character is Margaret Mitchell inspired by?
What is her ability named?
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Ans: Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O’Hara
This character is depicted as a tall and slim young man with long, dark, and messy hair.
He wears a buttoned white shirt and white pants; accompanied by a long black coat with
white fur, and an ushanka hat. Despite being extremely arrogant, he is a straightforward and
intelligent man with a truly sinister personality. He refers to himself as carrying out the lord’s
will and always talks about the sinful nature of man.
His ability _____ ___ __________ is hinted at to be something that is able to kill with a single
touch. In the series, he inevitably ends up getting arrested; an allusion to the literary work in
Who is this character? (Author)
What is his ability? (Work name)
META Finals '22 .pdf                     .
Ans: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment
The Order of the Clock Tower is an underground organization
whose purpose is to protect the Royal Family in London. The
order consists of only 3 people - A leader and two agents.
Pictured here is the Leader of the order. She is portrayed as a
tall and slim woman, with refined facial features, and blonde
curly hair with a short cut. Being completely refined, she
possesses a lady-like attitude. She has a ruthless, conniving
side to her personality, but isn't completely unreasonable.
Who is this character modelled after, one of 20th century's
greatest novelists?
Ans: Agatha Christie
This character’s ability is pretty cool. She can transport any
individual back in time with the use of her camera, but only for a
limited time of 55 Minutes. She is only able to transport someone
to the past once; and is unable to transport the same person to
the past twice. As a scientist, she also has knowledge of the
uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement; something that
helps her use her camera efficiently.
She is also one of only 3 characters in the anime whose gender is
different from the real life counterpart.
What is her ability named?
What is the character named?
Ans: HG Wells, The Time Machine

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Similar to META Finals '22 .pdf .

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Aditya Prabhu
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Vidyuth Anand
SPQC session 5
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Gaurav Bobade
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Moheet Kumar
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META Quiz Finals.pptx
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Similar to META Finals '22 .pdf . (20)

NITK Fine Print 2021 MELAS Quiz - Prelims
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First Quiz session (2017)
MELA (Music, Entertainment, Literature and Arts) Quiz Finals
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Quiz Club session IIT Kharagpur (Questions and answers)
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Quiz Club session IIT Kharagpur (Questions and answers)
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Streaming Quiz 2022
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Streaming Quiz 2022
the quiz (on internet culture)
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the quiz (on internet culture)
Freshers' Quiz-Prelims||Inductions Quiz||QM:Shreyas, Anand, Druva, Haaziq, Sa...
Freshers' Quiz-Prelims||Inductions Quiz||QM:Shreyas, Anand, Druva, Haaziq, Sa...Freshers' Quiz-Prelims||Inductions Quiz||QM:Shreyas, Anand, Druva, Haaziq, Sa...
Freshers' Quiz-Prelims||Inductions Quiz||QM:Shreyas, Anand, Druva, Haaziq, Sa...
Business Quiz (BizSciTech)
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Business Quiz (BizSciTech)
Freshers quiz IITG
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Freshers quiz IITG
Atulaa - open
Atulaa - openAtulaa - open
Atulaa - open
SPQC session 5
SPQC session 5SPQC session 5
SPQC session 5
The Pop Culture Quiz by Moheet Kumar
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The Pop Culture Quiz by Moheet Kumar
META Quiz Finals.pptx
META Quiz Finals.pptxMETA Quiz Finals.pptx
META Quiz Finals.pptx

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META Finals '22 .pdf .

  • 1. META QUIZ Hosted by Soumya, Athar, Gautham and Sushant Music, Entertainment, Television and Anime Finals!
  • 2. Acknowledgements ● LDQ Manipal. ● Anshita and Jiya’s one braincell. ● Rithwik Rao and Major. ● Hell Energy Drink. ● MIT Admin
  • 3. ● 5 Rounds. 3 Written, 2 Dries. ● Only shout out the answer when asked. ● Don’t cheat. This is like BET, googling won’t help. ● QMs are MIT Admin, arguing with us is pointless. ● Please maintain decorum, lest you give your sleep deprived QMs a headache. Rules
  • 4. ● +5/0 ● 8 Minimalistic Posters, 5 Points each. ● Movies and Album Covers. ● No negs. ● Write down all your answers together. Written 1
  • 10. Q. 1 Q. 2
  • 11. Q. 1 Abbey Road Q. 2 American Idiot
  • 12. Q. 3 Q. 4
  • 13. Q3. Born in the USA Q4. Dark Side of the Moon
  • 14. Q. 5 Q. 6
  • 15. Q5. 101 Dalmatians Q6. Harry Potter
  • 16. Q. 7 Q. 8
  • 17. Q7. 2001: A Spacetime Odyssey Q8. The Matrix
  • 18. ● +15/-10 ● Clockwise Dries ● 11 Questions. ● Standard Bounce/Pounce rules apply. ● Part points will be preserved. ● Only pounce with a full answer. Dries 1
  • 19. Q1. ID X and Y. X is an immersive internet experience that lets you augment reality with realistic simulations. As a giant recently renamed itself, X came to the forefront of global news. Meanwhile, Y is a 1967 born musician credited for creating a genre called "Rabbabi", a combination of Thumri, Sufi, and rock. He recently bought “Balle Balle Land” in X to host films and concerts. ID X and Y.
  • 21. X = METAverse, Y = Daler Mehendi
  • 22. Featured in the image is a Generation IV Pokemon that's the final evolution of a Water type Starter from the Sinnoh Region. Its name is a Portmanteau of two terms. The first term alludes to a specific subset of animals it bears a direct resemblance to. The second term is a reference to its rather short stature, and thereby draws inspiration from a historic personality. What is the Pokemon named? Q2. Pokemon?
  • 26. Q3. What’s the funda behind this?
  • 28. Ans: Peacemaker’s Opening Credits Dance!
  • 29. Following is a shot from the comedy-drama Sex Education. Take a really good look, and tell what this scene is inspired by. Q4. What scene?
  • 32. Ans: 1917 - Final Battle run scene
  • 33. In 2012, Rovio turned X into an honorary Angry Birds character in time for his birthday (September 5th). They released an animated short featuring this character and several of the other Birds, and a Pig. Who is being commemorated? Q5. Who?
  • 36. In the following video, you'll see an actor perform a modern reinterpretation of a very iconic literary work. What is he performing? Where have you famously seen this actor play an antagonist? Q6. Actor?
  • 39. Andrew Scott performs To be or Not to be, Moriarty in Sherlock
  • 40. Owing to various infrastructural issues, the countries of Romania and Bulgaria struggle with sorting out garbage and organizing landfills. This has led to a major dumping issue in the city of Sofia, something that the state has been trying to solve for the past 15-20 years. These landscapes hence served as the perfect inspiration for art director Anthony Christov who was looking to create something. What did these waste filled landscapes give an inspiration to about 1 and a half decades ago, and was also inspired by a similar dystopian look in Chernobyl? Q7. what was inspired?
  • 46. Back in 2014, an American state struck a deal with Universal Records for rights to something. The state ended up paying $75,000 dollars for five year rights and an option of renewing the agreement after the first five-year term. The state ended up buying rights as it saw this as a natural fit and an important part of marketing itself to visitors. Aptly, this soon featured as a welcome sign along the state's highways and became the tagline for its tourism campaign. What did the state buy rights for? Q8. Rights for what?
  • 48. Ans: 🎵Sweet Home Alabama🎵
  • 49. The Geisel Library is the main library building of the University of California, San Diego and was first built in 1970. The building’s architecture has been praised by many as “a fascinating nexus between brutalism and futurism”. The name of the library was just “Central Library” before changing its current name in 1990 because of the library receiving a donation from the widow of X who contributed 2.3 million dollars worth of original works by X. (Image of X’s wife follows.) The architecture of the library inspired a fictional structure that featured in the climax of a certain work from the very beginning of the last decade. ID X, who we would all know from childhood, albeit with a different name. Which fictional structure’s architecture took its inspiration from this library? Q9. X? Inspiration?
  • 53. X = Dr. Seuss, Snow Fortress in Inception
  • 54. Although we popularly associate only one of them as the iconic mascot, there were around eight of them before the last one stuck around forever since 1957. The first one was named Slats and used between 1924-28. He however didn't have any aural effects to offer due to the era of silent movies and was used just as a visual mascot. Slats was followed by Jackie, who was a superstar of sorts in his own right, appearing in many movies. It is due to the invention of the gramophone that Jackie was able to lend sound for something that we would associate with this company for a very long time to come. Another one named Tanner was hired too, whose sound was regarded as the most frightening so far. Lastly, there was X, who's face and sound we've associated with the company since 1957. ID X - ostensibly, the most generic pet name for the above described animal mascots. Q10. Give X and the funda.
  • 56. X = Leo, Lions used in MGM intro
  • 57. Spyridon Michalakis is a mathematical physicist at Caltech. His research interests include topics like theoretical physics, computer science and astronomy. Back in 2015, he was called upon as a scientific consultant by certain franchise’s executives to come up with a scientifically accurate look of something. Spyridon called it “a place of infinite possibility, where the laws of physics and forces of nature as we know haven’t crystallized.” He also advised on how such a dimension may look like, continually changing bright colors to reflect transience. Interestingly, he also came up with the 2 word name that this “place” is now known by to everyone, a name that saw its use to the maximum in a 2019 film. What 2 word term did Spyridon come up with? Q11. 2-word term?
  • 58. While talking about the same in an interview to the NYT, he recalls how tardigrades were an integral part of the “place” that he came up with; and how they reminded him of certain fictional creatures. These creatures are known to us again, thanks to a 2020 movie. What creatures? Q11. cont.
  • 61. Ans: Quantum Realm, Dune sandworms
  • 62. ● Chaotic scoring, will be explained accordingly. ● Moe Anthropomorphism. ● No negs. ● Write down all your answers together. Written 2
  • 63. In Japanese pop culture, the term “moe” is used to describe the quality in a fictional female character of being youthfully innocent and vulnerable. “Moe” women often provoke feelings of affection, and hence become popular online. Subsequently, moe anthropomorphism is a phenomenon where “moe” qualities are given to people, things, plants, concepts, you name it. Moe Anthropomorphism
  • 64. Q1. What are these women representing? +10/0
  • 66. Q2. ID all of them. ● +5 for each. ● No points for funda.
  • 67. a) b)
  • 68. c) d)
  • 69. Q3. Moe representation of what? +10/0
  • 71. In Japanese culture, the suffix -tan is intended as an even cuter variant of -chan. It evokes a small child's mispronunciation of the word – similar to how an English speaker might use "widdle" instead of "little" when speaking to a baby. Moe anthropomorphisms are often labeled as -tan, referring to the cute and childlike representation of things. A manga, published in 2005, tells the story of a bunch of characters and the conflicts they’ve had to endure. Look at their images closely, and tell who these characters are. [+5, +5] Q4. ID the characters.
  • 72. a) b)
  • 75. Q1. What are these women representing? +10/0
  • 78. Q2. ID all of them. ● +5 for each. ● No points for funda.
  • 79. a) b)
  • 80. a) Saddam Hussein b) Adolf Hitler
  • 81. c) d)
  • 82. a) Mao Zedong b) Joseph Stalin
  • 83. Q3. Moe representation of what? +10/0
  • 86. In Japanese culture, the suffix -tan is intended as an even cuter variant of -chan. It evokes a small child's mispronunciation of the word – similar to how an English speaker might use "widdle" instead of "little" when speaking to a baby. Moe anthropomorphisms are often labeled as -tan, referring to the cute and childlike representation of things. A manga, published in 2005, tells the story of a bunch of characters and the conflicts they’ve had to endure. Look at their images closely, and tell who these characters are. [+5, +5] Q4. ID the characters.
  • 89. a) b)
  • 90. ● +15/-10 ● Anti - Clockwise Dries ● 11 Questions. ● Standard Bounce/Pounce rules apply. (as explained earlier) ● Part points will be preserved. ● Only pounce with a full answer. Dries 2
  • 91. In an article for The Washington Post, journalist Geoff Edgers laments the demise of a particular instrument X. He talks about how X is slowly diminishing in popularity and how the present generation prefers Pop and Electro music. The writer rues the fact that we no longer have heroes for this instrument, i.e. - the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, etc. and argues how current X players like John Mayer and Taylor Swift aren’t “inspiring” enough. What is the article aptly titled, punning on a song featuring the word X by perhaps the most iconic British entity in the realm of music? Q1. Title of the article?
  • 93. Ans: Why my Guitar gently weeps
  • 94. The mysterious girl's name is an allusion to Resusci Anne, a mannequin used for teaching CPR. Trainees are taught to repeatedly say "_____, ___ ___ __?" to the dummy in order to check if the patient is conscious and responsive. In 1988, a singer took a CPR course and decided to incorporate the phrase in a song he was working on. The song's lyrics talk about a woman who has been struck down in her apartment, and the singer's attempts at checking up on her. Who is this singer? What song? Q2. Singer and song?
  • 96. Ans: Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
  • 97. "We're supposed to be on a different planet, different culture. We're supposed to be in the future. By putting that voice there as opposed to hearing the beautiful fanfare of European orchestra, you instantly knew we were going to tell you a story that was dark and mysterious and different, and you couldn't quite work out whether this was human or was it beyond humanity?" Who, talking about what? Q3. Who, talking about what?
  • 99. Ans. Hans Zimmer talks about the Dune soundtrack
  • 100. The Victorian language of flowers was used back in the 1800s to send meaningful messages and convery deep secrets. This flower X, as decoded by this language is beauty, elegance and sweetness. This striking flower is easy to grow, as long as it is planted in the right place. The flower Y is susceptible to damage and best grown in a container or basket, needs shelter from the wind and plenty of light. It is also a flower that can, in the language of flowers, mean ‘resentment and anger’. A popular author cleverly employed this Victorian symbolism in the nomenclature of a pair of siblings, alluding to their inherent personalities. Identify X and Y. Q4. X and Y?
  • 102. Ans: X - Lily, Y - Petunia
  • 103. Perhaps the most famous example of this occurred very recently, involving a certain childish individual named Spencer Elden. The album in question has been in the limelight again as something in it was used in a 2022 film. Give funda. Which 2022 film? Image follows. Q5. Funda? Which film?
  • 107. Ans: These people sued the artists for using their image.
  • 108. This is a Japanese Manga and Anime series that features the anthropomorphized versions of something. The show was heavily praised for its art style, scientific accuracy, and the amount of detail incorporated. In the next image you'll see the protagonist, a rookie who gets lost during "deliveries" and her friend - a relentless fighter who wards off invasions. What do these characters represent? Q6. What do they represent?
  • 109. The anime also portrays a group of small children to be symbolic of something. They are commonly seen as a construction/repair crew throughout the show. What do these children represent? The antagonist is a character who believes that death is his destiny, and in the process tries to harm as many characters as possible by gaining their trust and taking over. What does the antagonist represent? Q. What do they represent?
  • 112. Ans: Red and White Blood Cell, Platelets, Cancer
  • 113. The Stranger is a French novel which was first published in the year 1942 and has nihilism as its primary theme. In the second half of the book, the protagonist murders someone by shooting at him from near sight but just before he does so, he has hallucinations due to the sunstroke and thought that it was a dream. After the murder, he realizes that there’s no turning back from this real occurrence. In the subsequent trial, he says he murdered the victim for no reason and that it won’t matter what the eventual verdict will be, which turns out to be a death sentence. According to several critics, this subplot inspired the introductory part of which work in another realm of MELAS about three decades after the book’s release? Q7. Inspiration for what?
  • 116. This music artist has had a long-standing rivalry with a certain company. It all started in 2014 when the company filed a copyright infringement statement against the artist attributed to something that he uses every concert. The conflict deepened when the company used one of his songs without permission in a set of videos where they remix old videos of their first ever series with some new age songs and is aptly given a one word punny term. One song of his titled “Terrors in My Head” featured Maria Viktorovna who pursues a certain profession that has found advent since 2015 on YouTube. Which company? What was the one word punny title given to the set of videos? What profession does Maria pursue which is also alluded in the song? Q8. Company? Title? Profession?
  • 120. ‘96 is a 2018 Tamil movie starring Vijay Sethupathi and Trisha. The soundtrack of the movie was widely acclaimed, with the song Kadhale Kadhale being the standout number. In the song, the lead singer Chinmayi’s voice is accented by minimal music - mostly just the solo guitar and violin. However, music composer Govind Vasantha makes an ingenious use of another sound along with instruments and bird chirps. What sound does he make use of? Q9. What sounds?
  • 124. This common, but somewhat strange phenomenon, arises due to the fact that most anime stories usually start as manga. When intense action scenes are depicted, flurries of action lines and constantly changing camera angles often confuse the reader. Moreover, since manga is typically black and white, characters can look similar to each other. Bleeding ink from bad printing only makes the situation worse. To fix this, mangakas have their characters do something, which clears out a lot of confusion. Often, when converting manga to anime, animators will include this, despite it not being necessary, either to stick to the source or to increase clarity. What phenomenon? Q10. Phenomenon?
  • 126. Ans: Announcing themselves and/or attacks
  • 127. In the 2nd episode of the 3rd Season of House M.D, House's team treats a young boy who believes he has been abducted by aliens. Upon lots of further complications and failures, House finally has an epiphany. The patient was the result of an IVF. In rare cases, two embryos get implanted and one gets absorbed by the other—known as Chimerism. The absorbed twin's DNA was asserting itself and was the cause behind all of the boy's symptoms. The boy is cured by cutting off the latent DNA and inactive neurons in his brain. In the same episode, House's chronic leg pain returns, forcing him to use his walking stick again. The episode is brilliantly named, referencing perhaps the first instance of fratricide, and the fact that House is forced to use his stick again. What is this episode titled? Q11. Episode’s name?
  • 130. Ans: Cane and Able (from Cain and Abel)
  • 131. ● +10/0 ● META(L) Quiz ● Literary references in Bungou Stray Dogs. ● No negs. ● Write down all your answers together. Written 3
  • 132. Bungou Stray Dogs, is a studio Bones anime which recasts famous Japanese and Western authors as superpowered detectives and criminals who possess special abilities named after their most well-known works. These characters themselves are modelled after the lead characters of their most famous works. Bungou Stray Dogs
  • 133. Ranpo Edogawa is a member of the Armed Detective Agency, regarded by his colleagues and others as the “greatest detective in the world”. Although he doesn’t have any abilities, his incredible intelligence can solve any mystery in mere seconds. The name of this character is a direct reference to a popular Japanese author of the same name who played a major role in the development of Japanese mystery and thriller fiction. Interestingly, the name Ranpo Edogawa was a pen name used by Taro Hirai - the original author behind these Japanese crime novels. He adopted his pen name as a Japanese rendering of an extremely popular western mystery writer - someone whose work he admired the most. What is the inspiration behind his choice of name? Q1.
  • 135. This character is pictured as a tall man with white slicked-back hair, gray eyes, a full beard and mustache. He is rarely seen without his wooden pipe, and he occasionally carries with him a black jacket. A generally reserved and quiet person, he is a competent leader and a devoted captain till his eventful death in the series. His ability involves summoning a violent mechanical white whale that can float in the sky; referencing the eponymous work behind the inspiration for this character. What is the name of this character? (Author) What is his ability named? (work name) Who is the fictional character referred here? (Main char. name) Q2.
  • 137. Margaret Mitchell is a character that first appears in episode 17 of the series. She is portrayed as a classic Southern belle, who is physically attractive but, more importantly, personally charming with sophisticated social skills. She appears as an arrogant woman, be it to her own subordinates or fellow partners albeit occasionally showing a softer side. Margaret possesses a weathering ability- she is able to break garments, paper, and wood. She does so by breaking down materials with a strong blow of air - and hence the ability is literally named ” ____ ____ ___ ____” What fictional character is Margaret Mitchell inspired by? What is her ability named? Q3.
  • 139. This character is depicted as a tall and slim young man with long, dark, and messy hair. He wears a buttoned white shirt and white pants; accompanied by a long black coat with white fur, and an ushanka hat. Despite being extremely arrogant, he is a straightforward and intelligent man with a truly sinister personality. He refers to himself as carrying out the lord’s will and always talks about the sinful nature of man. His ability _____ ___ __________ is hinted at to be something that is able to kill with a single touch. In the series, he inevitably ends up getting arrested; an allusion to the literary work in question. Who is this character? (Author) What is his ability? (Work name) Q4.
  • 141. The Order of the Clock Tower is an underground organization whose purpose is to protect the Royal Family in London. The order consists of only 3 people - A leader and two agents. Pictured here is the Leader of the order. She is portrayed as a tall and slim woman, with refined facial features, and blonde curly hair with a short cut. Being completely refined, she possesses a lady-like attitude. She has a ruthless, conniving side to her personality, but isn't completely unreasonable. Who is this character modelled after, one of 20th century's greatest novelists? Q5.
  • 142. This character’s ability is pretty cool. She can transport any individual back in time with the use of her camera, but only for a limited time of 55 Minutes. She is only able to transport someone to the past once; and is unable to transport the same person to the past twice. As a scientist, she also has knowledge of the uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement; something that helps her use her camera efficiently. She is also one of only 3 characters in the anime whose gender is different from the real life counterpart. What is her ability named? What is the character named? Q6.
  • 144. Ranpo Edogawa is a member of the Armed Detective Agency, regarded by his colleagues and others as the “greatest detective in the world”. Although he doesn’t have any abilities, his incredible intelligence can solve any mystery in mere seconds. The name of this character is a direct reference to a popular Japanese author of the same name who played a major role in the development of Japanese mystery and thriller fiction. Interestingly, the name Ranpo Edogawa was a pen name used by Taro Hirai - the original author behind these Japanese crime novels. He adopted his pen name as a Japanese rendering of an extremely popular western mystery writer - someone whose work he admired the most. What is the inspiration behind his choice of name? Q1.
  • 147. This character is pictured as a tall man with white slicked-back hair, gray eyes, a full beard and mustache. He is rarely seen without his wooden pipe, and he occasionally carries with him a black jacket. A generally reserved and quiet person, he is a competent leader and a devoted captain till his eventful death in the series. His ability involves summoning a violent mechanical white whale that can float in the sky; referencing the eponymous work behind the inspiration for this character. What is the name of this character? (Author) What is his ability named? (work name) Who is the fictional character referred here? (Main char. name) Q2.
  • 150. Margaret Mitchell is a character that first appears in episode 17 of the series. She is portrayed as a classic Southern belle, who is physically attractive but, more importantly, personally charming with sophisticated social skills. She appears as an arrogant woman, be it to her own subordinates or fellow partners albeit occasionally showing a softer side. Margaret possesses a weathering ability- she is able to break garments, paper, and wood. She does so by breaking down materials with a strong blow of air - and hence the ability is literally named ” ____ ____ ___ ____” What fictional character is Margaret Mitchell inspired by? What is her ability named? Q3.
  • 152. Ans: Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O’Hara
  • 153. This character is depicted as a tall and slim young man with long, dark, and messy hair. He wears a buttoned white shirt and white pants; accompanied by a long black coat with white fur, and an ushanka hat. Despite being extremely arrogant, he is a straightforward and intelligent man with a truly sinister personality. He refers to himself as carrying out the lord’s will and always talks about the sinful nature of man. His ability _____ ___ __________ is hinted at to be something that is able to kill with a single touch. In the series, he inevitably ends up getting arrested; an allusion to the literary work in question. Who is this character? (Author) What is his ability? (Work name) Q4.
  • 155. Ans: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment
  • 156. The Order of the Clock Tower is an underground organization whose purpose is to protect the Royal Family in London. The order consists of only 3 people - A leader and two agents. Pictured here is the Leader of the order. She is portrayed as a tall and slim woman, with refined facial features, and blonde curly hair with a short cut. Being completely refined, she possesses a lady-like attitude. She has a ruthless, conniving side to her personality, but isn't completely unreasonable. Who is this character modelled after, one of 20th century's greatest novelists? Q5.
  • 158. This character’s ability is pretty cool. She can transport any individual back in time with the use of her camera, but only for a limited time of 55 Minutes. She is only able to transport someone to the past once; and is unable to transport the same person to the past twice. As a scientist, she also has knowledge of the uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement; something that helps her use her camera efficiently. She is also one of only 3 characters in the anime whose gender is different from the real life counterpart. What is her ability named? What is the character named? Q6.
  • 159. Ans: HG Wells, The Time Machine