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The Practical Use Of Values And Ethics
             For Personal Success
                          Presented By
            Paul Mlotok, President, The Janaka Group

The following bullet points found on (pages 1 – 3) represent an
overview and the sequence of the key points and discussion topics
we will be covering during our tele-conference.

• Maintaining our personal values and ethics in business can sometimes be
  viewed as interfering with “getting the job done.”

• In fact, it is the very basis of long term success.

• The failure and consequences of ignoring values has been shown in the
  string of corporate disasters in recent years. These were mostly due to the
  errors, or at least tacit support, of a number of highly placed executives.

• One of the key factors in these events is looking for short term results
  without recognizing the long-term implications. What is gained in the
  short term is often being borrowed from the long term several times over.

© 2003, The Janaka Group
Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                         1
A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
• My own experience on Wall Street showed me the importance of
  maintaining my values as much as possible, sometimes when there were
  pressures to do otherwise. This brought me the trust of my clients who
  were, ultimately, the basis for my continued success. This reputation also
  made me valuable in the job market as I had this asset to bring with me.

• In any given year I may not have maximized my potential income. But,
  over the long term, I optimized it by staying at the top of my trade for
  fifteen years.

• The same is true for entire companies.

• In Search Of Excellence, by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman – studied
  62 very successful companies.

                        • 8 Basic Principles - including VALUES DRIVEN

                        “Let us suppose that we were asked for one all-purpose bit of
                        advice for management, one truth that we were able to distill
                        from the excellent companies research. We might be tempted to
                        reply ‘Figure out your value system’.......In fact, we wonder
                        whether it is possible to be an excellent company without
                        clarity on values and without having the right sorts of values.”

• Built To Last, by James Collins and Jerry Porras – studied 18 “Visionary
  Companies” with a long history of success.

                        • Nearly all had a clear core statement of values that people
                          took seriously
                        • Values frequently found include
                                    • Integrity
                                    • Respect for the individual
                                    • Service to the customer
                        • Core values generally included or implied making a profit –
                          but companies whose primary values were making money
                          did not do nearly as well

© 2003, The Janaka Group
Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                                     2
A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
• I am on the Board of a mid-cap company based in Southern California. In
  the last few years we have become ever more focused on the character
  and integrity of the individuals who are on the executive advancement

• I expect that this is true at countless companies today as they come to
  understand the consequences of misbehavior by senior managers. People
  with a reputation for being someone you can trust are becoming a sought-
  after asset.

• The title to this talk is “The Practical Use Of Values And Ethics…” with
  an emphasis on the word “Practical.” I am not advocating walking off a
  cliff in the pursuit of perfection.

• That which is clearly illegal or immoral is absolutely out of bounds. But
  many of our decisions and choices will be in a grey zone.

• In a few minutes we will do an exercise to define our own Key Values.
  Imagine that we have done so and that we now have to deal with an
  assortment of business decisions.

• We are each on a continuum in terms of our current actions.

                        Weak Values <--------------------> Perfect Values

      • We are all somewhere on this continuum in terms of our actions
        relative to our values. It doesn’t matter where we are. What matters is
        that we move towards living our values, over time, while we remain
        effective at our jobs.

      • The benefits on a personal level will be
          o The trust of our colleagues and those we manage
          o A sound basis for customer relations
          o A good night’s sleep

      • The benefits to our company will be
          o Increased business
          o More productive employees
© 2003, The Janaka Group
Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                           3
A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
The Five Steps To Values Driven Success
            1. Define a set of values – this is the foundation that creates the
               vision and intention for the approach that we want to follow, and
               helps us to clarify what really matters in life.

            2. Develop an awareness of when we are making choices that involve
               these values – this requires that we increase our consciousness
               about what is happening around us in the moment.

            3. Observe the choices that we make and how these correspond to our
               values – this is a phase of watching and learning about ourselves,

            4. Change our choices, over time, to align more closely with our
               values – this is when we face the challenge of transforming both
               our outer actions and our inner beings, while finding the balance
               that allows us to remain effective in our business.

            5. Deepen the practices that we have been developing since we first
               embarked on the Five Step approach - these practices, including
               contemplation, journaling, meditation and many others, support
               our commitment to the process of change and accelerate the
               assimilation and integration of our learning.

These steps do not necessarily occur in a linear order. We will move back and
forth between them as our understanding develops, each time, seeing more
than we saw before.

© 2003, The Janaka Group
Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                                4
A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
      Define three Key Values that you would like to use to guide
      your decision-making:

            1. _____________________________________________________

            2. _____________________________________________________

            3. _____________________________________________________

      •     Can you think of something at work right now that is not going well for
            you or your company in terms of achieving a goal, or in terms of work
            relationships? Choose a situation that you are able to influence. Write
            this down as if you were telling a story. Include the problem, the
            players, the environment, who said and did what, the ending, how you
            thought and felt about it.

      •     Now select one of the Key Values that you chose above – the first one
            that comes to mind or resonates for you in light of this situation.

                  •     View the situation through the lens of that value. How would it
                        change the situation? Write out a new version of the story.

                  •     Now think of a second value and think about how this would
                        change the situation. Write the story again.

© 2003, The Janaka Group
Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                                       5
A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
The Metrics of Values Driven Success

By Paul Mlotok

The contribution to success of having a set of values that is both clear and well
practiced has been shown in several recent studies. Prominent among these is
the book Built To Last by James Collins and Jerry Porras. The authors studied
eighteen successful and “visionary” companies along with a comparison group.
They found that nearly all of the successful companies had a set of core values
that was clearly defined, long-lived and actively practiced.

There was no single set that seemed to be the “right” core values for
everyone, but some values that recurred frequently were respect, integrity and
service. The authors also found that virtually all of the companies listed
profitability as a core value, but that companies that went for profits first
without also focusing on other values did not do as well. By way of metrics, the
shares of the visionary companies outperformed their group of comparables by
over six times and the general market by more than fifteen times during a
period of six decades.

In the book In Search Of Excellence, by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, the
authors studied 62 very successful companies such as Johnson & Johnson,
Proctor & Gamble, DuPont and Levi Strauss. They found 8 Basic Principles that
characterized these companies. Number 5 was “Values Driven.” In fact, the
authors concluded;

            Let us suppose that we were asked for one all-purpose bit of advice for
            management, one truth that we were able to distill from the excellent
            companies research. We might be tempted to reply “Figure out your
            value system”........... In fact, we wonder whether it is possible to be
            an excellent company without clarity on values and without having the
            right sorts of values.

Perhaps the most telling Metric is the numerous recent examples of companies
that have acted without a clear set of values and have gone bankrupt or have
even vanished overnight! This goes well beyond measures such as relative
performance and becomes a 100 percent loss statistic. We have seen of late
that this is a real possibility in the corporate world and that seemingly
powerful corporations can be brought down in a moment when their improper
behavior catches up with them. Giants such as Enron and Anderson are gone,
while others such as Global Crossing, WorldCom and even Xerox have faced
damaging investigations into questionable financial practices. An organization
that is based on values, and expects its employees to act accordingly, is clearly
less likely to find itself damaged by such events.

© 2003, The Janaka Group
Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                                    6
A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
About Paul Mlotok
                                      With over twenty years of experience in the
                                      business world, Paul Mlotok became the top ranked
                                      oil industry analyst on Wall Street, working for
                                      Salomon Brothers and Morgan Stanley. During this
                                      time, he served as an advisor to the State
                                      Department and to several OPEC oil ministers and
                                      was President of the Oil Analysts Group of New York.
                                      He was regularly quoted in such publications as The
                                      Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The
                                      Middle East Economic Survey. He made frequent
                                      appearances on the business programs of CNN and
                                      CNBC, and was a featured guest on Wall Street Week
                                      with Louis Rukeyser.

After leaving Wall Street he was associated with Global Business Network, a
consulting firm that specializes in Scenario Planning. He is currently on the
Board of Directors of Impco Technologies, the world’s largest manufacturer of
fueling systems for natural gas powered vehicles.

For most of his adult life, Paul has been engaged in a study of the world’s
major philosophical and spiritual traditions. For the last twenty-five years he
has been a student of meditation and the spiritual philosophy that underlies it.
The question of how to integrate the values that he has learned with the need
to function effectively in the business world has led him to a deep and
extended exploration of this subject.

Paul holds a B.A. from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Economics from
Brown University. He now lives with his wife in California and is writing a book
on the benefits of a values-centered approach to work, based upon his own
experiences as well as the application of time-honored philosophical and
spiritual principles.

Paul can be reached at: 323.436.0846 or paulmlotok@thejanakagroup.com

© 2003, The Janaka Group
Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                                      7
A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
The Janaka Group helps companies and individuals
                                             achieve long-term success through the practical use
                                             of values in business.

                                             When a company, its managers, and employees all
                                             draw from the same set of values, the benefits are
"Your program deeply
exceeded my expectations.                                    Greater Client Satisfaction
The Janaka Group made                                        Increased Employee Commitment
each of the steps of the
program very clear using a                   The Janaka Group helps you to gain these advantages
minimum of jargon and                        in your business through the use of the Five Steps to
plenty of good examples we                   Values Driven Success.
could connect with so the
ideas didn’t end up being                    At the organizational level, we help you to define
conceptually abstract.”                      your company’s values and learn how to implement
                                             these values in your everyday activities. This will
“Very few times do                           generate increased productivity in your workforce,
seminars deliver what they                   as well as improved relations with your customers.
promise, but this one did.
It’s an incredible program."

~ Ian Mitroff ~
Professor, Marshall School
of Business, USC

"What I sense is that what                         Our results driven programs provide your
you gave us is what you                            executives with a systematic process of:
live. That’s so rare that
                                                Defining your company’s values employing these values in a
somebody actually comes in                      realistic way to increase business and avoid costly errors
and tells you something and
gives you practices that                        Maintain a calm and clear inner state even in the midst of the
they have really                                chaos and uncertainty of everyday event
contemplated and that have
                                                Help you take an inventory of your organizations’ current
been part of their life. That                   values, and discover whether these have been properly
makes it so much more                           translated to your executives and employees
                                                To Learn More About The Janaka Group visit
~ Bob Cooke ~
Sr.Vice President,
UBS/PaineWebber                                      To schedule a complimentary session with
                                                         Paul Mlotok call: 323.436.0846
       © 2003, The Janaka Group
       Five Steps To Values Driven Success                                                                   8
       A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.

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Paul mlotok presentation

  • 1. The Practical Use Of Values And Ethics For Personal Success Presented By Paul Mlotok, President, The Janaka Group _______________________________________ The following bullet points found on (pages 1 – 3) represent an overview and the sequence of the key points and discussion topics we will be covering during our tele-conference. • Maintaining our personal values and ethics in business can sometimes be viewed as interfering with “getting the job done.” • In fact, it is the very basis of long term success. • The failure and consequences of ignoring values has been shown in the string of corporate disasters in recent years. These were mostly due to the errors, or at least tacit support, of a number of highly placed executives. • One of the key factors in these events is looking for short term results without recognizing the long-term implications. What is gained in the short term is often being borrowed from the long term several times over. © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 1 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
  • 2. • My own experience on Wall Street showed me the importance of maintaining my values as much as possible, sometimes when there were pressures to do otherwise. This brought me the trust of my clients who were, ultimately, the basis for my continued success. This reputation also made me valuable in the job market as I had this asset to bring with me. • In any given year I may not have maximized my potential income. But, over the long term, I optimized it by staying at the top of my trade for fifteen years. • The same is true for entire companies. • In Search Of Excellence, by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman – studied 62 very successful companies. • 8 Basic Principles - including VALUES DRIVEN “Let us suppose that we were asked for one all-purpose bit of advice for management, one truth that we were able to distill from the excellent companies research. We might be tempted to reply ‘Figure out your value system’.......In fact, we wonder whether it is possible to be an excellent company without clarity on values and without having the right sorts of values.” • Built To Last, by James Collins and Jerry Porras – studied 18 “Visionary Companies” with a long history of success. • Nearly all had a clear core statement of values that people took seriously • Values frequently found include • Integrity • Respect for the individual • Service to the customer • Core values generally included or implied making a profit – but companies whose primary values were making money did not do nearly as well © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 2 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
  • 3. • I am on the Board of a mid-cap company based in Southern California. In the last few years we have become ever more focused on the character and integrity of the individuals who are on the executive advancement track. • I expect that this is true at countless companies today as they come to understand the consequences of misbehavior by senior managers. People with a reputation for being someone you can trust are becoming a sought- after asset. • The title to this talk is “The Practical Use Of Values And Ethics…” with an emphasis on the word “Practical.” I am not advocating walking off a cliff in the pursuit of perfection. • That which is clearly illegal or immoral is absolutely out of bounds. But many of our decisions and choices will be in a grey zone. • In a few minutes we will do an exercise to define our own Key Values. Imagine that we have done so and that we now have to deal with an assortment of business decisions. • We are each on a continuum in terms of our current actions. Weak Values <--------------------> Perfect Values • We are all somewhere on this continuum in terms of our actions relative to our values. It doesn’t matter where we are. What matters is that we move towards living our values, over time, while we remain effective at our jobs. • The benefits on a personal level will be o The trust of our colleagues and those we manage o A sound basis for customer relations o A good night’s sleep • The benefits to our company will be o Increased business o More productive employees © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 3 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
  • 4. The Five Steps To Values Driven Success 1. Define a set of values – this is the foundation that creates the vision and intention for the approach that we want to follow, and helps us to clarify what really matters in life. 2. Develop an awareness of when we are making choices that involve these values – this requires that we increase our consciousness about what is happening around us in the moment. 3. Observe the choices that we make and how these correspond to our values – this is a phase of watching and learning about ourselves, 4. Change our choices, over time, to align more closely with our values – this is when we face the challenge of transforming both our outer actions and our inner beings, while finding the balance that allows us to remain effective in our business. 5. Deepen the practices that we have been developing since we first embarked on the Five Step approach - these practices, including contemplation, journaling, meditation and many others, support our commitment to the process of change and accelerate the assimilation and integration of our learning. These steps do not necessarily occur in a linear order. We will move back and forth between them as our understanding develops, each time, seeing more than we saw before. © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 4 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
  • 5. Exercise Define three Key Values that you would like to use to guide your decision-making: 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ • Can you think of something at work right now that is not going well for you or your company in terms of achieving a goal, or in terms of work relationships? Choose a situation that you are able to influence. Write this down as if you were telling a story. Include the problem, the players, the environment, who said and did what, the ending, how you thought and felt about it. • Now select one of the Key Values that you chose above – the first one that comes to mind or resonates for you in light of this situation. • View the situation through the lens of that value. How would it change the situation? Write out a new version of the story. • Now think of a second value and think about how this would change the situation. Write the story again. © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 5 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
  • 6. The Metrics of Values Driven Success By Paul Mlotok The contribution to success of having a set of values that is both clear and well practiced has been shown in several recent studies. Prominent among these is the book Built To Last by James Collins and Jerry Porras. The authors studied eighteen successful and “visionary” companies along with a comparison group. They found that nearly all of the successful companies had a set of core values that was clearly defined, long-lived and actively practiced. There was no single set that seemed to be the “right” core values for everyone, but some values that recurred frequently were respect, integrity and service. The authors also found that virtually all of the companies listed profitability as a core value, but that companies that went for profits first without also focusing on other values did not do as well. By way of metrics, the shares of the visionary companies outperformed their group of comparables by over six times and the general market by more than fifteen times during a period of six decades. In the book In Search Of Excellence, by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, the authors studied 62 very successful companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Proctor & Gamble, DuPont and Levi Strauss. They found 8 Basic Principles that characterized these companies. Number 5 was “Values Driven.” In fact, the authors concluded; Let us suppose that we were asked for one all-purpose bit of advice for management, one truth that we were able to distill from the excellent companies research. We might be tempted to reply “Figure out your value system”........... In fact, we wonder whether it is possible to be an excellent company without clarity on values and without having the right sorts of values. Perhaps the most telling Metric is the numerous recent examples of companies that have acted without a clear set of values and have gone bankrupt or have even vanished overnight! This goes well beyond measures such as relative performance and becomes a 100 percent loss statistic. We have seen of late that this is a real possibility in the corporate world and that seemingly powerful corporations can be brought down in a moment when their improper behavior catches up with them. Giants such as Enron and Anderson are gone, while others such as Global Crossing, WorldCom and even Xerox have faced damaging investigations into questionable financial practices. An organization that is based on values, and expects its employees to act accordingly, is clearly less likely to find itself damaged by such events. © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 6 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
  • 7. About Paul Mlotok With over twenty years of experience in the business world, Paul Mlotok became the top ranked oil industry analyst on Wall Street, working for Salomon Brothers and Morgan Stanley. During this time, he served as an advisor to the State Department and to several OPEC oil ministers and was President of the Oil Analysts Group of New York. He was regularly quoted in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Middle East Economic Survey. He made frequent appearances on the business programs of CNN and CNBC, and was a featured guest on Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser. After leaving Wall Street he was associated with Global Business Network, a consulting firm that specializes in Scenario Planning. He is currently on the Board of Directors of Impco Technologies, the world’s largest manufacturer of fueling systems for natural gas powered vehicles. For most of his adult life, Paul has been engaged in a study of the world’s major philosophical and spiritual traditions. For the last twenty-five years he has been a student of meditation and the spiritual philosophy that underlies it. The question of how to integrate the values that he has learned with the need to function effectively in the business world has led him to a deep and extended exploration of this subject. Paul holds a B.A. from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Economics from Brown University. He now lives with his wife in California and is writing a book on the benefits of a values-centered approach to work, based upon his own experiences as well as the application of time-honored philosophical and spiritual principles. Paul can be reached at: 323.436.0846 or paulmlotok@thejanakagroup.com © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 7 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.
  • 8. The Janaka Group helps companies and individuals achieve long-term success through the practical use of values in business. When a company, its managers, and employees all draw from the same set of values, the benefits are twofold: "Your program deeply exceeded my expectations. Greater Client Satisfaction The Janaka Group made Increased Employee Commitment each of the steps of the program very clear using a The Janaka Group helps you to gain these advantages minimum of jargon and in your business through the use of the Five Steps to plenty of good examples we Values Driven Success. could connect with so the ideas didn’t end up being At the organizational level, we help you to define conceptually abstract.” your company’s values and learn how to implement these values in your everyday activities. This will “Very few times do generate increased productivity in your workforce, seminars deliver what they as well as improved relations with your customers. promise, but this one did. It’s an incredible program." ~ Ian Mitroff ~ Professor, Marshall School of Business, USC "What I sense is that what Our results driven programs provide your you gave us is what you executives with a systematic process of: live. That’s so rare that Defining your company’s values employing these values in a somebody actually comes in realistic way to increase business and avoid costly errors and tells you something and gives you practices that Maintain a calm and clear inner state even in the midst of the they have really chaos and uncertainty of everyday event contemplated and that have Help you take an inventory of your organizations’ current been part of their life. That values, and discover whether these have been properly makes it so much more translated to your executives and employees powerful." To Learn More About The Janaka Group visit ~ Bob Cooke ~ Sr.Vice President, www.thejanakagroup.com UBS/PaineWebber To schedule a complimentary session with Paul Mlotok call: 323.436.0846 © 2003, The Janaka Group Five Steps To Values Driven Success 8 A Workshop by Paul Mlotok Ph.D.