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National Research University
                           Moscow – December 5 and 6

                  Paulo Faustino, MSc, PhD, PostDoc

                    Presidente of Media XXI/Formalpress

                  Porto University and Lisbon School of Mass Media
     Centrer of Investigation in Media and Journalism/Nova University of Lisbon
             Columbia Institute of Tele Information, Coumbia University
Key trends and main characteristics of book publishing business

    i) tendency to ownership concentration in large groups

    ii) pressure to increase the rates of return investment

    iii) increase in the editions of different book formats

    iv)obsession over bestsellers to save the balance results

    v)more editions and need for high-rotation books

    vi) maximization of the potentials of the technologies

    vii)having trends and authors that are truly global

    viii) growing interest in specialized niches to small companies

    ix) book publishing diversification in a multimedia approaches

    x) Importance of journalist people and celebrities as authors
Strategies and concentration in the book sector

•    Editors publish more than ever and there is even a super-abundance of
     new titles;

•    Concentration removes the importance of the traditional territorial
     distributors, favoring centralized retail;

•     The economic gains – synergies - are considered one of the main reasons
     for the operations of acquisition and business concentration;

•     The major international publishers have some competitive advantages:

       - economies of scale,
      - adoption of technologies,
      - marketing knowledge,
      - experience and practices
Example of potential sources of additional revenues to publishers
based on digital book publishing business

 Subscription                            Advertising – Sponsorship
 Users pay a fee to access the content   Free access to content supported by
 for a certain period of time            advertising or sponsorships

 Aggregate Products                      Mobile Phones
 Access to online content is included in Content is delivered via wireless
 the purchase of the printed product     devices, with revenue sharing with the
                                         mobile operator
 Electronic Commerce                   Electronic Commerce
 Physical product or services are sold Contents are sold piece by piece basis
 through an online channel             for online or offline access

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Business Models Concept
Not merely the revenue stream of a firm. Are a tool for understanding
and evaluating the business logic of a specific firm, namely:

1. Reveal the concepts and foundations upon which businesses and their
activities are built .

2. Provide the architecture of a business in terms of value created,
products/services provided, operational requirements, customers served, and
how it finances itself

3. Helps identify most important commercial aspects of their activities

4. creates understanding of revenue streams

5. Clarifies financial dependencies and vulnerabilities

6. Provides insight into potential for success

7. Helps identify its differences from competitors
Business Models Answer Questions
How does it create value for customers?

The real value is the satisfaction created to the wants and needs of
customers. Business models should answer:

 - What wants and needs are you serving? - What is the central value
customers wish and receive from you? - What is your unique value

-By serving human needs for diversion, relaxation, and emotional comfort
-By providing quality content that creates an enjoyable and satisfying
- By being creative and innovative in approaches to drama and comedy
- By providing brand value, choice and ease of access

These are not enough for success. A firm has to do these in a unique
or different way
Business Models Answer Questions

What business is a firm in? Business model describes:

-The broad basic activity of the firm

-The product/service provided product/service provided

-The segment of the product/service industry in which the company

-Rail companies thought they were in the railway business

-They didn't feel threatened when trucking and airlines developed

Problem: they were in freight and passenger transportation

Solution: for publisher the business is sell content; isn´t sell paper.
Business Models Answer Questions

How does it provide the product or does it provide service?

Business model describes:

- Its fundamental characteristics

- The frequency of availability

- When it is available

- Where it is available

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The document provides information about marketing, marketing strategy, and the marketing mix. It discusses key concepts in marketing including the marketing concept, relationship marketing, and the 4Ps of the marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion. It also discusses marketing strategy, explaining it as a process to concentrate resources on optimal opportunities to increase sales and achieve competitive advantage. The marketing mix and external/internal environmental scans are important parts of developing a marketing strategy. The document then focuses on describing each element of the traditional 4Ps marketing mix model: product, price, place, and promotion.

Business Models Answer Questions

Who are its customers?

-Are there intermediaries involved?

-Are there firms or infrastructures that exist between the provider and the
customer? Example: Wholesalers, distributors, service providers

-What are their incentives to carry or service your product?

-Are required infrastructures already in place and readily available to you
and your customers?

-Who pays to create intermediaries or infrastructure? Your firm, other
firms, customers, or government

-Who pays for services of intermediaries and infrastructure?

- Who buys or uses the product and what needs and wants does it serve?
Business Models Answer Questions
How does it receive revenue?

FACT: AN ABSOLUTE: Someone has to pay!

The business model describes where the money comes from and how
it is generated. We mean, sources of funding:

-The Company - Investors - Advertising Sponsorship - Readers
- Government Subsidies - Foundation Grants

Possible Revenue models:

-Consumer payment - pay for use: single use, subscription low cost for basic use;
higher price for extended use (upselling)
- Advertising Payment pay for space/time pay for action: leads generated, click
- Sponsorship: pay for association with product/service B2B payment
- Licensing for use by other firms/publishers
- Some firms rely on only one source of revenue; some combine diffenrent sources
Business Models Change

- When they are not working as expected or not working as well as in the

- When the product or service is changed or the product extension
takes place

- When disruptive competitors appear: for example, Amazon

-Dynamic business models don't change everything all at once

  small, incremental changes through improvements and innovation
Business Models Change

1. Require regular attention and review; should not be conceived
   as permanent and stable change;

2. On their own can be deliberately changed to include new
products and revenue streams;

3. Firms in mature industries must revisit entire business model to
achieve growth and sustainability;

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Pursuing Opportunities Requires Business Model Changes

- Changing the existing model. The business the company is in, how it
provides products/services, its customer base, it revenue model

- Expanding the existing business with similar new products/services
that have a similar business model

- Adding a new products with different models
Pursuing Opportunities Requires taking Risks
- Potential for new product failure or outcome different than

- Potential for financial losses

- PROBLEM: Publishing industries have not be risky for many

- Lost opportunities

- Lost abilities to grow and develop in new ways.

- Forced to live on existing (declining) activities
It also allows to:

- Help identify the most important aspects of their activities

- Create an understanding of the revenue stream

- Clarify financial dependencies and vulnerabilities

- Provide insight towards potential success

- Help identify their differences when faced with the
Business Models Strategies

•   The innovative business models shoes the customer area which could be any of a number of
    industry segments where technology information and innovation is at a premium;

•   Within this customer area, key attention is directed by the new publishing organization to
    teams involved in innovation projects such as staff working on new product development

•   This focus establishes the purpose and context for the communication system or virtual
    community to be established.

•   Develop an innovation culture with clear methods to promulgate more and better innovation.

•   Embark on experimentation with new organizational forms: Knowledge Based Networking
    Organizations to develop network organizations and learning networks out of control-

•   Support for new forms of organization may be engaged via development of an explicit
    knowledge management strategy.

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This session introduces you to the Business Model Canvas: a shared visual language that allows you to use nine basic building blocks to describe and design any business model. Pete shows how the Business Model Canvas is a useful tool for the entire team to achieve goals within the context of an overall vision. You will walk away knowing how to use the Business Model Canvas to map a business model and how it can be used as a tool to support genuine disruption and incremental innovation. You will also explore Lean Canvas, a variation of the model for entrepreneurs.

by DiUS
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The document discusses the history and evolution of strategic management and planning, introducing concepts like the SWOT analysis and Porter's value chain model. It then applies these frameworks to analyze the book publishing sector, exploring opportunities and challenges from digitalization like new distribution channels and aggregation technologies that are transforming the industry. The discussion suggests publishers need strategies to leverage strengths while addressing weaknesses in order to exploit opportunities and defend against threats in the changing environment.

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The added value of the new service-based firm comes from:

• Firstly, for the customer, the opportunity to interact with others to create new
  knowledge to allow new products and services to be developed and to improve
  existing business;

• Secondly, for the large publishing organization, the opportunity to test out the
  networking model as a successor to the information provider model but with the
  option of developing this business as a spin-out rather than risking a total
  transformation of the current business model across the firm as a whole;

• Thirdly, for the small organization, the opportunity to reinvent and center the firm
  along the lines of the emerging networking business model taking full
  advantage of the interactivity of the Internet.
Ansoff Matrix/Intensive Growth Strategies


                                             Present                                   New
          Present               Market Penetration                   Product development
                                -Attract competitor’s customers      -Add functions and features
                                -Increase the global demand (usage   -Increase product range
                                frequency, used quantities, new      -New generation of products
          New                   Market developement                  Diversification
                                -Geographical expansion              -Horizonta
                                -New distribution channels           -Vertical
                                -New segments                        - Lateral
Description of Ansoff Strategies

Market Penetration

▪ The point of market approach consists of achieving a stronger penetration using currente
products in existing markets

▪ This can be achieved through an increase of unit sales per consumer or through an expansion of
the numbers of consumers by adopting aggressive price and communication policies

▪ In a stagnating market, the strategy leads to an expansion of market share at the competitors

Market Develop Strategy

▪ A second strategy option is to advance into new markets with existing products and services.

▪ Market penetration and market development strategies can entail offering new applications for existing
products or opening up new market segments.

▪ In market development, the role of market segment plays is great importance. It permits a specific separation
of markets and become.The are formed in accordance with specific criteria
Conclusions and Workshop II

Product Development

▪ This strategie focus on developing products or solutions for existing markets.

▪ It must be taken into consideration that degress of innovation can vary considerably and are
frequentelly influenced by costumers perception.


▪ Diversification introduces new products and services to new markets. There are three
relevant diversification strategies.

▪ Horizontal diversification. The new products are similar to the previous products. The actual connection
can be based on existing production technology, the imput factors used or the distribution channels.

▪ Vertical diversification. This strategy expands your own action radius in earlier steps in
value creation chain. For example: production and distribution

▪ Lateral diversification. In such a strategy, there is no longer a direct connection to the
previous products or market aspects. Example: education and training courses.

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Ansoff Matrix applied to the book business

           2.Current     products for new     4.New    products for new
           market Market development          markets; Product diversification
           (E.g.:     Internalization and      (E.g.: Books and other
  New      exploitation of new locations;     functions associated to the
           books sold with newspapers and     digital book, film adaptation,
           magazines)                         courses)

           1.Current   products for current   3.New     products for current
           markets; Market penetration        markets; Product development
           (E.g.: Paperback books and         (E.g.: Sale of book chapters,
Current    deluxe editions; orders and        audiobooks, or CDs attached to
           services on demand - PoD)          the book with additional
                                              contents, Courses)

              Current              PRODUCTS           New
Some market changes that impact the business model of the book

◦   Tendency   to   economies of global scale and micro scale. Less median scale
◦   Tendency   to   combine big hits and wait for their long-term sales. Longsellers
◦   Tendency   to   the decrease in the importance of traditional bookstores. Online
◦   Tendency   to   reinvent the life cycle of book and explore new markets. Supports

     Over the years, the traditional book business has undergone various
       competitive pressures, namely:

◦   first came the bookstore chains
◦   big retails – represent circa 50%
◦   then the number of readers begun decreasing
◦   more recently, Amazon introduced the process of disintermediation of sales
◦   finally, we have the possibility of digital downloads in various device applications
Transversally trends in the book industry

 To summarize, we can mention some trends and changes that
characterize transversally the book industry:

– the transformation in the nature of the book market and business

– the increased concentration of resources from major publishers

– the growth of internationalization strategies in different markets

– the greater importance and impact of technologies and digital

– diversification of revenues sources based on different ways to sell
General Conclusions and Workshops
So, the Book Publishing Organizations need to:

• Develop an e-business strategy and vision that takes account of the likely
  emergence of a new style “network economy”;

• Monitor the extent to which the potential for interactivity with the Internet is
  actually being exploited and involving author and readers;

• Take on the battery of methods required for digital publishing innovation to
  occur, such as: virtual communities; online moderators; providing services
  not just content-based products, etc.;

• Ensure the digital publishing strategy moves offensively into industry
  markets rather than defensively or by diffusion from current offerings for

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General Conclusions and Workshops

Key factors to create a Strategy and Business Models in Book Industry:

• Conciliate the global with local. Someone in the world want yours books.

• Today the publishers are a knowledge's producers; the book is one part.

• Create and sell contents; the business isn t sell paper

• Use all print and digital supports to produce and sell contents

• Use your competences/know how to diversity the business – ex: courses

• Try to find a segments or niches that aren t important to big publishers

• Create and invest in your company brand to be perceived with positively
Conclusions and Workshops I

Business models contributes to

▪ What does the company do and to whom are its products or services destined?

▪ What are its products and services and how do they differentiate themselves?

▪ How are revenues generated and from whom do they come?

▪ Where do managers need to focus their attention?


- Help managers identify the most important aspects of their activities
- Help managers understand dependencies and vulnerabilities
- Help other professionals to analyze these elements
Conclusions and Workshop I

Some key issues that should be formulated:

1. Is the Business Model specific to a particular market or can it be applied in
other markets?

2. Is the Business Model specific to a given product or service, or might it be
able to work for brand extensions and diversification?

3. Can the Business Model be expanded nationwide, internationally or

4. Are there other possible Business Models to de explored? What will have
to change in the company?
Conclusions and Workshops I

Pilar                Building block         Description

                     Value proposition      Explains what the product does and how it serves
                                            the needs of the consumer
and consumer                                Consumer segment it serves
                     Distribution channel   The way in which the product is taken to the
Interface with the   Relationships          Connections established with the consumer
                     Value setting          Activities and resources needed to create value

                     Skills                 Skills necessary to execute the plan

Infrastructure       Partners network       Necessary measures to cooperate with other
                                            companies to offer and market value

                     Cost structure         Economical consequences of the means used

Finantial aspects
                     Revenue model          The way in which a company makes money
                                            through the revenue flow

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This document discusses business models and the business model canvas. It defines invention as a novel idea and innovation as the commercialization of that idea. The four main types of innovation are described as technology, process, product/service, and business model innovation. The business model canvas is introduced as a tool consisting of nine building blocks: customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure. The document provides examples and questions to consider for each block to help outline a business model.


Associated        Key                Key             Value           Relationship          Distribuition       Customer
Networks          Activities         Resources       Proposition with the                  Channels            Segments

-Tecnological     -Content           -Web platform   -Electronic     - Communication       -Physical           - Readers
partners          generation         -Content        books           - Interaction         bookshops           -Teachers
                  -Development       writers         -    Physical                         -           Digital - Professors
                  of    a      web                   books                                 bookshops           -
                  platform                           - Training                            -    Print      on Entrepeurneuria
                                                                                           demand              ls
                                                                                                               - Sponsors

           COST STRUCTURE                                     SOURCES OF REVENUE
           - Costs of content creation                        - Sales in physical and digital formats
           - Costs of production and design                   - Sponsorships and other types of support
           - Costs of marketing and sales                     - Virtual and physical training activities
Conclusions and Workshop

Market Penetration

▪ Increase purchase use by existing customers
▪ Win customers from competition
▪ Convert non-users

Market Develop Strategy

▪ New Market Segments
▪ New Distribution Channels
▪ New Geographic Markets
Conclusions and Workshop

Product Development Strategy

▪ New Features
▪ Different Quality Levels
▪ New Products

Diversification Strategy

▪Through Organic Growth
▪ Trough Acquisition
▪ Trough Joint Venture

           Markets   Present               New


                     Market penetration    Market development

                     Product development   Diversification

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Paulo Faustino "Book publishing management, changes and business models"

  • 1. National Research University Moscow – December 5 and 6 BOOK PUBLISHING MANAGEMENT, CHANGES AND BUSINESS MODELS Paulo Faustino, MSc, PhD, PostDoc faustino.paulo@gmail.com Presidente of Media XXI/Formalpress Porto University and Lisbon School of Mass Media Centrer of Investigation in Media and Journalism/Nova University of Lisbon Columbia Institute of Tele Information, Coumbia University
  • 2. Key trends and main characteristics of book publishing business i) tendency to ownership concentration in large groups ii) pressure to increase the rates of return investment iii) increase in the editions of different book formats iv)obsession over bestsellers to save the balance results v)more editions and need for high-rotation books vi) maximization of the potentials of the technologies vii)having trends and authors that are truly global viii) growing interest in specialized niches to small companies ix) book publishing diversification in a multimedia approaches x) Importance of journalist people and celebrities as authors
  • 3. Strategies and concentration in the book sector • Editors publish more than ever and there is even a super-abundance of new titles; • Concentration removes the importance of the traditional territorial distributors, favoring centralized retail; • The economic gains – synergies - are considered one of the main reasons for the operations of acquisition and business concentration; • The major international publishers have some competitive advantages: - economies of scale, - adoption of technologies, - marketing knowledge, - experience and practices
  • 4. Example of potential sources of additional revenues to publishers based on digital book publishing business Subscription Advertising – Sponsorship Users pay a fee to access the content Free access to content supported by for a certain period of time advertising or sponsorships Aggregate Products Mobile Phones Access to online content is included in Content is delivered via wireless the purchase of the printed product devices, with revenue sharing with the mobile operator Electronic Commerce Electronic Commerce Physical product or services are sold Contents are sold piece by piece basis through an online channel for online or offline access
  • 5. Business Models Concept Not merely the revenue stream of a firm. Are a tool for understanding and evaluating the business logic of a specific firm, namely: 1. Reveal the concepts and foundations upon which businesses and their activities are built . 2. Provide the architecture of a business in terms of value created, products/services provided, operational requirements, customers served, and how it finances itself 3. Helps identify most important commercial aspects of their activities 4. creates understanding of revenue streams 5. Clarifies financial dependencies and vulnerabilities 6. Provides insight into potential for success 7. Helps identify its differences from competitors
  • 6. Business Models Answer Questions How does it create value for customers? The real value is the satisfaction created to the wants and needs of customers. Business models should answer: - What wants and needs are you serving? - What is the central value customers wish and receive from you? - What is your unique value proposition? -By serving human needs for diversion, relaxation, and emotional comfort -By providing quality content that creates an enjoyable and satisfying experience - By being creative and innovative in approaches to drama and comedy - By providing brand value, choice and ease of access These are not enough for success. A firm has to do these in a unique or different way
  • 7. Business Models Answer Questions What business is a firm in? Business model describes: -The broad basic activity of the firm -The product/service provided product/service provided -The segment of the product/service industry in which the company participates -Rail companies thought they were in the railway business -They didn't feel threatened when trucking and airlines developed Problem: they were in freight and passenger transportation Businesses. Solution: for publisher the business is sell content; isn´t sell paper.
  • 8. Business Models Answer Questions How does it provide the product or does it provide service? Business model describes: - Its fundamental characteristics - The frequency of availability - When it is available - Where it is available
  • 9. Business Models Answer Questions Who are its customers? -Are there intermediaries involved? -Are there firms or infrastructures that exist between the provider and the customer? Example: Wholesalers, distributors, service providers -What are their incentives to carry or service your product? -Are required infrastructures already in place and readily available to you and your customers? -Who pays to create intermediaries or infrastructure? Your firm, other firms, customers, or government -Who pays for services of intermediaries and infrastructure? - Who buys or uses the product and what needs and wants does it serve?
  • 10. Business Models Answer Questions How does it receive revenue? FACT: AN ABSOLUTE: Someone has to pay! The business model describes where the money comes from and how it is generated. We mean, sources of funding: -The Company - Investors - Advertising Sponsorship - Readers - Government Subsidies - Foundation Grants Possible Revenue models: -Consumer payment - pay for use: single use, subscription low cost for basic use; higher price for extended use (upselling) - Advertising Payment pay for space/time pay for action: leads generated, click through - Sponsorship: pay for association with product/service B2B payment - Licensing for use by other firms/publishers - Some firms rely on only one source of revenue; some combine diffenrent sources
  • 11. Business Models Change WHY - When they are not working as expected or not working as well as in the past - When the product or service is changed or the product extension takes place - When disruptive competitors appear: for example, Amazon -Dynamic business models don't change everything all at once small, incremental changes through improvements and innovation
  • 12. Business Models Change 1. Require regular attention and review; should not be conceived as permanent and stable change; 2. On their own can be deliberately changed to include new products and revenue streams; 3. Firms in mature industries must revisit entire business model to achieve growth and sustainability;
  • 13. Pursuing Opportunities Requires Business Model Changes - Changing the existing model. The business the company is in, how it provides products/services, its customer base, it revenue model - Expanding the existing business with similar new products/services that have a similar business model - Adding a new products with different models
  • 14. Pursuing Opportunities Requires taking Risks - Potential for new product failure or outcome different than anticipated - Potential for financial losses - PROBLEM: Publishing industries have not be risky for many decades - Lost opportunities - Lost abilities to grow and develop in new ways. - Forced to live on existing (declining) activities
  • 15. It also allows to: - Help identify the most important aspects of their activities - Create an understanding of the revenue stream - Clarify financial dependencies and vulnerabilities - Provide insight towards potential success - Help identify their differences when faced with the competition
  • 16. Business Models Strategies • The innovative business models shoes the customer area which could be any of a number of industry segments where technology information and innovation is at a premium; • Within this customer area, key attention is directed by the new publishing organization to teams involved in innovation projects such as staff working on new product development • This focus establishes the purpose and context for the communication system or virtual community to be established. • Develop an innovation culture with clear methods to promulgate more and better innovation. • Embark on experimentation with new organizational forms: Knowledge Based Networking Organizations to develop network organizations and learning networks out of control- organizations • Support for new forms of organization may be engaged via development of an explicit knowledge management strategy.
  • 17. The added value of the new service-based firm comes from: • Firstly, for the customer, the opportunity to interact with others to create new knowledge to allow new products and services to be developed and to improve existing business; • Secondly, for the large publishing organization, the opportunity to test out the networking model as a successor to the information provider model but with the option of developing this business as a spin-out rather than risking a total transformation of the current business model across the firm as a whole; • Thirdly, for the small organization, the opportunity to reinvent and center the firm along the lines of the emerging networking business model taking full advantage of the interactivity of the Internet.
  • 18. Ansoff Matrix/Intensive Growth Strategies Products Present New Present Market Penetration Product development -Attract competitor’s customers -Add functions and features -Increase the global demand (usage -Increase product range frequency, used quantities, new -New generation of products uses) Markets New Market developement Diversification -Geographical expansion -Horizonta -New distribution channels -Vertical -New segments - Lateral
  • 19. Description of Ansoff Strategies Market Penetration ▪ The point of market approach consists of achieving a stronger penetration using currente products in existing markets ▪ This can be achieved through an increase of unit sales per consumer or through an expansion of the numbers of consumers by adopting aggressive price and communication policies ▪ In a stagnating market, the strategy leads to an expansion of market share at the competitors expense. Market Develop Strategy ▪ A second strategy option is to advance into new markets with existing products and services. ▪ Market penetration and market development strategies can entail offering new applications for existing products or opening up new market segments. ▪ In market development, the role of market segment plays is great importance. It permits a specific separation of markets and become.The are formed in accordance with specific criteria
  • 20. Conclusions and Workshop II Product Development ▪ This strategie focus on developing products or solutions for existing markets. ▪ It must be taken into consideration that degress of innovation can vary considerably and are frequentelly influenced by costumers perception. Diversification ▪ Diversification introduces new products and services to new markets. There are three relevant diversification strategies. ▪ Horizontal diversification. The new products are similar to the previous products. The actual connection can be based on existing production technology, the imput factors used or the distribution channels. ▪ Vertical diversification. This strategy expands your own action radius in earlier steps in value creation chain. For example: production and distribution ▪ Lateral diversification. In such a strategy, there is no longer a direct connection to the previous products or market aspects. Example: education and training courses.
  • 21. Ansoff Matrix applied to the book business 2.Current products for new 4.New products for new market Market development markets; Product diversification (E.g.: Internalization and (E.g.: Books and other New exploitation of new locations; functions associated to the books sold with newspapers and digital book, film adaptation, magazines) courses) MARKETS 1.Current products for current 3.New products for current markets; Market penetration markets; Product development (E.g.: Paperback books and (E.g.: Sale of book chapters, Current deluxe editions; orders and audiobooks, or CDs attached to services on demand - PoD) the book with additional contents, Courses) Current PRODUCTS New
  • 22. Some market changes that impact the business model of the book ◦ Tendency to economies of global scale and micro scale. Less median scale ◦ Tendency to combine big hits and wait for their long-term sales. Longsellers ◦ Tendency to the decrease in the importance of traditional bookstores. Online ◦ Tendency to reinvent the life cycle of book and explore new markets. Supports Over the years, the traditional book business has undergone various competitive pressures, namely: ◦ first came the bookstore chains ◦ big retails – represent circa 50% ◦ then the number of readers begun decreasing ◦ more recently, Amazon introduced the process of disintermediation of sales ◦ finally, we have the possibility of digital downloads in various device applications
  • 23. Transversally trends in the book industry To summarize, we can mention some trends and changes that characterize transversally the book industry: – the transformation in the nature of the book market and business – the increased concentration of resources from major publishers – the growth of internationalization strategies in different markets – the greater importance and impact of technologies and digital – diversification of revenues sources based on different ways to sell
  • 24. General Conclusions and Workshops So, the Book Publishing Organizations need to: • Develop an e-business strategy and vision that takes account of the likely emergence of a new style “network economy”; • Monitor the extent to which the potential for interactivity with the Internet is actually being exploited and involving author and readers; • Take on the battery of methods required for digital publishing innovation to occur, such as: virtual communities; online moderators; providing services not just content-based products, etc.; • Ensure the digital publishing strategy moves offensively into industry markets rather than defensively or by diffusion from current offerings for scientists/researchers.
  • 25. General Conclusions and Workshops Key factors to create a Strategy and Business Models in Book Industry: • Conciliate the global with local. Someone in the world want yours books. • Today the publishers are a knowledge's producers; the book is one part. • Create and sell contents; the business isn t sell paper • Use all print and digital supports to produce and sell contents • Use your competences/know how to diversity the business – ex: courses • Try to find a segments or niches that aren t important to big publishers • Create and invest in your company brand to be perceived with positively
  • 26. Conclusions and Workshops I Business models contributes to ▪ What does the company do and to whom are its products or services destined? ▪ What are its products and services and how do they differentiate themselves? ▪ How are revenues generated and from whom do they come? ▪ Where do managers need to focus their attention? And - Help managers identify the most important aspects of their activities - Help managers understand dependencies and vulnerabilities - Help other professionals to analyze these elements
  • 27. Conclusions and Workshop I Some key issues that should be formulated: 1. Is the Business Model specific to a particular market or can it be applied in other markets? 2. Is the Business Model specific to a given product or service, or might it be able to work for brand extensions and diversification? 3. Can the Business Model be expanded nationwide, internationally or globally? 4. Are there other possible Business Models to de explored? What will have to change in the company?
  • 28. Conclusions and Workshops I Pilar Building block Description Value proposition Explains what the product does and how it serves Product the needs of the consumer and consumer Consumer segment it serves Target-audience Distribution channel The way in which the product is taken to the consumer Interface with the Relationships Connections established with the consumer consumer Value setting Activities and resources needed to create value Skills Skills necessary to execute the plan Infrastructure Partners network Necessary measures to cooperate with other companies to offer and market value Cost structure Economical consequences of the means used Finantial aspects Revenue model The way in which a company makes money through the revenue flow
  • 29. WORKSHOP 1 - APPLY THE CANVAS MODEL Associated Key Key Value Relationship Distribuition Customer Networks Activities Resources Proposition with the Channels Segments customer -Tecnological -Content -Web platform -Electronic - Communication -Physical - Readers partners generation -Content books - Interaction bookshops -Teachers -Development writers - Physical - Digital - Professors of a web books bookshops - platform - Training - Print on Entrepeurneuria demand ls - Sponsors COST STRUCTURE SOURCES OF REVENUE - Costs of content creation - Sales in physical and digital formats - Costs of production and design - Sponsorships and other types of support - Costs of marketing and sales - Virtual and physical training activities
  • 30. Conclusions and Workshop Market Penetration ▪ Increase purchase use by existing customers ▪ Win customers from competition ▪ Convert non-users Market Develop Strategy ▪ New Market Segments ▪ New Distribution Channels ▪ New Geographic Markets
  • 31. Conclusions and Workshop Product Development Strategy ▪ New Features ▪ Different Quality Levels ▪ New Products Diversification Strategy ▪Through Organic Growth ▪ Trough Acquisition ▪ Trough Joint Venture
  • 32. WORKSHOP 2 - APPLY THE ANSOFF MATRIX Markets Present New Products Market penetration Market development Present Product development Diversification New
  • 33. Thank you for your time