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THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner?
GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 Sessions 1-4 Quarter 1stdsd
Monday Tuesda
Wednesday Thursday
Objectiv es must be met ov er the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectiv es, necessary procedures must be f ollowed and if needed, additional lessons,
exercises and remedial activ ities may be done f or dev eloping content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formativ e Assessment strategies. Valuing objectiv es support
the learning of content and competencies and enable children to f ind signif icance a n d j o y inlearning the lessons. Weekly objectiv es shall be deriv ed f rom the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Write the LC code for each
At the end of the session, learners are expected to:
1. respond to questions about themselvesand
their expectations for Senior High School
2. work with a group by sharing one’s responses
to given questions;
3. collaborate with a group to presentgroup
At the end of the session, learnersare
expected to:
1. identify one’s strengthsand
2. illustrate/show responsesthrough
various creative means.
At the end of the session, learnersare expected
1. presentcreative outputbased on one’s
strengths and weaknesses; and
2. appreciate thatclass members have
strengths and weaknesses.
At the end of the session, learners
are expected to:
1. express how they feel about
their subjects and teachers;
2. brainstorm how their classcan
be happy given their similarities
differences; and
3. contribute to class
rules, regulations,
norms, and
agreements.II. CONTENT
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
I am a Senior High School Learner My Strengths and Weaknesses Unity in Diversity Me, My Teacher and My Class
III. LEARNINGRESOURCES List the materials to be used in dif f erent day s. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulativ e
materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept dev elopment.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Howard Gaardner’s Theory ofMultiple
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activ ities appropriately so that students will learn well. Alway s be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which
y ou can inf er f rom f ormative assessment activities. Sustain learning sy stematically by prov iding students with multiple way s to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning
processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their lif e experiences and prev ious knowledge. Indicate the time allotment f or each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson
(2 mins)
Teacher welcomes the class and introduces
himself/herself (specialization, background,
(5 mins)
Teacher reviewsthe questionsasked
and class responses fromSession 1.
(5 mins)
Teacher reviewsactivities from the lastsession.
Teacher explains thatthis session will be for
presentation ofoutput.
Class reviewspresentations from the last
session. Class discusseswhatthey have
learned from the presentations.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
(5 mins)
1. From the list below, teacher chooses one to two
questions for the class to answer. Subject teachers
coordinate with each other so that there will be
no/minimal duplication of questions used in class.
a. Whatobjectbestrepresents you?
b. Whatexcites you aboutSHS?
( 10 mins)
1. Teacher presents the different
Intelligences and givesa briefexplanantion
for each:
a. Verbal-Linguistic
b. Logical-
Mathematical c.
(50 mins)
Below are options thatclasses may use for
presenting class output:
1. Gallery walk
2. Individual/grouppresentations
Presentations may vary per subject.
(25 mins)
1. Teacher says: “ Ihad the chance to
know each one ofyou in the pastdays.
Now, Iwantto know your expectation
from me since we will be together in this
Page 1 of 4
THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner?
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
c. Whatmakes you nervousaboutSHS?
d. Whatage will you be 10 years from now?
i. How would you like to look like?
ii. Whatwould you like to be doing?
iii. Where would you like to be
e. Whatdo you know aboutSenior High
i. How is itdifferent from Junior High
ii. How do you think Senior High
School can help you achieve your
goals and ambitions?
f. What are your top three positive personal
g. What are two not-so-positive
characteristics thatyou have?
h. What are three correct, good, or wise
choices thatyou made in JHS? What
were the effects of these actions?
2. Teacher asks learners to bring outa piece of
paper and be ready with a pen or pencil.
3. Teacher says: “Let’s getto know a little bit
about each other today.”
d. Intrapersonal
e. Visual-Spatial
f. Bodily-Kinesthetic
g. Musical-Rhythmic-Harmonic
h. Naturalistic
i. Existential
2. Teacher says: Based on whatyou feel
are your top two intelligence/s, thinkofhow
you can illustrate/show yourresponse to the
question yesterday. Learners may choose
from the following options. They may choose
more than one.
a. An objectto representyourself
b. Collage
c. Drawing
d. Song/Rap
e. Dance/Movement
f. Poem/Acrostic
g. Script/Story
h. Comic Strip
(40 mins)
3. Learners are given timeto prepare and
work on their output.
For example,those thathave prepared
dance/song presentations may presentduring
their Humanities subjects.
Teachers will coordinate accordingly so that
each learner has a chance to presentfor the
2. Learners bring outa of sheetof
paper and ballpen.
3. Teacher says: “Ineed you to
complete the following sentences.”
a. Ilike (name ofsubject)
because .
b. Idon’tlike (name ofsubject)
because .
c. Ilike itwhen the teacher
d. Idon’tlike itwhen the teacher
4. Teacher collectsthe sheets of
paper, reads the answers, and reflects
with the class.
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the
new lesson
Teacher providesthe sentence structure to follow
based on the chosen question. For example,for
question a:
“Hello, my name is . The objectthatbest
represents me is a/an _ because
For questions b and c:
“Hello, my name is . Iam
from . Iam excited for
. Iam nervousabout
Teacher models how to respond using the suggested
sentence structure.
(15 mins)
1. Teacher draws a semanticweb/word
map on the board. The word inside
the middle circle is HAPPY CLASS.
2. The class brainstormsfor different
waysthata classroomcan be happy
and interesting.
3. Teacher writesthe responseson the
board (semantic web/word map).
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #1
(30 mins)
1. Learners are asked to think of their responses
and write them down.
2. After they have written their responses,the
teacher will ask them to group themselvesinto
at mostfive members. Groups assign a leader
and documenter.
3. Group members share their responses.
(15 mins)
Teacher and learners make an agreement
on which activities,practices,routines,
strategies will be adopted by both to make
the class a happy class.
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THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner?
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
4. Groups then share their responses to the class.
E. Discussing new concepts andpracticingnew
skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and abstractions
about the lesson
(15 minutes)
After the sharing session, the classcan reflecton the
answers ofthe group. The teacher can ask the
following questions:
a. Who has similar responses?
b. In whatwaysare they similar?
c. How can our differences bring about
positive effect/s for the learners, class and
d. Whatcan students do to make sure
Senior High School be a positive
e. What can teachers do to make this
f. What can the school do to make this
(8 mins)
1. Teacher provides a proper ending by
emphasizing thatSHS is a new beginning and a
proper venue to startanew as an individual,
learner, and as a class, thattheir similarities and
differences will help the class achievetheir goals.
2. Teacher can cite exampleson how this can
(5 mins)
Teacher closesthe session by how people will
have differentstrengths and weaknesses.
Teacher askslearnersto pack away.
(5 mins)
Teacher summarizeshow a classis made up
of learners with differentstrengths and
weaknesses. Teacher then emphasizes that
there can be unity despite diversity.
Teacher and students write the agreement
on a cartolina/manila paper and should be
posted inside the classroomfor everyone
to see during the semester.
Each subjectmay contribute to the
agreements. These should be collated for
each class.
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for application or
Agreement: Bring old or used magazines,
newspapers,catalogues, brochures,leaflets, etc; art
materials, i.e. scissors, glue,crayons,color pencils,
markers, bond paper, etc.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, youcan ask them relevant questions.
A. No.oflearners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No.oflearners who require additional activitiesfor
C. Did the remedial lessonswork? No.oflearners
who have caughtup with the lesson.
D. No.oflearners who continue to require
Page 3 of 4
THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner?
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
E. Which ofmy teaching strategiesworked
well?Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which Iwish to share with other
Page 4 of 4

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Shs dll week 1 2

  • 1. THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner? GRADES 1 to 12 DAILY LESSON LOG School MALIBUD NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 11 Teacher FREDROSE D. PASAYLO Learning Area MEDIA INFROMATION TECHNOLOGY Teaching Dates and Time Week 1 Sessions 1-4 Quarter 1stdsd Monday Tuesda y Wednesday Thursday I. OBJECTIVES Objectiv es must be met ov er the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectiv es, necessary procedures must be f ollowed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activ ities may be done f or dev eloping content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formativ e Assessment strategies. Valuing objectiv es support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to f ind signif icance a n d j o y inlearning the lessons. Weekly objectiv es shall be deriv ed f rom the curriculum guides. A. Content Standards B. Performance Standards C. Learning Competencies / Objectives Write the LC code for each At the end of the session, learners are expected to: 1. respond to questions about themselvesand their expectations for Senior High School 2. work with a group by sharing one’s responses to given questions; 3. collaborate with a group to presentgroup output. At the end of the session, learnersare expected to: 1. identify one’s strengthsand weaknesses;and 2. illustrate/show responsesthrough various creative means. At the end of the session, learnersare expected to: 1. presentcreative outputbased on one’s strengths and weaknesses; and 2. appreciate thatclass members have strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the session, learners are expected to: 1. express how they feel about their subjects and teachers; 2. brainstorm how their classcan be happy given their similarities and differences; and 3. contribute to class rules, regulations, norms, and agreements.II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two. I am a Senior High School Learner My Strengths and Weaknesses Unity in Diversity Me, My Teacher and My Class III. LEARNINGRESOURCES List the materials to be used in dif f erent day s. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulativ e materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept dev elopment. A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 2. Learner’s Materials pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal B. Other Learning Resources http://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html Howard Gaardner’s Theory ofMultiple Intelligences IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activ ities appropriately so that students will learn well. Alway s be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which y ou can inf er f rom f ormative assessment activities. Sustain learning sy stematically by prov iding students with multiple way s to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their lif e experiences and prev ious knowledge. Indicate the time allotment f or each step. A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson (2 mins) Teacher welcomes the class and introduces himself/herself (specialization, background, credentials). (5 mins) Teacher reviewsthe questionsasked and class responses fromSession 1. (5 mins) Teacher reviewsactivities from the lastsession. Teacher explains thatthis session will be for presentation ofoutput. (5 mins) Class reviewspresentations from the last session. Class discusseswhatthey have learned from the presentations. B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (5 mins) 1. From the list below, teacher chooses one to two questions for the class to answer. Subject teachers coordinate with each other so that there will be no/minimal duplication of questions used in class. a. Whatobjectbestrepresents you? b. Whatexcites you aboutSHS? ( 10 mins) 1. Teacher presents the different Intelligences and givesa briefexplanantion for each: a. Verbal-Linguistic b. Logical- Mathematical c. Interpersonal (50 mins) Below are options thatclasses may use for presenting class output: 1. Gallery walk 2. Individual/grouppresentations Presentations may vary per subject. (25 mins) 1. Teacher says: “ Ihad the chance to know each one ofyou in the pastdays. Now, Iwantto know your expectation from me since we will be together in this semester.” Page 1 of 4
  • 2. THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner? Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 c. Whatmakes you nervousaboutSHS? d. Whatage will you be 10 years from now? i. How would you like to look like? ii. Whatwould you like to be doing? iii. Where would you like to be working? e. Whatdo you know aboutSenior High School? i. How is itdifferent from Junior High School? ii. How do you think Senior High School can help you achieve your goals and ambitions? f. What are your top three positive personal qualities/traits? g. What are two not-so-positive characteristics thatyou have? h. What are three correct, good, or wise choices thatyou made in JHS? What were the effects of these actions? 2. Teacher asks learners to bring outa piece of paper and be ready with a pen or pencil. 3. Teacher says: “Let’s getto know a little bit about each other today.” d. Intrapersonal e. Visual-Spatial f. Bodily-Kinesthetic g. Musical-Rhythmic-Harmonic h. Naturalistic i. Existential 2. Teacher says: Based on whatyou feel are your top two intelligence/s, thinkofhow you can illustrate/show yourresponse to the question yesterday. Learners may choose from the following options. They may choose more than one. a. An objectto representyourself b. Collage c. Drawing d. Song/Rap e. Dance/Movement f. Poem/Acrostic g. Script/Story h. Comic Strip (40 mins) 3. Learners are given timeto prepare and work on their output. For example,those thathave prepared dance/song presentations may presentduring their Humanities subjects. Teachers will coordinate accordingly so that each learner has a chance to presentfor the day. 2. Learners bring outa of sheetof paper and ballpen. 3. Teacher says: “Ineed you to complete the following sentences.” a. Ilike (name ofsubject) because . b. Idon’tlike (name ofsubject) because . c. Ilike itwhen the teacher . d. Idon’tlike itwhen the teacher . 4. Teacher collectsthe sheets of paper, reads the answers, and reflects with the class. C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson Teacher providesthe sentence structure to follow based on the chosen question. For example,for question a: “Hello, my name is . The objectthatbest represents me is a/an _ because .” For questions b and c: “Hello, my name is . Iam from . Iam excited for . Iam nervousabout .“ Teacher models how to respond using the suggested sentence structure. (15 mins) 1. Teacher draws a semanticweb/word map on the board. The word inside the middle circle is HAPPY CLASS. 2. The class brainstormsfor different waysthata classroomcan be happy and interesting. 3. Teacher writesthe responseson the board (semantic web/word map). D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 (30 mins) 1. Learners are asked to think of their responses and write them down. 2. After they have written their responses,the teacher will ask them to group themselvesinto at mostfive members. Groups assign a leader and documenter. 3. Group members share their responses. (15 mins) Teacher and learners make an agreement on which activities,practices,routines, strategies will be adopted by both to make the class a happy class. Page 2 of 4
  • 3. THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner? Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 4. Groups then share their responses to the class. E. Discussing new concepts andpracticingnew skills #2 F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3) G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson (15 minutes) After the sharing session, the classcan reflecton the answers ofthe group. The teacher can ask the following questions: a. Who has similar responses? b. In whatwaysare they similar? c. How can our differences bring about positive effect/s for the learners, class and school? d. Whatcan students do to make sure Senior High School be a positive experience? e. What can teachers do to make this happen? f. What can the school do to make this happen? (8 mins) 1. Teacher provides a proper ending by emphasizing thatSHS is a new beginning and a proper venue to startanew as an individual, learner, and as a class, thattheir similarities and differences will help the class achievetheir goals. 2. Teacher can cite exampleson how this can happen. (5 mins) Teacher closesthe session by how people will have differentstrengths and weaknesses. Teacher askslearnersto pack away. (5 mins) Teacher summarizeshow a classis made up of learners with differentstrengths and weaknesses. Teacher then emphasizes that there can be unity despite diversity. Teacher and students write the agreement on a cartolina/manila paper and should be posted inside the classroomfor everyone to see during the semester. Each subjectmay contribute to the agreements. These should be collated for each class. I. Evaluating learning J. Additional activities for application or remediation Agreement: Bring old or used magazines, newspapers,catalogues, brochures,leaflets, etc; art materials, i.e. scissors, glue,crayons,color pencils, markers, bond paper, etc. V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, youcan ask them relevant questions. A. No.oflearners who earned 80% on the formative assessment B. No.oflearners who require additional activitiesfor remediation. C. Did the remedial lessonswork? No.oflearners who have caughtup with the lesson. D. No.oflearners who continue to require Page 3 of 4
  • 4. THEME: Who am I as a SeniorHigh School learner? Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 remediation E. Which ofmy teaching strategiesworked well?Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which Iwish to share with other teachers? Page 4 of 4