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My Strategies
           Stephanie Baker
 This notebook is a collection of strategies and ideas that
   can be used in an integrated language arts classroom
  between 7th and 12th grade. My teaching philosophy is
           included because it should guide my teaching
                              as much as these strategies.

 My Teaching Philosophy
     Differentiating Instruction
     Cooperative Groups
     Activities to Use Textbooks More Effectively
 Building Community in the Classroom
     Classroom Management
     Initiatives & Ice Breakers

                  Inspirational Quotes
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher
inspires. William Arthur Ward
One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant
teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our
human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary
raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the
growing plant and for the soul of the child. Carl Jung
Education is a social process. Education is growth.
Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life
itself. John Dewey
Explicit Teaching Functions (For developing skills)
  1. Review
        a. Homework, relevant previous learning, prerequisite skills and
           knowledge for this lesson
  2. Presentation
        a. State lesson goals and outline
        b. Take small steps
        c. Model procedures
        d. Provide concrete positive examples and negative examples
        e. Clear language
        f. Check for understanding
        g. Avoid digressions
  3. Guided Practice
        a. High frequency of questions or guided practice
        b. All students respond and receive feedback
        c. High success rate
        d. Continue practice until students are fluid
        e. Can be in groups
  4. Corrections and feedback
        a. Give process when answers are correct, but hesitant
        b. Give sustaining feedback, clues, or reaching for incorrect answers
        c. Provide reteaching when necessary
  5. Independent Practice
        a. Students receive help during initial steps or overview
        b. Practice continues until students are automatic (where relevant)
        c. Teacher provides active supervision (where possible)
        d. Routines are used to give help to slower students
  6. Weekly and monthly reviews

  Presentation 5-20 minutes
  Practice 30-45 minutes
  Feedback with an exit slip or reflection

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Completion type of test
Completion type of testCompletion type of test
Completion type of test

The document discusses guidelines for constructing and scoring completion and essay type tests. It provides examples of completion tests involving filling in blanks with words, letters, or phrases. Essay tests are described as allowing for assessment of higher-order thinking by requiring students to organize their thoughts in writing. The document outlines objectives, types, and rules for scoring essays, including specifying criteria, maintaining anonymity, and having multiple graders to reduce bias.

objective type tests

Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy where students are assigned different aspects of a topic to become "experts" on. They then teach their topic to their home group. The purpose is to develop teamwork, responsibility, and a deeper understanding than learning individually. To implement jigsaw, topics are divided among expert groups who then teach their home groups. Assessment ensures all students mastered the material. Cooperative learning similarly aims to develop academic and social skills through heterogeneous groups working interdependently to achieve goals. Various roles foster accountability while social skills and group processing are emphasized.

Games in language learning
Games in language learningGames in language learning
Games in language learning

Games are an effective tool for language learning that provide enjoyment, relaxation, and opportunities for creative communication. They encourage repeated use of language through interactive play that teaches goals, rules, problem solving, and collaboration. Different types of games exist based on the number of players, whether they are digital or non-digital, and how much they involve physical movement, imagination, or rule-based play. Games are best used before, during or after presenting new material to reinforce learning in a low-pressure way. Teachers must consider factors like game selection, timing, discipline and ensuring all students experience success.

Imagination Strategies
A New Use

   1. Pick one object.
   2. Students sit in a circle.
   3. Pass the object around. Each person has to come up with a different
      use/interpretation of the object.
   4. Example for a plastic fountain drink lid
         a. Frisbee
         b. Serving plate
         c. “Landfill” doesn’t count

“H”words (Used in Psychology)

   1. Have each student write 5 words that begin with the letter “H”
   2. Unusual words indicate a more creative mood.
   3. To determine the quantitative value of unusual-ness, enter the word into
      the Google search field and record how many hits it comes up with.
   4. The lower the hits, the more creative the word.

Reading Strategies

When reading a play, have students pick an accent to go with their character.
It doesn’t have to be applicable to the time period or location of the play. This
will help keep the students’ interest.

Vocabulary Match-up

Materials: note cards with just vocabulary words and their matching definitions
on another notecard.
This could be done to review for a vocabulary test or to introduce vocabulary
words where the class has to work together to figure out how the words and
definitions match-up. Half of the class is given the vocabulary word; the other
half has the definition. A complication would be to not allow the students to
talk as they try to find their match. If the class is uneven, add a second
definition for one of the words.
Written Conversations (Observed in Jim Behrens class)
Offer several questions or things to consider from a novel at the start of the
lesson. Then, pair students based on where they are in the book, as well as
ability level. Have each student write a short note about the book to their
partner, including a salutation and closing. Give the students 2 to 3 minutes
to write their questions and responses. Then have a class discussion asking
the students what they wrote about or read. Finish with discussing the
questions posed at the beginning of the lesson.

Also in “Assessment.”

CNN Quizzes (Observed in David Harding’s class)

Students take notes on colors, names, and numbers in the reading due in
class. Then, the teacher gives a quiz where the answers are one of the colors,
names, or numbers in the text. The students can use their notes for the
quizzes. These are good to show whether or not students are doing the reading
and to help them develop the detailed reading skills needed for analysis in
Language Arts classes.



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Collaborative learning involves students working together to achieve a common goal or task. Research shows that people learn more effectively through collaboration, retaining 10-95% more of what they learn depending on the level of interaction. In the past, key skills for employers included reading, writing and computation, but now interpersonal skills, problem solving and teamwork are most important. Collaborative learning develops critical thinking, communication skills and a sense of community. It motivates students and helps them learn more while building confidence, leadership and social skills.

Affinity group
Affinity groupAffinity group
Affinity group

This document summarizes research on interventions for struggling readers in grades K-2. It discusses a three-tiered Response to Intervention model and focuses on three specific interventions: Visual Phonics, Peer Assisted Learning Strategies, and Targeted Reading Intervention. Research shows that early intervention is most effective for improving reading abilities and that these interventions use explicit instruction, small group work, and other best practices supported by research.

Lesson plan
Lesson planLesson plan
Lesson plan

This lesson plan teaches 8th grade students the differences between common nouns and proper nouns. It begins with engaging activities like word games and storytelling to introduce the topic. Students then complete an anticipation guide and analyze examples in a Venn diagram and sentences. Key differences are explained, such as common nouns being uncapitalized and generic while proper nouns are capitalized and specific. Students evaluate by creating a board game and reflecting on applying the nouns correctly. The goal is for students to understand and identify common and proper nouns.

lesson plan
Strategies Notebook
Purpose of Assessment*
            1. Reflect, encourage, and becomes an integral part of good instruction
            2. Focus on the major, whole outcomes valued in the curriculum
            3. Most should be formative
            4. Not competitive, but show what students have achieved.
            5. Help students self-monitor and self-evaluate
            6. Have a developmental perspective
            7. Sensitive and appropriate for particular curriculum areas
            8. Examine students’ growth from several perspectives
            9. Document student work and achievement, not scores
            10. Provide a database for deriving legitimate, defensible student grades
            11. Cooperative: student, teacher, parent, collaborative
            12. Good indicators of school performance

Six basic constructive, formative, and reflection-
oriented assessments:*
        o Raw materials of students’ learning
        o Students select and reflect what pieces to include
        o Conversation to gather information about what a child knows and needs
     Anecdotal Records
        o Easy to track student’s growth over time
        o Note the degree of each student’s progress
     Performance assessment rubrics
        o A set of specific criteria for successful performance of a given activity
        o In writing, it tells what the necessary ingredients of successful writing
        o Can invite students into the rubric process
     Classroom tests
        o Can be individualized (vocabulary)

 * Daniels, Harvey, and Marilyn Bizar. Teaching the best practice way methods that
        matter, K-12. Portland, Me: Stenhouse, 2004.
Found Poem
       The students have to create a poem using only the author’s words. It
can be used to bring together information from a Jigsaw or to help students
pay attention to details and diction in prose. Teacher must designate how
many words/lines the poem must be (in a jigsaw, how much must come from
each section). This could culminate in a performed dramatic reading for the

Assessing Group Skills
       As the class is building cooperative group skills (and they always are),
before each activity it is important to articulate what group skills you want
them to focus on. Give each group a note card with these skills on it and room
for tick marks after them. While the groups are working together, go around
and monitor the groups to see if they are practicing the skills. Add a tick mark
next to the skill each time you observe it. An award could be offered for the
first group to use all the skills. Afterward, address the whole class with what
you observed that was good that the groups were doing and what they need to
work on in the future.

Group Essay
      Give the groups a complex question to answer.

   1. One person is a scribe for their brainstorming on how to answer the
   2. Another scribe writes the rough draft of the group.
   3. Another person reads the essay aloud, and they all edit it for grammar
      and content.
   4. Another scribe write the group’s final draft.
   5. Gallery: All of the groups read all of the other groups’ essays for peer

Exit Quiz (donated by Heath Allen)
During the last 10 minutes of a class period, give the students an exit quiz with
the learning objectives demonstrated in question and answer format. Use five
questions that you think the students should know as a result of the lesson or
class period. This will help the progress of the students. It is optional to add
questions above or below level to gauge that as well.

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What Makes a Lesson Outstanding?
What Makes a Lesson Outstanding?What Makes a Lesson Outstanding?
What Makes a Lesson Outstanding?

The document discusses what makes an outstanding lesson according to Ofsted criteria. It provides examples of lessons that were judged to be good or outstanding. An outstanding lesson is learner-focused, has clear and challenging learning objectives shared with students. It includes excellent planning and resources, opportunities for assessment and peer/self-assessment, brisk pace with sufficient time for thinking, varied teaching styles, enthusiastic teaching, and ensures all students make progress in their learning.

Cooperative Learning
Cooperative LearningCooperative Learning
Cooperative Learning

This document discusses cooperative learning instructional strategies and their benefits based on research. It defines cooperative learning as students working in small teams to maximize individual and collective learning. Key aspects include positive interdependence, individual accountability, developing social skills, face-to-face interaction, and group processing. Major researchers such as Johnson, Slavin, and Sharan are discussed and their findings that cooperative learning improves academic performance, social skills, and reduces prejudice. Specific cooperative learning models developed by these researchers are also outlined.

Lesson 4 analysis of test results
Lesson 4 analysis of test resultsLesson 4 analysis of test results
Lesson 4 analysis of test results

The document discusses methods for establishing the validity and reliability of assessment tools, including correlation coefficients, levels of measurement, reliability measures like test-retest reliability and internal consistency, and validity measures like content validity, criterion validity, and construct validity. It also covers item analysis methods like calculating item difficulty and discrimination indices. The overall aim is to evaluate how well an assessment tool measures what it intends to measure and produces consistent results.

Pre-test/Final test (Compilation between donations
from Jan-Marie Ruminski and Jonathan Miller)
At the beginning of the school year give a Pre-test to the students that would
resemble (or is) a cumulative final exam for the class. This way you can tell
where the class is as a whole and where they need to go. This can also be used
as a tool for determining a seating chart, placing kids who are struggling in the
front or near those that are further ahead. It will also give students a feel for
the classroom and what they will be learning.

Written Conversations (Observed in Jim Behrens class)
Offer several questions or things to consider from a novel at the start of the
lesson. Then, pair students based on where they are in the book, as well as
ability level. Have each student write a short note about the book to their
partner, including a salutation and closing. Give the students 2 to 3 minutes
to write their questions and responses. Then have a class discussion asking
the students what they wrote about or read. Finish with discussing the
questions posed at the beginning of the lesson.

Also in “Methods”
Thinking Strategies of
       Effective Readers*                                       Stages of Reading*

       Visualize (make mental pictures                          Before Reading
       or sensory images)                                          Set purposes for reading
       Connect (connect to own                                     Activate prior knowledge
       experience, to events in the world,                         Develop questions
                                                                   Make predictions
       to other readings)
       Question (to actively wonder, to
                                                                During Reading
       surface uncertainties, to
                                                                   Sample Text
       interrogate the text)                                       Visualize
       Infer (to predict, hypothesize,                             Hypothesize
       interpret, draw conclusions)                                Confirm/Alter predictions
       Evaluate (to determine                                      Monitor comprehension
       importance, make judgement)
       Analyze (to notice text structures,                      After Reading
       author’s craft, vocabulary,                                 Recall/ Retell
       purpose, theme, point of view)                              Evaluate
       Recall (to retell, summarize,
       remember information)                                       Apply
       Self-monitor (to recognize and                              Read More
       act on confusion, uncertainty,
       attention problems)

          The following photocopied pages* are reading
        strategies categorized by these stages of reading.

* Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to
       Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
Literacy Strategies:

      Activities to Use
      Textbooks More

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The Process Approach to Writing
The Process Approach to WritingThe Process Approach to Writing
The Process Approach to Writing

This is a presentation I prepared for our class in the Teaching of Composition. It is about the Process Approach to Writing, its Theoretical Underpinnings, etc. The presentation was given last April 21, 2010.

Meaningful test and assignments crumpcla
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Meaningful test and assignments crumpcla

This document discusses key concepts related to assessment including testing, measurement, and evaluation. It defines assessment as a systematic process of obtaining information about student learning through various techniques, measuring achievement against learning goals, and making judgements about progress. Testing involves administering an instrument to sample student performance, measurement yields scores that indicate performance levels, and evaluation makes value judgements about performance based on measurements. The characteristics of reliable, suitable, objective and valid assessment are also outlined to ensure decisions are based on sound criteria. The purposes and types of assessment are explained to guide educational decision making.

Chapter 10 affective assessment
Chapter 10 affective assessmentChapter 10 affective assessment
Chapter 10 affective assessment

This document discusses affective assessment, which assesses students' attitudes in various perspectives, such as their attitudes and behaviors toward lessons. It emphasizes that students' attitudes toward learning play a major role in how much they learn. The document outlines three student learning objectives related to defining affective assessment, describing the importance of affective variables, and demonstrating good and bad attitudes toward learning. It provides examples of how affective variables like interests and values can influence students' learning and future behavior. The document also discusses tools for affective assessment, such as scenarios and role plays, as well as multifocus affective inventories.

Key Themes in these Activities:*
       Have empathy; the material may be hard for the students
       Give support before and during reading
       Don’t leave kids alone with their textbooks
       Make strategic choices about what is most important
       Supplement Richly; Coordinate with magazine articles, newspapers,
       websites, trade books, primary sources, etc.

Activity 1: Checking out the Textbook*
      Introduce the textbook to the students before assigning sections to read.
Have the students answer the following questions.

   1. Types of Text
      Skim through the book and make a list of all the different types of documents or types
      of text you will have to read (include graphic texts like graphs, maps).
   2. Sidebars and Pull Boxes
       Find examples of pull out boxes or sidebars. What kind of information appears in
      these? Are they standardized throughout the book? (e.g., “Profiles in History,” “Science
      in the Workplace”)?
   3. Feature: Typography
      Find examples of different type faces and styles. Write down the examples and where
      they appear (e.g., large, bold type for chapter titles [e.g., 24 point font], 18 point font for
      subheadings throughout the chapter). How does this book use bold face type? What
      does it mean when they use italicized words?
   4. Feature: Color
       Does the textbook use color to convey information (e.g. what does it mean when you
      see words in red ink on the page)?
   5. Feature: Symbols and Icons
       Does the textbook use symbols or icons to convey information? (e.g. if you see an icon
      with a question mark in it, what does that mean? Are you supposed to do something,
      like ask a question? Does it mean that this is a potential test question? Or is it a link to
      a theme running throughout the book?)
   6. Feature: Images and Graphics
       What kind of information accompanies illustrations or images? Find examples of a
      map, chart, and a photograph and then look for captions or sidebars that explain or
      discuss the image. How is the image identified (e.g. Figure 2.6)?
   7. Organization
      How are chapters organized? Make a brief but accurate outline.
   8. Navigation
      Headers and Footers: Look at the top and bottom of the pages of the book. These are
      called the header and footer. What kind of information is contained in this space? What
      do you notice as you flip through 50 consecutive pages (e.g., does the content of the
      header or footer change? If so, in what way, for what purpose?)

* Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to
       Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
9. Testing! Testing!
      Imagine you must now prepare for a big test. What features of this book would help you
      to prepare for that test? (Hint: Do not limit your answer to the practice or study
  10. Reading Speed
      While your teacher times you, read one page of the book, taking notes as you normally
      would while reading it for homework. How long did that take you? Now do the math: If
      your teacher tells you to read the opening section for tomorrow and this section is 10
      pages long, how much time do you need to allot for your homework in this class?
  11. Concerns
      After familiarizing yourself with this textbook you may have concerns or questions.
      Getting these answered up front might help you read the textbook with greater success
      and confidence. Take this time to list any concerns you might have (e.g., reading speed,

Activity 2: Jigsawing*
      Divide up the reading sections so that students can specialize in a
smaller number of topics (or pages). Then, the students can hear oral
summaries of the other sections. First the students meet in their “expert”
groups with others who have read the same section. They review the content
and make sure that they have a common understanding of the main
characters, key events, and big ideas. Then, the students reform into
heterogeneous “base” groups. The expert for each section then recounts the
key elements to students who haven’t read it. Make sure to offer support to
students before and after reading.
Activity 3: Guide-O-Rama*
      Written directions of where to dig deep, what to skim, and when to skip
ahead. Helps model reading skills such as making connections and asking
questions. Go page by page and add tips for the students to follow.

Page #         Tip

111-113        Read this introductory section slowly and carefully; it sets up the big ideas you’ll need

112            When I was a kid I always wondered where all those goofy constellation names came
               from. And why so many of them don’t actually look like the crab or the spider or
               whatever they are named for. I mean, Big Dipper, I can see it, but Ursa Major (Big

               Have you ever tried to spot Betelgeuse before? Do you think you could find it now,
               using Orion’s belt key?

113            The diagram on the lower left is really helpful.

Activity 4: Vocabulary Word Sorts*
       Make a list of vocabulary words including some that the students already
know, some familiar words used in unfamiliar ways, and others that are brand
new. Have the students get into groups of four or five, and direct them to use
their previous knowledge or best guesses to put the words into categories they
can agree upon as a group. Then have the class share their categories.
Discuss overlap as a class. (Similar to List, Group, Label, but occurs before

Activity 5: Textbook Circles*
      Form the Textbook Circles by balancing student strengths and
weaknesses in reading. Need to have skills in peer-led, small group
discussions. The students can read the assigned text during one class period,
taking notes or sharing ideas as they read. Then, they come together in their
groups to discuss the material. The class debriefs at the end of the group
discussions. This can be spread over a few days.

* Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to
       Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
Activity 6: SQ3R: Remembering Facts from Long Texts*
       SQ3R stands for survey, question, read, recite, and review. Used to help
students remember big textbook chapters by slowing down, breaking the work
into stages, and taking multiple, conscious steps to retain information.
          1. Surveying will help students remember more details because they
             predict what will be in the chapter.
          2. Questioning will result in the spontaneous attempt to answer with
             information already at hand, curiosity until the question is
             answered, a criterion against which the details can be inspected to
             determine relevance and importance, and a focal point for
             crystallizing a series of ideas (the answer).
          3. Reading the text in light of the students own questions makes
             them more active readers and helps them understand, evaluate
             and determine the relative importance of the material.
          4. Reciting will help to solidify understanding before moving on.
          5. Reviewing will increase retention, especially if students use both
             immediate and later review.
       Students will need help understanding how to do each step. This can
become pretty boring, laborious, and mechanical for students if over done.

  * Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to
         Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.

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Criterion-referenced assessment
Criterion-referenced assessmentCriterion-referenced assessment
Criterion-referenced assessment

Criterion-referenced assessment measures student performance against a fixed set of learning standards to determine if students have mastered specific skills or knowledge. It has pros like testing students only on defined goals and allowing teachers to reteach unmastered standards, but can be difficult to set standards boundaries. Criterion-referenced assessment differs from norm-referenced assessment in that the former provides information on an individual's performance on objectives, while the latter compares performance to others in a known group.

Types of Test Items
Types of Test ItemsTypes of Test Items
Types of Test Items

Types of test items include essay type questions and objective type questions. Essay type questions can be long answer or short answer. Long answer questions allow for free organization and expression but have limitations like subjectivity in scoring. Short answer questions limit the response but have better scoring objectivity. Objective type questions ensure objective scoring and include simple recall questions, completion questions, alternate response questions, and multiple choice questions. These question types test different skills and have guidelines for effective creation and administration.

mathematics education
Games in teaching english
Games in teaching english Games in teaching english
Games in teaching english

The document discusses using games to teach English. It notes that games help make language meaningful and engaging. Games are prevalent in children's lives through video games and sports. Using games in the classroom is an efficient way to teach English and develop students' social and language skills. Some example games that teach different skills are described, such as concentration for reading and phrase ball for speaking. The document emphasizes that games motivate students and prepare them for life.

Lay out of SQ3R steps

         Preview the structure, organization, or plan of the chapter
         Think about the title
         Read the introduction and/or summary
         Read the headings and sub headings (boldface, color text, etc.)
         Look at any pictures, charts, or graphs

(Do the next three for each subsection.)

      For the section of the chapter at hand, pose some questions you would like to have
      There may already be some questions supplied in the book, either at the beginning or
      end of the chapter
      You can formulate other questions by changing subheads into questions (for example, a
      subhead title “Causes of the Civil War” could be turned into the question: “What were
      the causes of the Civil War?”)
      Read to answer the questions you have developed
      Mark or highlight the answers as you find them
      Adjust your speed—if content does not relate to a question, move on

         After reading the section, stop and take a minute to paraphrase or summarize the
         Jot down the question you were pursuing
         Answer the question in your own words; use only key words needed to recall the whole
         Test your comprehension of the section by asking: what were the main points here?

      Review your notes within 24 hours of making them, and again within a week
      First, read your written question(s)
         Try to recite your answer. If you can’t, look at your notes. Five to 10 minutes should
         suffice for a chapter.

* Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to
       Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
Community in
the Classroom
How to Remember People’s Names
1. Face association
          Examine a person's face discretely when you are introduced. Try to
      find an unusual feature, whether ears, hairline, forehead, eyebrows,
      eyes, nose, mouth, chin, complexion, etc.
          Create an association between that characteristic, the face, and the
      name in your mind. The association may be to link the person with
      someone else you know with the same name. Alternatively it may be to
      associate a rhyme or image of the name with the person's face or defining
2. Repetition
          When you are introduced, ask for the person to repeat their name.
      Use the name yourself as often as possible (without overdoing it!). If it is
      unusual, ask how it is spelled or where it is comes from, and if
      appropriate, exchange cards. Keep in mind that the more often you hear
      and see the name, the more likely it is to sink in.
          Also, after you have left that person's company, review the name in
      your mind several times. If you are particularly keen you might decide to
      write it down and make notes.

      (Taken from http://www.mindtools.com)

Line Game
       Put a line on the floor. Have students stand around the line. Name a
characteristic, interest, or activity, and have every student with that it applies
to step on the line. This is a good way to help students realize the similarities
they share with their classmates.

Camping Trip
       Students stand in a circle. One person is chosen to go first and they
might say “My name is Stephanie, and I’m going on a camping trip. I’m going to
bring shoelaces.” The student has to say an object that begins with the same
letter as the first letter of their first name. The next person does the same, but
they also have to say Stephanie’s name and what she’s bringing. The trend
continues all the way around the circle until everyone has said their names
and objects.
Bulletin Boards*
Favorite Authors and Books
Celebrate your students' favorite authors and books with a special bulletin
board! Devote each month to a favorite author or genre.
   1. Write "We Love " in big letters at the top of the bulletin board.
   2. Add the author's full name, birthday and biography, or simple facts
      about a genre.
   3. Include classroom book reviews, the best book quotes, and pictures you
      or your students draw.
   4. You can assign certain students to be responsible for creating each
      month's bulletin board or you can work on it together as a class.

Doors of Poetry
  The Doors of Poetry are different "doors" that students can "unlock" in their
minds to write poetry. These include:
     The Heart Door -- things that you love
     The Wonder Door -- things that you are wondering about
     The Humor Door -- write a funny, humorous poem
     The Observation Door -- things that you observe in the world around you
     The Memory Door -- memories from your life
     The World Door -- write about things that concern you, or things that
     you are thinking about for the world

Students wrote several poems by "unlocking" each poetry door. They compiled
a small book of their poetry -- the front of each page was illustrated to look like
a door and the back of the page held the student's poem.

Mapping Our Homes (adapted from source to reflect
Jim Behren’s version)
Place a road map on the bulletin board of the school district. Have students
use push pins to indicate where they live (the ones that look like needles with
colored balls at the end). Then tie a knot around each pin with a string of yarn
and lead the yarn off of the map. At this end of the yarn, affix a note card with
the student’s name. Now, every student can see who they live near for
homework help, rides home, or boring Saturdays.

  * “Bulletin Boards to Motivate and Inspire.” Scholastic.com.

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This document discusses 13 vitamins and their functions in the body. It explains that vitamins are organic compounds found in foods that are required for cellular functions like growth and reproduction. A lack of each vitamin can lead to specific diseases. Each vitamin is also associated with foods where it can be found naturally.

Interactive Bulletin Boards
Work with your students to create a bulletin board for a book you are
preparing to read as a class, and add to it as your reading progresses.
Charlotte's Web is used here as an example, but this bulletin board idea can be
used with any book.

         Before beginning the book, work together with children to create a
         bulletin board of a farm scene that includes a barn, a pigpen, and
         Charlotte's doorway.
         As you encounter animal characters in the book, add them to the
         bulletin board.
         Label each animal with two or three adjectives that describe its character
         (e.g. Wilbur: loyal, considerate, humble).
         Discuss how the personalities of each contributed to the harmony (or
         disharmony) of the community.
         Once the book is finished, complete the bulletin board by creating a talk
         bubble for each animal that contains a quote from the story. Let students
         try to match the quote to the animal and staple it to the bulletin board
         above its head.
         Rather than let your boards always be ruled by changing seasons and
         approaching holidays, try an "Unfold a Story" board, an interactive class
         project designed for grades K-3 but adaptable to higher grade levels, to
         engage students in creating collaborative stories while honing writing
         skills any time of the year.

Making the Book
The idea is to create foldout books that students write by unfolding and filling
in one page at a time:

   1. Cover your bulletin board with craft paper and add a heading such as
      "Watch the Stories Unfold."
   2. Cut white craft paper into long strips, 10"wide by 80" long. Draw lines
      every 10 inches, to create seven 10"-wide pages and a cover.
   3. Starting at the right, fold one page over the next. Do not fold the last
      page-it will be the cover. Write the title of the book on the cover, then use
      pushpins to tack the book starting from the left side of the board.
   4. To write in the book, students remove the pushpins and unfold it to
      reveal one page at a time (then tack the pages in place again). The cover
      of the book travels to the right of the board, and the page numbers count
      down from left to right.

        * “Bulletin Boards to Motivate and Inspire.” Scholastic.com.
Variations on the theme:

      Facts Unfold: To write a nonfiction book, on each new page students
      write down a subject and related facts. Set up several of these Unfold a
      Story boards during science and social studies units to encourage
      children to share information on different topics within the particular
      Unusual Events Unfold: Brainstorm uncommon events (real or make-
      believe) and use them to start off stories. Children will be proud to see
      their ideas up on the board and excited to see how their ideas evolve into
      Fairy Tales Unfold: To get their creative juices flowing, share some
      unusual retellings of familiar tales, such as The True Story of the Three
      Little Pigs, by Jon Scieszka (Viking, 1989), in which the wolf tells his
      side. Then have kids try their own.
      Poems Unfold: Start the first line of a collaborative poem, then let the
      children build on it from one page to the next. Remind younger students
      that a poem can be like a tiny story and that lines don't have to rhyme.

   Students will be learning how to build a logical connection to what's already
   been written. And they'll be having fun.

* “Bulletin Boards to Motivate and Inspire.” Scholastic.com.
Building Community in the classroom:

               Initiatives &
Crossing the River
Materials: Towels, Tape

   1. Tape a finish line and start line about 20 feet apart in the hallway.
   2. The students must get their whole group from the start line to the finish
      line without their feet touching the ground. Let them discuss a strategy.
   3. If any one person “falls off the boat,” then they all have to go back.
   4. Preferable to not make it a competition with another group, so that the
      students realize that they need to have teamwork to get across.

Depict Me
Have students bring in or draw two pictures that represent them. A
complication could be that they are not allowed to be in the picture or that the
pictures aren’t allowed to be of people at all. Then, each student shares his or
her picture with the rest of the class and explains why it represents them.

Two Truths and a Lie
Each student writes down two truths about themselves and one lie, Then,
each student shares the three statements as if they all were true. The teacher
takes a poll to see how many students think the first, second, or third
statement is the lie. A very neat way to learn interesting facts about fellow

String Me Along (donated by Jonathan Miller)
Materials: Ball of yarn

Have each student pull and cut a length of yarn from the ball. The student
gets to decide how much they want to take. Then have them go to the front of
the classroom. The students have to talk about themselves for as long as it
takes them to wrap the string around their finger. Be careful to warn the
students not to wrap too tightly.

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This is the first of 3 presentations I gave at DMS Expo in Stuttgart, 2013. Deeper and broader Participation Management (versus Content and Process Management) is the most important industry trend today, and there are several important emerging Best and Worst Practices for how to incorporate the new technologies and pursue the new opportunities.

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Building Community in the Classroom:

8 Steps to Conflict Resolution*
 1. Cool down. Don't try to resolve a conflict when you are angry (or the
    other person is angry). Take a time-out, or agree to meet again in 24
 2. Describe the conflict. Each person should tell about what happened in
    his or her own words. No put-downs allowed! Important: Although each
    person may have a different view of the conflict and use different words
    to describe it, neither account is "right" or "wrong."
 3. Describe what caused the conflict. What specific events led up to the
    conflict? What happened first? Next? Did the conflict start out as a minor
    disagreement or difference of opinion? What happened to turn it into a
    conflict? Important: Don't label the conflict either person's "fault."
 4. Describe the feelings raised by the conflict. Again, each person should
    use his or her own words. Honesty is important. No blaming allowed!
 5. Listen carefully and respectfully while the other person is talking. Try to
    understand his or her point of view. Don't interrupt. It might help to
    "reflect" the other person's perceptions and feelings by repeating them.
    Examples: "You didn't like it when I called you a name." "Your feelings
    are hurt." "You thought you should have first choice about what game to
    play at recess." "You're sad because you felt left out."
 6. Brainstorm solutions to the conflict. Be creative. Affirm each other's
    ideas. Be open to new ideas. Make a list of brainstormed ideas so
    participants will remember them all; then choose one solution to try. Be
    willing to negotiate and compromise. Follow the three basic rules of
        o Participants come up with as many ideas as they can.
        o All ideas are okay.
        o Nobody makes fun of anyone's ideas.Try your solution. See how it
           works. Give it your best efforts. Be patient.
 7. If one solution doesn't get results, try another. Keep trying. Brainstorm
    more solutions if you need to.

  * http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4099 By Allan Beane This article was
  adapted from his book The Bully Free Classroom: Over 100 Tips and Strategies for Teachers K–8
  (Free Spirit Publishing, 1999).
Daniels, Harvey, and Marilyn Bizar. Teaching the best practice way methods that matter, K-12.
        Portland, Me: Stenhouse, 2004.
----, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to
        Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
Denton, Paula. The Power of Our Words Teacher Language that Helps Children Learn. New
        York: Northeast Fndtn for Children, 2007.
Glasser, William. Choice Theory A New Psychology of Personal Freedom. New York: Harper
        Paperbacks, 1999.
Sanborn, Mark. The Fred Factor How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into
        the extraordinary. New York: Currency, 2004.
Tomlinson, Carol Ann. The Differentiated Classroom Responding to the Needs of All Learners
        (ASCD). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004.
Winebrenner, Susan. Teaching kids with learning difficulties in the regular classroom ways to
        challenge and motivate struggling students to achieve proficiency with required
        standards. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 2005.

Education World: the educator’s best friend
        Lesson Planning, Prof Development, Tech Integration, School Issues
All About Classroom Management and Discipline
        Contains links to web resources that have Classroom Management Tips
Scholastic.com Teaching Resources
        Lesson Plans, Strategies, Tools, Printable and Mini Books, New Teacher
Project Adventure
        Kits for Initiatives
Landmarks Class Blogmeister
        Blogging tool for teachers and students in a controlled environment
Teacher Xpress
        Collection of resource websites for teachers, grouped by category
        “Over 350 categories of free, first-rate, family-safe online tutorials, guides and
        instructionally oriented Websites”
Rethinking Schools Online
       Includes Articles about current issues in education
       Developed links to other resources for issues in education
Middle Web
       Focused on middle school reform
       Excellent links to resources for teachers

        Lets multiple people work on the same text simultaneously
        Use to get ideas for lessons, themes, activities
Word Press
        Free place to host blogs
        Using video stories as assessment

Educator Blogs
Teachers at Risk
      Elona Hartjes shares the insights, resources and practical classroom strategies that
      have earned her A Teacher of Distinction Award.
Educating the Dragon
Shrewdness of Apes

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Strategies Notebook

  • 1. My Strategies Notebook Stephanie Baker This notebook is a collection of strategies and ideas that can be used in an integrated language arts classroom between 7th and 12th grade. My teaching philosophy is included because it should guide my teaching as much as these strategies. Contents: My Teaching Philosophy Methods Differentiating Instruction Cooperative Groups Assessments Literacy Activities to Use Textbooks More Effectively Building Community in the Classroom Classroom Management Initiatives & Ice Breakers Resources Index
  • 2. My Teaching Philosophy Inspirational Quotes The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. William Arthur Ward One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child. Carl Jung Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself. John Dewey
  • 4. Explicit Teaching Functions (For developing skills) 1. Review a. Homework, relevant previous learning, prerequisite skills and knowledge for this lesson 2. Presentation a. State lesson goals and outline b. Take small steps c. Model procedures d. Provide concrete positive examples and negative examples e. Clear language f. Check for understanding g. Avoid digressions 3. Guided Practice a. High frequency of questions or guided practice b. All students respond and receive feedback c. High success rate d. Continue practice until students are fluid e. Can be in groups 4. Corrections and feedback a. Give process when answers are correct, but hesitant b. Give sustaining feedback, clues, or reaching for incorrect answers c. Provide reteaching when necessary 5. Independent Practice a. Students receive help during initial steps or overview b. Practice continues until students are automatic (where relevant) c. Teacher provides active supervision (where possible) d. Routines are used to give help to slower students 6. Weekly and monthly reviews Presentation 5-20 minutes Practice 30-45 minutes Feedback with an exit slip or reflection
  • 5. Imagination Strategies A New Use 1. Pick one object. 2. Students sit in a circle. 3. Pass the object around. Each person has to come up with a different use/interpretation of the object. 4. Example for a plastic fountain drink lid a. Frisbee b. Serving plate c. “Landfill” doesn’t count “H”words (Used in Psychology) 1. Have each student write 5 words that begin with the letter “H” 2. Unusual words indicate a more creative mood. 3. To determine the quantitative value of unusual-ness, enter the word into the Google search field and record how many hits it comes up with. 4. The lower the hits, the more creative the word. Reading Strategies Accent When reading a play, have students pick an accent to go with their character. It doesn’t have to be applicable to the time period or location of the play. This will help keep the students’ interest. Vocabulary Match-up Materials: note cards with just vocabulary words and their matching definitions on another notecard. This could be done to review for a vocabulary test or to introduce vocabulary words where the class has to work together to figure out how the words and definitions match-up. Half of the class is given the vocabulary word; the other half has the definition. A complication would be to not allow the students to talk as they try to find their match. If the class is uneven, add a second definition for one of the words.
  • 6. Written Conversations (Observed in Jim Behrens class) Offer several questions or things to consider from a novel at the start of the lesson. Then, pair students based on where they are in the book, as well as ability level. Have each student write a short note about the book to their partner, including a salutation and closing. Give the students 2 to 3 minutes to write their questions and responses. Then have a class discussion asking the students what they wrote about or read. Finish with discussing the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson. Also in “Assessment.” CNN Quizzes (Observed in David Harding’s class) Students take notes on colors, names, and numbers in the reading due in class. Then, the teacher gives a quiz where the answers are one of the colors, names, or numbers in the text. The students can use their notes for the quizzes. These are good to show whether or not students are doing the reading and to help them develop the detailed reading skills needed for analysis in Language Arts classes.
  • 7. Methods: Differentiating Instruction
  • 8. Methods: Cooperative Groups
  • 11. Purpose of Assessment* 1. Reflect, encourage, and becomes an integral part of good instruction 2. Focus on the major, whole outcomes valued in the curriculum 3. Most should be formative 4. Not competitive, but show what students have achieved. 5. Help students self-monitor and self-evaluate 6. Have a developmental perspective 7. Sensitive and appropriate for particular curriculum areas 8. Examine students’ growth from several perspectives 9. Document student work and achievement, not scores 10. Provide a database for deriving legitimate, defensible student grades 11. Cooperative: student, teacher, parent, collaborative 12. Good indicators of school performance Six basic constructive, formative, and reflection- oriented assessments:* Portfolios o Raw materials of students’ learning o Students select and reflect what pieces to include Conferences o Conversation to gather information about what a child knows and needs Anecdotal Records o Easy to track student’s growth over time Checklists o Note the degree of each student’s progress Performance assessment rubrics o A set of specific criteria for successful performance of a given activity o In writing, it tells what the necessary ingredients of successful writing are o Can invite students into the rubric process Classroom tests o Can be individualized (vocabulary) * Daniels, Harvey, and Marilyn Bizar. Teaching the best practice way methods that matter, K-12. Portland, Me: Stenhouse, 2004.
  • 12. Found Poem The students have to create a poem using only the author’s words. It can be used to bring together information from a Jigsaw or to help students pay attention to details and diction in prose. Teacher must designate how many words/lines the poem must be (in a jigsaw, how much must come from each section). This could culminate in a performed dramatic reading for the class. Assessing Group Skills As the class is building cooperative group skills (and they always are), before each activity it is important to articulate what group skills you want them to focus on. Give each group a note card with these skills on it and room for tick marks after them. While the groups are working together, go around and monitor the groups to see if they are practicing the skills. Add a tick mark next to the skill each time you observe it. An award could be offered for the first group to use all the skills. Afterward, address the whole class with what you observed that was good that the groups were doing and what they need to work on in the future. Group Essay Give the groups a complex question to answer. 1. One person is a scribe for their brainstorming on how to answer the question. 2. Another scribe writes the rough draft of the group. 3. Another person reads the essay aloud, and they all edit it for grammar and content. 4. Another scribe write the group’s final draft. 5. Gallery: All of the groups read all of the other groups’ essays for peer critiquing. Exit Quiz (donated by Heath Allen) During the last 10 minutes of a class period, give the students an exit quiz with the learning objectives demonstrated in question and answer format. Use five questions that you think the students should know as a result of the lesson or class period. This will help the progress of the students. It is optional to add questions above or below level to gauge that as well.
  • 13. Pre-test/Final test (Compilation between donations from Jan-Marie Ruminski and Jonathan Miller) At the beginning of the school year give a Pre-test to the students that would resemble (or is) a cumulative final exam for the class. This way you can tell where the class is as a whole and where they need to go. This can also be used as a tool for determining a seating chart, placing kids who are struggling in the front or near those that are further ahead. It will also give students a feel for the classroom and what they will be learning. Written Conversations (Observed in Jim Behrens class) Offer several questions or things to consider from a novel at the start of the lesson. Then, pair students based on where they are in the book, as well as ability level. Have each student write a short note about the book to their partner, including a salutation and closing. Give the students 2 to 3 minutes to write their questions and responses. Then have a class discussion asking the students what they wrote about or read. Finish with discussing the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson. Also in “Methods”
  • 15. Thinking Strategies of Effective Readers* Stages of Reading* Visualize (make mental pictures Before Reading or sensory images) Set purposes for reading Connect (connect to own Activate prior knowledge experience, to events in the world, Develop questions Make predictions to other readings) Question (to actively wonder, to During Reading surface uncertainties, to Sample Text interrogate the text) Visualize Infer (to predict, hypothesize, Hypothesize interpret, draw conclusions) Confirm/Alter predictions Evaluate (to determine Monitor comprehension importance, make judgement) Analyze (to notice text structures, After Reading author’s craft, vocabulary, Recall/ Retell purpose, theme, point of view) Evaluate Discuss Recall (to retell, summarize, Reread remember information) Apply Self-monitor (to recognize and Read More act on confusion, uncertainty, attention problems) The following photocopied pages* are reading strategies categorized by these stages of reading. * Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
  • 16. Literacy Strategies: Activities to Use Textbooks More Effectively
  • 17. Key Themes in these Activities:* Have empathy; the material may be hard for the students Give support before and during reading Don’t leave kids alone with their textbooks Make strategic choices about what is most important Supplement Richly; Coordinate with magazine articles, newspapers, websites, trade books, primary sources, etc. Activity 1: Checking out the Textbook* Introduce the textbook to the students before assigning sections to read. Have the students answer the following questions. 1. Types of Text Skim through the book and make a list of all the different types of documents or types of text you will have to read (include graphic texts like graphs, maps). 2. Sidebars and Pull Boxes Find examples of pull out boxes or sidebars. What kind of information appears in these? Are they standardized throughout the book? (e.g., “Profiles in History,” “Science in the Workplace”)? 3. Feature: Typography Find examples of different type faces and styles. Write down the examples and where they appear (e.g., large, bold type for chapter titles [e.g., 24 point font], 18 point font for subheadings throughout the chapter). How does this book use bold face type? What does it mean when they use italicized words? 4. Feature: Color Does the textbook use color to convey information (e.g. what does it mean when you see words in red ink on the page)? 5. Feature: Symbols and Icons Does the textbook use symbols or icons to convey information? (e.g. if you see an icon with a question mark in it, what does that mean? Are you supposed to do something, like ask a question? Does it mean that this is a potential test question? Or is it a link to a theme running throughout the book?) 6. Feature: Images and Graphics What kind of information accompanies illustrations or images? Find examples of a map, chart, and a photograph and then look for captions or sidebars that explain or discuss the image. How is the image identified (e.g. Figure 2.6)? 7. Organization How are chapters organized? Make a brief but accurate outline. 8. Navigation Headers and Footers: Look at the top and bottom of the pages of the book. These are called the header and footer. What kind of information is contained in this space? What do you notice as you flip through 50 consecutive pages (e.g., does the content of the header or footer change? If so, in what way, for what purpose?) * Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
  • 18. 9. Testing! Testing! Imagine you must now prepare for a big test. What features of this book would help you to prepare for that test? (Hint: Do not limit your answer to the practice or study questions.) 10. Reading Speed While your teacher times you, read one page of the book, taking notes as you normally would while reading it for homework. How long did that take you? Now do the math: If your teacher tells you to read the opening section for tomorrow and this section is 10 pages long, how much time do you need to allot for your homework in this class? 11. Concerns After familiarizing yourself with this textbook you may have concerns or questions. Getting these answered up front might help you read the textbook with greater success and confidence. Take this time to list any concerns you might have (e.g., reading speed, vocabulary). Activity 2: Jigsawing* Divide up the reading sections so that students can specialize in a smaller number of topics (or pages). Then, the students can hear oral summaries of the other sections. First the students meet in their “expert” groups with others who have read the same section. They review the content and make sure that they have a common understanding of the main characters, key events, and big ideas. Then, the students reform into heterogeneous “base” groups. The expert for each section then recounts the key elements to students who haven’t read it. Make sure to offer support to students before and after reading.
  • 19. Activity 3: Guide-O-Rama* Written directions of where to dig deep, what to skim, and when to skip ahead. Helps model reading skills such as making connections and asking questions. Go page by page and add tips for the students to follow. Page # Tip 111-113 Read this introductory section slowly and carefully; it sets up the big ideas you’ll need later 112 When I was a kid I always wondered where all those goofy constellation names came from. And why so many of them don’t actually look like the crab or the spider or whatever they are named for. I mean, Big Dipper, I can see it, but Ursa Major (Big Bear)? Have you ever tried to spot Betelgeuse before? Do you think you could find it now, using Orion’s belt key? 113 The diagram on the lower left is really helpful. Activity 4: Vocabulary Word Sorts* Make a list of vocabulary words including some that the students already know, some familiar words used in unfamiliar ways, and others that are brand new. Have the students get into groups of four or five, and direct them to use their previous knowledge or best guesses to put the words into categories they can agree upon as a group. Then have the class share their categories. Discuss overlap as a class. (Similar to List, Group, Label, but occurs before reading.) Activity 5: Textbook Circles* Form the Textbook Circles by balancing student strengths and weaknesses in reading. Need to have skills in peer-led, small group discussions. The students can read the assigned text during one class period, taking notes or sharing ideas as they read. Then, they come together in their groups to discuss the material. The class debriefs at the end of the group discussions. This can be spread over a few days. * Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
  • 20. Activity 6: SQ3R: Remembering Facts from Long Texts* SQ3R stands for survey, question, read, recite, and review. Used to help students remember big textbook chapters by slowing down, breaking the work into stages, and taking multiple, conscious steps to retain information. 1. Surveying will help students remember more details because they predict what will be in the chapter. 2. Questioning will result in the spontaneous attempt to answer with information already at hand, curiosity until the question is answered, a criterion against which the details can be inspected to determine relevance and importance, and a focal point for crystallizing a series of ideas (the answer). 3. Reading the text in light of the students own questions makes them more active readers and helps them understand, evaluate and determine the relative importance of the material. 4. Reciting will help to solidify understanding before moving on. 5. Reviewing will increase retention, especially if students use both immediate and later review. Students will need help understanding how to do each step. This can become pretty boring, laborious, and mechanical for students if over done. * Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
  • 21. Lay out of SQ3R steps Survey Preview the structure, organization, or plan of the chapter Think about the title Read the introduction and/or summary Read the headings and sub headings (boldface, color text, etc.) Look at any pictures, charts, or graphs (Do the next three for each subsection.) Question For the section of the chapter at hand, pose some questions you would like to have answered There may already be some questions supplied in the book, either at the beginning or end of the chapter You can formulate other questions by changing subheads into questions (for example, a subhead title “Causes of the Civil War” could be turned into the question: “What were the causes of the Civil War?”) Read Read to answer the questions you have developed Mark or highlight the answers as you find them Adjust your speed—if content does not relate to a question, move on Recite After reading the section, stop and take a minute to paraphrase or summarize the information Jot down the question you were pursuing Answer the question in your own words; use only key words needed to recall the whole idea Test your comprehension of the section by asking: what were the main points here? Review Review your notes within 24 hours of making them, and again within a week First, read your written question(s) Try to recite your answer. If you can’t, look at your notes. Five to 10 minutes should suffice for a chapter. * Daniels, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004.
  • 23. How to Remember People’s Names 1. Face association Examine a person's face discretely when you are introduced. Try to find an unusual feature, whether ears, hairline, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, complexion, etc. Create an association between that characteristic, the face, and the name in your mind. The association may be to link the person with someone else you know with the same name. Alternatively it may be to associate a rhyme or image of the name with the person's face or defining feature. 2. Repetition When you are introduced, ask for the person to repeat their name. Use the name yourself as often as possible (without overdoing it!). If it is unusual, ask how it is spelled or where it is comes from, and if appropriate, exchange cards. Keep in mind that the more often you hear and see the name, the more likely it is to sink in. Also, after you have left that person's company, review the name in your mind several times. If you are particularly keen you might decide to write it down and make notes. (Taken from http://www.mindtools.com) Line Game Put a line on the floor. Have students stand around the line. Name a characteristic, interest, or activity, and have every student with that it applies to step on the line. This is a good way to help students realize the similarities they share with their classmates. Camping Trip Students stand in a circle. One person is chosen to go first and they might say “My name is Stephanie, and I’m going on a camping trip. I’m going to bring shoelaces.” The student has to say an object that begins with the same letter as the first letter of their first name. The next person does the same, but they also have to say Stephanie’s name and what she’s bringing. The trend continues all the way around the circle until everyone has said their names and objects.
  • 24. Bulletin Boards* Favorite Authors and Books Celebrate your students' favorite authors and books with a special bulletin board! Devote each month to a favorite author or genre. 1. Write "We Love " in big letters at the top of the bulletin board. 2. Add the author's full name, birthday and biography, or simple facts about a genre. 3. Include classroom book reviews, the best book quotes, and pictures you or your students draw. 4. You can assign certain students to be responsible for creating each month's bulletin board or you can work on it together as a class. Doors of Poetry The Doors of Poetry are different "doors" that students can "unlock" in their minds to write poetry. These include: The Heart Door -- things that you love The Wonder Door -- things that you are wondering about The Humor Door -- write a funny, humorous poem The Observation Door -- things that you observe in the world around you The Memory Door -- memories from your life The World Door -- write about things that concern you, or things that you are thinking about for the world Students wrote several poems by "unlocking" each poetry door. They compiled a small book of their poetry -- the front of each page was illustrated to look like a door and the back of the page held the student's poem. Mapping Our Homes (adapted from source to reflect Jim Behren’s version) Place a road map on the bulletin board of the school district. Have students use push pins to indicate where they live (the ones that look like needles with colored balls at the end). Then tie a knot around each pin with a string of yarn and lead the yarn off of the map. At this end of the yarn, affix a note card with the student’s name. Now, every student can see who they live near for homework help, rides home, or boring Saturdays. * “Bulletin Boards to Motivate and Inspire.” Scholastic.com. http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4526.
  • 25. Interactive Bulletin Boards Work with your students to create a bulletin board for a book you are preparing to read as a class, and add to it as your reading progresses. Charlotte's Web is used here as an example, but this bulletin board idea can be used with any book. Before beginning the book, work together with children to create a bulletin board of a farm scene that includes a barn, a pigpen, and Charlotte's doorway. As you encounter animal characters in the book, add them to the bulletin board. Label each animal with two or three adjectives that describe its character (e.g. Wilbur: loyal, considerate, humble). Discuss how the personalities of each contributed to the harmony (or disharmony) of the community. Once the book is finished, complete the bulletin board by creating a talk bubble for each animal that contains a quote from the story. Let students try to match the quote to the animal and staple it to the bulletin board above its head. Rather than let your boards always be ruled by changing seasons and approaching holidays, try an "Unfold a Story" board, an interactive class project designed for grades K-3 but adaptable to higher grade levels, to engage students in creating collaborative stories while honing writing skills any time of the year. Making the Book The idea is to create foldout books that students write by unfolding and filling in one page at a time: 1. Cover your bulletin board with craft paper and add a heading such as "Watch the Stories Unfold." 2. Cut white craft paper into long strips, 10"wide by 80" long. Draw lines every 10 inches, to create seven 10"-wide pages and a cover. 3. Starting at the right, fold one page over the next. Do not fold the last page-it will be the cover. Write the title of the book on the cover, then use pushpins to tack the book starting from the left side of the board. 4. To write in the book, students remove the pushpins and unfold it to reveal one page at a time (then tack the pages in place again). The cover of the book travels to the right of the board, and the page numbers count down from left to right. * “Bulletin Boards to Motivate and Inspire.” Scholastic.com. http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4526.
  • 26. Variations on the theme: Facts Unfold: To write a nonfiction book, on each new page students write down a subject and related facts. Set up several of these Unfold a Story boards during science and social studies units to encourage children to share information on different topics within the particular curriculum. Unusual Events Unfold: Brainstorm uncommon events (real or make- believe) and use them to start off stories. Children will be proud to see their ideas up on the board and excited to see how their ideas evolve into stories. Fairy Tales Unfold: To get their creative juices flowing, share some unusual retellings of familiar tales, such as The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, by Jon Scieszka (Viking, 1989), in which the wolf tells his side. Then have kids try their own. Poems Unfold: Start the first line of a collaborative poem, then let the children build on it from one page to the next. Remind younger students that a poem can be like a tiny story and that lines don't have to rhyme. Students will be learning how to build a logical connection to what's already been written. And they'll be having fun. * “Bulletin Boards to Motivate and Inspire.” Scholastic.com. http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4526.
  • 27. Building Community in the classroom: Initiatives & Ice-Breakers
  • 28. Crossing the River Materials: Towels, Tape 1. Tape a finish line and start line about 20 feet apart in the hallway. 2. The students must get their whole group from the start line to the finish line without their feet touching the ground. Let them discuss a strategy. 3. If any one person “falls off the boat,” then they all have to go back. 4. Preferable to not make it a competition with another group, so that the students realize that they need to have teamwork to get across. Depict Me Have students bring in or draw two pictures that represent them. A complication could be that they are not allowed to be in the picture or that the pictures aren’t allowed to be of people at all. Then, each student shares his or her picture with the rest of the class and explains why it represents them. Two Truths and a Lie Each student writes down two truths about themselves and one lie, Then, each student shares the three statements as if they all were true. The teacher takes a poll to see how many students think the first, second, or third statement is the lie. A very neat way to learn interesting facts about fellow students! String Me Along (donated by Jonathan Miller) Materials: Ball of yarn Have each student pull and cut a length of yarn from the ball. The student gets to decide how much they want to take. Then have them go to the front of the classroom. The students have to talk about themselves for as long as it takes them to wrap the string around their finger. Be careful to warn the students not to wrap too tightly.
  • 29. Building Community in the Classroom: Classroom Management
  • 30. 8 Steps to Conflict Resolution* 1. Cool down. Don't try to resolve a conflict when you are angry (or the other person is angry). Take a time-out, or agree to meet again in 24 hours. 2. Describe the conflict. Each person should tell about what happened in his or her own words. No put-downs allowed! Important: Although each person may have a different view of the conflict and use different words to describe it, neither account is "right" or "wrong." 3. Describe what caused the conflict. What specific events led up to the conflict? What happened first? Next? Did the conflict start out as a minor disagreement or difference of opinion? What happened to turn it into a conflict? Important: Don't label the conflict either person's "fault." 4. Describe the feelings raised by the conflict. Again, each person should use his or her own words. Honesty is important. No blaming allowed! 5. Listen carefully and respectfully while the other person is talking. Try to understand his or her point of view. Don't interrupt. It might help to "reflect" the other person's perceptions and feelings by repeating them. Examples: "You didn't like it when I called you a name." "Your feelings are hurt." "You thought you should have first choice about what game to play at recess." "You're sad because you felt left out." 6. Brainstorm solutions to the conflict. Be creative. Affirm each other's ideas. Be open to new ideas. Make a list of brainstormed ideas so participants will remember them all; then choose one solution to try. Be willing to negotiate and compromise. Follow the three basic rules of brainstorming: o Participants come up with as many ideas as they can. o All ideas are okay. o Nobody makes fun of anyone's ideas.Try your solution. See how it works. Give it your best efforts. Be patient. 7. If one solution doesn't get results, try another. Keep trying. Brainstorm more solutions if you need to. * http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4099 By Allan Beane This article was adapted from his book The Bully Free Classroom: Over 100 Tips and Strategies for Teachers K–8 (Free Spirit Publishing, 1999).
  • 31. Resources Books Daniels, Harvey, and Marilyn Bizar. Teaching the best practice way methods that matter, K-12. Portland, Me: Stenhouse, 2004. ----, Harvey, and Steven Zemelman. Subjects Matter: Every Teacher's Guide to Content-Area Reading. Chicago: Heinemann, 2004. Denton, Paula. The Power of Our Words Teacher Language that Helps Children Learn. New York: Northeast Fndtn for Children, 2007. Glasser, William. Choice Theory A New Psychology of Personal Freedom. New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1999. Sanborn, Mark. The Fred Factor How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. New York: Currency, 2004. Tomlinson, Carol Ann. The Differentiated Classroom Responding to the Needs of All Learners (ASCD). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2004. Winebrenner, Susan. Teaching kids with learning difficulties in the regular classroom ways to challenge and motivate struggling students to achieve proficiency with required standards. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub., 2005. Websites Education World: the educator’s best friend Lesson Planning, Prof Development, Tech Integration, School Issues http://www.educationworld.com All About Classroom Management and Discipline Contains links to web resources that have Classroom Management Tips http://www.suelebeau.com/classmanagement.htm Scholastic.com Teaching Resources Lesson Plans, Strategies, Tools, Printable and Mini Books, New Teacher http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/teach.jsp Project Adventure Kits for Initiatives http://www.pa.org/programs/advclassroom.php Landmarks Class Blogmeister Blogging tool for teachers and students in a controlled environment http://classblogmeister.com Teacher Xpress Collection of resource websites for teachers, grouped by category http://www.teacherxpress.com WannaLearn.com “Over 350 categories of free, first-rate, family-safe online tutorials, guides and instructionally oriented Websites” http://www.wannalearn.com
  • 32. Rethinking Schools Online Includes Articles about current issues in education Developed links to other resources for issues in education http://www.rethinkingschools.org Middle Web Focused on middle school reform Excellent links to resources for teachers http://www.middleweb.com Tools EtherPad Lets multiple people work on the same text simultaneously Use to get ideas for lessons, themes, activities http://etherpad.com Word Press Free place to host blogs http://www.wordpress.com Digitales Using video stories as assessment http://www.digitales.us Educator Blogs Teachers at Risk Elona Hartjes shares the insights, resources and practical classroom strategies that have earned her A Teacher of Distinction Award. http://www.teachersatrisk.com Educating the Dragon http://educatingthedragon.edublogs.org Shrewdness of Apes http://shrewdnessofapes.blogspot.com
  • 33. Index