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Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
• Abstract form of any system
• Conceptual tool for describing data, data
relationship, semantics, consistency constraints
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
1)Hierarchical Model
2)Network Model
3)Relational Model
4)ER Model
5)Object Oriented Model
6)Object Relational Model
7)Deductive / Inference Model
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
1)Hierarchical Model
•Oldest data base model. (1950’s)
• Tree structure is most frequently
occurring relationship.
• organize data elements as tabular rows
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW

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• Simplicity
• Data security
• Data Integrity
• Efficiency : When contains large no of relations
• Implementation complexity
• Database management problem : maintaining difficult
• Lack of structural independence
• programming complexity
• Implementation problems (N:N difficult, only 1:N)
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
2) Network Model
• Graph structure
• Allow more connection between nodes
• Ex: A employee work for two department is not possible in
hierarchical model, but here it is possible
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW

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Data Warehouse Basic Guide
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This document discusses data warehousing, including its definition, importance, components, strategies, ETL processes, and considerations for success and pitfalls. A data warehouse is a collection of integrated, subject-oriented, non-volatile data used for analysis. It allows more effective decision making through consolidated historical data from multiple sources. Key components include summarized and current detailed data, as well as transformation programs. Common strategies are enterprise-wide and data mart approaches. ETL processes extract, transform and load the data. Clean data and proper implementation, training and maintenance are important for success.

data warehouse basic guidedata warehousing
What is ETL?
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What is ETL?

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is a process that allows companies to consolidate data from multiple sources into a single target data store, such as a data warehouse. It involves extracting data from heterogeneous sources, transforming it to fit operational needs, and loading it into the target data store. ETL tools automate this process, allowing companies to access and analyze consolidated data for critical business decisions. Popular ETL tools include IBM Infosphere Datastage, Informatica, and Oracle Warehouse Builder.

data centerdatastagedata warehousing
• Conceptual simplicity
• handle more relationships
• Ease of data access
• Data integrity : does not allow a member to exist without an
• Data independence : isolate programs from complex physical
• Database standards : like DDL, DML
• System Complexity : not user friendly, navigation difficult,
user must familiar with internal structure
• Absence of structural independence :database structure
change then modify application program
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
3) Relational Model
•Data in the form of table
• each table  application entity
• each row  instances of that entity
• SQL serves as a uniform interface for users
providing a collection of standard expression
for storing and retrieving data
• Most popular database model
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
Formal Relational terms Informal Equivalence
Relation Table
Tuple Row/record
Cardinality of relation Number of rows
Attribute Columns/field
Degree of relation Number of columns
Primary Key Unique identifier
Domain A pool of values from which
the values of specific attributes
of specific relations are taken
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW

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The document discusses dimensional modeling and data warehousing. It describes how dimensional models are designed for understandability and ease of reporting rather than updates. Key aspects include facts and dimensions, with facts being numeric measures and dimensions providing context. Slowly changing dimensions are also covered, with types 1-3 handling changes to dimension attribute values over time.

bm60064vgsomiit kharagpur
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
• Structural independence
• Conceptual simplicity
• Design , implementation , maintenance and
usage ease
• Adhoc Query capability
•Very powerful
•Easy to use query capability
>SQL : makes adhoc queries a reality
: It is 4GL
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
• Hardware Overheads (Today it is not a big deal…)
• Ease of design leads to bad design
• Information island phenomena
•It will prevent information integrity
• cause redundancy
• cause inconsistency
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
4) Object oriented model
• Handling complex information
• represents entity as a class
• Suited for
•Multimedia applications
•Complex relation relationships
• can hold data,text,pictures,voice and
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW

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This document provides an overview of databases and database management systems (DBMS). It discusses how databases evolved from file systems to address flaws in data management. It describes what a DBMS is and its functions in managing the database structure and controlling data access. The document also summarizes different database models including hierarchical, network, relational, entity-relationship, and object-oriented models. It highlights advantages and disadvantages of each model.

The three level of data modeling
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The document compares conceptual, logical, and physical data models. Conceptual models show entities and relationships without attributes or keys. Logical models add attributes, primary keys, and foreign keys. Physical models specify tables, columns, data types, and foreign keys to represent the database implementation. The complexity increases from conceptual to logical to physical models.

What is difference between dbms and rdbms
What is difference between dbms and rdbmsWhat is difference between dbms and rdbms
What is difference between dbms and rdbms

DBMS stores data as files while RDBMS stores data in tabular form with relationships between tables. DBMS is meant for small organizations and single users, does not support normalization, and lacks security features. RDBMS supports large data, multiple users, normalization, security, distributed databases, and examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. The key difference is that RDBMS represents data in tables with relationships while DBMS stores data as files without relationships.

Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
• Large number of different data types
• Its features improve productivity
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism
• Dynamic binding
• Difficult to maintain : schema migration
(real world data model is not static)
• Not suited for all applications
(Performance degradation may happen)
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
5) Object relational model
• Combines the advantages of relational database + Object
oriented programming
• Database and is manipulated collectively with queries
A programming API for storing and retrieving objects
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
6) Deductive model
• It can make deductions (i.e., conclude additional
facts) based on rules and facts stored in the
(deductive) database
• Datalog : is the language typically used to specify
facts, rules and queries in deductive databases
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW

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The document compares file systems and database management systems (DBMS) for storing a company's 500GB of employee, department, product, and sales data. It notes several drawbacks of using a file system, including data redundancy, integrity issues, restricted concurrent access, and lack of flexibility. It then outlines key advantages of using a DBMS instead, such as data sharing, enforcement of security and integrity, reduction of redundancy, and support for concurrent access and crash recovery.

Object relational and extended relational databases
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Object relational and extended relational databases

This document discusses object-relational and extended relational databases. It begins with an introduction and agenda. It then covers database design for ORDBMS, including complex data types, structured types, type inheritance, and array/multiset types. It discusses creating and querying collection-valued attributes. Finally, it covers nesting and unnesting relations to transform between normalized and denormalized forms. The key topics covered in 3 sentences or less are: database design for ORDBMS supports objects, classes, and inheritance; structured types allow user-defined complex attributes; type inheritance and subtables allow modeling specialization hierarchies; and arrays and multisets allow modeling ordered and unordered collections as attributes.

extended relational databaseobject relational database
Dbms models
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Dbms models

The document provides an introduction to database management systems (DBMS) and database models. It defines key terms like data, database, DBMS, file system vs DBMS. It describes the evolution of DBMS from 1960 onwards and different database models like hierarchical, network and relational models. It also discusses the roles of different people who work with databases like database designers, administrators, application programmers and end users.

7) ER model
• Developed by Peter Chen and published in a 1976 paper
• Defines the conceptual view of database
• It works around real world entity and association among them
• At view level, ER model is considered well for designing databases.
• Terminologies :
• Entity
• Attribute
•Simple attribute:
•Composite attribute:
•Derived attribute:
•Single-valued attribute:
•Multi-value attribute:
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
• Easy to understand
• Helps in physical database creation
• May contain some amount of ambiguities or
• Sometimes diagrams may leads to misinterpretations.
Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant
Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW

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Slide 2 data models

  • 1. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW DATA MODELS
  • 2. DATA MODELS • Abstract form of any system • Conceptual tool for describing data, data relationship, semantics, consistency constraints Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 3. Type of DATA MODELS 1)Hierarchical Model 2)Network Model 3)Relational Model 4)ER Model 5)Object Oriented Model 6)Object Relational Model 7)Deductive / Inference Model Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 4. 1)Hierarchical Model •Oldest data base model. (1950’s) • Tree structure is most frequently occurring relationship. • organize data elements as tabular rows Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 5. Advantages • Simplicity • Data security • Data Integrity • Efficiency : When contains large no of relations Disadvantages • Implementation complexity • Database management problem : maintaining difficult • Lack of structural independence • programming complexity • Implementation problems (N:N difficult, only 1:N) Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 6. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 7. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 8. 2) Network Model • Graph structure • Allow more connection between nodes • Ex: A employee work for two department is not possible in hierarchical model, but here it is possible Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 9. Advantages • Conceptual simplicity • handle more relationships • Ease of data access • Data integrity : does not allow a member to exist without an owner • Data independence : isolate programs from complex physical storage • Database standards : like DDL, DML Disadvantages • System Complexity : not user friendly, navigation difficult, user must familiar with internal structure • Absence of structural independence :database structure change then modify application program Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 10. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 11. 3) Relational Model •Data in the form of table • each table  application entity • each row  instances of that entity • SQL serves as a uniform interface for users providing a collection of standard expression for storing and retrieving data • Most popular database model Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 12. Formal Relational terms Informal Equivalence Relation Table Tuple Row/record Cardinality of relation Number of rows Attribute Columns/field Degree of relation Number of columns Primary Key Unique identifier Domain A pool of values from which the values of specific attributes of specific relations are taken Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 13. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 14. Advantages • Structural independence • Conceptual simplicity • Design , implementation , maintenance and usage ease • Adhoc Query capability •Very powerful •Flexible •Easy to use query capability >SQL : makes adhoc queries a reality : It is 4GL Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 15. Disadvantages • Hardware Overheads (Today it is not a big deal…) • Ease of design leads to bad design • Information island phenomena •It will prevent information integrity • cause redundancy • cause inconsistency Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 16. 4) Object oriented model • Handling complex information • represents entity as a class • Suited for •Multimedia applications •Complex relation relationships • can hold data,text,pictures,voice and video Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 17. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 18. Advantages • Large number of different data types • Its features improve productivity • Inheritance • Polymorphism • Dynamic binding Disadvantages • Difficult to maintain : schema migration (real world data model is not static) • Not suited for all applications (Performance degradation may happen) Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 19. 5) Object relational model • Combines the advantages of relational database + Object oriented programming • Database and is manipulated collectively with queries + A programming API for storing and retrieving objects Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 20. 6) Deductive model • It can make deductions (i.e., conclude additional facts) based on rules and facts stored in the (deductive) database • Datalog : is the language typically used to specify facts, rules and queries in deductive databases Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 21. 7) ER model • Developed by Peter Chen and published in a 1976 paper • Defines the conceptual view of database • It works around real world entity and association among them • At view level, ER model is considered well for designing databases. • Terminologies : • Entity • Attribute •Simple attribute: •Composite attribute: •Derived attribute: •Single-valued attribute: •Multi-value attribute: • KEYS : PRIMARY KEY, SUPER KEY, FOREIGN KEY, CANDIDATE KEY • CARDINALITIES Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 22. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW
  • 23. Advantages • Easy to understand • Helps in physical database creation Disadvantages • May contain some amount of ambiguities or inconsitency. • Sometimes diagrams may leads to misinterpretations. Prepared by Visakh V, Assistant Professor,Dept. of CSE, LBSITW