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Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0

Joseph Peters, Ascentum                                  to collaborate with your target communities are
Joe Goldman, AmericaSpeaks                               endless. The potential to engage those that matter
November 10, 2009                                        most to your organization is now unparalleled.

The Future is Now                                        What is it?
Picture a Sunday afternoon in October…                   Social media or Web 2.0 is an evolution in the use
You step inside from a sunny but cooler day - a sign     of the internet. Through new tools and technolo-
of things to come. The TV is on and from the             gies, users can now have control over the informa-
crowd noise you know it must be a football game.         tion or content that they access, share and create.
You only catch a glimpse of the game before a car        Currently the most popular forms of social media
commercial comes on. You don’t pay close attention       are blogs, wikis, facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and
to it, but look up as the ad closes. The major car       Twitter. But social media also includes an array of
company no longer is advertising its website, but        other tools that enable users to generate new ideas,
instead encourages viewers to visit its facebook page.   deliberate about issues, and take action together.

Is this the future of advertising in America?
                                                         What’s all the fuss?
No. This is 2009. That car company is Honda.
                                                         Social media shifts the focus from one where people
Social media is here to stay. For corporations,          primarily view online content to one where people
political campaigns, nonprofit organizations and         create content and engage in it with others. Anyone
government agencies, it is changing the way we           can now author, design, produce and distribute online
interact with our clients, stakeholders and the          content like blogs, video and photos. At the heart of
public at large. The traditional notion of the target    the transformation is the speed at which information
audience is now too limiting a concept. With social      (and misinformation) is created and shared through
media we must think beyond target audience and           online networks. Information can spread out in
conceive of target communities. The opportunities                     seconds through mobile phones and
                                                                      social networking sites, via people’s
                                                                      personal networks or communities.

                                                         What kinds of social media do you
                                                         need to know about?
                                                         The major distinction within the world of social
                                                         media is the difference between a social application
                                                         and a social network. A blog is an example of a social
                                                         application. Anyone can create a blog and start to
                                                         publish content. People may actually read, follow and
                                                         comment on the blog once it is created. Facebook is
                                                         an example of a social network. People join networks
                                                         to share information and create relationships with
                                                         other members of the network. Simplistically, you can

Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0

think of social applications as being single purposed      Many social networks have also formed around the
and social networks as multi-purposed.                     sharing of media. Through YouTube, users can easily
Two of the most popular social applications are blogs      watch, record and comment on videos about every
and wikis. Blogs or weblogs are the ‘diary of the 21st     subject under the sun. Photo-sharing communities like
century’ except that they are intended to be shared,       Flickr and Picasa encourage users to post their photos
have the ability to be complemented with multimedia,       and join networks of like-minded people.
and can be commented on by readers. Wikis are
collaborative web pages where many people can              Why is it important for
co-create and edit content. Comments, additions and        government?
revisions are all tracked within a wiki.                   Social media provides an opportunity for government
Another popular category of social media application       agencies to collaborate with citizens and stakeholders,
is known as crowd sourcing. Crowd sourcing allows          solicit public input, and build communities of
you to take advantage of the decentralized nature of       interested users. By helping government agencies to
the internet to brainstorm ideas and tackle large          better understand the needs of the general public,
problems by engaging your user community or true           social media enables agencies to refine their programs
believers. For example, the White House and several        and address misconceptions. Agencies now can have
federal agencies have asked the public to help generate    access to vast amounts of information about the
new policies and programs by                                                 communities that they are meant to
brainstorming and ranking ideas. In
relatively short periods of time, crowd
                                           The potential                     serve and can ask for help from
                                                                             experts, stakeholders and average
sourcing applications enabled large
groups to sift through hundreds or
                                           to engage                         citizens to build and deploy new
thousands of ideas to identify the
most useful or interesting.
                                           those who                        What have early
Facebook and MySpace are social            matter most                      adopters in government
                                           to your                          learned so far?
networks. Millions of users visit their
profiles ever day to share information
                                                                            A tremendous amount has been
with friends, family and colleagues.
These networks also have applications      organization                     learned by government agencies

                                           is now
                                                                            which have experimented early with
that can be built into them that allow
                                                                            social media. Taking advantage of
users to share additional information

                                                                            these learnings will significantly ease
or collaborate together on a common
                                                                            your organization’s transition to the
                                                                            new world of Web 2.0.
Twitter is an interesting combination
                                                           Lesson One: Begin with your strategic priorities. All
of a social application and network. It is a micro-
                                                           too often, agencies conduct social media experiments
blogging application through which users can share
                                                           that do not fit well with their organization’s strategic
short 140 character messages or “tweets”. It is a
                                                           plans and priorities. The result is often wasted effort
network too, as individuals can interact and follow
                                                           with little to show for it. Thinking hard about where
others within the twitter community. Many organiza-
                                                           your agency is trying to go and how a deeper
tions and leaders use twitter to update their supporters
                                                           relationship with the public will help to get you there
about new developments and insights, but the
                                                           will pay off significant dividends in the end.
platform is also becoming a popular way to engage
supporters in conversations about current events.

Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0

Lesson Two: Let the objective drive the tool.              Remember Honda
Sometimes a shiny new tool ends up driving the
design of a program. It is more important to consider      You probably still have many questions. The good
your real needs and objectives before selecting a social   news is that many of them have answers – they just
media tool. For example, are you trying to inform or       take some work and a little organizational soul
to engage? Is there information that the community         searching to find.
has to understand first or misinformation to correct?      Where should you go from here? We hope that it is
What is the timeline? What will be analyzed?               clear that you need a strategy, and how you use social
Lesson Three: Content is key. Social media requires        media needs to be carefully thought-through. The
a different approach to communicating information,         Open Government Directive requires this. A strategy
through both substantive and style. Substantively,         is paramount, and is best developed with a sprinkle of
organizations must be more willing to share content        creativity and open-mindedness.
and be less protective of data. Stylistically, content     You can be certain that Honda thought-through what
needs to be presented in a more easily digestible          it meant to cannibalize its home page for a facebook
format. Federal agencies are not used to writing 140       page. They asked themselves a simple question, “What
character tweets, nor can a 120-page report be             is more important to us: a visitor or a community?”
effectively cut and pasted into a blog. You will need to
think in new ways about how and communicate you
share your content.
Lesson Four: Commit to the conversation and the
community over the long haul. Building an effective
social media presence takes time. Whether you are
creating a blog or a facebook page, users need to
know that they can rely on you to provide ongoing
content and to respond to their contributions.
Lesson Five: Social media requires a culture shift.
                                                           Joseph Peters is a Partner at Ascentum.
Web 2.0 requires a change in how your organization
thinks about its relationships with its stakeholders.
From seminars and trainings to brown bag lunches, it
will be important to educate staff on social media and
how your agency wants to relate to stakeholders            Joe Goldman is the Vice President of Citizen
and the public.                                            Engagement at AmericaSpeaks.

Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0

What are some
common goals
and objectives?

Inform, Educate, Engage, Find, Build, Leverage, Share,
Complement, Evaluate, Brand

There are many goals and objectives for government in the strategic use of social media. Most
of these apply and can be adapted to fit the context of any organization.

   1. Inform the public, media, stakeholders and other interested communities about
      information and developments within your organization.

   2. Educate communities with accurate information and address misinformation.

   3. Engage communities in brainstorming and evaluating new ideas, policies and

   4. Find where your current and prospective users are spending their time on social
      networks and join them, rather than waiting for them to
      come to you.

   5. Build and nurture relationships with key audiences to establish communities.

   6. Leverage the energy, time and expertise of users to help implement your

   7. Share data that you have been keeping in a drawer so that the public can take
      advantage of it and use it in ways that you couldn’t have imagined.

   8. Complement and enhance other communications, marketing, or engagement

   9. Evaluate the effectiveness of your policies and programs by soliciting input from
   10. Brand and increase awareness of your organization.


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  • 1. Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0 WHEN A VISITOR BECOMES A COMMUNITY Joseph Peters, Ascentum to collaborate with your target communities are Joe Goldman, AmericaSpeaks endless. The potential to engage those that matter November 10, 2009 most to your organization is now unparalleled. The Future is Now What is it? Picture a Sunday afternoon in October… Social media or Web 2.0 is an evolution in the use You step inside from a sunny but cooler day - a sign of the internet. Through new tools and technolo- of things to come. The TV is on and from the gies, users can now have control over the informa- crowd noise you know it must be a football game. tion or content that they access, share and create. You only catch a glimpse of the game before a car Currently the most popular forms of social media commercial comes on. You don’t pay close attention are blogs, wikis, facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and to it, but look up as the ad closes. The major car Twitter. But social media also includes an array of company no longer is advertising its website, but other tools that enable users to generate new ideas, instead encourages viewers to visit its facebook page. deliberate about issues, and take action together. Is this the future of advertising in America? What’s all the fuss? No. This is 2009. That car company is Honda. Social media shifts the focus from one where people Social media is here to stay. For corporations, primarily view online content to one where people political campaigns, nonprofit organizations and create content and engage in it with others. Anyone government agencies, it is changing the way we can now author, design, produce and distribute online interact with our clients, stakeholders and the content like blogs, video and photos. At the heart of public at large. The traditional notion of the target the transformation is the speed at which information audience is now too limiting a concept. With social (and misinformation) is created and shared through media we must think beyond target audience and online networks. Information can spread out in conceive of target communities. The opportunities seconds through mobile phones and social networking sites, via people’s personal networks or communities. What kinds of social media do you need to know about? The major distinction within the world of social media is the difference between a social application and a social network. A blog is an example of a social application. Anyone can create a blog and start to publish content. People may actually read, follow and comment on the blog once it is created. Facebook is an example of a social network. People join networks to share information and create relationships with other members of the network. Simplistically, you can 1
  • 2. Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0 think of social applications as being single purposed Many social networks have also formed around the and social networks as multi-purposed. sharing of media. Through YouTube, users can easily Two of the most popular social applications are blogs watch, record and comment on videos about every and wikis. Blogs or weblogs are the ‘diary of the 21st subject under the sun. Photo-sharing communities like century’ except that they are intended to be shared, Flickr and Picasa encourage users to post their photos have the ability to be complemented with multimedia, and join networks of like-minded people. and can be commented on by readers. Wikis are collaborative web pages where many people can Why is it important for co-create and edit content. Comments, additions and government? revisions are all tracked within a wiki. Social media provides an opportunity for government Another popular category of social media application agencies to collaborate with citizens and stakeholders, is known as crowd sourcing. Crowd sourcing allows solicit public input, and build communities of you to take advantage of the decentralized nature of interested users. By helping government agencies to the internet to brainstorm ideas and tackle large better understand the needs of the general public, problems by engaging your user community or true social media enables agencies to refine their programs believers. For example, the White House and several and address misconceptions. Agencies now can have federal agencies have asked the public to help generate access to vast amounts of information about the new policies and programs by communities that they are meant to brainstorming and ranking ideas. In relatively short periods of time, crowd The potential serve and can ask for help from experts, stakeholders and average sourcing applications enabled large groups to sift through hundreds or to engage citizens to build and deploy new programs. thousands of ideas to identify the most useful or interesting. those who What have early Facebook and MySpace are social matter most adopters in government to your learned so far? networks. Millions of users visit their profiles ever day to share information A tremendous amount has been with friends, family and colleagues. These networks also have applications organization learned by government agencies is now which have experimented early with that can be built into them that allow social media. Taking advantage of users to share additional information unparalleled these learnings will significantly ease or collaborate together on a common your organization’s transition to the project. new world of Web 2.0. Twitter is an interesting combination Lesson One: Begin with your strategic priorities. All of a social application and network. It is a micro- too often, agencies conduct social media experiments blogging application through which users can share that do not fit well with their organization’s strategic short 140 character messages or “tweets”. It is a plans and priorities. The result is often wasted effort network too, as individuals can interact and follow with little to show for it. Thinking hard about where others within the twitter community. Many organiza- your agency is trying to go and how a deeper tions and leaders use twitter to update their supporters relationship with the public will help to get you there about new developments and insights, but the will pay off significant dividends in the end. platform is also becoming a popular way to engage supporters in conversations about current events. 2
  • 3. Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0 Lesson Two: Let the objective drive the tool. Remember Honda Sometimes a shiny new tool ends up driving the design of a program. It is more important to consider You probably still have many questions. The good your real needs and objectives before selecting a social news is that many of them have answers – they just media tool. For example, are you trying to inform or take some work and a little organizational soul to engage? Is there information that the community searching to find. has to understand first or misinformation to correct? Where should you go from here? We hope that it is What is the timeline? What will be analyzed? clear that you need a strategy, and how you use social Lesson Three: Content is key. Social media requires media needs to be carefully thought-through. The a different approach to communicating information, Open Government Directive requires this. A strategy through both substantive and style. Substantively, is paramount, and is best developed with a sprinkle of organizations must be more willing to share content creativity and open-mindedness. and be less protective of data. Stylistically, content You can be certain that Honda thought-through what needs to be presented in a more easily digestible it meant to cannibalize its home page for a facebook format. Federal agencies are not used to writing 140 page. They asked themselves a simple question, “What character tweets, nor can a 120-page report be is more important to us: a visitor or a community?” effectively cut and pasted into a blog. You will need to think in new ways about how and communicate you share your content. Lesson Four: Commit to the conversation and the community over the long haul. Building an effective social media presence takes time. Whether you are creating a blog or a facebook page, users need to know that they can rely on you to provide ongoing content and to respond to their contributions. Lesson Five: Social media requires a culture shift. Joseph Peters is a Partner at Ascentum. Web 2.0 requires a change in how your organization thinks about its relationships with its stakeholders. From seminars and trainings to brown bag lunches, it will be important to educate staff on social media and how your agency wants to relate to stakeholders Joe Goldman is the Vice President of Citizen and the public. Engagement at AmericaSpeaks. 3
  • 4. Introducing Government Agencies to Web 2.0 What are some common goals and objectives? Inform, Educate, Engage, Find, Build, Leverage, Share, Complement, Evaluate, Brand There are many goals and objectives for government in the strategic use of social media. Most of these apply and can be adapted to fit the context of any organization. 1. Inform the public, media, stakeholders and other interested communities about information and developments within your organization. 2. Educate communities with accurate information and address misinformation. 3. Engage communities in brainstorming and evaluating new ideas, policies and programs. 4. Find where your current and prospective users are spending their time on social networks and join them, rather than waiting for them to come to you. 5. Build and nurture relationships with key audiences to establish communities. 6. Leverage the energy, time and expertise of users to help implement your programs. 7. Share data that you have been keeping in a drawer so that the public can take advantage of it and use it in ways that you couldn’t have imagined. 8. Complement and enhance other communications, marketing, or engagement activities. 9. Evaluate the effectiveness of your policies and programs by soliciting input from users. 10. Brand and increase awareness of your organization. 4