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                   SOCIAL MEDIA 101


                   usinesses are rapidly                and actions vary according to how people view             Community-based
                   changing the way they                themselves within the various online social               Social media is a party to which everyone
                   communicate in both B-to-B           communities. We ‘follow’ those we respect,                is invited. Communities can form quickly
                   and B-to-C environments on           admire, like, fear, loathe or love. And our               and communicate effectively. Communities
a daily basis. Your organization can benefit            actions reflect these experiences. If someone             share common interests and users

from using the social media channel in many             you respect blogs about a recent purchase, you            collaborate about each other’s ideas in
ways: to build and maintain client and                  might be swayed to buy the same product.                  reference to that interest.
employee relationships, to provide additional
                                                        The key to social influence for marketers is to           Connectedness
customer service touch points, to identify and
                                                        affect consumer behavior, both on and offline,            Information becomes easily accessible
engage online brand champions, to monitor
                                                        by creating a well-monitored, positive and                through the use of social media. It allows
your brand, competitors and marketplace
                                                        persuasive dialog that is intelligently integrated        messages to spread by using links and

issues, to establish your organization as an
                                                        into their overall brand strategy.                        sharing tools.
industry thought leader … the possibilities are
seemingly endless. Incorporating social                                                                           Participatory
                                                        What is Social Media?
networks into your integrated marketing                                                                           Social media allows people to tell their stories
strategy has become increasingly necessary as           The term “social media” is used to describe a set         using online publishing means such as blogs,
your customers have increased the time they             of Internet tools that enable shared community            social networks, forums, photo/video sharing,
spend on these various communications                   experiences, both online and in person. A                 etc. Now anyone with an Internet connection
channels. There is much to consider both                community, in this context, is a group of people          has the ability to share messages with a
before and after the decision is made to jump           with common interests who connect with one                worldwide audience.
into the world of online communication. We              another to learn, work, organize and socialize.
invite you to use this guide as a primer for            Social media was born out of the personal            Traditional Versus Social
discussion about social media.                          empowerment and freedom the Internet offers.1
                                                                                                             The biggest differences between traditional
                                                        Thus, social media is best understood as having
                                                                                                             media (newspapers, TV, radio, etc.) and social
Theory of Social Influence                              the following characteristics:
                                                                                                             media is that social media is collaborative
The theory of social influence states that                   Open Conversation                               and on consumers’ terms. Social media elicits
an individual’s behavior is intentionally or                 Traditional media is about broadcasting         audience interaction and is constantly changing.
unintentionally affected by other people                     (sending one message to many). Social           Organizations can no longer just broadcast a
according to how that individual perceives                   media encourages feedback from everyone.        message to the masses. Instead, they must
himself in relation to his influencers. In the social        Communication becomes an open and               learn how to use online networking channels to
media arena, this theory holds true. Behavior                honest two-way conversation.                    develop and nurture one-to-one relationships.
                                                                                                             Companies must meet customers where they
                                                                                                             are and engage with them in their own language.
1   I   S O C I A L   M E D I A      1 0 1
Why It’s Important
Although there are many reasons why social        B     A     S      I    C          F      O     R       M        S             O       F
media is notable, there is one reason that
stands above the rest: people. Social media
brings with it a tremendous power to build
personal relationships. The ability to reach
                                                 Social Media
every user on the planet, to grow support and
to easily maintain connections are all reasons   Blog (short for web log) – Websites        to gain more information or start a
why social media can be a game changer for       where individuals provide entries          conversation.
traditional marketing communication.2            (posts) of any type of content in order
                                                                                            Location-based social networking –
                                                 to inform or create discussions.
                                                                                            An online application that allows
What It Means for Companies                      Popular free blogging websites are
                                                                                            members to share their location using
Who can afford not to take advantage of a        Blogger™, Tumblr and WordPress.
                                                                                            their mobile phones through GPS,
huge opportunity? Never before has there been    Social network – An online community       e-mail or text. Businesses can use these
such an open forum of real-time feedback.        that allows people to connect with         applications for marketing/advertising
Companies quickly can find where crowds are      others, and that enables people to         and PR purposes. Foursquare and
and then listen and learn valuable information   share videos, pictures and information     Gowalla have the largest number of
from them. By joining the conversation,          with their peers by creating a personal    users at this time.
company executives become industry thought-      profile website. The most popular
                                                                                            Creative Content Community – An
leaders and fill the void between customers      social networks include Facebook®
                                                                                            online community that focuses on
and traditional marketing communication          and LinkedIn, among others.
                                                                                            organizing and sharing particular
channels. Through the use of social media,
                                                 Micro-blog – A community where             kinds of interactive new media
organizations connect with consumers on a
                                                 posts (or updates) are in bite-sized       content. The most popular kinds of
deeper level and refine their messaging to
                                                 chunks of 140 characters or less.          content communities tend to focus
better suit their target audiences.
                                                 Twitter is the clear leader here.          around video (YouTube), photos
                                                                                            (Flickr®), podcasts (iTunes) or live
                                                 Wikis – Web pages used to collect
                                                                                            video streaming (Ustream®).3
                                                 content about a topic. Anyone with
                                                 access to the pages can edit or modify     Virtual world – A computer-based
                                                 the information. The most well known       simulated online universe (Second Life®)
                                                 wiki is Wikipedia, a free online           through which its users can interact using
                                                 encyclopedia built collaboratively         avatars (a user’s online representation of
                                                 with over three million articles.          himself/herself). Generally these spaces
                                                                                            tend to mirror the real world (i.e.
                                                 Social news/bookmarking – A method
                                                                                            environment, economics, etc.) and
                                                 for people to search, organize, store
                                                                                            despite many people’s belief, the
                                                 and share items (i.e. blog posts, online
                                                                                            boundaries between the real and virtual
                                                 articles, etc.) of interest using the
                                                                                            worlds are quite porous.
                                                 item’s URL. Or websites (like Digg)
                                                 users submit and vote on news stories
                                                 or other links, thus determining which
                                                                                            Things move fast in the social media world and
                                                 links are most prominent. Other            there are many other forms not listed here
                                                 popular bookmarking communities            (including RSS aggregators, mash-ups, and
                                                                                            augmented reality). You can refer to the glossary
                                                 are Del.icio.us and StumbleUpon.           on page 15 to reference other social media
                                                 Forum – An online discussion site
                                                 where people who wish to discuss
                                                 particular issues post threads (topic-
                                                 based messages) on a message board

                                                                                                 S O C I A L     M E D I A     1 0 1   I 2
social                                                      say reviews
networks                     11                             from friends
                                                             they follow                              T    I    P    S          F    O      R

  Creating a Social Business
  Are you using social technology to engage
                                                                 on social
                                                    collection of valuable data that can be
  your customers and their influencers, to
  encourage your employees to collaborate
                                                    used to customize both their on- and offline
                                                    purchasing experiences. However, a true
                                                                                                      1. Define your objective
                                                    emphasis “influence
  more efficiently, and to enhance your             social business is one that places just as much
  business partner relationships? If you                       on creating a similarly nurturing         Whether it is brand awareness
  answered yes to all three, you are on your                                                             or a call-to-action, it’s always
                                                    customers andthem a
                                                    environment for its employees as it does its
  way to evolving into a social business.                            partners. Working diligently        good to have a measurable and
                                                    to build alignment around the company’s              attainable goal.
  As a result of the ever-expanding number
  of social networking platforms, you now                    great deal.”
                                                    mission and to foster a spirit of community
                                                                                                      2. Develop a corporate social
                                                    and collaboration in the workplace will
  have the opportunity to interact with                                                                  media policy
                                                    yield an army of brand champions who will
  your increasingly social customers more                                                                Be smart about privacy and
                                                    feel empowered to take ownership of your
  frequently and through many more touch                                                                 the company’s confidential
                                                    customer and partner relationships.
  points than ever before – enabling the                                                                 information.

                                                                                                      3. Make it personal
                                                                                                         If multiple people are managing
             Basically, social media is any web tool or technology                                       one twitter account, use your
                                                                                                         initials at the end of an update
          that connects people. While somewhat complex, all social                                       so that users know who is
          media content can be broken down into simple categories:                                       communicating. Try using a
                                                                                                         personal photo as an avatar
                                                                                                         instead of the company logo.

                                                                                                      4. Protect your brand
                                                                                                         Create a custom URL. It’s also good
  User Generated Content                                                                                 to reserve brand-associated profiles
  A lot of what comes to mind when people           Internet and sharing the content with                on social networking channels
  think “social media” is really just user          their community through sites like Digg,             like Twitter, Facebook®, YouTube,
  generated content. This includes things like      StumbleUpon, Reddit, Del.icio.us, and many           Flickr®, SlideShare and others.
  blogs, podcasts, photos and video; essentially    others.
  anything where the main focus is content                                                            5. Stay active
  creation. This is one of the fastest growing      Social Networks and Content                          Post relevant, meaningful and
  parts of social media, primarily because of the                                                        respectful comments. Do not
                                                    Along with user generated content, social            spam or post remarks that are
  shrinking barriers to entry. You can showcase
                                                    networks are the other half of social media.         off-topic or offensive.
  your pictures on Flickr® and upload a video to
                                                    By now, everyone has heard of sites like
  a YouTube channel/page very easily.
                                                    Twitter, Facebook® and LinkedIn. These
                                                    networks, among many others, allow users
  Socially Highlighted Content
                                                    to create profiles and connect with peers,
  These sites can help a company accrue and         friends and coworkers to form a network of
  preserve brand equity because they serve as       “linked” individuals. These channels can be
  a showcase or portal for content that people      a precious resource when trying to promote
  deem valuable. The popularity of socially         a cause because you can leverage your
  highlighted content is measured by people         network of supporters.
  finding something interesting on the

  3   I    S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1


1. Reserve a YouTube.com URL.      1. Secure your own                 1. Reserve your custom               ®
                                                                                                               1. Reserve your custom
2. Choose relevant keyword-
                                      Facebook URL.                      LinkedIn URL.                            Twitter URL.
   friendly tags for videos to
   increase your search results.       in
                                   2. Think carefully about who
                                      you “friend.”
                                                                      2. Fill out your profile
                                                                                                               2. Include a well-written bio.
                                                                                                               3. Make your page stand out
3. Brand and customize your        3. Select your privacy settings.   3. Have a compelling and                    with a custom background.
   YouTube channel by adding       4. Update regularly.                  search-friendly headline.                Include your contact info
   background images and                                              4. Give and receive                         and links to other social
   choosing company colors.        5. Keep your friends organized                                                 networks.
                                      using Facebook’s groups            recommendations.
4. Get best quality by following      feature.                        5. Stay active.                          4. Post regularly and retweet
   YouTube’s video compression                                                                                    others’ posts if they are
   guidelines.                     6. Create fan pages and track      6. Connect with everyone.                   interesting and relevant to
                                      your insights.                  7. Import your other feeds (i.e.            your audience.
5. Thank subscribers and
   respond to wall comments.       7. Engage customers with polls        blog, Twitter, etc.).                 5. Listen and be prepared to
                                      or special fan promotions       8. Become an industry thought               respond to conversations.
6. Build up your library of           and giveaways.
   content quickly. Repurpose                                            leader by joining groups                 A good way to interact is to
   video from traditional                                                and answering people’s                   ask questions.
   advertising (i.e. TV spots).                                          questions.                            6. If you want to get retweets,
7. Regularly monitor your                                                                                         be relevant.4
   insights on your YouTube                                                                                    7. Make sure your tweets
   channels.                                                                                                      provide some value for your
8. To increase your reach, look                                                                                   audience. For example, post
   beyond YouTube and post                                                                                        pictures, provide coupons or
   your videos on other social                                                                                    a behind-the-scenes view of
   video sites such as Vimeo.                                                                                     your company.

                                                                                                         S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1   I 4
Social Media is consumed and
                              contributed to almost simultaneously.

5   I   S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1
Social Media Convergence                                             audio or video responses, which in turn result
                                                                     in engagement. Engagement can translate to
Within the world of social media there is
                                                                     attention, awareness and recall of a topic/
much overlap, and a lot of sites represent
                                                                     message, etc.
the intersection of different forms of social
media. This makes it even more crucial for                           A good way to think about social media is
your organization to showcase the right                              that all of this is actually just about being
messages for your specific audience across                           human beings. Sharing ideas, cooperating
the entire realm of channels. For example,                           and collaborating to create art, drive
a micro-blogging site like Twitter or Google                         commerce, provoke vigorous debate and
Buzz, sits at the intersection of user-generated                     discourse, and finding people who might
content and social networking; it’s the perfect                      be good friends, allies and lovers are
blend of both.                                                       the essence upon which our species has
                                                                     built several civilizations. That’s why it is
In practice, social media is content that anyone
                                                                     spreading so quickly, not because it’s great
online can provide. Social media is consumed
                                                                     shiny, whizzy new technology, but because
and contributed to almost simultaneously.
                                                                     it lets us be ourselves.5
Contributions can be comments, photos, and

                                              Retweets and Timing 4
                          Day of Week
           19 %
           18 %

           17 %
           16 %

           15 %
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           13 %

           11 %

                          Sun          Mon             Tues      Wed             Thu          Fri             Sat

                                               Random Tweets              Retweets

                          Time of Day (EST)
          6.0 %

          5.0 %

          4.0 %

          3.0 %

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          1.0 %

                  12 AM

                                2 AM

                                       4 AM

                                                6 AM

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                                                                 10 AM

                                                                         12 PM

                                                                                       2 PM

                                                                                              4 PM

                                                                                                       6 PM

                                                                                                                8 PM

                                                                                                                          10 PM

                                               Random Tweets              Retweets

                                                                                 S O C I A L         M E D I A         1 0 1      I 6

                   ince 2007, Forrester has       sophisticated category, a more detailed        Conversationalists include only those
                   tracked the growth of          explanation of the six levels on the Social    who update their status at least once a
                   social behavior. According     Technographics ladder are:                     week, since anything less isn’t much of
                   to a consumer poll done in                                                    a conversation. This group is intriguing
the second quarter of 2010, Forrester found                                                      because it is 56% female, more than any

that more than 4 in 5 (81%) of U.S. Internet      At the top of the ladder are                            other group in the ladder. While
users participate in some form of social
media at least once a month. Per Nicholson
                                           22          %
                                                  Creators – online consumers
                                                  who publish blogs, maintain
                                              of critics
                                                                                       81        % they’re among the youngest of the
                                                                                                          groups, 70% are still 30 and up.
Kovac estimates, among the 60%+ of adults comment Web pages, or upload videos to         of adults        Critics
18+ reached daily via the Internet, 80% of on blogs YouTube at least once
                                                  sites like                            reached by

                                                  a month. Creators, which include     the Internet       These online consumers participate in
them are engaged in some type of social                %                               are engaged

media, resulting in almost half (45%) of all      just 23% of the adult online                            two ways – by commenting on blogs
                                                                                         in social
adults participating in social media. While   of joiners
                                                  population, are generally young –       media           or by posting ratings and reviews on
                                             read blogs
social media has grown rapidly, when ranked       the average age of adult users is                       sites like Amazon.com. This level of
alongside other media, social media would
                                           30     39 – %are evenly split between
                                                       but                                                participation isn’t nearly as intense

rank sixth, almost as high as magazines (in       men and women. Their participation is          as being a Creator. Critics pick and choose
                                              of joiners                       %
aggregate), as a medium in terms of average publish blogs 14% produce all three types of
                                                  varied: just                                   where they want to offer their expertise and

        T                                                                                   50
daily reach.                                      online content whileof active19% produce
                                                                        another                  often use another blog post or product as
                                                                    Twitter users
                                                  two of the three types of content.
                                                                                                 the foundation for their contribution. Critics
How Users Consume Social Media                                                              of Americans 33% of all adult online consumers
                                                  Conversationalists companies,
                                                                      brands, or               who use average are several years older than
                                                                                                 and on
Forrester categorizes social computing            Conversationalists, recently added to the
                                                                     products on            social media
                                                                                                 Creators. Two-thirds of them post ratings
behaviors into a ladder with six levels of                              social              say reviews
                                                  Social Technographics ladder, include     from and reviews, but only 22% comment on

participation. They use the term Social                               networks   11

                                                  31% of the adult online population.theyblogs and rate/review website content. Four
Technographics to describe a population           Conversationalists are comprised of not on social ten Critics are Creators as well.
                                                                                                 out of
according to its participation in these                                                       networks
                                                  only Facebook® and Twitter users, but also “influence
levels. Participation at one level may or         people who regularly post status updates them a
may not overlap with participation at other       to these social network sites to converse.great deal.”
levels. Starting from the top with the most

7   I   S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1
When users save URLs on a
                                      22%of critics
                                                          if they never bookmarked a page
                                                                                                  Joiners represent 59% of the adult online
                                                                                                  population and are generally made up of
social bookmarking service like
                                        comment                                      of adults people between 18-24 years of age. They
                                                          themselves. Collectors represent
                                        on blogs                                    reached by are highly likely to engage in other social
Del.icio.us or use RSS feeds                              19% of the adult online population
                                                                                   the Internet
on blogs, they create metadata                    % and are the most male-dominated computing activities – 56% also read blogs,
                                                                                  are engaged
that’s shared with the entire                                                        in social while 30% publish blogs.
                                                          of all the Social Technographics
                                        of joiners                                    media
community. This act of collecting      read blogs         groups. More than two-thirds tag        Spectators

and aggregating information                               pages, while more than half use
plays a vital role in organizing the
                                                  % RSS feeds.                                    This group of blog readers, video viewers,

                                                                                                  and podcast listeners, which represent 68%
tremendous amount of content             of joiners
                                                          Joiners         %                       of the adult online population, serves as the
                                      publish blogs
being produced by Creators and

                                                                  of active                       audience for the social content made by
Critics. For example, Del.icio.us                         This unique group has just one
                                                               Twitter users                      %
                                                                                                  everyone else. The most common activity
users can see all of the Web                              defining follow – using a social
                                                                                                  for Spectators is reading blogs, with only
pages tagged “Political Headlines” even          networking site like Facebook® or Twitter.Americans
                                                                companies,              of
                                                                 brands, or                who use small overlap of users watching peer-
                                                                                        social media
                                                               products on                        generated video on sites like YouTube. It’s
                                                                    social              say reviews
                           Social Technographics Ladder              6                            important to note that Creators can also be
                                                                                        from friends
                                                                 networks     11

                                                                                                  Spectators. Someone who writes a blog
                                                                                         they follow
                                                                                           on social
                                                                                                  about politics may be a listener of a CNN
                                      • Publish a blog                                            podcast, but many Spectators fail to climb
           Creators                   • Publish their own Web pages                        them a higher up the participation ladder.
                                       • Upload video they created
                                                                                           great deal.”
                                       • Upload audio/music they created                           Inactives
                                       • Write articles or stories and post them
                                                                                                   19% of online adults do not participate at
         Conversationalists                                                                        all in social computing activities. These
                                       • Update a status on a social networking site
           31%                         • Post updates on Twitter
                                                                                                   Inactives have an average age of 50, are
                                                                                                   more likely to be women, and are much
                                                                                                   less likely to consider themselves leaders
            Critics                    • Post ratings/reviews of products or services              or tell their friends about products that
                                       • Comment on someone else’s blog
            33%                        • Contribute to online forums
                                       • Contribute to/edit articles in a wiki
                                                                                                   interest them. Although they don’t directly
                                                                                                   participate in social media, they are still
                                                                                                   affected when the activities of others, i.e. in
         Collectors                    • Use RSS feeds                                             blogs or online consumer-generated videos,
           19%                         • “Vote” for Web sites online                               get covered in the news media.
                                       • Add “tags” to Web pages or photos
                                                                                                   In looking at a four-year trend of the Social
            Joiners                                                                                Technographics groups, there has been
                                       • Maintain profile on a social networking site              significant growth in participation groups,
           59%                         • Visit social networking sites                             which is shown by Inactives decreasing
                                                                                                   60%+ from 2007 to 2010. Joiners had the
         Spectators                    • Read blogs                                                largest growth, as they more than doubled in
                                       • Listen to podcasts                                        size. Creators have also seen a boost since
            68%                        • Watch video from other users
                                       • Read online forums                                        2007. The fact that more than 1 in 5 online
                                       • Read customer ratings/reviews                             adults in the U.S. are exhibiting Creator
          Inactives                                                                                behavior is a testament to how social
                                                                                                   technologies have allowed more people to
           19%                         • None of the above
                                                                                                   create and distribute their ideas, opinions
                                                                                                   and creations than was ever possible in the
    BASE: U.S. ONLINE ADULTS            Groups include people participating in at least one of     past.
    Source: Forrester Research            the activities monthly except Conversationalists
                                           who participate in at least one of the included
                                                      activities at least weekly.                         S O C I A L   M E D I A    1 0 1   I 8
Social Influence Targeting                                            marketers make sure that viral elements                           S O C I A L            M E D I A

Varies By Generation                                                  – not static links and videos – are key to
                                                                      reaching this audience.
Just as different generations watch different
shows and read different magazines,                                   GenXers (33-44) Spectators form the
requiring marketers to devise different media                         foundation for future participation. While
and messaging strategies for each group,                              significantly fewer members of GenX are
the unique online participation profiles for                          at the top of the participation ladder, four                  ®

each generation also require varying social                           out of 10 are already using social media as
influence strategies.                                                 Spectators, making them well positioned
                                                                      to take the next step. This generation has                          According to the Arbitron Edison
Teenagers (12-17) create more than any
                                                                      plenty of knowledge to share based on their
                                                                                                                                          study, Twitter usage presently
other generation, with more than one-third                                                                                                stands at an estimated 17 million
                                                                      years of experience, from rating recipes to
engaging as Creators. Since teens are very                                                                                                Americans. (75 million users worldwide)
                                                                      offering reviews of new restaurants.                                This reflects 7% of the population.7
likely to create their own content, they are
less likely than GenYers to be Critics and                            Boomers and Seniors (45-55+) with                                   Nearly two-thirds of active Twitter
Collectors. Therefore, the key to reaching                            70% participation at least once a month,                            users also access social networking
                                                                      marketers need more relevant content and                            sites using a mobile phone.7
this group is to appeal to its need for self-
expression.                                                           services to get them engaged. The advent of                         51% of active Twitter users follow
                                                                      sites like Eons – which is a social networking                      companies, brands or products on
Millennials (18-32) While this age group                                                                                                  social networks.8
                                                                      site that incorporates blogging and targets               ®
has higher percentages in each category
                                                                      users 50 and older – means that Boomers
than any other (except for youth Creators),
                                                                      and Seniors are more likely to find something
it’s their sky-high participation in social
                                                                      that inspires greater levels of participation.
networks that stands out. Successful
                                                                                                                                          There are more than 550 million
                                                                                                                                          active Facebook® users around
                                                                                                                                          the world.
                      Age                        Age                   Sex                         Sex                          ®
                                                                                                                                          50% of active users log on to

                     55+                       55+                                                                                        Facebook® in any given day.
                     7%      12 to 17          7%         12 to 17
          45 to 54
                                    45 to 54
                                                                                                                                          The average user has 130 friends.
            12%                       12%
                                  18 to 24
                                                                                                                                          People spend over 500 billion
                                                             Women 24
                                                               18 to                  MenWomen           Men
         35 to 44                 3511%
                                     to 44                  53%  11%
                                                  Base: Monthly Twitter Users         47% 53%            47%
                                                                                                                                          minutes per month using
           19%                      19%                                                                                                   Facebook®.
                           25 to 34                   25 to 34                                                                            The average user creates 70 pieces
                             33%                        33%                                                                               of content each month.
                                       Base: Monthly Twitter Users   Base: Monthly Twitter Users
                                                                                                               Demozz Chart10
                                                                                                                                          More than 25 billion pieces of
                                                                                                                                          content (Web links, news stories,
9   I   S O C I A L        M E D I A     1 0 1                                                                                            blog posts, notes, photo albums,
                                                                                                                                          etc.) are shared each month.

How Does Social Media Fit In?
Social media allows businesses to effectively   already have shown an interest in their
connect more with their customers and           brand through their social media channels,
better meet their customers’ demands. In        thus increasing the number of successful
fact, in 2010, about 70% of small businesses    marketing campaigns.
plan to use social media to get their
                                                Integrating on- and offline content is a simple
messages out.9 Many brands use social
                                                and cost-effective way to create awareness
media monitoring to hone their messages. By
                                                and consistent messaging about a company’s
listening to the market they are able to draw
                                                networking sites and to persuade customers
important conclusions that can influence
                                                to visit them to learn more. It is important
their traditional marketing strategies. For
                                                to have well thought out objectives when
example, a company might reword a print ad
                                                designing social media channels (Facebook/
to match the style of language its customers
                                                Twitter page) to truly stand out and engage
are using in online forums – allowing the
                                                viewers. Otherwise, once users reach your
ad to be more effective as it reaches the
                                                site they might deem it irrelevant or static.
audience on a deeper level. Companies can
                                                Below are some examples of corporations
also engage parties who
                                                who are profiting from their social media
                                                marketing efforts.

Dunkin’ Donuts

                                                                                                  Listed as #12 in the Corporate America Top
                                                                                                  50 Facebook® Pages of 2009, Dunkin’ Donuts
                                                                                                  can teach us all something about the use of
                                                                                                  social media.
                                                                                                  While most Facebook® fan pages use
                                                                                                  corporate logos as their profile pictures,
                                                                                                  Dunkin’ Donuts uses this space to honor its
                                                                                                  “Fan of the Week” contest winner. Dunkin’
                                                                                                  Donuts’ attentiveness to fans’ positive or
                                                                                                  negative comments on their Facebook® wall
                                                                                                  shows they truly care about their customers’
                                                                                                  wants and needs.
                                                                                                  Before Dunkin’ Donuts opened its second
                                                                                                  store in Kansas City, the company had started
                                                                                                  tweeting about its grand opening long
                                                                                                  before they ran traditional advertising. This
                                                                                                  created a buzz in the Kansas City community,
                                                                                                  getting people excited for Dunkin’ Donuts’
                                                                                                  new location.10

                                                                                                       S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1   I 10
Southwest Airlines
 If you follow Southwest Airlines on             flight delays or weather issues, and route     listening to what is being said about their
 Twitter, you’ll never be bored. It’s just not   potential customer service inquiries to        brand across the Web, Southwest never
 your everyday corporate Twitter account.        appropriate internal team members so they      misses valuable opportunities to connect
 Southwest’s corporate communication team        can assist. Southwest also uses monitoring     with their customers.
 uses Twitter to share news and information      to address any harmful feedback from
                                                                                                Southwest recently tweeted about a video
 about Southwest, inform its customers of        customers. By carefully monitoring and
                                                                                                that a customer took of a rapping flight
                                                                                                attendant and mentioned it to a journalist.
                                                                                                From there, the video and story got picked up
                                                                                                everywhere from the Web to the Wall Street
                                                                                                Journal. Southwest has embraced the power
                                                                                                of social media to give their customers
                                                                                                access to what’s happening behind the
                                                                                                scenes at the airline, and hear what they
                                                                                                have to say about their experiences with the
                                                                                                They are proof that listening, engaging
                                                                                                and embracing communication with your
                                                                                                customers is key to building long-term brand
                                                                                                awareness, loyalty and even a bit of fun.11

 Who knew that a company that makes
 blenders could be so popular? Blendtec
 took a boring product and made it exciting.
 Famous for its library of inexpensive Will
 It Blend™ videos posted on YouTube and
 shared by millions, Will It Blend is part of
 the company’s viral marketing strategy,
 consisting of a series of infomercials
 demonstrating the Blendtec line of blenders.
 In the show, Tom Dickson, the Blendtec
 founder, attempts to blend various items        was important. Consumers had a stake in        Nothing is better than creating some great
 (wood, marbles, an iPhone, etc.) in order       the videos and thus the Will It Blend videos   content and handing it over to your brand
 to show off the power of his blender. As        developed a cult-like following. Dickson has   supporters. It’s powerful, and Blendtec
 the popularity of the videos grew, Blendtec     showcased the power of Blendtec’s blenders     is a great example of how a company can
 encouraged consumers to suggest things to       live on YouTube as well as other media         combine a little bit of creativity and user-
 blend.                                          outlets like NBC’s Today Show, demonstrating   generated content to gain sizable awareness
 By engaging audiences, Blendtec was able        how they profited from the reach that social   and sustain a following.
 to create a sense that customer feedback        media provides.

 11   I   S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1

                                                                                                                       FREE MONITORING

                              hink about a person to whom       for engaging with your customers and potential
                              you enjoy talking. Maybe it’s a   customers online. If the answer to either question
  of critics
                              spouse or a best friend. Now
                              think about the qualities that
                                                            %   is no, then social media monitoring would be
                                                                your first step. However, listening is important for
                                                                                                                       Google Alerts – Tracks information
                                                                                                                       from news, Web, blogs, microblogs,
                                                                                                                       images and video and allows users to
 comment                                          of adults
  on blogs that person such a good conversationalist.
         make                                                   other reasons, not just for determining whether        decide how often they want to receive
                                                 reached by

         One of the key skills in communicating effectively     your company should set up a Facebook® page            alerts (generally by e-mail): as-it-
                                                the Internet
           listening. It shouldn’t be a surprise that one of
                                               are engaged      or a Twitter account.                                  happens, once a day or once a week.
                                                  in social
  of joinersmain benefits of social media monitoring is
                                                   media      Monitoring your reputation online is a necessary
                                                                                                                       SocialMention.com – Allows users
 read blogsit is a great listening tool. By listening to
         that                                                                                                          to track information from news, Web,
                                                              investment if you want to be able to protect
                                                                                                                       blogs, microblogs, images and video
         the marketplace and focusing more directly on
                                                              yourself adequately from brand hijacks and               and also offers them the chance to
         customers’ demands, companies gain significant
                                                                                                                       filter these results by social media
  of joiners                         %                        credibility damaging comments. No matter the
publish competitive advantage.
         blogs                                                        size of your organization, using social
                                                                                                                       sources from a list of 80. Social
                                                                                                                       Mention.com effectively measures
        What people say active about
                          of online
                       Twitter users                        % media alerts lets you track mentions of                  results of search terms by strength,
        companies, brands and products
                           follow                                     your name, company and brand. You                sentiment, passion and reach.
                        companies,                of Americans
        matters. In fact, nearly half of             who use          can also use alerts to listen to what’s          Topsy.com – Monitors photos and
                         brands, or
        Americans who use social media
                        products on               social media        being said about your employees and/or           tweets by measuring results of search
                                                  say reviews                                                          terms by how they match your search
        say reviews about a particular
                                                  from friends
                                                                      executives, as well as your competitors.
                         networks      11                                                                              terms and the influence of people
        company, brand or product from             they follow        It’s better to get notifications before a        talking about them.
        friends or people they follow                on social        problem escalates or gets lodged in the
                                                    networks                                                           Trackur – Shows the influence and
        on social networking websites               “influence        top search rankings. By then, it may be
                                                                                                                       audience reach of those discussing
        influence them either a great deal           them a           too late.                                        your brand and includes sentiment
                                                 great deal.”
        or a fair amount (45%) – the same                                                                              tagging to see how people currently
                                                                11 Alternatively, if your competitors                  feel about your company/brand.
        number of Americans who say
                                                                   are showing up in search results on                 Kurrently – Tracks information from
        reviews in newspaper or magazine articles
                                                           marketplace issues ahead of you, or if mentions             Facebook® and Twitter and offers
        influence them (46%).12                                                                                        instant updates of what’s happening
                                                           of your brand contain nothing more than neutral
        When is the right time to establish a social       sentiment, using a monitoring tool can help you             right now on the Web.
        media presence? Ask yourself first if you know     identify which key influencers to engage with to            MonitorThis.com – Monitors news,
        whether your target audience is actively using     give you a positive infusion of energy.                     Web, blogs, microblogs, images and
                                                                                                                       video and allows users to filter their
        social networking sites, and whether you have                                                                  search results by requiring their
        established both an objective and a strategy                                                                   search name in title.

                                                                                                                        S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1   I 12

Build Relationships
Highly effective social media campaigns are        By responding to both negative and positive
not accomplished simply by broadcasting            feedback, companies show their honesty
information and disseminating it through           and that they truly care about developing a
social media channels. Successful                  personal relationship with their consumers.
companies build meaningful and lasting
                                                   There are many free tools available today,
relationships through constant interaction
                                                   and the list keeps growing. Free monitoring
with consumers. Very often those
                                                   services we highly recommend are shown
relationships create a referral network
                                                   below. When you’re ready to begin more
once consumers start talking to each other.
                                                   robust, sophisticated monitoring, Nicholson
Building relationships through social media
                                                   Kovac is poised to be your partner.
in turn allows companies to build trust and
loyalty for themselves.

                                           Monitoring Tool Matrix

 Monitoring Tool            What Does It          How Are Results     How Are Results            Noteworthy
                              Track?                 Filtered?          Measured?

 Google Alerts           All Google content       Type                Relevance             Simple to manage
                         such as images,          Frequency           Date range            existing e-mail
                         videos, maps, news,      Posts per page      Length of post        alerts or add more.
                         shopping sites, blogs,
                         microblog updates,

  Social Mention         100+ social media        Date                Strength              Offers top keywords,
                         properties               Source              Sentiment             users, hashtags and
                                                  Time period         Passion               sources.
                                                                      Reach                 Personalized daily
                                                                                            e-mail alerts.

 Trackur                 Blogs, news,             Type                Influence             Allows advanced
                         social networks          Date                Sentiment             filtering such as
                                                  Time period                               domain exclusion.

  Topsy                  Photos, Tweets           Type                Influence             Contains trackback
                                                  Time period         Relevance             pages, allows
                                                                                            advanced filtering.

 Kurrently               Facebook, Twitter        Type                Relevance             Instant updates.
                                                  Time period         Stream speed

 Monitor This            Articles, blogs,         Engine              Date                  Aggregates results
                         microblogs, news,        Source              Relevance             for 26 search
                         photos, tags, videos,                        Length of post        engines.

13   I   S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1

1.	    Evans,	Dave.	“Social	Media	Marketing:	       7.	   Webster,	Tom.	“Twitter	Usage	in	         10.	 Username:	Brad.	“Corporate	America	
       An	Hour	a	Day.”	(October	13,	2008)                 America:	2010.”	Retrieved	on	June	1,	        Top	50	Facebook	Pages	2009.”	Retrieved	
                                                          2010.	<http://www.edisonresearch.            on	June	1,	2010.		<http://retechworld.
2.	    Karjaluoto,	Eric.	“A	Primer	in	Social	             com/home/archives/2010/04/twitter_	          wordpress.com/2009/12/23/corporate-	
       Media.”	Retrieved	on	June	1,	2010.	                usage_in_america_2010_1.php>                 america-top-50-facebook-pages/>	
                                                    8.	   Arbitron/Edison	Research.	“Everything	   11.	 Radian	6.	Retrieved	on	June	1,	
3.	    Mayfield,	Anthony.	“What	Is	Social	                you	need	to	know	about	who	is	using	         2010.	<http://www.radian6.com/our-	
       Media?”	Retrieved	on	June	1,	2010.	                Twitter.”	Retrieved	on	June	1,	2010.	        customers/southwest-airlines/>	
       <http://www.icrossing.co.uk/ebooks>                <http://www.businessinsider.com/
                                                          everything-you-need-to-know-about-       12.	 Heckathorne,	Whitney.	“Speak	
4.	    Zarrella,	Dan.	“The	Science	of	ReTweets.”	         whos-using-twitter-2010-4#25-34-year-        Now	or	Forever	Hold	Your	Tweets.”	
       Retrieved	on	June	1,	2010.	<http://                olds-make-up-a-third-of-the-twitter-         Retrieved	on	June	3,	2010.	<http://
       www.danzarrella.com>	                              population-10>	                              multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/
5.	    Mayfield,	Anthony.	“What	Is	Social	          9.	   Frelix,	La	Tonya.	“Study:	70	percent	
       Media?”	Retrieved	on	June	1,	2010.	                of	small	businesses	using	social	
       <http://www.icrossing.co.uk/ebooks>                networks	to	get	their	messages	out.”	
                                                          Retrieved	on	June	1,	2010.	<http://
6.	    Rousseau-Anderson,	Jackie.	“The	
       Latest	Global	Social	Media	Trends	May	
       Surprise	You.”	Retrieved	on	September	
       29,	2010.	<http://blogs.forrester.com/

                                                                                                        S O C I A L   M E D I A    1 0 1   I 14
G        L      O    S     S    A      R   Y

Aggregation – Gathering information                 Blogs – Websites where individuals provide         Flashmob – A sudden physical gathering
from multiple websites, typically via RSS.          entries of any type of content from video and      of people initiated by an online request or
Aggregation lets websites mix the information       podcasts to traditional text and photos in order   invitation via a tweet, Facebook® status, text
from multiple websites, for example by              to inform or create discussions; presented in      message or email.
republishing all the news related to a particular   reverse chronological order. Slang for web-log.
keyword.                                                                                               Flickr® – Online site for storing, sharing and
                                                         Blogroll – A list of recommended blogs        commenting on photos.
API (Application Programming Interface)                  generally in link form.
– allows a data feed to feed from another site                                                         Geotagging – The addition of geographical
to a personal site.                                      Blogosphere – The collective term for         location information to online media
                                                         the entire blogging community.                (photographs, video, posts, websites, etc).
App (Short for application) – Apps perform
special functions on smart phones and can be             Vlog – A form of blogging that uses the       Hat Tip – Public acknowledgement for raising
downloaded or purchased through the phone’s              video medium instead of written/typed         attention to a post, tweet or person.
Internet. A wide range of apps are available in          posts.
                                                                                                       Influencer – A person specialized in a specific
several categories including, but not limited to,
                                                    Brand Advocates – Influencers that display         subject matter and highly recognized in an
games, education and health.
                                                    positive sentiment through conversations for a     online community who has the ability to sway
Astroturfing – A fake grassroots campaign           company, brand or product.                         others’ thoughts. Key Influencers are sought
online used to create simulated buzz about a                                                           out because of their expertise on specific
                                                    E-book – A digital edition of a printed book       subject matters.
brand or product.
                                                    or periodical to be read online. E-books can
Augmented Reality – The use of computer             be downloaded as an alternative to buying the      Location-based Service – A service
graphics in real-world environments to              printed edition.                                   operating from a mobile device that capitalizes
enhance what we see, hear and feel around                                                              on geographical location for various purposes
                                                    Chatroulette – A website that pairs random         including entertainment, safety and work, i.e.
us. These graphics can be added in real time
                                                    strangers from around the world together for       Foursquare, Google maps and Loopt.
to provide feedback or information about
                                                    webcam-based conversations.
the world around users.
                                                                                                       Mash-up – The combination of different Web
                                                    Ecosystem – An online community and its            sources to create a new source.
Avatar – A computer user’s representation of
                                                    surrounding environment functioning as a
themselves in the form of a two-dimensional
                                                    whole.                                             Mention – The listing of a company, brand or
icon or a three-dimensional model.
                                                                                                       product within the context of a social media post.

15   I       S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1
Meme – A viral concept or question that a            Profiles – The information that you provide        Social Media – A term used to describe
person contributes to and then shares with           about yourself when signing up for a social        tools and platforms people use to produce,
others to continue the chain.                        networking site. This may include a picture,       publish and share online content and to
                                                     basic information, personal and business           interact with one another. Social media tools
Message Boards/Forums – An online                    interests and tags to help people search for       include: blogs, podcasts, videos, microblogs,
discussion site for people looking to discuss        like-minded people.                                wikis, etc.
particular issues or needing support post
threads (a message) on the forum or message          QR Code (Quick Response Code) – a two-             Social Networking Sites – Large sites
board in hopes to gain more information or           dimensional bar code that can be scanned           that host multiple communities comprised
start a conversation.                                with a QR code reader on smart phones to           of profiles of people with similar interests.
                                                     launch the Internet on the phone and lead          These sites offer a place where people
Micro-blogging – A form of blogging where            directly to a specific URL, video or photo.        engage with one another online and share
the entries/posts are limited to a certain                                                              content. Example communities include:
amount of characters or words, i.e. Twitter.         RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication) –
                                                     a system that generates frequently updated             Facebook® – An online community for
Micro-vlogging – A form of vlogging where            information from a site, i.e. blog posts and           people to connect or re-connect with others.
the entries/posts are limited to a specific amount   online articles.                                       Enables people to share videos, pictures
of time, i.e. 12seconds.tv or geekbeat.tv.                                                                  and information about themselves. One of
                                                     Reader – Aggregates information from RSS               the fastest growing social networks of the
Online Community – A group of people                 Feed into one site, i.e., Google Reader.               past two years.
using social media tools and sites on the
Internet.                                            Sentiment – A level of assessment that                 Formspring – A social networking site
                                                     determines the tone of an article, blog post,          where users can ask and answer questions
Open-source Software – Computer                      a company, etc – usually positive, negative or         anonymously.
software with a source code that is publicly         neutral.
available for developers to explore, improve                                                                LinkedIn – A professional online community
and alter.                                           Share-of-Discussion – The competitive                  used to network with fellow professionals;
                                                     share of conversations in the social media             an online resume sharing site.
Podcasts – Online audio or video recordings          channel, similar to a traditional media share-
syndicated on the Internet and available for         of-voice.                                              Social News Sites – Websites where
download to portable media players such as                                                                  users submit and vote on news stories or
an iPod.                                             Social Bookmarking – A method for people               other links, thus determining which links are
                                                     to search, organize, store and share items, i.e.       presented. Example sites include Digg and
Post – The entire content (article) that is          blog posts, online articles and pictures of            Reddit.
posted in a social media channel.                    interest using the item’s URL. Example sites
                                                     include Del.icio.us and StumbleUpon.

                                                                                                             S O C I A L    M E D I A    1 0 1    I 16
G        L   O   S     S     A     R     Y

Social Technographics – Categories                   Trend Graph – A visualization of quantitative             Twitter Client – A 3rd party software client
representing the various types of social media       trends, over a given period of time, for a                that allows users to access Twitter using API
users based on the level of their participation      company, brand or specific set of issues.                 calls instead of visiting Twitter.com.
within social media.
                                                     Twitter – A micro-blogging community where           Upload – To transfer a file or other content
     Creators – Make social content by writing       posts and links are 140 characters or less.          from your computer to an Internet site.
     blogs and posts or uploading media.
                                                         Tweet – A post/entry made on Twitter.            URL (Unique Resource Locator) – The
     Critics – Respond to content from others.                                                            technical term for a web address.
     They post reviews, comment on blogs,                Retweet (RT) – To share an update from
     participate in forums and edit wiki articles.       someone you are following by reposting it        Video Chat – Online chatting using a webcam.
                                                         to your followers.                               Popular services/sites associated with video
     Collectors – Use social technology to                                                                chatting are Skype and Chatroulette.
     collect information and stay on top of              Direct Message (DM) – A private
     trends.                                             personalized message that is 140                 Vimeo – A social site for uploading and
                                                         characters long.                                 sharing videos with a creative focus.
     Joiners – Join social networking sites like
     Twitter or Facebook to connect with other                                                            Virtual World – An online community where
                                                         @reply – Tweets that start with an @
     users.                                                                                               users can interact and inhabit in the form
                                                         then a username. This allows you to
                                                                                                          of avatars in a simulated environment, i.e.
                                                         address another user specifically, much as
     Spectators – Read blogs, watch user-                                                                 Second Life®.
                                                         you would in a conversation.
     generated videos and view or listen to
     other social media without engaging with            Hashtag – Similar to regular tags, these         Webinar – An online seminar with interactive
     other users.                                        are keywords associated and assigned             qualities such as call-in questions or question
                                                         to an item of content with a hash mark           submission, comments and feedback.
     Inactives – Non-participants in social
                                                         (#) attached to the front of the word.
     media.                                                                                               Webcast – A one-way online web conference
                                                         Hashtags make it easier to follow a topic
                                                                                                          where the speaker transmits information but
Tags – Keywords attached to a blog post,                 of interest discussed on Twitter.
                                                                                                          the listeners are unable to contribute.
bookmark, photo or other item of content so the
                                                         Twitter Search – A search engine that
creator and others can find them easily through                                                           Widget – A mini application that performs a
                                                         filters out real-time tweets.
searches and aggregation.                                                                                 specific function and connects to the Internet.
                                                         TweetChat – A scheduled chat on Twitter
Tag Cloud – A visualization of the most                                                                   Wikis – Web pages used to collect content
                                                         that is led by a moderator or by freestyle
popular tags related to a specific brand, topic                                                           about a topic. Anyone with access to the pages
                                                         participation from chat members. Tweets
or issue. The larger the font is in the cloud, the                                                        can edit or modify the information.
                                                         to these chats are linked together by a
more popular and closely related it is to the
                                                         common predetermined hashtag.                    WordPress – An open source blog publishing
                                                         Tweetup – An organized in-person
Threads – Strands of conversation. On an
                                                         gathering of Twitter users.                      YouTube – An online site for uploading
e-mail list or Web forum, they will be defined
by messages that use the same subject.                                                                    and discussing videos. Videos can also be
                                                         Twitter List – A categorized compilation
                                                                                                          embedded from YouTube onto other social
                                                         of Twitter users collected by another user.
Topic – An idea, issue or talking point in an                                                             media sites such as blogs or social networks.
                                                         When a user is listed, it is featured in their
online conversation that is made up of threads.
                                                         individual profile. Users can also see the
                                                         lists a user has created on their profile.

17   I   S O C I A L   M E D I A    1 0 1
®                                                            ®

www.nicholsonkovac.com	                                twitter.com/nicholsonkovac	                                facebook.com/nicholsonkovac

Nicholson Kovac is a totally integrated marketing communications agency. From the day we opened our doors in 1981, we’ve been providing
                                                                               ®                                                           ®
clients with relevant solutions through the use of our comprehensive series of strategic planning models. Our brand promise is Relevant IngenuitySM
(with a focus on ROI). For more information on social media or any NK service, e-mail us at nk@nicholsonkovac.com.
                                                                                                                                                      S O C I A L   M E D I A   1 0 1   I 18
N I C H O L S O N KOVAC                                         RelevantIngenuity                  SM

                                                   © 2010 Nicholson Kovac, Inc. All Rights Reserved
800. 352.1766 • www.nicholsonkovac.com   Relevant Ingenuity is a service mark of Nicholson Kovac, Inc.

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Social media 101

  • 2. AN INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL MEDIA S A B usinesses are rapidly and actions vary according to how people view Community-based changing the way they themselves within the various online social Social media is a party to which everyone communicate in both B-to-B communities. We ‘follow’ those we respect, is invited. Communities can form quickly and B-to-C environments on admire, like, fear, loathe or love. And our and communicate effectively. Communities a daily basis. Your organization can benefit actions reflect these experiences. If someone share common interests and users T from using the social media channel in many you respect blogs about a recent purchase, you collaborate about each other’s ideas in ways: to build and maintain client and might be swayed to buy the same product. reference to that interest. employee relationships, to provide additional The key to social influence for marketers is to Connectedness customer service touch points, to identify and affect consumer behavior, both on and offline, Information becomes easily accessible engage online brand champions, to monitor by creating a well-monitored, positive and through the use of social media. It allows your brand, competitors and marketplace persuasive dialog that is intelligently integrated messages to spread by using links and N issues, to establish your organization as an into their overall brand strategy. sharing tools. industry thought leader … the possibilities are seemingly endless. Incorporating social Participatory What is Social Media? networks into your integrated marketing Social media allows people to tell their stories strategy has become increasingly necessary as The term “social media” is used to describe a set using online publishing means such as blogs, your customers have increased the time they of Internet tools that enable shared community social networks, forums, photo/video sharing, spend on these various communications experiences, both online and in person. A etc. Now anyone with an Internet connection channels. There is much to consider both community, in this context, is a group of people has the ability to share messages with a before and after the decision is made to jump with common interests who connect with one worldwide audience. into the world of online communication. We another to learn, work, organize and socialize. invite you to use this guide as a primer for Social media was born out of the personal Traditional Versus Social discussion about social media. empowerment and freedom the Internet offers.1 The biggest differences between traditional Thus, social media is best understood as having media (newspapers, TV, radio, etc.) and social Theory of Social Influence the following characteristics: media is that social media is collaborative The theory of social influence states that Open Conversation and on consumers’ terms. Social media elicits an individual’s behavior is intentionally or Traditional media is about broadcasting audience interaction and is constantly changing. unintentionally affected by other people (sending one message to many). Social Organizations can no longer just broadcast a according to how that individual perceives media encourages feedback from everyone. message to the masses. Instead, they must himself in relation to his influencers. In the social Communication becomes an open and learn how to use online networking channels to media arena, this theory holds true. Behavior honest two-way conversation. develop and nurture one-to-one relationships. Companies must meet customers where they are and engage with them in their own language. 1 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 3. Why It’s Important Although there are many reasons why social B A S I C F O R M S O F media is notable, there is one reason that stands above the rest: people. Social media brings with it a tremendous power to build personal relationships. The ability to reach Social Media every user on the planet, to grow support and to easily maintain connections are all reasons Blog (short for web log) – Websites to gain more information or start a why social media can be a game changer for where individuals provide entries conversation. traditional marketing communication.2 (posts) of any type of content in order Location-based social networking – to inform or create discussions. An online application that allows What It Means for Companies Popular free blogging websites are members to share their location using Who can afford not to take advantage of a Blogger™, Tumblr and WordPress. their mobile phones through GPS, huge opportunity? Never before has there been Social network – An online community e-mail or text. Businesses can use these such an open forum of real-time feedback. that allows people to connect with applications for marketing/advertising Companies quickly can find where crowds are others, and that enables people to and PR purposes. Foursquare and and then listen and learn valuable information share videos, pictures and information Gowalla have the largest number of from them. By joining the conversation, with their peers by creating a personal users at this time. company executives become industry thought- profile website. The most popular Creative Content Community – An leaders and fill the void between customers social networks include Facebook® online community that focuses on and traditional marketing communication and LinkedIn, among others. organizing and sharing particular channels. Through the use of social media, Micro-blog – A community where kinds of interactive new media organizations connect with consumers on a posts (or updates) are in bite-sized content. The most popular kinds of deeper level and refine their messaging to chunks of 140 characters or less. content communities tend to focus better suit their target audiences. Twitter is the clear leader here. around video (YouTube), photos (Flickr®), podcasts (iTunes) or live Wikis – Web pages used to collect video streaming (Ustream®).3 content about a topic. Anyone with access to the pages can edit or modify Virtual world – A computer-based the information. The most well known simulated online universe (Second Life®) wiki is Wikipedia, a free online through which its users can interact using encyclopedia built collaboratively avatars (a user’s online representation of with over three million articles. himself/herself). Generally these spaces tend to mirror the real world (i.e. Social news/bookmarking – A method environment, economics, etc.) and for people to search, organize, store despite many people’s belief, the and share items (i.e. blog posts, online boundaries between the real and virtual articles, etc.) of interest using the worlds are quite porous. item’s URL. Or websites (like Digg) users submit and vote on news stories or other links, thus determining which Things move fast in the social media world and links are most prominent. Other there are many other forms not listed here popular bookmarking communities (including RSS aggregators, mash-ups, and augmented reality). You can refer to the glossary are Del.icio.us and StumbleUpon. on page 15 to reference other social media innovations. Forum – An online discussion site where people who wish to discuss particular issues post threads (topic- based messages) on a message board S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 2
  • 4. social say reviews networks 11 from friends SOCIAL MEDIA INSIGHTS they follow T I P S F O R Business Creating a Social Business Are you using social technology to engage on social collection of valuable data that can be your customers and their influencers, to encourage your employees to collaborate networks used to customize both their on- and offline purchasing experiences. However, a true 1. Define your objective emphasis “influence more efficiently, and to enhance your social business is one that places just as much business partner relationships? If you on creating a similarly nurturing Whether it is brand awareness answered yes to all three, you are on your or a call-to-action, it’s always customers andthem a environment for its employees as it does its way to evolving into a social business. partners. Working diligently good to have a measurable and to build alignment around the company’s attainable goal. As a result of the ever-expanding number of social networking platforms, you now great deal.” mission and to foster a spirit of community 2. Develop a corporate social and collaboration in the workplace will have the opportunity to interact with media policy yield an army of brand champions who will your increasingly social customers more Be smart about privacy and feel empowered to take ownership of your frequently and through many more touch the company’s confidential customer and partner relationships. points than ever before – enabling the information. 3. Make it personal If multiple people are managing Basically, social media is any web tool or technology one twitter account, use your initials at the end of an update that connects people. While somewhat complex, all social so that users know who is media content can be broken down into simple categories: communicating. Try using a personal photo as an avatar instead of the company logo. 4. Protect your brand Create a custom URL. It’s also good User Generated Content to reserve brand-associated profiles A lot of what comes to mind when people Internet and sharing the content with on social networking channels think “social media” is really just user their community through sites like Digg, like Twitter, Facebook®, YouTube, generated content. This includes things like StumbleUpon, Reddit, Del.icio.us, and many Flickr®, SlideShare and others. blogs, podcasts, photos and video; essentially others. anything where the main focus is content 5. Stay active creation. This is one of the fastest growing Social Networks and Content Post relevant, meaningful and parts of social media, primarily because of the respectful comments. Do not Along with user generated content, social spam or post remarks that are shrinking barriers to entry. You can showcase networks are the other half of social media. off-topic or offensive. your pictures on Flickr® and upload a video to By now, everyone has heard of sites like a YouTube channel/page very easily. Twitter, Facebook® and LinkedIn. These networks, among many others, allow users Socially Highlighted Content to create profiles and connect with peers, These sites can help a company accrue and friends and coworkers to form a network of preserve brand equity because they serve as “linked” individuals. These channels can be a showcase or portal for content that people a precious resource when trying to promote deem valuable. The popularity of socially a cause because you can leverage your highlighted content is measured by people network of supporters. finding something interesting on the 3 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 5. SOCIAL NETWORKING BEST PRACTICES ® ® 1. Reserve a YouTube.com URL. 1. Secure your own 1. Reserve your custom ® 1. Reserve your custom 2. Choose relevant keyword- ® Facebook URL. LinkedIn URL. Twitter URL. friendly tags for videos to increase your search results. in 2. Think carefully about who you “friend.” 2. Fill out your profile completely. 2. Include a well-written bio. 3. Make your page stand out 3. Brand and customize your 3. Select your privacy settings. 3. Have a compelling and with a custom background. YouTube channel by adding 4. Update regularly. search-friendly headline. Include your contact info background images and 4. Give and receive and links to other social choosing company colors. 5. Keep your friends organized networks. using Facebook’s groups recommendations. 4. Get best quality by following feature. 5. Stay active. 4. Post regularly and retweet YouTube’s video compression others’ posts if they are guidelines. 6. Create fan pages and track 6. Connect with everyone. interesting and relevant to your insights. 7. Import your other feeds (i.e. your audience. 5. Thank subscribers and respond to wall comments. 7. Engage customers with polls blog, Twitter, etc.). 5. Listen and be prepared to or special fan promotions 8. Become an industry thought respond to conversations. 6. Build up your library of and giveaways. content quickly. Repurpose leader by joining groups A good way to interact is to video from traditional and answering people’s ask questions. advertising (i.e. TV spots). questions. 6. If you want to get retweets, 7. Regularly monitor your be relevant.4 insights on your YouTube 7. Make sure your tweets channels. provide some value for your 8. To increase your reach, look audience. For example, post beyond YouTube and post pictures, provide coupons or your videos on other social a behind-the-scenes view of video sites such as Vimeo. your company. S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 4
  • 6. Social Media is consumed and contributed to almost simultaneously. 5 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 7. Social Media Convergence audio or video responses, which in turn result in engagement. Engagement can translate to Within the world of social media there is attention, awareness and recall of a topic/ much overlap, and a lot of sites represent message, etc. the intersection of different forms of social media. This makes it even more crucial for A good way to think about social media is your organization to showcase the right that all of this is actually just about being messages for your specific audience across human beings. Sharing ideas, cooperating the entire realm of channels. For example, and collaborating to create art, drive a micro-blogging site like Twitter or Google commerce, provoke vigorous debate and Buzz, sits at the intersection of user-generated discourse, and finding people who might content and social networking; it’s the perfect be good friends, allies and lovers are blend of both. the essence upon which our species has built several civilizations. That’s why it is In practice, social media is content that anyone spreading so quickly, not because it’s great online can provide. Social media is consumed shiny, whizzy new technology, but because and contributed to almost simultaneously. it lets us be ourselves.5 Contributions can be comments, photos, and Retweets and Timing 4 Day of Week 19 % 18 % 17 % 16 % 15 % 14 % 13 % 12% 11 % Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Random Tweets Retweets Time of Day (EST) 6.0 % 5.0 % 4.0 % 3.0 % 2.0 % 1.0 % 0% 12 AM 2 AM 4 AM 6 AM 8 AM 10 AM 12 PM 2 PM 4 PM 6 PM 8 PM 10 PM Random Tweets Retweets S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 6
  • 8. WHO IS USING SOCIAL MEDIA? S ince 2007, Forrester has sophisticated category, a more detailed Conversationalists include only those tracked the growth of explanation of the six levels on the Social who update their status at least once a social behavior. According Technographics ladder are: week, since anything less isn’t much of to a consumer poll done in a conversation. This group is intriguing Creators the second quarter of 2010, Forrester found because it is 56% female, more than any A that more than 4 in 5 (81%) of U.S. Internet At the top of the ladder are other group in the ladder. While users participate in some form of social media at least once a month. Per Nicholson 22 % Creators – online consumers who publish blogs, maintain of critics 81 % they’re among the youngest of the groups, 70% are still 30 and up. Kovac estimates, among the 60%+ of adults comment Web pages, or upload videos to of adults Critics 18+ reached daily via the Internet, 80% of on blogs YouTube at least once sites like reached by 59 a month. Creators, which include the Internet These online consumers participate in them are engaged in some type of social % are engaged B media, resulting in almost half (45%) of all just 23% of the adult online two ways – by commenting on blogs in social adults participating in social media. While of joiners population, are generally young – media or by posting ratings and reviews on read blogs social media has grown rapidly, when ranked the average age of adult users is sites like Amazon.com. This level of alongside other media, social media would 30 39 – %are evenly split between but participation isn’t nearly as intense 51 rank sixth, almost as high as magazines (in men and women. Their participation is as being a Creator. Critics pick and choose of joiners % aggregate), as a medium in terms of average publish blogs 14% produce all three types of varied: just where they want to offer their expertise and T 50 daily reach. online content whileof active19% produce another often use another blog post or product as Twitter users two of the three types of content. % the foundation for their contribution. Critics follow How Users Consume Social Media of Americans 33% of all adult online consumers represent Conversationalists companies, brands, or who use average are several years older than and on Forrester categorizes social computing Conversationalists, recently added to the products on social media Creators. Two-thirds of them post ratings behaviors into a ladder with six levels of social say reviews Social Technographics ladder, include from and reviews, but only 22% comment on friends N participation. They use the term Social networks 11 31% of the adult online population.theyblogs and rate/review website content. Four follow Technographics to describe a population Conversationalists are comprised of not on social ten Critics are Creators as well. out of according to its participation in these networks only Facebook® and Twitter users, but also “influence levels. Participation at one level may or people who regularly post status updates them a may not overlap with participation at other to these social network sites to converse.great deal.” levels. Starting from the top with the most 7 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 9. Collectors When users save URLs on a 22%of critics 81% if they never bookmarked a page Joiners represent 59% of the adult online population and are generally made up of social bookmarking service like comment of adults people between 18-24 years of age. They themselves. Collectors represent on blogs reached by are highly likely to engage in other social Del.icio.us or use RSS feeds 19% of the adult online population 59 the Internet on blogs, they create metadata % and are the most male-dominated computing activities – 56% also read blogs, are engaged that’s shared with the entire in social while 30% publish blogs. of all the Social Technographics of joiners media community. This act of collecting read blogs groups. More than two-thirds tag Spectators 30 and aggregating information pages, while more than half use plays a vital role in organizing the % RSS feeds. This group of blog readers, video viewers, 51 and podcast listeners, which represent 68% tremendous amount of content of joiners Joiners % of the adult online population, serves as the publish blogs being produced by Creators and 50 of active audience for the social content made by Critics. For example, Del.icio.us This unique group has just one Twitter users % everyone else. The most common activity users can see all of the Web defining follow – using a social behavior for Spectators is reading blogs, with only pages tagged “Political Headlines” even networking site like Facebook® or Twitter.Americans companies, of brands, or who use small overlap of users watching peer- a social media products on generated video on sites like YouTube. It’s social say reviews Social Technographics Ladder 6 important to note that Creators can also be from friends networks 11 Spectators. Someone who writes a blog they follow on social about politics may be a listener of a CNN networks • Publish a blog podcast, but many Spectators fail to climb “influence Creators • Publish their own Web pages them a higher up the participation ladder. • Upload video they created 23% great deal.” • Upload audio/music they created Inactives • Write articles or stories and post them 19% of online adults do not participate at Conversationalists all in social computing activities. These • Update a status on a social networking site 31% • Post updates on Twitter Inactives have an average age of 50, are more likely to be women, and are much less likely to consider themselves leaders Critics • Post ratings/reviews of products or services or tell their friends about products that • Comment on someone else’s blog 33% • Contribute to online forums • Contribute to/edit articles in a wiki interest them. Although they don’t directly participate in social media, they are still affected when the activities of others, i.e. in Collectors • Use RSS feeds blogs or online consumer-generated videos, 19% • “Vote” for Web sites online get covered in the news media. • Add “tags” to Web pages or photos In looking at a four-year trend of the Social Joiners Technographics groups, there has been • Maintain profile on a social networking site significant growth in participation groups, 59% • Visit social networking sites which is shown by Inactives decreasing 60%+ from 2007 to 2010. Joiners had the Spectators • Read blogs largest growth, as they more than doubled in • Listen to podcasts size. Creators have also seen a boost since 68% • Watch video from other users • Read online forums 2007. The fact that more than 1 in 5 online • Read customer ratings/reviews adults in the U.S. are exhibiting Creator Inactives behavior is a testament to how social technologies have allowed more people to 19% • None of the above create and distribute their ideas, opinions and creations than was ever possible in the BASE: U.S. ONLINE ADULTS Groups include people participating in at least one of past. Source: Forrester Research the activities monthly except Conversationalists who participate in at least one of the included activities at least weekly. S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 8
  • 10. Social Influence Targeting marketers make sure that viral elements S O C I A L M E D I A Stats Varies By Generation – not static links and videos – are key to reaching this audience. Just as different generations watch different shows and read different magazines, GenXers (33-44) Spectators form the requiring marketers to devise different media foundation for future participation. While and messaging strategies for each group, significantly fewer members of GenX are the unique online participation profiles for at the top of the participation ladder, four ® each generation also require varying social out of 10 are already using social media as influence strategies. Spectators, making them well positioned to take the next step. This generation has According to the Arbitron Edison Teenagers (12-17) create more than any plenty of knowledge to share based on their ® study, Twitter usage presently other generation, with more than one-third stands at an estimated 17 million years of experience, from rating recipes to engaging as Creators. Since teens are very Americans. (75 million users worldwide) offering reviews of new restaurants. This reflects 7% of the population.7 likely to create their own content, they are less likely than GenYers to be Critics and Boomers and Seniors (45-55+) with Nearly two-thirds of active Twitter Collectors. Therefore, the key to reaching 70% participation at least once a month, users also access social networking marketers need more relevant content and sites using a mobile phone.7 this group is to appeal to its need for self- expression. services to get them engaged. The advent of 51% of active Twitter users follow sites like Eons – which is a social networking companies, brands or products on Millennials (18-32) While this age group social networks.8 site that incorporates blogging and targets ® has higher percentages in each category users 50 and older – means that Boomers than any other (except for youth Creators), and Seniors are more likely to find something it’s their sky-high participation in social that inspires greater levels of participation. networks that stands out. Successful There are more than 550 million active Facebook® users around the world. Age Age Sex Sex ® 50% of active users log on to in 55+ 55+ Facebook® in any given day. 7% 12 to 17 7% 12 to 17 45 to 54 18% 45 to 54 18% The average user has 130 friends. 12% 12% 18 to 24 People spend over 500 billion Women 24 18 to MenWomen Men 35 to 44 3511% to 44 53% 11% Base: Monthly Twitter Users 47% 53% 47% minutes per month using 19% 19% Facebook®. 25 to 34 25 to 34 The average user creates 70 pieces 33% 33% of content each month. Base: Monthly Twitter Users Base: Monthly Twitter Users Demozz Chart10 More than 25 billion pieces of content (Web links, news stories, 9 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) are shared each month.
  • 11. O P P O R T U N I T I E S How Does Social Media Fit In? Social media allows businesses to effectively already have shown an interest in their connect more with their customers and brand through their social media channels, better meet their customers’ demands. In thus increasing the number of successful fact, in 2010, about 70% of small businesses marketing campaigns. plan to use social media to get their Integrating on- and offline content is a simple messages out.9 Many brands use social and cost-effective way to create awareness media monitoring to hone their messages. By and consistent messaging about a company’s listening to the market they are able to draw networking sites and to persuade customers important conclusions that can influence to visit them to learn more. It is important their traditional marketing strategies. For to have well thought out objectives when example, a company might reword a print ad designing social media channels (Facebook/ to match the style of language its customers Twitter page) to truly stand out and engage are using in online forums – allowing the viewers. Otherwise, once users reach your ad to be more effective as it reaches the site they might deem it irrelevant or static. audience on a deeper level. Companies can Below are some examples of corporations also engage parties who who are profiting from their social media marketing efforts. Dunkin’ Donuts Listed as #12 in the Corporate America Top 50 Facebook® Pages of 2009, Dunkin’ Donuts can teach us all something about the use of social media. While most Facebook® fan pages use corporate logos as their profile pictures, Dunkin’ Donuts uses this space to honor its “Fan of the Week” contest winner. Dunkin’ Donuts’ attentiveness to fans’ positive or negative comments on their Facebook® wall shows they truly care about their customers’ wants and needs. Before Dunkin’ Donuts opened its second store in Kansas City, the company had started tweeting about its grand opening long before they ran traditional advertising. This created a buzz in the Kansas City community, getting people excited for Dunkin’ Donuts’ new location.10 S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 10
  • 12. Southwest Airlines If you follow Southwest Airlines on flight delays or weather issues, and route listening to what is being said about their Twitter, you’ll never be bored. It’s just not potential customer service inquiries to brand across the Web, Southwest never your everyday corporate Twitter account. appropriate internal team members so they misses valuable opportunities to connect Southwest’s corporate communication team can assist. Southwest also uses monitoring with their customers. uses Twitter to share news and information to address any harmful feedback from Southwest recently tweeted about a video about Southwest, inform its customers of customers. By carefully monitoring and that a customer took of a rapping flight attendant and mentioned it to a journalist. From there, the video and story got picked up everywhere from the Web to the Wall Street Journal. Southwest has embraced the power of social media to give their customers access to what’s happening behind the scenes at the airline, and hear what they have to say about their experiences with the company. They are proof that listening, engaging and embracing communication with your customers is key to building long-term brand awareness, loyalty and even a bit of fun.11 Blendtec Who knew that a company that makes blenders could be so popular? Blendtec took a boring product and made it exciting. Famous for its library of inexpensive Will It Blend™ videos posted on YouTube and shared by millions, Will It Blend is part of the company’s viral marketing strategy, consisting of a series of infomercials demonstrating the Blendtec line of blenders. In the show, Tom Dickson, the Blendtec founder, attempts to blend various items was important. Consumers had a stake in Nothing is better than creating some great (wood, marbles, an iPhone, etc.) in order the videos and thus the Will It Blend videos content and handing it over to your brand to show off the power of his blender. As developed a cult-like following. Dickson has supporters. It’s powerful, and Blendtec the popularity of the videos grew, Blendtec showcased the power of Blendtec’s blenders is a great example of how a company can encouraged consumers to suggest things to live on YouTube as well as other media combine a little bit of creativity and user- blend. outlets like NBC’s Today Show, demonstrating generated content to gain sizable awareness By engaging audiences, Blendtec was able how they profited from the reach that social and sustain a following. to create a sense that customer feedback media provides. 11 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 13. MANAGING YOUR ONLINE REPUTATION S A B FREE MONITORING T hink about a person to whom for engaging with your customers and potential Tools 22 you enjoy talking. Maybe it’s a customers online. If the answer to either question % of critics 81 spouse or a best friend. Now think about the qualities that % is no, then social media monitoring would be your first step. However, listening is important for Google Alerts – Tracks information from news, Web, blogs, microblogs, images and video and allows users to comment of adults on blogs that person such a good conversationalist. make other reasons, not just for determining whether decide how often they want to receive reached by N One of the key skills in communicating effectively your company should set up a Facebook® page alerts (generally by e-mail): as-it- 59 the Internet is% listening. It shouldn’t be a surprise that one of are engaged or a Twitter account. happens, once a day or once a week. in social of joinersmain benefits of social media monitoring is the media Monitoring your reputation online is a necessary SocialMention.com – Allows users read blogsit is a great listening tool. By listening to that to track information from news, Web, investment if you want to be able to protect 30 blogs, microblogs, images and video % the marketplace and focusing more directly on yourself adequately from brand hijacks and and also offers them the chance to customers’ demands, companies gain significant 51 filter these results by social media of joiners % credibility damaging comments. No matter the publish competitive advantage. blogs size of your organization, using social sources from a list of 80. Social Mention.com effectively measures What people say active about 50 of online Twitter users % media alerts lets you track mentions of results of search terms by strength, companies, brands and products follow your name, company and brand. You sentiment, passion and reach. companies, of Americans matters. In fact, nearly half of who use can also use alerts to listen to what’s Topsy.com – Monitors photos and brands, or Americans who use social media products on social media being said about your employees and/or tweets by measuring results of search say reviews terms by how they match your search say reviews about a particular social from friends executives, as well as your competitors. networks 11 terms and the influence of people company, brand or product from they follow It’s better to get notifications before a talking about them. friends or people they follow on social problem escalates or gets lodged in the networks Trackur – Shows the influence and on social networking websites “influence top search rankings. By then, it may be audience reach of those discussing influence them either a great deal them a too late. your brand and includes sentiment great deal.” or a fair amount (45%) – the same tagging to see how people currently 11 Alternatively, if your competitors feel about your company/brand. number of Americans who say are showing up in search results on Kurrently – Tracks information from reviews in newspaper or magazine articles marketplace issues ahead of you, or if mentions Facebook® and Twitter and offers influence them (46%).12 instant updates of what’s happening of your brand contain nothing more than neutral When is the right time to establish a social sentiment, using a monitoring tool can help you right now on the Web. media presence? Ask yourself first if you know identify which key influencers to engage with to MonitorThis.com – Monitors news, whether your target audience is actively using give you a positive infusion of energy. Web, blogs, microblogs, images and video and allows users to filter their social networking sites, and whether you have search results by requiring their established both an objective and a strategy search name in title. S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 12
  • 14. MANAGING YOUR ONLINE REPUTATION Build Relationships Highly effective social media campaigns are By responding to both negative and positive not accomplished simply by broadcasting feedback, companies show their honesty information and disseminating it through and that they truly care about developing a social media channels. Successful personal relationship with their consumers. companies build meaningful and lasting There are many free tools available today, relationships through constant interaction and the list keeps growing. Free monitoring with consumers. Very often those services we highly recommend are shown relationships create a referral network below. When you’re ready to begin more once consumers start talking to each other. robust, sophisticated monitoring, Nicholson Building relationships through social media Kovac is poised to be your partner. in turn allows companies to build trust and loyalty for themselves. Monitoring Tool Matrix Monitoring Tool What Does It How Are Results How Are Results Noteworthy Track? Filtered? Measured? Google Alerts All Google content Type Relevance Simple to manage such as images, Frequency Date range existing e-mail videos, maps, news, Posts per page Length of post alerts or add more. shopping sites, blogs, microblog updates, discussions Social Mention 100+ social media Date Strength Offers top keywords, properties Source Sentiment users, hashtags and Time period Passion sources. Reach Personalized daily e-mail alerts. Trackur Blogs, news, Type Influence Allows advanced social networks Date Sentiment filtering such as Time period domain exclusion. Topsy Photos, Tweets Type Influence Contains trackback Time period Relevance pages, allows advanced filtering. Kurrently Facebook, Twitter Type Relevance Instant updates. Time period Stream speed Monitor This Articles, blogs, Engine Date Aggregates results microblogs, news, Source Relevance for 26 search photos, tags, videos, Length of post engines. websites 13 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 15. R E F E R E N C E S 1. Evans, Dave. “Social Media Marketing: 7. Webster, Tom. “Twitter Usage in 10. Username: Brad. “Corporate America An Hour a Day.” (October 13, 2008) America: 2010.” Retrieved on June 1, Top 50 Facebook Pages 2009.” Retrieved 2010. <http://www.edisonresearch. on June 1, 2010. <http://retechworld. 2. Karjaluoto, Eric. “A Primer in Social com/home/archives/2010/04/twitter_ wordpress.com/2009/12/23/corporate- Media.” Retrieved on June 1, 2010. usage_in_america_2010_1.php> america-top-50-facebook-pages/> <http:/www.smashlab.com> 8. Arbitron/Edison Research. “Everything 11. Radian 6. Retrieved on June 1, 3. Mayfield, Anthony. “What Is Social you need to know about who is using 2010. <http://www.radian6.com/our- Media?” Retrieved on June 1, 2010. Twitter.” Retrieved on June 1, 2010. customers/southwest-airlines/> <http://www.icrossing.co.uk/ebooks> <http://www.businessinsider.com/ everything-you-need-to-know-about- 12. Heckathorne, Whitney. “Speak 4. Zarrella, Dan. “The Science of ReTweets.” whos-using-twitter-2010-4#25-34-year- Now or Forever Hold Your Tweets.” Retrieved on June 1, 2010. <http:// olds-make-up-a-third-of-the-twitter- Retrieved on June 3, 2010. <http:// www.danzarrella.com> population-10> multivu.prnewswire.com/mnr/ harrisinteractive/44373/> 5. Mayfield, Anthony. “What Is Social 9. Frelix, La Tonya. “Study: 70 percent Media?” Retrieved on June 1, 2010. of small businesses using social <http://www.icrossing.co.uk/ebooks> networks to get their messages out.” Retrieved on June 1, 2010. <http:// 6. Rousseau-Anderson, Jackie. “The www.hattiesburgamerican.com/ Latest Global Social Media Trends May article/20100530/BUSINESS/5300308/ Surprise You.” Retrieved on September Study-70-percent-of-small-businesses- 29, 2010. <http://blogs.forrester.com/ using-social-networks-to-get-their- jackie_rousseau_anderson/10-09-28- messages-out> latest_global_social_media_trends_ may_surprise_you> S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 14
  • 16. G L O S S A R Y Aggregation – Gathering information Blogs – Websites where individuals provide Flashmob – A sudden physical gathering from multiple websites, typically via RSS. entries of any type of content from video and of people initiated by an online request or Aggregation lets websites mix the information podcasts to traditional text and photos in order invitation via a tweet, Facebook® status, text from multiple websites, for example by to inform or create discussions; presented in message or email. republishing all the news related to a particular reverse chronological order. Slang for web-log. keyword. Flickr® – Online site for storing, sharing and Blogroll – A list of recommended blogs commenting on photos. API (Application Programming Interface) generally in link form. – allows a data feed to feed from another site Geotagging – The addition of geographical to a personal site. Blogosphere – The collective term for location information to online media the entire blogging community. (photographs, video, posts, websites, etc). App (Short for application) – Apps perform special functions on smart phones and can be Vlog – A form of blogging that uses the Hat Tip – Public acknowledgement for raising downloaded or purchased through the phone’s video medium instead of written/typed attention to a post, tweet or person. Internet. A wide range of apps are available in posts. Influencer – A person specialized in a specific several categories including, but not limited to, Brand Advocates – Influencers that display subject matter and highly recognized in an games, education and health. positive sentiment through conversations for a online community who has the ability to sway Astroturfing – A fake grassroots campaign company, brand or product. others’ thoughts. Key Influencers are sought online used to create simulated buzz about a out because of their expertise on specific E-book – A digital edition of a printed book subject matters. brand or product. or periodical to be read online. E-books can Augmented Reality – The use of computer be downloaded as an alternative to buying the Location-based Service – A service graphics in real-world environments to printed edition. operating from a mobile device that capitalizes enhance what we see, hear and feel around on geographical location for various purposes Chatroulette – A website that pairs random including entertainment, safety and work, i.e. us. These graphics can be added in real time strangers from around the world together for Foursquare, Google maps and Loopt. to provide feedback or information about webcam-based conversations. the world around users. Mash-up – The combination of different Web Ecosystem – An online community and its sources to create a new source. Avatar – A computer user’s representation of surrounding environment functioning as a themselves in the form of a two-dimensional whole. Mention – The listing of a company, brand or icon or a three-dimensional model. product within the context of a social media post. 15 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 17. Meme – A viral concept or question that a Profiles – The information that you provide Social Media – A term used to describe person contributes to and then shares with about yourself when signing up for a social tools and platforms people use to produce, others to continue the chain. networking site. This may include a picture, publish and share online content and to basic information, personal and business interact with one another. Social media tools Message Boards/Forums – An online interests and tags to help people search for include: blogs, podcasts, videos, microblogs, discussion site for people looking to discuss like-minded people. wikis, etc. particular issues or needing support post threads (a message) on the forum or message QR Code (Quick Response Code) – a two- Social Networking Sites – Large sites board in hopes to gain more information or dimensional bar code that can be scanned that host multiple communities comprised start a conversation. with a QR code reader on smart phones to of profiles of people with similar interests. launch the Internet on the phone and lead These sites offer a place where people Micro-blogging – A form of blogging where directly to a specific URL, video or photo. engage with one another online and share the entries/posts are limited to a certain content. Example communities include: amount of characters or words, i.e. Twitter. RSS Feed (Really Simple Syndication) – a system that generates frequently updated Facebook® – An online community for Micro-vlogging – A form of vlogging where information from a site, i.e. blog posts and people to connect or re-connect with others. the entries/posts are limited to a specific amount online articles. Enables people to share videos, pictures of time, i.e. 12seconds.tv or geekbeat.tv. and information about themselves. One of Reader – Aggregates information from RSS the fastest growing social networks of the Online Community – A group of people Feed into one site, i.e., Google Reader. past two years. using social media tools and sites on the Internet. Sentiment – A level of assessment that Formspring – A social networking site determines the tone of an article, blog post, where users can ask and answer questions Open-source Software – Computer a company, etc – usually positive, negative or anonymously. software with a source code that is publicly neutral. available for developers to explore, improve LinkedIn – A professional online community and alter. Share-of-Discussion – The competitive used to network with fellow professionals; share of conversations in the social media an online resume sharing site. Podcasts – Online audio or video recordings channel, similar to a traditional media share- syndicated on the Internet and available for of-voice. Social News Sites – Websites where download to portable media players such as users submit and vote on news stories or an iPod. Social Bookmarking – A method for people other links, thus determining which links are to search, organize, store and share items, i.e. presented. Example sites include Digg and Post – The entire content (article) that is blog posts, online articles and pictures of Reddit. posted in a social media channel. interest using the item’s URL. Example sites include Del.icio.us and StumbleUpon. S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 16
  • 18. G L O S S A R Y Social Technographics – Categories Trend Graph – A visualization of quantitative Twitter Client – A 3rd party software client representing the various types of social media trends, over a given period of time, for a that allows users to access Twitter using API users based on the level of their participation company, brand or specific set of issues. calls instead of visiting Twitter.com. within social media. Twitter – A micro-blogging community where Upload – To transfer a file or other content Creators – Make social content by writing posts and links are 140 characters or less. from your computer to an Internet site. blogs and posts or uploading media. Tweet – A post/entry made on Twitter. URL (Unique Resource Locator) – The Critics – Respond to content from others. technical term for a web address. They post reviews, comment on blogs, Retweet (RT) – To share an update from participate in forums and edit wiki articles. someone you are following by reposting it Video Chat – Online chatting using a webcam. to your followers. Popular services/sites associated with video Collectors – Use social technology to chatting are Skype and Chatroulette. collect information and stay on top of Direct Message (DM) – A private trends. personalized message that is 140 Vimeo – A social site for uploading and characters long. sharing videos with a creative focus. Joiners – Join social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook to connect with other Virtual World – An online community where @reply – Tweets that start with an @ users. users can interact and inhabit in the form then a username. This allows you to of avatars in a simulated environment, i.e. address another user specifically, much as Spectators – Read blogs, watch user- Second Life®. you would in a conversation. generated videos and view or listen to other social media without engaging with Hashtag – Similar to regular tags, these Webinar – An online seminar with interactive other users. are keywords associated and assigned qualities such as call-in questions or question to an item of content with a hash mark submission, comments and feedback. Inactives – Non-participants in social (#) attached to the front of the word. media. Webcast – A one-way online web conference Hashtags make it easier to follow a topic where the speaker transmits information but Tags – Keywords attached to a blog post, of interest discussed on Twitter. the listeners are unable to contribute. bookmark, photo or other item of content so the Twitter Search – A search engine that creator and others can find them easily through Widget – A mini application that performs a filters out real-time tweets. searches and aggregation. specific function and connects to the Internet. TweetChat – A scheduled chat on Twitter Tag Cloud – A visualization of the most Wikis – Web pages used to collect content that is led by a moderator or by freestyle popular tags related to a specific brand, topic about a topic. Anyone with access to the pages participation from chat members. Tweets or issue. The larger the font is in the cloud, the can edit or modify the information. to these chats are linked together by a more popular and closely related it is to the common predetermined hashtag. WordPress – An open source blog publishing subject. website. Tweetup – An organized in-person Threads – Strands of conversation. On an gathering of Twitter users. YouTube – An online site for uploading e-mail list or Web forum, they will be defined by messages that use the same subject. and discussing videos. Videos can also be Twitter List – A categorized compilation embedded from YouTube onto other social of Twitter users collected by another user. Topic – An idea, issue or talking point in an media sites such as blogs or social networks. When a user is listed, it is featured in their online conversation that is made up of threads. individual profile. Users can also see the lists a user has created on their profile. 17 I S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1
  • 19. ® ® www.nicholsonkovac.com twitter.com/nicholsonkovac facebook.com/nicholsonkovac Nicholson Kovac is a totally integrated marketing communications agency. From the day we opened our doors in 1981, we’ve been providing ® ® clients with relevant solutions through the use of our comprehensive series of strategic planning models. Our brand promise is Relevant IngenuitySM (with a focus on ROI). For more information on social media or any NK service, e-mail us at nk@nicholsonkovac.com. in S O C I A L M E D I A 1 0 1 I 18
  • 20. N I C H O L S O N KOVAC RelevantIngenuity SM © 2010 Nicholson Kovac, Inc. All Rights Reserved 800. 352.1766 • www.nicholsonkovac.com Relevant Ingenuity is a service mark of Nicholson Kovac, Inc.