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The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
There was a time
when “tablet”
meant this.
Not this.
There was a time when brands
didn’t really exist …
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
… much less have
devoted fans like
So much has changed in the
world of marketing and
advertising in last 20 years
alone …
So much has changed in the
world of marketing and
advertising in last 20 years
alone … That it’s easy to
forget a few things …
… Like that life
existed before
the internet, for
Or that advertising today was
molded by the centuries that
came before it.
Photo: spin spin on Flickr
Or that advertising today was
molded by the centuries that
came before it.
Photo: spin spin on Flickr
There’s a reason why
the majority of
consumers are skeptical
about brands.
Photo: Tom Raftery on Flickr
There’s a reason why
the majority of
consumers are skeptical
about brands.
Photo: Tom Raftery on Flickr | Source: Edelman Trust Barometer, 2012
There’s a reason why you’re more
likely to survive a plane crash than
click a banner ad.
Photo: puuikibeach on Flickr | Source: Solve Media
There’s a
reason why
started to look a lot like
Over time,
started to look a lot like
marketing, and
marketing started to look a lot like
Over time,
started to look a lot like
marketing, and
marketing started to look a lot like
being a great company.
Over time,
We now live in a world where
advertisers are wrapped around
the finger of the consumer …
We now live in a world where
advertisers are wrapped around
the finger of the consumer …
NOT the other way around.
There are 3 BIG reasons why:
There are 3 BIG reasons why:
the proliferation of media,
There are 3 BIG reasons why:
the proliferation of media,
a history of deception,
There are 3 BIG reasons why:
the proliferation of media,
a history of deception, and
the ability to time-shift with
This is the timeline and story of
how advertising became so
invasive, and consumers became
so indifferent.
Once upon a time, thousands of
years ago, survival was top-of-
Once upon a time, thousands of
years ago, survival was top-of-
People bartered.
Once upon a time, thousands of
years ago, survival was top-of-
People bartered.
Mass production of goods was
Once upon a time, thousands of
years ago, survival was top-of-
People bartered.
Mass production of goods was
People were illiterate.
Once upon a time, thousands of
years ago, survival was top-of-
People bartered.
Mass production of goods was
People were illiterate.
There was no need for advertising.
Word of mouth was all that
existed and all that mattered.
Fast forward to just before the
turn of the 20th century, and …
Photo: Theresa L Wysocki on Flickr
Fast forward to just before the
turn of the 20th century, and …
Photo: Theresa L Wysocki on Flickr
Fast forward to just before the
turn of the 20th century, and …
You’ve got an industrializing
America ready to start pummeling
people with marketing
messages for the next 120 years!
Photo: Theresa L Wysocki on Flickr
We’ll get to the industrialized
Let’s first start from the
A Timeline
the History & evolution
Of Advertising:
The preindustrial
1275 - 1900
The preindustrial
1275 - 1900
The Chinese invent this thing
called paper.
The Chinese invent this thing
called paper.
It’s used to pad bronze mirrors
and wrap things.
Then, way later …
Europe gets its first paper mill.
Photo: davydubbit on Flickr
Johannes Gutenberg
invents the printing
press in Germany.
Johannes Gutenberg
invents the printing
press in Germany.
For the first time, the recording
of information no longer just
belongs to an elite few.
For the first time, the recording of
information no longer belongs to
just an elite few.
Photo: illuminaut on Flickr
For the first time, the recording
of information no longer just
belongs to an elite few.
For the first time, the recording of
information no longer belongs to
just an elite few.
Photo: illuminaut on Flickr
The first poster ad in English is
placed on church doors in
The first poster ad in English is
placed on church doors in
Buy this cool
prayer book!
The first newspaper ad appears,
offering a reward for 12 stolen
Photo: David Feltkamp on Flickr
The Boston News-Letter asks
readers to place ads for real
estate, ships, or goods for sale.
The Boston News-Letter asks
readers to place ads for real
estate, ships, or goods for sale.
Soon after, the newspaper
places the first ad in America for
a Long Island estate.
Other colonial newspapers
quickly follow suit, placing their
own ads.
Photo: gillicious on Flickr
Benjamin Franklin
starts using
headlines and
illustrations in his
Benjamin Franklin
starts using
headlines and
illustrations in his
The first American
magazine is published
in Philadelphia.
And this is what ads look like.
Photo Courtesy of Archiving Early America | earlyamerica.com
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
The first ads were essentially personal classifieds.
Clever ad copy wasn’t a thing yet, so advertisers
played with headlines to garner attention.
Advertising defined?
A scholar named Samuel
Johnson writes:
A scholar named Samuel
Johnson writes: Whatever is common
is despised.
A scholar named Samuel
Johnson writes: Whatever is common
is despised.
Advertisements are now so
numerous that they are very
negligently perused.
A scholar named Samuel
Johnson writes: Whatever is common
is despised.
Advertisements are now so
numerous that they are very
negligently perused.
It has become necessary to
gain attention by magnificence
of promises.
This is a BIGdeal.
This is a BIGdeal.
It means people have been sick
of ads for 2 ½ centuries!
This is a BIGdeal.
It means people have been sick
of ads for 2 ½ centuries!!!!!!!!!!
And it means “magnificence of
promises” paves the way for
puffery and deception in ads.
And it means “magnificence of
promises” paves the way for
puffery and deception in ads.
The Industrial Revolution starts to
take place in North America.
are getting
replaced by
are getting
replaced by
Machines …
… and uniform goods are
starting to get manufactured in
greater quantities.
More products need
More products need
More people need
Advertising as a
profession gets its
start when Volney B.
Palmer sets up shop
in Philadelphia.
Advertising as a
profession gets its
start when Volney B.
Palmer sets up shop
in Philadelphia.
The first
magazine ad
Photo: theseanster93 on Flickr
The earliest billboards and transit
ads emerge as modes of
transportation develop.
Photo: http://railroad.lindahall.org/
The commission-based agency
model is born when 21 year-old
Francis Ayer opens N.W. Ayer &
Photo: http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/
The commission-based agency
model is born when 21 year-old
Francis Ayer opens N.W. Ayer &
Photo: http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/
The commission-based agency
model is born when 21 year-old
Francis Ayer opens N.W. Ayer &
Photo: http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/
John E. Powers becomes known
for “Powers’ Style” ad copy: short,
to-the-point, truthful, and convincing.
John E. Powers becomes known
for “Powers’ Style” ad copy: short,
to-the-point, truthful, and convincing.
Fine writing is
John E. Powers becomes known
for “Powers’ Style” ad copy: short,
to-the-point, truthful, and convincing.
Fine writing is
If the truth isn't
tellable, fix it
so it is.
If the truth isn't
tellable, fix it
so it is.
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
reason why
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
reason why
“Powers’ Style” copywriting inspired an
era of simple, straightforward ads that
convey why the consumer should buy.
Advertising defined?
Miracle cure
patent medicine
break the mold
with extravagant,
hyperbolic ads.
Miracle cure
patent medicine
break the mold
with extravagant,
hyperbolic ads.
Miracle double-
Miracle double-
dandruff remover
Miracle double-
Sick people.
dandruff remover
America gets a heavy dose of
these way-too-good-to-be-true
remedies through the turn of the
Photo: RoguePriest on Flickr
Nothin’ like some good
ol’ bodily harm to
engender enduring
trust in advertising!
Nothin’ like some good
ol’ bodily harm to
engender enduring
trust in advertising!
Moving on …
Photo: Joanna Bourne on Flickr
Mailing post cards is the most
recommended means of
reaching consumers.
Sears, Roebuck
and Co. issues its
first catalog.
The Winton Motor
Company places
the first magazine
ad for a car.
President Grover Cleveland
authorizes free rural
mail delivery.
President Grover Cleveland
authorizes free rural
mail delivery.
Advertising becomes a discipline
for the first time at Northwestern
Advertising becomes a discipline
for the first time at Northwestern
There’s a
science to
this stuff!
• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are
primary media types.
Preindustrial Recap
• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are
primary media types.
• Ad copy transforms from dry to cogent to
Preindustrial Recap
• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are
primary media types.
• Ad copy transforms from dry to cogent to
• A lack of regulation on advertising results in
prevalent puffery and false claims.
Preindustrial Recap
• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are
primary media types.
• Ad copy transforms from dry to cogent to
• A lack of regulation on advertising results in
prevalent puffery and false claims.
• Preindustrial developments put the first
marketing system in place.
Preindustrial Recap
The branding
1901 - 1910
The mass production
of generic goods start
to satisfy basic
consumer needs.
Photo: ThirdLegReviews on Flickr
So manufacturers
focus their efforts on
branding and packaging
to differentiate.
These future big-time brands are
• The Pepsi-Cola Company
• The Quaker Oats Company
• United States Steel Company
Unilever hires J.
Walter Thompson
Company (JWT) to
advertise Lifebuoy
Unilever hires J.
Walter Thompson
Company (JWT) to
advertise Lifebuoy
Baby formula brand Mellin’s
Food commissions a balloonist
to build the first airship to carry
their ads on 25 flights.
Baby formula brand Mellin’s
Food commissions a balloonist
to build the first airship to carry
their ads on 25 flights.
Commercial Pacific Cable
Company lays the first Pacific
telegraph cable.
Commercial Pacific Cable
Company lays the first Pacific
telegraph cable. President
Theodore Roosevelt sends a
message around the world and
receives it 12 minutes later.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Grace Weidersein creates the
“Campbell’s Kids,” which are still
used (with modifications) today.
Gillette creates the
first national ad plan
for its Safety Razor.
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
Advertisers discover they can make a
bigger impact by creating a series of
Advertising defined?
Congress cracks
down on advertisers
for unsubstantiated
claims in drug and
food advertising by
passing the Pure
Food and Drug Act.
Airplane advertising emerges with
the promotion of a Broadway
The Ford Motor
unveils the
Model T for a
whopping $850.
Domestic electricity is
standardized, creating a market
for household appliances.
Photo: premasagar on Flickr
John Wanamaker opens his
monumental, 12-story department
store in Philadelphia.
• Branding and packaging become important.
1900-1910 Recap
• Branding and packaging become important.
• Print is the primary media type, but brands
are experimenting with new communication
1900-1910 Recap
• Branding and packaging become important.
• Print is the primary media type, but brands
are experimenting with new communication
• The federal government steps in to regulate
food and drug advertising.
1900-1910 Recap
• Branding and packaging become important.
• Print is the primary media type, but brands
are experimenting with new communication
• The federal government steps in to regulate
food and drug advertising.
• Some of America’s most recognized brands
are incorporated.
1900-1910 Recap
• Branding and packaging become important.
• Print is the primary media type, but brands
are experimenting with new communication
• The federal government steps in to regulate
food and drug advertising.
• Some of America’s most recognized brands
are incorporated.
• The age of automobile advertising gets its
1900-1910 Recap
The Dawn of
1911 - 1920
The advertising industry decides
it should maybe clean up its act.
Photo: brandoncripps on Flickr
The advertising industry decides
it should maybe clean up its act.
The American Advertising
Federation establishes the first
“truth in advertising” codes.
Photo: brandoncripps on Flickr
For the first time,
JWT agency flirts
with sex appeal.
For the first time,
JWT agency flirts
with sex appeal.
This is also the first
time advertisers
attempt to focus
ads on consumer
needs above their
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
emotional appeal
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
emotional appeal
Helen Lansdowne’s Woodbury Soap headline and
new developments in advertising psychology
encouraged advertisers to emphasize the
pleasure a product will bring the consumer.
Advertising defined?
P&G pays JWT to launch a product
for the first time.
Camel begins
advertising for
the first time
while introducing
The Federal Trade Commission
Act is established to further curb
dishonest advertising.
The first transcontinental
telephone line opens between New
York City and San Francisco.
Source: Thom Watson on Flickr
America’s first radio
station, KDKA, launches
in Pittsburgh.
Photo: _jaaju on Flickr
America’s advertising industry
sits at nearly $3 billion.
America’s advertising industry
sits at nearly $3 billion.
Source: eMarketer
America’s advertising industry
sits at nearly $3 billion.
Source: eMarketer
• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant
media types.
1911-1920 Recap
• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant
media types.
• Radio emerges for the first time.
1911-1920 Recap
• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant
media types.
• Radio emerges for the first time.
• Americans can make cross-country phone
calls for the first time.
1911-1920 Recap
• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant
media types.
• Radio emerges for the first time.
• Americans can make cross-country phone
calls for the first time.
• Ads attempt to appeal to the emotional needs
of the consumer (instead of the advertiser)
for the first time.
1911-1920 Recap
• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant
media types.
• Radio emerges for the first time.
• Americans can make cross-country phone
calls for the first time.
• Ads attempt to appeal to the emotional needs
of the consumer (instead of the advertiser)
for the first time.
• The retail industry experiences major growth
spurred by a vast increase in mass
1911-1920 Recap
The rise of
1921 - 1930
Broadcast radio
figures out how
to finance its
existence by
selling its first ad.
Broadcast radio
figures out how
to finance its
existence by
selling its first ad.
offers 10 minutes
for $100.
Consumers are
enabled to spend
with newfound
Photo: Todd Elhers on Flickr
Consumers start
financing cars, home
appliances, and radios.
Ads look like this:
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Copywriter Claude Hopkins of
Lord & Thomas agency
publishes Scientific
Photo: zhouxuan12345678 on Flickr
He claims advertising is “based
on fixed principles,” i.e. a
copy strategy and a
product claim.
Photo: zhouxuan12345678 on Flickr
Sponsored content emerges
when N.W. Ayer & Sons produce
the first sponsored radio show,
“The Eveready Hour.”
NBC Radio Corp buys WEAF
from AT&T and renames it
WNBC, forming the first radio
network with 19 whole stations.
Copywriter John
Caples writes
one of the most
famous headlines
in an ad for the
U.S. Music
The second major radio network,
CBS, launches.
advertises its
mouth wash as a
cure for colds
and sore throats.
advertises its
mouth wash as a
cure for colds
and sore throats.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Lucky Strike
spends $12.3
million on
advertising –
at the time, the
most spent
to promote
one product.
Photo: oswaldo on Flickr
The stock market crashes and
sparks The Great Depression.
Ad budgets take a nosedive.
Photo: buckle1535 on Flickr
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
market research
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
market research
Massive budget cuts forced the industry to reinvent
itself to improve effectiveness. Research
companies emerge to align advertising with
consumer behavior and attitudes.
Advertising defined?
AdAge launches
in Chicago.
More than
half of U.S.
have a
• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism
fuels spending.
1921-1930 Recap
• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism
fuels spending.
• Many of the products advertised included
household appliances, cars, and radios.
1921-1930 Recap
• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism
fuels spending.
• Many of the products advertised included
household appliances, cars, and radios.
• The 1929 stock market crash starts The
Great Depression, resulting in advertising
budget cuts and widespread unemployment.
1921-1930 Recap
• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism
fuels spending.
• Many of the products advertised included
household appliances, cars, and radios.
• The 1929 stock market crash starts The
Great Depression, resulting in advertising
budget cuts and widespread unemployment.
• Advertisements focus on clear product
claims that start to become more informed
by market research.
1921-1930 Recap
the Soap Opera
1931 - 1940
The Great Depression
leaves publishers
financially squeezed.
Newspaper circulation
wanes due to declining
advertising profits.
And radio starts to gain
prominence as a source
of entertainment.
creates the first
daytime radio
soap opera,
Clara, Lu, and
Palmolive later
becomes its
sponsor to
reach the stay-
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
55% of American homes have a
The Federal Communications
Commission is established.
LIFE publishes
its first edition
and later
becomes the
first magazine
to carry $100
million in annual
Tobacco Co.
pays a handful
of senators
$1,000 each to
endorse Lucky
Strike cigarettes.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Radio ad revenue surpasses that
of magazines.
Congress passes the
Amendment to give
the FTC greater
authority to crack
down on deceptive
N.W. Ayer &
Sons helps
dominate the
diamond market
with its “A
diamond is
forever” slogan.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
As all products start to have “me too” syndrome –
claiming they also have the latest and greatest
feature – advertisers begin to focus on how
products are different from competitors’.
Advertising defined?
• The Great Depression leads to vast
unemployment and slashed ad budgets.
1931-1940 Recap
• The Great Depression leads to vast
unemployment and slashed ad budgets.
• America sees an early form of sponsored
content with the emergence of soap operas.
1931-1940 Recap
• The Great Depression leads to vast
unemployment and slashed ad budgets.
• America sees an early form of sponsored
content with the emergence of soap operas.
• Competition leads to a focus on product
1931-1940 Recap
• The Great Depression leads to vast
unemployment and slashed ad budgets.
• America sees an early form of sponsored
content with the emergence of soap operas.
• Competition leads to a focus on product
• Many advertisers switch from newspapers
to radio, which becomes a prominent
component of American life.
1931-1940 Recap
A Time of War,
TV & the
1941 - 1950
World War II propaganda
creates a whole new
level of ad clutter.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
John Caples
pioneers basic ad
testing when he
begins doing split-
runs to test multiple
versions of the same
John Caples
pioneers basic ad
testing when he
begins doing split-
runs to test multiple
versions of the same
With 7,500 TV sets in NYC
households, NBC’s WNBT begins
The first TV commercial for Bulova
Clocks reaches 4,000 TV sets.
America has 12 broadcasting TV
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Camel blatantly lies.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Post WWII,
America is
lots of
Photo: xopherlance on Flickr
Half of the
has a
Brand names and slogans
become protected under the
Lanham Trademark Act.
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
unique selling proposition
Advertising defined?
It’s all about the
unique selling proposition
Advertising defined?
Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates Agency introduces the
unique selling proposition (USP) – positioning that
conveys a product benefit beyond quality and
• Much of 1940s advertising was related to
the war effort.
1941-1950 Recap
• Much of 1940s advertising was related to
the war effort.
• Radio is the dominant form of mass media.
1941-1950 Recap
• Much of 1940s advertising was related to
the war effort.
• Radio is the dominant form of mass media.
• Tobacco advertising continues to make
false claims in ads.
1941-1950 Recap
• Much of 1940s advertising was related to
the war effort.
• Radio is the dominant form of mass media.
• Tobacco advertising continues to make
false claims in ads.
• The end of WWII sparks the baby boom and
an increase in consumer spending.
1941-1950 Recap
• Much of 1940s advertising was related to
the war effort.
• Radio is the dominant form of mass media.
• Tobacco advertising continues to make
false claims in ads.
• The end of WWII sparks the baby boom and
an increase in consumer spending.
• Advertisers start focusing on conveying
unique selling propositions to drive sales.
1941-1950 Recap
The golden age
of creativity
1951 - 1960
David Ogilvy’s
“Hathaway Man”
and “Commander
become popular
ad personae.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Holy bogus, Batman.
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
CBS becomes the largest
advertising medium in the world.
Photo: watchwithkristin on Flickr
TV ad revenue surpasses
that of radio and
Leo Burnett
agency launches
the Marlboro
Man campaign.
Leo Burnett
agency launches
the Marlboro
Man campaign.
It becomes the
world’s best-
selling cigarette
Shirley Polykoff
of Foote, Cone &
Belding writes a
series of mega-
successful Clairol
hair color ads.
Shirley Polykoff
of Foote, Cone &
Belding writes a
series of mega-
successful Clairol
hair color ads.
The National Association of
Broadcasters bans subliminal
Photo: leo reynolds on Flickr
The Think Small
VW campaign by
Doyle Dane
introduces the
creative team:
copywriter + art
The ad is so
successful, it
Madison Ave as
the epicenter of
• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of
1951-1960 Recap
• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of
• The modern creative team couples artists
and copywriters.
1951-1960 Recap
• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of
• The modern creative team couples artists
and copywriters.
• TV is the most prominent advertising
1951-1960 Recap
• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of
• The modern creative team couples artists
and copywriters.
• TV is the most prominent advertising
• Ads start to appeal to consumer narcissism.
1951-1960 Recap
The cynicism
1961 - 1970
Photo: hto2008 on Flickr
Consumers feel
patronized by ads.
A flower power, anti-
counterculture emerges in
favor of love, individuality,
and trust.
“The Pepsi
ads spark the
cola wars.
The New Yorker and other
magazines ban cigarette
advertising after the Surgeon
General declares smoking is
McDonald’s airs its first TV
commercial claiming burgers,
fries, and shakes are “fun.”
McDonald’s airs its first TV
commercial claiming burgers,
fries, and shakes are “fun.”
The first Super Bowl airs on CBS
and NBC.
The first Super Bowl airs on CBS
and NBC.
7UP sells individuality by
differentiating from Pepsi and
Coke as “The Uncola.”
A disillusioned ad man
named Howard Luck
Gossage says this:
Nobody reads
advertising. People
read what they want to
read, and sometimes it’s
an ad.
A disillusioned ad man
named Howard Luck
Gossage says this:
• Consumers rebel against mass-produced
goods and conformity.
1961-1970 Recap
• Consumers rebel against mass-produced
goods and conformity.
• Individuality is of utmost importance to the
1961-1970 Recap
• Consumers rebel against mass-produced
goods and conformity.
• Individuality is of utmost importance to the
• The cola wars are in full force.
1961-1970 Recap
• Consumers rebel against mass-produced
goods and conformity.
• Individuality is of utmost importance to the
• The cola wars are in full force.
• Advertisers begin using a less-scientific,
more-artistic approach in their ads.
1961-1970 Recap
The Brand image
1971 - 1980
The U.S. Armed
Forces begins
advertising the new
military with the
“Today's Army
Wants to Join You”
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The industry needs greater
enforcement of unethical
The industry needs greater
enforcement of unethical
advertising. So, the Four As,
ANA, and American Advertising
Federation launch the National
Advertising Review Board to
monitor distasteful ads.
Congress prohibits broadcast
advertising of
Photo: walknboston on Flickr
Coca-Cola airs “Hilltop,” featuring
a united, multicultural group
singing on a hillside.
I’d like to buy the
world a Coke ...m
m m
It becomes one of the most
famous TV commercials and
jingles ever made.
Requests to hear the song and
see the commercial pour into
radio and TV stations.
In a time of conflict and
negativity, the tune emanated
peace, hope, and tolerance.
Social scientist Herbert Simon
introduces the concept of
attention economics.
Social scientist Herbert Simon
introduces the concept of
attention economics.
A wealth of
information creates a
poverty of attention.
Consumer attention first
starts to become
understood as scarce
and therefore extremely
Photo: hto2008 on Flickr
Quick! Let’s play a
game of brand
slogan fill-in-the
“Pardon me, do you have
any _____?”
“Pardon me, do you have
any _____?”Grey Poupon
“Winston tastes good like
“Winston tastes good like
_________.”a cigarette should
“Where’s the _____?”
“Where’s the _____?”beef
You remember these
slogans, but …
You remember these
slogans, but … can you
recall one TV commercial
you saw yesterday?
You remember these
slogans, but … can you
recall one TV commercial
you saw yesterday?
“Attention economics”
today is primarily concerned
with the problem of getting
consumers to consume
Source: Wikipedia
Positioning becomes important
with the publication of Al Ries’
and Jack Trout’s AdAge article,
“Positioning: The Battle for Your
Advertising defined?
It’s all about
Advertising defined?
It’s all about
Advertising defined?
Marketers begin to use advertisements to declare
what brands stand for in order to shape how a
brand is perceived in the minds of consumers.
VCRs hit mass market and gave
consumers the ability to time
shift and fast forward through
recorded ads.
Photo: brad montgomery on Flickr
VCRs hit mass market and gave
consumers the ability to time
shift and fast forward through
recorded ads.
Photo: brad montgomery on Flickr
• Regulation on advertising increases,
especially within the tobacco industry.
1971-1980 Recap
• Regulation on advertising increases,
especially within the tobacco industry.
• Herbert Simon introduces the concept of
attention economics.
1971-1980 Recap
• Regulation on advertising increases,
especially within the tobacco industry.
• Herbert Simon introduces the concept of
attention economics.
• Advertisers laser in on positioning to
influence how brands are perceived by
1971-1980 Recap
The self-
1981 - 1990
The 80s:
BIG hair and BIG
spend a lot
of money on
to look this
The agency big dogs are
gobbling up smaller agencies to
create mega-agencies.
In an effort to maximize profits,
agencies cut 30-second TV-
spots to :15, doubling the
volume of TV ad pollution.
IBM introduces the
personal computer,
making desktop
publishing a
The FCC eliminates regulations on
commercial television
established in the 1950s and
60s with the Cable
Communications Act.
This sparks an …
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Apple launches its mega-
successful Macintosh with the first
Super Bowl commercial directed by
moviemaker Ridley Scott.
Apple’s board didn’t like it, so
TBWAChiatDay sold all media
placements …
Apple’s board didn’t like it, so
TBWAChiatDay sold all media
placements … except for one.
The ad (accidentally) and
permanently raised the bar for all
future Super Bowl advertising.
Coca-Cola unveils New Coke
with a sweeter formula to combat
the Pepsi challenge.
America revolts, and Coca-Cola
changes it back.
Al Ries and Jack Trout portray
marketing in terms of military
strategies in Marketing Warfare
amidst intensifying market
Photo: Martin Gommel on Flickr
BellSouth is the first company to
deploy the caller ID in Memphis,
Cable TV penetration in U.S.
households passes the halfway
• Materialism reaches new heights.
1981-1990 Recap
• Materialism reaches new heights.
• Consumers seek products that align with
their values.
1981-1990 Recap
• Materialism reaches new heights.
• Consumers seek products that align with
their values.
• TV is the latest and greatest advertising
1981-1990 Recap
• Materialism reaches new heights.
• Consumers seek products that align with
their values.
• TV is the latest and greatest advertising
• Infomercials capitalize on consumer self-
1981-1990 Recap
The onset of
1991 - 2000
A growing volume of
products, market
competition and ads leads
advertisers to realize
something …
Photo: kalyan02 on Flickr
alone is
not enough
to drive
Advertising isn’t the only
thing shaping a brand
image in the mind of the
consumer, either.
It’s shaped by messages
from many sources.
Advertising defined?
It’s all about
integrated marketing
Advertising defined?
It’s all about
integrated marketing
Advertising defined?
Agencies develop integrated marketing
communications to convey unified, customer-
centric messaging through events, sales, PR,
customer service, promotions, and advertising.
Cell phones begin to reach the
mass market.
Cell phones begin to reach the
mass market.
Functionality was limited to
voice input and output for, you
know, calling people.
A recession leads marketers to
focus on sales promotion instead
of advertising.
A recession leads marketers to
focus on sales promotion instead
of advertising.
Slashed ad budgets force many
agencies to merge or close their
The internet has 5 million users
around the world.
First incident of email spam:
Canter and Siegel law firm posts
an ad to several newsgroups to
promote its immigration law
One of the first ad-serving
technologies launches. It’s called
Search engines Alta Vista and
Yahoo! launch.
Ask.com joins the search engine
Seth Godin introduces the
concept of “permission marketing.”
The biggest problem with mass-market
advertising is that it fights for people's
attention by interrupting them.
The biggest problem with mass-market
advertising is that it fights for people's
attention by interrupting them.
There's too much going on in
our lives for us to enjoy being
interrupted anymore.
The biggest problem with mass-market
advertising is that it fights for people's
attention by interrupting them.
There's too much going on in
our lives for us to enjoy being
interrupted anymore.
[Marketers] have to turn
attention into permission,
permission into learning, and
learning into trust.
This year, the average consumer
will see or hear
1 million marketing messages –
almost 3,000 per day.
This year, the average consumer
will see or hear
1 million marketing messages –
almost 3,000 per day.
Search engines Google and MSN
TiVo is
introduced, giving
people the power
to bypass
television ads.
The internet has a whopping
400 million users, making it the
fastest growing ad medium since
… ever.
Ads start to invade mobile. A
Finnish news outlet is the first to
offer sponsored news headlines
via SMS.
The stock market crashes and the
dot-com bubble bursts. Internet
advertising all of a sudden seems
Photo: kiewic on Flickr
• Integrated marketing starts to replace
1991-2000 Recap
• Integrated marketing starts to replace
• Consumers begin time shifting through TV
ads thanks to TiVo.
1991-2000 Recap
• Integrated marketing starts to replace
• Consumers begin time shifting through TV
ads thanks to TiVo.
• Search engines create a need for search
engine optimization.
1991-2000 Recap
• Integrated marketing starts to replace
• Consumers begin time shifting through TV
ads thanks to TiVo.
• Search engines create a need for search
engine optimization.
• Visionary Seth Godin introduces permission
marketing – a concept that will come of age
in the following decade.
1991-2000 Recap
• Integrated marketing starts to replace
• Consumers begin time shifting through TV
ads thanks to TiVo.
• Search engines create a need for search
engine optimization.
• Visionary Seth Godin introduces permission
marketing – a concept that will come of age
in the following decade.
• The bubble burst leaves advertisers skeptical
about the internet as an ad platform.
1991-2000 Recap
The digital age
2001 - 2010
Internet spam is everywhere.
Photo: Mulad on Flickr
Seriously, though.
Seriously, though.
are all
up in
Seriously, though.
are all
up in
The National Do Not Call
Registry is created because
consumers want marketers to
stop flippin’ calling all the time.
Photo: Tim G. Photography on Flickr
Social media sites start
to proliferate.
MySpace launches.
YouTube and Google Analytics
Facebook launches for college
students only.
Reddit launches.
Mobile ad platform
AdMob is incorporated
to bring banner ads to
mobile apps, browsers,
and games.
All of a
sudden, these
two MIT
dudes have a
bright idea.
Dharmesh Shah and
Brian Halligan are all like:
Marketing. Everyone’s doing
it wrong.
Dharmesh Shah and
Brian Halligan are all like:
Maybe it’s because online
marketing tools are too
complex and disconnected.
Dharmesh Shah and
Brian Halligan are all like:
Marketing shouldn’t have to
be so hard.
Dharmesh Shah and
Brian Halligan are all like:
Let’s make some all-in-one
marketing software to make
marketers’ lives easier.
Dharmesh Shah and
Brian Halligan are all like:
Let’s call it .
Nike partners with Apple to
launch Nike+iPod to enhance
the running experience with music.
Nike partners with Apple to
launch Nike+iPod to enhance
the running experience with music.
Apple releases the first
David Meerman
Scott publishes
The New Rules
of Marketing and
David Meerman
Scott publishes
The New Rules
of Marketing and
Twitter launches at SXSW in
Austin, Texas.
Facebook launches social ads.
YouTube launches video overlays.
P&G launches BeingGirl.com – a
full-fledged content hub for teen
P&G launches BeingGirl.com – a
full-fledged content hub for teen
The FTC institutes a series of
laws prohibiting untruthful
customer testimonials,
endorsements, and reviews.
Marketers are starting
to understand the
value of being findable,
accessible, and prolific
Kevin Kelly, founder of Wired
Magazine, writes this:
When there are millions of books, millions
of songs, millions of films, millions of
applications, millions of everything
requesting our attention -- and most of it
free -- being found is valuable.
HubSpot’s Brian and
Dharmesh publish
Inbound Marketing: Get
Found Using Google,
Social Media, and Blogs.
Inbound marketing
in a nutshell:
Photo: steffenz on Flickr
Inbound marketing
in a nutshell:
Market with a magnet, not a
Photo: steffenz on Flickr
The philosophy: Earn consumer
interest and trust with findable
information consumers value.
This also happens:
Award-laden creative
exec Alex Bogusky quits
advertising for good so he
can “search for a more
genuine version” of
Award-laden creative
exec Alex Bogusky quits
advertising for good so he
can “search for a more
genuine version” of
There are over
1,700 TV channels and
14,700 radio stations.
Photo: Leo-setä on Flickr
In 2012, the social media
landscape looks like this:
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test
the patience of internet users worldwide.
2001-2010 Recap
• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test
the patience of internet users worldwide.
• Major social media sites launch and later
develop advertising platforms.
2001-2010 Recap
• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test
the patience of internet users worldwide.
• Major social media sites launch and later
develop advertising platforms.
• Marketers begin creating digital experiences to
add value and create demand for products.
2001-2010 Recap
• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test
the patience of internet users worldwide.
• Major social media sites launch and later
develop advertising platforms.
• Marketers begin creating digital experiences to
add value and create demand for products.
• HubSpot co-founders introduce inbound
2001-2010 Recap
• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test
the patience of internet users worldwide.
• Major social media sites launch and later
develop advertising platforms.
• Marketers begin creating digital experiences to
add value and create demand for products.
• HubSpot co-founders introduce inbound
• Creating and publishing online content
becomes an advantageous marketing
2001-2010 Recap
The constant
content span
2011 - 2013
Advertisers become
increasingly desperate to
reach consumers.
Media companies turn to
native advertising to reach
Media companies turn to
native advertising to reach
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Short attention spans
and information overload
spur an influx of visual
And storytelling is in
Pinterest is poppin’.
Instagram has 130 million users and
16 billion uploaded selfies photos,
and 1 billion likes happen each day.
Oreo wows
America when
they tweet this
timely ad during
the Super Bowl
power outage.
Rand Fishkin drops the “SEO” from
his successful software company
name, SEOmoz, to reflect a focus
on holistic inbound marketing.
Advertising defined?
It’s all about
Advertising defined?
It’s all about
Advertising defined?
Stories have always been important in advertising,
but storytelling gains a new level of significance
in the age of digital content creation. Consumers
have time for good stories.
• Native advertising – ads that looks like
editorial content – gains prominence in
online media publications.
2011-Present Recap
• Native advertising – ads that looks like
editorial content – gains prominence in
online media publications.
• All content – including advertising –
becomes less copy-heavy and more
dependent on visuals to convey messages
2011-Present Recap
• Native advertising – ads that looks like
editorial content – gains prominence in
online media publications.
• All content – including advertising –
becomes less copy-heavy and more
dependent on visuals to convey messages
• Advertisers and marketers are either
reaping or foregoing the benefits of real-
time interaction with online audiences.
2011-Present Recap
So after centuries of
advertisers cramming ads
into every communication
channel …
… we find ourselves
drowning in commercial
messages everywhere we
spend our time.
Let’s try to comprehend
just how cluttered the
media landscape is.
This is a simplified
timeline of the
appearance of
advertising in major
You see,
first pervaded all
things print.
Then found its way
into radio, TV,
mailers, and
the telephone.
And in the last
20 years, it’s
almost every
digital channel. 22 years
Not only has the media
landscape grown by
type; each type has
grown exponentially in
In 2011, there were over
one TRILLION pages on
the internet.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/web/09/12/web.index/index.html?_s=PM:TECH
In 2011, there were over
one TRILLION pages on
the internet.
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/web/09/12/web.index/index.html?_s=PM:TECH
But there are only 2.4
billion global internet
Source: http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm
That means there are
417 web pages
for every 1 person.
That means there are
417 web pages
for every 1 person.
100 hours of video are
uploaded to YouTube
every minute.
Source: www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html
400 tweets are sent
every day.
Source: http://youtu.be/Bl-FpuehWGA
According to Eric Schmidt,
former CEO of Google:
Every two days, we create as much
information as we did from the dawn
of civilization up until 2003.
Consumers gain complete power
over their own attention.
Photo: ze_bear on Flickr
it all mean?Photo: Neil Crosby on Flickr
people love
2014 - onward
With limited media channels,
advertising from the past could
be one-size-fits-all.
Consumers didn’t yet possess
pocket-sized portals to all the
world’s information.
False claims.
Increased regulation.
Brand egocentrism.
Caller ID.
The Do Not Call list.
Spam software.
Broadband internet.
Social media.
Nowadays, even the best
advertising can’t put lipstick on
bad business.
Nowadays, brands don’t find
customers. Customers find
Companies have to create
brands people love.
Marketers have to create
marketing people love.
People love marketing that’s
more about their needs than the
brand’s needs.
People love marketing that’s
People love marketing that
presents the right information at
the right time.
Creating great content isn’t
Creating great content isn’t
enough. Content needs context.
Brands have to create digital
experiences using dynamic
content informed by the digital
footprints consumers leave
Does your marketing
interruptwhat people want to consume?
If so …
The Evolution of Advertising: How Consumers Won the War for Their Attention
Then, go create something people
Want to
Created by @shannopop
Want a free copy of this
presentation + a printable
advertising timeline?
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